Project: Queretaro aqueduct -‐ MX 20”, 900 mts pipe Line coa1ng: GRE + FAST machine Tubasa, San Luis Potosi Join coa1ng: CZH + HIS May 2013 [1] Jan Roos, approves the set up to ini1ate GRE applica1on. A. Sanchez (Stopaq, MX) operates the FAST machine for the first 1me. [2] A. Sanchez checks closely the installa1on
Project: Queretaro aqueduct -‐ MX 20”, 900 mts pipe Line coa1ng: GRE + FAST machine Tubasa, San Luis Potosi Join coa1ng: CZH + HIS May 2013 [3] First pipe finishing [2] Pipe moved aside for final drying
Project: Queretaro aqueduct -‐ MX 20”, 900 mts pipe Line coa1ng: GRE + FAST machine Tubasa, San Luis Potosi Join coa1ng: CZH + HIS May 2013 [5] pipe during drying [6] first truck ready to leave Tubasa
Project: Queretaro aqueduct -‐ MX 20”, 900 mts pipe Line coa1ng: GRE + FAST machine Tubasa, San Luis Potosi Join coa1ng: CZH + HIS May 2013 [7] The Stopaq team poses along their First ‘Mexiican” coated pipe