SFL master
Engineering book
Think. Design. Protect.
I n d u s t r i e s
Importance of High Dieletric Strength and/or Specific Electric Resistence of Coatings
esse caest au‑ dem iam
Georg Ohm “Any resistance can be overcome.”
esse caest au‑ dem iam
esse caest au‑ dem iam 3
Preface seal for life is more than an endline, and dare to care isn’t simply a slogan. The original slogan of our Stopaq member has become the tradename of our umbrella brand. And not without good reason. It’s not just a slogan, but a statement we are making to the market: thanks to its ‘literally smart cross-bonds’, Seal For Life Industries is able to offer new, sustainable solutions within the oil, gas and water – i.e. pipeline – markets. Our constant pursuit of quality and way of thinking enable us to give guarantees that others simply cannot fulfill. Our synergies also enables us to take advantage of our leadership position in niche markets. For instance, we can successfully tackle the cable joint market through a broader, yet at the same time deeper, focus on civil infrastructural challenges. Our views on markets and applications demand not only knowledge but also courage. That’s because introducing new methodologies and ways of thinking into traditional markets is a brave thing to do. But we have already noticed both within and outside Seal For Life, that our vision is leading to success: ‘Dare to Care’ is not only a slogan, but also a clear statement to our stakeholders, clients and application engineers.
Nt coNteN As Seal For Life, we are the ‘lifeguards’ of (often) vulnerable systems, not just on land but also offshore. An increasing number of clients no longer accept short-term solutions, but instead are convinced by our vision and can see our growth and expansion into other
market areas. What’s more, through our global dedicated market
management for offshore, we can also take a leading position in the field of pre-insulated pipe plant coating and plant coating in general.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 44
By means of exclusive partnership services, we can boost
This is no longer just something for the future; our Stopaq
sales concepts for a whole range of specific applications
member is already carrying out applications involved
and uses, such as casings, j-tubes, subsea structures,
with raising dyke walls in relation to these changing
surface preparation, pre-engineering, factory-applied
circumstances in the Netherlands. If there were no levees,
pipeline coating concepts, storage problems, application
45% of this particular country would disappear under water.
training, corrosion monitoring and after-sale service. In short, ‘Dare to Care’ is no longer limited to below-ground Changes on our planet also offer new opportunities to
pipeline and traditional markets, but means ‘Total Care’ for
put the innovative strength of Seal For Life into practice.
Seal For Life nowadays. Seal For Life’s playing field has
For instance, pipeline and ‘bedding solutions’ in unstable
become not only very broad, but also specialised. This
infrastuctures, our solutions for applications in polar regions
demands a lifelong learning process – continuing education
and the solutions that we as a group can offer in relation to
– from engineers and application teams, but also from
the rise in water levels, worldwide.
coNteNt CONTENT SEPTEMBER 2014 8 integrated approach
04 poLar
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, patu manum, ve,markets quidem iam Totalnosterei care and our About markets and approaches
06 Water WorLd
iam averfeculiuspreparation vitimandam. moveroof essesteel caest au‑ surface dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
09 WorLd External coating rehabilitation 36 our iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
40 gaS 12
cathodic protection
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
repair of damages
14 reVoLutioN
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patuof manum, ve, quidem iam Philosophy testing
Nt coNteN 18 chaLLeNge
iam averfeculiusheating vitimandam.& movero esse caest au‑ district cooling dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
22 my viscoWay elastic coating 184
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 6
pipeline tape technology 280 27 Big SucceS Polyken
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
coNteNt CONTENT SEPTEMBER 2014 300 HEAT shrinkable coatingS Covalence
04 poLar
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
328 non-aging tape solutions SynergyQ
06 Water WorLd
334 ELASTOMERIC COATING SOLUTIONS iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam EasyQote
09 our WorLd turn-key applications 366
iam vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ SFLaverfeculius Services dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
patents 420 12 gaS
Continuous Innovation
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
Our clients are our reference
14 reVoLutioN
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
424 global coverage
Global Coordination, to serve locally
18 chaLLeNge
426 SFL headquarters
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam One family, one mission
22 my Way SFL 112 years of innovation 428
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ Celebrating a century of innovation dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
doing more with less 430 27 Big SucceS
iam averfeculius vitimandam. movero esse caest au‑ dendiis, nosterei patu manum, ve, quidem iam
An integrated approach to pipelines corrosion prevention
The corrosion protection measures applied to a pipeline at the construction stage represent only 3-4% of the overall cost of a pipeline system. If the corrosion protection systems are chosen, applied and maintained/monitored wisely then the cost of the corrosion protection system is small relative to the value of the pipeline and the product using it. Unfortunately, this fact can lead to the materials, application, construction and maintenance of the coating system often being inadequately resourced and applied. Effective corrosion control should not be overlooked because the consequences can be catastrophic. It should be engineered from the outset to provide the most effective, long-term solution for the life of the pipeline. Selection, application, construction and maintenance of the corrosion system should be approached as a key facet of the pipeline operation and performed by suitably qualified professional coatings engineers.
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 88
PERFORMANCE We need to: • Redefine specifi cations • Redefine standards & norms • Redefine test methods • Redefine interpretations (wording!) • Redefine surface preparation • Redefine installation • Redefine monitoring • Redefine TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) AND: Let’s redefine testing and methods for performance based specifications. Always flip the coin. There is a difference between watching or seeing it. Like old soccer star Johan Cruyff said: you only get it if you see it and you only see it, if you get it.
organized to ENGINEER solutions An organization must be ready for the future. And a successful future can only be guaranteed if that organization has staying power. The following organizational model is heartwarmingly simple and therefore very clear: its metaphor is the Christmas tree. Staying power is essential to create a healthy, green Christmas tree. a. The basis, the seed-bed: true, Staying power consists of 3 building blocks: 1. standardization (low costs) 2. partnership 3. people focus (distributors, appliers, project managers)
important core values for staff: what do we stand for? b. The trunk: aim for 100% ‘people focus’ and therefore dedicated staff and satisfied clients c. the lower part of the triangle: the support organization/engi-neers,
People focus is the core of staying power: people must want to work in a motivated way, they must understand and be enthusiastic about why they are doing something for the organization. The most important aspect of the organizational model is to see ‘people focus’ in our organization as a Christmas tree: 10 10
who always offer support and service d. the top of the triangle: – the ‘moment of truth’ – it’s here that the product or service is delivered e. the star: – that’s what we all do it for – 100% satisfied clients. They are the stars!
A. The rich earth as the basis
center. It’s an important shoot of the tree
This is the seed-bed, the nutrient (soil) and the
where you can also find aspects such as PQT
core essence of Seal For Life Industries. It’s
training, certificates, partnerships (such as
the fertile ground that gives the synergy its po
with Falck). But beware: it’s not a headquarters.
wer, based on our SFL mission, vision, belief,
Thinking in terms of ‘headquarters’ is so old-
attitude and approach. It’s our combined quality
that must be safeguarded and constantly fed. D. the top part of the triangle: sales & customer B. the trunk as transporter
service. Here is the ‘moment of truth’ for the
Within this, the ‘people focus’ that makes the
sales organisation. Can we turn our abilities
appliers happy is central. It ensures both
and beliefs into reality?
personal growth and development, all through the ‘one family’ mentality. Here is also where
E. The star: these are our clients. With names
you find the ambassadors (distributors and
we must really take care of: GasUnie, Fluxys,
appliers) who are the messengers.
Pemex, Petrobras, Gazprom, Eni, Chevron, Saudi Aramco, Petrochina, Statoil, QP,
C. the lower part of the triangle: engineering & services. This is where the innovations and
ADNOC, GNPOC, Sasol, Lukoil, Exxon and BP.
ideas come from; it’s the worldwide support
THE CORE ESSENCE Our core essence, the basis for our
tested against our norms
growing power, consists of many
beyond design life
important aspects. But altogether,
“I did it myself”
you may confidently assume that the core essence of Seal For Life
SFL systems make a difference.
Industries forms a rich seed-bed for
The SFL systems redefine perfor
optimal growing power. In this and
mance. It’s for life and “WOOW”.
the next few pages, we will set out what all these aspects are. Some
SFL’s core essence also includes:
demand further explanation, while
The SFL brands, sub-brands &
others will immediately be clear.
future brand extensions, quality manufacturing, specifications,
The core essence represents
innovations of the past (ruytrans),
our energy to bring new ideas.
clean operations, non-toxicity,
Generating new ideas is our DNA.
safety, no risk, reliability and
This “DNA” is a test for new ideas
to stop or to go ahead with. Seal For Life is:
Last but not least, the basis of
easy to apply
everything is also the ‘courage’
risk free
factor. The courage to be the
first, the courage to dare and the
total care solution
courage and motivation to want
to be innovative.
a reliable system
1. be first
guaranteed to work
2. be daring > make sense = SFL
affordable and can be delivered 12 12
3. be innovative
What about the innovatiVE
ABOUT? People, Planet, Profit,
power of Seal For Life?
Safe, REACH-compliant products, Pre-treatment of steel/concrete &
product or system is developed
quality check, Labour Application Technique & quality check,
Already in place before a
Is all about permission (and expectations!) from the client
Materials (adhesion, insulation, mechanical, sound damping, shrink,
Goes step-by-step
toxicity, flame-retardent, etc.),
Redefines performance
Proof that it works, Environment,
Makes sure we are different
Total costs of ownership, Product
Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS)
datasheet & information, Standards,
Let the industry talk about us
Company specifications, Training,
Is intriguing (not boring)
Innovative attitude.
Enables us to change the ‘status quo’
The above components are part
Involves the client
of our core essence. It’s a neat
Has resulted in partnerships
summary, but they do have to
with firms like Käfer, Falck, Ehri,
be individually recognized and
BASF, Avery Dennison, Millikon
implemented, otherwise they are
and FDT
nothing more than words. We must go to bed with a dream, but wake up with a purpose. We can explain not only our successes but also our failures and get to work on what we’ve learned.
THE TRUNK manuals, PDS, MSDS, labels
and packaging
Passes on the message
An energy float that enables
(Spreads the word)
personal growth
Seeing is believing
Trains the next generation and engages them in the process
Inspires the next generation
This won’t just happen all by itself
tells them how valuable our
by going onto automatic pilot.
A recognizable mistake is to
of thinking is
assume that ‘someone else in the
Inspire applicators
organization is sure to think of it’.
Enables us to act like one
That’s why we’ve got two extra
family sharing the same values,
mission & vision
‘Do it yourself’
Recognizes the importance of
‘Go beyond’
• •
movies, newspapers, papers,
14 14
It’s all about people. We work for sustainable solutions
15 15
we are recognized by clients and
appliers alike. That’s how we do
it! These are the hard values with
It’s logical that our authority in
which we do our work every day,
the market is determined by
anywhere in the world. The most
our knowledge of the business
important of these are:
we’re in. What do we really know about corrosion? What exactly
Knowledge of sealing,
do we know about the synergistic
insulation, corrosion and
possibilities of our family members?
About the cross-links? About the
Experience: sharing best practices
new markets awaiting us? •
Application skills and tools
Who has a convincing, honest
Cross-linking technology
and sound answer to the question
Adhesives, composites,
why we are 25% more expensive
shrinking, non-cross-linkable
in certain solutions? Are we also
mastics, mechanical shields
25% better? Or 125%? Indeed:
Liquid cure and cathodic protection
it’s a challenge to excel in the application itself, but also in service
Turnkey Installations
and after-sales. Sleeping clients
Manufacturing capabilities
just don’t exist!
In-house testing
The core competences of Seal For Life are instrumental matters. They are our operational skills, for which
16 16
However, the hard core competen
rrow’. Of course matters must of
ces are supported by what else
ten be organized in an intelligent,
where may be referred to as the
centralized manner, but the heart
‘soft values’ of our organization.
of the organization should beat
But in our case, these values that
everywhere. Ideas, suggestions
complete our added value are not
and improvements come from every
soft, but just as hard and concrete
side of the organization, so there
as our skills:
should be no borders, barriers or ‘old-school’ hierarchical hindrances.
Our Mission
We have by now set up 8 sales
Power of 7 combined
tech offices and 5 manufacturing
plants across the world, as well
21 markets to sell into ‘1001’
as the Polyken and Powercrete
applications are possible
operations in Kentucky. The heart
12 million m2 contribution to
of the Seal For Life organization
a sustainable world yearly
is beating at all these locations
The durability we offer
too. In addition, each location has
The stability we provide
business knowledge, passion and
an unwavering belief in the future of NO ‘HEADQUARTERS’ ATTITUDE
the Seal For Life approach. All this
In many companies, there’s a ‘them’
makes our company futureproof.
and ‘us’ culture when it comes to ‘headquarters’ and ‘the others’. Company policy just somehow appears and ‘the direction to be followed will be in our inbox tomo-
'stick to the plan' 17 17
WHERE IT ALL HAPPENS SALES & CUSTOMER SERVICE If the top triangle of the Christmas
•C lients care about performance
tree has enough nutrients, our sales
(to reduce their dependence), so
and service operations can achieve
expect questions.
healthy growth.
•D on’t waste your time going after business you don’t really want.
But even then, attachment points, stakeposts and guidelines are
FOCUS!!!!! •T he boss usually decides - not the
necessary to clarify matters, ensure
assistant treasurer. Do you know
the correct direction and enable
the boss?
an objective viewpoint. In fact, we
• I t’s just as easy to get a first-rate
need to open our eyes to appliers
piece of business as a second-rate
and clients, but sometimes also to
internal departments and teams. The following are the most important assets from SFL’s sales focus model:
•Y ou never learn anything when you’re talking. •T he client’s objective is more important than yours.
• Sales representatives, consultants
•T he respect of one person is worth
or distributors cannot sell all 5
more than an acquaintance with
100 people.
• They can sell a maximum of 1 or 2, unless brand leaders are appointed within a company to lead a brand or technology and find followers. • It’s all about credibility in the market.
•W hen there’s business to be found, go out and get it! • I mportant people like to deal with other important people. •A re you one? •T here’s nothing worse than an unhappy client. • I f you get the business, it’s up to you to see that it’s handled well.
18 18
The appliers are also part of
a track record and so will also be
our tribe. They are essential to
unable to offer a technical service.
our organization. Through good
• The applier is your frontman or
communication, information and
frontwoman. Just look at their
training, appliers will become fans,
role in operations for Saipem, JR
instead of just operators! A number
McDermott, Valentine, Subsea7,
of aspects of this group deserve
Acergy and Technip and onshore
particular attention:
for firms like A.HAK, VSH, Max Streicher, Michels Corporation,
• Partnerships are essential.
L&T, Punj Loyd, Bonatti, CAT or
• Be good and tell it.
• Don’t just sit quietly and wait – shout it out! Make an impression and show you’re there. • We sell solutions based on vision and business knowledge, and our partners need to sell these systems (including our tapes, sleeves and paint). • Don’t go shopping and buy cheaper locally; this would mean we’ve done our approvals, qualifications and tests for nothing. • If you deviate from our basic principles, you will never build up
'be focused on performance' 19 19
Job Assessment
s on
Cold Applied Tape
PE ms
Leopard spots Cathodic Disbonding
e rag Sto
dw Loa eight ds
Cu Co t bac rro k sio n Cr ac kin g Lo Ad s he s o si f on
tic sta o r g yd tin l H Tes a ic chan
Me age Dam
Insufficient Overlap
Tenting / B ri d g ing Seam Weld
m Po et or er in g
He Shr at ink
No a at 6 dhes o’c ion loc k
r te
Be Co nd ld in g
id s qu m Li ste Sy
g Sa
ns de tr fectucti
ss/ hne s g u l Ro nho e Pi Poor sion d A he
Adhesion to the metal substrate
h ug ro ess Th n es ick ti th per o pr
• Site application • Construction defects • Plant application • loss of adhesion due to water ingress • Soil interaction • Material properties
s clu
caused by:
m oa
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 20 20
Nt a
p l tia th: nt re en wi me atu t n r Po ro e vi mp En Te
pH gh C i H SC
L de ow n PE sity UV No filt er
Low density PE
Em UV br me ittlent
w Lo sity n e d PE
ial rob Mic rosion r Co
e ibl pt l ng e h sc ee cli wt su st Cy pH ro ases g e k ss ne l e ac cr re kali ntia Cr te inwithratur ng t S i ra Al Pote pe ycl r tem ss c d fo tion re de itia th St nee k in row s rie ac g H va cr nd
So ad il ing Lo
d Pitting an l ra e Gen Corrosion
Complete CP shielding
Near Neutral pH SCC
P ll C rtia ding a P iel sh
Soil water pH5-B Free Corrosion Potential Susceptible Steel
© D. Norman, Courtesy by EPRG.
Operating Stress Pressure Cycles Axial SCC
il So ing ss e r St
Stress Crackin g
n ge xy ty /o ili er eab at W erm P
Unstable Sl opes Cirumfere ntial SCC
il So ep re C
Stone Penetration
om nd y Ra t-Dr g We ssin e Str
n tio ca ill slo wnh Do
Di W 3 & rink 9 o ling ’cl at oc Cr ac k 12 king o’c a loc t k
Pro ble m :
Coating Awareness 21 21
total care
04 02
1. End-sealing casings 2. Harbour Wall Protection 3. Harbour Wall Protection 4. Windmill Splash zone 05
5. Visco-Elastic flooring systems 6. Offshore Jacket leg Splash zone 7. Subsea Station Coating Repair 8. Pipeline Laybarge Joint Coating 9. Jetty Pile Splash Zone Systems 10. HDD-Factory Applied Coating Systems
Nt coNteN 11. Home Roof Repair
12. Home Gutter Leakage Repair 13. Internal Wing Sealing 14. Under Carpet Tape
15. Above Ground Flange Filler
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 16. Pipeline Cathodic Protection by a polymeric anode wire
22 22
13 14
23 23
total care and our markets
about markets and approaches
Seal For Life Industries is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Berry Plastics Corporation and features a number of industry leading brands in the corrosion protection sector. Headquartered in Stadskanaal, the Netherlands, SFL Industries operates worldwide through a number of manufacturing facilities and sales offices. This enables SFL to be close to its partners and customers offering the highest levels of technical expertise and field support. SFL INDUSTRIES
splash-zone & underwater installation
Nt coNteN services
building & construction
turn-key applications
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 cathodic protection
24 24
home do-it-yourself
Innovation and Cooperation
SFL Industries is constantly
From oil platforms to
As an owner of industry leading
pushing the boundaries of its
domestic bathrooms
corrosion prevention brands, SFL
existing technologies to innovate
Our solutions and products matter.
Industries offers a wealth of expertise
new solutions. We actively seek
We are integral to the oil and gas
and experience to offer clients
partnerships to share experiences
industry as we help transport
the best possible solution for their
and develop new products, systems
the world’s energy commodities
corrosion protection needs.
and applications. Never still, always
safely over land and sea. Our
SFL's technologies and products are
probing, innovation lies at the heart of
applications minimize risks and
approved, specified and deployed
our business and our values.
thereby improve safety in urban areas
by many of the largest players in our markets worldwide. External
One World, One Mission
active of contemporary infrastructural
evaluations and test reports have
Sustainability lies at the center of our
challenges such as dike
confirmed that the characteristics of
world view because long-term viability
embankments and new requirements
the properties and features of our
and success can only
with regard to offshore or sub-sea
corrosion prevention technologies
be founded on the sustainable
conform to Industry standards (ISO
production and offering of safe,
21890-3 and ISO 15590-1).
energy-efficient and environmentally-
We are present in the aviation
friendly sealing and anti-corrosion
industry. We have solutions in the
solutions. Among, other things, this
field of traditional anti-fouling. And
means immediate and permanent
there are endless opportunities for
adhesion without costly, polluting, or
applications of our products in and
dangerous surface preparation. Safe
around the home. It is this breadth
and easy-to-apply applications are
of coverage, the synergies between
inherent in our products, reflecting
our products, and the combination
our belief that safety should be
of our technologies, that makes us a
intrinsic to all that we do.
reliable, inspiring and expert partner
FAST aerospace
mobile pipeline coating
onshore oil & gas pipelines
district heating & cooling
with a realistic view of people, planet Markets
and profit.
Seal For Life Industries is a leading market player and partner across numerous market sectors
casing filler
subsea refinery
and pristine rural areas. We are
and industries. This reach enables us atmospheric paintable solutions
to tackle an endless variety of fascinating and complex challenges in the field of corrosion prevention and sealing.
pulp & paper plants
water pipelines 25 25
Surface Preparation of Steel General Surface preparation of the steel before external coating application is the foundation of any corrosion control program. Any compromise made in the degree of surface preparation will affect coating performance regardless of how high the technical quality of the coating is. There are many degrees and methods of surface preparation ranging from simple dusting or blowing away loose dirt to the complete removal of all contaminants. These methods include the use of steam cleaning, chemical
Surface preparation is defined as the cleaning or treating of the metal surface to ensure the best possible bond between the surface to be coated and the coating to be applied.
Nt coNteN cleaning, hand tools, power tools and abrasive blast cleaning.
An important rule to remember when selecting both the degree and
method of surface preparation is that the service and life expectancy of a given coating or coating system is directly proportional to the degree of surface preparation done prior to that coating’s application.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 26 26
Objectives The first objective of surface preparation is to remove surface contaminants that will affect the performance of a coating. These contaminants can include: •O il and Grease – Prevent good coating adhesion and must be completely removed. •S alts – Increase moisture penetration through the coating and accelerates the rate of corrosion. •D ust and Dirt – Prevent the application of a smooth, uniform film thus weakening the adhesion of a coating to the substrate. •R ust – Often cannot be penetrated by most coatings resulting in uneven films with exposed metal where corrosion can take place. •R ust Scale and Mill Scale – Cannot be penetrated by most coatings and will eventually break free from the substrate taking any coating with it. •O ld Coatings – May lift from the surface when over coated causing peeling or delamination. The second objective is to remove surface imperfections over which it is difficult to obtain adequate coating dry film thickness (thin layer coatings). Some of these are: • Weld Spatter • Sharp Edges • Burrs • Slivers
• Laminations • Pits • Porosities • Crevices The third objective of surface preparation is to provide an “anchor pattern” or “surface profile” which improves the mechanical bonding of a coating to the prepared surface by increasing the surface area. 27 27
Standards Coating specifications should always incorporate or reference one of the written and/or visual/photographic surface preparation standards. Such standards exist to eliminate misinterpretation, questions, disagreement, etc., related to the quality of surface preparation desired. The two most commonly used surface preparation standards are those published by the Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) and the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE). The following chart summarizes these standards.
Surface Preparation Standards System
SSPC Codes
Solvent Clean
Hand Tool Clean
CDN. Govt. (CGSB)
Swedish Standard
31 GP 401
St. 2 (approx.)
Power Tool Clean
31 GP 402
St. 3
Flame Clean (new steel)
31 GP 403
White Metal Blast
31 GP 404
Sa. 3
Type 1 Commercial Blast
31 GP 404
31 GP 404
BS4232 First Quality
Sa. 2
Type 2 Brush Off Blast
British Standard
BS4232 Third Quality
Sa. 1
Light blast to brush-off
Type 3 Pickling
Weather and Blast
Near White Blast
Nt coNteN NACE #2
Sa. 2 1/2
Second Quality
Power Tool Cleaning to
Bare Metal
Non-Ferrous Metals
Brass, Bronze, Copper, Lead, Terne, Galvanized Metal
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 28 28
Definition Solvent Cleaning SSPC-SP1 Definition: Solvents such as water, mineral spirits, xylol, toluol
completely. Tight mill scale and tightly-adhered rust, paint and coatings are permitted to remain.
etc., are used to remove solvent-soluble foreign matter from the surface of ferrous metals. Rags
However all mill scale and rust must have been exposed to the abrasive blast pattern sufficiently
and solvents must be replenished frequently to avoid spreading the contaminant rather than
to expose numerous flecks of the underlying metal fairly uniformly distributed over the entire
removing it. Low-pressure (1500 - 4000 psi) high volume (3 - 5 gal/min.) water washing with
appropriate cleaning chemicals is a recognized "solvent cleaning" method. All surfaces should be should be cleaned per this specification prior to using hand tools or blast equipment.
Brush Off Blast SSPC-SP10 (SSI-Sa2 ½), or NACE #2 Definition: In this method, all oil, grease, dirt, mill scale, rust, corrosion products, oxides, paint or other foreign matter have
Hand Tool Cleaning SSPC-SP2 (SSI-St3) Definition: A mechanical method of surface
been completely removed from the surface by abrasive blasting, except for very light shadows,
preparation involving wire brushing, scraping, chipping and sanding. Not the most desirable
very slight streaks or slight discolorations caused by rust stain, mill scale oxides or slight, tight
method of surface preparation, but can be used for mild exposure conditions. Optimum
residues of paint or coating. At least 95% of each square inch of surface area shall be free of all
performances of protective coatings should not be expected when hand tool cleaning is
visible residues, and the remainder shall be limited to the light discolorations mentioned above.
From a practical standpoint, this is probably the best quality surface preparation that can be expected to today for existing plant facility maintenance work.
Power Tool Cleaning SSPC-SP3 (SSI-St3) Definition: A mechanical method of surface preparation widely used in industry and involving the use of power sanders or wire brushes,
Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal SSPC-SP11 Definition: Utilizing same equipment as
power chipping hammers, abrasive grinding wheels, needle guns etc. Although usually more
Power Tool Cleaning to remove all visible coatings and contaminants to bare metal substrate.
effective than hand tool cleaning, it is not considered adequate for use under severe exposure conditions or for immersion applications.
Aluminium Definition: Remove water-soluble dirt and chemicals with water and detergent; solvent-soluble contaminants with solvent. Rinse, allow to dry, them power or hand abrade to
White Metal Blasting SSPC-SP5 (SSI-Sa3), or NACE #1 Definition: The removal of
remove the thin film of aluminium oxide. Moderate exposures require only one or two topcoats.
all visible rust, mill scale, paint and contaminants, leaving the metal uniformly white or gray
Avoid using lead pigmented primers and topcoats. Exposure to corrosive chemicals calls for an
in appearance. This is the ultimate in blast cleaning. Use where maximum performance of
epoxy primer followed by an appropriate topcoat for the environment.
protective coatings is necessary due to exceptionally severe conditions such as constant immersion in water or liquid chemicals.
Brass, Bronze, Copper, Lead, Terne Definition: Remove contaminants with a combination of water, detergents and solvents (same as aluminium). Allow the metal to dry, then power or
Commercial Blast SSPC-SP6 (SSI-Sa2), or NACE #3 Definition: All oil, grease, dirt, rust
hand abrade to remove oxides. Conventional oil and alkyd base primers or finishes may be
scale and foreign matter are completely removed from the surface and all rust, mill scale and
old paint are completely removed by abrasive blasting except for slight shadows, streaks or discolorations caused by rust stain, mill scale oxides or slight, tight resides of paint or coating
Galvanized Metal Definition: Clean same as aluminium and Brass etc, or allow to weather
that remain. If the surface is pitted, slight residue of rust or paint may be found in the bottom of
for six months. Caution: Be sure the manufacturer of the galvanized metal has used a paintable
pits; at least two-thirds of each square inch of surface area shall be free of all visible residues
"white rust" preventative. Conventional coatings containing oil or alkyd resins must not be used.
and the remainder shall be limited to the light residues mentioned above.
Specify only special primers made for use on galvanized metal. In severe Type A environments,
Brush Off Blast SSPC-SP7 (SSI-Sa1), or NACE #4 Definition: A method in which all oil,
or in areas of high humidity or continuous condensation, brush blasting is recommended to assure maximum system adhesion and performance.
grease, dirt, rust scale, loose mill scale, loose rust and loose paint or coatings are removed 29 29
The SSPC and NACE standards are also approved by the
involved present during their preparation. Once the specified
following organizations:
cleanliness and appearance is agreed upon by all parties, these sample/standard panels should be protected from corrosion/
- American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)
contamination and maintained as the visual standards for the
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
duration of a project.
- Swedish Standards Institute (SIS)
- Danish Standards Association
- Standards Association of Australia
To achieve the different surface preparation qualities, numerous methods may be employed. Some of the most commonly used
In addition to the above mentioned standards, other written
methods are:
Examples of hand tools
and photographic/visual surface preparation standards are available, some of which are:
Hand Tools Preparing surfaces using hand tools is one of the oldest
1. American Rust Standard System – Illustrates 24 degrees of rusting on uncleaned hot rolled steel.
methods known. It is generally used when power tools or other type of cleaning equipment cannot be used or are not available. It is also used when the areas to be cleaned are fairly
2. The Production Technical Society – Illustrates wash primed
small or inaccessible.
and zinc rich primed steel before and after weathering and recleaning.
Hand tool cleaning is designed to remove only loose rust, loose mill scale, loose paint and any other loose contaminants or
3. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) – Illustrates typical appearances of painted steel
detrimental foreign matter. It is not intended to remove right rust, mill scale, paint, etc.
before and after being abrasive blast cleaned to grades between SSPC-SP5, SP6, SP7 and SP10.
Tools normally used in hand cleaning include wire brushes, scrapers, chisels, chipping hammers, knives, abrasive pads
4. Shipbuilding Association of Japan – Illustrates the appearance of painted, unpainted, welded and flame-
or any type of non-powered tool that achieves the desired cleaning quality.
Nt coNteN cut steel before and after various degrees of damage or weathering.
Hand tool cleaning can be slow and therefore expensive given the manpower required.
Site Standards:
Due to variations in initial surface conditions, types of abrasives
Deep marks, burrs, etc. are often left on the surface from tool
used, etc., surfaces will often appear differently than those
impact and can interfere with coating performance.
shown in the recognized photographic/visual standards. For
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 these reasons it is recommended that samples, representative
Special surface tolerant coatings are also normally required
of the degree of cleaning specified, be prepared with all parties
when using hand tool cleaning.
30 30
Power Tools Power tool cleaning is intended to remove loose rust, mill scale, paint, and such materials and is not designed to address tightly adhering rust, mill scale, paint, etc. Like hand tool cleaning, it can also be slow due to high equipment wear, high worker fatigue and high manpower requirements. Power tools normally used include chipping and scaling hammers, needle guns, bumble bees, etc., all of which are piston driven. Rotary type tools such as abrasive discs and flap wheels are also used. Power wire brushes may also be used but are not recommended as they tend to burnish a surface which limits the mechanism bond between the coating and surface. Special surface tolerant coatings are normally required when coating surfaces prepared in this manner.
31 31
Surfaces are cleaned using pressurized equipment that meters abrasive particles into a stream of compressed air conveying the particles through a “blast hose” and, finally, a “blast nozzle” onto the surface to be cleaned. The end effect of this process is the removal of mill scale, rust paint and other detrimental contaminants by the blasting action of these abrasive particles to the quality of cleaning specified. Sand and / or grit blasting equipment is usually very portable and available at reasonable costs throughout the world. Two drawbacks of this type of surface preparation, however, are its limitation to outdoor use due to dust and abrasive fallout and its susceptibility to weather changes. Dust and fallout can be limited somewhat by using “wet blasting” equipment. This equipment wets the abrasive flow with water, thereby reducing dust levels. Rust inhibitors or surface tolerant coatings are normally required when using this type of equipment. Centrifugal Wheel Blasting – This method was first introduced in 1932 and is mostly used in shop environments, although several types of portable units are now available for onsite use. Basically, this method uses motor driven bladed wheels that throw abrasive particles by centrifugal force. These wheels are available in several sizes and are powered by electric motors of up to 100 horsepower. Most machines have at least four wheels, which are positioned so that the abrasive particles reach the entire surface to be cleaned.
Nt coNteN The material to be cleaned is passed through an enclosed cabinet where the wheels are located using a conveyor system. The abrasive is thrown
against the material, then dropped into hoppers located beneath the blast area and is sent to the abrasive reclaiming system for reuse.
Rates and quality of cleaning can be varied by changing the number of
wheels used, speed of material past the wheels and type of abrasive used.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 This method offers considerable savings in time, labor, energy and abrasive 32 32
consumption versus abrasive air blasting. For example, a
especially useful for maintenance surface preparation due to
four wheel, A 30 horsepower wheel unit will throw about
the lack of sand and grit that may get into equipment.
3,200 pounds of abrasive particle per minute. A “sandblast” operation would require 44 3/8 inch diameter nozzles and a
Sand / grit injection units or attachments are available that will
3,00 horsepower compressor to equal that abrasive capacity.
assist in the removal of extremely tight coatings and produce surface profiles.
Another pattern will also stay constant due to the automated system.
required when using this method of cleaning. One extremely important point to be observed in this method is the requirement of pre-cleaning all materials to be blasted
Worker fatigue can be high in this method due to back
per SSPC-SP1 to ensure that all oil that oil and grease are
pressure developed at the nozzle. Newly developed equipment
removed. If this is not done, or not done properly, the recycled
has reduced this factor.
abrasives will become contaminated and will contaminate contaminate each part going through the cabinet and
The high pressure involved in this method also requires
increasing chances for premature coating failure.
following good safety practices.
Water Blasting – This method began in the early 1950’s and is
The foregoing is a brief overview of the most commonly used
being employed regularly today.
methods for preparing a surface for coating. If greater detail is required, additional information on surface cleaning methods
Definitions of “Water Blasting”:
may be found at NACE or SSPC, or from the equipment
•L ow Pressure Water Washing – pressures less than 350 bar
manufacturers themselves.
(5,000 psi) •H igh Pressure Water Cleaning – pressures of 350 – 700 bar (5,000 to 10,000 psi) •W ater Jetting – pressures above 700 bar (10,000 psi) •H igh Pressure Water Jetting – pressures of 700 – 1700 bar (10,000 to 25,000 psi) •U ltra-High Pressure Water Jetting – pressures greater than
Rust inhibitors and/or surface tolerant coatings are normally
1700 bar (25,000 psi)
Usually anything that can be removed by hand tool, power tool or abrasive blast cleaning can be removed with a stream of high pressure water. While its rate of cleaning is faster than hand and power tool, it does not always remove tightly adhered coatings. It uses the cheapest abrasive available – water, and is 33 33
Nt coNteN Unfortunately, choosing the type and size of abrasive that will economically and effectively produce the desired surface finish is not an exact science.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 34 34
Specific information on types of abrasives is available on
As a rule is it always advisable that an abrasive blast cleaned
Unfortunately, choosing the type and size of abrasive that
request from the manufacturers or suppliers.
surface is coated within eight hours. Under no circumstances should the steel be allowed to rust before coating is applied
will economically and effectively produce the desired surface finish is not an exact science. Some of the parameters to be
Surface Profile
regardless of the time elapsed. One exception to this rule,
considered when choosing an abrasive are:
Surface profile or anchor pattern is a measurement of the
however, would be the use of surface tolerant coatings which
roughness of a surface which results from abrasive blast
are designed for application over rusted surfaces.
• Shape – angular or round
cleaning. The profile or anchor pattern is measured from the
• Hardness – hard or soft
bottom of the lowest valley to the top of the highest peaks.
Abrasive blast cleaning should not be conducted when the surface temperature is less than 3°C above the dew point.
• Density – heavy or light • Size – large or small
The depth of profile will be directly related to the size, type
Moisture can condense on the surface if it is colder than the
• Type of surface – new, light or heavy rust, coated, steel,
and hardness of the abrasive as well as its velocity and angle
surrounding ambient air temperature and rust back can occur.
aluminum, etc.
of impact and the hardness of the surface being cleaned. The
• Profile required – light or heavy
maximum allowable depth (height) will depend on the coating
Rust Inhibitors:
• Coating system to be used
system dry film thickness. A rule of thumb states that profile
When using water blasting or wet abrasive blasting, the
• Degree of cleaning required
depth (height) should not exceed 1/3 of the coating systems
cleaned surface will rust very rapidly. It is therefore essential
• Environmental constraints
dry total film thickness.
that a “rust” inhibitor be applied to the surface itself immediately after cleaning or mixed in the water used during
Some of the types of abrasives available are:
Rust Back
the actual cleaning process.
Rust back occurs when freshly cleaned steel surfaces are 1. Cast Steel – shot and grit
exposed to high humidity, rain or a corrosive atmosphere.
Use of any “rust” inhibitor should always be cleared through the
2. Naturally Occurring – mineral and silica sand, flint, garnet
The time involved in getting rust back can vary tremendously
coating manufacturer to insure that incompatibility problems
ranging from minutes to weeks.
between the inhibitor and coating to be used do not occur.
and zircon. 3. By-Product – slags (boiler, copper, nickel), walnut shells, peach pits and corn cobs. 4. Manufactured – silicon carbide, dry ice, baking soda, sponges, aluminum oxide and glass beads. Of the above abrasive types, the most commonly used are the cast shot and grit for shop applications, where recycling
Nt equipment is in use, and silica and mineral sands and boiler and copper slags for field applications where recycling of abrasives is impractical.
A general rule to follow is to select the smallest size abrasive
that will produce the specified degree of cleaning and surface
profile. Normally the smaller size abrasives will clean faster and
2014 cost less than the larger sizes.
35 35
external coating rehabilitation Nt coNteN Dependence on blasting profile, sa 2,5 cleanliness grades, dust or salt/chloride removal is not always necessary
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 36 36
The selection of a suitable pipeline repair/replacement coating
prevent moisture ingress and to resist soil stresses. This is
is from a technical point of view the major decision to be made
very dependent upon surface cleanliness and profile prior to
for a rehabilitation project. Rehabilitation seeks to re-establish
coating application.
coating efficacy to its original state. This does not mean that the same coating must be used for rehabilitation; often more state-of-the-art coatings are employed. The problem is that there is a wide variety of coating systems that have been used with varying degrees of success as pipeline coatings. A closer examination of many of these systems reveals very few have been subject to exhaustive testing to ensure the coating is fit for purpose.
under the prevailing environmental conditions. 4. The coating must be capable of being repaired and to withstand holidays over time. 5. The coating or supporting techniques must be available to cover the repair of the overlap areas onto the parent coating. 6. The coating must be tolerant to alkali generated by cathodic protection
In order to specify the requirements of a protective coating and ensure correct testing it is useful to understand their major failure mechanisms. Current thinking on the mechanism of failure of thin film liquid applied coating (epoxy) requires different coating parameters to those used for example in evaluating tapes. With thin film coatings, the penetration of water and subsequent osmotic pressures developed will result in many small canals creating further water uptake. Eventually the thin film coating becomes transparent to moisture and becomes a semi-permeable membrane which, under the influence of cathodic protection draws water through the coating to collect at the steel coating interface as a blister which eventually bursts and allows further undermining of the coating. Coating failure is accelerated by increasing temperature. This failure
The coating must have a long useful lifetime. A wide variety of tests are used to evaluate and select a suitable coating.
mechanism is not applicable to tape coatings. A coating used for the rehabilitation of a pipeline must fulfill the
3. The coating must be capable of being applied in the ditch
following requirements:
The following Program of Work should be followed: 1. Define the size of the coating problem by coating defect
1. T he most important and fundamental requirement of a coating is that it must separate the pipe from the moist soil. To do this the coating must have a high resistance to permeability / water uptake.
2. T he coating must have a good bonding to the steel pipe to
surveys, cathodic protection surveys and metal loss surveys. 2. Analyze survey data to decide priorities and what needs repair and what can be left without repair. 3. Select pipeline repair coating(s). This is a critical and important decision making process.
37 37
In order to confirm the scope of work for coating rehabilitation
tolerated. It must be appreciated that not every defect will be
what needs repair, a full Scope of Work for a complete
based upon coating and pipe-to-soil potential surveys and to
cost effective to repair.
rehabilitation project should be established.
confirm the difficulties specified, it is necessary to carry out
•D efect corrosion behaviour as predicted by:
limited exploratory excavations. These exploratory excavations
cathodic protection.
will not only confirm the accuracy of the defect locations and the size and importance of the defect, but visual examination will allow the pipe coating to be studied to determine the mode of coating failure and the steel pipe inspected for any corrosion and other damage. Exploratory excavations should be carried out to maximize information about the whole of the pipeline length to be refurbished. Hence, rather than being chosen at random, selection of possible defect locations to be verified should be considered on the basis of the following parameters taken from a detailed analysis of survey data:
o Pipe to soil potential and regions of generally poor
oA nodic/cathodic behaviour as predicted by DC voltage gradient technology.
•R egions of low soil resistivity which are usually regarded as more corrosive •T errain variations and presence of rocks as rock will affect trenching ability and requirements for imported back-fill. •N eed to inspect locations spread over the full distance of the pipeline under repair. •T o examine selected areas for signs of Stress Corrosion Cracking.
At each defect location the following work needs to be carried out: 1. Site clearing and grading 2. Hand excavation to locate pipeline 3. Mechanical excavation to fully uncover the pipeline 4. Inspection of existing coating 5. Removal of existing coating 6. Visual inspection of the steel surface before surface preparation 7. Surface preparation 8. Any visual corrosion as general corrosion, pitting, MIC, etc. 9. NDT inspection for SCC 10. Surface preparation and profiling
• Defect location. A defect at a road crossing or near areas frequented by people is of a higher priority than for example a
Exploratory excavations are recommended not only to gather
11. Application of repair coating
defect in the middle of a desert.
the above information but also to understand and work out
12. Backfilling and reinstatement
methods for different aspects of rehabilitation activities.
13. Retesting for coating defects
• Proximity of defects to one another. The close proximity of defects could require complete coating replacement on that
Record detailing all findings should accompany a pre-planned
section of the pipeline, particularly if there is poor adhesion
detailing all findings to a preplanned questionnaire, pipeline
Even after the rehabilitation project has been completed,
and easy disbondment occurs.
excavation report, together with photography of all interesting
there will still be large amounts of parent coated pipe in the
findings particularly coating damage and steel pipe surface.
ground. Therefore, there is a need to understand the coating
• The size and importance of the defect. It is common to find
The type and nature of any films and calcareous deposits on
failure mechanisms to work out if these mechanisms can be
metal loss at larger defects. However, a variety of different
the steel surface are particularly important as they reflect the
managed to extend the life of a pipeline.
sized defects should be excavated to provide information
effectiveness of the cathodic protection at individual defects.
on what must be repaired and what type of defects can be
From a detailed analysis of survey data, and having identified
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 38 38
"Exploratory excavations are recommended not only to gather information about the source and type of corrosion but also to understand and work out the methods
for different aspects of rehabilitation activities."
39 39
cathodic protection
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 40 40
The primary barrier against external corrosion of underground steel pipelines is the application of an external coating system.
Positive metal icons
However, no coating will be 100% damage proof. During the construction of a pipeline or in the operating phase, damage of the coating can occur and as a consequence, the protection against corrosion will decrease. In addition, every type of external coating will suffer to some extent from deterioration. The deterioration process over time
Figure 5
is however not the same for different coating types. External influences and their interaction with the coating can also affect
The dissolved metal ions are positive ions. The bar becomes
the deterioration rate.
negative because electrons stay behind when the positive ions leave.
Because coatings can lose their protective performance, cathodic protection is added as a secondary line of defense
The dissolution of an electrolyte is different from metal to
against corrosion.
metal. The more a metal has the tendency to dissolve, the less noble the metal is. Zinc (not passivated) is less noble than iron,
Cathodic Protection provides a secondary line of protection against external corrosion.
so zinc has a greater tendency to dissolve in water; and in the same way iron is less noble than copper. In figure 6 it can be seen that magnesium has a greater tendency to dissolve than iron. Magnesium is less noble than iron.
In this chapter, the principle of cathodic protection will be
Due to the fact that more Mg 2+ – ions dissolve than Fe2+ –
ions, the Mg bar will become more negative than the Fe bar.
Particular attention is given to the application of cathodic protection on underground pipeline systems.
The principle of cathodic protection
All metals in contact with an electrolyte (a water solution with
ions) have the tendency to dissolve (see figure 5). The general chemical formula for this process is given as: Me → MeX+ + xe–
Figure 6
41 41
At a certain moment, no further positive ions will dissolve into
Type electrode
Me/Men+ - System
Potential against the normal H2 – electrode (mV)
Temperature dependence (mV/0C)
Sat. CuSO4
Normal soil Water
Sat. KCl
Sweet- en see water
Sea water
bar has reached a certain positive potential; this potential is
Sat. Calomel
Sat. KCl
Water Laboratory
characteristic for that particular metal. This point is called the
1 M Calomel
1 M KCl
3,5 M KCl
< 0,1
Warm media
the solution because the bar has such a negative potential that it hinders the ions to leave the bar. At that moment, there is a balance between the negative bar and the positive ions in the solution. When balanced the metal bar reaches a certain potential which is characteristic of the particular metal. The metal
electrochemical potential of that metal.
Table 5: Some reference electrodes and their characteristics
This specific potential can be measured against a reference electrode. The reference electrode consists of a metal – electrolyte combination with a stable and well known potential. The standard reference electrode is arbitrarily chosen as the
Potential (Volt against H2 in own salt solution)
Potential (Volt against Cu/CuSO4 in soil / sweet water)
Magnesium (Mg)
Aluminium (Al)
Zink (Zn)
In practice, however, this hydrogen electrode is difficult to use.
Iron (Fe)
Therefore, other reference electrodes are with their own fixed
Cadmium (Cd)
potentials against the hydrogen electrode.
Nickel (Ni)
Table 5 shows some reference electrodes with their specific
Tin (Sn)
Lead (Pb)
Hydrogen (H)
Copper (Cu)
Silver (Ag)
Platinum (Pt)
Gold (Au)
hydrogen electrode such that the following electrochemical reaction is in balance: H2
2 H+.
The potential of this balanced reaction is stated to be 0 Volt.
So it is possible to fix the balance potentials of metals in their own electrolyte. If this is done in a salt solution with a fixed concentration of own metal ions, the theoretical electrochemical potential table can be determined. In the table, the potentials are expressed in Volt against the hydrogen
Nt coNteN Table 6: Electrochemical table of metals
electrode. However, it is more practical to express potentials
in Volts against an easier reference electrode such as the Cu/ CuSO4 in a certain environment such as soil or sweet / salt water.
In the previous example, the Mg bar has become more
Connecting both bars with a metallic wire creates two effects:
In table 6, the electrochemical potentials of some metals
negative than the Fe bar because more Mg2+ – ions went into
- the Mg bar will become more positive again and as a result,
is given against the theoretical hydrogen electrode and the
the solution than Fe ions.
practical Cu/CuSO4 reference - electrode.
Where both bars are connected with a metallic wire, a current
more Mg2+ ions will go into the solution, and
- the Fe will become more negative and as a result less Fe2+
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 of electrons would appear from the Mg bar in the direction of the Fe bar.
42 42
ions will go into the solution (see figure 6).
By connecting a metal with a less noble metal in a solution the less noble metal will corrode and the more noble metal will be protected against corrosion. In this example, the Fe bar is said to be the cathode and the Mg bar the anode. The Fe bar is cathodically protected by the Mg bar. This is the basic principle of Cathodic Protection! The Fe bar is the object to be protected while the Mg bar is the galvanic anode, the so called ‘sacrificial anode’. By convention, it is understood that the direction of the electric current is opposite to the direction of the current of electrons (see figure 6). To recap: • The cathode is the electrode where the direction of the electric current is from the electrolyte toward the metal bar! • The anode is the electrode where the direction of the electrical current is from the metal bar to the solution!
connecting a metal with a less noble metal in a solution, the more noble metal will be protected against corrosion 43 43
The following reaction takes place at the anode:
Inert means that at the anode this anode does not suffer from loss of material. The anodic reaction at the anode is not:
+ 2e (anodic reaction) –
The following reaction takes place at the cathode Fe
+ 2e
Where there are no Fe2+ ions available in the solution, the following reaction takes place: O2 + 2H2O + 4e–
+ A N O D E I
Figure 8: Making an anode and a cathode by using an external direct current source
4OH– (cathodic reaction)
Mex+ + xe–
But as in the example of magnesium and iron above: 2H2O
4H+ + O2 +4e–
or, if chloride ions are present : 2Cl–
Cl2 + 2e–
The external current source ensures the production of electrons
In acidic environments, the following reaction can also Cathodic protection with galvanic or sacrificial anodes.
in the anode. These electrons provide a negative polarisation of
Materials often used as sacrificial anodes include:
the object to be protected against corrosion.
- Magnesium, onshore application
The reaction at the cathode, which provides protection for the
Where a metal acts as protection against corrosion by con-
- Aluminium – alloys, offshore application
object is the same reaction as that using sacrificial anodes:
necting it to a less noble metal, the process that takes place
- Zinc, mainly used offshore, (at max. soil resistivity
occur: 2H+ + 2e
of 1500 Ω.cm
is called:
O2 + 2H2O + 4e–
Mg A N O D E
We have seen that by making the Fe bar negative through a
When an external direct current source is used to protect a
supply of electrons dissolution of the Fe2+ ions is prevented
metal to corrode, this is called:
(no corrosion of the Fe bar).
This was achieved by connecting the Fe bar with the less noble
Cathodic protection with impressed current.
Mg bar (the sacrificial anode).
In principle, there is no difference between cathodic protection
with sacrificial anodes or cathodic protection with impressed
However, there is another way to ensure that the Fe bar
current. Both applications will render the protected object to be
becomes negative:
negatively polarised.
And that is to use an external current source (see figure 8).
In practice however, there is a big difference between the two
Nt coNteN I
Figure 7: The Mg bar dissolves (anode) while the Fe bar is protected against dissolving (cathode)
applications. When using sacrificial anodes, the difference
The negative side of the direct current source is connected to
between anode and cathode potential is the driving force for
the object to be protected while the positive side of the current
protection of the object. When using impressed current for
source is connected to an inert anode.
protection, the necessary driving force can be installed by using
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 the current output from the rectifier. The output of a rectifier
can be much larger than the potential difference between the
44 44
sacrificial anode and the object to be protected.
Anode type
Content (%)
Density (g/cm3)
The advantage of using impressed current is that larger objects FeSi
can be cathodically protected and larger distances can be bridged. Current sources for protection with impressed current are:
- Rectifiers
14 Si, 1 C, Rest Fe (5 Cr Or 1Mn of 1 – 3 Mo
7,0 - 7,2
Fe3O4 + Additions
100 C
1,6 - 2,1
Anode current density (Amp./m2) Max. Gem. 300
50 - 150
Anode consumption (g/Amp/year)
10 - 50
90 - 250
90 - 100
1,5 - 2,5
10 - 50
30 - 450
- Diesel generators
Table 7: Data of inert anode material
- Panels on sun energy Chemical properties
For underground pipelines, inert anode materials for impressed current systems used most often are:
Element Percentage
- Car iron with high content of silica, ≈ 14% (FeSi) - magnetite (Fe3O4)
Carbon Manganese Silica Chrome Molybdenum Copper
- graphite ITable 7 set out data concerning inert anode materials. So called LIDA anodes are also used for cathodic protection
0.7 – 1.1 1.5 max. 14.2 – 14.75 3.25 – 5.00 0.2 max. 0.5 max. Photo 12: Example of inert Fe/Si anode material with chemical properties
of underground pipelines. These anodes are titanium based materials with metal oxide alloys. The protection criterion
In this diagram it can be seen that iron will not corrode at
Above we have seen that steel will not corrode if it is made more
a potential more negative than ca. -950 mV against a Cu/
negative. The question now is:
CuSO4 reference electrode, independent from the acidity (pH). In practice however, the corrosion rate of steel will
“How negative must steel be made, to prevent corrosion to occur?”
already be very low at potentials more negative than –850 mV. This value of –850 mV against a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode is under normal conditions considered as the pro-
Nt The Pourbaix diagram of iron can inform us on this question. This diagram gives information about the behaviour of iron (potential)
as a function of the acidity (pH) in water at a temperature of 25 0C (see figure 9).
tection criterion. A criterion of –950 mV against a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode is used under oxygen free conditions (anaerobe) because under such circumstances, bacterial corrosion could occur: Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) can produce hydrogen sulphide (H2S) which leads to a very corrosive environment. Often less negative potentials are used as protection criteria under circumstances with higher soil resistivity. The Dutch Standard on cathodic protection criteria are listed in the table below.
16 pH 45 45
cathodic protection and interaction with coatings Introduction The rehabilitation of oil and gas pipelines is in many cases forced upon operators by the detection
is able to quantify the severity of the defect based on the magnitude and direction of the potential
of coating defects by internal measuring techniques such as intelligent pigs , or by above-ground
gradient. Best results are obtained at coating defects on an otherwise well coated pipeline. Results
non-intrusive techniques such as direct current voltage gradient surveys (DCVG), alternating current
on large extents of poorly coated pipeline are not always so definitive. The technique is effective even
voltage surveys (ACVG) and close-interval potential surveys. Visual inspections combined with
in areas of d.c. stray current and a.c. interference.
coating evaluation, wall thickness and pit depth measurements at selected bellholes can also be carried out. Analysis of the results from any of these, or a combination of these, surveys can be
Alternating Current Voltage gradient Survey (ACVG)
used to establish suitable remedial measures to extend the pipeline operational lifecycle by coating
ACVG surveys are conducted in a similar manner to the DCVG except the applied signal is at a
application and/or cathodic protection system remediation.
selected frequency. Foreign contacts and coating defects can also be identified in the same way as the DCVG. Unlike the DCVG, however, ACVG will give no information about the effectiveness of
Intelligent Pig Run
applied cathodic protection. This technique will provide an indication of overall coating quality based on the attenuation (i.e. signal loss) of the applied signal. The technique is effective even in areas of
The pipeline wall thickness can be determined through an Intelligent Pig (IP) run. A correctly selected
d.c. stray current and a.c. interference.
IP can identify the extent of any metal loss and whether or not the metal loss is internal or external. In the case of external metal loss, the IP results can be categorized as general corrosion or local attack
Visual Inspection:
such as pitting, Microbiological Induced Corrosion (MIC), Hydrogen Induced Corrosion (HIC) or AC-
Visual inspections provide direct information about the coating condition, remaining wall thickness,
induced corrosion.
pit depths, microbial activity and soil corrosivity. Provided that the visual inspections are carried out at
Nt coNteN representative locations and the number of visual inspections is statistically significant then the data
Direct Current Voltage Gradient Survey (DCVG)
DCVG surveys are conducted above the pipeline and are able to detect the direction and magnitude
can be used as a basis for developing rehabilitation programs. Summary of above ground survey techniques.
of cathodic protection current flowing to a pipeline. This technique enables accurate location of areas of protection current demands to pipelines. These locations would typically be at coating defects,
Specialised surveys shall only be conducted by personnel who have received training in the survey
foreign contacts (e.g. foreign pipelines or earthed systems). The technique can also identify areas of
techniques and have a certificate of competence. Some above ground surveys are highly dependent
poor coating. The technique does not permit accurate physical sizing of the defects but it
on operator performance and data interpretation (e.g. DCVG).
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 46 46
Direct Current Voltage Gradient
Alternating Current Voltage Gradient
Evaluates coating condition by measuring signal loss from the pipe. Requires transmitter and special receiver. Frequency selection is coating related. Provides no information about the cathodic protection system.
Early form of ACVG.
Gradient of injected a.c. signal is measured between two operators wearing ground contact boots and connected together with a cable. Subject to interference from a broad spectrum of radio frequencies. Large variations in soil resistivity can give false indications of coating faults.
Close Interval Potential Survey
Wenner 4 pin soil resistivity measurements
Requires d.c. source e.g. impressed current cathodic protection (either permanent or temporary). Results are operator dependent.
Measures the pipe-to-soil potentials along the entire pipeline route. Requires specialized instrumentation with synchronised switching of cathodic protection power sources and the actual measuring instrument. Trailing wire connection between test posts required. Data may be unreliable in areas of a.c. and/or d.c. interference. Difficult to apply in urban and city areas. Values measured can be compared with the corrosion risk values provided in the standards.
Nt Table xx Priority Matrix example
To ensure that the bellhole excavations for the visual
A typical Priority Matrix is given in Table xx. More, or less,
inspections are carried out at meaningful locations a Priority
stringent weighting factors can be applied depending on the
Matrix should be developed for the entire pipeline section in
pipeline section in question.
2014 question to establish high and low risk areas for corrosion.
47 47
From the Priority Matrix it is possible to select locations for
• Coating
In most cases total replacement of a pipeline is necessary
excavations and visual examination. A control location should
o Type (tape, FBE, bitumen etc)
(based on technical and financial considerations), particularly
also be selected. In this context a control location is one
o Number of layers
if the weak areas of the steel can be identified. If the pipeline
where the Priority Matrix indicates a low priority for excavation.
o Appearance (wrinkles, rips etc)
suffers from Stress Corrosion Cracking then the affected
The purpose of the control location is to validate the matrix,
o Bond to pipe
sections shall be replaced and the sections with degraded
because if active corrosion is identified at the control location
• Cathodic protection
coating shall be refurbished. Whilst operating conditions can
then the matrix needs to be revised.
o Type (Impressed current, galvanic, none)
be modified to reduce the propensity to SCC, no method
o Pipe to soil potential (a.c. and d.c.)
exists to repair SCC although the pipe can be reinforced by
At the excavation a number of measurements and
o Are potentials fluctuating?
metallic sleeving. The affected pipe has to be cut out and
observations are required. These are listed in Table xxx.
• Longitudinal weld data (if applicable)
replaced rather than risk pipeline failure by rupture that can
Table xxx. Test, Measurements and Observations at
occur with SCC (stress corrosion cracking). Special attention
• Field weld data
shall be paid to the coating and cathodic protection of the
• Date
o Weld appearance
replaced sections of pipe since the new steel will act as an
• Bellhole number
o Field joint coating type and quality
anode to the old steel and rapid corrosion of the new steel will
• Chainage
o Any visible cracks?
occur if there is inadequate cathodic protection and there are
• Weather conditions
• Ultrasonic inspection report
• Inspector name
o Grid spacing
• Report reference number
o Wall thickness and co-ordinates
Pipeline rehabilitation may be defined as follows:
• Photograph number
o Pit depths and locations
“The assessment, renovation and reclassification
o Location data
o Calibration results
work necessary to establish a level of integrity, based
o Location
• Other observations
o GPS Latitude and longitude
o Additional location information
o Weld orientation (top, bottom etc)
coating defects on the new section.
on known values, that enables an existing pipeline to continue in service, safely, and economically, for a
For example, on a pipeline in service, external corrosion over
determined period.”
• Pipeline data
large areas has been detected and the cathodic protection
o Year of construction
cannot maintain the required potentials along the pipeline
In the context of this standard rehabilitation means undertaking
o Current service (e.g. crude, diesel)
due to a combination of coating degradation and current
the necessary repairs and improvements to a pipeline to
o Past service
distribution. In this situation, the pipeline operator may consider
restore it to an acceptable operational condition for the
• Pipe details
to refurbish or rehabilitate the pipeline (or the suspect pipeline
required operational lifetime. This would typically require
o Measured diameter
sections). The rehabilitation program can be scheduled to
the repair of significant areas of metal loss and the repair/
o Type of pipe (ERW, spiral weld, seamless etc.)
take place over an extended period of time based on the
refurbishment of the existing coating and cathodic protection
o Original wall thickness
survey data and the relevant criticalities. ASME B 31G can
o Overall appearance of pipe
be used to calculate the remaining strength for corroded
o Any corrosion observed?
pipelines. Combined with a knowledge of the required
Nt coNteN • Terrain data
operating pressures it is possible to determine which sections
o Terrain description (flat, rocky, sandy etc)
of the pipeline do not meet the desired operational pressure
o Is this location in a low area?
o Depth of pipeline cover
o Soil resistivity from excavation
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 48 48
Scheme for pipeline integrity check
There are a number of factors to be considered when determining the need for refurbishment of the coating.
Pipeline Rehabilitation
Integrity of Pipe Steel
External Corrosion Control
Protective External Coating
Cathodic protection cannot be achieved over the entire section without exceeding the limit potential
-1.2 Volts (typical IR free value)
Refer to cathodic protection standards and design documents for acceptable limit potentials
Protection current densities exceed the values given in table xxx
Coating type and coating age dependent
Required operating pressure
Wall thickness shall be capable of withstanding the required pressure.
Additional mechanical strength will be required as well as coating refurbishment.
Remaining life requirements
Corrosion rate and wall thickness to be taken into account.
Coating and cathodic protection can reduce the corrosion rate to acceptable limits.
Measurement of wall thickness/pit depths and continuous monitoring of corrosion rates at pre-determined critical locations can be used to validate the effectiveness of cathodic protection.
Increased electrical interference
Installation of new tractions systems or HVDC/HVAC transmission systems may require coating refurbishment and cathodic protection augmentation
Coating type
Age of pipeline
0-5 years (mA/m2)
5-15 years (mA/m2)
15-30 years (mA/m2)
Asphalt bitumen (AB)
Butyl rubber Based
Fusion bonded epoxy (FBE)
Liquid epoxy
Polyethylene (PE)
0,01(3LPE) 0,20 (sinter)
Polypropylene (PP)
Polyisobutene (PIB) based coating systems
Cathodic Protection
Operational and Environmental Restrictions Rehabilitation projects shall consider the operational restrictions and the environmental conditions that determine how the project will be carried out. Environmental conditions include ambient temperatures (affected by wind, humidity, rain, cold, and salinity), soil conditions and access. Operational service restrictions are
Nt line flow, line pressure and minimum or maximum temperature ranges.
From a safety perspective, the rehabilitation of live gas pipelines imposes a number of constraints with the need for careful
working practices that may be of lesser importance when working on a non-operational pipeline. From a financial perspective, the
restrictions of working on a live pipeline (which can be hot or cold) mean that the cost per meter is higher than for working on a nonoperational pipeline.
Typical interference sources would be trams, railways, windfarms, and electrical transmission systems (buried or aerial)
Table xxx: Mean current (design) densities for coatings (DEP, Shell Amsterdam, 1992) 49 49
External Coating Assessment
out more than one kind of survey to determine coating defect
for an example of a pipeline excavation report), together
Program of Work
areas before excavating. The defect locations can be further
with photographs of all relevant observations and findings,
The following overall Program of Work needs to be performed:
assessed on the basis of the following parameters from a
particularly any coating damage and the steel pipe surface.
1. Determine the integrity of the pipe by above ground coating
detailed analysis of survey data:
The type and nature of any films and calcareous deposits on the steel surface are particularly important as they could
and cathodic protection surveys and/or metal loss survey. 2. Analyze the survey data and select locations for excavation for visual, coating and metal loss measurements. 3. Analyze inspection data to determine a rehabilitation program and decide which pipe sections require coating
- Defect location. A defect at a road crossing or near areas frequented by people is of a higher priority than, for example,
be related to the effectiveness of the cathodic protection at individual defects.
a defect in the middle of a desert. - Proximity of defects to one another. The close proximity of
Based upon a detailed analysis of survey data (as given in
repair or coating refurbishment and/or cathodic protection
defects could require complete coating replacement on that
Appendix A) and having identified what needs repair, a full
improvements and which sections can remain as they are.
section of the pipeline, particularly if there is poor adhesion.
Scope of Work for a complete rehabilitation project needs to
4. Select pipeline repair coating(s) and refurbishment coating(s).
- A variety of defect %IR sizes should be excavated to provide
be established.
5. Design cathodic protection system improvements
information on what must be repaired and what type of
6. Develop a rehabilitation strategy that prioritizes the
defects can be tolerated. It should be appreciated that not
At each defect location the following work needs to be
remediation works required and schedules the rehabilitation
every defect can be cost effectively justified for repair. The
carried out:
program. The program may extend over many years to
number of excavations should be statistically meaningful.
2. Hand excavation to locate pipeline
provide an acceptable combination of operational safety and long-term requirements.
In predicting corrosion behavior at coating defect locations, the following should be considered:
Exploratory excavations Exploratory excavations should be carried out to confirm the scope of work for coating rehabilitation, based upon metal loss surveys, coating and cathodic protection surveys. These exploratory excavations will confirm the defect locations and size/importance of the defects and will allow visual examination of the pipe coating to determine the general condition of the coating (bonding, degradation) and the mode of coating failure.
- the pipe to soil potential and regions of generally poor cathodic protection are of importance. - Regions of very high soil resistivity which are usually regarded as less corrosive, except for microbiological corrosion - Terrain variations and presence of rocks, as rock will affect trenching ability and the requirement for imported back-fill. - Inspection of locations over the full distance of the pipeline under repair. - To assist in examination of predicted areas for signs of Stress
Exploratory excavations can be carried out to maximize
Site clearing and grading
Corrosion Cracking.
3. Mechanical excavation to within 1 m of the pipeline, thereafter hand excavation 4. Inspection of existing coating 5. Removal of existing coating 6. Visual inspection of the steel surface before surface preparation 7. Surface preparation 8. Observations on visual corrosion 9. Mark a grid on the exposed section and measure the wall thickness and pit depth in each grid square. 10. Using approved codes and standards, calculate the remaining strength of the steel in the exposed section
Nt coNteN information about the whole pipeline length to be refurbished.
- Environmentally sensitive areas
taking into account the remaining wall thickness, pit depth
The position of the coating defect can be determined by above
- Areas of critical supply (e.g. hospitals, power stations)
measurements and pit locations.
11. Non-Destructive Testing inspection for Stress Corrosion
ground surveys (e.g. CIPS, DCVG or ACVG). This information
is based on electrical measurements, but it does not directly
Some exploratory excavations are essential, not only to gather
give indications on the coating defect size, shape or existing
the above information but also to understand and work out the
12. Surface preparation and profiling if required
metal loss. A Priority Matrix will enable excavation locations
methods for different aspects of rehabilitation activities.
13. Application of a compatible repair coating 14. Backfilling and reinstatement
to be determined based on the criticality of the pipeline at
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 different locations. Reliance on only one survey technique may
Each excavation should be accompanied by records detailing
15. Retesting for coating defects
lead to false indications, for this reason it is prudent to carry
all findings to a pre-planned checklist (see appendix B
16. Re-energise the cathodic protection system
50 50
The use of adequate test methods and correct interpretation of the results from testing is paramount for obtaining an impression about long term performance and failure mechanisms.
51 51
Priority 3: Small defects whose repair is not anticipated at
Diagnosis of the current coating state
actual status of the pipe to fulfill its functions and its fitness for
Coating assessment should be preceded by a preliminary
purpose. The combination of coating defects and inadequate
present but will need to be monitored in a revised
visual inspection with the aim to verify the extent and type of
cathodic protection increases the possibility of metal wall loss.
future monitoring program.
coating damage and whether it is to be considered beyond repair (widespread and deep cracks, detachments areas,
Point B determines the location of weak areas of pipe due
The main input to categorize defects is from DC Voltage
presence of water in the interface substrate/coating, roots,
to corrosion. In general the Cathodic Protection is often
Gradient surveys. DC Voltage Gradient surveys are performed
rock or foreign matter intrusion, modification due to the
inadequate and the coating shows loss of adhesion to the
to identify and provide data for characterizing the coating
soil characteristics or by chemicals, oil, solvents pollutants,
metal of the pipeline.
defects. CIPS surveys are potential monitoring surveys used to identify regions of CP under protection. Pipeline sections under
deformations, burned areas, etc.). This inspection should also determine the possibility and convenience for the coating
Point C indicates known problem areas
protection may indicate concentration of larger coating defects but can also be the result of other influencing factors such as
applied on operational piping to be adapted for actual use and the lay-down conditions with the application of extra
Information from points A, B and C form the basis for
inadequate CP interference, stray currents, foreign contacts
protection (composite materials, reinforcements, extra anti-rock
development of a Scope of Work for the rehabilitation program.
protection, etc.)
The available data is a major input for determining the rehabilitation of the pipeline and originates from the following:
Cathodic Protection Assessment for Rehabilitation
Repaired sections shall be subject to visual and holiday
Post rehabilitation Check
detection tests. Holiday detection tests shall be carried out at
The electrical characteristics can change after the pipeline has
the appropriate voltage levels for the applied coating.
been rehabilitated and due care shall be taken to ensure that
• Cathodic protection records
these do not have an adverse effect of the safety of persons
Even after the rehabilitation project has been completed, it is
• Soil resistivity surveys
and the cathodic protection systems.
possible that there will still be significant amounts of pipe in the
• Metal loss surveys
ground with the original coating. Therefore, there is a need to
• Leak history records
Personnel safety
understand the coating failure mechanisms to work out if these
•O perating records (e.g. products, temperature, existing and
Acceptable step and touch potential values are not universally
mechanisms can be managed to extend the life of the pipeline.
anticipated operating pressures) • Remaining pipeline life
agreed. A detailed explanation is not provided in this standard, and the relevant electrical safety standards should be consulted. Step potential is the voltage between the feet of a
The first step in any coating rehabilitation project is to scope the extent of the problems to be fixed. This involves gathering
Analysis of Survey Data
person (or animal) standing near an energised pipeline. The
data from a number of sources, in particular:
A comprehensive analysis to provide a prioritized Scope of
magnitude of the voltage is directly related to the proximity to
Work requires the analysis of data of several parameters, all of
power lines (buried or aerial), the soil resistivity, and the pipeline
which can influence the long term integrity of a pipeline.
coating conductance. If we assume that only the coating
Nt coNteN a. Inadequacies in the cathodic protection and the
conductance has changed due to the rehabilitation then it is
location and characterization of coating defects.
To analyze available data it is important that the following
possible that the soil voltage gradients can change and the
strategy be followed.
step potential exceed acceptable limits.
Located defects should be split into three categories of priority:
Touch potential is the voltage between the energized pipeline
These main sources of data are complementary.
Priority 1: Top priority defects for immediate repair
and the feet of a person in contact with the object. Typical
Point A determines the breakdown of the coating and areas of
Priority 2: Medium priority defects that will need repair
objects include valve stems and valve fences. If all other factors
inadequate cathodic protection, but gives no information of the
principally to make the cathodic protection effective.
remain unchanged, the rehabilitated coating can increase the
b. Identification of external metal loss areas where the pipe has been potentially weakened.
c. Known areas of previous pipe failure
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 52 52
a.c. voltage on the pipeline (since the high quality coating does not permit voltage discharge through the coating to the soil) and hence the touch voltage. Remedial measures are provided in the relevant standards but can include such things as: • Additional pipeline earthing via an a.c. discharge device • Gradient mats in the soil to reduce the gradients • Non-metallic or insulated controls on valves Cathodic protection Limit Once the pipeline coating has been rehabilitated it is possible that the current demand from the cathodic protection system can be significantly reduced. It is necessary, therefore, to adjust the cathodic protection system to ensure that there are no risks of exceeding the limit potential (i.e. the most negative potential acceptable – typically -1.2 volts (IR free)). The distribution of the current will be significantly better and areas that were previously not cathodically protected could now be protected. A comprehensive cathodic protection survey shall be carried out after the rehabilitation is complete and the cathodic protection adjusted to suit the new coating conditions. The use of coupons to verify the protection levels in the areas of rehabilitated coating should be considered. The Cathodic Protection system shall be checked to fulfill all requirements stated in: - ISO 15589-1:2015 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries -- Cathodic protection of pipeline systems -- Part
Nt 1: On-land pipelines
- EN-ISO 15589-2:2014 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Cathodic protection of pipeline transportation systems. Offshore pipelines
Exploratory excavations can be carried out to maximize information about the whole pipeline length to be refurbished. 53 53
PDO Oman, pipeline rehabilitation and inspection
Appendix A Comprehensive documented information is required for each excavation. The information should include the reasons for the excavation, the details of the excavation and measurements and observations at the excavation. An example of an excavation report form is provided in this appendix. 1. General Information
Pipeline identification (name) Reason for excavation
e.g. priority matrix, visual leak evidence
Nominal outside diameter (mm) Year of installation Operating pressure
If known
Steel grade
If known
2. Excavation details
Date of excavation Location description
e.g. 25 m from road crossing
Latitude (WG 84 datum) Longitude (WG 84 datum) Altitude Soil description
e.g. clay, sand, rocky
Chainage (m) Pipeline depth (m)
Nt coNteN Weather conditions
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 54 54
3. Measurements and observations
Coating type
Appendix B: Pipeline excavation report
Coating defects visible
Pipeline name: ........................................................Sub sector : ................................................................................
Coating condition
e.g. good, poor, bad, non-existent
Defect number: ................................. Defect epicenter distance: ............................................................................. m Repair start: ................................m .......................Repair finish: ............................................................................. m Ground conditions: ............................................ Rocks present: ............................................................................... .
Photograph number before assessment
Soil resistivity: .............................................................. Ohm.cm CP potential: ON: ............ mV OFF: ........ mV ON at 90 degrees: ........................................................................... mV
Adhesion to pipeline
Wetness of soil at pi per depth: ............................. Salt present: ................................................................................
pH of liquid beneath coating
Coating type: ..............................................................................................................................................................
Primer present
Thickness: ... Liquid under coating:...................................... pH: ................................................................................
Pipeline outside diameter (m)
General appearance of excavated pipe: ......................................................................................................................
Pits present
Orientation of major defect around pipe: ..................................................................................................................... Cracks in coating: ........ Orientation: ............................................................................................................................
Visible cracks
Approximate size of coating fault: .sq. cm
Soil resistivity near pipe
Any obvious cause of coating fault: .............................................................................................................................
Soil pH near pipe
Calcareous deposits present: .Amount: .......................................................................................................................
Pipe-to-soil potential (ON)
Extent of any coating disbondment: ..................................................................................................................sq. cm Photographs taken on excavation: O . f coating damage: ..............................................................................................
4. Ultrasonic Measurements
Of surface films: O . f corrosion damage: ...................................... Give code numbers of photo's.
Grid size for Ultrasonic measurements
Adhesion of parent coating at top of pipe: ................ At bottom: ................................................................................
Schedule of ultrasonic measurements
Colour of films on steel surface: Black: ....................... Red rust: ................................................................................
Schedule of pit depth measurements
(Ignore white/grey calcareous deposits for above observations). Amount of coating to remove: ....m
5. Schedule of photographs
File name(s)
Any corrosion of the steel pipe: .......................................... Size: .................................................................... sq. mm Pitting present: ......... Depth of pits: ...................................................................................................................... mm
Prior to excavation
Number of pits: ........ Colour of pits: ............................................................................................................................
Exposed pipe before inspection
Orientation around pipe circumference: ......................................................................................................................
Nt Coating examination
Orientation of major corrosion damage to axis of pipe: ..............
Coating removal
Check for Sulphate Reducing Bacteria: ............ SRB' s present: ................................................................................
Bare pipe
Ultrasonic measurement grid
Level of SRB activity: ..................... Any visual Stress Corrosion Cracks: ............Magn. Part. Result: ................................................................................ Replacement pipe fitted: .... Length: ......................................................................................................................... m
Coating surface preparation
New pipe coating: ........ Thickness: ...................................................................................................................... mm
Coating application
Holiday test result at 5 V per micron:...........................................................................................................................
Coating tests
Sand padding used ....................................................................................................................................................
2014 Backfilling
Site on departure
55 55
repair of damages to the external coating system Introduction The coating system is the primary barrier against external corrosion. The function of an external coating system is to
Nt coNteN separate the pipe from the surrounding (aggressive) soil.
For this reason, damage to the external coating should be avoided to the extent possible.
Damages may occur during plant application at the mill, during storage of the coated pipe, during transportation of the pipe to the work site, during construction of the pipeline, or even during operation.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 56 56
Soil resistivity
operational, this can result in large scale disbonding of the
Corrosive soils where oxygen and water are present can lead to
external corrosion at damaged areas of the coating. Acidic soils, for example in forest areas, and polluted soils where aggressive
At the mill, all externally coated pipes are checked for coating
chemicals can be present are also examples of problematic soil
holidays by means of spark testing. The sparking voltage used
is dependent on the coating type. A few examples can be given:
The conductivity of the soil also influences the possibility for
- asphalt – bitumen : 4,5 kV per mm layer thickness
corrosion to occur.
- polyethylene
: 25 kV
The lower the electrical resistance, the higher is the corrosiveness
- epoxy paints
: 6 V per μm
of the soil. The soil resistance (soil resistivity) is expressed in
- poly isobutylene
: 45KV for 2mm layer thickness
Ohm.cm or Ohm.m. All damaged areas found during spark testing must be repaired In general, a rough indication of the corrosiveness of the soil
before the pipes are transported to the work site.
compared to the soil resistivity is given in table 1.
Soil resistivity (Ohm.cm)
< 2000
Very corrosive
2000 – 5000
Corrosive - very corrosive
5000 – 10.000
Moderate corrosive corrosive
> 10.000
not corrosive - moderate corrosive
Table 1: Relation between soil resistivity and corrosiveness of
During storage and transport (handling), damage of the external coating may occur. The maximum pile of the pipes during storage is important because too many layers of pipes may damage the external coating. Therefore the maximum number of pipes in a pile is a measure of the diameter of the pipe. Normally, this is mentioned in the internal standards of the company. For PE coated pipes, the following table could be used as a standard:
soils (rough indication) Soils with relative high soil resistivity can also be aggressive due to the presence of corrosive components (often salts).
Damage during storage and transportation
Damage during the application of the external coating at the mill To avoid direct contact between the steel pipe and the surrounding soil, the pipeline is protected by the application of an external coating. The pre treatment of the steel surface (pickling, grit blasting and the application of the primer) is very important to achieve
Diameter (mm)
Maximum pile
75 – 150
200 – 250
400 – 450
600 – 750
900 – 1200
Table 4: Relation between diameter and the advised maximum pile of PE coated pipes
a good quality coating. A bad pre treatment may result in poor adhesion of the coating on to the steel. When the pipeline is 57 57
In the same way, the maximum pile of pipes during transport
protection test posts: in most cases the coating defect is related
could be regulated.
to poor recoating after applying the cathodic protection cables.
During storage and transport of the coated pipes, the influence
Damage during backfilling
of ultra violet sunlight (UV) should be avoided.
Damage may occur to the external coating during the backfill of the pipeline ditch.
During handling of the pipes, the external coating can easily be
Stones and other sharp objects in the backfill soil may damage
damaged by the use of cables, chains and the like.
the external coating even before the pipeline is operational. The use of fine grained sand at the bottom of the ditch is
Damage in the field during pipeline construction
recommended. Another possibility is to sift the original sand and
In the construction phase, a lot of human activities are taking
use this sifted sand in the ditch.
place around the pipeline. Pipeline and damage to the external coating can easily occur. Employees walking over the pipes,
Damage in the operating phase
construction tools falling on the coating, pipe laying in the ditch
When pipelines go into operation, they are expected to operate
are all possible culprits.
without problems for many years. Damage to the external coating may occur during this phase to due to many different
Coating application at the circumferential welds
Because a circumferential weld is present every 12 or 16 m in a pipeline, proper application of the coating system at the weld is
Mechanical damages
very important.
Mechanical damages may occur in many ways:
The pre-treatment of the steel surface at the factory coated
- Sharp objects may be pushed through the external coating
area around the weld should be performed according to the
-F armers with deep ploughs may damage the external coating
recommendations of the weld coating system supplier.
-C onstruction activities near the pipeline (changes in the Right
Poorly coated areas may lead to damage of the coating in the
of Way, tapping, etc), may damage the external coating
near future. The overlaps of the coating on to itself (wrapping
-A t times the exact location of the pipeline is fixed by using
systems) and the overlap onto the factory coating can be
a steel pin driven into the soil and this pin may the external
troublesome areas. In case of poor application, this may lead to
disbondment in a short time. By spark testing of the weld area in the field, poor overlap at
Nt coNteN wrapping coating systems may not be detected!
Damage of the coating after the application of the cathodic protection cables
The removal of a small area of factory applied coating in
unavoidable when applying cathodic protection cables to the
steel surface. It is critical that this area is recoated in a proper
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 way. When performing a coating survey on a pipeline, many
indications of coating damage are detected around cathodic
58 58
Root ingrow into the external coating
becomes dissolved. Blistering occurs (influenced by the use of
the coating type, the adhesive properties of the primer and the
Asphalt bitumen is the only external coating which may suffer
cathodic protection) and then disbondment can take place on
resistance of the total system to disbondment.
from root ingrow.
a large scale.
In the space between the steel surface and the coating, water and other contaminants containing positive ions may
Roots from trees and deep rooting bushes can grow into and Cathodic Protection influence on coating quality
The application of cathodic protection also a negative influence
In the disbonded area sufficient current from the cathodic
Deterioration of the external coating
on the quality of the external coating:
protection system cannot be applied. As a consequence,
All types of external coating will suffer from deterioration. The
• Blistering
external corrosion is likely to occur. This process is referred to
process of deterioration however, is highly dependent on the
Applying too much cathodic protection current onto the pipe
as ‘Cathodic Shielding’ at the disbonded areas.
type of coating.
may lead to overprotection of the steel.
Asphalt bitumen coatings for example can deteriorate in a
This results in the production of hydrogen gas at the steel
period of 20-25 years. This process is accelerated in situations
where pipeline depths are at ground at water level.
With thin layer external coatings such as liquid epoxies and
through this coating onto the steel surface.
FBE, the production of hydrogen gas will result in blistering of The deterioration process often begins with the embrittlement
the coating and in time it will break down.
of the asphalt bitumen coating followed by the disbonding of
• Cathodic disbondment
the coating and the ingress of water in between the coating
Disbondment of the external coating may occur around a
and the steel. The primer of the factory applied external coating
coating defect. The extent of disbondment is dependent on
59 59
Rehab Planning Nt coNteN Process 2 2014 SEPTEMBER 60 60
Perform in line inspection
Perform close interval survey
Bellhole examination
Meet criteria?
Monitor annually
Wall loss? YES
Fails wall thickness requirements
YES Maintain operating pressure
YES Analyze options
Analyze options
Replace pipe
Repair pipe
Continuous CP Anodeflex
Verify results
Monitor annually
Economic evaluation
Field implementation
61 61
corrosion under insulation
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 62 62
Corrosion is the biggest enemy of metals. It occurs when metal reacts with oxygen and moisture under the influence of the temperature. If corrosion occurs under an insulation layer, it is difficult to detect and counteract. This â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;corrosion under insulationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (CUI) poses a serious threat to the stability of the metal. It becomes visible on the surface only once a critical stage has been reached. The insulation layer is not the cause of the corrosion. At most, it creates a space where oxygen and moisture can accumulate. In some cases the insulation layer intensifies the corrosion, for example when it is made of a material that absorbs a lot of moisture or when chlorides and acids leach out of the insulation layer. That gives rise to the question of how moisture gets under the insulation layer. Two causes can be identified. The first is when moisture seeps through small leakages in the watertight covering of the insulation layer. This gives rain, production water, steam or groundwater the chance to reach the metal surface. These leaks in most cases should have been prevented. They are often the result of poor design, poor fitting of the insulation, poor use of the material
or poor maintenance. Moisture under the insulation layer can also be caused by the forming of condensation. If the temperature of the metal surface is lower than the atmospheric dew point, condensation forms on the surface.
63 63
Sabkha Area Osmosis with 3 year old Epoxy
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 Disbonded mainline coating
64 64
The possibility of Moisture under the insulation must be taken into account early during the design phase so that the appropriate type of insulation can be chosen. The corrosion process can be intensified by dirt. Here too, cracks in the insulation layer can result in the penetration of moisture. Chloride, acid and salt also pose special threats to the metal. substances are sometimes This possibility mustThese be taken into account as early aseven during the present indesign the insulation layer If the insulation type layerofcomes into can be of an item so itself. that the appropriate insulation contact with moisture,corrosion these subjects can leach out and corrode chosen.The process can be intensified by dirt. Here too, the underlying dirt concentration increases if theof moisture. cracksmetal. in theThe insulation layer can result in the sharply penetration moisture Chloride, evaporates when rises. Temperature is also acid andthe salttemperature pose a special threat to the metal. These a factor that contributes corrosion.even Although evaporation reduces substances are to sometimes present in the insulation layer itself. the duration of insulation contact between the moisture and with the metal, the If the layer comes into contact the moisture, these higher temperature intensifies theand corrosion. in turn reduces subjects can leach out corrodeThat the underlying metal.the The dirt metal’s lifeconcentration span. There is a good chance corrosion occurring at when increases sharply of if the moisture evaporates temperatures between -4°C (25°F) and 175°C a contributes lower the temperature rises. Temperature is (350°F). a factor At that to temperature the metal is protected against corrosion by the cold, corrosion. Although evaporation reduces the duration of contact at higher between temperatures the heat and keeps metal There are few the moisture thethe metal, thedry. higher temperature objects with a temperature that remain constantly below above life span. intensifies the corrosion. That in turn reduces theormetal’s the criticalThere point.isThis is because operation, a good chance of of variable corrosion occurringtemperature at temperatures variationsbetween in parts of the(25°F) objectand or different temperatures of parts -4°C 175°C (350°F). At a lower temperature connected to the object. Corrosion under insulation can occur the metal is protected against corrosion by the cold, atunder higher all types of insulation, but insulation where: temperatures theespecially heat keeps the metal dry. There are few objects with a temperature that remains constantly below or above the • the insulation contains salt leaches out; operation, temperature critical point. This is that because of variable • the insulation easily absorbs moisture penetrates of parts variations in parts of the object or or moisture different temperatures throughconnected the top layer; to the object. CUI can occur under all types of insulation, • the insulation contains foam containing but especially insulation where: remnant chloride and acid, which with moisture. • thereact insulation contains salt that leaches out; • the insulation easily absorbs moisture or moisture penetrates Insulation which absorbs thelayer; least moisture and dries the quickest through the top
offers the•lowest chance of corrosion occurring. Bear in mindchloride that and the insulation contains foam containing remnant cheaper insulation is notreact necessarily the most economical choice acid, which with moisture. viewed over the entire life cycle.
Insulation which absorbs the least moisture and dries the quickest offers the lowest chance of corrosion occurring. Bear in mind that cheaper insulation is not necessarily the most economical choice viewed over the entire life cycle.
65 65
testing, in
Philosophy of Testing
Testing Definition â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Is merely the physical or chemical procedure (or set of procedures) to determine some specific product properties. Evaluation (or grading) of test results is a very important adjunct to testing. Interpretation and use of the
Nt coNteN data will conclude the testing process.
Test methods are constantly being developed in varying degrees of sophistication. The ASTM, the Federal Test
Methods, NACE, ISO, FDA, EPA, and other organizations are probably the leaders in the development of test methods to provide reproducible results within prescribed limits.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 68 68
Purpose of Testing
considered as a good one.
Service Life Prediction – Short term testing should provide information of the service
There is a tendency to develop new short-term test procedures
life of coatings for the wide range of environmental and
which could give better life prediction: reliability-based
operating conditions. However, outdoor long-term exposure
accelerated tests; tests to determine “times to failure” instead
tests and field tests have still remained traditional sources for
of “failure at given time” (survival theory).
obtaining estimates for service life prediction.
Specification Satisfaction Acceleration of degradation may be determined with various
– This is a very important objective of testing. A specification is
aging models (like Arrhenius Model). Knowledge of acceleration
nothing more than a purchase description which describes a
function along with cumulative probability distribution function
number of individual tests by which it is hoped that one can
of time to failure permits to predict coating service life.
predict the performance of the coatings in actual service. Unfortunately, some specs include unrealistic tests.
Comparison (Screening) –S creening is a comparative testing to select the best available coating for the given conditions. Coating
Failure Analysis – Failure analysis is successfully used to determine mode
manufacturers use this kind of testing to develop the
of failure, to correlate results of short-term and long-term
best formulations. Coating users employ this approach to
tests; to identify unknown coatings and their structure; to
distinguish differences between various coating system.
determine possible mechanism of protection and reasons
The need of this information is more easily understood
leading to failure.
when a coating selection must be made without the time
are then ranked. If a ranking is similar, the accelerated test is
or opportunity to accumulate actual field experience. Such
Economical Concept of Testing
occasions may be the design of a new plant, or process,
Extensive testing program needs a great deal of effort, time
etc. Screening will give information which coating will give
and money, extensive number of chemicals, panels prepared
satisfactory relative performance and, just as important, will
and tested. Testing is expensive! Typical program to classify
indicate which coatings are unsuitable. It is very important to
coating system for Nuclear Industry (LOCA, Radiation,
design correctly the assessment testing criteria for screening
Decontamination, etc.) costs around $10,000. Slip Test for
testing program.
faying surfaces costs a few thousand dollars.
Prediction versus Comparison
Also, testing is time consuming! We cannot wait for
-T here is a contradiction between accelerated tests used
performance information for years. That is how accelerated
in industry and tests which can predict service life. Current
testing idea arrived. What is our price for acceleration?
accelerated aging tests were developed using the concept
Sometimes, very poor correlation with real life, misinterpretation
of a “comparison” test as opposed to “predictability” tests.
and misleading. If testing procedure is selected incorrectly,
In comparison tests various coating systems are subjected
this will do more than waste time and money. This may lead to
to the same accelerated and outdoor test environments. The
release unsuitable products.
coating systems in both the accelerated and outdoor tests 69 69
Reproducibility Several typical questions arise as result of testing: 1. Do the two series of measurements actually differ? 2. Is the difference in mean value statistically significant? 3. What is reproducibility of data? 4. Does the mean value obtained for a sample differ significantly from that of the population from which it was drawn? The answer may be obtained by use of statistics in testing. Such statistical methods as an analysis of variance, standard error of the mean, correlation analysis, etc. are becoming the very important part of each testing program. It is not enough to report only average of your testing data. You will be asked what is deviation of your mean (standard deviation). Another very important tool of testing is an experimental design. Benefits of statistical experimental design: significant increase of testing information with significant decrease of testing efforts (number of panels, materials, etc.) Testing Strategy Selection of the Right Tests â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Since the number and types of tests which can be used is exceedingly broad and diverse, the importance of proper test
Nt coNteN selection cannot be overemphasized. The following
important factors to be considered in the selection of test procedures for protective coatings:
A. How valid is the test? Are conditions selected for
testing (humidity, temperature, pressure, etc.) similar to those used in the field? For example, if coating
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 systems will work in water, how valid may be dry adhesion test versus wet adhesion test?
70 70
B. How important is the test?
Each testing panel consists of different areas: plane, edges,
C. A ll parameters involved in the specific test should be defined
scribe. Each area exhibits various types of degradation. How do
(coating and substrate thickness, application method, cure,
you evaluate correctly; what is the contribution of each area in
the overall rating? What degradation factor is more important for the specific test and end-use outside application but not very
Standard Testing Package
important for underground pipe. Overall rating based on the
– t here is no “universal” coating as well as “universal” testing
weight factor is an acceptable way to solve this problem. Similar
method. The more realistic approach is to use set of testing
situation appears where we have to evaluate performance of
methods designed for each class of coatings and end
coatings exposed to test package. What is contribution of each
use. Examples of such sets are the various specifications.
specific test? The results of one specific test may weight more
Analysis of industry specifications and standards show that
heavily in the overall factor than another; under a different set of
many of them have some commonality by classifying those
conditions or use requirements, the relative importance of two
packages which are the keystones of any testing program.
different types of test could be different. And again, weighting
As usual, typical testing packages have been developed for
factor is a good solution for overall coating rating.
comparison testing. However, it is possible another design of testing packages based on the prediction theory. In this case,
Testing Data Retrieval
coating subjected to various tests consisted of various levels
– It is very important to represent the testing data obtained
of stresses. For example: salt fog test with various sodium
in a simple and easy-to-understand format that could be
chloride concentrations, and temperatures; humidity test at
successfully used by both, manufacturer and customer. SFL
various temperature and humidities.
Company developed the new Summary Report Format. Each report has compressed testing information covering
Grading and Interpretation of Testing Data
the most important performance characteristics. Next step
–G rading is an evaluation of coated panels exposed to different
in bringing our customers usable and accurate data that will
tests. There are many ASTM standard which describe the
help solve immediate problems concerning coatings selection
mode of coating degradation and the corresponding grading
is development of Product Performance Handbook., which is
procedures: rusting, blistering, chalking, cracking, erosion,
based on our summary reports.
etc. (refer to the failure chart in this manual). Some grading methods are quantitative (abrasion, gloss, Elcometer Adhesion, slip coefficient, water penetration, etc.); some qualitative
Testing Methods
(blistering, rusting, cracking, chalking). All of those may be
Accelerated Weathering
rated on the basis of 10-point scale (10 – no failure; 0 – total
– Accelerated Weathering testers are widely used in industry.
failure). Grading by terms: “perfect”, “good”, “poor” is still very
They employ a variety of light sources to simulate sunlight and
popular although it is very suggestive. ASTM standard, which
the damage caused by sunlight. Most of them have humidity,
gave definitions what is perfect, good, very good, poor, etc.,
temperature and wetness control. They are commonly used to
may be very helpful in an effort to bring various points of view
characterize chalking, change in gloss, and change in color for
to the same scale. But grading is the first step in evaluation.
coating systems.
Next step is an interpretation of results.
71 71
'What does peel adhesion really mean? Is a high peel value the measure of a good anticorrosion coating?'
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 72 72
Over time it has become the most popular accelerated
Typical representatives of accelerated weathering testers are:
H. Immersion NACE Standard TM-01-74, Procedure
aging test because coating failures usually occur in a short
B) – Partial Immersion (2/3 to 3/4 of the coated area) in
time. Failures appear as undercutting at the scribe, rusting,
the corrosive medium at specified temperature. Volume-
Weather-Ometer with a Carbon Arc as a source of radiation.
and blistering. Reproducibility depends upon the following
to-surface ratio shall be 15 ml of test solution per square
Typical cycle: 102 minutes of light followed by 18 minutes of
variables that must be carefully controlled: uniformity of
inch of coating sample. Solution volume – 450-500 ml. Test
light and water spray.
the spray throughout the cabinet; angle of the panels;
Duration: 6 months. Typical test for tank lining.
A. Carbon Arc Weather-Ometer (ASTM G23) – Atlas
atomization pressure; humidity; pH; purity of salt solution; B. Xenon Arc Weather-Ometer (ASTM G26) – Atlas
condensate collection rate.
I. Hot Water Immersion
Weather-Ometer with Xenon Arc source of radiation. Typical cycle: 102 minutes of light followed by 18 minutes of light
B. W ater Fog Cabinet (ASTM D1735) – Atomized water at
and water spray. C. QUV (Florescent Ultraviolet and Condensation Apparatus, ASTM G53) – The following cycle is used
100°F. This test simulates indoors, high humidity or steam-
– Immersion testing is conducted on coatings that will be
laden atmosphere. The conditions in cabinet are favorable
subjected to immersion in service (tank lining, rail cars,
for water permeation, softening and swelling of coating.
storage tanks, etc.) Sometimes coatings are exposed
Failure appears as blistering, rusting, undercutting.
to various cargoes and the cumulative effect of various chemicals may be very dramatic. Coating film will absorb
(until others required): 8 hours UV at 50°C / 4 hours condensation at 60°C. UVB-313 or UVA-340 lamps are
C. Sulfuric Acid Fog Cabinet – Atomized 10% sulfuric acid
commonly used.
various chemicals to a degree characteristic for each generic
solution at ambient temperature. Simulates a wet, indoor
type of coating. Coating performance will depend upon
sulfuric acid atmosphere.
absorption and desorption of cargoes. The penetration of solution may be determined gravimetrically with absorption/
D. Correlation To Outside Weathering – Correlation depends on capacity of artificial light sources to simulate
J. Absorption / Description Method in Immersion Testing
D. A erated Brine Cabinet (Similar to ASTM D870) – Panels
sunlight. The graph illustrates the spectral energy
are partially immersed in a 5% synthetic sea salt solution
distribution as a function of the wavelength produced by
which is continuously aerated at ambient temperature.
a number of artificial light sources and compares these
Coatings are examined for blistering and corrosion.
desorption curves from which the diffusion coefficient is calculated. Physical Tests
energy outputs to terrestrial sunlight. The closer the energy distribution to sunlight, the more reliable and accurate
E. H igh Humidity Cabinet (ASTM D2247) – In this test,
the results of the experiment (Xenon Arc). QUV-B Lamp
specimens are exposed to 100% relative humidity at a
(formerly FS-40) emits larger amounts of shorter wave
100°F so that condensation forms on the test specimens.
industry. Since it is thought that corrosion does not proceed
lengths and causes samples to fail in shorter periods of
Mode of failure: blistering, rusting, undercutting.
to any extent as long as the coating adheres firmly to the substrate changes in the adhesion should relate to durability.
time, and often correlates less well than Xenon Arc Weather-
Nt Ometer.
– Adhesion tests are the most practical and popular in coating
F. Hydrochloric Acid Fume Cabinet – Mild (12% HCL) or
Adhesion depends upon many variables: environmental
strong (28% HCL) solution of hydrochloric acid is placed
conditions, coating and substrate thickness and their ratio,
Accelerated Corrosion Tests
in the cabinet and allowed to vaporize. Simulate a wet
cleanness of surface, surface profile, etc. Adhesion strength
– This group of accelerated testers is weekly used to test
hydrochloric acid atmosphere. As with the salt fog cabinet,
usually decreases when coatings are in a humid or wet
panels are evaluated for blistering, rusting, and undercutting.
environment and recovers to some extent after the coatings
coatings for corrosion protection.
A. Salt Fog Cabinet (ASTM B117) – Atomized 5% sodium
chloride solution at 95°F. This test was originally designed to test the durability of coatings exposed to ocean spray.
are placed in a dry environment. The ability of coating to
G. Fresh Water Immersion (ASTM D870) – Panels are immersed in flowing tap water at ambient temperature.
maintain good adhesion properties under wet conditions is thought to be very important. There are several methods to evaluate adhesion. 73 73
Pull-Off or Tensile Method (ASTM D4541)
Impact Resistance (ASTM D2794)
water vapor passes through films of paint. The test specimen
– The most popular are the Elcometer and Pneumatic
– I s determined by a Gardner Impact Tester where a standard
(free film) is sealed to the open mouth of a cup or dish
Adhesion testers, where the adhesion strength is determined
weight is dropped on a test panel. A hemispherical steel
containing distilled water (Method A, wet cup method) or
by the force needed to remove the aluminum dolly glued to
indenter having a diameter of 0.5 inch is used. Impact
desiccant (Method B, dry cup method). The assembly is
the coating surface. Mode of failure is qualified in accordance
Resistance is reported as the number of inch-pounds
placed in a test chamber with a controlled atmosphere:
with the percent of adhesion and cohesive failures, and the
required to produce cracking or a delaminated diameter (at
Condition A, very low RH at 73°F; Condition B, 50% RH at
actual interfaces and layers involved.
specified impact load).
73°F; and Condition C, 90% RH at 100°F. The assembly is weighed at 24 hour intervals until successive readings reflect
Elcometer is fixed-aligning tester which measures tensile/
Flexibility (ASTM D522 or ASTM D1737)
a constant rate of moisture transfer through the film. The
shear adhesion; one error is introduced if the alignment is not
– I n the ASTM D522 the elongation of attached coatings is
weights are graphed against time which yields a line with a
normal to the surface. Pneumatic is self-aligning tester which
determined with conical mandrel apparatus. The panels are
slope equal to vapor loss for the test area in grams/day. From
measures pure tensile adhesion. Pneumatic tester is more
bent over a mandrel and the elongation is calculated from
this result several calculations can be made: Water Vapor
accurate and gives higher adhesion values.
the position (diameter) of the first visible cracking relative
Transmission (WVT); Permeability; Water Vapor Permeance
to the small end of the mandrel. In the ASTM D1737 the
Adhesion by Tape Test (ASTM D3359)
elongation is determined with cylindrical mandrel apparatus.
– Tape Tests are commonly used in the industry. They measure
The panels are bent over mandrels of various diameters. The
elongation is determined from the largest diameter mandrel
– The AC-Impedance technique is an electrochemical
peeling adhesion.
that produces visible cracking in coating. Method A – X-Cut Tape Test – is used for films with DFT equal or thicker than 5 mils. X-cut is made in the film to the substrate, pressure sensitive tape is applied over the cut and then removed, and adhesion is assessed qualitatively on the 0 (poor) to 5 (perfect) scale.
nondestructive method to evaluate corrosion rate and the protective properties of the coatings. This method hinges
Cathodic Disbondment (ASTM G8, ASTM G42, ASTM G95)
on the fact that electrochemical cell (coating-electrolyte-
– t his is an accelerated test for determining coating
model. By using AC-Impedance technique it is possible to
metallic substrate) can be represented by a purely electronic
performance when the system is under cathodic protection in
get information about corrosion rate beneath the coating and
an electrolyte (3% NaCL).
the penetration of water into the film. This information may be obtained without coating destruction. Electrochemical cell
Method B – Cross-Cut Tape Test – is used for films thinner The coating is artificially perforated before starting the test. The
consists of a working electrode (metallic substrate), platinum
electrical stress (voltage 1.5V) is produced by connecting the
auxiliary electrode and saturated calomel reference electrode.
test specimen to the negative terminal of a source of direct
Polarization resistance that is inversely proportional to
current and by connecting a platinum anode to the positive
corrosion rate and the capacitate associated with the water
terminal. Electrical instrumentation is provided for measuring
penetration were measured. Good correlation has been
Abrasion Resistance (ASTM D4060)
the current flowing in the cell. The electrical potential is also
found between AC-Impedance data and traditional tests (salt
– Is determined by the Taber Abrader Tester. Coated surface
measured. Test may be run at room or a constant elevated
fog, water fog).
than 5 mils. A lattice pattern with either 6 or 11 cuts in each direction is made in the film to the substrate, pressure sensitive tape is applied over the lattice and then removed, and adhesion is evaluated qualitative on a scale of zero to five.
Nt coNteN is abraded by rotating the panel under abrasive wheels.
temperature. Upon termination of test, the panels are evaluated
Abrasion resistance is calculated as loss in weight at a
for “zero” bond, reduced bond and total, using knife-adhesion
Internal Stresses
specified number of abrasion cycles, as loss in weight per
– Internal Stresses in coatings play a very important role in
cycle, or as number of cycles required to remove a unit
their performance. Stresses arise in coatings as a result of
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 amount of coating thickness. Typical Conditions: CS-17 Abrasive Wheel; 1000 gram load; 1000 cycles.
74 74
Water Vapor Permeability (ASTM D1653)
–T his method covers the determination of the rate at which
their shrinkage or expansion, cross-linking, differences in
thermal expansion between coating and substrate. It has
75 75
been shown that stresses depend upon temperature, humidity, water absorption, etc. If the internal stresses exceed the tensile strength of the film, cracks are formed. Also, stresses may reduce coating adhesion. Internal stresses may be determined quantitatively by two methods; strange gage method or cantilever method. Coatings are applied on one side of a flexible substrate. A coated panel will curve or bend due to forces exerted at the substrate-coating interface as a result of stress in the coating. The curvature (deflection) is measured under microscope (cantilever method) or by strain-gage. As elastic properties of substrate are known, the stress in coating can be calculated. It was shown that the coating adhesion varies inversely with the internal stresses. Both the internal stresses and adhesion for two-coat systems are dependent upon topcoat-to-primer DFT ratio. The high stress coating may be used in combination with properly selected low stress coating if applied at correct topcoat-to-primer DFT ratio. Internal stresses may be very dangerous and their knowledge can help to avoid some serious problems in coating performance. The stress profile of the coatings should be taken into consideration when selecting the components of coating system.
Cyclic Tests â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Although all weathering accelerated tests like WeatherOmeter or QUV have radiation and condensation cycles, light and darkness cycle, the tendency to use more sophisticated cycles for coatings testings with salt spray s
Nt coNteN a part of the cycle is becoming more popular. It is thought that cyclic tests may simulate the synergistic effects of
a wide variety of atmospheric and immersion corrosion conditions. Typical cycles: Alternate wetting and drying combined with solar radiation, periodic exposure to
chemicals, salt spray, alternate heating and quenching, freeze/thaw cycles, etc. Dynamic test conditions rather
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 than static are essential to best evaluate the performance of coatings. Recognition of this fundamental testing
76 76
principle has led to the development of the innovative
Audysis) which is used to measure weight changes as a
test methods: KTA Envirotest (immersion in liquid; vapor
function of temperature and time. TGA provides information
phase; heat and UV); Prohesion Test (salt spray/drying);
about coating thermal stability, composition, decomposition
DOT Specifications (WOM/Salt Fog). Most of these tests
are relatively new and not standardized. SSPC is planning to conduct laboratory and field studies to evaluate the
TMA (Thermal Mechanical Analysis) is sued to measure
advantages of cyclic corrosion testing as performance
expansion, stress-strain relationship.
predictor. DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis) measures mechanical Failure Analysis
properties under dynamic stress/strain load. This method
Purpose â&#x20AC;&#x201C; In order to improve coating systems it is
provides information about Tg, curing mechanism,
necessary to identify their failure. There are two reasons for
coefficient of thermal expansion, etc
failure: Natural failure expected as result of stresses during exposure under various conditions; failure as result of poor application (wrong DFT, contaminated surfaces, pinholes, porosity, etc.) In both cases the failure analysis may be very helpful. By using an advanced analytical equipment, it is possible to link changes in the coating microstructure to macrostructural performance changes; to identify components of coating; to identify surface contamination; to determine real thickness of various coatings, etc.
Thermal Analysis â&#x20AC;&#x201C;T hermal Analysis is a technique for characterizing materials by measuring and analyzing changes in their physical or chemical properties resulting from controlled and measured temperature changes. DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), is most widely used for coating evaluations to measure the temperature and heat flows associated with transitions in materials as a function of time and temperature. Such measurements provide quantitative and qualitative information about endothermic or exothermic processes. DCS gives information about glass transition temperatures (Tg), heat of polymerization, degree of cure, etc. Another popular thermal analysis is TGA (Thermogravimetric 77 77
Laboratory Coating Testing Equipment Test Name
Procedure / Work Instruction #
Test Equipment
(Automotive) Abrasion Resistance (Scrape Abrasion)
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA ISO 6722
(Automotive) Abrasion Resistance Sandpaper (Automotive) Accelerated Aging by Xenon Lamp or UV
Referenced Industry Standards
Atlas Electrical Devices' Weather-O-Meter, Atlas UV-Con
ASTM G155, ASTM G154, ESB-M3G58-A, ESB-M3G59-A, Delphi M5725
(Automotive) Adhesive Solubility
(Automotive) Bundling Performance, Env. Cycling
Environmental Chamber
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA, WSSM3G177B, SAE J2192
(Automotive) Bundling Performance, Heat Aging
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA SAE J2192
(Automotive) Bundling Performance, initial
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA
(Automotive) Bundling Performance, Material Compatibility
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA
(Automotive) Bundling Performance, Thermal Overload Thermal short-term ageing
Nt coNteN Oven
(Automotive) Clip Retention
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA BMW LV 312
(Automotive) Cold Flexibility
Environmental Chamber
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA, SAE J2192, WSSM3G177B
Beckman AC Dielectric Strength Tester Model # PA7-502/102
ASTM D149, ASTM D69, ASTM D618, ASTM D1000
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 (Automotive) Dielectric Strength
78 78
Test Name
Procedure / Work Instruction #
Test Equipment
(Automotive) Discoloration of Copper Rod
Referenced Industry Standards ASTM D69
(Automotive) Electrolytic Corrosion by the Wire Tensile Method
MTS- Constant Rate of Extension Machine NA (CRE)
(Automotive) Flammability
Shield/ Clamp/ Burner/Timer or combustion chamber
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA ISO 3795, SAE J369-89 ASTM D568, FORD ESBM3G177A, ISO 3795, FMVSS302, ASTM D1000
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA, SAE J2192, WSS-M99G172-A, ESBM3G177A, MSCH71-B (Type A), MSCH71-A (Type B)
Fog Test Chamber Haake Buchler Instrument Inc and Glossmeter
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA SAE J1756
Automotive) Fluid Resistance (Automotive) Fogging
((Automotive) Heat Aging
(Automotive) Heat Resistance
(Automotive) High Temp Adhesion to Steel
(Automotive) Indirect Measurement of Electrolytic Corrosion
(Automotive) Migration Staining
Electrodes / Electrolytic Corrosion Box, DC voltage supply, multimeter, voltmeter
ASTM D 1000, PSTC-52
FORD BU105-01
(Automotive) Moisture Permeability (Automotive) Mullen Burst
MS2929 LEXWI-0031
Model C Mullen Burst Tester
(Automotive) Noise Dampening
ASTM D774, ASTM D3786, ESBM3G32A Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA, BMW LV312-1
(Automotive) Odor Rating
(Automotive) Puncture Resistance
LEXWI-0077 and outsourced
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA SAE J1351-93 MTS-Constant Rate of Extension Machine (CRE), test support platform, specimen holder, probe
ASTM D1000, ASTM D4833, Ford ESBM3G177A, MSCH71-B (Type A), MSCH71-A (Type B) Delphi EST329G
(Automotive) Reflectivity Properties
Delphi EST458
(Automotive) Tape compatibility
MSCH71-B (Type A), MSCH71-A (Type B)
(Automotive) Thermal Effectiveness Thermal Insulation
Ford ES-AC3T-1A303-AA SAE J2192
(Automotive) Water fastness of dye
Nt (Automotive) Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR)
Cups, humidity cabinet, balance
ASTM E96, ASTM D3833, FLTM-BU-1-1, PSTC-34
(Automotive) Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR): MOCON Permatran 398
Application Testing: Box Sealing
Environmental Chamber
Balance / Muffle Furnace
ASTM D5630
Brookfield Viscometer Synchro-lectric Model RVT
ASTM D2556
Ash Content
2014 Brookfield Viscometer
79 79
Test Name
Procedure / Work Instruction #
Test Equipment
Referenced Industry Standards
Cantilever Bending Test
Stiffness Tester
ASTM D1388, ASTM D5732
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Crystallinity, Glass Transition Temperature
TA Instruments DSC 2910 with cooling system (RCS), -40 to +400 °C
Durometer Hardness
Shore Durometer Hardness Tester
ASTM D2240, ASTM D618
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Flow Properties as a function of shear rate, frequency, and temperature
FRANWI-0773, FRANWI-0777
TA Instruments AR 2000, TA Instruments ARES Rheometer RDA-III (2K STD), -100 to +300 °C
BYK Gardner haze-gard plus
ASTM Method D1003-92,ASTM Method D1044-90, Practice D618
Index of Refraction
Abbe refractometer (Bausch and Lomb)
ASTM D 542
Perkin-Elmer Spectrum Two
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI)
JD Oxygen Index Flammability Tester with calibrated oxygen and nitrogen test gauges and Test Chimney
ASTM D2863, Manual
Optical Microscopy (with digital image acquisition and hot stage)
FRANWI-0779, FRANWI-0782, FRANWI-0771
Microscopes of various manufacturers
Oxidative-Induction Time of Polyolefins by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
TA Instruments DSC 2910 with cooling system (RCS)
ASTM D3895
SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)
FRANWI-0778, FRANWI-0781
Amray Scanning Electron Microscope
Shear Adhesion, including Shear Adhesion Failure Temperature (SAFT)
Rack or jig to hold panels, SAFT Oven
PSTC 107, ASTM 3654, ASTM 4498
Taber Abrasion Test
Taber Abraser
ASTM D4060
Texture Analyzer
TA.XT2 Texture Analyzer (5kg capacity, ASTM D2979 0.1 g sensitivity) from Texture Technologies
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Thermal Stability, Filler Content
TA Instruments Thermogravimetric Analyzer 2950
Nt coNteN Volatile Content
TA Instruments Thermogravimetric Analyzer 2950
ASTM D2369
Volume and Surface Resistivity
High Voltage Supply (Keithly Model 240A), Electrometer (Keithly Model 610C)
ASTM D-257, ASTM D 374
Water PenetrationRate
Cups, balance
PSTC-35, FLTM-BU-1-2, ASTM D3816
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 80 80
81 81
For many years European countries have written National pipeline coating specifications e.g. Germany – DIN, France – AFNOR, UK – BSI etc. There have also been many company specifications, and in addition those produced by consultancies for specific projects. Over the last years there has been a definitive move to write European – CEN and ‘World’ - ISO standards. When the “Vienna Agreement” is applied this sometimes allows that the same document be used as a CEN and ISO standard, hence obviating the requirement for two similar documents. These CEN and ISO standards give every company, large or small, the opportunity to utilize modern pipeline coating standards. However, these CEN and ISO standards dictate minimum pipeline coating criteria, and can be lower in technical requirements than a corresponding company standard, and sometimes a National standard.
International standards and Nt coNteN specifications
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 82 82
83 83
ISO 34-1, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tear strength — Part 1: Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces ISO 37, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties ISO 62, Plastics — Determination of water absorption ISO 188, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests ISO 527-1, Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 1: General principles ISO 527-2, Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics ISO 527-3, Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets ISO 868, Plastics and ebonite — Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore hardness) ISO 1431-1, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Resistance to ozone cracking — Part 1: Static and dynamic strain testing
ISO 2178, Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates — Measurement of coating thickness — Magnetic method
ISO 4625-1, Binders for paints and varnishes — Determination of softening point — Part 1: Ring-and-ball method
ISO 2781, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of density
ISO 5893, Rubber and plastics test equipment — Tensile, flexural and compression types (constant rate of traverse) — Specification
ISO 2808, Paints and varnishes — Determination of film thickness ISO 2811-1, Paints and varnishes — Determination of density — Part 1: Pyknometer method ISO 3251, Paints, varnishes and plastics — Determination of non-volatile-matter content ISO 3303-1, Rubber or plastics coated fabrics – Determination of bursting strength – Part 1: Steel-ball method ISO 3417, Rubber — Measurement of vulcanization characteristics with the oscillating disc curemeter ISO 3801, Textiles — Woven fabrics — Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area ISO 4591, Plastics — Film and sheeting — Determination of average thickness of a sample, and average thickness and yield of a roll, by gravimetric techniques (gravimetric thickness)
ISO 7619-1, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of indentation hardness - Part 1: Durometer method (Shore hardness) ISO 8501-1, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings ISO 8501–3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections. ISO 8502-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 3: Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting (pressure-sensitive tape method)
ISO 8502-9, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 9: Field method for conductometric determination of watersoluble salts ISO 8503-1, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces ISO 8503-2, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 2: Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel — Comparator procedure ISO 8503-4, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 4: Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface profile — Stylus instrument procedure
Nt coNteN ISO 1523, Determination of flash point — Closed cup equilibrium method ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized — Determination of the effect of liquids
ISO 4593, Plastics — Film and sheeting — Determination of thickness by mechanical scanning ISO 4624, Paint and varnishes — Pull-off test for adhesion
ISO 8502-6, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 6: Extraction of soluble contaminants for analysis — The Bresle method
ISO 8503-5, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 5: Replica tape method for the determination of the surface profile
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 84 84
ISO 8504-2, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface preparation methods — Part 2: Abrasive blast-cleaning ISO 8504-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface preparation methods — Part 3: Hand- and power-tool cleaning ISO 10474:2013, Steel and steel products — Inspection documents ISO 11124 (all parts), Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives
ASTM D 92, Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup Tester
ASTM D 2084, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property — Vulcanization Using Oscillating Disk Cure Meter
ISO 11357-6, Plastics — Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) — Part 6: Determination of oxidation induction time (isothermal OIT) and oxidation induction temperature (dynamic OIT)
ASTM D 127, Standard Test Method for Drop Melting Point of Petroleum Wax, Including Petrolatum
ASTM D 4285, Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air
ISO 13623, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Pipeline transportation systems
ASTM D 149, Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Commercial Power Frequencies
Determination of temperature and enthalpy of melting and crystallization
ISO 21809, Petroleum and natural gas industries — External coatings for buried submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems — Part 1: Factory Applied Coatings
ASTM D 257, Standard Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials
ISO 11126 (all parts), Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Specifications for nonmetallic blast-cleaning abrasives
Part 2: Fusion-bonded epoxy coatings
ASTM D 695, Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics
Part 3: Fieldjoint Coatings (includes new chapter for ‘visco-elastic’coatings)
ASTM D 937, Standard Test Method for Cone Penetration of Petrolatum
ISO 11357-1, Plastics — Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) — Part 1: General principles
Part 11: Rehabilitation Coatings
ASTM D 938, Standard Test Method for Congealing Point of Petroleum Waxes, Including Petrolatum
ISO 11357-2, Plastics — Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) — Part 2: Determination of glass transition temperature and glass transition step height ISO 11357-3, Plastics — Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) — Part 3:
ISO 80000-1:2009, Quantities and units — Part 1: General EN 10204:2004, Metallic products - Types of inspection documents ASTM D 70 [1], Standard Test Method for Density of Semi-Solid Bituminous Materials (Pycnometer Method)
ASTM D 4541, Standard Test Method for Pull-off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers SSPC-SP1 [2], Surface preparation specification No.1 — Solvent cleaning SSPC CS 23.00, Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel AWS C2.25/C2.25M [3], Specification for Thermal Spray Feedstock Solid and Composite Wire and Ceramic Rods
ASTM D 1141, Standard Practice for the Preparation of Substitute Ocean Water ASTM D 1321, Standard Test Method for Needle Penetration of Petroleum Waxes
[1] American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Harbour Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA. [2] The Society for Protective Coatings, 40 24th Street, 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4656, USA. [3] America Welding Society, 550 N.W. Le Jeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126, USA.
85 85
“Good specification writing can be described in two words: good communication”
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 86 86
Definition of a Specification
Types of Specifications
coated. This section also details the surface preparation and
By definition, a “specification” is a detailed precise presentation
There are three types of specifications: restricted, closed and
coating system for each item.
of a plan; a statement of legal particulars (as of contract terms).
open. This section of the specification should state the materials
A specification is a legal document.
Restricted Specification
(i.e., abrasive, coating, etc.) that will be used in the Coating
In the filed of engineering and construction, a specification is
Permits a choice of suppliers, usually three to four, for the
project. The materials can be described in three different ways:
that document which describes a particular scope of area or
bidder. This type of specification allows for competition among
by supplier, by generic type or by performance testing criteria.
work on a particular project. It is a description of exactly “what”
the suppliers.
When materials are described by the supplier, the specification designates the supplier(s) name and product that is the
is to be done, “how” is it to be done, and by “whom” is it to be done. If any of these questions are not answered in the
Closed Specification
utilized in the Coating project. When a supplier(s) is unknown,
specifications, misunderstandings and/or misinterpretations
Does not allow for “or equals”. A closed specification is often
the specification will state the generic type of material. If the
will arise. The purpose of a specification is to let bidders know
used when there is a special application, i.e., high temperature
supplier or generic type is unknown, a performance or testing
what is expected to reach your desired goal.
resistant coatings, or when personal experience tells you which
requirement is detailed in the specification for the material type.
product is best. Part 3
From the legal standpoint of a professional engineer, a specification is an integral part of the design project. All State
Open Specification
Boards in this country recognize specifications with the same
The most vague of the three types of specifications. An open
Delivery, storage, mixing, surface preparation, masking,
importance and validity as a design drawing. As an example
specification allows anyone to bid the job using any coatings
application of coating, touch-up staging and scaffolding are all
of the legality of a specification, the following are excerpts of
and coating system. An open bid often results in the low bid
facets of “EXECUTION”.
various state statutes on professional registration:
obtaining the contract – the work and products are often of
“State of New Jersey”
poor quality. Open specifications are often used in publicly
For surface preparation, the specification should describe
funded work.
the type of surface preparation to be utilized and the degree of cleanliness required for the surface to be coated. Industry
“…or “Licensed Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor”, as the case may be. Plans, specifications, plats, and reports
Items Included In A specification
standards from ISO, NACE and SSPC are generally referenced
issued by persons authorized under this chapter shall be
Part 1
to eliminate discrepancies in interpretation of the specification.
sealed with said seal, during the life of the licensee’s certificate,
but it shall be unlawful for anyone to stamp or seal any
this section includes the description or scope of work,
Masking details should be specified if there are concerns about
documents with said seal after the certificate of the licensee
exceptions and completion of prior work, job conditions (such
overspray on nameplates, flange faces, valve stems, rotating,
named thereon has expired or has been revoked, unless the
as allowable weather), required submittals, safety requirements,
sliding or wearing surfaces of pumps, engines, motors, etc.
certificate shall have been renewed or reissued.”
product delivery, etc.
The application of material section of the specification refers to
“State of Idaho”
Part 2
the method of coating application. Airless spray, conventional
“…issuance of a certificate or registration by the board shall…
Products or Materials
spray, roller or brushing are common methods of application.
and responsibilities of a registered professional engineer…
In agreement with the “type” of specification, this section
Statements regarding the scheduling of application, minimum
seal and signature shall be placed on allspecifications, reports,
will describe generally or specifically the required coating
delays after blast preparation, drying and cure times, number
plats, drawings, plans, design information and calculations,
materials. Quite often, a Paint Schedule will organize and group
and thickness of coats, etc. are critical items of information for
whenever presented to a client or any public or governmental
together the surfaces to be coated. The Coating schedule is
the contractor and the inspector.
an extension of the scope of work and lists the items to be
87 87
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler
Nt coNteN - Albert Einstein -
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 88 88
The staging and scaffolding used for the Coating work should
this section of the specification to identify them and decide in
not be removed before the work has been accepted by the
advance how the work will be paid for.
inspector or owner. Part 8 Part 4
Every client would like to have the contractor guarantee his
the performance of work in a specification states the level
coating system “forever”. Nevertheless, a contractor will only
of quality, workmanship, performance, etc. expected in the
guarantee that which has been specified. If you choose to
implementation of the Coating project. Items of importance
issue an open “specification” you can expect FEW guarantees.
include, but are not limited to, protection of adjacent work, job
Remember: Quality contractors and quality coating systems
conditions, preparation, application and inspection.
will ensure your satisfaction and “guarantees” for many years.
Part 5
Steps to Writing Good Specifications
Special Requirements
1. D ecide what type of specification you intend to write – restricted, closed or open.
This section is reserved for the description of special conditions, performance requirements, and/or allowable deviations from general wording in the remainder of the
2. I dentify your scope of work and write yourself a checklist of the work items. It is best to jot down the specification-
related work items as the project design progresses. Don’t Part 6
go by memory – always refer to your project drawing, work
assignments, and bid package scope of work.
State your specific instructions and requirements for clean-up by the contractor. These conditions will vary depending on the
3. D ecide if your project has special needs and requirements
construction state of adjacent areas. Overspray may not be
such as acid-resistant coatings, high temperature
of concern in some construction areas: in other areas of “de-
applications, underground or submersion suitability, food
bottleneck” construction, overspray and paint spots may be
production compatibility, etc.
very objectionable. 4. S tart with a complete, unedited specification and check, Part 7
select, and condense the master until all inconsistencies,
multiple choices, and extraneous or non-related instructions
Touch-up Coating can fall into two categories. The first
have been removed.
Nt category would be touch-up work that was necessary through no fault of the Coating contractor. The second category of
5. W hen specific products are appropriate for your
touch-up may be required because the Coating contractor
specification, check with the vendor(s) for your particular
applied certain coatings in advance of the proposed schedule.
application, then identify the products by name, number,
If either of the above conditions may exist on your project, use
manufacturer’s address and telephone number.
89 89
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 90 90
The Coatings Inspectorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Role
The coatings inspector is responsible for verifying that the coating work performed by the supplier is in accordance with the specifications and supplier procedures when procedures are required. The inspector must not only be familiar with the specifications and procedures, but must have a working knowledge of the points of inspection and the various instruments that must be used to verify these points.
91 91
Developing the Inspection Plan The Inspection Plan is the detailed instructions to the inspector. It covers all activities to be performed by the inspector and must contain detailed instructions for complying with specification requirements.
Step 1 – Pre-Surface Preparation Inspection and Testing This step contains the instructions to the inspector as how
Step 3 – Inspection and Acceptance of the Prepared
to examine or test the surface to determine if it’s acceptable
and meets specification requirements for the work to be performed.
After the production foreman has assured himself the surface has been prepared per the Specification requirements, the
The Inspection Plan must contain instructions to the inspector
inspector immediately performs the specified test on the
for reported non-conforming, or unacceptable conditions, and
surface. The tests for a steel surface are normally:
obtaining corrective action. It is not sufficient for the inspector to report the condition and walk away. In addition to the
Degree of Surface Cleanliness
Inspection Plan, there must be pre-established mechanism
Per visual comparison to SSPC Standard, or other previously
for correcting defects and unacceptable items reported by
established standards, and the number of readings per 100
the inspector, the inspector cannot function alone. Also, the
square feet of prepared surface.
Inspection Plan must contain adequate instructions for reinspection and acceptance of the surface after correction of
Surface Profile
the defect.
During the surface preparation inspection step, judgement calls by the inspector are extremely important. For example,
Step 2 – Surface Preparation
there are no known accurate tests for profile measurements.
After acceptance of the surface for surface preparation, the
Most tests are comparisons to a known profiled plate or disc
inspector must be instructed how to assure the Specification
or Testex Press-O-Coating replica tape. The replica tape is
requirements are compiled with for the surface preparation
measured with a spring micrometer, is about the size of a
step. The criteria to be addressed prior to start of surface
small adhesion bandage and consists of an emulsion Coating
preparation are, in part, as follows:
of microscopic bubbles attached to a mylar Coating backing. Replica tape is available in course of profile measurements up
Nt coNteN a. Air supply to be free of oil and water
to 2.5 mils and X-coarse for measurements between 2.5 mils
b. Relative humidity
and 4.5 mils. Also, the degree of surface cleanliness is also
c. Dew point temperature
a comparison to a visual standard, plus a word description given by the standard.
Once the above listed conditions have been complied with and actual surface preparation begun, the Inspection plan
The Inspection Plan must instruct the inspector to make
must instruct the inspector as to the frequency to repeat the
judgement calls as near as possible, however, the person
above listed tests. The conditions must remain within the
responsible for qualification of the inspector must assure
specified list throughout the surface preparation process.
himself that the inspector has adequate, and proven
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 92 92
experience to make these calls. At this point, inadequate
In the Inspection Process, it is extremely important that
training and experience of the inspector can be extremely
defects that cannot be corrected by application of the
remaining coats be separated from those that can be corrected.
Step 4 – Approval of the Prepared Surface After the surface has been adequately inspected,
Compliance with Repair Procedures
nonconforming areas should be marked with grease free chalk
Repair Procedures (the previously established procedures for
and corrective action taken to correct the nonconforming
the correction of defects in the coating Coating) are part of the
surface which must then be re-inspected. Approval of the
production procedure, however, it is the responsibility of the
surface for coating application is best given in the form of a
inspector to assure that the Procedures are complied with.
written memo, or signed form, specifying the area approved.
Therefore, instructions must be included for both in-process inspection and repair inspection.
Step 5 – Testing During Application of Coating Materials During the coating process, the Inspection Plan should
Acceptance of the Completed Primer Coating
instruct the inspector to confirm the following as a minimum:
The Inspection Plan must adequately instruct the inspector
a. The coating material being applied is the proper material.
to determine with minimum delay that all Acceptance Criteria for the prime coat have been met, and the steps to be
b. T he material remains within the manufacturer’s recommended shelf life for liquid curing coatings
taken in final approval of the Coating. Again as with surface preparation, approval is best given by written memo or signed form.
c. T emperature of the coating material, and the pot life at that temperature.
Final Acceptance of the Coating System The Inspection Plan must contain the final Acceptance Criteria
d. Materials are properly thinned and strained if required
for the system, which includes: a. The cure time of the applied liquid curing coating system
e. Application equipment is as specified. f. A mbient and surface conditions are within limits prior to start of coating and remain within limits throughout the process. g. T he applied Coating shows proper flow without sags and runs, and in the proper wet Coating thickness range for
prior to testing. b. The dry Coating thickness range and the methods to be utilized to confirm the thickness. c. The appearance of the system and the standard for comparison.
liquid curing coatings d. All other criteria specific for the system. Step 6 – Test Cured Coating, First or Prime Coat The Inspection Plan should instruct the inspector in the details of the necessary inspection method and the degree or frequency of those tests to confirm the Acceptance Criteria for the prime coat. 93 93
Personnel and Personnel Qualifications
is made by production personnel that a certain requirements
Inspection of important protective coating and lining operation
cannot be met, the field inspector must be the eyes of the
Testing Procedures
is essential. Poor planning and poorly qualified personnel can
technical specialist or the person making the final decision.
Written Testing Procedures are essential for two reasons: 1. They establish a uniform process, but no testing equipment
create tremendous added cots, and are even responsible for poor quality in some extreme instances. For this reason, we
It is extremely difficult to be totally objective, non-biased, not
is totally accurate. Each instrument or tool has an accuracy
look closely at the personnel involved.
over-demanding or under-demanding. The inspector who
range and the readings must be interpreted. Therefore,
attempts to add his feeling or gain recognition for himself as
experience is essential.
Administrator – (Reviews Specifications, develops and
a “hard” inspector is as poor as the inspector who allows
administers the Inspection Program). This person is the key
everything to pass because he is afraid he will hurt someone’s
to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Inspection Program.
2. They assure uniform results when followed by various inspectors performing the same test.
Experience in the application and technical aspects of coatings and in the Inspection Process is essential. The administrator
The Inspection Process
The most practical and effective Inspection Plans limit the
must be able to visualize implementation of each steps of
The Inspection Process is simply carrying out the Inspection
use of instruments to only those essential for the test to be
the application and inspection processes as he studies the
Plan utilizing specific tests and test instruments to confirm the
performed. The instruments selected for testing should be the
Specification and formalizes the Inspection Program to comply
Acceptance Criteria for each phase of the work complied with.
most reliable and practical of those available.
with the Specification requirements.
If the Inspection Plan is adequately prepared, the Inspection Process becomes a rather routine procedure. Problems and
The key points of the inspection process are:
One well-qualified administrator can develop and administer
questions develop when a condition or circumstance is not
a. The adequacy and practical approach of the Inspection
Inspection Plans for several inspectors working under his
covered in the Inspection Plan.
direction. However, if the administrator is not adequately qualified by training and experience, both the Inspection
A third factor affecting the Inspection Process, in addition
Program developed and the inspection personnel attempting
to adequacy of the Inspection Plan and qualifications and
to follow the instructions of the program suffer. An extremely
experience of the inspector, is the working relationship of
important quality of the administrator is his ability to evaluate
all parties involved. To produce an environment for the best
claims by production that certain requirements cannot be
working relationship, the production personnel should be
complied with, or Acceptance Criteria cannot be obtained.
informed of the details of the Inspection Plan. The job foreman should have a copy of the plan and should always be aware
Field Inspector – Although following an Inspection Plan
of exactly what the inspector is to test for and what the
developed and administered by another, the field inspection
Acceptance Criteria are.
b. The ability of the inspector to administer the Inspection Plan and deal with personalities involved at the same time. c. The adequacy of the Testing Procedures and the inspector’s abilities to conduct the tests to obtain practical data. d. Stop Work Authority of the inspector. e. The availability of practical Repair Procedures for correction of each defect detected by the inspector.
plays an important role. Above all, the field inspector must have
Nt coNteN common sense and the ability to reason and interpret. The
No inspector is perfect, yet the inspector's decision must
Inspection Process, even when following the best developed
rule, otherwise, the essential “Inspector Authority” does not
Inspection Plan, is never cookbook work.
exist. The inspector must have what is known as Stop Work
f. Proper instruments with adequate calibration for performing testing work.
Authority. Stop Work Authority gives the inspector authority
The field inspector must be able to communicate as the
to stop work when conditions are found to be out of the
middleman between who controls the Inspection Plan and
established limits, or when quality falls below acceptable
the foreman or superintendent responsible for the work. He is
standards. If the inspector utilizes his Stop Work Authority
the judge between the person who states, “the work is to be
and is overruled by higher authority, the inspector records
done this way,” and the person who replies, “it is absolutely
all events, conditions and the name and title of the person
impossible to perform the work that way.” Often when a claim
overruling him.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 94 94
Inspection of important protective coating and lining operation is essential.
95 95
Coating Selection and Recommendations Selection of a coating or coating system is an important step in a corrosion prevention program. There are many questions that must be answered before a cost-effective recommendation
Nt coNteN can be made. The purpose of this section is not to select a
coating system, but to provide some of the questions that need answers and why?
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 96 96
under insulation or fireproofing, salt spray, to total immersion.
Before one can determine what coating system to recommend,
Temperature cycling and thermal shock can also play a
you must establish what goal or goals are to be achieved.
significant role in selecting a coating system.
Limiting Parameters Many times, there are factors that will limit options in selecting a cost effective coating system. Some of these limitations are:
There are generally four main reasons for application of a
• Is blast cleaning permitted?
coating system:
The selection of a coating system will vary depending on
• Application temperatures (Caribbean summer at 120°F or
the substrate and its condition. Is the substrate carbon steel,
Alberta, Canada where even summer evenings can drop to
• Protection of the capital investment
galvanized metal, stainless steel or other alloy, concrete, wood,
• Beautification / Aesthetics
an existing coating or other material?
• Product Purity
In new steel fabrication, where blast cleaning is allowed, there
topcoated with epoxy or urethane. Moisture cured urethane
• Environmental Protection
is a wide range of coatings that can be chosen and applied.
requires humidity to cure.)
The selection of coatings that can be used on galvanized
• Relative humidity (inorganic zinc requires 50% RH if it will be
• Can spray application be used? (Many high performance
Protection of the equipment is usually the first and most
surfaces, concrete or stainless steel is somewhat limited.
coating are designed to be spray applied. Special thinners
obvious goal. Sometimes a particular color and gloss is
When the new coating is to be applied when blast cleaning is
may be required for other methods of application)
required. In the case of tank linings or components in a food
not permitted, perhaps in a field application, the selection of a
processing plant, the need to provide a surface that will
surface tolerant coating is necessary.
• What are the local VOC regulations? (These regulations vary around the world) • Transportation after coating (What environment will the
maintain product purity is essential. Increasingly, containment areas must be designed to prevent hazardous spills from
Sometimes, the most difficult situation is when the coating
coated products be shipped through to the job site?
reaching the environment.
system must be applied over an existing coating. Now the
Shipping damage and the ease of repair)
condition of the existing coating must be investigated. Is there
• Recoatability (Shop priming and field top-coating raises the
One must also determine what is an acceptable service life
corrosion, pitting, undercutting, delamination, etc.? Does the
concern of re-coat times. This situation can even pertain
for maintenance or replacement. How does this affect coating
existing coating have satisfactory adhesion to the substrate?
to shop applications when top-coats are delayed due to
system selection?
Does it have sufficient adhesion to the substrate to support the
processing schedules)
stresses of the new coating system? Does the existing system • On an offshore platform in the North Atlantic, there may only be 10 days a year that are suitable for Coating maintenance. • Perhaps the life cycle of the facility is limited
• Are there any requirements for FDA, NSF, etc?
contain water? What is the existing system and what will be compatible over it?
Even if one gets all the right answers to the questions, often a
The success of any coating system is based on a well-
test patch is required. Many tests may be required to get the
investigated recommendation.
Nt Now that the goals have been established, we can begin to
Set goals or expectations.
identify the exposure, substrate, history, limiting conditions and
Know what the exposure is, in detail.
where the coating system will be applied.
If there was an existing coating system, what was it? How long
Determine the substrate and its condition.
has it been in service and was it satisfactory? If the original
Investigate case histories.
system worked, recommend it again if it is still available.
Identify the limiting parameters.
and environment the coating must resist. This can range
What systems have been successfully used by others?
Last but not least, stay current with the latest technology. It
from internal of a building, general weather, high humidity,
Join and participate in industry organizations. Read trade
changes ... and fast.
high temperature, chemical fumes, chemical splash and spill,
publications. They can provide great insight.
The next step in coating selection is to determine the exposure
97 97
In-Service Pipeline Rehabilitation
Liquid epoxies are applied withairless systems to a final nominalproduct thickness requirement of500 microns. Photos courtesy of the authors
Argentina has a large, high-pressure pipeline system that transports natural gasfrom production wells to its main cities. The primary trunk pipelines of thissystem are mainly 24 in., 30 in., and 36 in. in diameter; more than 30 years old,and coated with asphalt materials that have severely degraded over time. Importantly,there are no alternative lines to transport the gas, so these old pipelines cannot be takenout of service during rehabilitation. To minimize the impact of possible leaks and blowouts that would lead to supplyinterruptions, an aggressive rehabilitation plan using various techniques was developed. Different methods were used to identify the areas to be repairedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;in-line inspectionsusing smart pigs (ILI), external and internal corrosion defects direct assessments (ECDA,ICDA), bell hole inspections, and hydraulic tests, among others. Once the defects havebeen detected and repairs have been completed, it is necessary to
Nt coNteN develop a step-by-steprehabilitation plan to prevent the generation of
new corrosion defects and toimprove the installed cathodic protection
current distribution.This article describes the experience gathered between 1996 and 2003 by TGS (Trans-portadora de Gas del Sur S.A.) from the
rehabilitation of the Argentinean transportationpipelines using cold-applied
polyethylene tapes for recoating. The different elementsused in this analysis are described, including determination of the areas to be repaired,type
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 of materials to be used, application performance, operating conditions, excavationsize, and practical test methods. 98 98
Background on Rehabilitation Programs
pipeline has to be analyzed to verify if, at the actual corrosion
1992, when Argentina’s natural gas transportation and
levelsof the pipes, an effective repair method can be used. At
distribution networks wereprivatized, it became necessary
least two situations can befound. In the first, the rehabilitation
to develop an effective program to evaluate systemsand
process requires replacement of short sections ofthe pipeline.
techniques for upgrading eachnetwork. TGS used high-
In the second situation, rather than replacing a large number
resolutionintelligent pigs to inspect over6,000 km of its primary
of short sec-tions, whole sections are replaced to limit overall
trunk trans-portation network (lines with diam-eters of 24 in.,
shutdown costs. Therefore, within therehabilitation tasks,
30 in. and 36 in.).Simultaneously, an aggressive reha-bilitation
pipeline replacement must be considered before analyzing any
plan was implemented tominimize the possibility of cata-
re-coating operation. Although there are basic costs structures
strophic failures in the primary gastransportation pipelines.
associated with newpipeline construction, installation costs
This planconsisted of replacing 356 km ofpipelines, installing
are generally increased up to 100% by replacingshort sections
935 pipe rein-forcements, recoating 300 km ofpipelines, and
(1,000 to 2,000 m). Therefore, the location of the short sections
upgrading cathodicprotection systems by installing135 new
and thecorresponding tie-ins must be analyzed thoroughly to
minimize the associated costs,even if the decision of replacing an undamagedpipe section has yet to be made.
The stages of defining the optimum coating scheme for the pipeline rehabilitation andthe operational and safety restrictions
Performance of the Cathodic Protection System: Once the
for excavation of the lines included the follow-ing.
pipe sections have been replaced, thedistribution of the
• Determining the areas to be recoated
cathodic protection currentsmust be analyzed to avoid over
• Determining the safe rehabilitation operating pressure
protecting thenew coating. The current may need to be re-
• Analyzing the operating conditions of the areas to be repaired
duced in new sections but increased in the oldsections.
• Determining the coating type to be used
This situation leads to a separate, de-tailed evaluation of the
• Evaluating the application costs
damaged pipe sectionslocated between two new sections. To
• Conducting final tests
properlyrehabilitate them, it is necessary to install insu-lating joints and to balance the cathodic protec-tion current input
Developing the Rehabilitation Plan Determining the Areas To Be Recoated
The first issue a gas pipeline operator must address when rehabilitating a pipeline iswhether to recoat or replace pipe. TGS used the following factors to make this determi-nation. •Remaining expected lifetime of the pipeline•Performance of the cathodic protection system•New construction and recoating costs•Operational costs related to replacement vs. recoating/repair•Climate conditions and restrictions associated with each taskRemaining Lifetime of the Pipeline:When a rehabilitation project is evaluated, the over-all integrity of the
Operational Cost vs Coating Type Pressure Reduction 5% 99 99
New Construction and Recoating Costs:
to be recoated while taking into account companyassets
Once theinitial evaluation has been done, a technical and
process are avail-able, including the following.
economic evaluation of the alternatives—recoating vs. pipe
• In-line inspection with smart pigs (ILI)
replacement—must be car-ried out. To define the costs
• Cathodic Protection Data Manager (CPDM)
related to the pipe replacement, the following topics should
• Corrosion rates analysis
• Risk analysis
preservation, worker safety, and environmental care.Presently, many important methods to support the decision making
• Cost of the new pipe • Cost of laying the new pipeline
It is necessary to combine the results of several of these
•O perational costs related to the gastransportation shutdown
methods to optimize the ef-fectiveness of the assessment.
during the tie-in operations •E nvironmental impact, caused by the natural gas venting process, on thenearby pop-ulation, vegetation, and wildlife
The quality of the pipeline coating is visually verified
This task is done by using a common database that runsunder a GIS platform.With the support of this analysis, it is possible to identify thecritical areas that have a high concentration
•C ustomer impact
of external corrosiondefects (the main reason for pipeline
In our case, the evaluation of the cost of materials and
failures in Argentina). It isalso possible to identify areas for high
labor had already defined theconvenience of performing the
demand of cathodic pro-tection current (linked to low quality
rehabilitation process because the costs of purchasingand
and severely damaged coat-ings) and also to consider highly
laying a new pipeline are three times higher than such
populated areas and areas witha high environmental impact
and sensitivity.
Operational Costs Related to Replacement vs. Recoating/Repair:
Determining the Secure Rehabilitation Operating PressureBecause the operating restrictions do not allow the lines to betaken out of service,determining the secure
From the point of view ofthe operation of the gas transportation
operating pressurevalues becomes necessary to perform
system, the analysis is much more complex be-cause the
rehabilitation. To reach suchan objective, a remaining defects
operational costs increase both as a function of the pressure
analysis is done on the pipelineto determine the failure
reduction rateand the number of days involved in completing
pressure. Generally, these defects havefailure pressures over
the different tasks. There is a limit atwhich it becomes more
the maximum operating pressures (MAOP)because the limiting
convenient to replace the pipeline rather than recoat it.As
factors on the operating pressure are repairedimmediately.
will be shown later in this article, when considering cases
Nevertheless, it may be necessary to reduce the pressure
like the natural gas trans-portation network in Argentina, it
in accordance with theassociated risks for this type of task.
is very important to keep the flow reduction to theminimum
Consequently, many different internal procedureshave been
and to achieve the shortest possible rehabilitation times.
established in different companies to set different reduced
One of the challenges to consider during the design stage
values for therehabilitation operating pressures, according to
of a rehabilitation plan isto clearly identify the priority areas
International Standards.
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 100 100
The thickness, adhesion, and electrical continuity of the coating is electrically verified.
101 101
Analyzing the Operating Conditions of the Areas To Be
Use of the DCVG test, which accurately determines the
position and dimension of a coating failure.
Given the pipeline operational limitations discussed above, once the area to be rehabil-itated is determined, the operational possibilities for the programmed tasks must beanalyzed. For such analysis, the following factors must be considered. • Proximity to the compression stations • Existence of parallel sections (pipeline loops) • Proximity of customers’ lines • Proximity of producers’ lines Generally, the areas to be repaired are associated with the discharge side of the com-pressing stations because the higher operating temperatures increase the degradationprocess of the asphalt coatings. In some cases, it is necessary to take the compressionstation itself out of service to reduce the pressure, which has a very negative impact inthe transportation flow. It is possible to minimize this impact if pipeline loops are avail-able at the compression station discharge.To minimize these situations, certain periods of the year, known in the industry as“operating windows,” are selected. In these periods, the demand goes down for climaticreasons or because big consumers, such as thermo electrical plants, are temporarily outof service.Because of the important growth in natural gas demand in Argentina in recent years,it has become more difficult to find these kind of “windows,” making it even morecritical to reduce the duration of the rehabilitation time.The complex situation described above is exacerbated by the way the rehabilitationtasks have to be performed. Because the line is working under a
Nt coNteN reduced pressure (gen-erally 5% of the operating value), the
size of the excavation trenches must be reducedaccordingly to preserve the pipeline from additional stress. The working
methodologythat has been analyzed and implemented is based
on the executionof 25-meter-long trenches, leaving 20 meters of the terrain withoutexecution in the between. This methodology
requires moving theequipment in two directions: the first stage in
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 thedirection of flow,and afterwards, when the job is completed, in the opposite direction,digging the areas that had been used 102
as the pipeline’s support in thefirst stage.Given this problematic
from dust and insects, should be added to thislist. It must also
working system, it is essential to minimizethe execution time
be kept in mind that in the Patagonia Region, winds of about
and to select a coating system that optimizes theapplication
100 km/hare very common, making it very difficult to achieve
time.Determining the Coating Type To Be UsedA wide range of
a quality recoating standard, evenwhen wind-breaks are used.
coating materials is available on the market, but onlya few of
Under optimal ambient conditions on 30 in.-diameter pipe,
these have the characteristics necessary to achieve thedesired
production speeds ofabout 200 linear meters per day can be
application speed and the required quality level.The weather
achieved, with an average production rate ofabout 150 meters
must be factored into the working conditions.In Argentina,
per day. During application, other problems may appear from
all kinds of soils and weather conditions can be found,from
time to time, such as obstructionof the spray gun tips, which
semi-desert conditions with strong winds in Patagonia (south-
lead to additional delays in the job’s completion.
ern region), to high humidity and low depth phreatic layers in meetthe overall requirements included the following types.
Cold-Applied Plastic Laminated Tapes:
• Liquid epoxies
The coating scheme consists ofan inner corrosion protection
• Liquid polyurethanes
tape (6 in.- to 9 in.-wide rolls, 0.63 mmin thickness), spiral wrap
•C old-applied plastic laminated tapes
applied with enough tension, and a mini-mum 1 in. overlap
thePampas (central region). A short list of possible coatings that
over its corresponding primer.Over the inner tape, an external
Liquid Epoxies and Polyurethanes Coatings:
mechanical protection tape (6 in.-to 9 in.-wide rolls, 0.63 mm
Liquid epoxies (Fig. 1) and polyurethanes areapplied with airless
mechanical tape should start with its mid-widthplaced over the
systems to a final nominal product thickness requirement of
corrosion protection tape overlap. To achieve athicker outer
500microns.For our particular rehabilitation tasks, the following
wrap for rocky back fill areas, the overlap can beincreased to
series of restrictions were ana-lyzed for the application process.
50%.When temperatures are low, the tape rolls may need to
• Average relative ambient humidity (RH) over 85%
be warmedto improve application and to increase the process
• Average ambient temperature of 10 C, or below
speed.Before applying the tapes, the weld beads are protected
• Pipeline temperature of 3 degrees C over dew point
with a dif-ferent manually applied tape (4 in. wide x 25 m long x
•P ipeline temperature above 10 CIf there are interruptions to
0.75 mm thick).In those areas presenting generalized corrosion
in thickness) is also spiral wrap appliedwith enough tension, again with a minimum 1 in. overlap. The be-ginning wrap of this
the recoating process, the sand- or grit-blasted pipes couldbe
or deep pitting, amastic adhesive is also applied to regularize
coated following the guidelines below.
the steel surface.Patching and repairs can also be done using
• If RH is over 80%, within 2 hours
a manually appliedtape (rolls 9 in. wide x 25 m long x 0.75 mm
• If RH is between 70 and 80%, within 3 hours
• If RH is equal or below 70%, within 4 hours If, after blast cleaning, the pipe has not been recoated within these periods, then itmust be re-blasted to meet surface preparation standards.Other restrictions, like contamination 103
Evaluation of the Application Costs
will have to fulfill the corresponding TGStechnical specification
Currently, the advantages or disadvantages of using cold-
we define the voltage values used for the holiday detectiontests
applied tapes for recoatingoperations are under discussion. This
performed on the different applied coatings.Once a selection has
discussion is based mainly on previous experi-ences with old
been rehabilitated, the quality of the coating application is veri-fied
pipelines coated with this type of material, where several cracks
using a DCVG (direct current voltage gradient). Using this method,
werecaused by stress corrosion (SCC). In Argentina, it was found
it is possible todetermine if any coating coverage failures or other
that the detected SCC phe-nomenon is not linked to cold-applied
hidden defects affecting the integrityof the applied coating are
tapes coated pipelines but rather to asphalt coat-ings. In general,
verified. These coating coverage problems include too littleoverlap
this phenomenon is linked to the overlap area. Below, we have
when applying the tape; metal/steel parts exposed to the soil;
detailed thetests performed to the applied system to verify the
and coating break-down during the back filling operations due to
quality of the final coating.Using tape coating, it is possible to
stones, tree branches, or any other sim-ilar penetrating elements).
execute a daily average of about 300 meters perday on a 30 in.-
The DCVG test (Fig. 5) enables us to accurately determine the
diameter pipeline, which leads to very important improvements
position and dimensionof any coating failure, thus allowing
from anoperational point of view. Considering a pressure reduction
immediate patching or repair of the damaged areas.
for each span or section of the isolated pipeline so that it conforms to the rehabilitation inspection plan.In the following chart,
of 5% of the operation pressure and a daily averageof 150 meters per day for liquid coatings, Fig. 2 shows the costs of the transportationflow reductions, for each type of recoating material. As an alternative solution, resources could be doubled to reduce the duration of therehabilitation task. In the case of rehabilitating a 30-inch-diameter, 30-kilometer-long pipeline using a liq-uid epoxy coating that requires a pressure reduction of 20% due to the concentration offailures, the cost to achieve the same economical performance as the tape coating wouldbe USD 16.02 per inch x linear meter, which is higher than a new pipeline cost of USD14.00 per inch x linear meter.Comparing both graphs, we can deduce that the additional cost to achieve the sameduration of the job practically duplicates the value of the rehabilitation operation.
Conclusions • I n cases where both application rates of at least 200 meters per day and operationpressure reductions under 15% are possible, in-service pipeline rehabilitation is morecost effective than pipe replacement.•For single-line natural gas transportation systems, the operational costs related to pressure reductions play the most significant role when the rehabilitation tasks areplanned. •T he productivity of the coating application plays a critical role in selecting the mosteffective type of coating; otherwise, recoating costs could compare negatively to pipereplacement costs. •T he ambient conditions in the rehabilitation areas are critical
Nt coNteN Final Tests/Verification of the Applied Coating
The quality of the coating is visually (Fig. 3) and electrically verified (Fig. 4). The thick-ness, adhesion, and dielectrical continuity
(holiday detection) are checked, together withall the necessary
parameters to be con-sidered in the coating selection process.
•L ong-term rehabilitation plans that prove to be more cost effective than pipe re-placement should be continuously
generated to maximize the product flow and main-tain maximum operating pressure of the transportation system at all times.
Editor’s Note: This article is based on a presentation given at the 16thPipeline ProtectionConference, Cyprus 2005,
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 tests, to confirm that the coating has been effectively applied
and hasoptimum quality.If an electric isolation test is required, it
104 104
and is published in the proceedings. It is re-published here withpermission of the organizers, the BHR Group.
About the Authors Osvaldo Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Albuquerque, a coatings, corrosion, and cathodic protection specialist, is theregional manager for the Latin America Covalence Adhesives Corrosion ProtectionGroup, as well as a Junior Scientist at the R&D Centre Armed Forces-Argentina. He beganhis career with Raychem Corp. in 1981, where he held various positions, including op-erations manager and logistics manager. A NACE member, he received a degree in in-dustrial engineering from the University of Buenos Aires.
Sergio Rio is a natural gas pipeline integrity specialist with the Pipeline Integrity Department of Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A., Argentina. A NACE and ASME member,he has been working in the pipeline industry since 1985. He received a degree in mechanicalengineering from La Plata University.
105 105
Coatings and Cathodic Disbondment The True Story Erik Broesder, stopaq B.v., the Netherlands, provides an evaluation of coating ageing tests in relation to cathodic disbondment results for underground pipelines.
Abstract: Damage to pipe coating is almost unavoidable during
coatings” often reveal disbondment to a certain extent. Contrary
testing followed by peel-testing. Results obtained with cathodic
transportation and construction and damage or holidays in pipe
to this, Properly formulated visco-elastic polymer coating
disbondment testing do not make much sense if over time the
coatings may expose the pipe to possible corrosion. Cathodic
systems do not show any disbondment at all, due to the unique
coating spontaneously disbonds because of the coating’s ageing
protection systems are installed to act as a back-up for coating
self-healing effect of small defects.
processes. Stopaq visco-elastic coating systems have proved not to
imperfections. However, cathodic protection systems interact
Nt coNteN with the coating by chemical and physical phenomena, which
Testing for cathodic disbondment is always done on newly
be vulnerable to ageing in Hot Water Immersion tests; values
can lead to cathodic disbondment of the coating. Corrosion
applied coatings and are only tested for a short period of time,
obtained with peel testing after Hot Water Immersion at Tmax +
may occur underneath the disbonded coating, which is a risk for
e.g. 30 days. Lifetime expectancy of pipelines however are much
20°C for 100 days were similar to values obtained with non-aged
pipeline owners.
longer, typically 30 years or more. During its operating lifetime a
test specimens and the self-healing effect - a typical property of
coating will age and lose essential properties such as adhesive
Stopaq coating systems – still completed within the expected
strength. This can be simulated by Hot Water Immersion
period of time.
Testing for cathodic disbondment of all types of “conventional
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 106 106
Introduction Oil and gas transport pipelines are mostly constructed of carbon steel, which mainly consists of iron. This is by far the favourite material for these kind of pipelines, because it has many advantages over other types of materials. However, carbon steel is vulnerable to several types corrosion, caused by all kind of influences from the environment and the product being transported. 107 107
Research at Stopaqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s R&D centre continuously leads to new products and applications.
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 108 108
Steel pipelines - Prevention of corrosion
Breaks or holidays in pipe coatings may expose the pipe
Testing of cathodic disbondment
The most common type of iron corrosion is atmospheric
to possible corrosion, since after a pipe has been installed
For testing of resistance to cathodic disbondment, a few dozen
corrosion. This is an electrochemical process in which a few
underground, the surrounding earth will be more or less
different standards are available, see e.g. NACE paper no. 07022
dozens of chemical reactions have been identified (1). In these
moisture-bearing and it constitutes an effective electrolyte, which
. They are published by several institutes all over the world, e.g.
reactions two other molecules are involved: water and oxygen.
will allow the transportation of ions. This is where the cathodic
ASTM (2), (4), (5), (6), CEN (Europe) (7), CSA (8), ISO (9), (10),
protection systems comes into action; it acts like a back-up for
and many others. Furthermore, several standards are modified
coating imperfections.
by oil and gas companies for specific applications.
To prevent corrosion, different types of measures can be taken. The two most used measures are:
Selecting an appropriate standard depends on a lot of variables.
1) Coating of the steel substrate and
Interaction of coatings and CP
They mainly differ in applied potential, temperature, electrolyte
2) Cathodic protection (with underground pipelines); these are
The CP-current causes several chemical reactions to occur at
used, dimension of the artificial damage, test duration, and - of
often used in combination with each other. But how does this
the bare steel. These chemical reactions can affect the properties
course – specific circumstances in the field. Besides that, many
all work?
of the coating surrounding the coating defect. The major
of the standards available are used to compare coatings mutually
chemical reaction is:
but do not state requirements on maximum allowed cathodic
The function of the coating is to prevent corrosion. This can only be achieved by preventing water and oxygen from reaching
disbondment. Contrary to this, ISO 21809-3 and EN 12068 2 H2O + 2 e -
2 OH- + H2(g)
the steel substrate. When these molecules are not present,
list requirements for several types of coatings. Furthermore, selecting an appropriate standard implies considerations about
corrosion of iron cannot happen. To achieve this the coatings
This chemical reaction causes interaction with the coating:
several aspects, e.g. :
should be impermeable for water and oxygen. Special attention
1) Formation of hydrogen gas bubbles near or under the edge of
− most of the standards have a test duration varying between
should also be given to the application of the coating. Improper application may leave parts of the steel surface uncovered and
the coating causing lifting of the coating, and 2) Formation of hydroxyl-ions causing leaching of the coating
when water and oxygen can reach the steel, e.g. through voids
and/or adhesive of the coating, thereby changing properties of
in the coating, corrosion will occur.
the coating that are essential for proper adhesion to steel.
Cathodic protection is a method in which the potential of
28 and 90 days. However, life expectancy of most pipelines in operation is longer than that; 30 years is rather short, examples of 50 years or even 70 years are known. − ASTM-G8 quote: “the test methods are intended for use with samples of coated pipe taken from commercial production.”
a system is forced towards less corrosive values, thereby
Over time this will lead to disbondment of the coating to a certain
Laboratory tests should thus be done on pipes as used at
reducing or preventing the electrochemical corrosion reactions
extent, which is called cathodic disbondment. The disbonded
construction site and not on laboratory samples like flat panels
from occurring. This is often accomplished by applying current
coating will act as an electrically insulating shield on top of
of steel…
from an external electrical power source (impressed current) or
the steel underneath and this part of the steel surface is not
sometimes by using a sacrificial anode.
protected by the CP-current because the current cannot reach
holidays may not result in corrosion.” What are we testing for
the steel; this is called cathodic shielding. Soils and electrolytes
then... Corrosion is a risk, disbondment is not…
Nt Coating defects and CP
can enter the void between the disbonded coating and the steel
Damage to pipe coating is almost unavoidable during
and may cause corrosion underneath the disbonded coating.
transportation and construction (2) due to the often heavy loads
− ASTM-G8 quote: “all dielectric type coatings now in common use will disbond to some degree.” Choosing an alternative coating may not solve the problem then. However, Stopaq is
involved, machinery and equipment used, and - sometimes
Corrosion is a risk for pipeline owners; they like to minimize risks
- bad handling and installation practices in the field. Some of
and, if any, like to have the risks “in control”. Therefore it is of
the coating defects encountered are poor surface cleaning,
major importance that they know to what extent a coating is
inclusions in the coating, poor application, mechanical damages,
resistant to cathodic disbondment.
− ASTM-G8 quote: “Apparently loosened coating and cathodic
damages caused by soil loading, and loss of adhesion over time (3).
109 109
Tests are carried out according to the selected test method, which prescribes 1) the scope, 2) significance and use, 3) apparatus used, 4) type of reagents, 5) materials used, 6) test specimen including dimensions and preparation, 7) the test method and 8) reporting. The aqueous chlorine molecules will diffuse towards the cathode, where another In all tests an artificial damage is made in the coating all the
chemical reaction will occur:
way to the bare steel; the dimension of this defect depends on
2 OH- + Cl2(aq)
ClO-+ Cl- + H2O
the standard used. The bare steel in the damage is brought into contact with the electrolyte, either by immersing the test
Chlorine and hypochlorite-ions are known for their oxidative properties towards
specimen into the electrolyte or by attaching a cell containing
various kinds of organic materials. Most coating materials contain a significant
the electrolyte over the damaged spot. An inert counter
percentage of organic materials and contact with these oxidizing agents may
electrode (anode) and a reference electrode are also immersed
lead to deterioration and loss of essential properties of the coating, thereby
in the electrolyte. The test specimen and the counter
worsening the results of cathodic disbondment testing. In real practice, the
electrode are connected to an adjustable power supply. The
anode of a cathodic protection system is placed far away from the object to be
power supply is switched on and adjusted until the potential
protected, often at least a few hundreds of meters. It is therefore very unlikely
measured between the reference electrode and the test
that the generated chlorine molecules will diffuse towards damaged spots on
specimen reaches the required value. Adjusting of the applied
the pipe; deterioration of the coating by chlorine/hypochlorite is also unlikely to
potential must be done frequently and the current must be
happen in real practice. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that results obtained
recorded also. Note that ISO 21809-3 recommends the use
with test methods using chloride salt solutions differ from situations with cathodic
of a potentiostat, such equipment being capable of controlling
disbondment in practice.
the applied voltage continuously and recording the current at
The test is terminated after the prescribed period of time. The test specimen
specified intervals.
is then disconnected and disbondment of the coating is visually inspected by
Immediately after switching on the power supply, chemical
making radial cuts in the coating surrounding the damaged spot, followed by
reactions will occur. At the damaged spot of the test
gentle lifting of the coating. The area of disbondment is measured and recorded.
Nt coNteN specimen, the same reaction takes place as in cathodic protection:
2 H2O + 2 e-
Requirements for maximum allowed disbondment as stated in e.g. ISO 21809-3
2 OH- + H2(g)
At the anode two counter reactions will occur:
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 2 H2O + 2 Cl110 110
4 e- + 4 H+ + O2(g)
2 e- + Cl2(aq)
varies per type of coating, e.g. hot applied bituminous tapes and petrolatum tapes ≤ 20 mm, polymeric tapes ≤ 15 mm, PE-backed heat shrinkable coating without primer (type 2A-1) ≤ 10 mm, , liquid epoxy ≤ 8 mm, liquid polyurethanes ≤ 8 mm, and elastomeric coatings ≤ 7 mm. 6. Stopaq Coating Systems Stopaq coating systems consist of at least two layers with different functions. The first layer is a corrosion preventing material that is applied directly onto the bare steel of the object to be coated, e.g. Stopaq Wrappingband (various types). The second layer is a flexible mechanical protective material applied on top of Stopaq Wrappingband, e.g. Stopaq High Impact Shield or Stopaq Outerwrap (various types). This material is applied with tension, thereby generating some pressure on the layer of Stopaq Wrappingband. Stopaq Wrappingband is based on pure polyisobutene, which has properties that are beneficial in coating applications: − Polyisobutene (and the Wrappingband compound made thereof) is a liquid with high viscosity and glass transition temperature of -67°C, giving it cold-flow properties, beneficial for 100% coverage of bare steel surfaces. − Very low permeability for water and oxygen; beneficial for preventing corrosion reactions of iron. − No reactive chemical groups; resulting in excellent chemical resistance and supreme resistance to ageing and weathering. − Adhesion by van der Waals-forces; resulting in excellent adhesion to various types of substrates like steel, PE, PP, FBE and others. Due to this, surface preparation is less critical than with all types of other coatings.
111 111
also. Inspection after termination of the test shows cathodic
− PE tape with pressure sensitive adhesive (unknown type) tested
disbondment is 0 mm or - actually - a negative figure since the
@ 60°C: after 60 days 80% of adhesion / peel force was left
compound has covered the area of the initial defect also.
and after 120 days only 40% of adhesion / peel force was left.
Therefore, Stopaq coating systems distinguish in a positive way from “conventional coatings”. The result of cathodic disbondment
A test specimen coated with a Stopaq coating system
testing is 0 mm, caused by occurrence of self-healing effect.
comprising Wrappingband CZH and Outerwrap PVC was also
subjected to Hot Water Immersion testing. It was aged for 100
Ageing of coatings
days @ 90°C (=Tmax + 20°C) and subsequently adhesion / peel
All coatings are vulnerable to ageing, caused by a variety of
force was tested. The obtained value was the same as found
influences such as thermal stress (fluctuations in operational
with non-aged samples: 100%! Furthermore, occurrence of self-
temperatures), mechanical stress (vibrations), exposure to
healing was tested also after Hot Water Immersion 100 days @
ambient conditions (wet / dry cycles, freeze / thaw cycles). The
90°C. This was completed within the expected period of time for
effects caused are changes in compositions and loss of essential
this coating system.
properties. Conclusion: coating ageing related to cathodic Standards are available for evaluation of coating properties after
ageing (9). A method that is often used is adhesion testing after
Coatings are subjected to Cathodic Disbondment tests to
Hot Water Immersion. A test specimen is placed in water for a
evaluate the risks for pipeline owners. These tests are often
determined period of time at an elevated temperature, often at
conducted with new applied coatings and the duration of such
or above maximum service temperature of the coating. After
tests is far less than the life expectancy of a pipeline. All coatings
this ageing period the adhesion is tested using an appropriate
are vulnerable to ageing and Hot Water Immersion testing is a
way to simulate the behavior of coatings over time. However, results obtained with cathodic disbondment testing do not make
Results in cathodic disbondment testing of Stopaq coating
It is a well-known fact that with testing of several types of coating,
much sense if over time the coating spontaneously disbonds by
systems as described above differ significantly from “conventional
adhesion properties will have deteriorated significantly after Hot
ageing processes.
coatings”. In execution of the test, an artificial defect is made
Water Immersion testing (11). Below are some examples of peel
in the coating system. Due to the liquid nature of the Stopaq
test values, compared to initial values of non-aged samples
Stopaq coating systems comprising Wrappingband and a flexible
Wrappingband compound and the compressing action of the
mechanical protective layer distinguish in a positive way from
flexible mechanical protective layer on top of it, self-healing of the
− FBE coating (unknown type) tested @ 95°C: after 60 days only
conventional types of coating. Cathodic disbondment of such
Nt coNteN defect will occur. The liquid-like compound of Wrappingband is
40% of adhesion / peel force was left and after 120 days only
coating systems is 0 mm, caused by the self-healing effect. After
pushed towards the defect, thereby sealing the opening within
29% of adhesion / peel force was left.
Hot Water Immersion test of 100 days at 90°C the adhesion
a short period of time. Completion of the self-healing effect
− 3 layer Heat Shrinkable Sleeve (unknown type) tested @ 80°C:
depends on temperature; at a temperature of 20°C self-healing of
after 60 days adhesion / peel force had increased to 124% was
a coating system comprising Wrappingband CZH and Outerwrap
left, but after 120 days only 56% of adhesion / peel force was
PVC takes less than a day, but at 70°C it is completed within an
hour. After completion, the current consumed in the cathodic
− 2LPE pipeline coating (unknown type) tested @ 60°C: after 60
properties are not influenced and the self-healing effect is still present.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 disbondment test will drop to zero, the chemical reactions
days the coating had fallen off (0% left) and same result was
will stop and the cathodic disbondment process is ceased
found after 120 days.
112 112
Literature 1. Roberge, Pierre R. Corrosion Basics - An Introduction (2nd ed.). Houston, Texas, USA : NACE International, 2006. 2. ASTM G8 - 96. Standard Test Methods for Cathodic Disbondment of Pipeline Coatings. West Conshohocken, PA, USA : ASTM International, 2003. 3. Argent, Dr. Colin, et al., et al. Macaw's Pipeline defects. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Yellow Pencil Marketing Co. Ltd., 2003. ISBN 0-9544295-0-8. 4. ASTM G42 - 96. Standard Test Method for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings Subjected to Elevated Temperatures. West Conshohocken, PA, USA : 2003. 5. ASTM G80 - 07. Standard Test Method for Specific Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings. West
How a novel idea from Holland wraps the coating world permanently (above and below the water line)
Conshohocken, PA, USA : ASTM International, 2007. 6. ASTM G95 - 07. Standard Test Method for Cathodic Disbondment Test of Pipeline Coatings (Attached Cell Method). West Conshohocken, PA, USA : 2007. 7. CEN - European Committee for Standardization. EN 12068. Cathodic protection - External organic coatings for the protection of buried or immersed steel pipelines used in conjunction with cathodic protection - Tapes and shrinkable materials. Brussels, Belgium : 1998. 8. CSA - Canadian Standards Association. CSA 245.20 06. External fusion bond epoxy coating for steel pipe / External polyethylene coating for pipe. Mississauga, ON, Canada : 2006. 9. ISO 21809-3. Petroleum and natural gas industries -
Nt External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 3: Field joint coatings. Geneva, Switzerland : 2008.
10. ISO 15711. Paints and varnishes - Determination of
resistance to cathodic disbonding of coatings exposed to sea water. Geneva, Switzerland : 2005.
11. Totte, D. Hot water immersion â&#x20AC;&#x201C; predicting long term
2014 coating performance. Vienna pipeline coatings conference 2010. [Presentation]. 2010.
Combating corrosion in india Seal For Life Industries, part of Berry Plastics Corporation
history which brings confidence to the Owner to select and
USA, is a Global company in the oil, gas and water markets
use the product to protect critical sections of their buried
for providing state of art products and solutions for combating
corrosion on on-shore and off-shore pipelines. Seal For Life Industries own the following well known brands ANODEFLEX–
Seal For Life Industries been present in India for last 30 years
Polymeric long line impressed current flexible anode systems,
and has built a reputation of reliable partner for supplying,
STOPAQ – Self healing visco-elastic pipeline coating system,
upgrading and developing new products / solutions for
POLYKEN – cold applied tape coating systems, COVALENCE
combating soil side corrosion on critical segments of buried
– heat shrinkable coating systems and POWERCRETE –
on-shore, off-shore pipelines, above ground storage tanks,
liquid epoxy coating systems. Over the years, these products
LPG mounded bullets, buried vessels and plant piping in
have been used on global pipelines in the harshest climates
petrochemical plant and refineries. Seal For Life Industries
/ terrains and have set standards for the Industry. Each
products have been used on many projects in India which are
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 Brand has a unique position in the Industry and has a strong
114 114
unique and one its kind in the world.
The various brands of Seal For Life Industries in use for various applications in India are as follows:
Introduced in early 1980’s
Girth Weld Joint Coating systems:
- Three layer radiation cross-linked radiation linked heat shrinkable girth weld field joint coating systems for Three layer Polyethylene, Polypropylene and Dual layer fusion bonded coated on-shore pipelines:
HTLP-80, HTLP-PP, DIRAX (for HDD) - Two layer radiation cross-linked radiation linked heat shrinkable girth weld field joint coating systems for Coal tar enamel, Three layer polyethylene, Polypropylene Concrete weight coated off-shore pipelines` with PU infill:
WPC65M, WPC100M, PPS120 Long radius bends coating systems: HTLP80 Sealing systems for cased crossings:
Wrap around fiber glass reinforced heat shrinkable casing end seals to accommodate a range of casing pipes for a particular carrier pipe:
CSEM-F Main Line Polyethylene and Polypropylene coating repair systems:
High performance heat activated permanent repair system for all type of damages during extrusion in the coating plant and transportation and laying:
PERP80 Patch system and PE melt sticks, PERP-PP Patch system and PP melt sticks
Introduced in mid 1990’s
Long line Impressed current flexible anode systems:
Conductive polymer & MMO long line anodes with pre-packed coke breeze for protecting external surfaces of above ground storage tanks, LPG mounded bullets and plant piping.
Anodeflex-1500 & Anodelex-3000
Introduced in late 1990’s
Cold applied primer based butyl rubber with polyethylene backing pipe coating systems:
In-situ rehabilitation coating systems and coating of plant piping / fire water piping for new infrastructure. The coating system is primer activated cold applied three layer butyl rubber based inner anti corrosion tape followed by two layer butyl rubber adhesive polyethylene tape.
Spray & brush applied novolac based high build liquid epoxy coating systems:
Nt Introduced in early 2000’s
External liquid epoxy based high performance coating systems for coating of irregular shaped buried infrastructure – valves, fittings, tees in compressor stations & terminals, coating of skin effect tubing for skin effect heated and insulated high temperature crude & high viscosity product pipelines including insulated station piping, bends and field joints.
R-95 & R150
Cold applied non-crosslinked,non-crystalline visco-elastic polymer based pipe coating systems::
State of the art new-generation coating systems for transmission pipelines, CNG city gas distribution pipelines, plant piping, field joints, rehabilitation of buried on-shore / off-shore pipelines, coating of irregular shaped buried infrastructure – valves, tees, flanges, casing filling compounds and sealing of chime area of tank bottoms
Stopaq-CZH and associated systems 115 115
massive growth pipeline network India
India Energy Overview: India has a geographical area of 3.29 million square kilometers and has a population of 1200 million. To meet the energy demand of this huge population, a large network of natural gas, crude, product, LPG pipelines have been laid in the last 35 years. The share of natural gas in the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primary energy mix is approximately 8 to10%. This share is quite low as compared to the global average of 24%, primarily due to the supply-side constraints. Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s consumption of natural gas was around 50 billion cubic meter in 2013, which accounts for approximately only 2% of the world natural gas market. However to maintain future growth, Government of India has identified - Natural Gas as one the major fuel in the energy basket and hence the natural gas pipeline network is set to expand tremendously in the coming years. Further, Government of India to control pollution level in the country has embarked on an ambitious plan of operating public transport on CNG (compressed natural gas) and bringing to highly populated cities piped natural gas for domestic sector cooking and heating / cooling applications and hence coming years are also going to witness an explosive growth of pipe steel / plastic network in cities.
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 116 116
Overview of growth in transmission pipeline network in the last 10 years in India has been as follows:
Length in Kms. Type of Pipeline
Crude (Onshore)
Crude (Offshore)
Gas (Onshore)
Gas (Offshore)
Product (On shore)
Grand Total
Comparison of overall & per-capita Oil & Gas consumption of India versus other emerging economies BRIC Countries in FY 2012 are as follows:
BRIC Countries
Natural Gas
Per-capita Oil & Gas Consumption (Kg oil equivalent)
Nt China
The above table shows that India is way behind the other BRIC countries in per-capita consumption of oil and gas and as India progresses in economic development, consumption of oil & gas will increase rapidly resulting in a massive growth of the pipeline network in India including trans-national on-shore / off-shore gas pipelines from various countries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Turkmenistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Oman etc
117 117
Seal For Life Industries India
Covalence Field Joint Coating Systems: The long journey of Seal For Life Industries in India started in 1980’s when India embarked on building a gas pipeline grid for transmission of gas coming from Off-shore Bombay High. Construction of 1750 Km long 18”~36” diameter HBJ pipeline by a Consortium of International and Indian contractors led by Spie-Capag, France, Toyo Engineering and Nippon Kokko Japan commenced in 1986 and was commissioned in 1990. This pipeline starts from Hazira in Gujarat to Bijapur in Madhya Pardesh. and Jagdishpur in Uttar Pardesh. It carries 18 million cubic metres of gas everyday to three power houses at Kawas (Gujarat), Anta (Rajasthan) and Auraiya (Uttar Pardesh.) and to six fertilizer plants at Bijapur, Sawai Madhopur,Jagdishpur, Shahjahanpur, Aonla and Babrala. Each of the fertilizer plants produces 1,350 tonnes of ammonia per day. The construction of this pipeline was a unique engineering feat and was completed at an estimated cost of over 560 million US$. The pipeline passes through 343.7 km long rocky area, 56.3 km long forest area, besides crossing 29 railway crossings and 75 big and small rivers. The HBJ pipeline is three layer polyethylene coated and all the girth field joints are coated with Covalence WPC80 for normal buried joints and DIRAX for HDD joints. More than 160,000 girth weld joints were coated during the construction period between 1986 and 1989. The pipeline has been operational for about 24 years and various intelligent pigging, cathodic protection, bell hole and stress corrosion cracking surveys have confirmed that pipeline is in good health and is expected to be in service for the next 35 years without any major rehabilitation of the pipeline or the external coating.
Nt coNteN However to maintain future growth, Government of India has identified - Natural Gas as one the major fuel in the energy
basket and hence the natural gas pipeline network is set to
expand tremendously in the coming years. Further, Government of India to control pollution level in the country has embarked on an ambitious plan of operating public transport on CNG
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 (compressed natural gas) and bringing to highly populated cities piped natural gas for domestic sector cooking and heating /
118 118
cooling applications and hence coming years are also going to
- Epoxy layer provides excellent cathodic disbondment
witness an explosive growth of pipe steel / plastic network in
resistance to the joint coating system.
cities. - Co-polymer hot melt adhesive provides a strong adhesive and The excellent on-construction and performance of Covalence
shear high resistance bond to the epoxy / main line coating
heat shrink sleeves and the technical field services provided
to resist soil stresses and pipeline thermal movements during
during construction for ensuring correct installation laid a strong
operational life.
foundation for Seal For Life Industries- India. - Radiation crosslinked polyethylene backing provides excellent After the successful commissioning of the HBJ pipeline, the next
mechanical résistance against impact loads and indentation.
big onshore pipeline project was the 22”~16”/10.75” 1443 Kms
Further the polyethylene backing is fully UV stabilized and
long Kandla Bhatinda product pipeline of Indian Oil Corporation
this is a very important requirement in India as the pipeline
Ltd. The pipeline was designed by Bechtel, USA and constructed
welded sections are sometimes exposed to UV radiations
by Consortium of International and Indian Contractors lead
for considerable time > 6 months prior to backfilling. The
by Skodaexport of Czechoslovakia. The pipeline construction
UV stabilized backing ensures that there is no degradation
started in 1993 and was commissioned in 1996 at a cost of 370
to the joint coating system properties during such long term
million US$. All the girth weld field joints – approximately 130,000
numbers were protected by Covalence three layer heat shrinkable field joint coating system – HTLP60.
- HTLP joint coating system in combination with the epoxy layer provides excellent resistance to oxygen and moisture vapor
HTLP60 or 80 field joint system is a three layer field joint coating
transmission and match the functional performance of the main
system comprising of 150~200µ thick solvent free 100% solids
line coatings thereby providing a corrosion free steel surface at
epoxy first layer brush applied to abrasive blasted girth weld
the critical girth weld joint area.
joint at low-preheats:70~80 C which then chemically bonds to 0
the copolymer hot melt coated wraparound radiation cross-
After HBJ and Kandla Bhatinda, many pipelines projects have
linked heat shrinkable sleeves to provide a strong reliable field
been executed in the last twenty years which has increased the
joint coating system compatible to various type of main pipeline
transmission pipeline network by more than 20,000 Kms of pipe
coatings used in India – coal tar enamel, three layer polyethylene,
diameter ranging from 10.75’ to 48” and practically on every
single and double layer fusion bond epoxy. The main advantages
pipeline project, Covalance HTLP field joint coating systems
of the HTLP field joint coating systems are:
have been used. In the last 20 years, more than two million field
joint systems have been installed and many pipe verification digs
- Suitable for field joint coating of 3LPE / CTE / FBE or DFBE
have proven the field performance of the joint coating system
coated pipelines with design / operating temperatures upto
in protecting the critical pipeline infrastructure of various Oil and
85 C
Gas Companies of India – Indian Oil Ltd, Gail India Ltd, Reliance
Ltd, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Bharat Petroleum
- Due to low pre-heat installation temperature, costly induction
Corporation Ltd, Oil India Ltd, ONGC Ltd, Carin India Ltd etc.
generators and coils are not required. Pre-heating is done using Propane / LPG gas torches.
119 119
Anodeflex 1500 is a strong copperwire cable, excellent for HDD
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 120 120
Some of the significant projects in India including the longest
Natural Gas Pipelines
LPG pipeline in the World – GAIL Jamnagar Loni pipeline –
S. NO.
Dahej – Vijaipur Pipeline Phase – I
612 Km
Dahej – Vijaipur Pipeline Phase – II
610 Km
Vijaipur – Dadri Pipeline
48”/ 36”/ 20”
594 Km
Long line polymeric anodes – Anodeflex 1500 were introduced
Dabol – Bangalore Pipeline
36”/ 30”/ 24”/ 18”
1414 Km
in India in 1994 for protecting tank bottom plates for crude oil
East – West Pipeline
1460 Km
storage tanks from soil side corrosion. Prior to introduction of
Dahej – Uran Pipeline Project
504 Km
Anand – Rajkot Gas Pipeline
230 Km
Halol – Dahod Pipeline Project
103 Km
Mundra – Morbi Pipeline
18”/ 12”
140 Km
various tank inspections, corrosion under the tank plates were
Mundra – Delhi Pipeline
1054 Km
detected. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, after a rigorous analysis of
Mumbai – Manmad – Mangliya – Bijwasan Pipeline
18”/ 16”/ 14”
1389 Km
various configurations of anode systems- deep ground beds,
Barauni – Kanpur Pipeline
20”/ 12”
745 Km
discrete single angle drilled anodes, long line anodes installed
Chennai – Trichy – Madurai Pipeline
14”/ 12”/ 10”
683 Km
under the tank bottoms selected the configuration of long
Chennai – Bangalore Pipeline
14”/ 12.75”
290 Km
line anodes under the tank bottom to ensure uniform current
Mumbai – Pune – Solapur Pipeline
508 Km
distribution and polarization of the tank bottom between (-)0.85V t
Vizag – Vijayawada – Secunderabad Pipeline
18”/ 16”/ 14”
572 Km
(-)1.2V “OFF” with respect to Cu/CuSo4 reference electrodes.
Kochi – Coimbatore – Karur Pipeline
293 Km
The long line anodes selected was Anodeflex-1500. The
Mangalore – Hassan – Bangalore Pipeline
24”/ 20”
362 Km
Mundra Delhi Pipeline
1054 Km
Vadinar Bina Pipeline
737 Km
1 Jamnagar Loni Pipeline (Longest LPG Pipeline in the World)
1270 Km
The unique design of Anodeflex-1500 offers the following
Vadinar Bina Pipeline
600 Km
advantages over other similar anode systems:
Panipat Jalandhar
270 Km
16”/14”/12.75”- 1270 kms long where Covalence HTLP joint coating systems have been used are:
Anodeflex-1500, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, one of India’s largest refining company and operating large crude oil and product storage tanks of diameters ranging from 30 meters to 80 meters
Product Pipelines
were not cathodically protecting the tank bottoms and during
Crude Pipelines
Anodeflex 1500 is a long line flexible, cable-like anode, which is placed in continious close proximity to the structure. Key to the anode’s performance is the central, conductive polymer coated copper conductor packed with high perfermonce coke breeze
LPG Pipelines
and contained in the acid resistant fabric.
Nt - Negligible longitudnal voltage drops.
- Limited current output per unit length.
-L ong ciruit lengths hence no splices / joints under the tank bottom plate.
-C oke breeze increases the surface area and reduces the contact resistance to soil thereby reducing the overall circuit reststance
and preventing excessive voltages to be applied to the anode.
The Anodeflex 1500 designs for tank bottoms are validated thru
various Clients in India – Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Hindustan
computer algortihms to enure the selected depth and spacing
Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Cairn India Ltd etc.
of the anode strings will provide uniform current dstribution to
Anodeflex based impressed current cathodic protection systems
prevent under / over protection of the tank bottom plates.
are also being used are for protection of LPG Mounded Bullets
In the last 20 years for more than 100 tanks of various diameters
used for bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Mounded
ranging from 30 to 80 meters, impressed current cathodic
storage is generally safer than other methods of storing the
protection system using Anodeflex-1500 have been installed for
highly inflammable LPG. Mounded LPG Bullets are large, buried, 121 121
horizontal cylindrical steel tanks with dished ends of size ranging between 3.5 to 8.5 diameter and lengths of 35 to 90 meters or more. Mounded bullets allow storage of large quantities of LPG, up to 2,000 MT. The separation distance between the vessels is approximately 2 meters. The close proximity of the vessels is a challenge for distributing cathodic protection currents. Anodeflex provides a unique solution for providing cathodic protection of these vessels as the anode strings are laid in close proximity to the vessels running parallel to the surface of the vessels along the circumferential periphery of each vessel separated by a distance of one meter.
Powercrete for HDD is often copied, never equalled
In the last 15 years more than 100 LPG mounded facilities having 2 to 6 vessels in each mound have been cathodically protected using Anodeflex all over India for various Clients like Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, GAIL India Ltd and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. The buried plant piping in the new refineries and petrochemical plants in India are now being protected by impressed current cathodic protection systems to prevent external corrosion. Designing of cathodic protection system for such applications is a challenge due to varying diameters of pipelines – 4” to 96”, number of pipelines in the common corridor, foreign structures in the close vicinity – earthing networks, foundation bolts etc.which drain cathodic protection currents. The earlier cathodic protection designs were based on combination of deep ground beds and close distributed discrete anodes installed close to the pipelines being protected. These designs required a complex distribution of anode junction boxes with resistors, sub distribution anode
Nt coNteN junction boxes, large quantity of anode cables connecting each anode to the junction boxes. Earlier installations of plant piping
cathodic protection were based on these designs, however the complexity of controlling the cathodic protection current and
maintaining the system to ensure that the plant piping was not
under / over protected resulted in the Owners and Consultants looking for alternatives and the most versatile system for plant
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 piping cathodic protection: long line flexible anode system-
Anodeflex was selected. This system offers all the advantages
122 122
of a close continuous anode bed cathodic protection system
with a skin effect heat management system (SEHMS). This
design for complex piping in the plants and hence reduces
innovative system prevents the crude oil from turning into wax
considerably the protective current required to protect the buried
by ensuring that temperature inside the pipeline always remains
plant piping and also reduces the various equipments required in
higher than the wax appearance temperature (WAT) of 149°F.
the cathodic protection system – anode junction boxes, anode
The pipeline has an FBE anti-corrosion coating for the carrier pipe
cables, transformer units making the cathodic protection system
and Powercrete R-150 for the skin effect heat tubing followed
cost effective, efficient, easy to operate and maintain and most
by 75mm high density polyurethane foam and 4mm thick outer
importantly to maintain the pipe to soil protection level as per the
HDPE extruded jacket. A heat tube of diameter 1” is welded to
required CP design criteria’s.
the 24” diameter carrier pipe thru which a high temperature high voltage withstand electrical conductor has been installed. AC
The longest heated pipeline in the world
Power at about 1300V and 50 Hz frequency is applied between the electrical conductor and the heat tube and due to skin and proximity effect, the electrical current is pulled to the inner face of the heat tube thereby increasing the temperature of the heat tube due to resistance heating to 1050C which in turns heats
In India, Anodeflex is now increasingly being used for protecting
the carrier pipe by conduction and convection. As this pipeline is
the buried piping in refineries and petrochemical plants. More
insulated and buried for a distance of 600Kms – Cairn India Ltd
than 100 kms of Anodeflex has been used for this application and
and their Consultants – JP Kenny were very particular in selecting
some of the key projects are:
the coatings for the insulated pipeline to prevent any corrosion
- Gail India Ltd Petrochemical Complex at Pata-Uttar Pradesh
under insulation phenomenon during the operational life of the
- Bhramaputra Cracker and Polymer Complex Ltd- Assam
pipeline in case of damage to HDPE jacket. As such, after carefully
- ONGC Petro Chemical Additives Limited -Dahej, Gujarat
evaluation high temperature FBE was selected as anti corrosion
-M angalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited- Mangalore,
coating for the carrier pipeline and Powercrete R-150 as the anti
corrosion coating for the skin effect heat tube, carrier pipe field joints and all other irregular shaped components of the insulated
pipeline – long radius bends, valves etc. Powercrete R-150 was
Powercrete range of 100% solids high build liquid epoxy coatings
sprayed on to the welded carrier pipe using hot air less spray
are being used on many projects in India for protecting the buried
machines in the coating plant of Jindal Saw Ltd located in Gujarat.
infrastructure at elevated temperatures and complex structures
More than 600,000 liters of Powercrete R-150 was supplied on
like valves, fittings, etc. Two notable projects where Powercrete
this prestigious project. The pipeline was constructed on EPC
R-150 have been used for protecting critical components are
basis by Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Nt Cairn India Ltd – 24” diameter x 670 km skin effect heated
insulated pipeline carrying high viscosity crude from Barmer,
Reliance Industries Ltd started construction of one of India’s
Rajasthan to Jamnagar, Gujarat. This pipeline is the longest
largest natural gas pipeline -48”x1375 kms long from east coast
continuous heated pipeline in the world and the first such pipeline
– Kakinda, Andhra Pradesh to Baruch, Gujarat in 2006 and
in India and the Reliance East West – 48”x1400 Kms natural gas
completed the pipeline in a record time of three years in 2008
pipeline from Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh to Bharuch, Gujarat.
to carry 80MMSCMD. The Consultant for this large project was
Cairn India Ltd pipeline carrying high viscosity crude is equipped
Gulf Interstate, Houston USA and the pipeline was constructed
123 123
150.000 liters of Powercrete for one single project 2014 SEPTEMBER 2
Nt coNteN 124 124
by team of International and Indian Pipeline Contractors –
applied coating technology of Polyken was selected. Till date
Stroytransgaz, Russia, CPP, China, Larsen and Toubro India and
more than 450 kms of operational pipelines have been re-coated
Punj Lloyd India. Powecrete R-150 liquid epoxy coating was
using Polyken’s 3ply / 2ply field applied primer activated coating
selected as the field / factory applied anti-corrosion coating for all
the station piping of the 11 compressor stations installed along the pipeline. The factory coating was applied by PSL Ltd located in
Gujarat and the field coating by trained applicators of the Pipeline
Seal For Life Industries has been a valuable company to the Oil
contractors. More than 150,000 liters of Powercrete R-150 was
& Gas sector of India by providing technological solutions and
supplied for this prestigious project.
products with high level of technical services for training and application of company products for corrosion protection of
buried infrastructure across the entire gamut of off-shore / on-
Polyken range of coatings have extensively been used in the Oil &
shore pipelines, storage tanks, plant piping etc. Over the last
Gas Segment for rehabilitation of coal tar coated pipelines in India
three decades, the Company has supplied products to almost
and coating large diameter water pipelines. The on-shore crude /
every single Oil & Gas Pipeline Project and has a significant
product oil pipelines laid in India prior to 1980’s were field applied
presence in the buried infrastructure of the on-shore upstream
coal tar coatings and the total length of this network is more than
and down-stream projects. Seal For Life Industries has evolved
3000 kms of pipe diameters ranging from 10.75” to 28”. Over
over the years and has illustrious past of technologies from
the years, the coating resistivity reduced to a level where it was
previous companies – Raychem & Tyco International. Seal For Life
not economical to protect the pipelines by adding supplementary
Industries part of Berry Plastics Engineered Material Division, USA
cathodic protection systems. The Pipeline Owners initially started
has re-engineered itself for providing new green technologies for
the rehabilitation with field applied coal tar followed by manually
corrosion protection of the buried infrastructure for design life in
applied coal tar tapes but known of these technologies were
excess 50 years. The Company under the leadership of Dr. Fritz
successful in reducing the requirement of cathodic protection
Doddema Executive Vice President, Global General Manager and
current to acceptable levels of current density <100µA/m2 nor
Managing Director is committed to bring new technologies to India
the quality of application of the coating was upto the requirement
and work with the Indian community of Oil & Gas professionals to
to enhance the residual life of the pipelines > 30 years. After
prevent corrosion of the critical infrastructure of India’s growing Oil
evaluation of various rehabilitation coating technologies and
& Gas assets.
ease of application on the operational pipelines, 3ply / 2 ply cold
125 125
HIGH TEMPERATURE PIPELINES (>80°C) A REVIEW OF COATING TECHNOLOGIES Ahmed Moinuddin | Seal For Life Pakistan & Middle East
It is generally accepted that for pipeline operating temperatures upto 800C, 3 layer PE is the most suitable type of coating. For higher temperatures, 3 layer PP line coatings were introduced about 15 years ago. However, many oil and gas companies have experienced premature failures of PP at temperatures above 1000C on onshore pipelines.
Nt coNteN Several papers have been published in NACE which testify to the inherent
issues PP faces at high temperatures. Additional research has been done in the last 3 years on the expected lifetime of PP. Results of this research are presented in this document.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 126 126
127 127
prevent cracks
HEAT AGEING REQUIREMENT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE PIPE COATING For any coating to function long term, there are a host of physical, chemical, and electrical requirements a coating needs to fulfill. Paramount among these is the requirement that a coating should maintain maximum flexibility (elongation and tensile strength) over the life of the line at the operating temperature of the pipe and stay bonded to the steel. If any coating prematurely heat ages, hardens, and loses its flexibility, it becomes hard and brittle. This results in cracking and loss of adhesion (disbondment) to the steel as the pipe temperature cycles and expands / contracts – a phenomenon more severe at higher temperatures. THREE LAYER POLYPROPYLENE: When 3LPP was introduced 15 years ago, it was deemed to be a suitable coating for high temperature pipelines. Some improvements have been made by PP coating suppliers since then in an attempt to extend its service life at high temperature. But despite these improvements, pipeline companies have experienced a number of failures of PP coatings when exposed to temperatures above 1000C. Laboratory testing has also been conducted on the time-to-failure of 3LPP. These findings have been presented in NACE conferences and have raised serious questions about the temperature limits of PP coatings. Some of these papers are attached herewith for reference. Failures of 3LPP line coating have also been encountered by ENI Pakistan as well as OMV Pakistan.
There are currently three international standards which cover 3 layer PP coatings.
• NF A 49-711 (French) • DIN 30678 (German)
• ISO 21809-01 (International)
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 128 128
These standards are however minimum requirements and each
The service life of the coatings as covered here is a function of the
pipeline company needs to supplement the standards with
operating temperatures to which they are exposed (cf. table 1
requirements unique to its own operating conditions. For instance the thermo oxidative degradation of line coating is higher in sandy soils with a richer oxygen content than in clay type dense soils which have low oxygen levels. Therefore in sandy soils (as is the case in the Sawan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Latif pipeline) the effect of heat ageing is more acute and the expected lifetime of PP coatings is reduced dramatically. NF A 49 711 standard (French)
this represents a catastrophic clear failure of the coating. The failure time can then be extrapolated to determine the life of the coating to this catastrophic failure at lower than 1500C operating temperatures based on Arrhenius principals applicable to polyolefins. DIN 30678 standard (German): A review of the DIN30678 standard issued in October 1992, suggests that PP has service life limitations due to heat ageing. As per an extract of DIN30678:
given above.
in melt flow index after 2000hrs (83 days) at 1500C. This is not an
cracking and disbondment is a more suitable measure since
expected service life shall be extrapolated from the values
However the heat ageing test is limited to measurement of change
As per recent research (see NACE papers attached) time to
Minimum expected service life, in years
Where coatings are used at alternating temperatures, their
This standard issued in 1992 is for PP coatings upto 1100C.
adequate measure of coating life.
Operating in temperatures, in ÂşC
While the standard does have a heat ageing test, it is not severe enough to truly test the lifetime of the coating. Coatings which met the DN30678 standard have still failed prematurely in the field. Like the NFA 49-711 standard, it also lacks the time-to-crackingdisbondment test criteria which is a functional measure of the coatings life. 4.3 ISO21809-01 standard : The standard issued in October 2011, limits the use of PP to 1100C design temperature. The heat ageing requirements in this standard are also based on measurement of Melt Flow index only which is very weak. For a 1100C temperature only a 40 day test at 1500C is specified. This is inadequate for verifying a long service
Nt Experience has shown that the resistance of polypropylene to
oxidation also differs that of polyethylene, in that tends to become brittle when exposed to high temperatures. For this reason, the expected service life of polypropylene as a function of service temperature has been specified in clause 1.
life as evidenced by the premature failures encountered in the field and the recent research. Time to cracking and disbondment is a more suitable measure of a coatings life. Like the NFA 49-711 and the DIN30678 standards, it also lacks the time-to-crackingdisbondment test criteria as a measure of the coatings life.
129 129
The standard states the following for PP coatings:
Coating classes The coating shall be capable of withstanding the temperature range required as shown in Table 1. The coating class shall be specified in the purchase order. Table 1- Coating classes and design temperatures ranges Coating class
Top layer material
Design - 20 °C to temperature + 60 °C ranges
- 40 °C to + 80 °C
- 20 °C to + 110 °C
Borealis (36% owned by OMV) is a major manufacturer of PE and PP coating materials. In a recent Seminar in May 2011, the following is an extract of their presentation:
ISO21809-1: Polyolefin coatings (3-layer PE and 3-layer PP) Table 1- Coating classes and design temperatures ranges Coating class
Top layer material
Design - 20 °C to temperature + 60 °C ranges
- 40 °C to + 80 °C
- 20 °C to + 110 °C
Nt coNteN - First real international coating standard is in Final Draft stage
- The standard is the achievable compromise in reflection of all countries input and requests
- The standard can only been seen as the MINIMUM level
- GOOD: Nomenclature, definitions and test methods are regulated
- Pipeline owners/engineering companies have to continue and specify
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 their project related additional requirements clearly
130 130
LASMO OIL (ENI) PAKISTAN In 1998 ENI experienced premature failures of PP coating within 2 years of installation. The failures were: - Cracking of PP when exposed to the sun due to UV, where the pipe had been exposed. - Heat ageing of the PP due to the high temperature. This resulted in loss of tensile and elongation and eventually disbondment of coating
3LPP coating exposed to sunlight has totally disintegrated due to UV degradation. This is a failure phenomenon mentioned in DIN30679 standard for PP coating.
Embrittled cracked 3LPP coating.. has allowed moisture / water to enter and come into contact with the steel under disbonded coating and spread around the crack causing crevice corrosion. 131 131
On the basis of the testing the following was determined to be the
ADCO has experienced many failures cracking and disbondment)
expected service life of 3LPP coating:
of their PP coatings on high temperature gas pipelines which
Service Life Estimation for 3 LPP
they have also published in NACE conferences. In 2009 ADNOC launched a test program to establish the causes of the failures and to determine the expected life of PP coatings when exposed to high temperatures. The testing was carried out for ADNOC by
Arrhenius Equation
t ƒ =A exp ( Ea ) RT
T, °C
R = gas constant= 8.314 J/mole-K
T = absolute in K = °C+273.16
Accelerated heat ageing tests were done on PP coated pipe by
Ea = activation energy = 107 KJ/mole
placing a piece of coated pipe in an oven at 1500C. Once a week
tf = time to crack
Polylab, Houston, USA.
the pipe was removed and examined for signs of cracking / failure. The PP coated pipes showed cracking failure in 90 days. A summary of the test results from the testing is given below.
Estimated cracking time for 3LPP
Cracking Time Prediction for 3LPP Time to Crack, Years
16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00
3LPP, before Air Aging, DFT= 22mm, 4 mm, 6 mm
Temperature, C
Ea=107 KJ/Mole
3LPP Pipeline Coatins Conclusion - Two Major Failure Modes - Cracking, Disbonding - PP Cracking - PP physical properties deteriorate due to Thermo-
Nt coNteN oxidative /degradation + Residual Stress, Proper stabilizer package is need to increase longevity of service life of 3LPP
UAE Sandy Soils - 33-48% Porosity, subject to Thermo-oxidatve Degradation
Cracking of borealis 3LPP, after 90 days aging in 150 °C air oven
3LPP Disbonding - High Residual Stress Concentration at CutBack, Use <30 Degree Cutback, Avold 90 Degree Cutback
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 As a result of the failure analysis and the extensive testing done
by ADNOC, they have decided to limit the use of 3LPP coating to maximum 100°C.
132 132
properties, chemical and stress cracking resistance including:
− Temperature resistance
This type of coating has a successful 30 years track record of
− Thermal shape integrity
operation at temperatures upto 1200C.
− Tensile strength − Modulus of elasticity
In Pakistan, the system has been used successfully for the past
− Chemical resistance
16 years by:
− Impact resistance
- OMV Pakistan
− Creep resistance
- ENI Pakistan
− Resistance to stress cracking
−UV resistance
- Occidental Petroleum - PSO The coating system consists of a Heat Shrinkable tape with:
physical and electrical properties for longer at elevated
- A highly radiation-crosslinked PE backing
temperatures compared to polypropylene.
- A high shear strength high temperature adhesive with a softening point of 1700C
The following test results demonstrate the superior performance
- Low moisture and oxygen permeation due to the high
of Heat Shrinkable crosslinked PE coatings over 3LPP. The PP top
crosslinked HDPE backing
coat loses its elongation to break (a measure of the flexibility of the
- Excellent soil stress resistance - not effected by pipe movement
coating) with time much faster than Crosslinked heat shrinkable
- Excellent UV resistance
PE coating.
- Very good heat ageing (25+ year life at 1200C) Heat Shrinkable crosslinked HDPE coatings have a projected life Crosslinking polyethylene radically improves many of its properties
of 40 years at 1100C as shown in the Arrhenius plot below.
such as high temperature heat ageing performance, mechanical Arrhenius Plot
150 °C Aging 1.1
The improvement in the heat ageing characteristics of the HDPE due to crosslinking, allows it to better retain its mechanical,
Normalized Elongation at Break (EBt/EBo
Arrhenius law to predict life
Log Time (Hours)
1 106
Predicted Coating Liferime 40 Years
Test Data
0.4 0
Aging time (weeks) PP Top Coat1
PP Top Coat2
Cross-linked PE backing
Reciprocal of absolute Temperature 133 133
Heat ageing
Above 1000C, PP has a very limited life.
25+ yr life at 1200C
According to the latest research â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5.9 yrs at 1100C and 2.5 yrs at 1200C UV resistance Track record
PP vulnerable to cracking on exposure to
Very good UV resistance. Can be left for several
years exposed to the sun
15 yrs. Failures documented for
30 yrs with excellent performance worldwide
temperatures >1000C
including Pakistan at temperatures upto 1200C (ENI, OMV, OGDC, OXY, PSO)
Life cycle costs
Very high, due to need to repair / recoat pipe when the PP coating fails due to premature ageing at temperatures >1000C. Pipe is not protectable with CP against corrosion if coating is disbonded. At higher temperatures corrosion rate is faster and can lead to catastrophic failure and very high repair / maintenance / replacement costs as well as lost revenue during pipeline downtime. Very low due to excellent heat ageing characteristics.
Coating application
Crescent Steel, Huffaz Pipe, Data Steel
capability in Pakistan
Crescent Steel, Huffaz Pipe, Data Steel and SNGPL(with addition of a simple tape payoff machine). Currently pipe is being coated at Huffaz Pipe for an ENI Kadanwari pipeline with temperature upto 1200C
Nt coNteN Joint coating system
Complex and expensive. The 3 layer shrink
Very simple. Same materials as the line coating is
sleeve system requires Induction coils and
installed on the joint. Installation can be done with
an LPG Gas Torch.
Ultimate shrink force technology
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 134 134
Given the current state of technology, use of 3 layer PP
NACE published articles
coating for onshore pipelines should be limited to 1000C
design temperature due to their limited service life at
higher temperatures. For design temperatures above
100 C, based on track record, technical superiority and 0
life-cycle costs, heat shrinkable crosslinked PE should be used.
NACE 2006 - Hidden problems with 3 layer Polypropylene coatings NACE 2010 - Failure Analysis of 3 layer polypropylene pipeline coatings
C BHRA 2009 - Residual Stresses in 3LPO external pipeline coatings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; disbondment and cracking Specifications ENI Pakistan specifications for Heat shrinkable high temperature coating
In case of applications over 100 C, irradiation beamed polyolefine as prefab coating is the best choice 0
135 135
Seal For Life Industries; the synergy Seal For Life Industries encapsulates five established and leading brands in the area of dealing with corrosion prevention and control. We operate worldwide across many different industries and in many different markets – which is in no small measure thanks to the innovative capabilities of the five brands within our group, each of which has its own specific disciplines. These five specialists, who had already earned their own reputation independently within the market, are Polyken Tape Solutions, Powercrete Liquid Solutions, Stopaq Self Healing Corrosion and Sealant Systems, Anodeflex Cathodic Protection, and Covalence Heat Shrinkable Products. In addition, two new brands - Blockr and Sealtaq - are being introduced, which will make it possible to fulfil the needs of many more (and new) markets for our solutions and innovations. It’s precisely the complementary strength of our specialisms that enables us to speed in with a specific, tailor-made solution for any challenge, in any infrastructure, anywhere in the world. Above or under water, from salty marshlands to complex operations
Nt coNteN in the Arctic, Seal For Life Industries will prove our principle that 1 + 1 = 3. By maintaining an open line of contact between our
specialists, Seal For Life can react fast and effectively – and suggest custom-made approach for each particular project. But whichever combination of our specialisms is appropriate, Seal For Life is the constant factor!
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 136 136
1+1 = 3 principle is made a reality by Seal For Life Industries. Seal For Life is the constant factor!
Cathodic Protection Joint Sealing
Factory Applied Pipeline Coating (FAST GRE)
Above Ground Flange
Fieldjoint Coating
Visco-elastic Single Wrap
Sealtaq Civil Solution
Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
137 137
High Temperature Anticorrosion Coatings and its Life Time Predictions ABSTRACT Heat Shrink Sleeve (HSS) coatings technology is based on radiation cross-linking of Polyethylene and Polypropylene sheets in combination with multiple types of adhesive Chemistries. Heat Shrink sleeves have been and continue to be used for the corrosion protection of oil, gas, water and District heating pipelines. Heat Shrink sleeves have proven track record and performance as a corrosion coating for field joint coatings; pipeline specials; and used as sealing systems in district cooling and heating application. This paper addresses the laboratory studies of the long term thermal, oxidative and hydrolytic stability of radiation cross-linked polyolefin as used in Heat Shrink Sleeves. Studies are presented on the results of long term heat aging and predicted life expectancy based upon Arrhenius plots. Analytical such as oxidation induction time, dynamical mechanical analysis, peel adhesion and physical testing are discussed as test methods to validate and predict long term stability and projected life expectancy for in-service on operating pipelines. KEYWORDS: Arrhenius, Cathodic Disbondment, Accelerated Thermal Aging, Hot Water Immersion (HWI), Oxidation Induction
Nt coNteN Time (OIT), Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Field Joint
Coating (FJC). Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP), 2L Crosslinked PE (XPE) and 3L Cross-linked PP (XPP)
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 138 138
When a liquid epoxy coating is combined with a 2-layer system,
than the operating temperature, the data is plotted as time to
High performance pipeline corrosion protection and insulative
the product is then referred to as a 3-layer HS field joint coating.
failure versus temperature and extrapolations are made to the
coatings have been developed to meet the demanding
In the latter case the liquid epoxy acts as a primary anticorrosion
operation temperature in order to predict the lifetime of coating.
requirements of pipelines operating over a wide range of field
layer. In addition, under circumstances of high stress and
Such a study was previously conducted by Raychem and a
conditions. Today there are, a variety of pipe coating technologies
directional drilling operations (HDD), a typical reinforced heat
lifetime of over 30 years at 120°C was predicted for XPE backing.
are commercially available and selection has evolved along
shrinkable product in a three layer version (configuration) is utilized,
Indeed, this theory is supported by the fact that no failures to date
geographical lines. Important factors determining the coating
to meet the demanding field application conditions.
were reported from the sleeves installed on oil pipelines operating
selection relies on the pipeline construction, Right-of-Way (ROW)
at 110°C over 20 years.
conditions, pipe transportation and handling, and operating
The heat shrinkable sleeves installation starts by treating the
conditions. As an example, coating damage is a real concern in
welded steel pipe surface with grit blast to a near white metal
regions where limited transportation infrastructure, rough pipe
(Sa21/2) with an anchor pattern close to 70 to 80 µ; other surface
handling, aggressive backfills and high populations are prevalent.
treatments involves power wire brushing. The next step is to
This creates the need for robust, multi-layer coating systems.
preheat the pipe surface to the indicated temperature according to the selection of heat shrinkable sleeve, but protecting the line
The steel pipeline are generally coated with polymeric materials
coating to avoid its disbondment or mechanical damage; the
such a 3-layer PE and, 3-layer PP Line Coating systems
sleeve is wrapped around the welded pipe joint, secured with a
(consisting of an epoxy layer as corrosion barrier, tie layer as an
closure patch and shrunk by mean or propane-butane torch or an
adhesive layer and an outer mechanical layer defined as Top
automatic shrinking machine.
Coat), polyurethane, single layer Fusion Bonded Epoxy, dual layer Fusion Bonded Epoxy and multilayer insulated systems etc.
An important property of a HSS that are designed for high
Figure 1 XLPE heat shrinkable line coating installed in 2000
temperature pipeline application is its ability to retain the
on a pipeline operating continuously at 110°Cin Pakistan
All these coatings are plant applied in a stationary or portable
properties at the maximum operation temperature preferably for
factories. The coating at the end of each pipe length is cut back
the lifetime of the pipeline coating. One of the most common
over a length of 150 mm ± 20 mm1. These pipes are then welded
failures observed with high temperature coatings is cracking and
together in the field at the ROW leaving a portion of bare steel
flaking from the pipe as a result of embrittlement of the coating.
exposed. The bare steel needs protection from corrosion. There
Mostly, embrittlement is a result of the aging or thermo-oxidative
are several field joint coating solutions for example, injected or
degradation or coating loss of adhesion caused by its degradation
sprayed coatings and Polyurethanes, cold applied PE tapes,
in due to moisture exposure.
welded PP or predominantly used HSS.
Both the backing and the adhesive of the sleeve are stabilized with
HSS have been commercially available since pipeline coatings
proper antioxidants in order to inhibit their thermo-oxidative aging.
applied in manufacturing plants became commonplace in the early
The stabilization of the backing is more crucial since the backing is
exposed to oxygen more so than the adhesive. In order to test the
effectiveness of stabilizers, oven aging tests are carried out and
These HSS coating systems primarily consist of a cross-linked
the changes in mechanical properties are measured to follow the
and stretched polyolefin backings. XPE and XPP backing sheets
course of degradation. This type of testing has been found useful
are then coated with different adhesive chemistries, i.e. butyl-
for comparing thermal stability of different coatings. Additionally,
based adhesive and hot melts, resulting in the 2-layer system.
accelerated tests are carried out at temperatures much higher
139 139
Other coating failures involve loss of adhesion over time in
the samples that showed a lower lifetime at a certain service
presence of wet environments. When designing a heat shrinkable
temperature had a reduced antioxidant concentration, indicated
To measure wrinkling resistance of the sleeve to soil compaction
coating a hot water immersion test, in addition to all other
by a shorter time in which a sample has achieved its oxidation.
and wet-dry cycles
specifications2, becomes a critical test to assess the life time of
The two layer (PE based HSS) and three layer (PP based HSS)
Lap Shear
coating. The adhesion of the coating as well as its viscoelastic
coatings described above, were tested for hot water immersion
To ensure that the sleeve can withstand soil stresses such as the
properties shall not change drastically from the original values.
exposed at various time intervals; 28, 50, 70 and 100 days for the
longitudinal shear deformation caused by temperature differences
case of the 2 layer (PE based HSS); and, 0, 70 and 100 days for
and circumferential (hoop) shear stresses exerted during wet/dry
Therefore adhesion testing of the coating after its exposure to
the three layer (PP based HSS) coatings. The testing temperature
cycles; or pipe and soil movements tangential to the pipe.
water for long term at high temperatures remains of interest.
set at the respective coating maximum design temperatures.
International standards applicable to field joint coatings for
Peel adhesion test to pipe surface were determined at end of the
buried or submerged pipelines have upgrade the requirements
exposure period and its adhesion value compared to those of the
It is dependent on proper surface preparation and a proper
for hot water immersion test on the 2 and 3 layer heat shrinkable
pipes which were not exposed.
application of the sleeve. Of lesser relevance as compared to
sleeves, to maintain a retention of the peel adhesion of the
The % adhesion retention was calculated for both systems, the
shear, since most in ground pipeline forces are in shear not in peel
coating to both the pipe surface and line coating to be at least
results exceeded 75% of the original adhesion values. Dynamical
mode. However peel is very easy to evaluate qualitatively and has
75% of the original values after the exposure period at the
analysis of the exposed samples were conducted; modulus
a long history in the industry.
maximum operating temperature limited to a 95°C. This of course
and tan delta values were recorded in order to assess that
is a severe test but it is an important way to predict the life time
no significant material changes for the adhesives viscoelastic
Impact Resistance
performance for the high temperature anticorrosion coating.
properties were observed after the exposure. This would in
This is a measure of the coatings resistance to back fill and
turn confirm the integrity of the heat shrinkable coating for a
bumping of pipe during pipeline burial.
coating requirements as stipulated on the field joint coating
This paper reviews HSS requirements as High Temperature Anti
continuous exposure at maximum design temperature.
Corrosion Coatings, results are presented for two type of HSS,
Penetration Resistance
a two layer polyethylene coating rated for 65̊C and a 3 layer
To measure coating resistance to puncture by rocks and other
polypropylene coating rated for 90°C as maximum continues
In order to protect the metal pipelines structures which come
debris if the pipe is laid on such objects in the trench and/or
service temperatures.
in contact with harsh environments, like high humidity, water,
objects are forced into the coating during backfill, compaction and
Several laboratory studies of the long term thermal, oxidative
electrolytes, sandy and porous soil conditions, the field joint
in-service performance.
and hydrolytic stability are presented. Tensile and elongation at
coatings need to have specific requirements and properties for
break testing were carried out for various XPP backing sleeves,
corrosion protection of the field joint pipelines.
Electrical and Chemical Properties
in addition a polypropylene line coating (PP top coat) was
The most important properties of a corrosion protection coating
Dielectric Voltage Breakdown
considered as part of the study. The heat shrinkable backing and
are listed below
To ensure that the “jeeping” Holiday testing voltage used to detect
Nt coNteN polypropylene top coat samples were thermally aged at various
flaws in the coating does not penetrate the undamaged coating.
temperatures in order to build the Arrhenius plots and therefore
Mechanical Properties
to predict the cross-linked backings life time performance.
Tensile Strength and Elongation
Volume Resistivity
DMA was conducted for all the examples exposed at different
To ensure proper strength and flexibility during handling and/
High resistivity ensures that all current flow from the cathodic
time intervals and temperatures; changes in the cross linked
or pipe bending, pipelines have to be bent to conform to ROW
protection system reaches the pipe through the holidays and
density by means of determining the tan delta parameter were
and landscape contours at subzero temperatures or high desert
damaged areas to cathodically protect the bare steel exposed
recorded. Furthermore OIT was evaluated on several thermally
areas and is not wasted by passing through the undamaged
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 aged samples. The aim of the OIT study was to understand if 140 140
Moisture Vapor Transmission Resistance Measures coating ability to prevent water from reaching the steel surface, which causes corrosion, from being created at the pipe surface.
141 141
Cathodic Disbondment
Thus, when it is heated to a temperature where the crystals have
thermal-aging results are generally extrapolated to use-temperature
Measures resistance of coating to delamination caused by
melted, the material behaves like a rubber.
conditions by using the Arrhenius methodology5. This method is
electrical currents from the cathodic protection system. This is a
based on the observation that the temperature dependence of the
very important consideration, especially majority of coated pipelines
Because the material will not flow on melting, it can be formed
are under cathodic protection.
into a new shape, for example by heating and stretching. On
rate of an individual chemical reaction is typically proportional to:
subsequent cooling, the molecular crystals reform and retain the
Exp (-Ea/RT) (1)
Hot Water Immersion
new shape, overwhelming the ability of the crosslinks to “pull” the
Exp= exponential
To ensure that the coating maintains its barrier properties when
material back to the pre-melted state. This shape memory property
Ea= Arrhenius Activation Energy
operating at elevated temperatures and in the presence of water.
of XPE was utilized in designing the heat shrinkable backing.
R= Ideal Gas Constant T= Absolute temperature in kelvin degrees
Benefits of crosslinking
Crosslinking PE improves a large number of its properties such as
Crosslinking is a means of modifying the molecular structure
high temperature properties, mechanical properties, chemical and
In general, the aging of a polymer can be described by a series
of polymers and generally is done in order to impart improved
stress cracking resistance
of chemical reactions, each assumed to have Arrhenius behavior.
properties. Crosslinking can be done either by conventional
Kinetic analysis of these reactions results in a steady stage rate
chemical means, such as silanes and peroxides, or by exposure
The properties of polyolefin, polyethylene and polypropylene and
expression with the Arrhenius temperature dependence, where Ea
to ionizing radiation from either radioactive sources, or electron
that improves with crosslinking are as follows:
represents the effective activation energy of the mix of reactions
accelerators. Raychem was the pioneer in developing electron
− Temperature resistance
underlying the degradation. If these series of reactions remains
beam irradiation of polymers and making commercial products
− Thermal shape integrity
unchanged throughout the temperature range, a linear relation
based on this advanced technology
− Solvent resistance
exist between the logarithm of the time to a certain amount of a
− Tensile strength
material property change and 1/T. Then the Ea is obtained from
Polyethylene showed improved properties when cross-linked under
− Modulus of elasticity
the slope of the line and it is assumed it remains constant at lower
electron beam radiation. Schematic 1 a illustrates the molecular
− Chemical resistance
(extrapolated) temperatures.
structure of polyethylene. It is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic
− Impact resistance
material with amorphous and crystalline domains. When irradiated
− Creep resistance
To carry out the life time prediction of the heat shrinkable XPP
by electron beam radiation, free radicals generated when the (C-H)
− Resistance to stress cracking
backings, two different compositions and a third sample of a
bonds are broken in the amorphous domains and subsequently
− Weathering resistance
PP top coat (none irradiated polyolefin) were collected. For the
a permanent crosslinking occurs, or intermolecular joining of
− Abrasion resistance
cross-linked materials, sheets about 8 by 11 inches were cut
adjacent molecular chains are formed. The crosslinking results
and placed in the oven @ 180°C for 30 minutes, this was done
in the covalent bond of polyethylene molecules, thus, forming a
to bring the material to its none stretch stage. For the PP line
three dimensional network. Schematic 1b illustrates the molecular
coating, samples were removed for comparison testing. For aging
structure of polyethylene after exposure to radiation. Crosslinks,
The typical properties for the some polypropylene compositions are
purposes samples 4 by 5 inches in dimensions were cut from oven
shown as dots, are covalent bonds formed between the two
listed in Table 1.
recovered cross-linked HS backing compositions, A & B and also
carbon atoms
Because of the intended heat shrinkable coatings service
from the PP line coating material. For the XPP compositions the
temperatures such as 100, 110°C, it is important to predict the
4 x 5 inches sheets were placed in air circulation ovens (± 2°C
After crosslinking the material will not flow at any temperature.
material durability. A common approach for the heat shrinkable
stability) set at 150, 170, 190 and 210°C, whereas for the non-
When it is heated, the crystals disappear as before, but it will
backings involves accelerating the chemical reactions underlying
cross-linked PP top coat, the accelerated temperatures selected
no longer flow or change shape because crosslinks act as ties
the degradation through changes in the ultimate tensile properties
for evaluation were 130, 150 and 170°C. All the samples were
between molecules. The cross-linked structure however is elastic.
(elongation and tensile strength at break). These accelerated
aged for a specified number of hours at each temperature. After
Nt coNteN Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPTEMBER 2 2 142 142
Test Method
Test Conditions
Typical Value
Tensile Strength
ASTM D 638
23°C, 50.8 mm/min
> 15 MPa
35 MPa
Elongation at Break
ASTM D 638
23°C, 50.8 mm/min
> 400 %
600 %
Heat Aging followed by Elongation at Break
ASTM D 638
150°C/ 21 days
> 200%
484 %
Heat Aging followed by Elongation at Break
ISO 21809-3: 2008
130°C/100 days
Max 25% change from the original value
25% change
ASTM D 2240
> 55 Shore D
60 Shore D
Dielectric Strength
ASTM D 149
> 300 V/mil
813 V/mil
Volume Resistivity
ASTM D 257
> 1015 Ohm.cm
9 X1015 Ohm•cm
Water Absorption
ASTM D 570
95°C, 24 hrs
< 1%
0.3 %
Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate
ASTM F1249
38°C, 90% RH
< 0.08 g/100in2 in 24 hrs
Enviromental Stress Cracking
ASTM D1693
Condition B
30 days @ 10% Igepal Oil
No failures after 30 days
Table 1 Properties for Polypropylene Backing Compositions
Nt Nt
2014 2014
143 143
each period of time and temperature, the sheets were removed from the oven and allowed to condition at room temperature. Dumbbells were cut using a die ISO 527 type II and the tensile strength and elongation at break properties were determined @ 23 ¹ 2°C with a cross head speed of 100 mm/min employing an Instron Tensile Tester model 5565 equipped with a long travel extensometer. The end point for each test, at different temperatures, was equivalent to the time required for an elongation retention of more than 33% of the original value or retention of more than 200%.of ultimate elongation. Plots were prepared for the elongation at break as a function of exposure time for all temperatures. Samples A, B, XPP backings and C, PP top coat are respectively shown in Figure 2. A comparable slope among the curves for all testing temperatures in samples A, B and C is expected, if the activation energy is to behave constant and therefore assumption of the Arrhenius behavior is correct A regression analysis was used for all the samples to determine the relationship between the logarithm of exposure time and the elongation at break produced at a 33% change from the original value. The Arrhenius plot to predict the lifetime for the cross linked polypropylene backing compositions and polypropylene top coat is shown in Figure 5. Results and Discussion From the regression analysis carried for the XPP backings compositions A and B, an r2 close to 0.9 was observed at the temperatures of 150 and 170C; when moving to higher temperatures and in both samples, A and B, the regression was found close to 0.8 Typically in the industry a regression value superior to 0.8 is
Nt coNteN Nt coNteN considered favorable and accepted as a linear relation among the studied variables.
For the PP top coat, the regression coefficients were found between 0.85 and 0.90 at the 3 testing temperatures. With these results, we
estimated an Arrhenius behavior with a comparable activation energy (Ea) at the studied temperatures, and proceeded to plot the logarithm
2014 SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPTEMBER 2 2 of the times to produce the predetermined change in elongation as a function of the reciprocal of the absolute temperature (1/T in Ë&#x161;K).
144 144
Schematic 1 Polyethylene structure before (a) and after (b) irradiation with electron beam represent crosslinks; Represent the covalent bond between carbon chains after cross-linking
Figure 2 HSS Polypropylene Composition A
Figure 3 HSS Polypropylene Composition B
Nt Nt
2014 2014
Figure 4 Polypropylene Top Coat
Figure 5 Arrhenius Plots for PP HSS Backing vs. a PP Top Coat 145 145
Figure 6 Dynamical Mechanical Analysis
The results for the XPP composition A revealed a lifetime superior
process stabilizers used alone does not increase OIT in
to that of composition B, at both 100 and 110°C temperatures;
polyolefins but when combined with hinder phenol an increase
16 and 6 years at 100°C and 110°C for composition A and 9
in the OIT was observed when the hinder phenol concentration
and 4 years at 100 and 110°Cfor composition B. Whereas for
increased in combination with phosphides. In the presence of
the selected PP top coat a much reduced lifetime was observed
HALS (hinder amine light stabilizers) the OIT measured bears
at the same temperatures. Significant lifetime under these
no relation to the actual thermal stability of the polymer. So OIT
accelerated thermal degradation conditions were expected
cannot necessarily be used to predict the long term stability of a
between XPP compositions versus a PP top coat material. A
polyolefin system, but it can be a valuable tool when comparing
further investigation for the rheological and thermal properties
results of the same antioxidant package within a specific
for compositions A and B was conducted to understand the
polyolefin material. So based on this, we determined the OIT time
significant difference in predicted lifetime between both XPP
for the XPP samples of interest.
samples. To evaluate the OIT a TA DSC Q100 apparatus was utilized. The Rheological and Thermal Analysis for Cross-linked
thermally aged samples from the Arrhenius study at the various
Polypropylene Backings
temperatures were run in inert atmosphere of nitrogen from 45̊C up to 210°C using a 20°C /min ramp, once the samples reached
Rheological Determinations (DMA)
equilibrium at 210°C, oxygen was fed to the system and an
Rheological data can be used to measure the degree of cross-
isothermal run for 60 min was completed. Results are expressed
linking. The shear modulus is directly related to the cross-link
in min and are listed on Figure 7.
density. Cross-linking raises the modulus and increases the
Figure 7 Oxidation Induction Time @ 210 °C XLPP backing
elasticity, i.e. decreases the tan delta. The rheological testing has
Results and Discussion
to be performed at a temperature high enough where there is no
XPP sample composition A has the greater shear module @
influence of the glass transition, in the rubber plateau, and in the
180°Cvs. samples B, 7.389E+4 Pa vs. 2.692E+4Pa; in addition,
crystallinity region.
Tan δ @ 180°C value for sample A was found to be 0.3859 vs. 0.5207 for sample B. This clearly indicates a significant larger
Rheological measurements were conducted using a TA
cross-link density and therefore a greater lifetime if the right
Instrument DHR2. The samples were analyzed at an increasing
choice of an antioxidant package is selected to protect the
temperature of 4°C/min and at a constant frequency and strain
polymer from its thermal degradation
percent of 1 Hertz and 0.1% with an oscillating shear mode. The
Nt coNteN Nt coNteN shear module and tan delta values were calculated at 180°C and
The rate of OIT change from sample A to B was comparable
used to compare the properties of the two samples. The results
for those samples aged from 150 up to 210°C and which had
are plotted in Figure 6.
met the criteria on elongation at break greater than 200%.
The absolute value for sample A is lower in all temperatures in
Thermal Analysis
comparison to the one composition B. Although both samples
For the phenolic antioxidants a linear relationship exist between
have the same antioxidant package and even when the
the stabilizer and OIT, therefore OIT can be used as an analytical
concentration of antioxidants on sample B is greater than the one
Figure 8 Hot Water Immersion Set up as per ISO 21809-
method to measure the hinder phenol antioxidant concentration
for A, this does not explain the reduce lifetime @ 100 and 110°C
3:2008 Standard
in a polymer system. J.R. Paiquet et al reported that phosphide
in comparison to polypropylene composition A. An important
2014 SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPTEMBER 2 2 146 146
factor determining the lifetime can be explained by a greater cross-link density. HWI and DMA Testing for 2LPE and 3LPP Heat Shrinkable Coatings 2L PE and 3LPP HSS coatings were installed onto a cleaned steel surface on 4 inch diameter steel pipes following the specific guidelines for each of the products according to the manufacturing recommendations. All samples were let to condition at 23 ± 2°C. The 2LPE HSS coating samples were placed in a setup, see Figure 8, for HWI test as per ISO 2180932:2008 specification @ 65°C whereas for the 3LPP HSS coatings
Figure 9 Normalized peel adhesion to pipe surface @ 23°C, CHS-10 mm/min after HWI
the testing temperature was set @ 90°C. Two pipes for each
a) @ 65°C for 2 XPE Coating
b) @ 90°C for 3 XPP Coating
product were tested before immersion for adhesion to pipe substrate at 23°C and a crosshead speed of 10 mm/min using an Instron Tensile Tester model 4465. Two pipes for each product were exposed to the water immersion test for 28, 50, 70 and 100 days. At the end of each testing interval, samples were removed from the set up and let to condition to 23 ± 2°Cfor 3 hours as minimum. Peel adhesion test at 23°C and a crosshead speed of 10 mm/min followed after completion of the immersion period. The peel adhesion results expressed as N/cm were normalized (Pt /P0) by dividing the value at each time interval over the original adhesion result. The (Pt /P0) results in function of the immersion period were plotted and are presented in Figure 9a for the 2L XPE and in Figure 9b for 3L XPP heat shrinkable coatings. In addition, pictures for the pipe after peel adhesion before immersion and after 100 days of immersion are shown in
Nt Nt Figure 10a for 2L XPE coating and
Figure 10b for the 3L XPP shrinkable coating.
2014 2014
Figure 10 Peel adhesion to pipe surface @ 23°C, CHS-10 mm/min for 2L XPE coating a) Before hot water immersion
b) After 100 days hot water immersion @ 90°C 147 147
XPP coating the values seem to decrease in function of time. The
in addition to cross-linked polyolefin several sources of 3LPP line
peel adhesion mode of separation was found to remain cohesive in
coatings will be studied.
all sample intervals, although for practical purposes samples peeled at the end of 100 days after hot water immersion are only illustrated.
By designing a heat shrinkable PP backing with higher cross-link density and selecting the appropriate antioxidant package an
Figure 11 DMA Plot 2-Layer XPE
When testing adhesives and coatings for its rheological properties
extended life time can be anticipated. This has been confirmed in
a common quantity of interest is the loss tangent tan δ. The loss
XPP composition A vs. XPP composition B. As expected, cross-
tangent or tan δ is the ratio of loss and storage modules, meaning
linking provides a great tool to extend the lifetime of a polymer, of
the ratio of the viscous to the elastic component. Values greater than
course if the polymer is a good candidate for cross-linking.
the unity characterize the adhesive for its viscous behavior whereas
An appropriate heat shrinkable coating shall not only comply with
values less than the unity, the elastic nature predominate the coating
specific international standards, i.e. ISO 21809-32, where specific
behavior. Another property of interest is the shear module of the
requirements are set such as lap shear, impact, indentation
coating especially at temperatures above the glass transition and
resistance, cathodic disbondment, peel adhesion, installed sleeve
melting temperatures. Significant shear module changing can be
thermal aging etc. Furthermore a high temperature coating shall
explained when the adhesive degrades either by chain scission or
be tested to retain its adhesion over time in presence of wet
cross-linking mechanisms.
environments. Acceptable adhesion levels after water exposure should not change more than 25% from the original values.
The viscoelastic properties for both coatings were tested in the temperature range of interest. For 2L XPE between 70 and 150°C
Future work in planned to conduct Arrhenius studies on the installed
and for the 3L XPP coating in the range of 130 to 200°C. For either
HSS coatings and monitor the changes in cathodic disbondment
coating no significant changes in the shear module and in the tan δ
and HWI after accelerated thermal aging conditions.
values were observed after the samples were exposed for 100 days Figure 12 DMA Plot 3-Layer XPP
at 65°C for the 2L XPE and 90°C for the 3L XPP coatings.
REFERENCES 1.”External polyethylene and polypropylene coating for line pipe”,
Rheological measurements were conducted using a TA Instrument
DHR2. Adhesive samples were removed from the installed pipes and
The Arrhenius plot is an appropriate test method to define a material
December 1994
analyzed at an increasing temperature of 4°C/min and at a constant
lifetime if the activation energy within the testing temperatures
2. Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries. External coating for buried
frequency, a strain percent of 1 Hertz and 0.1% with an oscillating
remains as constant as possible. In general in thermo oxidative
or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems Part
shear mode. The shear module and tan delta values from samples
environments the chemical reactions underlying the degradation
3. Field joint coating for ISO 21809-3 Standard: 2008-08-15-
unexposed and exposed were compared. The results are plotted in
for the polypropylene-elastomer blends involve oxygen dissolved
3. Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries. External coating for buried
Figure 11 for the 2L XPE and Figure 12 for the 3L XPP.
in the material. Accelerating these reactions by using elevated
or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems Part
temperatures (e.g. in air circulating ovens) can bring complications
3. Field joint coating draft for ISO/FDIS 21809-3 Standard: 2015-
Results and discussions
caused by diffusion limited oxidation. Diffusion-limited oxidation
The peel adhesion results for both 2 layer XPE coating and 3 L XPP
occurs when the rate of oxygen consumption within the material is
4. P. Cook, Radiation Physics Chem., 35, 7 (1990)
coatings expressed as normalized values (value at time of test over
greater than the rate at which it can be resupplied by diffusion from
5. Dakin, T. W. AIEE Trans. 1948, 67, 113-118
the results without exposure) were found consistently above 0.80.
the surrounding air. This could result in heterogeneously oxidized
6. J.R. Pauquet, R.V. Todesco, W.O. Drake, Limitations
In the case of the 2L XPE the peel adhesion values were found to
material thus altering the tensile properties. Future work will consider
and Applications of the Oxidative Induction Time (OIT), 42nd
increase with time after hot water immersion, whereas for the 3L
thermally aging the materials under a controlled oxygen environment,
Nt coNteN Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPTEMBER 2 2 148 148
Nt Nt
2014 2014
149 149
district heating & cooling superior sealing solutions
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 150
eNt Nt
2014 2014
district heating from plant to households
a smart system District heating is a system for distributing heat generated in a centralized location for residential and commercial heating requirements, such as space heating and water heating. In many processes, for example when electricity is generated or waste is burned, large parts of the energy are set free in the form of surplus heat. The fundamental idea behind modern district heating is to recycle this surplus heat which otherwise would be wasted â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from electricity production, from fuel- and biofuel-refining, and from different industrial processes. The recycled heat is used to heat water which is transported to the customer via a well-insulated network of pipes.
Nt coNteN Source: vattenfall.com
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 152 152
from the tap The hot water circulates between the heating plant and the customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premises in insulated, underground steel pipes. The pipes are laid in trenches, often with other infrastructure such as phone lines and power cables, and they suffer average heat losses of only five to ten percent. Customers use the water for heating through piped underfloor heating or radiators and for heating tap water.
home, sweet home 2014
153 153
the other way:
district cooling
re-use of energy • One very large chilling plant distributing to an area is a lot more energy efficient and cost effective than thousands of individual chillers / airconditioners. • Lower capital, energy, operation & maintenance costs • Increased energy efficiency • Reduced air pollution and CO2 emission • Flexibility in building operation • Lower space requirement for cooling equipment
Chilled water supply and return network Chilled water plant
Nt Customers
Smaller chilled water plant
Chilled water plant
2014 154 154
sustainable resource Many different energy sources are used for district heating production, including waste, biofuel, heat pumps, landfill gas, natural gas, propane/butane, electricity and fuel oil. Several different energy sources may be used simultaneously in the district heating plant, which makes for stable and flexible supply of heat to customers. District heating based on renewable energy sources has a positive environmental effect.
climate protection 155 155
For example Europe
energy strategy
Nt coNteN The European Union has set targets to reduce energy consumption by 20% and to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 20% (possibly 30%) by 2020.
More district heating will help Europe achieve its aims of being: • energy efficient and flexible in its energy choices
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 • less dependent on energy imports
• competitive and a leader in climate change
156 156
Seal For Life Seal For Life Industries is a total solution provider for joint and sealing techniques in district heating/cooling. The product range includes: joint casings & sealing heat-shrink sleeves (wrap-around and tubular), foaming hole closures, primary joint foam seal, end caps and sealants. Additional equipment like torches, scrapers, heat shields, etc. are part of the Seal For Life District Heating & Cooling product assortment. In addition, Seal For Life has also designed products based on innovative radiation chemistry and polymer technology for transmission pipelines and gas and water utilities. Millions of pre-insulated pipe joints have been sealed with Seal For Life products.
157 157
lW ea
al T
e syS
Seal For Life shrinkforce & waterbarrier technology
Nt coNteN INT
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 158 158
A comprehensive
product range answers every application need
in a district heating and cooling network. Withstands ISO-489 soilstress al
e alS
159 159
reliable installation No matter what level of performance a joint sealing system displays, if it cannot be installed correctly and consistently, it will most certainly fail. Installing Covalence heat shrink sleeve/Dualseal systems. is really very simple but it is still vital to ensure that every part of the sleeve receives a minimum amount of heat. We now incorporate a unique solution to this challenge by supplying our sleeves with dimpled backing. These dimples vanish permanently on receiving the correct amount of heat thus providing
Nt coNteN a visual guide to the installer, and, most importantly, post installation proof to the coating inspector. The outer backing layer is made from irradiated crosslinked high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It is expanded during the production phase. Heating manually via torch or automatically via SFL
patented Kelvin technology causes the sleeve to recover and generate a permanent hoop stress around the pipe.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 160 160
Covalence Heat Shrink Sleeves: • HDPE backing provides a high shrink force, resulting in a high hoop stress, and a high mechanical strength. • Due to the partially crosslinked molecular chains, the backing can be heated beyond the crystalline melting point of the HDPE without any damage. This results in a safe and fast installation. • Even after many years of installation, the backing will not creep will not creep or lose it compressive hoop force. This results in long-term, high-quality performance. • No special stocking requirements are necessary. No shelf life limitation. Since products are crosslinked and expanded at elevated temperatures, they will not recover when lying in the sun during construction.
Nr 1 in Abrasion resistance
High shear hotmelt adhesive Visco-elastic sealant
161 161
Shrinkforce protection When our beloved alligator has a prey clamped in its jaws, he will never let go. His scales protect him from harsh attacks from all sides. The properties of this powerful beast are similar to the concepts of corrosion protection of Seal For Life’s Covalence Shrinkable Systems. The innovative shrink technology of Covalence protects critical infrastructural objects without losing elasticity. Covalence is one of our most powerful and proven technologies. Whether in combination with the visco-elastic corrosion prevention materials, hot-melt and mastic adhesives, total care shrink technology is the way to Seal For Life tight. It’s about making the surface preparation and the applicators’ job easy. Covalence – the first and still the best at heat shrink technology.
Seal For Life joint and technology overview Product
DualSeal RJS-E End Seals
DualSeal RJS-E Jacket Continuation
Type of Joint
Oversized casing Heat-shrinkable casing (non-crosslinked) All-in-one-joint (crosslinked)
• • •
Metal sheet casing
Product features and benefits Soil stress resistance 0,5% sand humidity (EN489)
HDPE backing (high shrink force = 3N/mm2)
Nt coNteN PCI/Dimpled backing
Tubular (T) / Wrap-around (W)
• High wall thickness adapted to the corresponding casing pipe thickness • Superior performance against soil stresses • Partially crosslinked HDPE backing with high shrink force • No additional outside sealing required • Pressure testable before foaming • Smart economics: superior performance for low installation cost
• •
• •
• High performance sealing system consisting of 2 sealing zones • Visco-elastic sealant, barrier against moisture, excellent flow and fill • High shear resistance hotmelt adhesive • High mechanical resistance HDPE backing with high shrink force • Easy installation • Antislip zone • Unisleeves offer just-when-needed installation • Dimpled backing offers a permanent change indicator (PCI) resulting in reliable installations and full inspectability at any time after installation
• High performance sealing system consisting of 2 sealing zones • Visco-elastic sealant, barrier against moisture, excellent flow and fill • High shear resistance hotmelt adhesive • High mechanical resistance HDPE backing with high shrink force • Easy installation • Unisleeves offer just-when-needed installation • Dimpled backing offers a permanent change indicator (PCI) resulting in reliable installations and full inspectability at any time after installation
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 162 162
EasySeal WPSM-PE End Seals
EasySeal TPSM-PE End Seals
• •
• •
• •
• •
Type of Joint
Oversized casing Heat-shrinkable casing (crosslinked and non-crosslinked) Metal sheet casing
Product features and benefits Soil stress resistance 8% sand humidity (EN489) HDPE backing
Nt PCI/Dimpled backing
Tubular (T) / Wrap-around (W)
Product features and benefits
• Visco-elastic sealant, barrier against moisture, excellent flow and fill • High mechanical resistance HDPE backing with high shrink force • Very easy installation • Unisleeves offer just-when-needed installation • Dimpled backing offers a permanent change indicator (PCI) resulting in reliable installations and full inspecability at any time after installation
• Available for complete casing pipe diameter range from 90 to 800 mm • Individually packed in polybag to avoid contamination • High mechanical resistance HDPE backing with high shrink force • Very easy installation • Dimpled backing offers a permanent change indicator (PCI) resulting in reliable installations and full inspecability at any time after installation
163 163
built-in performance Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a well-known fact that most failures on pre-insulated pipes occur in the joint area. This is due to expansion and contraction during construction [bv day/night temp-delta] and operation and can cause breakdown of the joint sealing systems. The current edition of the European norm for joints of pre-insulated pipes EN 489-2009 stipulates that joint sealing components withstand a minimum of 100 cycles when tested for soil stress resistance using sand with max 0.5% humidity. The adhesives (hotmelts and mastics) are developed and produced at Seal For Life. They are specifically designed for each application. The combination of backing and adhesives guarantees the quality of the total sealing system. The difference between the shrink temperature at the high crystalline melting point (125°C) of the Seal For Life District Heating backings and the lower softening points of the adhesives ensures that all irregularities in the joint area are ideally filled with adhesive.
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 164 164
The heat-shrinkable backing of the Covalence district heating products contains HDPE as the main polymer. As a result the sleeves have a higher mechanical strength and create higher hoop stress, which during installation presses the adhesive more effectively into the irregular corners and stepdowns and sustains the compression long term. For standard applications DualSeal RJS-E is used. DualSeal RJS-E autonomously meets all requirements of EN 489-2009. DualSeal RJS-E sleeves contain a mastic area in the middle and hotmelt zones at the sides. The combination of the two adhesives provides a dual functionality: The specially designed hotmelt exhibits extremely high shear resistance for superb soil stress resistance. The mastic area of the sleeve ensures extremely high reliability of sealing under all kinds of jobsite conditions and creates an elastic zone in the casing/jacket transition which acts as a mini-compensator to accomodate relative casing movements. Both hotmelt and mastic adhesives have excellent low temperature flexibility and have excellent resistance against long term elevated temperature, long term water resistance and chemical substances present in the soil. For less demanding applications Covalence EasySeal products TPSM-PE and WPSM-PE are used when expected pipe movements and soil stresses are moderate. Selection is simple: â&#x20AC;˘ You determine the level of performance needed â&#x20AC;˘ We provide the solutions
165 165
CAS 166
SES 167
Anod 168
linear anode
AnodeFlex™ is an energy efficient, flexible long linear anode providing an impressed current for use in cathodic protection systems for buried pipelines, tanks and other steel structures. Placed alongside a pipe or other buried metal structure, AnodeFlex™ provides uniform cathodic protection over the full length of the protected structure. Anodeflex™ complies with DOT and other government regulations.
de technology 169
HDD project Anodeflex-1500
3LPE 1016mm HDD project in Beijing Surberb of Beijing Gas group. AFLX 1500 was used as the CP of HDD section. AFLX-1500 was put into a 10 inch small pipeline and in the small pipeline was drilled a lot of small holes. The 10 inch small pipeline with AFLX-1500 inside and was crossed parallel with the main pipeline. The distance is about 7-8 meter of the two pipelines. Then fill up the sludge into the 10 inch with AFLX-1500 pipeline after the 10 inch pipeline was crossed.
170 170
171 171
at er p
el in
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y
re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
ar in
3LPE pipeline in Beijing Suburb city, China
172 172
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at er p
el in
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y
re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
ar in
Linear anode technology avoiding stray current at refineries under tankbottoms
174 174
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at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y
re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
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Linear anode technology to protect compressorstations
176 176
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at er p
el in
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y
re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
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Linear anode technology to protect underground assets in soils with high resistivity
178 178
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el in
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y
re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
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Linear anode technology for HDD and MicroTunneling
180 180
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el in
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
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flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
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Tank bottom protection
182 182
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at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
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flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
ar in
Self-Healing Vis 184
sco-Elastic Coatings 185
What to look for in a Visco Elastic Coating In the world of the big brands, the struggle between innovation and those that would copy goes on. Seldom does a day pass that the press does not report on disputes between innovators and those that allegedly copy to compete. We are all familiar with Apple vs. Samsung, Google vs. Microsoft, or Nokia vs. Research in Motion. A patent represents an exclusive right granted by a State to an inventor. In exchange for making the invention public (and solving a problem or making a contribution to society’s technological progress), the exclusive right allows the patentee, for a limited period, to prevent others from making, using, selling, or distributing the invention without permission. We are proud to manufacture unique and protected anti-corrosion (visco-elastic) solutions. So our motto is: do it right, do it once! We are proud to manufacture unique and patent protected corrosion prevention (visco-elastic) solutions.
Advantages of BASF’s Oppanol® A unique set of properties in a single product: • High bonding strength • Adheres to almost all substrates, e.g., pp, pe, fbe, and & epoxy • Does not cathodically disband • Extremely low permeability • No internal stress • Long-term stability • Non ageing
Do It Right, Do It Once! • Developing and producing non-toxic anti-corrosion and sealing products • Fast and easy to apply systems • Healthy & safe solutions • Non-polluting and no chemical waste • Protecting the environment, both sea and land • Providing a better working environment • Providing logistical advantages • Offering guaranteed solutions • Being the best at what we do • A reliable and trusted source • Continuous improvement of compositions
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 186 186
No cathodic disbondment
Does not disbond from blasted or re-rusted steel in a few minutes at ambient temperatures
Maintains flexibility until -67°C
Real self-healing in 5 minutes at 700C
Fluid-like properties may be sprayed
Highly chemical resistant
Approved by renowned companies
High impermeability to water and oxygen
Fully amorphous material, can be painted
Maintains fluid phase
Dripping point beyond 130°C - C2H
Will not spark at 22,5 kV of wrappingband
Can be applied underwater
No discoloration after water soak immersion test
2014 Cohesive fracture leaving compound in place on surface by pulling the netting out of the band
187 187
Range of corrosion prevention, insulation and sealing products against ingress of water
188 188
es el in ip at er p w
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
ar in m
STOPAQ® is a fully amorphous, non-polar polyisobutyelene based compound having excellent intrinsic corrosion preventative properties. It is impenetrable to water, oxygen and bacteria, the elements that commonly cause corrosion. Unlike conventional coating types, the STOPAQ® compound features a liquid-like behaviour to flow across and ensure a full wetting of the entire surface of substrate. STOPAQ® supplies a wide range of patented visco-elastic solutions to protect assets from corrosion and water ingress. STOPAQ Aquastop is a compound suited for sealing of wall, pipe- or cable inlets and hollow spaces, against gases, moisture, standing water and running groundwater leaks. STOPAQ Casing Filler is an injected casing filler material, it is far superior to any other coating system currently in the market. This system combines the excellent corrosion prevention properties with the visco-elastic behavior of STOPAQ.
189 189
Fusion-Bonded Coating Repair before laying, Mexico
190 190
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Pipe Storage Cut Back Protection (EndCaps and VPCI inhibitor)
Statoil, Norway
192 192
Fast Gre, Stock Saltillo, Mexico
193 193
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Above ground refinery coating
Client: Shell UK Location: Mossmoran, Scotland UK Object: Piping / structural Object dimensions: Various diameter Number of objects: throughout Existing coating: 3 layer, zinc phosphate primer, epoxy midcoat, PU topcoat Reason: Severe corrosion due to failure and weathering of existing Contractor: Wood Group, Cape Applied system dry area: STOPAQ CZH paste / CZH Wrappingband / PVC Surface preparation: St 2 / St 3, water jetting Temperatures: +5 to +25 ambient, +10 to +25 surface °C
194 194
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Mainline Pipeline Coatings to resist AC/DC and Stray Current interference
196 196
Shell Pernis, Botlek, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Coated by Ehri B.V.
197 197
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Difficult to coat geometries
Client: Gasunie, Location: The Netherlands Object: compressorstation
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Transition areas
Application of CZH Paste
200 200
Vilsteren Compressorstation, Gasunie, The Netherlands 201 201
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Rehab of a T-Joint by Wrappingband + Outerwrap
202 202
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Gasunie Compressorstation Workum in Wrappingband + Outerwrap
204 204
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Saudi Aramco Krt4 Pipeline STOPAQ Wrappingband + Outerwrap
206 206
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Onshore riser
Location: Oman Object: Gulf Petrochemical Services
208 208
Bergermeer, TAQA, The Netherlands
209 209
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Offshore laybarge FJC coating CWC Pipeline Wrappingband + Outerwrap
Contractor: Valentine Marine Client: Saudi Aramco
210 210
Technip, UK PP coated offshore pipeline
211 211
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Above ground flanges
Client: Gasunie Netherlands System of CZH Paste, Wrappingband CZH and Fiberglass Reinforced Shrinkable Sleeve (HI Shield HSR)
212 212
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Onshore Riser
Gasunie, The Netherlands 214 214
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Petrol station joints, bends, T-joints
Since 1994, over 4,000 Petrol Station Manhole Covers and Piping in the Netherlands KIWA BRL K911 (Building Regulation)
216 216
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Underground tank coating
Top Projekt, Croatia 218 218
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Stainless steel (RVS)
Wintershall Noordzee B.V.
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Avoid galvanic corrosion and deterioration by friction at pipe saddles
JANAF Refinery KRK, Croatia 222 222
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Pipeline rehabilitation
BP Azerbaijan, BTC Pipeline 224 224
Oman Gas Company, 2005 225 225
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Gasketprotection of above ground flanges
RWE Energy, Germany 226 226
National Grid, U.K. 227 227
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Cable/wall penetration: water leakage stop and prevention up to 35 °C
ENEXIS, The Netherlands 228 228
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Water ingress prevention at pipe/wall entries up to 50 °C
Fluxys N.V., Belgium 230 230
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High dielectric strength casing filler as cathodic protection solution
232 232
Polish Gas Company 233 233
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Casing End Seals (Sleeve)
North South Pipeline Gasunie, The Netherlands NACAP (currently A.HAK)
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Chime area protection of tank bottoms
Oil India Ltd. 236 236
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Repair of thermal spray aluminum
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Catweld/pinbrazing kit
240 240
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Fieldjoint coating with shrink sleeve
Job done in 8 minutes for 48" fieldjoint coating
242 242
North South Gasunie Pipeline, the Netherlands
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Manhole cover protection Patented since 1996
STOPAQ 4100 plus geotextile mechanical cover
244 244
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Coating of condensating lines to avoid shutdowns
Pemex, Mexico 246 246
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Fieldjoint Coating of pre-insulated pipeline at subzero temperatures up to -52 °C
Moda Pipeline from China to Russia 248 248
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Sound dampening and vibration control
Impact hammer
Plate 2 mm
Acceleration Pick up Plate 2 mm, with Stopaq tape
Plate 2 mm, with 2 mm sound absorption material
Stimulus 250 250
AccelerationPick up
- Steel plate 2mm - Steel plate with Stopaq tape - Steel plate with commercial sound absorption sheet
tennet offshore windmill park powerstation
251 251
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Fieldjoint coating
40,000 joints 48", Gasunie, the Netherlands
252 252
Balgzand, BBL Pipeline 253 253
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Underground valve protection
Wrappingband + outerwrap + CZH paste for transition areas
254 254
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Low to medium voltage cable joint system
Enexis, the Netherlands 256 256
OIL WELL INTEGRITY SEALING, Wintershall Libya 257 257
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Nut & bolt assembly corrosion prevention solution
Client: Santos Contract Resources: Contract Resources Application date: July 2014 Project name: GLNG in Curtis Island on the Queenslandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s East Coast Project description: Nut and bolt corrosion protection for asset life and maintenance ease was the scope to the coating and installation contractors. Harsh marine and coastal environment with high temperatures, wind, rain and constant salt spray from the ocean.
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Spherical tee corrosion prevention solution
Client: Jemena Contractor: Carcon Excavations Application date: July 2011 Project name: Gosford TRS Project description: Offtake from the 500 mm Sydney to Newcastle trunk line to feed the Gosford NSW area. Jemena upgraded the station and, due to the size upgrade, a new by-pass size upgrade needed to be done and therefore a spherical tee was used. Traditionally, Jemena would have applied a petrolatum system for this application, however, in this instance STOPAQ was selected as the coating system of choice.
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T-Joints Protection with Shrinkable Sleeves
Reliance India 262 262
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High Voltage Joint Sealing, Tennet
264 264
Wrappingband CZHT, Paste CZHT + Outerwrap HTPP 265 265
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Liquid pipe
Powercrete is a 2 - component liquid curing coating used for rehabilitation, directional drilling, girth weld protection, bends, fittings and odd shapes, offshore applications, patch and repair and potable water applications. Powercrete is designed to meet the requirements of the most demanding pipeline applications.
pipeline coating 267
Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
This 80 kilometre Cairn India pipeline was build to transport hydrocarbon material rich and high in wax content. Due to this, the pipeline was welded with a 1inch sect tube on the 24inch dia mainline carrying heat tracing wire to provide the ‘skin effect’ to which afterwards the pipeline was insulated to maintain 100°C to 120°C while in service.
268 268
Powercrete R-150 Skin-Effect heat traced pipeline solution
269 269
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Rehabilitation in the ditch Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
270 270
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Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
272 272
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Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
274 274
PC-DD (black) and PC-J (brown) in a Tianjin Gas Net pipeline with 508 mm diameter for HDD, China 2008
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36 inch ARO Coating Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
276 276
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External protection manual applied Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
278 278
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Internal protection plant applied Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
280 280
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Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
282 282
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H.D.D. - applications Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
consolidated pipe birmingham, U.S.A
284 284
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pipeline tape
Polyken pipeline tape coating systems provide pipeline protection with cold-applied and fused tape coating products for various climates and environments.
tape technology 287
Double face tape field applied
288 288
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Bell-Hole Application
290 290
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Fireproofing tape
Application: Fireproofing Living Quarters Market: Energy, Construction, HVAC Product: Polyken 297 FR Application Description: Oil Platform Fire protection is very important on oil platforms due to volatile chemicals that are present. Rockwool insulation panels are used to provide both fire and thermal protection on Oil Platform in the living quarters. Thermal is also important because average temperature where the oil rig is stationed is -5C and winter temperatures can be -10 to -40C. Polyken 297FR is used as a seam tape on the fiberglass backed Rockwool. The 297 tape meets Federal Aviation fire regulations and has been certified to Russian Marine fire standards.
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Fireproofing tape
Application: Fireproofing Living Quarters Market: Energy, Construction, HVAC Product: Polyken 337 Application Description: Oil Platform HVAC ducts are encased in foil backed insulation for energy efficiency. Polyken 337 is used as a seam tape on the foil backed insulation. The 337 tape meets ASHRAE (American Society of Heating and Refrigeration Engineers) fire regulations and has been certified to Russian Marine fire standards.
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Rehabilitation in the ditch
296 296
297 297
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Bell-hole rehabilitation
298 298
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'over the ditch' 300 300
301 301
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New build pipelines
302 302
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Factory 'off-site' application
304 304
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Factory applied water pipelines
306 306
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HEAT shrin
Covalence heat shrink sleeves provide long term corrosion protection and strong mechanical strength performance for oil, gas and water pipelines. CovalenceÂŽ offers a broad range of field joint coating solutions based on an irradiated cross-linked polyolefin backing combined with a hot melt or mastic pressure sensitive adhesive.
hrinkable coating 309
High voltage cable protection
Bell & Spigot Joints MPSM/MEPS
Mechanical Coupler CPSM (tubular)
Line Coating Repair PERP
Flange Coupler FCTS/FCWS(-F)
Wrap Around 2 Layer Shrink Sleeve WPC
Bends FLEXCLAD Blocking Tee BLOT
House Tap Tee HTTE
Wrap Around 3 Layer Shrink Sleeve HTLP Tubular Shrink Sleeve TPSM
310 310
Casing Ends CSEM(-F)
Directional Drilling Sleeve DIRAX
Wrap-around Tubular Pre-insulated Pipe Covalence Solutions
Flexible Shrink Tape Covalence Solutions
Joint Casing Covalence Solutions
Raytrans Electro-shrinkable Covalence Solutions
311 311
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Rayclad 80
312 312
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Rayclad 120
OMV Pakistan 314 314
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HTLP 80, direct sleeve application on top of WET (uncured) EPOXY
HTLP 80, EDISON ITALY, Ghizzoni 316 316
317 317
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West-East Gas pipeline, Petrochina, Yangzi river HDD
318 318
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High voltage cable protection
320 320
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Offshore Solutions
Insulated offshore pipeline
Offshore pipeline in India, Carrier pipe 12.75" â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Perma pipe / ONGC 322 322
323 323
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Offshore Solutions
324 324
Offshore polypropylene & CWC pipelines
325 325
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Onschore large pipe diameter fieldjoint coating
326 326
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Blue 60
328 328
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Onshore 3LPE FJC coating
330 330
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Gastorch application 332 332
Offshore sparktest 333 333
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Large diameter bell-spigot joints waterpipeline
334 334
335 335
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non-aging tape
SynergyQ is a new single wrap pipeline coating system that exists of a polyethylene backing and an extremely high shear resistant corrosion prevention material. The system does not require any primer and can be applied with little tension. It will not get brittle, tear or break at low temperatures; it simply seals for life. It is the ultimate non-shielding tape system with an extreme moisture uptake resistance in the market today.
tape solutions 337
Complete Linepipe & Field Joint Coating Solutions for Ductile Iron pipeline
338 338
339 339
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Full Service Automated Coating Application Equipment. Factory & Field application
340 340
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No blasting needed
Pinbrazing insulation and corrosion prevention
344 344
345 345
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Rivet bolts protection
oosterschelde bridge, the netherlands 346 346
347 347
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Rope access application
Dutch northsea windmill park 348 348
1. SLF substrate cleaner (SPRAYCAN) 2. sfl easyqote 3. sfl wB topcoat (1-component DISPENSER)
349 349
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Above ground H-beams and other structural beams
352 352
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Spotrepair windmills
354 354
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Above ground structural steel
Formosa, Taiwan 356 356
357 357
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Structural support bases Inpex, Australia
Icthys Gas Plant 358 358
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Crossover Waterproofing by Sealtaq Universal Band
Highway A28 - exit assen tt circuit 362 362
363 363
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Roofing repair of hotelroofs
Johannesburg, South Africa 368 368
369 369
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Roofing repair on wooden roof
Sodwana Bay Lodge, South Africa 370 370
371 371
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Solutions for home and marine
374 374
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
SFL se 376
ey applications 377
Turn-key Applications & Equipment
Mobile Field Pipeline Coating 378 378
Mobile pipeline coating
379 379
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
380 380
Offshore onsite trained & certified crews
381 381
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
STOPAQ 4100 putty STOPAQ Wrapping Band STOPAQ High Impact Shield
382 382
Endseals Casings
383 383
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
384 384
FAST; Field Applied STOPAQ Technology with PE/PP extrusion for mechanical protection
385 385
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
386 386
Inshore splashzone prevention system for jetty piles
387 387
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
388 388
Offshore Flange Maintenance, BlueWater Australia
389 389
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
3LPP Pipeline FieldJoint Coating
Polypropylene Flame Spray for HDDapplication applied to Stopaq Basecoat
390 390
391 391
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
For the maximum installation comfort & performance SFL Technologies and Services developed the very first intelligent assistant tool in Heat Shrink Sleeve installation. The intelligent KELVIN Direct Contact offers optimal and guaranteed installation comfort and performance reading the characteristics of the Sleeve materials applied. The KELVIN Direct Contact recognizes the softening point of the Sleeve adhesive layer as well as the duration of the liquid stage the adhesive is kept in, the so called bonding phase.
392 392
Uniform and consistent tool to shrink a shrinkable sleeve for joints
KELVIN I.R. 393 393
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
Subsea pipeline and structural repair
X-knot offshore, Woodside, Australia 394 394
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395 395
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
396 396
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
PE repair, Croatia 398 398
Induction removal bitumen, PE, PP or epoxy coatings 399 399
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
Internal welding sleeve
• Traditional methods for welding internally coated pipe without protection are not recommended as Corrosion would concentrate at the weld seams where the internal coating has burned off (Trouble Spot) and reduce the life of the pipe by as much as 75%. • The Cylindrical Corrosion Barrier sleeve is designed to isolate the portion of internally coated pipe that is destroyed by the heat from the welding process. • It returns the internal lining to a homogenous state protecting the steel from the corrosion that occurs when the girth weld area is left unprotected by the loss of the I.D. coating. • The sleeve has two sets of O-rings affixed into grooves machined around the outer circumference of the ends. • The O-rings are manufactured with compounds specifically designed to resist the process flow being transported in the pipeline. • The heat resistant material folds around the interior radius of the steel backing ring to completely isolate the band from the sleeve and provides heat protection during the welding process.
400 400
Internal Welding Sleeves
During Welding
es el in ip at er p w
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Cross Sectional Cut
Advantages â&#x20AC;˘ The Cylindrical Corrosion Barrier sleeve represents a long awaited technological advancement for internally coated pipeline installations. â&#x20AC;˘ The sleeve is the most simplistic and efficient method to provide positive corrosion protection in a traditionally troubled spot for all internally coated pipeline systems. â&#x20AC;˘ The installation crew can move forward knowing that a permanent solution to girth weld corrosion has been accomplished.
401 401
Turn-key Applications & Equipment
402 402
On-site turn-key casing filler application services mobile self-supporting units
403 403
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
DCN Diving, Nacap/Van Oord Gasunie, Netherlands 404 404
Subsea caisson application of STOPAQ
405 405
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Turn-key Applications & Equipment
Product range: • Semi-Conductive Water Blocking Tapes • Non-Conductive Water Blocking Tapes • Film Laminated Water Blocking Tapes • Binding, Bedding and Barrier Tapes • Woven Tapes • Water-blocking Woven Tapes • Foam Tapes • Marine Tapes • Water Blocking Yarns • Water Blocking Cable Fillers • Water Blocking Flat Binders
406 406
Cable and Wire Solutions
Outer sheath Non-conductive separation tape
Braided shield Inner sheath
Insulated wires 407 407
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Marking underground buried services Can be manufactured in any colour, size, text or language to suit the project 408 408
TERRAM Protectamesh HD TERRAM Utilitape is a brightly-coloured underground warning tape manufactured from polyethylene ďŹ lm and can be produced to your speciďŹ cations: printed with any text in any language, any colour and any size.
Underground warning mesh Utilitape underground warning net is brightly coloured, has a central strip that can be printed with a warning message for easy recognition during excavation and is manufactured and tested in compliance with BS EN12613:2009.
Detectable warning tape Wavelay is a detectable warning tape with embedded steel tracer wires that can be located using standard cable and pipe locators used with non-metallic pipes and un-energised cables. As a backup, the highly-visible, printed tape will also show within the spoil during any subsequent excavation.
Detectable mesh TERRAM Detectamesh is a high-strength, rot-resistant polypropylene mesh incorporating a traceable stainless steel wire or aluminium foil, and overprinted with a warning message in black. It can be located using standard cable and pipe locators used with non-metallic pipes and unenergised cables. The highly-visible mesh will show within the spoil during any subsequent excavation. TERRAM Detectamesh is laid at half depth in the trench above a pipe or a cable.
409 409
Turn-key Applications & Equipment
411 411
Turn-key Applications & Equipment
Clamp Repair Application Instruction
Application pplication Instruction Instruction
(foto) (foto) 32â&#x20AC;? Subsea Pipe, Indonesia
(foto) (foto
) 413
at er p
el in
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y
re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
ar in
Clamp Repair Application Instruction
Turn-key Applications & Equipment
5 min.
Pipe and clamp to be coated in a habitat with:
Prepare entire surface, incl. adjacent factory
Surface cleanliness check. Apply ±150mm
Paste SZ might be used to fill up irregular
Paste SZ (optionally)
applied coating, according ISO 8501-1 St2
Stopaq Wrappingband onto the surfaces of the
shapes and sharp edges at the extremity of the
Wrappingband CL (*or Wrappingband SZ)
/ St3 standard minimum. Wire brush, Monti
pipeline at the 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock position
clamp or existing pipeline coating. Use small
Subsea Intermediate Wrap
Bristle Blaster, Grid blasting, Grinding disc or
and press the material, continuously, firmly into
chunks of Paste SZ for ease of application.
Outerglass Shield XT Grey
similar tools are sufficient. Prepare the remaining
the pores of the substrates [1] . Remove the
pipeline coating surface by use of scotch bright,
Stopaq after approx. 5 minutes in an angle of
any loose/damaged pipeline material needs to
approx. 135° and a with a speed of 100mm/
be removed.
min [2]. Cohesive failure should occur and the remaining Stopaq material should cover ≥95% of the surface [3]. If this is less, further cleaning is required. Repeat cleaning and cleanliness check
until ≥95% of the surface remains covered. ≥100mm
Sections covered with remaining pipeline coating should be checked with the same method.
Apply Wrappingband CL by means of straight
Carry out a visual inspection to ensure
In case that the application shall be done
or spiral wrap over the pipe. Start touching
that the entire area has been covered with
under water, without habitat, Wrappingband
the concrete until touching the clamp with
Wrappingband CL.
SZ shall be used. Follow the same application
a minimum side-by-side overlap of 10mm,
procedure, but with a minimum side-by-side
circumferential overlap minimum 100mm. Apply
overlap of 50%.
without air or water inclusions and with tension. The entire pipe and clamp must be covered with at least 1 layer Wrappingband CL. 414
es el in ip at er p w
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y
re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
e ar in m
≥100mm ≥10mm
Apply strips of Wrappingband CL over the
Continue until the entire circumference has been
Apply Wrappingband CL with the same
Apply Wrappingband CL by means of straight or
clamp. Start on the larger diameter of the
covered with Wrappingband CL.
procedure on the other side of the clamp.
spiral wrap over the clamp with a minimum
pipe and work towards the pipeline. Apply
side-by-side overlap of 10mm, circumferential
Wrappingband without air or water inclusions
overlap minimum 100mm. Apply without air or
and without any tension. Press the material
water inclusions and with tension.
firmly in the pores of the substrate. Overlap over previous applied Wrappingband minimum 10mm and minimum 100mm over the clamp and pipeline. ≥100mm
Apply Wrappingband SZ over clamp and on
Apply Subsea Intermediate Wrap with the
Apply Subsea Intermediate Wrap spirally around
the pipe. Start touching the clamp and end
same procedure over the transition area as
the clamp and on the pipe. Start touching the
touching the concrete. Start with 2 straight
the Wrappingband CL, but with a minimum
clamp and end touching the concrete. Start with
wraps and continue with a minimum overlap of
overlap of 50% over the clamp. Apply without air
2 straight wraps and continue with a minimum
50%. Finish with 2 circumferential wraps. Apply
inclusions and without tension.
overlap of 50%. Finish with 2 circumferential wraps.
Wrappingband SZ with tension and without
Apply Subsea Intermediate Wrap with tension and
water inclusions.
without air inclusions. The last 300mm shall be applied without tension. Cut the end as a tie. 415
Clamp Repair Application Instruction
Turn-key Applications & Equipment
General information about the application of Outerglass Shield XT. •
The pouches of Outerglass Shield XT shall be opened one at a time and just prior to application. Once a pouch is opened, the curing reaction with moisture present in air or water
will start immediately. •
The Outerglass Shield XT shall be applied within the working time indicated, including application of compression foil and perforation.
Do not cover large surfaces at once, since Outerglass Shield XT needs to be compressed
Apply Outerglass Shield XT criss-cross around
Continue until the entire clamp has been
immediately after application with compression foil.
the clamp. Apply with tension and without air
covered with Outerglass Shield XT. Continuous
Always apply and perforate compression foil well within the curing time of Outerglass Shield XT.
entrapments. Minor folds do not cause any
wetting of Outerglass Shield XT.
In case overlapping existing Outerglass Shield XT, it shall only be applied on fully cured
problem as the compression foil will be applied
Keep respect to instructions. Do not cover the
Outerglass Shield XT and after the compression foil has been removed and the surface has
afterwards. Continuous wetting of Outerglass
entire clamp if the compression foil cannot be
slightly been abraded.
Shield XT.
applied and perforated well within curing time.
Continuous wetting of Outerglass Shield XT during application is required.
Consult Safety Data Sheet and Product Data Sheet for appropriate personal safety measures, personal protective gear, application conditions etc.
Remove compression foil after initial curing time.
In the unfortunate event that the coating gets damaged after application the coating can also be repaired locally using the same application procedure as for new dry/wet application. Coating repairs need to be applied over the full circumference of the pipe/SoS and applied on bare metal or existing pipeline coating, connection to the already applied Stopaq coating. Always start 300mm next to the damaged area.
es el in ip at er p w
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
e ar in m
Apply Outerglass Shield XT over the pipe
Apply compression foil with tension over the
Perforate the compression foil with a perforation
Resin might seep through the perforations in the
sections. Start touching the clamp and end
entire area. For ease of removal, apply minimum
roller. Only perforate the compression foil, do
compression foil while curing.
touching the concrete. Start with 2 straight
66% overlap (3 layers).
not perforate the Outerglass Shield XT, Subsea
wraps and continue with a minimum overlap
Keep respect to instructions. Do not cover
Intermediate Wrap or Wrappingband CL.
of 50%. Apply with tension and without air
the entire clamp and pipe sections if the
entrapments. Keep respect to instructions. Do
compression foil cannot be applied and
not cover the entire clamp and pipe sections
perforated well within curing time.
if the compression foil cannot be applied and perforated well within curing time.
HD Rockshield
Longitudinal wrapping
Latitudinal wrapping
Spiral wrapping
at er p
el in
at m os ph er ca ic th pa od in ic ta bl p ho ro e m te s o e ct lu do io tio n -it ns te -y le o co ur m se lf pu lp & pa pe tra rp ns la po nt rta s in t io fra n
er y
re fin
flo or in
un os de pa rw ce at m er ob in ile st al pi la p tio on el n in sh e or co e at o of il in & fs g ho ga s re pi pe di st lin ric es th e at bu in ild g in & g co & tu ol c rn on in -k g st ey ru ap ct ca io pl ic ns si a ng tio ns fil le p r
sp la sh -z on e ae & r
ar in
• Rope access • Soil stress resistance horizontal
• Subkha simulation conjunction with cathodic protection
• Jacket hammer soil stress resistance
• Impact test
• Cathodic protection testpark
• Rollerbox test
outdoor • Casings under railroad
• Sandbox test (ISO 489)
• Storage tank, harbour wall, jetty pile,
• QT-centre
compressorstation applications
and many more.
Albert Einstein “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”
Connected partner:
science over convention
HOW LONG DOES YOUR COATING LAST? Make the right choice tomorrow’s solution: > >
30 yrs. Choose asset appreciation by understanding your total cost of ownership!
visit www.poly.guru And use our selection tool based on polymer chemistry, metallurgy and environmental factors to make an objective comparison between different coating systems. Predict the lifetime of the asset and avoid early failure.
Why STOPAQ’s Technology? - Effective electrical insulator & moisture barrier - Immediate molecular bond to the substrate - Ability to resist holidays - Full retention of physical characteristics - Maintains constant specific electrical insulation - Non-toxic & easy and quick to apply without primers 423
Rehabilitation, Coating Repair or New Building Coating | Onshore or Offshore Coating | Subsea, Splash-zone or Above Ground Coating
One family, one world, one mission KB Singh Shamil Kudashev
Sander Hofstee Katrien Masschelein Scottie Smith
Bas Huizing
Dirk TottĂŠ
Frits Doddema Gurinder Sethi
Dinko Cudic
Adelaide Cappa
Stefan Krieken 424 424
Neil Gill
Erik Broesder
Sam Thomas
Osvaldo Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Albuquerque
Lety Pelayo Elmar Chavet
Seal For Life Industries’ approach is to engineer solutions to last for the design life of the asset. Seal For Life engineers are ever ready to work with you to deliver the most cost and energy efficient sealing, insulation and anti-corrosion solution for your project. Our creed is “do more with less”, and our proven in-house technologies are designed to deliver safe, quick, consistent and risk-free applications. At SFL, we make it our responsibility to ensure a hassle-free engineering experience offering you a complete “Seal For Life” solution.
Ralph Summ Jeroen Kuipers Riyad Al-Hasan Fikry Barouky
Meet the Pro's Ahmed Moinuddin
Eddy Alaerts
Nathan Knight Emiel Lubbers
Dong KyuYoon Not in this photo: Joseph Rao
425 425
total care The Anodeflex system offers a better, more cost effective, and environmental friendly approach to pipe rehabilitation. It is typically installed in the same right of way as the pipe, adjacent to the pipe, with only minimal disturbance of the environment.
STOPAQ produces and supplies worldwide a broad range of innovative patent defended self-healing anticorrosion solutions. The self-healing systems with unique visco-elastic properties prevent corrosion of your valuable assets for life. STOPAQ systems are maintenance-free and seal completely and permanently any substrate against the ingress of water, oxygen, bacteria or AC/DC current.
On- & offshore
Nt coNteN & Internal Under & Above Ground
Subsea, Splashzone
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 426 426
Polyken pipeline tape coating systems provide pipeline protection with cold-applied and fused tape coating products for various climates and environments. With a full range of multi-layered coating systems and a host of coating accessories, Polyken is ready to respond to customers anywhere around the globe.
Covalence heat shrink force technologies provide strong mechanical strength performance and corrosion protection for oil, gas and water transmission pipelines. With technology born of the atomic age, shrink sleeves are unique in their ability to perform safely and efficiently.
Powercrete is a solvent free epoxy coating used for rehabilitation, directional drilling, girth weld protection, bends, fittings and odd shapes, offshore applications, patch and repair and potable water applications. Powercrete epoxies are designed to meet the requirements of the most demanding pipeline applications.
Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
427 427
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 428 428
engineering & services Seal For Life offers a wide range of tech engineering and innovative services. Dedicated partners in the field of on- & offshore surface preparation, application, installation, monitoring complement the services: • Turnkey offshore J-tube Filling • Turnkey onshore Casing Filling • Coating Removal
people planet
• Insulation of pipelines • Coating Condensating Lines without shutdowns • Offshore Jacket Leg Coating • Underwater Coating Training • Job Supervision • Specialized Labour for HDD- joints • Surface Preparation Services • Installation of cathodic protection systems • Cathodic protection consultancy • Corrosion monitoring
Turn-key Applications & Equipment
429 429
Ask for our Cost Avoidance Case!
431 431
experience centre The Seal For Life Industriesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Experience Centre is located in Stadskanaal, a relatively small community in the Northern Netherlands. The Centre welcomes many visitors, including business partners, students, and governmental authorities who are provided with a thorough overview of what happens around pipes above and below ground, as well as above and under water. An interactive history describes obsolete methods, tested methods and innovative solutions to corrosion and sealing issues. Novel thinking and the constant quest for innovation are the leading principles that bind together all the partners of Seal For Life Industries.
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 432 432
experience online!
433 433
Have you seen this before! The marketing communication of
at once. Therefore we made a new
Seal For Life Industries is different.
overall website and a corporate
We believe in a ‘people approach’.
movie. Therefore we will invest in augmented reality and other
Therefore we make advertisements
innovative promotions to have
with impact and stopping power.
ammunition to attack markets, to
Therefore we have an experience
convince people of our passion and
centre that convinces every visitor
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 434 434
unmatched toughness
Even at the extremes
When our beloved alligator has prey clamped in its jaws, he never lets go. His scales protect him from harsh attacks from all sides. The properties of this powerful beast are similar to the concepts of corrosion protection of Seal For Life’s Covalence Shrinkable Systems. The innovative shrink technology of Covalence protects critical infrastructural objects without losing elasticity. Covalence is one of our most powerful and proven technologies. Whether in combination with the visco-elastic corrosion prevention materials, hot-melt and mastic adhesives, total care shrink technology is the way to Seal For Life tight. It’s about making the surface preparation and the applicators’ job easy. Covalence – the first and still the best at heat shrink technology.
You know our strength as an ARO to protect FBE. Did you know that Powercrete is also engineered for mainline coatings, girthwelds, bends and specials, and offshore? Proven toughness, broad temperature ranges, quick to cure - we have the performance to Seal For Life!
since 1956
job done!
original advert
However we have a new logo and a new extended family, Polyken Tape Coating is proven since 1956 and still has the same advantages.
Made in the U.S.A.
• Extreme durability • Highest quality raw materials • Fastest dry • Easy consistent application • Superior adhesion • Excellent cathodic disbondment resistance • No pinholes
2014 WE130328_ADV_IJSBEER_216bx303h_DEF_V2.indd 1
11-09-13 08:59
17-07-14 15:21
c100 m0 y30 k20 c0 m75 y100 k0 c55 m55 y0 k0 c0 m100 y87 k0 c20 m100 y50 k0 c85 m45 y0 k0 c0 m0 y0 k100
Patented underwater Anti-Corrosion Technology Applications: • Splashzone Jetty Pile Protection • Subsea Pipeline Repair • Offshore Jacket Leg Protection
features & benefits: • Adheres under water & offers extremely high specific electric resistance • Training in cooperation with Falck Nutec at Seal For Life’s Technology Centre • Quick & easy to apply by trained divers and approved application companies
w w w . s e a l f o r l i f e . c o m
435 435
c100 m0 y30 c0 m75 y100 c55 m55 y0 k c0 m100 y87 c20 m100 y5 c85 m45 y0 k c0 m0 y0 k10
Nt coNteN Thanks to its innovative character, Seal For Life Industries has turned developments into solutions. This has resulted in patents being registered in many countries all over the world.
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 436
Name Protection (Intellectual Property) Seal For Life Industries is strongly attached to its trademarks. The trademarks have therefore been registered worldwide in order to avoid unauthorised use. Our portfolio ranges from oil and gas to chemicals, plastics, performance products, agricultural products and fine chemicals. Since many years Seal For Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s R&D department works closely together with the R&D departments of BASF in Ludwigshafen, Germany. This is the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading chemical company. With about 105,000 employees, 6 Verbund sites and close to 385 production sites worldwide BASF serve customers and partners in almost all countries of the world. Their research and development activities aim to convert market trends and scientific ideas quickly into successful innovations. Through new technologies BASF can tap into additional market opportunities - creating added value for their customers, for example in the automotive, construction, food and pharmaceutical industries. Especially in the field of visco-elastic products, SFL/Stopaq and BASF have a continuous, dynamic concept of cooperation and frequent meetings of (technical) minds. 437 437
CLIENTS We cherish our clients. They are our reference point.
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 438
Sample Global Client Listing
when we promise, seal the world... We at Seal For Life Industries will never become purists or idealists. We are and will always be realists, with feet firmly planted on terra firma. However, our solutions are important to the world. We can help transport the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s energy commodities safely over land and sea. We can help provide safe infrastructure in urban and pristine rural areas.. We can help turn the tide when it comes to raising dikes and dams. We can be of great value with our products in the aviation industry. We have the solutions in the field of traditional anti-fouling. And there are endless opportunities for applications of our products in and around the home.
Nt coNteN It is precisely this coverage and the synergies between our products, and the combination of our technologies, which makes us an undeniable player in all these markets. At Seal For Life, we are a partner with a realistic view of people, planet and profit. 10 regions Europe, Russia & CIS, Africa, Middle East India & Pakistan, South East Asia North East Asia, Australia & New Zealand North America
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 440
6 manufacturing plants • Tijuana, Mexico • Franklin (KY), U.S.A. • Stadskanaal, the Netherlands • Westerlo, Belgium • Baroda, India • Dammam, Saudi Arabia
10 technical sales support offices • Buenos Aires, Argentina • Franklin, U.S.A. • Stadskanaal, the Netherlands • Westerlo, Belgium • Manama, Bahrain • New Delhi, India • Beijing, China • Seoul, Korea • Moscow, Russia • Singapore, Singapore
Visit us at sealforlife.com 441
SFL headquarters
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 442 442
GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE Wintershall K13A 2101081007
STOPAQ® Splash Zone System
Turn-key Applications & Equipment
This Guarantee applies to the STOPAQ® Splash Zone System consisting of STOPAQ® Wrappingband CZH for above the lowest tide waterline and STOPAQ® Subsea Compound, for below the lowtide line stated below with the mentioned batch numbers, provided however that such product is applied as part of a STOPAQ® Splash Zone System, which combines a STOPAQ® Outerwrap (PVC) & STOPAQ® Outerglass Shield XT24 for mechanical protection. For improved color and gloss retention, a UV-resistant topcoat is recommended. STOPAQ® Corrosion Prevention Product
Batch number
STOPAQ Wrappingband CZH 100 x 10 STOPAQ Subsea Compound 100 x 6 STOPAQ Outerglass Shield XT24 10 x 60
232610 / 182010 / 303409 172810 PR3781 / 52809-AUG09
We, STOPAQ Oil & Gas Services B.V., turn-key suppliers & installers of the STOPAQ® Corrosion Preventation Splash Zone System, guarantee that the STOPAQ® Splash Zone System provides protection against external corrosion of the submerged object that is covered by this STOPAQ® Corrosion Preventative Splash Zone System for a period of 30 years from the date of application (installation), provided that: 1. the STOPAQ® Corrosion Preventative System is applied (installed) on the submerged object by a STOPAQ® Certified Applicator (Installer) according to STOPAQ® Splash Zone Application Procedure Rev. 01/10 including batch records filled in a daily report logbook; and 2. a STOPAQ® Certified Inspector inspects the object and the coating according to STOPAQ® Inspection Procedure Rev. 01/10, prior to, during and after the STOPAQ® Splash Zone Corrosion Preventative System is applied (installed); and 3. the object is not immersed above at a maximum temperature of 35° Celsius. The application guarantee is in conformity with ISO12944. The application guarantee is valid for a period of 5 years subject to the proviso that 3-yearly inspections will be carried out in relation to the condition of the coating. This guarantee relates to the latest inspection on reference-subject, as referred to in: South Beam This Guarantee is void if any corrosion occurs as a consequence of circumstances beyond the control of STOPAQ®, including but not limited to: 1. internal corrosion; 2. external damages inflicted upon the STOPAQ® Corrosion Preventative System; 3. excessive quantities of hydrocarbon solvents and chemicals outside the range of PH4-12 present in the soil or water. This Guarantee is restricted to the material costs only of the STOPAQ® Corrosion Preventative System necessary for an eventual repair of the previous applied STOPAQ® Corrosion Preventative System and does not cover any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, or lost profits, savings or revenues of any kind, whether or not STOPAQ® has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This Guarantee shall be governed by Dutch Law. All disputes arising in connection with this Guarantee shall be exclusively settled by the district court of Groningen, The Netherlands.
STOPAQ B.V. Frits Doddema Chief Executive Officer
STOPAQ Oil & Gas Services B.V. | Gasselterstraat 20 | 9503 JB Stadskanaal | The Netherlands |
+31 (0)599 69 61 70 |
+31 (0)599 69 61 77 |
info@stopaq.com |
field joint coating norms
443 443
drs. JF (Frits) Doddema Global MD & GM Seal For Life Industries
at your service, with among Others:
K.B. Singh Specifications Engineering Head
Sander Hofstee Global Turnkey Services
Jeroen Kuipers Offshore business development
Sam Thomas Polyken Pro and Engineering SFL Solutions
Stefan Krieken Innovations & manufacturing
Katrien Masschelein Technology Director HSS
Seal For Life: 112 years of innov
Abboud Mamish R&D Vice President
Leticia Pelayo Customer Service
Bob Buchanan SFL North America
Marcia Navarro R&D Covalence Director
Gurinder Sethi Director India
Ahmed Moinuddin Market Support Manager
Cindy Patton Tape Coatings USA
Nathan Knight Specification Counsel
Nt coNteN Emiel Lubbers Project & Proposal Management
Frank Muffels SFL Protection SEA
Chris Banton SFL Prevention SEA
Neil Gill SFL International Protection Covalence/Polyken
Kresimir Kekez Cathodic Protection Engineer
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 444 444
. 8 min
Hole in one Pipe golf challenge
Experience Centre
Rope access
. 4 min
6 min. Diving tank: under water coating Complete pipe coating: FAST
Contribution to a sustainable world STOPAQ Water Leak
10 meter water pressure
View at the international zoo
Above ground coating at refineries Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology
da er
5 min.
445 445
Doing more with less
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 446 446
This is our contribution to a sustainable world! What is more? Develop, Manufacture & Protect more m2 of Visco-elastic, Tape, Shrinkable Products and kilometres of Polymeric Anodes. What is less? This in short: energy-efficiency Resulting in: • less manpower, • less skilled crews, less grit, less time, • less preheating, less layers, less testing onsite, • less commissioning cost, less scaffolding cost, • less mobilization cost, • less waste onsite, • less precautions, • less heavy personal protection gear, • less defects to repair.
447 447
Seal For Life, proud to be memb
Seal For Life Industries, formerly Berry Plastics
Powercrete Liquid Epoxy Coatings, and since
Corrosion Protection Group, is a part of the
2012, the STOPAQ line of visco-elastic coatings.
Company’s Engineered Materials Division and
The combination of STOPAQ with Berry’s existing
has more than 50 years of solid performance
corrosion protection group allows for solutions
in protecting oil, gas, water, wastewater, and
unrivalled by competitors in the market space,
insulated pipelines, as well as other metal
Most importantly, the research strengths of the
structures around the world. Berry’s corrosion
combined companies will allow for new innovation
protection brands include Polyken Pipeline Tape
and new products utilizing the best features of all
Coatings, Covalence Heat Shrinkable Products,
products across the group.
AnodeFlex Long-Line Linear Anode for CP, and
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 448 448
ber of the Berry Plastics family
About Berry Plastics
Berry Plastics recently acquired AVINTIV Inc. which will enhance their ability to capitalize
Berry Plastics Group, Inc. is a leading provider of value-added plastic consumer
on the rapidly growing global markets for hygiene and healthcare.
packaging and engineered materials delivering high-quality customized solutions to their customers with annual net sales of $5.0 billion in fiscal 2014, their products are
Berry Plastics’ successes have been made possible through the dedication of their
designed utilizing proprietary research and unique development and manufacturing
employees. Berry Plastics’ culture generates a solid commitment to teamwork and
technologies. These technologies foster the innovation of their products, which include
shared success and has allowed them to effectively integrate strategic acquisitions,
• open top and closed top packaging
create and maintain strong customer relationships, withstand changing economic
• polyethylene-based plastic films
conditions, and grow at rates in excess of their industry. With headquarters in Evansville,
• industrial tapes
Indiana, Berry Plastic serves over 13,000 customers, ranging from large multinational
• medical specialties
corporations to small local businesses. Berry Plastic’s common stock is traded on the
• flexible packaging
New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol BERY.
Nt • heat-shrinkable coatings • specialty laminates • FIBCs (bulk bags)
To augment our product offering, Berry has been one of the most active acquirers of plastic packaging businesses globally, having acquired more than 30 businesses since 1988.
449 449
Nt coNteN
2014 SEPTEMBER 2 450 450
Terms of use
Apart from personal, not commercial, use it is not allowed to copy, multiply or publish in any way or adapt the information and/or design. Although Seal For Life Industries has exercised due care to ensure the correctness of the information, SFL does not accept any responsibility for it. All content is provided “as is” and “as available”.
The visual material in this book is the property of SFL, or obtained directly from the relevant parties. SFL has done its utmost to trace the rightful owner of the images and to tailor the use of these images. If the rightful owner(s) has (and) have difficulty with the use of the images in this book, they can contact us.
Chief Editor: Frits Doddema Concepts & design: La Compagnie, marketing & media
© SFL Industries
451 451
Think. Design. Protect.
Gasselterstraat 20 9503 JB Stadskanaal The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)599 69 61 70 F: +31 (0)599 69 61 77 E: info@sealforlife.com I: www.sealforlife.com