s e a l t e c h w a t e r p r o o f i n g . c o m
s e a l t e c h w a t e r p r o o f i n g . c o m
During cold climates, humidity levels tend to drop. The reason is that cold air cannot keep as much humidity as warm air. On the other hand, during the summer, moisture increases since the air contain more water vapor when the temperature rises. Indeed, indoor humidity drops between 25 percent and 35 percent during winter.
Even minor everyday actions can affect humidity levels. Many of these actions we carry out in our daily lives at home (cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes, breathing, washing clothes, and showering) can cause indoor humidity levels to increase.
The humidity depends on variables such as soil conditions and the building’s (or house’s) features and maintenance. If your home is not properly insulated or encapsulated, humidity at home leads to problems that can seriously affect your health, especially on cold days. The first is a considerable decrease in the thermal sensation when cold and humidity are closely related. And this condition arises when you have plumbing leaks and water sources inside your house.
During the cold months, it is common to spend most of the time indoors, protected by the comfort of fireplaces and heating. For this reason, when cold winter air enters the house to be conditioned and distributed, it will be surprisingly dry.
Wood furniture loses moisture, cracking and splintering
Indoor plants wither
The wallpaper peels off Musical instruments lose tone
Susceptibility to static discharge, which affects electronic devices
Dry air causes dry hands, skin, and lips
Episodes of irritated nose, throat, and eyes increase Increased shortness of breath, including coughing.
Therefore, if cold, dry air affects your home and life quality, the best option is to restore moisture to the incoming air supply without compromising the desired temperature.
Before sealing your crawlspace, do not hesitate to call your trusted experts on crawlspace waterproofing in Charlotte, NC.