CAR ACCIDENTS Car accidents are a concerning health issue in the United States. Indeed, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 6 million car accidents occur in the U.S. every year. In this context, injuries such as “whiplash” (an abrupt movement that causes the neck extends beyond its normal range of motion) are common.
If you have experienced a car accident, physical therapy could play a significant role in your recovery process. And it consists of a prescribed exercise program that can improve mobility, reduce pain, and boost your overall quality of life. Also, severe injuries are not the only reason to benefit from physical therapy. You are eligible for PT even if you have discomfort because of a minor car accident.
PAI N AND MIGR AI N E S Frequently, the long-term consequences of a car accident increase over time. They can be chronic pain and migraines. While physical therapy relieves pain but also helps address immediate injuries by improving strength, flexibility, and mobility. In this regard, in addition to pain, you may experience weakness, discomfort, numbness, tingling, or loss of mobility after an accident.
Prolonged bed rest can cause many problems. First, it prevents the regular use of the lower extremities and slows blood circulation, increasing the risk of blood clots in injured areas. For example, blood clots in a leg (deep vein thrombosis) sometimes travel to the lungs, blocking a blood vessel and causing a pulmonary embolism.
IMPAIRED RECOVERY On the other hand, inactive muscles weaken, and bed rest can cause stiffness in the joints, muscles, and surrounding soft tissues (ligaments and tendons). And over time, it can shorten muscles and cause permanently stiff flexed joints (contractures).
After an old car accident, it is possible to recover your function and mobility with PT programs, strength training exercises, and other rehabilitation techniques for improving your cardiovascular system.