Child safety seat class set
Bluebonnet Society of Austin County Ball receives auction item Bob Phillips, Tv’s “Texas Country Reporter” and owner of Escondida Resort, personally delivered a gift basket for the silent auction at this year’s Bluebonnet Society of Austin County Ball to be held on Saturday, March 31. A two-night stay at Phillips’ personal hacienda at Escondida Resort in Medina will be featured in the live auction at the ball. Pictured above are LeAnn Luedeker, Melissa Miller, Phillips, Marcella Schomburg and Diana Kies.
SPD receives flag donation Woodmen of the World Lodge 105 presented a 4x6 U.S. flag to the Sealy Police Department. Accepting are Police Chief John Tollett and Lt. Scott Riske. Woodmen members are vice president Bennie Stolarski and sales representative Kari Witt.
Securing children properly in age-and-size appropriate child safety seats – in the back seat of a vehicle – is the most effective thing to do to protect them in the event of a crash. In fact, in motor vehicle crashes, child safety seats reduce the risk of fatal injury by 71 percent for infants and by 54 percent for toddlers. That’s why Texas AgriLife Extension agent Michelle Allen is urging all parents and caregivers to attend the child safety seat checkup event on Wednesday, March 28. Certified technicians will be available to provide on-site child safety seat inspections and education from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Austin County Fairgrounds. Among child passengers under age 5, child restraints saved the lives of an estimated 309 children in 2009 alone. Over the period of 1975 through 2009 an estimated 9,310 lives were saved by child restraints (child safety seats or adult seat belt). Unfortunately, 42 percent of children killed in crashes are found to be unrestrained. Because child safety seats do save lives, every state requires their use. Even so, motor vehicle traffic crashes remain the leading cause of death for children age 3 and older. Even though the majority of parents buckle up their children in child safety seats, booster seats, or seat belts, most do not use them correctly. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly three out of four child safety seats are not used properly, which is a grave risk when traveling. For a child safety seat to do its job right, it has to be: •Appropriate for your child’s age and size; •Installed properly in your vehicle; and •Adjusted to fit your
child securely. If you’re a parent or caregiver, don’t miss this opportunity to have a free child safety seat inspection by a certified child passenger safety technician. Technicians can provide hands-on advice and instruction. Make sure your children are safe and
you are in compliance with the current child safety seat law in Texas. The law, which took effect on Sept. 1, 2009, requires all children under 8, unless taller than 4’9”, to be in a child safety seat system which includes traditional child safety seats with harnesses and booster seats.
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Students attend the Multi-County Child Care Conference sponsored by Austin and surrounding counties.
Child care providers class a success On Feb. 25, 2012 192 child care providers from 17 surrounding cities attended a Multi-County Child Care Conference sponsored by Texas AgriLife Extension Service and the Cooperative Extension Program. The event was held at Blinn Junior College at the student center and was hosted by Austin, Colorado, Fayette, and Washington counties. This yearly event equips childcare providers and directors with the necessary tools to provide high quality child care assistance which will ultimately develop productive and successful young people. The childcare providers and directors who attend provide services and care for more than 1,808 children enrolled in more than 56 childcare centers or family day homes. A host of agents, specialist and technical subject matter presenters provided educational information throughout the day including Dr. Cassandra Bryant of the Brenham Clinic. Topics addressed this year were: child safety issues, children’s nutrition, recognizing the signs of diseases and curriculum enrichment and much, much more. A total of 1,344 clock hours of training (seven hours per participant) were provided to child care professionals
seeking to meet state mandated training requirements established by the state of Texas. The event
was a huge success and the committee looks forward to serving even more providers at the next conference.
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