MAY 2014
New open learning spaces at Pymble
Principal’s Pen
College News - College celebrates 98 years - Plans unveiled for new Centenary Precinct
Towards 2020 - Pymble on track in our journey Towards 2020
Preparatory School
Junior School
College News 10-11 - Dame Joan Hammond Piano Recital - Ensemble Concert - Pymble welcomes internationally celebrated pianist - Cultural Community Network launched - 2014 student leaders encourage girls to explore their talents Secondary School News 12-17 - Archaeology comes to life at Pymble - Pymble girls support ‘The Girl Effect’ - Pymble rowers paint the podium in scarlet, navy and white - Camp Firefly a memorable experience - Pymble places third in Tildesley Tennis - 1930s on show in Stage Door - Dairy farm experience for Agriculture students - IT role for students - Pymble students on Classics tour - Students enjoy French culture - Students at the launch of the Westpac Bicentennial Foundation - Speech and Drama Awards for Pymble - Jemima is 2013 National Youth Ambassador - Diving team victorious at IGSSA - Swimming success at IGSSA - Outstanding 2013 HSC results for Pymble - Screen success for Pymble Parent Groups
Development - College unveils plans for new Centenary Precinct - How can I support the Centenary Precinct Campaign?
Ex-Students’ Union Inc.
Looking back - Reminiscing on days gone by
Front cover: Year 5 students, Emma Sullivan and Halle de Souza in the new Junior School open learning space. Editor: Ms Kim Williams. Editorial Committee: Mrs Vicki Waters, Mr Grant Birse and Mrs Joy England. Student Editorial Team: Olivia van Veen, Yue Er (Grace) Chen, Ricky Ham, Yuan (Nikki) Liang, Ellen Mezger, Rachel Ryu, Jia (Shelley) Cheng, Shehani Gunasekera, Tina Wu, Helen Wang, Seetha Tan, Lara Calligaro, Jennifer Peng, Toneya Lum, Natasha Ng, Charlotte Medway, Emily Kerrison and Madison Goodrick. Pymbulletin is published in May, October and December by the Marketing and Communications Department, Pymble Ladies’ College, Avon Road, Pymble, 2073. The deadline for the next issue is Friday 1 August 2014. Please send your information to the Marketing and Communications Department or email Ms Kim Williams at kmwilliams@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au. For general enquiries please contact the College on +61 2 9855 7799. 02 may pymbulletin
Principal’s Pen Welcome to the first issue of the Pymbulletin of the year. The commencement of a new academic year is always busy and 2014 has seen another eventful start to the year. Celebrating our College’s 98th birthday on Wednesday 12 February brought our College community of staff and students from Kindergarten to Year 12 together for this important occasion. It was an honour to welcome our guest speaker, 2001 ex-student Fiona Roughley to the event. In just two years we will have a grand celebration acknowledging Pymble’s 100 years as a centre of educational excellence for girls and young women. As we move into the second year of executing our strategic vision, Towards 2020 – Striving for the highest, I am pleased to advise that we have made significant progress in this exciting and challenging journey. A report on the actions implemented over the past twelve months is detailed on pages 4 and 5 in this issue of the Pymbulletin. In line with our vision of providing a learning environment which addresses the holistic needs of our students, plans for a new Aquatic and Fitness Centre within a area to be known as the Centenary Precinct were recently unveiled. This exciting new project will serve our current and future students for many years. I invite you to read more about the Centenary Precinct on pages 20 and 21 and encourage you to support this exciting new venture. I am always so impressed by the brilliant results our Year 12 students achieve in their Higher School Certificate (HSC). Our students consistently achieve well above the State average. The Pymble 2013 HSC students are to be congratulated on their brilliant results which included two students achieving a perfect ATAR and three students topping the State in subjects. It is not all about academic achievement at Pymble. Our students are inspired to excel in their sporting and artistic endeavours and cocurricular activities. Our students are also encouraged to give back and serve in the community. A fine example of students giving back was at the 2013 Pymble Camp Firefly which saw a group of Year 11 students giving up their time during their summer vacation to provide 24 hour care and companionship over four days to children with a disability. How inspiring! The girls gained so much from this experience and will cherish their memories of the camp in future years. This issue of the Pymbulletin has many more inspiring stories about our students and the wonderful educational opportunities they enjoy at Pymble. Vicki L Waters PRINCIPAL
Pymble Country Luncheons Pymble ex-students, current, past, future and prospective families are welcome to attend the Pymble Country Luncheons in the Hunter Valley on Sunday 3 August and in Mudgee on Sunday 17 August. Please contact Rebecca Pearce, Community Marketing Co-ordinator on 02 9497 7853 or rpeace@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au for further details.
College celebrates 98 years
Students and staff from across the College celebrated Pymble’s 98th birthday at a Foundation Day Service held on Wednesday 12 February. The guest speaker, 2001 ex-student Fiona Roughley (pictured above front row centre) acknowledged the unique foundation for life that a Pymble education offers. “The foundation that an education gives you is the power to think about things so as to understand them. Not just to know what, but to comprehend why,” said Fiona. She urged students to use the foundation that is an education gained at Pymble to ask ‘why’ and ‘why not’. “May your answers lead you on journeys full of discovery and may you build high on the foundation you will have received just from the privilege of being at Pymble,” said Fiona. In 1916 the College conducted a Foundation Day Service to celebrate its opening and these services commenced again in 1991 to mark the 75th anniversary of Pymble. Since then students and staff have come together each year to celebrate and commemorate the foundation of Pymble.
Plans unveiled for new Centenary Precinct The College has unveiled plans for its new Centenary Precinct, an exciting new development that will be a fitting commemoration of our Centenary in 2016. The Centenary Precinct will include the establishment of a new Aquatic and Fitness Centre, the redevelopment of Mollie Dive Field, the provision of extensive underground parking and a Centenary Walkway. Aligned with our Towards 2020 - Striving for the highest vision, these new facilities will enable us to expand and enhance the quality and delivery of our fitness and wellbeing programs for decades to come. Further information on the new Centenary Precinct and how you can support the campaign are provided on pages 20 and 21 in this issue of the Pymbulletin.
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Pymble on track in our journey Towards 2020 Mrs Sally Egan, Director of Improvement Strategy
Pymble is now in its second year of implementing our strategic vision, Towards 2020 – Striving for the highest. Our four signposts of Personalised Education, People and Culture, Community and Sustainability guide us in the delivery of an education that is universally acknowledged for its outstanding quality providing exceptional opportunities for our girls and young women.
Personalised Education Personalised Education is to know, guide, support and challenge individual learners as they progress through their education at Pymble. In order to strengthen our commitment to creating a personalised learning environment for each Pymble student we have reviewed the Kindergarten to Year 12 Pastoral Care Program allowing us to identify the key strengths and awareness of the current program to support the care and wellbeing of every student. The review enabled us to redefine how we support and guide every girl, addressing their emotional, spiritual and social needs. A new role of Head of Student Wellbeing was created to support the review and to implement the necessary changes. In partnership with her classroom teacher or Pastoral Care teacher, every student from Kindergarten to Year 12 has established personal learning goals. Using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevance/Realistic, Timing). All students have developed at least one personal learning goal that they will work towards achieving throughout the first semester. These goals will be documented in her student diary and are accessible to teachers, parents and carers. The process of establishing learning goals allows us to know, support and guide each student. At the end of each term, girls will work with their respective teacher and their parent or carer to reflect on progress towards their goals. In 2013 the College investigated various online student management and reporting systems to enable teachers to document, record and communicate the holistic journey of every student at Pymble. Components of this important online tool will be introduced over the next two years.
People and Culture Under the signpost of People and Culture, we continue to invest in the professional learning and development of our staff and encourage a culture of reflective practice and continual improvement. The launch of the Pymble teaching and learning framework was an important step in ensuring a consistent Kindergarten to Year 12 approach to developing teachers’ professional practice. Our teaching and learning focus has continued to be collaborative and in introducing the Australian curriculum across the College, teachers have planned and developed transdisciplinary units of work, creating learning experiences that challenge students to question, be curious and apply their knowledge. In 2014 some aspects of the teaching and learning program will be delivered through a multi-staged virtual learning environment. Professional learning teams are active in embedding innovative learning experiences in classroom practice. In 2013 we reviewed our recruitment of staff and developed a mentoring program for new teachers and for those seeking higher levels of accreditation to foster a culture that attracts and develops dynamic professionals. Towards 2020 has provided the platform for staff to be involved in investigations, research, reviews, trials and implementation of strategic intents across the College.
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Community The establishment of the Development Office within the Community signpost has strengthened our local and global connections enabling all members of our community, past and present, to engage with the College. In 2014 we are strengthening our links with former students and current parents to provide mentoring, work experience and career advice for our current students. A Cultural Community Network was launched earlier this year through an idea raised in the community consultation process in the development of Towards 2020. We recognise and celebrate the diversity that is uniquely Pymble and will continue to build networks and support structures to further engage and connect with our wider community. Within the College, the interdependence between the five schools (Preparatory, Junior, Middle, Upper and Senior) continues to
Mrs Fei Sang, Mrs Sim Lim, Mrs Vicki Waters and Mrs Fang Peng at the Cultural Community Network launch. grow; supporting learning experiences, peer support and service opportunities. In 2013 our senior girls participated in numerous Preparatory and Junior Schools’ learning experiences both within and out of the classroom. Parents from the Preparatory and Junior Schools were trained to support the literacy program and were welcomed into classrooms to support the guided reading program and windows into learning experiences. From 2013, all graduating students will automatically become members of our Ex-Students’ Union (ESU). To strengthen our connection with ex-students, the Development Office is updating the ex-student database, has developed an electronic newsletter and established active social media networks through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Sustainability All current sustainability activities have been mapped across the College and an Environment and Sustainability Committee representing all stakeholders is creating a School Environment Management Plan. We will continue to invest in infrastructure and behavioural initiatives to reduce the College’s carbon footprint. In alignment with our commitment to strengthen and expand our connections to broaden the social awareness opportunities we offer our students, we have developed partnerships and provided opportunities for exchanges in disadvantaged and remote regions of Australia and the world. Pymble students continue to engage in community service activities locally, across the State and internationally. These experiences empower our students to develop the awareness, compassion and leadership skills they need to make a difference in their local and global communities. Our teaching staff have also contributed to the wider community participating in the National Partnerships Teacher Quality Program mentoring teachers across the State in disadvantaged schools.
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preparatoryschool Busy start to year in Preparatory School The beginning of every school year provides new, unfamiliar experiences for our students. They have been faced with new responsibilities, new daily routines and challenges. We can now look back on the first term and be extremely proud of these young girls. Life in the Preparatory School in Term 1 has been exciting.
Year 1 girls study the weather Year 1 girls investigated the Science topic ‘Up, Down and All Around’ and studied the topic of weather during Term 1. They conducted weather reports and learned about the different elements of the weather including temperature, wind direction, UV index and cloud formations. As part of their study unit, the girls visited the Secondary School Science laboratories to conduct experiments that simulate cloud formation and were delighted by the opportunity to ‘touch a cloud’. An excursion to the Sydney Observatory gave the girls great insight into what makes up a weather report and they learned how to collect and record data using a variety of instruments including a rain gauge, thermometer and UV index meter. A culmination to this term long investigation was an in class project which required the girls to design and make a wind-resistant structure from recyclable craft items, encapsulating the topic ‘Up, Down and All Around’.
Windows into learning for Kindergarten parents In Term 1 Kindergarten parents were invited to share an imaginative and engaging library lesson in the Preparatory School. It was a wonderful opportunity for the parents to engage with their daughter in ‘Visible Thinking’ activities based on the book God’s Dream. Girls used pictures and themes from the book to discuss their own hopes and dreams, family celebrations and the art of caring for each other. It was lovely to see the girls selecting books to borrow and taking the time to read with their parents and friends. 06 may pymbulletin
Swimming Carnival The 2014 Preparatory School Swimming Carnival was held in the College pool on Friday 21 March. There was much excitement amongst the girls who cheered for their respective Houses and offered encouragement to swimmers. The girls had been practising all term and were eager to demonstrate their swimming skills. Each girl demonstrated determination and enthusiasm as they swam in races to earn valuable points for their House. Congratulations to Gibbs House on winning the 2014 Preparatory Swimming Carnival.
Year 2 girls test their Physical Education skills Year 2 girls visited Narrabeen Sports and Recreation Park in early April as part of their physical education program. It was an enjoyable day where each girl displayed courage and determination when participating in activities such as riding flying foxes, rock climbing and canoeing. The girls are to be commended for not only their individual achievements but also their encouraging words to others and strong sense of team spirit.
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Harmony Day Junior School girls had a wonderful day on Friday 21 March celebrating Harmony Day. Each girl was creatively adorned with an orange accessory and participated in a range of activities throughout the day to celebrate our diversity and cultural heritage. A highlight was the parade, led by our Year 6 leaders, when the girls showcased their wonderful national costumes. More than 20 countries including Greece, Hungary, Japan, Vietnam, Egypt, Russia and Australia were represented in the parade.
Year 4 students visit Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park Jenhui Lau, Year 4
Year 3 girls learn about advertising Isla Harris, Year 3 My dad, Grant Harris, visited our school on Thursday 13 March to speak with Year 3 girls about advertising. He works in advertising and creates advertisements for television, radio, magazines, newspapers and billboards. He talked to us about techniques, consumers and other interesting things about advertising and showed us an ad for a billboard using our Smart Board. We learned a lot about advertising products.
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Year 4 students travelled to Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park on Friday 7 March to explore the park and see what lies beneath our feet. We visited the Kalkari Discovery Centre and learned about rocks in the park. We also looked at the modelled relief map, viewed the impressive brush turkey’s nest and Aboriginal rock carvings. During our walk around the park we saw some ducks, a giant goanna and a majestic Wedge-tailed Eagle. We collected leaves that had just fallen from a tree and other leaves that had been on the ground for some time and stopped to find some bugs. We visited an area with orange coloured sandstone and found some special rocks to rub together and make dust to colour our rock layer worksheet. At the end of our excursion we had walked four kilometres through the park. It was an awesome trip that was fun and educational.
Year 6 Camp Amelie Yee and Emma Yau, Year 6 Year 6 students travelled to Canberra and Jindabyne for their annual camp from Tuesday 25 to Friday 28 March. After learning lots of interesting facts about Australian democracy in Canberra, we set off to SCEGGS Redlands High Country Campus in Jindabyne. We were split into groups and met our enthusiastic leaders ready for the busy days ahead. The topic for our camp was ‘Discovering the Snowy Mountains’ and each group took turns at completing different challenges and activities, such as canoeing, visiting the National Park Education Centre, tent camping and cooking. However, climbing up Mt Kosciuszko was the highlight of the whole camp. It was extremely challenging because of the weather conditions and the slippery walking tracks, but fun too. After our long journey back to Pymble, everyone was tired but happy and thanked our amazing teachers for looking after us so well.
Year 5 learning spaces Emma Peters and Tess Rickard, Year 5 The Year 5 classrooms were remodelled during the summer holidays to form open learning spaces for students and teachers. The new spaces contain soft, colourful couches, new desks in interesting shapes and open learning spaces. We were most excited to see this wonderful change when we started the new school year. There is an upstairs and a downstairs learning area where Year 5 students can work together, giving us the opportunity to meet all the Year 5 girls. Each room is colour coded so it is easier to split into groups and then, when necessary, we can come back together as a class. For guided reading and mathematics we work in groups with different teachers. We also have another learning area called the Learning Café. It is a fun place to work, with comfy couches and odd shaped tables and it’s a great place to write, do maths, a science experiment or any other work. We all love our new learning spaces because it is a great way to meet girls from different classes and work in a variety of areas with lots of different teachers.
Turner wins PJ Factor The John Reid Hall in Junior School turned into a talent quest venue during lunch times in Term 1 with girls competing for the annual PJ Factor. The event is divided into four categories - vocal, instrumental, dance and drama and variety. Girls representing their spirit House compete against other girls in their year group. The competition is voluntary and each student who enters earns points for their House. The competition culminated in a concert held in the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts on Tuesday 8 April with Turner House winning the trophy for 2014. Jade Potts, Year 5 in the PJ Factor
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Dame Joan Hammond Piano Recital Jennifer Peng, Year 11 The 2013 Dame Joan Hammond Piano Recital held in the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts on Thursday 27 March was a remarkable evening of musical brilliance. “It is definitely a highlight of my year,” says Angela Liang, a pianist in Year 12, who has performed in the annual recital for six years. Angela was joined by fellow pianists Eunice Li, Sally Cao, Jacqueline Li, Jennifer Peng and Anna-Lisa Tie in a showcase of their musical talents. The annual recital is in commemoration of ex-Pymble student Dame Joan Hammond, who was a renowned operatic soprano. This year’s recital included a wide range of musical repertoire from Mozart to Prokofiev and displayed the girls’ impressive levels of musicality and technique.
Ensemble Concert Emily Kerrison and Rachel Ryu, Year 11 Pymble Music students performed brilliantly at the Secondary School Ensemble Concert on Wednesday 9 April in the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts. With just one term of practice the performers had an air of focus and anticipation as they walked on stage for the first time this year, their spirits high in their signature red jackets. Our Middle School Concert Band treated us to an outstanding rendition of the World of Warcraft Suite by Douglas E. Wagner. The Orchestras executed their pieces with flair and true Pymble style, especially the dramatic performance of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue performed by the Chamber Strings, a true testament to their dedication and love of their music. The Chorale added a little bit extra to their performance of Walking in the City, taking us back to our Play School days but with full choreography worthy of any professional choir, and even some tap dancing to add to their performance.
Pymble welcomes internationally celebrated pianist World renowned pianist and winner of the 2012 Sydney International Piano Competition (SIPC), Avan Yu performed a piano recital in the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts on Thursday 6 March. “This was a wonderful opportunity for the community to listen to Avan Yu perform works by Beethoven, Chopin and Debussy,” said College Principal, Mrs Vicki Waters. Mr Yu, one of Canada’s most exciting pianists, performed a series of recitals as part of his prize as winner of the SIPC at which he also claimed nine special awards. He has appeared as soloist with orchestras and conductors around the world, including Rafael Fruehbeck de Burgos and the Dresden Philharmonic, Pinchas Zukerman and the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa and Bramwell Tovey and the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. He has also performed with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and has collaborated with celebrated musicians including Yo-Yo Ma, Cuarteto Casals, Armida Quartett, Johannes Moser and Geoff Nuttall. Pymble’s piano scholars and students were also privileged to attend a Masterclass by Mr Yu on Wednesday 5 March as part of the Pymble Musicians Program.
Angela Liang is guided by Avan Yu. 10 may pymbulletin
The College has an extensive Music program providing wide-ranging opportunities for students to explore and extend their Music talents. With dedicated, professional staff and magnificent facilities, Pymble offers a vast array of bands, choirs, orchestras and small ensembles designed to cater to the needs of students. Music in the curriculum is offered as a subject through to Higher School Certificate level. The College regularly invites international artists to mentor its Music students.
Cultural Community Network launched Members of the College community gathered for lunch in the Heritage Centre to officially launch the Pymble Cultural Community Network on Friday 14 February. This exciting initiative of the College provides a support network for Pymble families from different cultures and nationalities where English is a second language. More than 80 members of our community attended the luncheon and enjoyed the opportunity to connect with other parents from diverse backgrounds. Left: Mrs Kylie Macdonald, Pymble Parent Association President, Mrs Vicki Waters, Principal, Mrs Fiona He and Mrs Sophie Lin.
Mrs Julie Shaw, Deputy Principal (white shirt) with Pymble mothers at the Cultural Community Network lunch.
2014 student leaders encourage girls to explore their talents Natasha Ng and Olivia van Veen, Year 11 Mannat Malhi, Head Prefect and Stephanie Stuart, Deputy Head Prefect for 2014 are two aspiring young women whose approachable friendliness, perpetual smiles and strong presence at Pymble is to be admired. As the student leaders of the College they aspire to building a strong community, where each girl is encouraged to achieve and in turn support those around her. Adopting the theme for 2014 of ‘All for One, One for All’ which in Mannat’s words is “a bit punny incorporating the number ‘14’”, sums up their focus for the year. “As I enter my HSC period, I have realised the importance of that vital support group for every girl, comprising of our teachers, family and friends,” said Mannat. “Our vision is to enable each girl to explore her talents and simultaneously allow each girl to broaden her social support group.”
Stephanie Stuart and Mannat Malhi.
“As Head Prefect, one of my key aspirations is to lead by example – embodying the school values in all my actions. Stephanie and I are committed to making assemblies more interactive and a part of this vision is including ‘quiet achievers’ among those whom we hope to recognise,” said Mannat. “Our ‘Soapbox/Tedx’ initiative encourages students from Years 7 to 10 to share their passions, interests and personal stories to enable greater year group cohesion and generate interesting discussions and further awareness. may pymbulletin 11
Archaeology comes to life at Pymble Josella Bray, Year 11
Ancient coins and artefacts from centuries ago were the focus of discussion when Archaeologist, Iain Shearer spoke with Years 7 to 12 History students at the College on Friday 14 March. Mr Shearer has appeared on television shows including Time Team and Lonely Planet and has worked on archaeological sites across the globe. He engaged the students in his presentation with students role playing individuals from history and re-enacting scenarios. Mr Shearer spoke about the aspects of archaeology and some of the amazing sites he has worked on, including the Minaret of Jam site which was rediscovered in 1886 when Sir Thomas Holdich discovered it by accident when he became lost whilst flying through the Afghani mountain region. His presentation included images of his work overseas with personal accounts of his experiences. It was an amazing opportunity to learn from such an experienced and passionate archaeologist and the students greatly Josella Bray, Samantha Shwarz, Katherine Robinson, Olivia O’Connor and Anja Jorgensen with Iain Shearer. benefited from his visit.
Pymble girls support ‘The Girl Effect’ Jennifer Peng, Year 11 The College’s support of the ‘The Girl Effect’ as its whole of College charity is now in its second year. ‘The Girl Effect’ is a movement which promotes the importance of education for girls in circumstances of social disadvantage. As part of its commitment in support of the charity, Pymble is sponsoring two girls, Vivian and Queen who attend the School of St Jude, a school based in Tanzania which provides high quality education to over 1,500 of the poorest children in the region and boarding to more than 1,000 students. To support ‘The Girl Effect’ and the sponsorship of Vivian and Queen, several initiatives have been conducted, including selling ‘The Girl Effect’ t-shirts, raising awareness of the plight of girls and young women in poverty stricken regions with the screening of Girl Rising and selling flowers on Valentine’s Day. A group of Year 10 students also visited the School of St Jude in November 2013 as part of their Service Learning Project providing assistance to students and staff.
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Pymble rowers paint the podium in scarlet, navy and white Charlotte Medway, Year 11 The 2014 Schoolgirl Head of the River, the climax of the schools’ rowing calendar, was held on Sunday 16 March at Sydney’s International Regatta Centre in Penrith. Pymble presented a strong team with more than 130 rowers from Years 8 to12, the largest team entered in this event in Pymble history. All 26 crews put in 100% effort, contributing to Pymble’s victorious claim of the Overall Point Score trophy. The day was a brilliant display of Pymble’s competitive and talented rowing program and showcased the College’s colours. Following the tradition of past Head of the River events, the colours scarlet, navy and white lined the riverbank as Pymble rowers, families and friends created a tunnel for the send-off of the 1st VIII, accompanied to the sound of bagpipes. The cheering, chanting and supportive applauses led by Pymble girls on the day was unparalleled by any other school and is a reflection of the College’s spirit and sense of camaraderie.
Camp Firefly a memorable experience Ricky Ham and Helen Wang, Year 11 At the completion of the 2013 school year, a group of 60 Year 11 students from Pymble and Sydney Church of England Grammar School volunteered to become companions for 25 children with physical and mental disabilities at Pymble’s Camp Firefly. “Camp Firefly was an amazing experience that we will cherish forever. It was definitely an eye-opener to the challenges that other people face every day,” said Mackenzie Little, who is now in Year 12. From Thursday 12 to Sunday 15 December the student volunteers experienced the challenges and demands of caring for a child with special needs. The student volunteers were required to provide constant support for their campers caring for their needs and helping them enjoy the many fun activities offered as part of their camp experience, including swimming, watching reptile and magic shows and visiting the Sydney Aquarium. The camp provided much welcomed respite for parents of the campers and opened the eyes of the student volunteers so they could appreciate the efforts of these parents and also gave them an opportunity to grow and understand the needs of others while forming unforgettable memories of their experience. Parents of the campers joined the student volunteers and the other members of the Pymble community who had volunteered as support staff for the camp on the final day for a luncheon. “Seeing how grateful the parents were for the camp and for us looking after their children really made me realise the impact that a few days respite could have on a family,” said Caterina Presutti, Year 12.
Pymble places third in Tildesley Tennis Ellen Mezger and Olivia van Veen, Year 11 Pymble tennis students celebrated after placing third overall at the 2014 Tildesley Tennis Tournament held at Pennant Hills from Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 March. The team embraced the Pymble spirit with face paint, hair spray and loud cheers as they supported team members during the tournament. In inclement conditions matches were played on the first day with three singles girls securing a spot in the fifth round of the singles. However rain caused flooding of the courts on the second day of play and the doubles matches were postponed until Friday. The rain cleared and all the doubles matches were played on the final day along with the fifth round of singles. A great display of Pymble talent and spirit was seen across the courts. Three Pymble doubles pairs made it into the quarter finals; their serving aces and smashing volleys were a sight to be seen, winning them match after match. The 2014 Tildesley Tennis season was fantastic and the team is looking forward to competing in 2015. may pymbulletin 13
secondaryschool IT role for students Shelley Cheng, Year 11 The Hubbies, a student liaison and technical support group have assisted the IT Department in its introduction of a new email service provider for students. Formed by the IT Department, the Hubbies is a group of Year 11 students, Shelley Cheng, Isabella Merhi and Rashmi Mohotti, who provide student liaison and technical support acting as a bridge between the Information Technology Department and the student body. Over the school year, the group will continue to expand under the guidance of the Director of IT.
1930s on show in Stage Door Natasha Ng, Year 11
Students have recently experienced a changeover in providers from Google to Microsoft for their College accounts, uniting the entire school onto a common platform for the management and organisation of email, calendar, contacts and documents. Both the student body and the faculty now have access to the same productivity toolset that Microsoft’s Office 365 product offers, providing a seamless platform for communication and collaboration between students and staff.
The Pymble Drama Company’s performance of Stage Door held in the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts over three nights from Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 March showcased the talent and dedication of our Pymble Drama girls. The production featuring students from Years 10 to 12 transported the audience to the lively world of young aspiring actors in the 1930s. The performance was vivid and engaging as the students became the women and men facing the struggles and hardships in their search for acting roles, their jobless days, the rising Hollywood film industry and also the bonding and sisterhood shared through living together in a boarding house in New York. This was the last Pymble performance for Year 12 students, many of whom had been involved in Drama productions throughout their school life, some since Year 7.
Dairy farm experience for Agriculture students Tina Wu and Toneya Lum, Year 11 Year 11 Agriculture students discovered how a dairy farm works during their excursion to Camden Park Environmental Centre at the beginning of Term 1. From this experience they were able to develop their understanding of the processing and marketing of milk products. The girls visited pastures, crop paddocks and milking sheds to learn about the factors that influence milk production. Throughout the day they learned about exciting new technologies on the farm, including the rotary robot for milking cows. The students were also fortunate to be able to attach milking cups to cows and had an extremely enjoyable time feeding the farm’s calves. Agriculture is offered as an elective subject for Pymble students from Years 9 to12. Students participate in both theoretical and practical lessons covering topics including sustainability, plant and animal farming for food and technological development. Agriculture students use the ‘Ag plot’ located in the College grounds to grow their own vegetables and raise animals. 14 may pymbulletin
‘Hubbies’, Rashmi Mohotti, Shelley Cheng and Isabelle Merhi.
Pymble students on Classics tour Lara Calligaro and Nikki Liang, Year 11 During the summer holidays, 31 Years 10 and 11 Pymble students set off on a Classics Tour, enjoying a culturally enriching tour of Greece and Italy. Visiting numerous archaeological sites, museums and historical cities, we immersed ourselves in Ancient Greek and Roman culture, art and architecture. We explored many spectacular and fascinating sites including The Parthenon, the Theatre of Epidauros, the Vatican City and Pompeii. Our first days were spent in Athens, where we strolled through the narrow streets of the Plaka before visiting the Parthenon and the Acropolis Museum. We toured Athens and surrounds, visited Marathon and the temple of Poseidon at Sounion, arriving just in time to see the sun set. Standing on a cliff that overhung the ocean, everyone described the scene as “magical”. In Italy, we travelled to Milan, Mantova, Florence and Rome. Every day brought fascinating new sites to see and delicious Italian food to eat. The splendid Basilica of Florence, The Vatican City and the Colosseum were magnificent and highlights of our Italian tour. The entire tour was an absolutely amazing experience, enabling girls to extend their cultural and linguistic knowledge.
Students enjoy French culture Madison Goodrick and Grace Chen, Year 11 While their friends were looking forward to their summer holidays, 22 Year 10 Pymble students set off in November 2013 to France for seven weeks for their French exchange. Attending schools in Lyon and Colmar, students were immersed in the culture of la vie de France. Spending five weeks in their designated schools, the students were absorbed in to the routine of their French school attending classes, while improving their conversational French and developing strong friendships regardless of the language barrier. The students also enjoyed seeing other areas of France on weekends and during the holidays visiting iconic French destinations including Grenoble, Versailles and Paris, where they enjoyed the shopping malls and brioches. The exchange families were extremely supportive, helping the students to experience French culture, its history and traditions. They welcomed the students with open arms and treated them like a second daughter. The farewells were teary as the Pymble students left their French ‘homes’, however they are eagerly awaiting for their exchanges to experience Pymble and the Australian way of life when they visit in June. may pymbulletin 15
secondaryschool Students at the launch of the Westpac Bicentennial Foundation Forty Year 12 students accompanied by the Principal, Mrs Vicki Waters and staff, attended the launch of Westpac’s Bicentennial Foundation on Wednesday 2 April. “The greatest role we can play is in helping the next generation of Australians shape their nation and lead the world,” said Mrs Gail Kelly, Chief Executive of Westpac Group, as she unveiled the $100 million scholarship fund. “It is refreshing and reassuring that corporations are acknowledging the importance of recognising people who are shaping Australia’s future and supporting future generations through educational scholarships,” said Mrs Waters. “As our mission states, at Pymble we remain committed to creating a personalised learning environment for each Pymble girl so she develops a passion for learning and scholarship, a strong assurance of her own worth and the desire and values to contribute meaningfully to her local and global communities.”
Year 12 Pymble students with Westpac Group Chairman, Mr Lindsay Maystead and Westpac Group Chief Executive, Mrs Gail Kelly.
Speech and Drama Awards for Pymble At the Australian Music Examinations Board Presentation of Diplomas Ceremony held at the University of New South Wales, ten Year 12 (2013) Pymble girls, who studied co-curricular Speech and Drama, were presented with their Associate Diploma in Professional Communication (APCA) which they completed in 2013. Congratulations to Samantha Bear (Distinction), Georgina Dowsett, Pragya Goswami (Distinction), Amelia Judson, Maggie Kerr, Stefanie Lee, Sayuri Narroway, Keerthana Sritharan, Christine Wang and Kim Zhang.
Georgina Dowsett, Kim Zhang, Sayuri Narroway, Mrs Victoria Clancy, Pragya Goswami, Christine Wang, Maggie Kerr and Stefanie Lee pictured after the ceremony. 16 may pymbulletin
Diving team victorious at IGSSA Pymble was named the Division 1 and overall point score champion of the 2014 Independent Girls’ Schools Sporting Association (IGSSA) Diving Carnival held at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre on Friday 14 March. The students performed brilliantly with Year 7 student Paige Jackson named the Junior Champion of the event and Year 10 student Brittany O’Brien named the Senior Champion and Overall Platform diver of the event. Pymble divers qualified for the NSWCIS Carnival in the 12 years, 13 years, 15 years, 16 years and 17 years divisions.
Jemima is 2013 National Youth Ambassador Year 12 Pymble student, Jemima McGahey has been awarded the honour of Australian Red Cross National Youth Ambassador for 2013. Jemima was honoured to receive the award and aspires to continue her involvement with community service initiatives, including donating blood, after she finishes Year 12. “Community service is a big part of my life,” said Jemima. “I knew I wanted to donate blood, so when the College became involved with the Red Cross program it was opportune for me as I had turned 16, the minimum age for donating blood, and leapt at the opportunity to be an ambassador of the program.” The Red Cross Youth Ambassador Program focuses on community service and also provides students with experience in a leadership role. The Youth Ambassador of the Year program recognises individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, community service and value to the community by donating blood.
Outstanding 2013 HSC results for Pymble Shehani Gunasekera, Year 11 The Pymble 2013 Year 12 cohort has excelled in the Higher School Certificate (HSC) with two students, Kim Zhang and Judy Wu, achieving a perfect Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 99.95 and three students topping the State in Classical Greek Continuers (equal first), English Extension 1 and Hospitality Examination. Pymble students also achieved brilliant results in HSC English courses with six students placing in the first ten places in the State in English Extension 1. In addition, a student placed fifth in the State in English Extension 2 and three students were in the top ten places in the State for English as a Second Language. Across the cohort, 89% of Pymble students earned a Band 5 or Band 6 in the English Advanced course.
Kim Zhang (left) and Judy Wu with Principal, Mrs Vicki Waters. An impressive 12% of students achieved an ATAR of 99 and above, 39% of students achieved an ATAR of 95 and above and 59% of students ranked 90 or above in their ATARs. An impressive 97% of the 2013 HSC students were offered a place at university. A total of 16 students earned a place in the Top Achievers in Course list in a variety of courses including History Extension, Drama, Food Technology, Geography, Italian Beginners, Chemistry, Classical Greek Extension and Classical Greek Continuers. On the Sydney Morning Herald Honour Roll, which acknowledges students who earn 90 or above in one or more subjects, 185 Pymble students earned 619 places. “The Pymble Year 12 cohort of 2013 has achieved brilliant results for a non-selective school and is to be congratulated for their outstanding achievements,” said Mrs Vicki Waters, College Principal. “The outstanding accomplishments of all students is to be commended and their results are a testament to these well-rounded young women.”
Swimming success at IGSSA On Friday 14 March 2014, our Pymble Swimming Team competed at the 89th Independent Girls’ Schools Sporting Association (IGSSA) Championships held at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. This year we fielded our largest team ever of 31 swimmers. The day was a great success with our team gaining Pymble’s best result in the last ten years, finishing the day in a very close third place in the overall point score. The Pymble swimmers represented the College with great pride, passion and team spirit. Many of the Pymble swimmers competed in higher age groups, gaining fantastic results.
Screen success for Pymble Seetha Tan, Year 11 Pymble’s involvement in Film and Media has blossomed over the last couple of years, fostering outstanding successes within the wider community. Year 11 students Natasha Ng (left) and Imogen Murray have encountered recent commendation for their respective works in the Museum of Contemporary Art’s (MCA) Youth NextGen Festival and the Creative Creatives Festival. Imogen received ‘The Best Creative Piece – from the Northern Beaches’ for her documentary Raw and personal acclaim from noted world champion surfer Tom Carroll. Four of Natasha’s films – Organ Donation Awareness, Obstetric Fitsula Awareness, Reel vs. Real and Three Wishes were selected as finalists in the MCA’s first film festival. The calibre of both these festivals is a true testament to the talent of Pymble’s emerging filmmakers, with the College providing numerous opportunities to extend their cinematic endeavours.
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Year 3 Parent Morning Tea Helen Cobain A big thank you to Allison Harrigan (mother of Rosie Thomson) who generously opened her doors and welcomed fellow Year 3 parents, teachers and the Head of Junior School, Mrs Sue Knox, in to her home to host what was a very successful Year 3 Parent Morning Tea. The morning tea provided a relaxed environment and opportunity for us to welcome new parents to the Pymble family, meet and chat with our girls’ new teachers and discover some of the events and opportunities for us to all get involved in Pymble life in the year ahead. Thanks to Mrs Knox, Mrs Giles, Mrs Thomas, Miss Flavelle and Mrs White for taking the time out to join us for a coffee and chat.
Icebreaker welcomes parents to new year Skye Cooper The 2014 Icebreaker was a wonderful welcome back to Pymble for parents and members of the College community. Blessed with perfect weather, parents were entertained by our talented Senior School Band, which provided a wonderful backdrop to the warm and friendly atmosphere of the evening. Delicious canapĂŠs were served by the ever polite and capable Year 12 Prefects. The Principal, Mrs Vicki Waters and Pymble Parent Association President Mrs Kylie Macdonald welcomed parents and encouraged them to participate in College activities. It is evenings like these that create a wonderful sense of community that is alive and well at Pymble.
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Record numbers at 2014 Family Camp Out Margie Dixon The 2014 Junior School Family Camp Out was the biggest in the nine year history of the event with 402 people from 113 Junior School families attending the camp on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 April. With the option to rent a tent or bring your own tent, Kelso Field at the College became tent city with tents erected across the field. The Camp Out was supported by the assistance of 68 volunteers who shopped for food, organised car parking, helped in registration, prepared and cooked meals, cleaned up and organised activities, including face painting, sports games and a night torch walk. Over the weekend, campers consumed an impressive amount of food, including 22 dozen cinnamon doughnuts, 59 loaves of bread, 450 hamburgers, 550 sausages, 725 pieces of bacon, 34 dozen eggs and 10 kilograms of chocolate. Happy campers were given a special drink bottle as their take home gift acknowledging they had survived the 2014 Junior School Family Camp Out.
Luncheon for new mothers enjoyed by all Jo Tims A warm autumn day saw more than 170 mothers from Year 7 and mothers of other new students gather in the Boarders’ Dining Hall for a sit down lunch on Friday 7 March. Historically an event open to all Year 7 mothers and new families across the Secondary School, this year the event was also open to new mothers from Preparatory and Junior Schools. This proved to be a resounding success with a large number of Year 5 and Kindergarten mothers attending as well as families from across all years. Hosted by College Principal Vicki Waters, it was an opportunity for everyone to make a connection not only with the school, but with mothers in their daughter’s Pastoral Care groups, Heads of Departments and Middle School Student Co-ordinators in a friendly, informal atmosphere. The President of the Pymble Parent Association Mrs Kylie Macdonald was there to meet and greet at the door and dine with mothers from her daughters’ year groups. After an impressive lunch, the afternoon concluded with a cup of tea and final chat before school pick up. Year 7 tables had butterfly decorations at their tables and name badges had a small butterfly printed on them. Butterflies are the Head of Middle School, Ms Lindsay Bosch’s symbol for her Year 7s this year. may pymbulletin 19
College unveils plans for new Centenary Precinct Vicki Waters, Principal In a fitting commemoration of our College’s 100 year celebrations in 2016, I am delighted to announce that Pymble will soon begin a significant new capital works project. Known as the Centenary Precinct, it will establish our new Aquatic and Fitness Centre, redevelop the Mollie Dive Field and provide extensive underground parking. Aligned with our Towards 2020 vision, these new facilities will enable us to expand and enhance the quality and delivery of our fitness and wellbeing programs for decades to come. A century ago, our founding Principal, Dr John Marden, strongly believed health and wellbeing were vital to every girl reaching her potential. He was an educator and leader ahead of his time, and this project, in part, honours his vision. Pymble prides itself on balancing excellence in academic, sport and the arts. While the Pymble community extends far beyond our gates, investment in our College continues to provide our students, staff and ex-students with an important sense of place. To design the Centenary Precinct, we undertook an extensive consultative process, drawing on sustainable design principles to create world-class facilities. Plans for the Centenary Precinct will be on display in our Heritage Centre, located underneath the College Chapel, and we will continue to provide updates as building progresses. Past campaigns, including the Gillian Moore Centre for Performing Arts and the Senior School Centre – Kate Mason Building, have attracted generous support. I invite our community to support the next stage of our vision by giving generously to the Centenary Precinct Capital Campaign.
The Centenary Precinct The Centenary Precinct will open in February 2016 as part of Pymble’s Centenary celebrations. Building will begin in June 2014. During construction, we will carefully minimise any impact on students, staff and the wider Pymble community. The Centenary Precinct will include: •
50m heated indoor eight lane swimming pool with multiple diving platforms
Large purpose built learn to swim pool
Multi-purpose Fitness Centre, incorporating strength and conditioning facilities and consultation and remedial treatment room
Additional change rooms and on-deck showers
Underground car park for approximately 230 car spaces
New playing field (Mollie Dive Field) for hockey and tennis programs
Centenary Walkway
Sustainability Sustainability is a focus we pursue with rigorous and disciplined intent. High-level sustainable management practice and infrastructure will be embedded in the development of the Centenary Precinct, in alignment with our Towards 2020 strategic vision, including: •
Heat recovery systems which reduce air conditioning loads by pre-heating the outside air introduced to the facility with the exhaust air;
Jet fans to provide assisted natural ventilation to the car park, operated to maintain air quality, resulting in reduced operating energy;
combined heating system for the pools and A domestic hot water systems will result in reduced equipment and increased efficiency;
High efficiency electric heat pumps for heating of the pool hall air will reduce overall energy requirements;
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels provide electricity to the precinct, offsetting energy used by lighting, pool filtration equipment and pool air heating systems;
High performance double glazing helping to reduce air conditioning loads;
Pool covers to reduce heating costs and minimises evaporation reducing replacement water costs.
The project is estimated to cost $34 million. This will be funded through a combination of existing College funds, loan facilities and fundraising through the Centenary Precinct Campaign.
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Centenary Precinct
Centenary Walkway
Main pool deck area
How can I support the Centenary Precinct Campaign? Philanthropy is a personal journey. Your support of the Centenary Precinct Campaign represents not only confidence in the work of the College, but a belief in a collective future in which our girls and ex-students contribute and succeed in all walks of life. Since 1916 each generation has benefitted from the generosity of those before them. Dr Marden’s vision for a non-selective school for girls which would provide a balanced education combined with an active physical education program remains at the heart of Pymble today. The Centenary Precinct Campaign honours this vision. We invite you to support and participate in this exciting development.
dedicating an inscribed brick which will form part of the Centenary Walkway. Your participation in the Centenary Walkway is of course just one way in which you can show your support.
Centenary Walkway
Designated Gifting Opportunities
Many ex-students from the early 1950s fondly remember being told by Miss Knox at an assembly that they had to take a brick to the area where the Chapel was being constructed. The girls listened in disbelief, but Miss Knox was serious. So each girl took a brick and laid it where the Chapel now stands.
A special opportunity exists to fund specific items related to the Centenary Precinct facilities, including scoreboards, diving boards, nets and fitness equipment.
As we approach our Centenary we invite you too ‘to pick up a brick’ and support the Campaign in a meaningful and lasting way, by
Make a Gift We invite you to consider supporting the Campaign by making a tax deductible gift or pledge to the Centenary Precinct Campaign. This major development is the most ambitious capital project that the College has undertaken and will benefit from the support of our entire community.
To view the plans or to discuss your participation or gift, please contact John Da Cruz, Director of Development on +612 9855 7303, email development@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or visit the Heritage Centre located below the College War Memorial Chapel. may pymbulletin 21
Black Watch Ties
Ex-Students’ Union Inc.
President’s Report Katrina Corcoran (Hum, 1987) Recently, the College celebrated its 98th birthday with the annual Foundation Day Service on Wednesday 12 February. The College officially opened on 8 February, 1916 with 60 girls, 20 of whom were boarders. Foundation Day is an opportunity for the whole College to gather together and appreciate the foundation of this wonderful school. It is incredible to think that in only two years time, we shall be celebrating our glorious 100 years anniversary! The ex-students are building blocks in the history of the College and there will be much to celebrate in 2016. As part of the upcoming Centenary projects and celebrations, a world class new indoor Aquatic and Fitness Centre, part of the new Centenary Precinct, is being constructed. The new Aquatic Centre shall open in all its sporting glory in 2016. The ESU is very excited and proud to be part of the Centenary Precinct and we look forward to working with the College on the Centenary Campaign. In addition, there will be a Centenary Walkway and ex-students can buy an inscribed brick which will be an integral part of the precinct. This is a wonderful opportunity for ex-students to be part of Centenary history. If you would like to know more about this exciting project or have any ideas to share, please contact the Development Office 02 9855 7303 or email jengland@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au In 1946, Commemoration Day, a new College tradition was established by the ex-students. The first service to be held at the College (previously held at the Presbyterian Church, Pymble) was on 28 July 1946 and conducted by Reverend Sydney Richardson. This established the tradition of an annual service for ex-students, now known as the Commemoration Day Service. This is always held on the last Sunday in July to commemorate the Dedication of the College on 31 July 1919. I warmly invite all ex-students to attend the service this year on Sunday 27 July at 10.30am with morning tea, hosted by the ESU, served afterwards. Each year on Commemoration Day, we have many reunions taking place on the College grounds and this year will be no exception. There will be the 50 Year Reunion of the Class of 1964 and the 60 Year Reunion of the Class of 1954. We encourage anyone from these year groups to attend. Many other reunions are planned for 2014 including a number of international reunions. Please contact Alumni Relations Manager, Joy England on jengland@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au for details.
The ESU annually awards an ESU Scholarship to a current or future girl going into Year 11. The scholarship lasts for two years (Years 11 and 12). Therefore, there are two Ex-Student Scholarships financially supported by the ESU which run concurrently. To be eligible, a candidate must be the daughter or granddaughter of an ex-student. I am thrilled to announce that the recipient of the Year 11, 2015 Ex-Students’ Union Scholarship is Madeleine Payne, daughter of ex-student Larissa de Carle (1987). Madeleine is a delightful girl, full of enthusiasm, excitement and pride for her school and we believe she will make a wonderful scholarship recipient. Our current Year 11 scholarship recipient is Samantha Macourt and, for Year 12, Nicole Drury. We are always looking for ex-students who would like to be involved with the current girls in presentations, workshops, mentoring or activities. Your experience at the College is something you share with these girls and your life and work experience since you left is invaluable. Please contact Joy England on jengland@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au if you are able to help out in any way. You may also like to join our ESU Facebook page, (we have over 1,100 members) and also our LinkedIn page. Both are great ways to link with our ex-students locally and globally. As ever, our connection with the ex-students is our primary focus. Our clear objective is to maintain and foster the welfare of the College, unite past students with present ones and to keep the old girls of the College together. We always welcome any communication with you and are always happy to assist. I personally am more than happy to be approached and welcome any ex-student who may like to share news, contact the College, be involved with the ESU or who may be interested in investigating their own history with the College. I sincerely hope to meet many of you at the varied events the ESU hosts throughout the year, including your reunions locally and globally. All’ Ultimo Lavoro Katrina Corcoran (Hum, 1987) President Pymble Ladies’ College Ex-Students’ Union Inc esu@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or PO Box 15, Pymble NSW 2073 For more information on ESU events and reunions visit the College website Ex-Student section www.pymblelc.nsw.edu.au
Pymble Ladies’ College Ex-Students’ Union
Pymble Ladies’ College Ex-Students’ Union invites you to join us for the annual invites you to join us for the annual
Commemoration Day Chapel Servic Commemoration Pymble Ladies’ Day College Chapel Ex-Students’ Service Union invites you to join us for theJuly annual2014 10.30am on Sunday 27 Guest speaker Philippa Graham (Myers, 1969) Commemoration Day Chapel Service
War Memorial Chapel Guest speaker Philippa Graham (Myers, 1969) Pymble Ladies’ College 10.30 am on Sunday 27 July 2014 10.30 amcordially on Sunday 271969) July Ex-Students are invited to the2014 Service Guest speaker Philippa Graham (Myers, Ex-Students are cordially invited to the Service followedfollowed by Morning Tea hosted by the ESU. by Morning Tea hosted by the ESU. Ex-Students are cordially invited to the Service followed by Morning Tea hosted by the ESU RSVP by Wednesday 16 July 2014
RSVP by 16 July 2014 RSVP by Wednesday July 2014 ForWednesday more16 information please contact Annie Corbett (Wong, 1992) For For moremore information please contact information please contact E: esu.rsvp@gmail.com Annie Corbett (Wong, 1992) Annie Corbett (Wong, 1992) M: 0424 249 230 249 230 E: esu.rsvp@gmail.com M: 0424 22 may pymbulletin
E: esu.rsvp@gmail.com M: 0424 249 230
esu@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or PO Box 15, Pymble NSW 2073
Reunion Reports
A reunion in the Swiss Alps - celebrating over 40 years of friendship Class of 1968 - Saturday 19 October 2013
The 45 Year Reunion was held in the Senior School Centre - Kate Mason Building. The ex-boarders from the group held a dinner on the Friday night before the reunion, which was hosted by Maz Carter and Jenny Smith (Crossing). It was very special for the ladies, as Mrs Gillian Moore attended and she was Principal when some of our daughters were at the school. There was much chatting and catching-up, many funny stories were recounted and the weekend was a great success. Thanks to Margaret Parrett (Whitney) for her organisation.
Class of 2003 - Saturday 26 October 2013
From school, to sea, to... Switzerland! I was working at my desk finalising the details of ‘The Girls’ 2013 tour in Switzerland, when up popped an email that took me straight back to 1974! Judy Dreverman, had unearthed an invitation to my house at Clareville Beach for a post School Certificate celebration! It included a photo of a detailed packing list which eerily echoed the one I was writing at that very moment for our upcoming walking trip in Switzerland - almost 40 years later! Of course I knew that we enjoyed long lasting friendships, but this email caused me to reflect on the legacy from our years together at Pymble. Over 40 years of friendships! There are 10 of us. All very different, living in different places and working in different areas. There are two sets of sisters amongst us as well as 25 children! We’ve all shared some wonderful, happy times, as well as moments we would rather forget. We all know that sometimes life throws us curve balls. Yet over 40 long years, our friendships have endured. Since 2006, we’ve done three different walking trips in Australia and New Zealand and we met again for the next one - a 12 day ‘walking’ tour of Switzerland, where I now live. I reflected on how blessed I was to be a part of such a special group of Pymble women! I’m writing this after walking back home through the old town in Zurich. I can still clearly see images of my friends laughing and enjoying a glass of prosecco at the Storchen bar on the Limmat River. I can see them all arriving on the tram at Hottingerplatz and can picture them walking up (some of them would say very high) mountains in Switzerland! All the silly sayings from our tour are still running through my head! And while I’m sad that our trip is now over, I just know that God willing, we will all remain friends for at least another 40 years! So thank you Pymble! ...and long live friendships!
We celebrated our 10 year reunion at The Treehouse in North Sydney. It was a fabulous afternoon catching up with friends and hearing about what everyone has been up to over the past 10 years. We had many people who had travelled from interstate and overseas to be there. Thanks to all who came along and made it such a great afternoon!
Margaret Dane, on behalf of “The Girls” (or OWL’s as some of the children call us... Old Walking Ladies!):Judy Dreverman (Lamble), Robin Hosking (McColl), Jenny Knapman (Sanderson), Chris L’Estrange (Turner), Gail Hamilton (Andrews), Leisa Barry (Pennefather), Carolina Wigham (Devinish Meares), Catriona Bingeman (Sanderson), Sue Zemancheff (McColl).
Class of 2011 and 2012 - Friday 28 February 2014 Every two years, the ESU committee hosts a Cocktail Party for ex-students who left two and three years ago. (This year it was the turn of leavers in 2011 and 2012.) The aim of this Cocktail Party is to welcome the girls back to the College after a couple of years out in order to reconnect with the College. A wonderful time was had by all! Many memories and lots of laughter was shared as we heard where the girls have gone after they left Pymble.
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Black Watch Ties Announcements
Laura Mary Sowden (2004) celebrated her wedding to James Ton Duc Nguyen on 8 November 2013 at The Sergeants Mess, Chowder Bay. Laura was attended by Pymble ex-students Brindaa Tharmarajah (2005) Anna Keppo (2004) Natalia Yiasoumi (2004) and Fiona Lam (2004). The photographer was Laura’s dear friend Christine Wong (2004) The duo, Mimosa (Pheobe O’Shea, 2004) on Violin provided the pre-reception music.
Claire White (2005) married Michael Firth in the College War Memorial Chapel on a glorious sunny day on Saturday 12 October 2013. Claire was attended by three bridesmaids, two of whom were ex-students, Corinna Clark (2006) and Amelia Conway (2005).
Engagements •
Jasmine Newell (2005) to William Willis. They will be married at Mudbrick Vineyard, Waiheke Island, New Zealand on Saturday 4 October, 2014.
Chelsea Hartmann (2009) to Tim Fillar. They will be married on Saturday 6 December 2014 in the Pymble Ladies’ College War Memorial Chapel.
Ex-Students’ Union Inc.
Marriages •
Samantha Dhu (2006) and Christian Berechree were married on 10 March 2012 in the College Chapel. Kimberley Dhu (2002), Katherine Bylett (2006) and Karen Waller (2006) were amongst the bridal party. Mother of the bride, Wendy Dhu, is a former staff member who worked in the Conde Library.
Jacqui Murray (2004) married Lee Dunford on 2 November 2013 at St Clements Anglican Church in Mosman, followed by a reception at Orso, Mosman. She was attended by bridesmaids Kiera Batten (2004), Jess Hughes and sister-in-law Nicola Brown.
Polly Porter (2004) married Warwick Jones on 16 March 2013 in a beautiful ceremony and reception, with two other Pymble girls as two of her three bridesmaids.
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Births •
Caroline Egan (Bacon, 1994) and husband Andrew, welcomed Henry James Rodger Egan on 7 August 2013; a gorgeous little brother for Charlie and Eddie.
Alexandra Greay (Kneipp, 2002) and husband Brett are delighted to announce the arrival of their first child, Campbell Macklyn Greay, born on 18 February 2014.
Marlo Robson (Vernon, 1995) and husband are delighted to announce the birth of their first child, James Robson. James was baptised in the College War Memorial Chapel, a very special occasion.
Shilpi Sanghera (Chakrabarti, 1998) and husband Michael would like to announce the arrival of a beautiful baby girl, Samiya Sanghera and sister to Naveen, born Wednesday 12 March 2014.
Send your news, announcements and updated contact details to jengland@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au
esu@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or PO Box 15, Pymble NSW 2073
Vale •
Jean Cameron-Smith (Halliday, 1943) aged 87 years, known as Betty, passed away on 3 February 2014. Betty had a long and happy association with Pymble and many relatives attended the College.
Anne Patricia (Pat) Daw (Franklin, 1952), died suddenly on 28 October 2013 after a year of medical complications. Pat was happily married to David Daw for 47 years and the much loved mother of Anne and Peter and grandmother of Xavier and Anthony. Latin lessons at school followed by further study for her Bachelor of Arts (University of Sydney) culminated in a life-long interest in the language.
Patricia Edwards 1925-2013 – Patricia was the principal of the Pymble Ladies’ College Primary school in 1967. From New Zealand, Pat was a passionate educator who wrote more than 200 children’s books and, with Longman Cheshire, developed the first Australian reading and language program for primary schools.
Helen Flower (Ford, 1941) aged 89, passed away on 24 December 2013. Helen loved receiving the Pymbulletin and remembered her days as a boarder with great fondness. She kept in contact with many of her friends from that era, before World War II.
Gwenda Jackson (Matchett, 1941) passed away on 18 November 2013. She was the loving wife of Ronal (deceased), mother of Tina and Jenny and a beloved grandmother.
Ellice Jamieson (McPherson, 1952) passed away on 3 December, 2013 in Western Australia.
Catherine Mealey (Pallin, 1956) late of Lindfield and beloved wife of Mark passed away on 24 February 2014, aged 75 years.
Agnes Dobson Millner (Claveranne, 1939) aged 91 years, died in August 2013.
Helen Picton (Gibson, 1948) died on 18 March 2014, aged 73 years. Late of Mount Olive, loving wife of Colin and much loved mother of John and Robyn.
Nancy Powell (Killen, 1950) died on 9 November 2013 after a short illness.
Janice Anne White (Milne, 1956) sister of Lynette, sadly passed away on 3 September 2013. The two Milne sisters married two brothers and maintained their connection with Pymble over the years.
Rachael Soutar (2012) Talented ex-student Rachael Soutar has been playing football in China for the Young Matildas (Australian U19) against Japan. Prior to that she was playing in Myanmar for the Young Matildas in the senior South East Asia Championships where they won the silver medal. Rachael is currently playing for the West Sydney Wanderers.
Susanne Entwistle (Moore, 1953) and Jillian Fisher (Slade, 1953) visited the Heritage Centre in February. Susanne’s mother, Enid Moore (Hanson, 1928) was a classmate of Dame Joan Hammond, and Jillian’s mother-in-law, Malvena Gladys de Booten who was a French teacher in the early days of Pymble.
Pat Jones (1965) and her aunt, Pat Wright (Rossell,1944) spent a happy few hours looking at the Honour Boards and taking a tour of the College. Pat’s mother, Margaret Jones (Rossell, 1939) was Head Prefect and her name features on the Honour Board in the Main Hall.
Ex-Student News Australia Day Honours
The ESU was thrilled to hear about two ex-students who received recognition for their service and commitment to the community. In the 2014 Australia Day Honours List two Pymble ex-students were awarded the prestigious OAM. Margaret Snodgrass (Forsyth, 1955) received an OAM in the General Division for service to the community of Willoughby and Marjorie Bailey (White, 1947) received an OAM in the General Division for service to the community through contributions to music organisations. Sarah MacDonald (1983) was the guest speaker at the annual Jacaranda Day Service on 14 November 2013. Sarah is a wellknown and respected journalist who formerly worked for Radio Triple J. Now working at the ABC, Sarah is also an author and blogger. We were delighted to welcome Sarah to our thanksgiving service and the girls enjoyed hearing about her time at Pymble.
If you would like to visit the College and Heritage Centre, please contact Joy England Alumni Relations Manager jengland@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or 02 9855 7304. Ex-students are most welcome to visit the College anytime.
Stay in touch with our global network of ex-students. Join our Facebook page – www.facebook.com/groups/PymbleESU For networking and mentoring join our Linked in group http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Pymble-Ladies-CollegeExStudents-5124308/about may pymbulletin 25
Black Watch Ties
Ex-Students’ Union Inc.
Mothers and Grandmothers Morning Tea - Friday 21 March 2014 Nearly 50 ex-students attended the Mothers and Grandmothers Morning Tea held in the Heritage Centre. All mothers and grandmothers of current girls, the ladies enjoyed an elegant tea whilst discussing the changes that have taken place over the years. Although the curriculum, uniform and activities have changed, what remains is an abiding love for Pymble and all that it stands for. All Ultimo Lavoro – strive for the highest.
Upcoming ESU events
PLC Melbourne Old Girls The PLC OGA was delighted to host a luncheon at Pymble for Old Girls of PLC Melbourne. The Heritage Centre was the venue for about 20 ‘Old Girls’ who enjoyed the opportunity to get together in Sydney for their annual reunion. Thanks to Julie Phillips for organising the event. If you are an Old Girl from PLC Melbourne and would like to attend the next reunion on Saturday 7 June in the Heritage Centre at 12.00pm, contact Julie on Julie Phillips t.j.phillips@bigpond.com
ESU ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday 28 October 2014, 6.30pm Hertigae Centre
Upcoming Reunions – 2014
ESU Networking Event - Friday 17 October 2014 Following the success of the first networking event featuring Melissa Doyle (1987) in 2013, we look forward to seeing you at this year’s event.
ESU Golf/Tennis/Bridge/Walk Day Thursday 4 September 2014 All Golf, Tennis, Bridge Players and Walkers are invited to the ExStudents’ Union Annual Golf/Tennis/Bridge Day. This year we are also introducing a Walk. The Golf and Bridge will be played at Killara Golf Club and the Tennis at Pymble Ladies’ College. Lunch will be served at 12.30pm at Killara Golf Club.
Please contact Joy England at JEngland@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or call 02 9855 7304.
Date and Venue
5 Year Reunion
2009 Leavers
Saturday 13 September, 5.00pm to 8.00pm, The Loft, 3 Lime St, Sydney. Cost $50 pp
Lauren Oehlers E: loeh1496@uni.sydney.edu.au
20 Year Reunion
1994 Leavers
Saturday 13 September, The Treehouse, North Sydney
Alix Toynton (Icklow) M: 0418 691 649 E: alix@monarchinvestments.com Katie Motteram (Struve) M: 0421 566 540 E: katie.motteram@gmail.com
30 Year Reunion
1984 Leavers
Saturday 15 November: 6.00pm to 11.00pm, The Loft, 3 Lime St, Sydney Sunday 16 November: Family Picnic, Kelso Field
Sarah Donaldson E: sdon6840@bigpond.net.au
35 Year Reunion
1979 Leavers
Saturday 30 August, 6.30pm The Treehouse, North Sydney
Anna Davis (Gissing) E: ard17@bigpond.com
40 Year Reunion
1974 Leavers
Saturday 15 November, 12.00pm to 5.00pm, Greengate Hotel, Killara
Karen Caspersonn (Roberts) M: 0410 611 142 E: kcaspo@bigpond.com
45 Year Reunion
1969 Leavers
Sunday 27 July, Morning Tea on the David Blackwell Music Building balcony
Philippa Graham (Myers) M: 0407 202 838 E: pdgraham@graers.com
50 Year Reunion
1964 Leavers
Sunday 12 October, Lunch in the Atrium, Senior School Centre - Kate Mason Building
Diana Thomas (Boden) E: drdthomas@hotmail.com Kate Fredericks (Ferguson) T: 02 9449 9610 M: 0413 928 430 E: katefredericks6@gmail.com
60 Year Reunion
1954 Leavers
Sunday 27 July, Lunch in the Atrium, Senior School Centre - Kate Mason Building
Jackie Farrar (Molyneux) E: rfarrar@bigpond.net.au
Global and Regional Pymble Ladies’ College Reunions – 2014 Event
Date and Venue
All ex-students welcome
Saturday 6 September 2014 Era Bistro, cnr Melbourne and Merivale Streets, South Brisbane
Helen Cooper (Witten, 1960) E: hl.cooper777@gmail.com Jean Single (Vicars,1952) E: js755420@bigpond.net.au
All ex-students welcome
September 2014 Date and venue TBA
Natasha Heughan (Conde, 1992) E: natashah@people.net.au Sally-Ann Totman (1993) E: sally.totman@deakin.edu.au
All ex-students welcome
Date and venue TBA
Linda McCorquodale (1979) E: Linda.McCorquodale@fqml.com
26 may pymbulletin
Reminiscing on days gone by With their 60 year reunion approaching, we caught up with three of our ex-students who commenced at Pymble in Kindergarten and stayed on to complete their Leaving Certificate in 1954. We asked them what they have been doing since they left Pymble.
Helen Booth (Jenkyn, 1954)
Jill Radford (Franklin, 1954)
On leaving Pymble 60 years ago, I travelled with my sister Val Grogan (Jenkyn, 1951), via Suez for a year discovering Europe and the UK, where we were presented to the Queen at Buckingham Palace. We returned home via Panama, America and Canada in time to attend the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne, all of which was an amazing experience. I married Donald Booth in 1960, have a daughter and son, and now grandchildren – all my greatest treasures. I so sadly lost my soulmate in February 2003.
After school, I did a gap year in New Zealand where I learnt shorthand and typing and worked in the Dunedin Public Library which led to a career in librarianship. I was fortunate on returning to Australia to obtain a position in a CSIRO Veterinary Library. I studied Librarianship at night. The role involved reference services to local and international veterinarians and researchers including researchers from Antarctic, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka. I was appointed Librarian in Charge in 1967. In 1981 I was awarded The Australian Veterinary Association Meritorious Services Award for assisting with library needs – the first non-veterinarian to achieve this recognition. I eventually became the Head Librarian of three CSIRO Libraries at Prospect, Sydney and Armidale. In 1994, I oversaw the amalgamation of the Prospect and Sydney Libraries which then became one very large library in the subject field of animal husbandry at Prospect. I retired in 1998 after approximately four decades in library work. In 1966 I had a touring holiday around Europe which included 76 nights in a tent, working for FAO on a Bibliography on Water Buffalo and working in Fleet Street at a bank!
I valued my days at Pymble where I made life-long friends, many of whom I still regularly see. Commencing so young, all hat and shoes, and spending two years in Kindergarten, I was awarded the Long Attendance Prize of 13 years at a special 1954 Speech Day. I fondly remember our biology excursion to Brampton Island with Mrs Clark. ‘Knocky’ was my ‘other mother’ while mine was in hospital, giving me hugs, reassurance and re-doing my plaited hair! I recall the sharp sound of the air-raid sirens meaning we had to walk quickly across Lang Lawn, carrying our little blue chairs, to shelter under the Colonnade and stay till we had the ‘all clear’. I felt close to Gillian Ferrier in particular and together we shared in the excitement of the Duchess of Gloucester’s visit and seeing her plant the Jacaranda tree and then watching it grow over the years. My lifetime experiences of helping others gives me a sense of great satisfaction. Over fifty years of continuous service with St John Ambulance Australia, my support of charities such as Prof Michael Cousins Pain Management, my time served on the Ex-Students’ Union as Secretary and President, and delegate for the National Council of Women were and are memorable, enjoyable and fulfilling. I look back at Pymble very fondly as the start to the wonderful life I have been lucky enough to live and I have much to be thankful for.
I have spent many hours in voluntary work including helping migrant women with English, helping children learn to read and as an area contact for WWL organising wraps to be delivered to the needy – all truly rewarding experiences. I married David in 1989 and found his life as a surveyor, his many artistic talents and his devotion to surf life saving at Tamarama of great interest. Sadly David was diagnosed with dementia in 2010. I cared for him at home almost to the end. He died in March 2013. I consider my life has been full of interest and may it continue to be so.
Jill Radford (Franklin) Front row, far right, Helen Booth (Jenkyn) Second row, fourth from left Helen Booth (Jenkyn, 1954) at Awards with Governor may pymbulletin 27
lookingback Dr Roslyn Markham (McPhee, 1954) I enrolled at the University of Sydney a few years after leaving Pymble and, within the first year of studying there, realised that I wanted to make a career in Psychology. I completed BA (Hons) and MA (Hons) in the Department of Psychology and did my PhD while employed as a Lecturer there. I remained in the Psychology Department as a Senior Lecturer until 2003. I taught mainly in the area of cognition, with my principal research interests in the fields of memory, face recognition and recognition of emotion, collaborating with excellent researchers at a number of universities including Aberdeen, Cardiff, Toronto and Beijing. Currently I hold an honorary position at the University of Sydney and also work parttime at the NSW Institute of Psychiatry. My career has been extremely interesting and rewarding, despite some inevitable ups and downs! I consider it fortunate that the years spent as a pupil at Pymble emphasised the importance and potential rewards of working conscientiously. This held me in good stead when juggling the demands of raising two children whilst concurrently studying and holding down a demanding job.
Memories of Miss Knox and Pymble from the Class of 1956 from their 50 Year Reunion held in 2006 The overwhelming memory of our school days is of wonderful friends and friendships formed at school. Many girls still meet regularly and say “There is so much history that you know you can’t hide anything”. Miss Knox was a formidable headmistress. She knew the name of every girl in the school. Boarders had to shake hands and say goodbye and hello to Miss Knox every time they went in and out of the school. Miss Knox taught us to “do to others as you would have others do to you” and to “pull your weight in family, community and church”. We have wonderful memories of Mrs Ladd, our French teacher. She drove a Citroen. Ros thought she was the epitome of an elegant French lady even though she was Australian. Jenny said “It is because of her I love everything French.” Jenny was fascinated by the scripture teacher who could never see any wrong in anybody! One time, the class tied string around all the books and metal geometry sets in the lockers at the back of the classroom. We pulled the string and there was an almighty crash! She hardly turned a hair and said “Girls, your sins will find you out. You must tidy your lockers at recess.” Mel reminds us that in Goodlet, most of us slept on the open balcony and we had to make two damp towels last a week. The day-girls risked their lives posting our letters and smuggling in condensed milk for us. Ros remembers our uniforms had to measure an inch above the knee when kneeling. We wore white church dresses, black patent flatties, and dreadful Lyle stockings. We had to fold our blouses neatly when they came back from the laundry. We had a ‘free weekend’ twice a term and if we went to town, we had two pounds to spend. We would shop at David Jones, have lunch at Cahills, (usually waffles) and go to the movies. “Who is that playing tennis in gym bloomers and shirt? Come here please. You know you must wear your skirt. Someone playing golf at Avondale might see you. You are to go to bed now and there will be no supper.”
Roslyn Markham (McPhee) Third row, fifth from left
Who remembers queuing at recess and lunch for a turn on the Giant Stride, practising the Charleston on the colonnade, sitting on the colonnade and knitting squares? Who remembers the school having a herd of cows and one giving birth to a calf in the bottom paddock during recess? Who remembers the Condy’s crystals in the swimming pool and having to go to Barker College for our swimming carnival?
Pymble Ladies’ College Avon Road, PO Box 137 Pymble NSW 2073 Australia
Wonderful memories!
Tel: +61 2 9855 7799 Fax: +61 2 9855 7766 Email: communityrelations@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au
Follow Pymble:
www.pymblelc.nsw.edu.au A school of the Uniting Church in Australia ‘All’ Ultimo Lavoro’ – Strive for the Highest