A bulletin distributed after each Board of Governors meeting for use in district newsletters, websites and meetings. For more information, contact the SEANC Communications/PR Department at 800-222-2758 or 919-833-6436. The Spotlight can be found on the SEANC website, www.seanc.org, under “News/Publications.”
The Board of Governors (BOG) met on Nov. 5-6, 2010, to discuss business important to state employees and retirees. PRESIDENT’S RETREAT/BIENNIAL CONVENTION President Charles Johnson reported on the outcomes from his Oct. 27 retreat and requested that the BOG discuss and vote on the concept of converting SEANC from an annual to a biennial convention structure. President Johnson noted that this had been discussed for many years and requested a vote to empower Bylaws Chairman Cliff Brown to look into the bylaws changes needed to convert to a biennial convention. After much debate, regional breakouts and discussion the BOG voted to authorize Brown to move forward. All potential bylaws changes must be passed at a district’s annual meeting, forwarded to the statewide Bylaws Committee and then to convention delegates for a final vote. President Johnson believes that this change is a good idea, would create a cost-savings and free up funds to better meet the needs of the membership. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Budget: Executive Director Dana Cope was pleased to report on SEANC’s 2009-2010 year-end budget. Last year membership recruitment exceeded expectations and the staff was extremely frugal with the association’s money. As a result, receipts exceeded expectations in last year’s budget at 104 percent and disbursements were 95 percent, leaving SEANC with unallocated funds for the BOG to commit. In addition the passage of the bylaws amendment at the recent convention for the SEANC districts to pay SEIU dues, 50 cents per member per month, from the monthly district rebate created additional unallocated funds at the state level. The Executive Committee proposed a budget amendment, which unanimously passed, to commit surplus funds toward the SEANC mortgage, establish a reserve account to pay for costs associated with attending 2012 SEIU Convention in Denver, Colo., and to set aside funds to build up SEANC’s cash reserve account. Holliman Defeated: While SEANC did not endorse General Assembly candidates, the association decided to engage in one race – a campaign to defeat Majority Leader Hugh Holliman (D-Davidson) for his role in mismanaging the health plan. Holliman was also a strong defender of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina’s no-bid sweetheart health plan contract. In October, SEANC unleashed a flood of ads on TV and 1
radio paid for the SEIU Committee on Political Education, SEANC’s Federal PAC. On Nov. 2 Holliman lost his election 57-42 percent to Republican Rayne Brown. General Assembly Budget: North Carolina’s budget is in a world of hurt with a $3.5 billion deficit for the next biennium. It will not be possible for legislators to solely cut or tax their way out of this year’s budget deficit. With the political rhetoric over from elections, SEANC has an opportunity to work with the new crop of leaders. Cope also suggested additional ways for legislators to increase revenues without taxing people such as privatizing ABC stores and expanding gambling revenues to include table games. Save Our State...Time to Innovate: To assist legislators with closing the $3.5 billion budget gap, SEANC is seeking our members, the experts, to Save Our State from reductions to services that our citizens depend upon. State employees can take the lead and suggest innovative ideas to save the government money by filling out the SOS form. All submissions should be sent to Tony Booe at tbooe@seanc.org or faxed to 919-829-5829. Staff Reorganization: The staff has been realigned to provide better customer service for our members. Eastern Member Action Coordinator Benny Brigman announced his retirement effective Nov. 30. PERSONNEL RECORDS UPDATE Legislative Affairs Director Ardis Watkins addressed the new law opening up some personnel records for public disclosure. Watkins said that several opinions were solicited from the Attorney General’s office as to how the agencies should interpret the new law. The ruling was that, as of Oct. 1, 2010, the following information about employees is considered to be public: salary history (current agency history only), dismissal letter and detailed records of promotions received (ex. why that employee received a promotion). During the last session in the General Assembly, the N.C. Press Association was seeking to open all employee records and is expected to make this a priority in the General Assembly next year. SEANC GOING GREEN In order to save SEANC members money on paper and postage and to help the environment, the BOG will now be e-mailed all documents previously sent in the weekly board mailings. Additionally all printed BOG committee reports will now be shown electronically rather than printed. All committee reports provided during the November BOG meeting and moving forward are linked in The Spotlight. COMMITTEE REPORTS INSURANCE BOARD OF TRUSTEES-Chairwoman Shanticia Hawkins and Director of Insurance Brenda Hooker presented a proposal from the Insurance Board of Trustees to change the Colonial Insurance contract from an administrative fee structure to a commission-based structure for SEANC. The board voted unanimously in favor of the proposal. BYLAWS-Chairman Cliff Brown reported to the BOG that all districts must have a state bylaws chairman. All districts who have suggestions or questions regarding the proposed biennial convention structure should e-mail Brown at seanc2@nc.rr.com. EMPAC-Chairman Mark Dearmon said the PAC is on target to have more than $1 million in 2012. EMPAC membership changes hands on Jan. 1, 2011, and Amaka Flynn is the new chairwoman who was elected at convention. 2
MEMBERSHIP-Chairman Spillman Grice announced the regional membership members: Alfred Johnson (North Central), Vicki Lane (West), Ken Beaver (Piedmont), Mike Kollock (East), Cathy Fields (South Central) and Treva Brigman (Retiree). The District 2 membership blitz yielded 60 new members. The committee is promoting a “Stuff Your Stocking” December membership recruitment drive. Each member who recruits five new members will receive $10. Contact Director of Member Action Lynn Cote at lcote@seanc.org with any questions. MINORITY COUNCIL-Chairman Nilesh Surti reported that the council met during convention and decided to draft a survey regarding minority issues. The committee will author an article in the March Reporter to promote the survey. RETIREE COUNCIL-Chairman Bob Hopper reported that the retirement system’s actuary has recommended the employer’s contribution must be increased to 7.94 percent of payroll to adequately fund the retirement system. VETERANS COUNCIL-Chairman Dan Efird reported that he has been appointed by President Johnson to lead a new veterans’ committee in SEANC. The purpose of the committee is to promote VA benefits and make sure that state employees are availing themselves of the benefits that they have rightfully earned by serving their country. SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION BOARD-Chairman George Thiessen reported that the Scholarship Foundation Board’s investment portfolio exceeded expectations last year and scholarships are expected to increase this year to include 10 Member-only scholarships, three two-year scholarships and 14 fouryear scholarships. The committee will do another cash raffle at convention for this year’s Scholarship Foundation fundraiser. Scholarship Foundation directory MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH-Chairman Preston Moore and Director of Member Strength Kevin LeCount reported that the purpose of the committee is to create and implement a comprehensive plan to help increase member involvement, activism and empowerment within SEANC. Moore promoted the Member Advance Conference to be held on Dec. 3-4 at the Hawthorne Inn in Winston-Salem. For more information contact Kevin LeCount at klecount@seanc.org. YOUTH COUNCIL-Chairwoman Emily Jones requested that each chairperson appoint one person in your district as the Youth Council chairperson. AWARDS-Chairwoman Mary O’Neil encouraged all districts to submit an awards submission this year. MEMBER DISCOUNT-Chairwoman Janet Bunch reported that 107 businesses have been recruited into the program since August. Bunch congratulated Glenn Allen of District 64 who recruited 83 AutoZone stores in the Eastern part of the state. UPCOMING MEETING DATES Nov. 13 – Youth Council Nov. 16 – Statewide Membership Meeting Dec. 8 – Veterans Council Meeting (inform Carri Derrick at cderrick@seanc.org if you plan to attend) Dec. 3-4 –Member Advance Conference, Hawthorne Inn, Winston-Salem Dec. 18 – EMPAC Transition Meeting
VOTES PASSED-A motion to empower the Bylaws Chairman Cliff Brown to investigate changing the convention and officer terms from an annual to a biennial structure. PASSED-A budget amendment proposed by the Executive Committee to commit unallocated funds from the 2009-2010 budget toward the SEANC mortgage, establish a reserve account to pay for costs associated with attending 2012 SEIU Convention in Denver, CO, and to set aside funds to build up SEANC’s cash reserve account. Passed unanimously. PASSED-A proposal to change SEANC’s contract with Colonial Insurance structure from an administrative fee to a commission-based structure. Passed unanimously. PASSED-A motion from the Minority Council to amend the SEANC Operations Manual, Sec. 5, 4.1 Code of Ethics, “Procedures,” paragraph 4 to read “Shall not form alliances, make decisions or engage in activities in pursuance of SEANC duties that would discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social or cultural background, sexual orientation, gender expression, age or disability. New language in bold. FAILED-A motion to post the draft minute meetings from the Executive Committee/BOG meetings. The Board of Governors will meet next in Raleigh on Friday, Feb. 18, 2011.