July 2012 Spotlight

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A bulletin distributed after each Board of Governors’ meeting for use in district newsletters, websites and meetings. For more information, contact the SEANC Communications/PR Department at 800-222-2758 or 919-833-6436. The Spotlight can be found on the SEANC website, www.seanc.org, under “News/Publications.”

The Board of Governors met on July 20-21 to discuss business important to state employees and retirees. 2012-2013 SEANC Candidate Announcements -Sandra Johnson of District 44 withdrew her nomination for Second Vice President -Gloria Highsmith of District 65 for Eastern Regional Representative to the Executive Committee Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Marilyn Jean Martin reported that the SEANC Central Office receipts are doing extremely well, with 77 percent in receipts and 69 percent in disbursements. Purchasing Power is extremely popular with the membership, earning the association more than $17,000 per month. The association is on target to complete our mortgage obligation in March 2013. 2012-2013 SEANC Office Budget Planning Committee Chairman Tony Smith presented a $4.3 million budget proposal to the BOG to fund all SEANC operations and services for the 2012-2013 year. The budget provides for membership services and operations for the fiscal year Oct. 1, 2012-Sept. 30, 2013. The BOG voted to amend the planning committee’s recommended budget and earmark $140,000 of reserve funds for the 2016 SEIU Convention. The budget was approved with no opposition. President’s Report President Charles Johnson requested that all districts review their financial positions to ensure that they have a balanced budget for the remainder of the fiscal year and have allocated adequate resources for the upcoming convention. Moving forward, the president requested that districts spend a significant portion of their district budget on furthering SEANC’s mission. Executive Director’s Report SEANC Executive Director Dana Cope reported that for the second year in a row the governor vetoed the budget. SEANC used the momentum to override that veto as an opportunity to lobby 1

Democrats on gaining five extra days of vacation for state employees. Sen. Richard Stevens (RWake) was against the five vacation days. SEANC helped to secure three override votes in the House – Reps. Darren Jackson (D-Wake), Marian McLawhorn (D-Pitt) and Marcus Brandon (DGuilford). The final budget contained a 1.2-percent pay increase, a 1 percent cost-of-living adjustment for retirees and five vacation days-representing the first raise since 2008. Specific to EMPAC’s endorsements in the fall election – Cope reiterated SEANC’s nonpartisan philosophy about standing up for elected leaders and candidates that protect our issues. This philosophy for EMPAC has served state employees very well. Cope went on to highlight Districts 5, 6 and 7’s excellent communications tactics that gained the attention of their local legislators, Reps. Mitch Gillespie and Hugh Blackwell, both Republicans representing McDowell and Burke county. During the week of June 11, these districts placed paid display advertisements and letters to the editor in their area newspapers about recent votes from these legislators. The advertising and letters reached over 24,000 readers (not including Internet audiences) in the Avery Times-Journal, the McDowell News and the Morganton NewsHerald. The total cost was approximately $200 for the advertising. There was no cost for the letters to the editor. Cope discussed SEANC’s current participation in a campaign from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of N.C. to put pressure on doctors and hospitals to stop double-charging for certain aspects of radiology services – a common practice that drives up the costs of health care. Commissioner of Insurance Wayne Goodwin’s department has given a favorable ruling permitting this doublecharging practice to continue unless health care providers agree to end it. SEANC and Blue Cross strongly disagree with this ruling. Members are encouraged to send letters to Commissioner Goodwin to reconsider this ruling because it is costing the State Health Plan and its members approximately $6 million each year. There was some discussion of the recent bylaws committee where a proposed bylaws amendment for Article V came up for consideration. Cope asked the BOG to clarify whether the operations manual process was inapplicable because it conflicted with the bylaws. The BOG voted there is no conflict between the bylaws and the operations manual. Thus, this proposed bylaws amendment will not be considered at convention, because the district did not comply with the operations manual bylaws amendment process. Revisions to the operations manual were distributed and will be voted upon during the next BOG meeting at the convention in Greensboro. The BOG did approve one revision permitting the Executive Committee to determine the voting method at convention. The Executive Committee reported that it has chosen a method that uses name badges with bar codes to credential voting delegates and electronic keypads for voting and tallying. Director of Legislative Affairs Ardis Watkins provided a brief legislative update – pointing out the specific figures of this budget’s pay raise, cost-of-living adjustment and additional paid leave time, and also pointed out that 22,000 employees were kept under protection of the SPA, a State 2

Health Plan whistleblower protection bill passed and many additional jobs were protected by preventing privatization of prison health care services and the N.C. Zoo. All in To Win Training President Charles Johnson led a training that focused on worker earnings versus productivity and how the average CEO earned 1,018 times more than the average worker. This is happening due to an erosion of unions, detaxation (of the wealthy), deregulation and increased blending of money and politics. The top 1 percent has a clear goal to weaken opposition, rig the system and own politicians. This would result in more wealth for the rich, greater power for corporations and CEOs and less worth for the remaining 99 percent of Americans. The goal of the training is that 550 SEANC members are prepared to engage 10 other members to truly be involved in SEANC in 2013. All convention delegates will be trained by Member Leader Activists during convention. Bylaws Committee Chairwoman Kim Martin announced the Bylaws Committee will oversee elections at convention. The committee will observe distribution, voting and collection of keypads. District chairpersons will be responsible for these electronic keypads, facing a $100 fine for any lost or damaged keypads. EMPAC Chairman Wayne Fish announced that EMPAC is hosting open forums for several Council of State candidates including: State Auditor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Insurance Commissioner and secretaries of State, Agriculture and Labor on July 27, 28 and Aug. 4. There will be a separate forum for Office of Governor and Treasurer on Aug. 4. All events are open to SEANC members. On July 28 and Aug. 25, EMPAC will meet to decide statewide and legislative endorsements. For more information contact Director of Member Strength Kevin LeCount at klecount@seanc.org. Insurance Board of Trustees Chairwoman Pam Hailey brought a recommendation for a one-year MetLife Dental renewal. The standard option will have no increase, but the high option will increase by 6.8 percent. The increase can be attributed to low participation rates. The BOG voted to accept a new option that provides “high option” type benefits at a much lower premium if they use an in-network dentist (known as a MetLife Preferred Dental Provider). Members can still receive services from a nonnetwork dentist in the benefit coverage, but these dentists have not agreed to the negotiated fees, so you may have a higher out-of-pocket cost. Interested members should call (800) 2222758 and ask for “MetLife PDP” or visit www.metlife.com/dental for more information. The next IBOT meetings will be Sept. 4 at 3 p.m. and Sept. 5 at 8:30 a.m. at the Koury Convention Center. Members interested in running for the IBOT the deadline to submit your biography is tonight, July 24, to Brenda Hooker at bhooker@seanc.org. Member Discount Chairwoman Janet Bunch reported that 29 new businesses have been recruited since May. There is a July 31 deadline to recruit new businesses in order to be eligible for a convention prize. 3

Membership Chairman Spillman Grice urged BOG members to use the 2012 legislative victories to recruit new members. South Central, Eastern and North Central Regions are in the positive headed to convention. Kudos to District 24, who has held 12 membership drives this year. Thanks to District 21 for rotating meetings around their area to gain to member involvement. Policy Platform Chairwoman Debby Butler discussed her concern that only one district submitted three policy platform objectives for consideration by the committee. Butler urged all districts to become involved in the policy platform process next year. Retiree Council Chairman Bob Hopper was pleased to report that the state contribution for next year to the retirement system was 8.33 percent in the state budget. This amount will help ensure full funding of the retirement system for next year. The council has five vacancies and will elect five members to serve on the council. Scholarship Foundation Chairman George Theissen reminded delegates that the Don Jones Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Aug. 10 at Keith Hills Golf Club in Buies Creek. Hole sponsorships are $100. The statewide committee reviewed 94 scholarships this year and provided 42 scholarships totaling $35,000. Any member who wishes to run for a board seat contact should contact the chairman at gthiessen@nc.rr.com with a biography by Aug. 1 or you can run from the convention floor. Scholarship training will be held at the annual convention in Greensboro on Sept 6 from 9-11 a.m. Youth Council Chairwoman Inetha Council announced the Youth Council is hosting an event at Linda Coleman’s lieutenant governor campaign headquarters starting at 9 a.m. on Aug. 11 located in Cameron Village on Oberlin Rd. The council is recording a youth recruitment promotional video during the first week of August. The Youth Council is also organizing a family day in mid-September. More details this event to follow. FMAEP Update Member Strength Director Kevin LeCount updated the BOG on the Facilitated Management and Employee Process (formerly “Meet and Confer”). There has been a successful meeting with the DENR Secretary and a meeting with the DMV headquarters is on tap next. Convention Report Meeting & Convention Planner Alicia Miller briefed the BOG on changes to the 29th Annual SEANC convention that will be held Sept. 6-8. New this year all voting, with the exception of policy platform objectives, will be conducted through the use of electronic handheld keypads. The convention will also feature new barcode entry badges that will replace the paper tickets to evening events. Evening events include a Thursday night SEANC Blue Fit Banquet ($20), the EMPAC Dessert Reception will be at 7:30 p.m. on that Friday of the convention and the SEANC’s Got Talent Show will be held at 8:30 p.m. (EMPAC events are free to those delegates who payroll 4

deduct a minimum of $24 per year or pay $25 at the door). The SEANC Stars banquet ($45 per person) will be Saturday evening at 7 p.m. For more information on convention happenings and deadlines, see below. Convention Community Service Project – Toys for Tots This year, convention delegates will be asked to bring unwrapped toys for children up to age 12 to be distributed statewide. Toys for Tots prefers not to accept realistic looking weapons and gifts with food. The Marines also prefer no stuffed animals or books as they have an abundance of these left over from last year. Please have delegates bring the toys. Convention Dates and Deadlines July 27 District Delegate Registration/Rooming and Guest List July 31 Awards submission deadline (extended) July 31 Member Discount award deadline Aug. 11 Thursday and Saturday banquet sales Aug. 11 Memorial submissions deadline Aug. 22 Final membership numbers available Delegate Add/Change form goes online Aug. 27 Delegate Add/Change form due Sept. 5 One-day/last chance ticket sales for Thursday and Saturday banquet Sept. 5 Executive Committee and Board of Governors meetings Sept. 6-8 29th Annual SEANC Convention, Greensboro Sept. 8 2012-2013 Board of Governors meeting Questions? Contact Alicia Miller (amiller@seanc.org) Upcoming Dates July 27, 28, Aug. 4 Aug. 4 Aug. 8, 9

EMPAC Council of State Candidate Forums Governor and state Treasurer Candidate Forums Incoming district chairpersons (only) training

Questions? Contact Kevin LeCount (klecount@seanc.org) Votes PASSED- A motion to renew MetLife Dental Insurance for one year at no increase in premium for the standard option, and a 6.8 percent increase for the high option and a new option offering high premium-like benefits at a much lower premium using an in-network dentist.. PASSED- A motion to transfer up to $150 per district (52 districts x $150 = $7,800 maximum) from the SEANC budget reserve account for district officer training. PASSED- The $4.3 million SEANC budget for 2012-2013 PASSED- A motion interpreting keypads to serve as ballots for convention voting. PASSED-A motion clarifying that the bylaws and operations manual requirements that districts must turn in their amendments no later than July 20 and respectively, within five days after the district annual meeting, are not in conflict.


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