The Board of Governors met on Nov. 17-18, 2017, at SEANC Headquarters in Raleigh to discuss business important to state employees and retirees. Here are the highlights from the meeting. Highlights New Executive Director Selected The Executive Director Search Committee completed its work by submitting a list of candidates to the Executive Committee for the position. The Executive Committee then recommended its selection to the BOG, which made a final selection. A public announcement of the selection of the new director will be made once contract negotiations are completed.
American Red Cross Requests Volunteers Tracy Kohuf of the American Red Cross made a presentation to the board asking districts and members to consider volunteering. The organization consists of 94 percent volunteers, and 91 cents on every dollar goes to help people in need. Volunteer whatever you can – one hour, five hours, whatever. Informational fliers were provided for those interested.
Reports Executive Director’s Report Executive Director Mitch Leonard began by addressing the tragedy at Pasquotank Correctional in October, where inmates trying to escape murdered four state employees. Already this year, assaults on correctional officers are 50 percent higher than five years ago, even with 3,000 less inmates. Leonard attended the funeral for former SEANC president Bobby Reardon last week, and reported that his family members all wore SEANC pins as a tribute to his dedication to the organization. SEANC has signed an agreement to move forward with next phase of IT study, which will include hands-on audits over the course of the next three months. Two staff members have left since convention. Payroll Specialist Mary O’Neill has moved to Arizona, and Executive Assistant to the Executive Director Alicia Miller’s 1
last day was Saturday at the BOG meeting. She will be taking a job at the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. SEANC’s contract with N.C. Spin expires in January. The show is moving to UNCTV in January, and rates have more than doubled. We are also unable to create advocacy ads. With this in mind, the board voted not to extend the contract. Membership continues to see growth, with 60 new members signed up in the last week! We were able to visit the Department of Transportation’s downtown Raleigh headquarters for the first time in six years last week. We also have more retiree forums scheduled than we ever had. We are still working on ways to incentivize Alternative Payment Options, because we have fewer than 4,000 signed up so far.
President’s Report President Stanley Drewery discussed in detail his interactions with leadership of the Department of Public Safety in the weeks following the Pasquotank tragedy. He has tried to impress on leaders the importance of hiring a director for adult correction who has prison experience. He has also taken part in several television and newspaper interviews since the incident. During his report, several BOG members with DPS and prison experience were recognized to speak on the matter as well. The group discussed ways to decrease the dangers facing our correctional staff, as well as the policies that need to be implemented. Treasurer’s Report General Treasurer Chevella Thomas reported that SEANC’s finances are on track to meet projections for the fiscal year. She urged the districts to turn in their documents on time and to complete their expense reports thoroughly and accurately.
Audit Chairman Keith Renner reported that the committee will be reviewing the Audit Committee Procedures Manual and has scheduled a SEANC travel audit for Nov. 8-9. Jay Sharpe of Rives and Associates, LLP reported to the committee regarding the future SEANC audit expected in late November. They have also created a subcommittee to review and recommend Fiscal Internal Control policies and discussed disciplinary actions for fiscal misappropriations and district alcohol use that will be recommended to the Executive Committee. They will be conducting random district audits based on district size and will schedule future internal SEANC audits – one per quarter each year. The next meeting is Dec. 6. Awards Chairwoman Janice Bass reported that the Awards Committee was successful in selecting the 2017 award recipients. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 8 to review the current requirements for the awards.
Bylaws Committee The Bylaws Committee will meet in July to consider amendments passed by districts.
Connections Committee Chairwoman Linda Rouse Sutton reported that there is approximately $15,000 in the Benevolence Fund. The committee met on Nov. 8, and approved the following guidelines, “The SEANC Benevolence Fund is established to provide assistance for members who have experienced loss of life while on duty or from injuries incurred while working, or who have suffered great losses from natural disasters like fires, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes.” In order to be eligible for funds, the afflicted member must have been a SEANC member in good standing for a minimum of the previous six months. In addition, the committee suggests that each district include $200 in their annual budget as a donation to this fund. The Benevolence Fund request forms are located on the SEANC website at If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Chairwoman Linda Rouse Sutton at or Staff Liaison Beth Dew at
Emerging Leaders Chairwoman Sonya Akbar reported that the first meeting is planned for January, and she asked that districts identify new leaders that would like to be more active to take part. They plan to support the training committee at upcoming leadership training and work to grow membership, participate at the General Assembly and work with members to make the switch to APO.
EMPAC Chairman Tony Smith reported that the November meeting was canceled to save money. New legislative districts have yet to be finalized. In October, the courts found that the General Assembly’s new districts did not meet requirements, and appointed a “special master” to draft new ones. His first draft was released last week, but the final maps are due on Dec. 1, followed by a hearing in January, where they will be finalized. EMPAC will soon have a digital form available online for digital fundraising, and is now making a push for both area organizing and fundraising. The next state EMPAC meeting is Jan. 27 at 10 a.m. in the Raleigh office and guests are encouraged to attend. Insurance Board of Trustees Chairwoman Martha Fowler reported that the board met on Nov. 3 and the next meeting is Feb. 14.
Member Discount Chairman Dennis Hartley reported that SEANC has gained 86 new businesses during this past year. However, only a few people recruited those businesses. He encouraged districts to motivate their members to get new businesses. Currently the total number of businesses is 3,202. The next meeting is Jan. 16 at 10 a.m.
Membership Committee Chairman Cliff Johnson reported that the membership goal for this year is a total of 60,000 members. Committee members have been given the task to go out with the Member Relations Representatives to recruit new members because having a SEANC member at the recruitment events makes a huge difference in recruiting new members. Johnson encouraged every member to get involved with recruitment, which includes signing members up for the Alternate Payment Option (APO). In addition, he encourages anyone who has a recruitment success story to share it with him. He also recognized Districts 7 and 67 for being the current leaders in member recruitment. Personnel Manual Review Committee Chairwoman Doris Greer reported that the committee read every word of the manual twice and are ready to present it to the attorney.
Policy Platform Chairman Jim Pressley reported that the committee’s 2018 activities will include providing a list of expired/deleted objectives, educate districts on the new Policy Platform Objective Modification Rules and prepare the Policy Platform for Convention. In addition, the districts that have not provided names and contact information for Policy Platform District Chairpersons are the following: 1, 4, 12, 25, 27, 28, 37, 39, 40, 63 and 67. Retiree Council Chairman Benny Brigman reported the next Retiree Forum is scheduled for Jan. 29 in Burlington and the keynote speaker is Rep. Jonathan Jordan. In addition, SEANC has a seat at the Treasurer’s Retirement Workshops. The first workshop is Nov. 30. If you want a forum contact Brigman ( or Dennis Hartley (
Scholarship Foundation Chairman Mike Bell reported that the foundation board met on Oct. 19 and approved awarding $40,500 in 2018 scholarship awards. The annual judging will be May 22-24. In addition, the board approved continuing the cash raffle fundraiser, participation in the State Employees Combined Campaign and the bowling tournament/silent auction immediately following the July BOG meeting in Raleigh. 4
Standards Review Committee President Stanley Drewery postponed the reporting of the recommended changes to the Operations Manual to the February Board of Governors meeting. He urged everyone to read it thoroughly before then. After reading the manual in its entirety, send any errors you find along with your committee procedures to Chairwoman Tara Minter at
Training Chairman Steve Lawson reported that there will be a leadership training, intended for members who have exhibited leadership potential, on April 18-20 at Camp Caraway. This training is not intended for those who have had the training before and there is a one member per district limit. There is a $50 registration fee and districts will be responsible for mileage expenses. The District Chairperson and Treasurer Training will be held August 9-10 at Camp Caraway. If the District Chairperson cannot attend, the Vice Chairperson must attend. If the District Treasurer cannot attend, the Audit Chairperson should attend. For more information on both of these, refer to the Post BOG Epacket or click here. Votes
PASSED - To not extend the contract with NC Spin beyond Jan. 1, 2018.
PASSED - The stipend for the President will be added to the budget for FY 2018 as a line item and taken from the FY 2017 end of year reserves.
PASSED – A motion that SEANC pay for parking tickets incurred when staff conducting SEANC business is unable to return to a meter because state employees' issues are on the line. PASSED - To offer the Executive Director position to the recommended candidate and to offer a contract.
PASSED - To approve two forms presented from the Connections Committee – The Natural Disaster Benevolence Fund Request Form and the Fallen Member Benevolence Fund Request Form.
PASSED - Scholarship Bylaws Changes Article V, Section 5 as follows: The Board will assess a fine for only those districts who did not return all of their unsold tickets. The district will be responsible for paying for these missing tickets. Tickets in quantities up to 1,000 missing tickets, will be assessed the total dollar amount for the tickets not returned, and tickets in quantities over 1,000 will be assessed $1,000 plus 50 percent of the total dollar amount over 1,000. Next meeting: Feb. 23-24