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Convention 2021 Update

Director of Operations Brenda Johnson reported that SEANC faces a decision to hold the 2021 SEANC Convention as scheduled or face penalties of up to 100% of the cost from the Koury Convention Center’s contract.

• Johnson, SEANC Attorney Hardy Lewis, and Convention Planner Phyllis Byrd plan to meet with hotel representatives to discuss contract options. After the meeting, they will report the additional information to BOG.

• SEANC is also researching virtual convention options.

Finance Report

General Treasurer Chevella Thomas reported that the general fund is on target with 27% of the budgeted income and dues received for the year.

Director of Finance Gwen Kea reported that SEANC failed to file a 2016-2017 NC tax return. After investigation, Kea discovered that the notices had been going to a PO Drawer that SEANC no longer uses. The returns were prepared, but were never submitted to North Carolina. The recommendation from the NC Department of Revenue was to submit both of those returns together. Kea submitted both items and made sure that everything was updated. It was also discovered that estimated quarterly payments for federal and state had not been sent. The returns have now been submitted.

Ethics Report

Ethics Liaison Gloria Evans reported on the recent ethics finding of gifts from districts to members. Districts can continue to give monetary gifts as long as they do not permit members to vote to give themselves financial gifts. It must be documented in district meeting minutes that the member did not participate in the voting process regarding his/her monetary gift. Gift cards are monetary gifts. Plaques and certificates are not.

Rezoning Update

Director of Operations Brenda Johnson and SEANC Attorney Hardy Lewis updated the ongoing land use and zoning issue concerning the SEANC Central Office property. The Raleigh City Council approved the “middle-ground” plan that may result in increased value for SEANC because it includes both residential and commercial zoning in the area.

IT Update

Second Vice President Kirk Montgomery reported that SEANC is nearing implementing Impexium, the new Association Management System (AMS). Staff training has been held, and staff is now testing various functions before a scheduled launch on March 1. Once the system goes live and the staff has vetted everything, training will be provided in the different aspects of the application for the district chairs and committee chairs. The office’s new Financial Management System (FMS), Intacct, has already been implemented and day-to-day activities are going well.

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The COVID pandemic has limited our auditing firm's ability to visit the office, which has slowed the process this year.

• SEANC had completed about 90% of the audit. However, we could not get the auditors to review prior years auditors’ work papers. That needs to be done to ensure there wasn’t fraud reported to the prior auditing firm or the current firm that SEANC is not withholding. Because that could not happen, they could not complete the audit 100%.

• At this point, SEANC is completing both audits together.

Executive Director Report: Executive Director Ardis Watkins

• Staff changes: IT Assistant Joseph Asbell and Convention & Meeting Planner Tiffany Woodard Haldeman left since the last BOG meeting. Phyllis Byrd has taken the Convention & Meeting Planner position. Interviews for the IT position begin this week. There is a vacancy for Member Services Program Specialist – The last day for internal posting is February 22. After that, it will be open to the public.

• SEANC’s HR consultant is conducting quarterly training with staff, including sensitivity training and racial awareness training.

• Membership recruitment is going great. In January, there were 150 new members recruited, which is outstanding considering SEANC staff is still unable to enter agencies (due to COVID restrictions) to do their regular recruiting. Member recruiters are making the difference here. They have stepped up working with our Member Relations Representatives.

• DPS is resuming new staff orientations.

• The Higher Education Committee has been working with University Staff Senates. The Staff Senate meetings have made a considerable difference because many members are an untapped pool for SEANC recruitment.

• President Davis and Watkins are scheduled to meet with Governor Cooper soon.

Legislative Update

Director of Legislative Affairs Suzanne Beasley reported that the SEANC lobbying team has been busy sifting through all the bills introduced since the session began January 14. Given that revenue collections are well above the May 2020 forecast, we will be seeking funds to improve the livelihood of state employees and retirees. So far, legislators have provided positive feedback regarding pay, the State Health Plan and retirement issues.


AFLAC product that launched December 1 has been a great success. Already 300 people have signed up for it. Dental & Vision Training is scheduled for February 24 at 1 p.m.

Emerging Leaders

Chairwoman Emily Jones reported that the Leadership North Carolina Scholarship application is now available on the SEANC website. The application deadline is April 30.

Retiree Council

Chairman Benny Brigman reported that all district chairs should have received a list of delinquent retirees. Most of the delinquency was due to annual payroll deductions. District Retiree Chairs have been charged with making phone calls to the delinquent members in their districts. Districts were also sent talking points to try to get these members to move over to pension deduction. If you have any questions, reach out to your regional representative or you can contact Benny at 252-560-7245.

• Grandchildren’s Scholarship Fund donations – if your district donated, please text or call Benny with that information. When sending a check for a donation, it is very important to write the information in the memo section.

Membership Report

Chairman Spillman Grice reported that care packages outreach is still going on. Contact your Member Relations Representative if you would like help distributing care packages in your district. Virtual training is scheduled for February 25 for people interested in joining SEANC.

• Surveys are being sent out to members who have canceled their SEANC memberships to determine the reasons they canceled.

• Recruitment Plan of Action: We need to be prepared for the day that agencies begin to open their doors. Please send Director of Member Relations Lynn Cote your district’s recruitment plan of action no later than March 12. Lynn and her staff will look at your plans and see how they can help you get ready.

The 4th Branch

District 58 Chairman Chuck Stone reported that the Retiree Council approved $6,000 to support The 4th Branch this year. Two key bills have been filed to extend the tax exception to retiree pensions. The Senate's bill only includes military pensions. The 4th Branch's bill, House Bill 75, is the preferred one.

Key Motions

Motions from Board of Governors

PASSED: A motion not to review the PayScale’s contract when it expires next month.

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