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Disaffiliation to be considered at Convention; SEIU President speaks to board

The SEANC Bylaws Committee has approved four bylaws amendments to be considered at the upcoming SEANC Convention regarding the association's affiliation with Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The four amendments, if passed, will affirm the Board of Governors' unanimous decision to disaffiliate.

SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry joined the meeting in person. She was given 20 minutes to make remarks and 10 minutes to answer questions. She discussed her desire to continue the relationship. Although SEANC’s Board of Governors has made clear it unanimously supports disaffiliation, Henry said she intends to “fight,” apparently without consideration for the opinion of SEANC and its members.

After Henry’s presentation, multiple district leaders spoke again in support of disaffiliation. Nobody said they opposed disaffiliation.

SEANC President Martha Fowler said after SEIU’s presentation, “We operated independently for 60 of our 75 years of existence. Returning to that independence is the right decision.”

Past President Jimmy Davis made an impassioned plea to board members to discuss what he called "the most important vote in SEANC's history" their delegates, and to support disaffiliation, calling it the "fight of our lives." Several other members spoke out with the same sentiment.

SEANC's attorneys were also at the meeting and counseled the board on the upcoming fight.

Executive Director Ardis Watkins laid out the facts surrounding the vote, including the threat of Senate Bill 87, which would take away state employees' right to have dues and other payments to SEANC deducted from paychecks.

The SEANC Convention is Six Weeks Away!

The 39th Annual SEANC Convention is six weeks away! The event is scheduled for Sept. 6-10 at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro. The theme is "Enhancing Our Future Together."

Meetings and Convention Planner Jacque Chatman reviewed the schedule for this year. Individual delegates will once again register on the third floor upon arrival in Greensboro.

The President's Reception will be held on Wednesday night. There will be no official event on Thursday night, but the Emerging Leaders Council will host a Karaoke Night.

New this year, there will be an "Entrepreneur Avenue" section on the third floor for members and family to showcase their businesses. The booths are $150 and are limited to the first 40 people to reserve.

The Bylaws Committee has approved 82 amendments to be considered by delegates on Thursday. This could make for a long afternoon. The amendments will be sent to delegates in August. Please ask them to review this document prior to the convention.

We will be holding statewide elections for officers this year on Friday.

The week will end, as always, with our Saturday night banquet. President Fowler's brother's band will provide entertainment.

SEANC budget passed

First Vice President Kirk Montgomery presented a balanced budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year. The board approved the plan.

Leadership Reports

President’s Report President Martha Fowler

ƒ President Fowler reported that the officers continue to have Good Faith discussions with SEIU leaders.

ƒ SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry asked to address the board, and Fowler granted her request.

ƒ Fowler reiterated her opinion that disaffiliation is the best course for SEANC.

Executive Director’s Report Executive Director Ardis Watkins

ƒ Watkins reported that SEANC continues to fight for 5% raises in each of the next two years, a $5,000 bonus, and a 2% cost-of-living adjustment for retirees in the budget.

ƒ No deal has been reached yet on the budget, but House Speaker Tim Moore said last week that the pay provisions had been decided.

ƒ The Luther Sales program will be launched in the fall to ensure that the new database system is in place.

First Vice President’s Report First Vice President Kirk Montgomery

ƒ Planning Committee — Montgomery reviewed the proposed budget for 2023-24.

ƒ SRS Update — The team is migrating items to data warehouse and getting the front end set-up. The goal is for SEANC to be done with Impexium by October.

Second Vice President’s Report Second Vice President Wendell Powell

ƒ Powell is available to attend district meetings prior to the convention to answer any SEANC questions. He can be contacted at 910-587-5362 or D41wpowell@live.com.

Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Emily Jones

ƒ Executive Committee approved adjusting the current budget to ensure line items are balanced.

Audit Alicia Simpson Warren

Committee Reports

ƒ The committee met on July 20 and finalized the District 18 audit.

ƒ The committee voted to approve the following candidates as certified candidates for the 2023-24 year convention voting: Paula Braswell, Linda Johnson Spence, Gwyn Wilkes, and Loretta Wynder.

ƒ The committee recommended Tony Smith to assume the previously vacant position. The BOG approved the recommendation.

ƒ The committee voted to update the convention reimbursement form to reflect accurate mileage to and from the convention hotel.

Awards Marie Tate for Chair Janice Bass

ƒ The deadline for the nomination form and the District of the Year Scrapbooks was Saturday, July 22

ƒ Awards Committee Judging Meeting: August 1, 10 a.m., SEANC Central Office.

Benevolence Deborah Fleming

ƒ Fleming reported that the committee continues to send cards to the families of members who have passed. When a person passes in your district, please contact Fleming at seancbenevolencechair@gmail.com, so she can send a card.

ƒ She asked that board members continue to send photos for the convention memorial presentation to Communications Director Jon Owens (jowens@seanc.org). A list of members who passed between Oct. 1, 2022, and July 12, 2023, has been sent to each district chair, and is included in the Post BOG E-Packet.

Bylaws Kim Martin

ƒ The Bylaws Advisory committee met on July 14, and the full statewide committee met on July 15.

ƒ 82 amendments are up for consideration at convention.

ƒ Delegates will vote by keypad, and the company that makes them will be on-hand to assist once again.

ƒ We will vote on the amendments dealing with the SEIU disaffiliation first.

Connections B.K. Garrett

Committee Reports

ƒ There have been no applications for aid submitted since the last meeting. Garrett mentioned the tornadoes in Nash and Edgecombe counties and asked that chairs from this area let members who may have been affected know about the fund.

DHHS Sonya Akbar

ƒ Conversations with DHHS on the results of the employee survey continue.

ƒ SEANC will visit O'Berry and Murdoch in the next few weeks, and the Dix campus in September.

Emerging Leaders Council Carl Elliott

ƒ The ELC met on July 8 after conducting its Adopt-a-Highway cleanup earlier that morning. The next Adopt-a-Highway cleanup is Sept. 16.

ƒ Community Health & Wellness Fair: Aug. 12 at the Southeast Raleigh YMCA from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. ELC is still accepting district donations. Contact Tracy Webb at (919)455-5775 for more information.

ƒ First Annual ELC Karaoke Night (at convention): Thurs., Sept. 7 from 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Open to all delegates at convention. Cost: $1 donation to be given to the Lupus Foundation on behalf of SEANC Emerging Leaders Council.

EMPAC Mark Dearmon

ƒ The Million Dollar Mission campaign continues. There are now seven diamond investors each giving $100 per month.

ƒ EMPAC will once again host the Legislative Dessert reception on Friday night at convention.

Growth & Expansion Charles Streeter

ƒ The committee plans to meet in August.

Investment Advisory Patsy Acquista

ƒ The committee is in the process of developing an investment policy for SEANC. Once completed, the policy draft will be presented for vote by the BOG.

ƒ The Executive Committee and Investment Advisory Committee members are completing a Risk Tolerance assessment to assist with setting parameters for investment strategy in the policy.

Insurance Board Laura Overstreet

ƒ The Insurance Board (IB) met on July 12, 2023.

ƒ The Colonial contract cancellation letter was drafted and returned for additional information to Mr. Lewis. After it is returned and approved, the letter will be sent to Colonial.

ƒ The specifications for a disability plan will be shared with the BOG at the November 2023 meeting.

ƒ The Home Health Care Plan begins enrollment Sept. 1, 2023. Standard Life may have a table at convention to give information about this new plan. The board also plans to conduct Zoom training events for district chairs and district insurance chairs.

Member Discount Tim Southard

ƒ The current contest will end on Aug. 25, 2023. The person who signed up the most businesses will receive a $100 gift card. Plus, any businesses recruited between Oct. 1, 2022-Aug. 25, 2023, will be entered in a drawing to win a $200 gift card.

ƒ The top three member discount winners (Oct. 1, 2022-Aug. 25, 2023) will be recognized at convention. A member must have signed up at least ten businesses to be eligible. The prizes are First Place $500, Second Place $400, Third Place $300.

ƒ Any member who signs up a new business after Aug. 25 will receive $10 for each business. A minimum of two new businesses is required to submit a form.

Membership Spillman Grice

ƒ Grice called on district chairs to tell about their successes in recruiting since the last meeting.

ƒ Any member who recruits a new member by Aug. 18 will be entered into a drawing for $250.

ƒ Incentive is now $5 per member, and you must have recruited four or more before we can process a check.

ƒ Awards for recruiting at the convention this year: 3rd place $150, 2nd place $250, 1st place $350.

ƒ The cut-off for the number of convention district delegates is July 31.


Policy Platform Betsy Lee Hodges

ƒ The Policy Platform Advisory Committee and the Statewide Policy Platform Committee met on July 19 by Zoom.

ƒ The advisory committee did not have a quorum but were invited to the statewide committee for discussion. The committee heard six new Framework objectives and found five of the objectives favorable to move forward to consideration by the convention. The objectives are in the post BOG packet.

Prison Reform Deborah Harney

ƒ Quarterly meetings are ongoing with Department of Adult Corrections.

ƒ Still awaiting the go ahead on the staff wellness survey, which One Voice and SEICHE at Yale will conduct.

ƒ Prison Reform committee will be in discussion on two programs: CF2F (Correctional Fatigue 2 Fulfillment) and Safety Net (a wholistic Correctional Staff Wellness Accreditation program).

Public Education Mark Dearmon

ƒ The 2023 Chancellor’s Cup Golf Tournament will be held at the Bryan Park Golf Course in Greensboro on Sept 26. N.C. A&T University will be the host university.

Retiree Council Benny Brigman

ƒ Brigman reviewed many accomplishments SEANC had achieved for retirees in the last few years.

ƒ Council Nominations: There will be no nominations from the floor this year for the Retiree Council.

Scholarship Foundation Mike Bell

ƒ All tickets sold and unsold, and appropriate monies must be brought to convention and turned in at the Scholarship Ticket Booth no later than close of business Friday, Sept. 8. Districts are responsible for any lost tickets and must provide an affadavit of who was assigned those tickets and the numbers of the missing tickets.

ƒ The districts excelled this year, awarding $87,000 in district scholarships and another $6,800 to retiree grandchildren. With $38,500 awarded at state level and $5,000 in state awards provided by the Retiree Council, the grand total for this year is $137,300

ƒ There is one slot from each region up for election or re-election. Any delegate interested in serving in one of these slots, should contact Bell and President Fowler of their intention to run during convention.

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