November 2013 Reporter final

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State Employees Association of North Carolina, SEIU Local 2008 1621 Midtown Place, Raleigh, NC • 800-222-2758 • 919-833-6436 • Circulation 55,000

November 2013

• Vol. 32, Issue 1

Delegates Aim to Build a Better Tomorrow Officers, Bylaws, Legislative Priorities Set at SEANC’s Annual Convention By Toni Davis The SEANC Annual Convention gives state employees and retirees a chance to raise their voices and determine how they want their association to advocate on behalf of current and future members. SEANC delegates re-elected the association’s statewide officers to help Build a Better Tomorrow at the 30th Annual SEANC Convention held in Greensboro on Sept. 5-7. Together SEANC’s officers have a combined 109 years of association membership. The officers are: • President Sidney M. Sandy of Indian Trail • First Vice President Art Anthony of Raleigh • Second Vice President Stanley Gales of Durham • Treasurer Betty “B.J.” Jones of Zebulon SEANC officers are elected by members for a one-year term — Oct. 1, 2013, to Sept. 30, 2014.

Bylaws Votes Delegates split the difference on a pair of votes to change the SEANC Bylaws. The first proposal, to do away with the SEANC Youth Council and replace it with an Emerging Leaders Council, failed. Delegates who spoke out on the floor were concerned that the new Emerging Leaders Council had

Photo by Tony Booe

SEANC Communications Director

Convention delegates re-elected (from right) President Sidney M. Sandy, First Vice President Art Anthony, Second Vice President Stanley Gales and Treasurer Betty “B.J.” Jones to a second term. Immediate Past President Charles Johnson (left) will serve another year as well.

raised the age limit too high at 45 and that youth recruitment would suffer. SEANC Past President Tony Smith said during debate that he opposed the proposal because, “When the Youth Council was formed it was for [persons] 40 and younger to emerge and get more involved in SEANC.” A second amendment to make the Retiree Council chairperson a voting member of the annual SEANC Convention passed with widespread support. Previously, when the Retiree Council chairperson was added to the Executive Committee, no mention was made of them with regards to the annual convention.

Convention Highlights • Ranking SEANC’s 2014 Policy Platform Objectives • Hearing from first-time delegates on the convention stage. Julie Wilson of District 5 said she came to Greensboro because, “As a delegate you do have a voice in what happens. Prior to this convention I had no idea SEANC was so involved in fighting for our benefits.” • Watching the North Carolina premiere of “Inequality for All” • Giving to the State Employees’ Credit Union Family House in Chapel Hill • Honoring new officers and members during the “A Night with the SEANC Stars” banquet

President’s Message By Sidney M. Sandy SEANC President

It’s Time For Everyone to Get in the Game

Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from President Sidney M. Sandy’s address to delegates at the 30th Annual SEANC Convention on Sept. 6.


ood morning SEANC delegates! A while back I heard a preacher tell the story of a man who was recruited to be a youth soccer coach. Now, this new coach, he didn’t know anything about soccer so he asked his young players, “Ya’ll tell me what you do best.” One child answered, “run!” another child responded, “kick the ball,” and a third simply said, “I score.” But the last child looked up and told the coach, “I’m good at sitting. I’ll warm the bench.” Sandy “No,” the coach responded. “This is a team and no one sits and warms the bench.” I believe the same holds true for SEANC. It’s not enough to be a card-carrying member warming the SEANC bench. We can’t build a better tomorrow warming the seats. If your passion is politics, get off the bench and get involved in our political action committee, EMPAC. ... Donating to EMPAC is an easy way to get into the game, and I thank you for the commitment that each of you made today, for the commitments that some of you have made for years and for your continued support to build for tomorrow. Because building up our political action committee is a way to help build a better tomorrow.

Support the SEANC Scholarship Foundation! Remember to Check 1563 in the Combined Campaign!

Now some of us have more time than money. Yes, fellow retirees, I’m speaking to you! If you have a passion for policy, then come out to the General Assembly and help lobby. The session starts back next May and our lobbyists encourage and welcome your participation. You can stand up for retiree priorities and help explain the public service that you performed. You can make your voice heard without fear where others still on the job may have reservations. We are all on the same team and this gives you a chance to score for SEANC. Now remember more than 50 percent of lawmakers are new in the General Assembly. They don’t have the same depth of knowledge about state service that you have. So come and help lobby. ... It’s not too late to get in the game. It’s important not to get complacent and sit out your SEANC membership, or even worse, simply become a heckler. There is room for everyone to get involved and we don’t need anyone sitting on the sidelines. We need everyone in the game. It takes a TEAM — Together Everyone Accomplishes More — working to score. Winning is more fun as a team and sends a stronger message to the legislature. We must stand together as one and with one voice. We must all come together and make SEANC more powerful so we can protect the future for all of us and those that will come after us. Score for your SEANC membership this year. Find your position on the field and run with it. Join together SEANC delegates, stand with me and help build a better tomorrow. I believe in our team and am proud of all we have accomplished so far. I feel we are at halftime right now, so let’s make this year an even stronger second half and show the legislature and others what SEANC can do. The Reporter, USPS 009-852 (ISSN 1069 2142), is published nine times a year in the months of February, March, April, May, June, July, September, November and December for $2.50 per year, per member, by the State Employees Association of North Carolina, Inc., 1621 Midtown Place, Raleigh, N.C. 27609. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh and additional offices. POSTMASTER Send address changes to: THE REPORTER 1621 Midtown Place Raleigh, NC 27609


The Reporter • November 2013


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Toni Davis, Editor-In-Chief Jonathan Owens, Managing Editor Alicia Miller, Associate Editor Beth Dew, Associate Editor Josh McCrain, Contributor Genevieve Bot, Copy Editor State Employees Association of North Carolina 1621 Midtown Place • Raleigh, NC 27609 Telephone 919-833-6436, 800-222-2758

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The Reporter • November 2013


2013 Convention

2013-2014 Seanc Boa

Executive Committee

District 1 Tony Rickman Asheville Department of Transportation

District 10 Jim Nicholson Salisbury Department of Public Safety

District 2 Lesia Manos Weaverville Department of Public Safety

District 11 Kenny Brower Wadesboro Department of Transportation

District 3 Bob Gibbard Boone Appalachian State University

District 13 Yolyndra Green Charlotte Central Piedmont Community College

District 4 Jerry Bridges Polkville Department of Transportation (retired)

District 16 Linda Moore Walnut Cove Department of Transportation

District 6 Sonya Akbar Morganton Department of Health and Human Services

District 17 Sager Furr Blairs, Va. Department of Public Safety

District 7 Henry Belada Morganton Department of Health and Human Services (retired)

District 18 Sharron Patterson Rockingham Department of Public Safety

Secretary Betty Gautier District 38 Benson Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

District 8 Keith Haynes Millers Creek Department of Transportation

District 19 Martha Fowler Mebane UNC-Chapel Hill (retired)

Parliamentarian Kim Martin District 10 Concord Department of Public Safety

District 9 Jamie Robinson Taylorsville Department of Transportation

District 20 Jacquelyn Chatman Red Springs Department of Public Safety

President Sidney M. Sandy District 11 Indian Trail Department of Transportation (retired)

South Central Region Ricky Rivenbark District 61 Willard Department of Public Safety (retired)

First Vice President Art Anthony District 39 Raleigh N.C. State University

Eastern Region Stanley Drewery District 67 Grifton Department of Public Safety (retired) Western Region Tony Smith District 5 Morganton Department of Public Safety

Second Vice President Stanley Gales District 26 Durham Department of Public Safety

Retiree Council Chairman Spillman Grice District 66 Kinston Department of Health and Human Services (retired)

Treasurer Betty “B.J.” Jones District 42 Zebulon Department of Health and Human Services Past President Charles Johnson District 45 Raleigh Department of Public Safety

Piedmont Region Marilyn Martin District 12 Salisbury Department of Public Safety

Insurance Board of Trustees Chairwoman Doranna Anderson District 47 Raleigh Department of Health and Human Services

Assistants to the President

North Central Region Alfred Johnson District 42 Raleigh Department of Public Safety (retired)


District Chairpersons

The Reporter • November 2013

oard of Governors District 21 Janice Bass Oxford Department of Health and Human Services

District 37 Joseph Qubain Raleigh Department of Transportation

District 46 Randy Bruton Clayton Department of Revenue

District 22 Deborah Harney Cameron Department of Public Safety

District 38 C.J. Stephens Raleigh Department of Public Safety (retired)

District 47 Danny Rose Clayton Department of Commerce

District 23 Jeremy Register Whiteville Department of Transportation

District 39 Mary O’Neill Cary N.C. State University (retired)

District 56 Delores Jones Roanoke Rapids Halifax Community College (retired)

District 24 Cathy Fields Elizabethtown N.C. Cooperative Extension (retired)

District 40 Darius McLaurin Knightdale Department of Public Safety

District 57 Tom Sheen Sims Department of Public Safety

District 25 John Gullo Durham UNC-Chapel Hill

District 41 Patsy Acquista Clayton Johnston Community College

District 58 Marie Stone Goldsboro Wayne County Schools (retired)

District 26 Gloria Upperman Garner Department of Public Safety (retired)

District 43 Brenda Johnson Knightdale Department of Transportation

District 59 Kathy Merritt Goldsboro Department of Health and Human Services

District 27 Gracie LeSane Durham N.C. Central University

District 44 Mary Curtis Raleigh Department of Administration

District 60 Anita King Goldsboro Department of Health and Human Services

District 36 Felicia McKinnie Raleigh Department of Health and Human Services

District 45 Saundra Scott Raleigh Department of Public Safety

District 62 Charles Newton North Myrtle Beach, S.C. Department of Public Safety

District 63 Marion Drake Windsor Department of Public Safety (retired)

District 64 Betsey Lee Hodges Washington Beaufort County Community College (retired)

District 65 Gloria Evans Winterville East Carolina University

District 66 Mike Kollock Kinston Department of Health and Human Services

District 68 Rita Woods Creswell Department of Public Safety

District 69 B. Keith Renner Elizabeth City Department of Health and Human Services (retired) District 70 Doug Wilson Kinston Department of Public Safety

The Reporter • November 2013


Photo by Josh McCrain

2013 Convention

District 10 Chairman Jim Nicholson draws a winner of his district’s raffle while Tamra Misenheimer assists.


The Reporter • November 2013

From left (clockwise), District 22 member Bill Spade, District 20 member Ron Fields and Past Presidents Cliff Brown and Linda Rouse Sutton received special awards from President Sidney M. Sandy for their work on behalf of the association.

Photo by Tony Booe

Photo by Jonathan Owens

District 39 member George Thiessen, District 39 Chairwoman Mary O’Neill, District 19 Chairwoman Martha Fowler, former District 46 Chairman Dewey Hamilton Jr. and District 21 member Dee Carter network with other state employees during the convention.

Photo by Tony Booe

Photo by Josh McCrain

SEANC Executive Director Dana Cope (left), District 1 members Rick Allison, Chuck Irwin and Wendell Chastain, SEIU President Mary Kay Henry, District 1 Chairman Tony Rickman and District 1 member Teddy Greene at the end of the first day.

District 65 Chairwoman Gloria Evans, District 7 Chairman Henry Belada and former District 42 Chairwoman Sara McDonald accept the district of the year awards in their respective categories.

Lead Member Action Coordinator Steve Lawson (right) was the master of ceremonies at the “A Night with the SEANC Stars” banquet. Here, he finished the night off with interviews of first-time convention attendees, including William Puryear of District 21.

Member Action Coordinator A.J. Albertson and Communications Director Toni Davis received the Darrell Arnold Award for outstanding service as a staff member for 2013.

District 19 members Marie Tate (left) and Angela Lyght (right) share a moment with District 37 member Ronald “Red” McNeill prior to the start of the Saturday night banquet.

Photo by Josh McCrain

Photo by Kacee Gore

District 7 Chairman Henry Belada (left), District 64 member Glen Allen and District 66 member Doug Ledford (not pictured) were presented prizes by Member Discounts Chairwoman Janet Bunch (right) for their efforts to recruit businesses to offer discounts to members. District 2 Chairwoman Lesia Manos (second from right) accepted on Ledford’s behalf.

Photo by Kacee Gore

Photo by Tony Booe

President Sidney M. Sandy presided over the convention. He was given a hard hat by the Scholarship Foundation Board in appreciation for his SEANC service.

Photo by Kacee Gore

Photo by Kacee Gore

2013 Convention

A highlight of the Friday morning training session was the procession of kids from Hampton Elementary School in Greensboro, who took to the stage representing the future of state services in North Carolina.

The Reporter • November 2013


2013 Convention

2014 Policy Platform Objectives

(as determined by the 2013 convention delegates) SEANC’s legislative priorities are determined by you, the pay increases. members, at district meetings and the annual convention. 7. Seek to re-establish a fully paid individual health care Convention delegates rank the association’s policy platform benefit equivalent to the current PPO 80/20 in place objectives each year. Here are the Top 10 Policy Platform as of June 30, 2013, for all qualified active and retired Objectives for 2014: state employees. 1. Request that the General Assembly fund employee salary 8. Seek policy change and compliance with laws, policies compensation prior to considering other appropriations. and regulations governing equitable compensation for 2. Oppose legislation that would remove state employees career state employees in comparison to current and/or from the protections of the State Human Resources Act. future new compensation offers; and further, petition 3. SEANC will oppose privatization and downsizing of The Office of State Human Resources (formerly The government services. Office of State Personnel) to take corrective action when agencies are found to be non-compliant. 4. SEANC supports continuation of a defined benefit retirement plan for current and future state employees. 9. Seek legislative change from the North Carolina State Treasurer serving as sole fiduciary of the retirement 5. Seek to have SEANC continue to protect dues system. deduction options from being deleted from the North 10. Seek restoration of the employer’s contribution to the Carolina state payroll. retirement system that will at least match the employee’s 6. Seek cost of living adjustment (COLA) for retired state contribution. employees in the amount equal to active state employee

Bylaws Changes Voted on by Convention Delegates

Delegates voted on the following two bylaws amendments at the 30th Annual SEANC Convention on Sept. 6: Proposed Amendment #1 Proposed change to Article X Advisory and Special Committees, Section 5 Youth Council n This would have changed the name of the Youth Council to the “Emerging Leaders Council.” It would have also allowed members to serve on the council until the age of 45 and would have required all members to be elected at convention. Proposed Amendment #2 Proposed change to Article XI Meetings, Section 1.1 Annual Convention n This change adds the chairperson of the Retiree Council to the list of automatic delegates to the annual convention.


The Reporter • November 2013

EMPAC Sweepstakes Winners

Grand Prize ($5,000) District 57 member Evonya Locus of Wilson Second Prize ($1,000) District 42 member Phyllis Dammann of Cary Third Prize ($500) District 57 member Vicky Phillips of Wilson

Scholarship Board Raffle Winners

Grand Prize ($6,000) Carol Harper of New Bern Second Prize ($3,000) District 6 member George Tellefsen of Morganton Third Prize ($1,000) District 39 member Latoya Giles of Raleigh

2013 Convention

Moore, Setzer Named Legislators of the Year by Jonathan


The Employees Political Action Committee (EMPAC), the political arm of SEANC, announced two winners of the Lisa B. Mitchell Legislator of the Year award on Sept. 7 at the state convention. N.C. Reps. Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) and Mitchell Setzer (R-Catawba) received the award this year for their work during the 2013 General Assembly session. Both Moore and Setzer were instrumental in the fight to protect the State Health Plan and retirement system from harmful changes and went above and beyond in supporting public services and the people who provide them. The annual award is named in honor of Lisa B. Mitchell, an outstanding and dedicated state employee and SEANC member from District 27 in Durham. She worked many years for N.C. Central University and served EMPAC for several years. Mitchell died in 2008 after a courageous battle with cancer. Recipients of the Lisa B. Mitchell Legislator of the Year Award are state representatives or senators who champion quality public services. This award comes with a maximum $4,000 campaign donation. Moore and Setzer were gracious in accepting the award. “What we do in Raleigh doesn’t mean anything without Elk Mountain Christmas Tree Farm Three tree lots open in the Triangle area

Photo by Jonathan Owens

SEANC Asst. Communications Director

N.C. Reps. Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) (left) and Mitchell Setzer (R-Catawba) were the recipients of the Lisa B. Mitchell Legislators of the Year Award for 2013.

you folks working to carry out those policies,” said Moore. “I want you to know that we appreciate everything that state employees do. I know a lot of us wish this year in the budget we could have done more.” “If it weren’t for you, everything would grind to a screeching halt,” added Setzer.

Member Action

Photo Submitted by Lynn Tuthill

• Beaver Creek Crossings Shopping Center (Apex) • US 64 East Wilsonville General Store (near Jordan Lake) • Alexander Place on US 70 West (Raleigh) Open Nov. 24-Dec. 21 from 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. Exclusively for 2013 — Choose and cut your live tree by horseback in the N.C. mountains in Newland! By appointment only. Contact Randy Ledford at (717) 799-5313 or

District 65 members joined with East Carolina University employees and other volunteers on July 27 to help construct a Habitat for Humanity home in Farmville. Tasks included staining the barn and painting the inside of the home. District 65 provided snacks and drinks for the volunteers during their morning break. Pictured with the homeowners are members Lynn Tuthill, Debbie Austin, District 65 Chairwoman Gloria Evans, Bill Dawson and Beatrice White with her husband William.

The Reporter • November 2013


2013 Convention

Delegates Help Make SECU Family House a Home by Josh


Each year SEANC members from all 100 North Carolina counties attend the SEANC Annual Convention in Greensboro and donate to a cause that benefits North Carolinians in need. This year, President Sidney M. Sandy selected the SECU Family House in Chapel Hill as the association’s annual community service project. As a result of state employees’ and retirees’ generous donations, the house received $4,915 in cash and hundreds of household goods and grocery items, which replenished their pantry. With the funds collected, family house officials purchased a new washing machine, microwave and recliner, and the remaining money will fund more than 70 nights for patients and their families to stay in the house. “We were honored to be selected as SEANC’s service project this year and thoroughly enjoyed attending the convention,” said Allison Worthy, the SECU Family House’s Volunteer Coordinator. The SECU Family House’s mission statement is to “provide an affordable, safe, nurturing home away from home for


The Reporter • November 2013

Photo by Josh McCrain

SEANC Communications Specialist

The household goods and grocery items collected at the 30th Annual SEANC Convention.

seriously ill adult patients, their family members and caregivers from throughout North Carolina and beyond” while they receive treatment at UNC Hospitals. The family house has served patients and their families statewide and it is funded by grants and generous donations to sustain its services. SEANC would like to thank all of the members that made this year’s community project a success and the hardworking staff at the SECU Family House for the vital services they provide. For more information on the house, visit

Public Policy

Quotes to Note “It’s ridiculous. It’s a shame that DHHS is becoming the political patronage department of state government.” Executive Director Dana Cope in a Sept. 20 WRAL article, “DHHS paid chief of staff $37,000 ‘severance’ after month of work”

“We knew that we had to get the governance changed, and everything else would fall into place. I don’t think it’s remarkable at all that we’ve seen this turnaround. I think we all knew that’s what would happen.” Legislative Affairs Director Ardis Watkins in an Oct. 6 Greensboro News & Record article, “Blue Cross: Rebounding from near disaster” on the positive changes resulting from SEANC’s fight to clean up administration of the State Health Plan

From the Convention

SEANC Lead Member Action Coordinator Steve Lawson interviewed first-time delegates on their experiences at the 30th Annual SEANC Convention at the conclusion of Saturday night’s “A Night With the SEANC Stars” banquet.

“The convention helped me understand what SEANC is and why it exists. Being here, I have found that SEANC helped advocate for longevity pay, healthcare and keeping our jobs. I will tell [coworkers] it takes their voice to help make a difference.”

“It was more than I could have expected. I walked into the room for the first time and thought, ‘Oh my god.’”

District 22 member Rashia Norman

District 63 member Sybil Kearse

District 17 member Glenn Connally

“I believe we have a voice and our voice can be heard through SEANC as state employees.”

From Social Media

“Great leadership makes ours a great organization. Best wishes to our board of governors as well.”

District 26 member Rob Garrett on a Sept. 10 Facebook post congratulating the 2013-14 SEANC officers

In North Carolina and on my way to join my sisters & brothers of @ SEANC2008 for their 30th Annual Convention #purplepower #seiu SEIU President Mary Kay Henry (@MaryKayHenry) on Sept. 5 just before her speech at the convention

“Please join. SEANC is our fighting force for state employees.”

District member Tina Altman Coleman, in response to a Sept. 20 post announcing that 38 new members had signed up that week

@SEANC2008 We are so very grateful! An incredibly generous donation from a wonderful organization. Thank you! A tweet from the SECU Family House (@SECUFamilyHouse) on Sept. 17 in appreciation for donations by SEANC delegates at the convention The Reporter • November 2013


Periodical Postage PAID Raleigh, NC 1621 Midtown Place Raleigh, NC 27609

Photo SUBMITTED by Henry Belada

SEANC hosted State Health Plan forums around the state in October to help members understand their health care options during open enrollment, which ended on Oct. 31. Topics covered at the forums include the advantages and disadvantages of options for active employees and Medicareeligible retirees, as well as the actions required to avoid costly surcharges. Forums were held in Morganton, Raleigh, Elizabethtown, Shelby, Greenville and Winston-Salem, and the presentations were given at several district meetings. The forums proved to be popular among state employees, with standing-room only crowds at several stops. In total, more than 1,000 members turned out.

Photo SUBMITTED by Henry Belada

SEANC State Health Plan Forums a Success

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