November is an in-between sort of time – no longer summer, not quite winter, not yet Christmastime. That makes it a good time for cocooning and taking stock of our surroundings, and enjoying some comfort food. In this issue of Taste&Flair, Ryan Vella and Edward Diacono serve up warming dishes. Take your pick from family favourites, Middle-Eastern classics, or fresh ways with familiar flavours. Claire Borg whips up breakfast recipes so colourful and tempting that you won’t want to miss out. Ramona and Roberta Preca turn their creative talent to food that looks good whether served at a formal dinner or at home in your kitchen. And Amy Mallia’striple-layer chocolate cake makes any day feel that much better. On the design front, we take a look inside a century-old townhouse brought up to date and a 1970s flat revamped and personalised for 21st-century living. Megan Mallia wraps up this month’s issue with a capsule history of Olea Europaea.