South Cambs Magazine Spring 2018

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SouthCambs Magazine

Spring 2018

Make your metals matter See page 26

Road to a healthy life See page 12

Elections in May See page 33 About Your Council | Waste & Recycling | Housing | Community | Planning | Environmental Health | Health & Wellbeing

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South Cambs Magazine

Welcome to the spring edition of South Cambs Magazine

With 2018 now in full flow and the evenings drawing out, we hope many of you are looking forward to getting out and about more to explore our wonderful district. In this edition of the magazine we shine the spotlight on how you can take some simple steps to leading a healthy and active life. Some of these might spur you on to get out into the countryside to explore the green and beautiful landscape we have on our doorsteps. You can find out more on page 12. Did you know that metal is the most valuable material we collect in your blue bins for recycling? If it is recycled it can be reused time and time again. We’ve launched a new Metal Matters campaign urging people to make sure every scrap from around the home makes its way into the blue bin. See page 26 for more details. Finally, check out page 33 as there are new arrangements ahead for our elections. The number of councillors, and the areas they cover, are changing in May. We want to be sure that everyone can have their say at the ballot box so make sure you are registered to vote.

Our Vision: South Cambridgeshire will continue to be the best place to live, work and study in the country. Our district will demonstrate impressive and sustainable economic growth. Our residents will have a superb quality of life in an exceptionally beautiful, rural and green environment.

Contents Contact Us ............................... 4 Planning .................................. 6 Health & Wellbeing ................. 12 Waste & Recycling ................. 18 Housing .................................. 29 Environmental Health ............. 31 About Your Council ................. 33 Community .............................. 41 Competition ........................... 45

South Cambs Magazine Enquiries should be directed to: Editor: Gareth Bell Editorial: Tom Horn South Cambridgeshire District Council South Cambridgeshire Hall Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne Cambridge CB23 6EA e: t: 03450 450 500 Design: Sean Gentle and Katie Rea

For all advertising enquiries please contact:

The next issue of South Cambs Magazine will be delivered between 22 May and 10 June

Gareth Macfarlane Media Shed Ltd, 1 Royce Court, Burrel Rd, St Ives Cambridgeshire PE27 3NE

For all delivery enquiries please contact Smart Distribution on or 0800 6444 011

e: t: 01354 818003

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The opinions and views expressed in South Cambs Magazine are not necessarily those of South Cambridgeshire District Council or Media Shed Ltd. All data contained in advertisements, being subject to the Advertising Standards Authority guidelines, is accepted in good faith at the time of going to press. 03450 450 500 Spring 2018

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When you have finished with this magazine, please recycle it.

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Contact Us

South Cambs Magazine

Contacting us The quickest and easiest way to contact us and to apply, report or pay for something, is via our website: Social media: search ‘South Cambridgeshire’


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03450 450 500

Visit or write: South Cambs District Council South Cambridgeshire Hall Cambourne Business Park Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA Office open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5.30pm

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To make a payment  Visit and click on the ‘Pay for it’ button.  Call our automated payment line on 03450 455 218 You can also pay using a payment card at any Post Office or Pay Point outlet. To request a direct debit form or a Post Office payment card, call 03450 450 064

Putting service first If you phone us we will  resolve your enquiry as quickly as possible  provide voicemail if the person you need is unavailable  answer your phone message within three working days If you write to us we will  reply to your letter or email within 10 working days If we write to you we will  write in plain language  arrange for translation, large type, braille or audio tapes upon request If we visit you we will  carry identification that you can check with a phone call to our contact service on 03450 450 500  arrive at the time we say we will, or give you as much notice as possible if we have to change the time If we get it wrong we will  apologise if we have made a mistake or failed to meet our standards  acknowledge your written complaint within three working days  reply in full to your complaint within 10 working days

Tell us how we’re doing We’re proud of what we are trying to achieve and recognise we can always do better. To help improve our services, we need your feedback. Whether it’s a compliment, a general comment or a complaint, we want to hear from you.

Spring 2018


South Cambs Magazine

Agreement secures funding for facilities in Cambourne

Plans for a new swimming pool and athletics track in Cambourne have cleared a high hurdle after we finalised a £45 million legal agreement with developers. Planning permission has already been granted for an additional 2,350 homes on land to the west of Cambourne, between the A428, A1198 and Caxton Gibbet roundabout. The agreement that has now been reached sets out exactly how much developer funding will be provided for each of the community facilities that will go hand-in-hand with new homes. The Cambourne community told our planners that money towards a swimming pool was a priority. A total of £8.7 million has also been allocated for improving public transport between Cambourne and Cambridge and nearby villages. The money is planned to be added to funding available through the Greater Cambridge Partnership, to deliver proposals for faster and more reliable bus services between Cambourne and Cambridge.

The expansion of Cambourne will also include: Two primary schools and another secondary school Sports pavilion, pitches, all-weather athletics track and play areas BMX track Shops and community space Offices and light industrial employment areas Public open space Surface water drainage and landscaping Segregated cycle and pedestrian routes Alterations to an existing access off the A1198 and the redesign of the Caxton bypass and Cambourne Road roundabouts 705 affordable homes The new facilities will provide greater sporting, shopping and employment opportunities for new and existing residents as well as surrounding villages and beyond.

Facts about the pool  A swimming pool has been a long-term ambition for Cambourne  The agreement will see £3.5 million put toward the pool. This is the bulk of the money needed  Cambourne Parish Council will be paid the funding and are committed to raising the rest of the money needed to build the pool on land next to the existing sports centre

What happens next With the overall plans agreed and funding in place for community facilities, a series of more detailed applications will be submitted for drainage and roads, and to describe the look and feel of homes, buildings and facilities. Developers have said they hope to start work on site later this year, with the first new homes expected to be ready in 2019.

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Spring 2018


South Cambs Magazine

Planners hit the road Our planners are hitting the road from March and visiting communities so you can find out more about the planning process and ask us questions. The roadshow will see us team up with Cambridge City Council again to run events across the Greater Cambridge area. It follows successful open days at our offices last year. The roadshows will include talks on understanding the planning journey, the importance of pre-application advice, how to submit a planning application and get it right first time, listed building and conservation advice, works to trees and building control. Alongside the talks, there will be surgery slots available for you to discuss small scale developments, and general advice on household improvements.

 The roadshows are building on our open days last year

First roadshows: Pathfinder C of E Primary School, Pathfinder Northstowe, Longstanton, CB24 3DS: Monday 5 March. 5.30pm to 8.30pm Whittlesford Memorial Hall, Mill Lane, CB22 4NE: Saturday 9 June.10am to 2pm More events will be published on and in future editions of South Cambs Magazine


South Cambs Magazine

A14 upgrade update A bridge completed and opened, 26 miles of utilities diverted, 2.5 million cubic metres of soil shifted and construction compounds built. These are just some of the landmarks the A14 improvement scheme passed in its first year. The wetter winter weather meant work to excavate the materials needed to build the scheme virtually stopped for the season, as the ground was too wet, but lots of work is going on: Archaeologists will still be braving the British weather as they continue their work to identify and clear the sites of interest A large proportion of the new bridges across the scheme will continue to take shape and some of the new junctions, such as Swavesey, will start to become more obvious The diversion of gas, water, BT and other utility company equipment will also be ongoing, as will work to install the drainage systems for the new carriageway The widened A1 southbound carriageway between Alconbury and Brampton Hut is nearing completion. Once ready, traffic will move onto this carriageway so work can start on the new northbound A1. People driving on the A428 will soon start travelling underneath the new A14 bridge at Girton. This new bridge will eventually take traffic heading west from Histon straight onto the A14 closer to Bar Hill, eliminating the need for vehicles to navigate the current cloverleaf junction Some of the new side roads on the scheme will be opening this summer

Environmental award nomination

 Work on the River Great Ouse viaduct

The A14 improvement scheme has been nominated for a top national environmental award. The £1.5bn project is one of five finalists in the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards 2018. They have been shortlisted in the Conservation Success of the Year category due to the environmental mitigation taking place on the scheme. You can vote for the project in the public poll. Visit by Monday 5 March to vote.  Work on the new bridge at Girton

Stay safe and in touch Traffic management and a 40mph speed limit will remain in place to allow work to safely continue: On the eastbound A428 between Madingley and Girton In both directions on the A1 between Buckden and Alconbury In both directions of the A14 between Dry Drayton and Swavesey

Stay informed: 0300 123 5000

Spring 2018

For regular information on roadworks and closures, please follow: – using @A14C2H


Health & Wellbeing

South Cambs Magazine

We all know that exercise is good for us, but we don’t always give ourselves time to reap the benefits of remaining active. In these pages we look at activities we offer and top tips on how you can stay fit and healthy from the start of life to up until the age of 50. Don’t worry, we’ll be looking closer at 50 plus in the next edition of South Cambs Magazine. Did you know that we run holiday sports camps during Easter, May half term, the summer holidays and October half term? Young people from the age of seven can take part. See page 16 for more details

Did you know that national research and guidelines have shown that children need to be active for at least 60 minutes a day to maintain a basic level of health and fitness?

Did you know that the NHS advises that adults should do 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week to stay healthy? This could even be brisk walking

18 years old

Did you know that getting in good routines and eating a balanced diet from an early age has health benefits throughout your life? Help can be found at

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Did you know that there are several running sessions suitable for beginners which take place across the district. Running is an excellent way to get a bit fitter and meet new people. For more information, visit

Spring 2018

Health & Wellbeing

South Cambs Magazine

Our road to a healthy life for people aged 50 plus continues in the next edition. You can also find out about our services and activities by visiting

30 years old

Did you know that exercise can help with a range of medical conditions, and your mental wellbeing? These can affect people more from age 30 plus. But help is at hand with our specialist exercise programmes at your local sport centres. See page 16 for more details

Spring 2018

Did you know that the NHS recommends that adults do strength exercises to work all major muscles on two or more days of the week?

years old

Did you know that there is an adult friendly netball league that takes place on Thursday evenings from September to March each year? If you, or a group of friends, want to start playing then contact

Did you know a weekly buggy walk has been set up in Cambourne? It's a great way for parents to get active and socialise. For more information see page 14

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Health & Wellbeing

South Cambs Magazine

Are you getting your weekly dose of exercise? Fancy trying some walking football? Or even some indoor curling? We’re now running several new exercise sessions in South Cambridgeshire. These classes are part of the Let’s Get Moving Cambridgeshire initiative.

We’re aiming to help residents meet the Department of Health’s target that every adult should do 150 minutes of physical activity a week.

Buggies, football and curling A weekly buggy walk has been established in Cambourne after mums told us it was something they’d like to see. This allows parents to be active while still being with their baby. This takes place at 11:15am every Monday, starting at the Blue School in Eastgate. The walk explores Cambourne’s footpaths and bridleways and lasts around 45 minutes. One mum who regularly attends said: “I wanted to get fitter and shed the baby weight. It’s also much more fun to do any form of exercise with other people.” To find out more about this walk, contact us or join the “Cambourne Buggy Walkers” Facebook group. Another new activity which has been set up as part of Let’s Get Moving Cambridgeshire is walking football. This slowed down version of the game is the perfect way for adults to get back into football. It’s also ideal for anyone who has never played football before. The sessions take place from 5pm to 6pm every Monday at the Fulbourn Multi Use Games Area. One participant said: “Football is a new sport to me, so it's good that the walking element allows me more time to receive and play the ball.” The latest activity to be set up is New Age Kurling. This is a new version of the well-known Winter Olympic sport ice curling, and can be played indoors. The game can be played sitting or standing, making it an activity which anyone can join in with. The sessions take place from 10.30am to 12 noon every Friday at Papworth Village Hall. Tea and coffee are also provided.

Session Coming Soon: Walking Netball Walking netball is coming soon to Sawston Sports Centre. Sessions each Tuesday start on 24 April, from 6pm to 7pm. Simply turn up and play. If you would like to see an activity such as walking netball or New Age Kurling set up in your area, let us know by filling in our survey at

Get set for

Parklife 2018 Sunday 1 July

Milton Country Park Watersports, climbing, a mobile caving system and much much more! See page 41 for more details

For more information about any of our sessions, email Physical Activity Coordinator Ellen Bridges on or call 01954 713294

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Spring 2018

Health & Wellbeing

South Cambs Magazine

Half term sports camps Our action-packed holiday sports camps for children are back for 2018.

During the Easter and May breaks, boys and girls can attend our athletics and netball camps. The fun and friendly sessions are open to children aged from seven to 15 years. They’re a fantastic way to encourage kids to be outdoors and physically active during the holidays. The camps are open to children of all abilities, and led by vastly experienced, qualified coaches who are suitably DBS checked. The cost is £20 per day. If a child attends more than one day, or two or more siblings attend, the cost is £18 per child per day.

Easter holidays

May half term





Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 April, 10am to 3.30pm Wilberforce Road Athletics Track, Cambridge, CB3 0EQ Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 April, 10am to 3.30pm Impington Village College Sports Centre, New Road, Impington, CB24 9LX

Tuesday 29 May, 10am to 3.30pm Wilberforce Road Athletics Track, Cambridge, CB3 0EQ Wednesday 30 May, 10am to 3.30pm Impington Village College Sports Centre, New Road, Impington, CB24 9LX

For more information and to book a place visit or call 01954 713070

Are you Active & Healthy 4 Life?

Exercise Referral Scheme

Our Active & Healthy 4 Life exercise referral scheme highlights that exercise can be a powerful medicine for common health challenges. It aims to help make lifestyle changes, which participants can stick with, to improve health and wellbeing. The scheme, which involves a referral from a GP, runs at eight venues in South Cambridgeshire.

Spotlight on Swavesey Specialist referral instructor Lorraine Wright has run our sessions at Swavesey Sports Centre since 2006. She said: “They’re really friendly and once you get started you’ll soon gain confidence as you start to see results. The gym is not as scary as you might think and exercise is good for mind and body.” 56-year-old Jane Reynolds from Bar Hill joined the scheme at Swavesey in January. Jane suffers from Cardiovascular Disease and after a six-week rehab class, wanted to continue with supervised exercise. Jane said: “The sessions help my fitness and strength. The times are convenient, and I really enjoy exercising in such a supportive group.” The sessions are subsidised by us and cost just £3 each. There are also initial and final one to one assessments, costing £8 each. The classes at Swavesey Sports Centre run Monday to Thursday, 3.30pm to 4.30pm and 4.30pm to 5.30pm.

 Active & Health 4 Life’s Swavesey Instructor Lorraine Wright, and Jane Reynolds from Bar Hill

For more information visit email or call 01954 713070

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Spring 2018

Waste & Recycling

South Cambs Magazine

Keeping parishes clean and green

We’re working closely with parish councils and volunteers on new community-led ideas to reduce litter and improve the environment in our villages. One of our plans involves the loan of our equipment for communities to use. The other involves extra support for coordinated litter pick events.

The first new project is a pilot scheme to give communities additional tools to support the valuable work of volunteers. We’re making our ride-in street sweeper available to borrow and use on tarmacked paths, such as cycleways. Our self-propelled leaf and litter vacuum can also be borrowed, for use in places such as car parks, retail areas and playing fields. Both pieces of equipment can be booked out for use by volunteers who have gone through the required training and checks, which we organise. Volunteers from Melbourn were the first to be trained in this way. In both cases, our Shared Waste Service will deliver the tools, along with a skip for waste to be stored in. We will then return to collect everything. The second project sees us supporting communities who wish to run their own ‘Big Spring Clean' events. For community litter picks, we’ll provide litter picking tools, gloves and bags. We’ll also collect and dispose of rubbish gathered. For communities wanting to go a bit further, we’ll provide some staff to work with volunteers to encourage them to separate out materials that can be recycled, and a stall to give out food caddies and recycling advice. In addition, we will also work with parishes and volunteers to run 'environmental action days'. This will involve us providing skips for collection and recycling of bulky items such as appliances. We’ll also help set up a 'take it or leave it area' to encourage people to swap pre-loved items. We recently wrote to parishes to see whether they would be interested in taking part in any of these schemes. Areas that have expressed an interest in participating are being contacted to arrange for their involvement. The projects will be run as pilot schemes, initially until June. After that, we will look into how well received they’ve been and investigate whether they can be offered more widely.

 Volunteers with a ride-in street sweeper

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Spring 2018

Waste & Recycling

South Cambs Magazine

Keep recycling right We had bumper blue bin collections after Christmas and picked up an extra 250 tonnes compared to an average month, but now we’re calling on people to think about quality too. Quality is key for us, as when your recycling is clean and not mixed with incorrect items it makes turning those materials into new products a lot easier and cheaper. The value of the materials is also higher. When food, oils, grease or other substances are left in pots or tins, it makes other recycling dirty and reduces the quality. Please give items a rinse in your washing up water. this is a huge help.

Blue, green and black

It is costly to remove incorrect items once they reach the recycling depot, so please check which bin things go in if you are unsure. We have a full A-Z guide on our website at We’ve also updated our summary on page 25

Top tips for recycling right

Think bin - check blue, green or black and put the right stuff in the right bin Empty food out of its packaging and put food waste in the green bin (please do not use plastic bags, even if they say they are biodegradable, as they do not break down quickly enough) Rinse tins, cans, pots, tubs and trays - the cleaner the better Only recycle empty aerosols Put items in your blue bin loose and not in bags Squash cartons and plastic bottles and flatten boxes If you have occasional extra recycling which will not fit in your blue bin we will still collect it. However, the way we do this has changed. Please read page 27 to make sure we can collect yours

Reduce and reuse before you recycle! It’s good to recycle, but it’s even better to avoid having anything to put in the bin in the first place! Here are a few tips to get you started with slimming your bin.

Check your fridge and cupboards and make a list before you shop so you only buy what you need and can use

Choose unpackaged products or those with recyclable packaging and buy in bulk where appropriate.

Always keep a shopping bag in your handbag, rucksack or car, and a reusable water bottle, coffee cup and cutlery set if you regularly find yourself binning disposable ones.

Spring 2018

Bin changes for Easter and May bank holidays The bank holidays at Easter and in May will see our bin collections move around from their usual pattern Don’t forget to check or see page 24 for your collection dates

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Waste Waste&&Recycling Recycling

South Cambs Magazine

New collection dates Green bin

Black bin

Monday A - Balsham, Carlton, Cherry Hinton, Fulbourn, Great Wilbraham, Horseheath, Little Wilbraham, Six Mile Bottom, Stow-cum-Quy, Teversham, West Wickham, West Wratting, Weston Colville

Blue bin

March 5 5


Tuesday A - Duxford, Fowlmere, Great Chishill, Great Shelford, Harston, Hauxton, Heydon, Hinxton, Ickleton, Little Chishill, Little Shelford, Newton, Stapleford, South Trumpington, Thriplow & Heathfield

Tuesday B - Barrington,

Chesterton Fen, Foxton, Melbourn, Meldreth, Shepreth

Wednesday A - Abington Pigotts, Barton, Bassingbourn, Grantchester, Guilden Morden, Harlton, Haslingfield, Litlington, Orwell, Shingay-Cum-Wendy, Steeple Morden, Whaddon, Wimpole

6 6


Friday A - Cottenham, Histon,

March 12 26 19 12 26


20 20

7 7


21 21


5 5


5 Thu

6 6


March 14 28 21 14 28


22 22

6 Fri

7 7


March 15 15


23 23

Friday B - Chittering, Fen Ditton,

March 16 9 23 16

April 16

23 23

30 30

8 Tue

8 8



11 Wed

17 17

April 11 17 11


18 18


24 24

1 1



29 29

7 Sat

13 13


25 25

2 2



3 3 Tue

9 9


3 3

9 Wed

9 9


9 Mon


April 14 20 14 Sat

10 Thu

10 10

11 Fri

26 26


11 11

15 15


30 30


27 27

4 4


12 Sat

May 15

16 16

25 25

June 18 11 25 18

12 12


26 26

22 22

30 Wed

5 5

June 19 12 26 19 June


31 31


13 13


27 27


May 16

17 17

23 23

31 Thu

6 6

June 20 13 27 20

June 24

1 1


14 14


28 28



18 18

May 12 18 12 Sat



June 24 24

1 Fri

7 7

May 27

11 11



20 19 19 20






4 4


April 3

May 21 14 21






19 19

29 29 Tue


April 12 18 12







14 14



March 16

10 10






16 16


March 8 8




9 9

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March 13 27 20 13 27

Impington, Landbeach, Orchard Park, Rampton, Willingham

Horningsea, Milton, Waterbeach



Thursday B - Bar Hill, Dry

Drayton, Fen Drayton, Girton, Lolworth, Longstanton, Northstowe, Oakington, Over, Swavesey, Westwick

4 4



Thursday A - Bourn, Boxworth,

Cambourne, Caxton, Childerley, Conington, Croxton, Elsworth, Eltisley, Graveley, Knapwell, Papworth Everard, Papworth St Agnes

19 19


Wednesday B - Arrington, Caldecote,

Comberton, Coton, Croydon, Gamlingay, Great Eversden, Hardwick, Hatley, Kingston, Little Eversden, Little Gransden, Longstowe, Madingley, Tadlow, Toft





Monday B - Babraham, Bartlow, Castle

Camps, Great Abington, Hildersham, Linton, Little Abington, Pampisford, Sawston, Shudy Camps, Whittlesford

Later collection day

 Bins must be out by 6am on your collection day  Close lids firmly


21 28 21

June 25

2 2


15 15


29 29


25 25

2 Sat

8 8

June 15

22 29 22

Waste & Recycling

South Cambs Magazine

What goes where?

If your bin is not collected, please report it by 3.30pm the following day, at


Get an extra blue bin for FREE! Contact us using the details below. Occasional extra recycling (excluding glass) will be collected if left alongside your blue bin in a transparent sack. See page 27 Put items loosely in your blue bin Rinse items to remove any food contamination Squash cartons and plastic bottles, flatten boxes

Blue bin

No Food Dirty packaging Expanded polystyrene or Styrofoam Pyrex Flat glass or mirrors

Paper, magazines & envelopes

Cartons (e.g. Tetrapack)


Plastic bags, film wrapping

Food & drinks cans

Empty aerosols

Non-packaging plastic e.g. toys, bowls Metallic plastic giftwrap

Greeting cards

Wrapping paper (no metallic plastic)

Plastic bottles, pots, tubs & trays

Tinfoil & foil trays

Green bin

Put in a clear plastic bag and tie it to your blue bin lid

Extra garden waste cannot be collected. Please compost it or take it to Milton or Thriplow Recycling Centres Wrap food waste in paper

Food waste (meat, fish & dairy)

Garden waste

Black bin    

Untreated wood and sawdust

Glass jars & bottles


Batteries inc. AA & AAA cells, button batteries, size C & D and any laptop & mobile battery


Large tins

Cut up real Christmas trees

Nappies Liquids

Any type of plastic including bags/sacks & biodegradable/ compostable ‘plastic’ food waste bags

Kitchen caddy and paper liners

Cat or dog waste Nappies

Available from our Cambourne offices - use them in the kitchen and empty into the green bin when full. The caddy is free, liners cost £4.10

Non-recyclable / non-compostable material

Soil, stones or turf Clothing or textiles Painted or treated wood

Rubble Bricks Soil

Please consider donating items and recycling before placing them in your black bin We cannot collect extra black bin rubbish. Please take it to Milton or Thriplow Recycling Centres Disposable nappies should be put in the black bin Empty and full paint tins cannot be collected. Please take them to Milton or Thriplow Recycling Centres

For more information visit or call 03450 450 063 Spring 2018

Kitchen paper & tissues (put in green bin)

Very heavy items Electrical items Take the above to a Household Recycling Centre

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Waste Waste&&Recycling Recycling

South Cambs Magazine

Make your metals matter When it comes to recycling, metal is hard to beat. It’s endlessly recyclable. Every last bit can be turned into something else. It’s a cycle that can go on forever. The food or drink cans, empy aerosole and other metal packaging items you recycle at home could end up being transformed into any one of a wide number of new products, from a designer watch or an iPod, to a washing machine or even a new bus! Every time metal is recycled it saves energy, cuts greenhouse gas emissions and saves landfill space. Best of all, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to make a big difference. All you need to do is put your cans, empty aerosols, tins and foil in your blue bin, not the rubbish bin. By recycling your waste metal packaging at home, you can reduce your carbon footprint and prevent valuable materials ending up in landfill. The more of us that recycle, the more the benefits will add up.

How is waste metal transformed?

The empty drinks can you recycle today could be back on the supermarket shelf as another can in as little as 60 days. From your household recycling collection, the cans, foil and empty aerosols you save are taken to a sorting plant at Waterbeach. Metal packaging is made of either aluminium or steel. At the sorting plant, the latest technology is used to separate the different metals before they are baled and sent for reprocessing. Reprocessing involves melting the metal. It is then cast into blocks which are sent on for manufacturing. The recycled metal is then used to produce all sorts of everyday items like cameras, irons and kettles as well as more food tins and cans.

What can I recycle? All metal is endlessly recyclable 99 Drink cans - please rinse

99 Foil

Some household metal items cannot be collected with your kerbside recycling, such as those listed below. However, they can still be recycled! Please take such metal waste to your nearest Household Recycling Centre. Find your closest one at

99 Food tins - please rinse

99 Foil trays - please rinse

Please put these in your blue recycling bin:

99 Pet food tins - please rinse 99 Sweet / biscuit tins 99 Empty aerosols

99 Metal bottle caps / lids

Please make sure your aerosols are empty and foil and foil trays or tins have been wiped or rinsed before adding these items to your recycling. Don’t worry about removing labels. If there’s a lid, put that in the blue bin too.

These metal items found in your home can be recycled at a Household Recycling Centre Garden tools

Door handles

Pots and pans


Nuts and bolts

Electrical items

For more information, visit

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Spring 2018

Waste & Recycling

South Cambs Magazine

Congratulations To Jane Bower from Girton and to Carole and Alan Jakes from Willingham, who were the winners of our caddy re-use competition mentioned in the last edition of South Cambs Magazine. The competition was run to highlight that residents no longer need to use caddies to recycle paper. Paper now goes straight into the blue bin. Residents were free to keep their caddies and re-use them however they wish, with our competition encouraging you to send us interesting examples. Teacher Jane was picked as the overall winner as the judges were impressed with the idea of the caddy being used as a drama treasure chest. It gets filled with objects which children select to build a story or improvise a scene. For example, a sieve might become a guitar, fencing mask or tennis racket! Jane won a JosephJoseph 'Stack' recycling bin. Carole and Alan were runners-up and won a JosephJoseph 'Split' recycling bin. The judges loved their photo, showing their caddy being used as a mobile dog grooming station.

 Jane Bower from Girton was the winner of our caddy re-use competition

 Carole and Alan Jakes from Willingham finished as runner-up for their novel caddy dog bath

Got extra waste or recycling? We’ve made some updates to our guidelines for collecting excess materials that residents can’t fit into blue, green and black bins.

We’re getting new collection vehicles which have higher openings than our old trucks, so we need to change the way we collect extra recycling. The higher openings are safer for staff, help to prevent litter blowing out of the lorry, and make it easier to dislodge large items that sometimes get stuck inside the bins. Crews will empty your blue bin and then refill it with your extra recycling and tip it again, rather than throw it in separately, which is no longer safe for them to do. From now on we’re asking residents to follow these guidelines:

Blue bin:

Put extra recycling in one transparent sack beside the blue bin. Transparent sacks are available from supermarkets and online. Glass bottles and jars should go inside the bin. We’ll collect one bundle of cardboard (please tape or tie together) of a size which would fit inside the bin if there were space. If you always have extra recycling, request a free extra blue bin at

Green bin:  This is how occasional extra recycling should be placed alongside your blue bin

Spring 2018

We don’t collect any garden or food waste placed beside the green bin. Extra garden waste can be composted at home (see for compost bin offers) or taken to a Household Recycling Centre. You can request a free extra green bin at

don’t collect any rubbish placed beside the black bin. Extra Black We rubbish can be taken to a Household Recycling Centre bin: (see Save time by sorting out recyclables from rubbish before you go

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South Cambs Magazine

Guaranteed rent for landlords If you have a property you want to rent out in the district we want to hear from you. We set up a private sector rental scheme last year to help residents who need assistance to be able to afford to rent a private property locally. The scheme has big benefits for landlords and in the first few months we have signed agreements to manage eight properties. The scheme is run by us under the banner of Shire Homes, a company we established to provide this service. It gives homeowners a hassle-free way to rent out their property. Benefits include:

What our landlords say about our service:

Free service - there are no administration fees or a fee to join the service whatsoever

Guaranteed rental payments - the rent is paid direct to the landlord each month in advance, even if the property is empty

Comprehensive management service - we carry out inventories and regular property inspections so you don’t need to

Day-to-day maintenance 24 hours a day, seven days a week No hidden costs or extras

What are we looking for?

I have rented out property for many years, and this scheme is hassle free John from Cottenham

I would like to thank you for all your effort in the whole process. You have been extremely professional and helpful throughout Taffie and Wendy from Northstowe

We are looking for good quality properties, in a lettable condition, within South Cambridgeshire. Each property needs to meet minimum standards, and a property inspection will take place to make sure this is the case. Again, this does not cost you anything. We can also help you if your property does not meet current health and safety standards.

Just like in our social housing team, we want to provide a personal, professional and friendly service which is positive for landlords and tenants.

 We are interested in homes of all shapes and sizes

For more information contact Louise Moulding on or call 01954 713046

Spring 2018

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South Cambs Magazine

Environmental Health

Is your home a house in multiple occupation? New rules around which types of properties need to be licensed as a house in multiple occupation (HMO) are coming into force soon. Landlords have extra legal responsibilities they should be considering if renting out homes in this way. Existing rules are already in place to reduce the risk of fire in these properties, and to make sure people living in shared houses or flats have decent facilities. A home is probably a HMO if: Three or more unrelated people live there as at least two separate households. For example, three single people each with their own rooms, or two couples each sharing a room The people living there share basic amenities, such as a kitchen and / or bathroom Landlords of HMO properties must make sure that: Proper fire safety measures are in place Annual gas safety checks are carried out Electrics are checked every five years The property is not overcrowded There are adequate cooking and washing facilities Communal areas and shared facilities are clean and in good repair Tenants are usually responsible for minor repairs to living areas and fixing any items they own.

 Visit our website for more information about houses of multiple occupation

Certain types of HMOs are required to be licensed. When deciding whether to issue a licence, we will check that the property meets an acceptable standard, is well managed, and the landlord is a ‘fit and proper’ person.

The new rules

New laws will soon come into force around which type of property needs to be licensed. Properties that have not previously been licensed may now need to be.

The major change is that currently only properties of three storeys or more are required to be licensed. This will change to properties with any number of floors. The new law will also introduce minimum room sizes to help avoid overcrowding. The Government is still finalising some of the exact details, particularly regarding what type of flats in multiple occupation will require a licence. It could mean that certain flats above and below commercial properties, non-university managed student accommodation and some supported housing will also require a licence. It will be the landlord’s responsibility to apply for licence once the law changes. This is likely to be in April. Landlords will have six months to make an application. If you believe you are living in house or flat that should be licensed now and have concerns it is not, or may need to be licensed once the law changes, please contact our Environmental Health team on Please include details of the property and numbers of people living in it. We can then advise whether a licence is or will be required, and make contact with your landlord if necessary. For more information visit This will be updated as the law changes.

Spring 2018

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1 Worcester Way, Melbourn, Royston SG8 6NH Vat No:259613774

About Your Council

South Cambs Magazine

Elections - make sure you are registered On Thursday 3 May elections are taking place for all seats on South Cambridgeshire District Council. To be able to vote, your name must appear on the register of electors. Getting registered is quick and easy, and can be done online by visiting It only takes a few minutes. To register in time for the elections on 3 May, you must have completed the online form before 17 April. You don’t need to register again if you know you are already registered. All registered electors will be sent poll cards at the end of March, telling you where you should go to vote. If you are going to be away on 3 May, you can apply to vote by post or by proxy. You should make sure your application is submitted as early as possible. Applications to vote by post must be in by 18 April, and applications to vote by proxy by 25 April. Unfortunately, we cannot accept your application if it comes in late. You can download application forms and read up on how to apply on our website at

Number of councillors The number of councillors elected to represent local people will reduce from 57 to 45 when the elections are held on 3 May. The areas within the district that the councillors represent, known as wards, are also changing. The new wards have been established by the independent Local Government Boundary Commission for England. A review of the Council’s ward arrangements was necessary because the number of electors represented by each councillor was significantly higher in some wards than it was in others. The new wards even this out. In addition to our elections taking place on 3 May, some residents will also be able to vote in parish council elections. Polls will be held when there are more candidates than there are seats on parish councils. If you do not have internet access, or need help or advice on anything to do with the elections in May, call us on 03450 455214 You will be able to see our election results by visiting our website

Spring 2018

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About Your Council

Local firms urged to bid for contracts We’re urging businesses to bid for our contracts following a successful supplier event at the beginning of the year.

In January, around 60 local small and medium sized businesses came to hear about how they can do business with us. They heard from officers about how to find out about tendering opportunities and how to bid for our contracts. Local business, Saunders Boston, gave some hints and tips on submitting a successful tender. One company representative said: “It was very informative. I came away with some helpful and useful points.” We know lots of businesses couldn’t attend the event and we want to be sure everyone has the best chance to work with us. More information can be found by visiting Given the interest generated by the supplier event we will be looking to hold them more regularly. To find out about similar future events, and about the business support and funding opportunities available to local companies, sign up for our Open for Business Newsletter. Visit

Your views

We’re asking businesses, especially those that are home based, to tell us how we can communicate with you better. Please help us by completing our survey at

South Cambs Magazine

South Cambs Magazine

About Your Council

South Cambs villages earmarked for transport improvements People are being urged to step forward to help design two new transport hubs that could cut the number of people driving into Cambridge and improve connections between villages.

Sawston and Oakington will be the first two villages to benefit from the county’s first pilot Rural Travel Hubs after the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) agreed to progress the project. Residents in Sawston and Oakington and commuters who work close to the villages can now have their say on how the hubs should be designed and developed to meet their needs. Rural Travel Hubs are bespoke transport interchanges to connect residents in South Cambridgeshire with public transport and cycling or walking routes. They aim to reduce the levels of private car journeys into Cambridge from the surrounding villages and provide better connections between neighbouring villages and towns. Starting from late spring / early summer, the GCP’s project team will ask for detailed feedback on the ideas for Rural Travel Hubs in Oakington and Sawston. Views on the location and features of a Rural Travel Hub - including toilets, lighting, surfacing, cycle parking, passenger waiting shelters, real-time information and public transport links - will be fed into a full business case for each site. The project team will also address issues around protecting the local environment, design, access and conservation. Furthermore, the GCP has agreed to fund 200 additional cycle parking spaces at Whittlesford Station, and to commission a transport masterplan for the station and its surrounding area. This could include a Rural Travel Hub for the village and will involve looking at the wider area and determining the most effective interventions to solve any transport issues. It is expected the findings of this community engagement and the business cases for the Sawston and Oakington Rural Travel Hubs and Whittlesford Master Transport Plan will be reported back to the GCP’s Executive Board towards the end of the year. Several GCP schemes are looking at new infrastructure in rural areas, providing links to public transport and cycling / walking routes. This includes the potential for a Rural Travel Hub in Linton as part of the Cambridge South East Study and a Rail Travel Hub in Foxton as part of alternatives to Foxton Level Crossing. Residents and organisations wanting to get involved with the project can email or call 01223 699906

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About Your Council

South Cambs Magazine

South Cambridgeshire: Your place, our plan At the end of every February our councillors set the priorities we will be focussing on, along with our budget.

In these two pages we take a quick look at the headlines and explain how we plan to invest money in services. To make sure our priorities reflect the needs of our communities we recently ran our ‘Let’s Talk’ listening exercise with residents, businesses, parish councils and partners. You told us about some key areas you wanted us to focus on over the coming years, which we’ve used to put our plan together. These included the need to make sure we maintain the look and feel of the district with its green spaces, and to ensure transport links and facilities are in place to support new high quality homes and that communities continue to thrive and be vibrant places to live, work and study. At the time of going to print, councillors were due to consider the proposed plan and budget at a Council meeting on 22 February. The full plan has over 60 actions that we plan to carry out under four themes. These are in addition to, and in many cases will improve, important services you expect such as collecting your bins, dealing with planning applications, inspecting cafés and restaurants and managing council housing.

Here is a glimpse of some of the key actions we plan to carry out over the next year.

Living Well

Our Vision

 Adopt a new Local Plan that will guide where new jobs, homes and facilities will be delivered in the area  Promote and support community litter picks, street sweeping, re-use and recycling projects

Homes for Our Future  Hold events to make sure local communities are actively involved in how major sites are being developed  Finish building 31 more affordable Council homes and begin work on site on 28 more

• The best place to live, work and study • Impressive and sustainable economic growth

Connected Communities  Supporting existing

businesses and working with local small and medium-sized enterprises to help them grow and expand

• Quality of life in a beautiful • and green environment

 Connecting South Cambridgeshire villages

to allow people to get around and access services more easily

An Innovative and Dynamic Organisation  Generate £1.7 million to offset some of the cuts to funding we receive from Government to provide services

 Launch a renewable energy grant scheme and loan fund, with £250,000 available to support green initiatives locally

After 22 February you will be able to view the full plan by visiting

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About Your Council

South Cambs Magazine

Spotlight on funding

Did you know that only around a third of the money we spend on services locally comes from the Council Tax you pay? In fact, there are six pots we draw from that make up our annual budget of around £19 million. Until recently there were seven but the grant we receive from Government to provide services has been cut from around £8 million to zero in recent years.

Interest on balances and income sources

Your Council Tax

£0.8 million

South Cambs

We collect council tax on behalf of a range of public services in the area, with only a small percentage retained by ourselves:


9% - that’s roughly how much of your annual bill we receive Government support grant


Business Rates

£5.5 million

Commercial income

(including Ermine Street Housing)

£1.7 million

Balancing the books

Fees and charges

£2.2 million

Spring 2018


Over the next five years we need Cambridgeshire County Council, to make savings in the region on £4.4 Fire Service, Police and Crime million. No easy task when we have Commissioner and your local already cut our budget by millions parish council of pounds. One of the big things we did a few years ago was to set up a property company - Ermine Street Housing - to generate an income and help offset the cuts to our funding we foresaw. It has been a big success and in 2017/18 we generated £1.4 million to invest in services for local people. And next year we expect this figure to reach £1.7 million. For 2018/19, we are proposing a Council Tax increase of £5 for the average band D property. If approved, this would raise an extra £300,000 to help us meet the tough savings targets ahead. A lower increase in Council Tax would make it even tougher to balance the books and protect frontline services.

New Homes Bonus

£3 million

Council Tax

£8.6 million

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South Cambs Magazine


s i e f i Parkl ! g n i com

Parklife, our free family fun day, returns to Milton Country Park on Sunday 1 July.

We expect around 5,000 visitors to take part in a host of great, free activities at Parklife, which we organise annually with Cambridge Sports Lake Trust who manage Milton Country Park. Among this year’s highlights will be an all-new mobile caving system to explore, along with favourites from previous years like archery, climbing walls and inflatable zorbs. Our action-packed Cycling Zone will offer a variety of bikes to try out, along with the popular pedal-powered Scalextric, cycle sprints and smoothie makers. The Water Zone will feature kayaking, canoeing and paddleboarding, plus the chance to try fishing too. The Wild South Cambs Zone will make a return, allowing visitors to get hands-on experiences in the outdoors with den-building and pond-dipping. There will also be entertainment, including live music and dancing, and a range of refreshments such as a vintage tea tent. There will also be plenty of space to picnic. Full details about Parklife 2018, including how you can pre-book some activities, will follow in the next edition of South Cambs Magazine.

For more information and sponsorship opportunities, see contact or call 01954 713070

Spring 2018

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South Cambs Magazine

Community groups can secure a share of £57,000

£57,000 will be available for community groups to bid for during the upcoming financial year, as part of our Community Chest scheme. The programme regularly distributes money to local voluntary and community groups and parish councils that apply. Last year, more than 90 local projects that work to improve the quality of life for South Cambridgeshire residents benefited. This included Milton Guides and Seniors who received money for new camping equipment, Hardwick Play Parks Group who were given money towards a local play area redevelopment, 1st Orwell Guides who were given money towards new lightweight tents and Melbourn Bowls Club who put their funding towards new score boards. Applicants can apply for up to £1,000 for: Improvements to community facilities Tree and hedge planting schemes Equipment and materials Project start-up costs Repairs to historic buildings/monuments/memorials Anna White, from the Milton Guides and Seniors, said: “Everyone involved in Milton Guides and Seniors was so pleased to be awarded a Community Chest grant. Alongside a huge fundraising effort, it enabled the three units to replace old, worn-out tents and camping equipment. These camping experiences promote team-working and mutual support and respect, whilst building self-confidence, self-esteem, independence and resilience.” Applications for the 2018/19 financial year will be accepted from 1 April.

Milton Guides with their new tent

For more information and to apply online visit you can also email or call 01954 713070

Talking growth

Did you know that we hold regular events to help you keep up to date with large new developments happening in the area? These events, known as community forums, are specifically aimed at local residents and parish councils, but anyone interested can come along. In most cases, the events start with an informal drop-in session to give everyone a good chance to talk about anything they want to know more about, or problems that need to be addressed. There will be planners, housebuilders and developers on hand to talk to one-to-one. We then hold a more formal session where you will hear from the experts on one or more topics. There is also a chance to quiz them and find out more in detail. As the development of the site progresses these topics will include things beyond planning alone. We work with local people and parish councils to set the agenda so we can get the right people there to talk with the community.

When and where? All the major areas of growth have forums that are held four times a year. We run the sessions for sites on the edge of Cambridge jointly with Cambridge City Council. For more information visit or contact our communities team on or 01954 713070

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South Cambs Magazine

What’s on

Welcome to the section of your South Cambs Magazine dedicated to upcoming local events taking place in our area. It’s filled with suggestions to keep you busy, learn a little more about where we live, or keep fit, all sent in by the community. If you are planning a not-for-profit local community event that you wish to feature on this page in our next edition, please visit and click on the apply for it button. Just fill in the form called community calendar listing. The more information you can provide, the more likely your event will be listed. We will consider events taking place between 28 May and 20 August for inclusion the next edition. We cannot guarantee we will be able to feature all events and it will be at our discretion.

Events Calendar Spring 2018 Sunday 4 March Meldreth Litter Pick 9am

Starting at the Water Station, opposite 24 Fenny Lane, Meldreth, SG8 6NN A litter pick to coincide with the Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean campaign. The campaign aims to bring people across the country together to clear up the litter that blights our neighbourhoods. Contact Graham Borgonon via for more details

Sunday 25 March

The Great Big Gamlingay Easter Egg Hunt 11am to 2pm

Friday 23 and Saturday 24 March Choir 2000 Chamber Orchestra 7:30pm

Histon Baptist Church, Station Road, Histon, CB24 9LN A spring concert featuring Faure’s beautiful “Requiem” and Mozart’s “Coronation Mass”. Tickets cost £10 or £5 for students. Tickets available from Histon Library, online or on the night. Under 16s accompanied by an adult are admitted free of charge. See for tickets and details.

Sunday 8 April

I-spy wildlife and grow your own vegetable 2pm to 5pm

Gamlingay Eco Hub, Stocks Lane, Gamlingay, SG19 JR

Landbeach Tithe Barn, Waterbeach Road, CB25 9FA

Head along to the annual Easter egg hunt at Gamlingay Eco Hub and Butts playground next door. Follow the clues to complete your quiz sheet and collect your prize! £3 per child. Children up to 12 years old are welcome, and must be accompanied by an adult. Refreshments also available. Contact Sarah Groom on 01767 651226 or

Families are invited to spot the wildlife around the last remaining tithe barn in Cambridgeshire. They can also sow seeds to take home and grow their own veg, ready for a competition at the same venue in the summer. See or call 07986 171958 for more details.

Saturday 28 April

Bank Holiday Monday 7 May

The Montagnana Trio present ‘A musical evening’

Impington May Day Family Running Festival

The Parish Church, Church Lane, Whittlesford, CB22 4NX

Histon and Impington Recreation Ground, New Road, Impington, CB24 9EL


The Montagnana Trio is comprised of three outstanding musicians performing beautiful music composed and arranged for cello, flute and piano. Their programme will be chosen from music by such composers as Bizet, Faure and Hummel. Tickets cost £12 from Whittlesford Village Shop in the High Street. All proceeds towards a replacement church roof. Contact 01223 835252, 01223 833759 or 01223 833063 for more details.

Spring 2018

from 9:30am

A range of runs for all the family, including the Impington May Day 5k, 200 metre toddle, under eights 1k and all age 3k. All routes are off road. There will also be a new Super Sensory 1K organised by Power 2 Inspire. All runners can register on the day. See or call 01223 232514 for more details.

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South Cambs Magazine

New funding scheme to help communities go green We’re launching a new £55,000 grant scheme on 1 March to help local community energy projects across the district. Grants of up to £3,000 per organisation will be available to voluntary and community sector groups, charities and parish councils to support the delivery of local energy saving and green initiatives.

Money could improve loft insulation at your village hall or community building

Projects that this funding could support include: Energy saving and efficiency measures for community buildings and village halls - things such as lighting and heating controls, upgrades to LED lighting, roof and cavity wall insulation and energy efficient boilers Installation of electric vehicle charging points for community use Battery storage for solar panels or other low carbon energy generation measures Grants can also be awarded to fund energy surveys for community buildings and village halls to allow organisations to investigate and consider which green energy measures would be most suitable for their building.

How are we funding the scheme? The Community Energy Grant scheme is funded from business rates that are collected from new renewable energy generation sites, such as solar farms, within the district. It has been set up to reinvest the benefits from large scale renewable energy sites back into local green initiatives for our communities.

Not funded Applications are not expected for the installation of low carbon energy generation measures, such as solar panels or air source heat pumps. If we were to fund these then the group installing them would not receive the national Feed-inTariffs or Renewable Heat Incentive payments.

Some old buildings lose heat through the walls and we can fund improvements

Applications will be accepted from Thurday 1 March and will be assessed on a first come, first served basis. It is anticipated that we will see high demand so we are asking people to get their application in early as the total amount of grant funding available is limited to £55,000. For more information, guidance for applicants, a downloadable self-survey to help identify the most suitable measures for your building and to apply online, visit

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South Cambs Magazine


A folding lounge furniture set, perfect for the garden. We’re teaming up with Bury Lane Farm Shop, on the A10 at Melbourn, to offer one lucky reader a stylish folding Win this stylish lounge furniture set lounge furniture set worth £199. It’s perfect for the home or garden. The prize includes two folding deep-set chairs and a folding table with a glass top. Easy to pack away and store, the furniture is finished in a faux rattan style and is copper in colour. The set is sure to compliment any patio, balcony, conservatory or garden. The lucky winner won’t be able to wait until the summer to get comfortable in their new seats! The set is produced by Tobs, one of the UK’s most innovative designers and importers of lifestyle products for homes and gardens. The prize is kindly being supplied by Bury Lane Farm Shop. Located on the A10 bypass at Melbourn, just north of Royston, the store offers fresh produce, fine foods, a large specialist alcohol selection, butchers, fishmongers, delicatessen, gift shop, garden shop, café and farm-themed kids fun barn. With Bury Lane’s extensive range, you can be sure of finding something special. See or call the shop direct on 01763 260 418 for more information, or visit the store’s Facebook page at

To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize, just answer the following question:

Where should you put food and drink cans and other metal packaging items after you’ve finished with them? a) Green bin b) Black bin c) Blue bin You can enter the competition online at - click the ‘Apply for it’ button and then select ‘Readers’ competition’. Don’t have internet access? You can enter by post. Send your name, address and telephone number, along with your answer to the question, to: South Cambs Magazine Competition South Cambridgeshire District Council Cambourne Business Park Cambridgeshire CB23 6EA Closing date for entries is 9am on Monday 9 April. Terms and conditions are available at or can be requested by calling 03450 450 500. Winners will be notified by Friday 13 April and announced in the summer edition of South Cambs Magazine.

Spring 2018

Winner’s spotlight Congratulations to Shethah Morgan from Sawston and Sam Hayward from Longstanton who were both winners in our winter readers competition. Shethah and Sam both picked up a set of four tickets to the spring musical at the ADC Theatre in Cambridge. They chose to take three friends or family members to performances of The Producers in March. Shethah said: “We’re very excited to have won free tickets to see The Producers at the ADC Theatre in Cambridge with a champagne reception! It's one of our favourite shows and we look forward to enjoying the production with its toe-tapping tunes.”

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