Sean Leogreen Portfolio
Individual/Group, Period, Resolution, Programs
I nd i v i d u a l , 3we e k s , Co n c e p t u a l , Ph ot o s h o p , V e c t or wo r k s
3rd Year Housing Project Sandringham, Auckland
The site is far too small to have a street running through the desigg nated area, so what I purpose is a plug in. The plug in acts as a drivee way that does not penetrate through the whole of the site, but does breathe fresh air by opening up the site, cancelling out the need for shared driveways and back secc tions. The driveway, which is a conn temporary version of the cul-dee sac, gives the driver the freedom to perform a u-turn with ample room to do so. This in turn has allowed for a tighter grain of housing in the area and flexibility for different sized housing to be enabled. This plug in concept I believe could then start to be utilised in other places around New Zealand. The variables have to be similar in relaa tionship to the sites physical attrii butes. For this site, I have kept within the general principles of having the large family home on the steeper land so the homes can have larger backyards to compensate the gradii ent. The medium density housing has been position for optimum sun exposure. exposu Bio-infiltration swales are used for the treatment and the reduction of stormwater and contaminant runn off from the site. The gradient of the plug in directs stormwater into the centre of the road to allow reed and other pollutant loading plants to absorb the maximum amount of stormwater and run-off.
Individual, 6 weeks, Final, Photoshop,Vectorworks, Sketchup.