Visual Arts Project 2 Life Drawing rd
October 3 , 2012 Tr. Sean McSwain
Iwb’s & Studio Work
Michelangelo, chalk, High Renaissance, Italy
Due Friday, October 5 th Who/what matters to you?
On the next few pages of your IWB you should discuss the following: Evaluation of last piece (using the analysis/reflection handout) Write your main theme title at the start of the next piece of work Remember, this is an opportunity for you to tell your story and make it visually interesting as well.
Due Wednesday, October 1 st Lines / Forms / Shadows
Conceptual – Brainstorm with words: a web diagram starting wide then narrowing down. Statement – 6 to 10 words to say what message you are communicating to your audience through your work Also in your IWB, create a series of three drawings depicting people from your neighborhood. Take notes about why you were inspired by these people. Make visual AND/OR written references of how there are connections with your chosen local artist.
Due Monday, October 3 rd Close to home
For this project you need to choose a local artist. In your IWB paste one picture of artist work with details, dates and, in your own words, be specific how the artist’s style should help you to illustrate your on-going theme. Cite your source and make sure to include the: Title Artist Where they are from Size of work, Media Where the artwork is (collection) if possible Write about why you chose the artist and the piece of artwork How does it relate to how you are thinking about your memory art piece? 1
What could you learn from this artist in how you might approach your work? Consider the cultural and historical context of the work you have chosen.
Due Monday, October 8 th Cultured In your IWB Source all images and write notes to explain them. Do 5 thumbnail sketches for how you might do a project based on the local artist. Depth - Broaden your final idea by gaining as much first-hand information about it as possible. A fish might be beautiful, stimulating, ugly, frightening. Feel its texture and weight, know in detail how it looks, feels, smells, tastes. Breadth – Expand your ideas beyond the obvious. How do the scales protect, move, reflect light? What other meanings? (eg. religion) Personal Expression – Use subject related images from direct observation where possible. Write notes to say how the image inspired you or how you will use this idea/image in your work. Be original, don’t just copy work. Always quote the source (not a search engine) Technical - Test images or techniques, and try different drawing media Aesthetic - present several ideas, decide on the best then use thumbnail sketches to explore the final composition. Review, modify and refine – produce a detailed annotated half page sketch of the final using the actual medium.
Begin… Wednesday, October 10 th Stick to Figures - pt. 1 In the Studio you will begin a large life drawing using charcoal media. We will work in class today on your art pieces. Consider materials you already HAVE and what the school CAN provide.
Continue… Wednesday, October 17 th Stick to Figures - pt. 2 In the Studio you will work in class today on your art pieces. Consider what CAN go home or NOT.
Due Monday, October 22 nd Documentation Have at least two pages of documentation for this project. Document your project in the IWB’s as you progress. Document your trials with different materials. Show how your composition is evolving.
Finish … October 24 th Stick to Figures - pt. 3
Taiwanese Laborers , acrylic, The Kaohsiung Museum of Labor
This project will be due before lunch! We will have an in class critique on that day. You will present your project and as a class we will discuss your work and your peers work.
Due October 26 th (Turn in IWB for comments) Reflection Write
a reflection in your IWB and answer the following: How did your project turn out? What did you learn? What was it successful? How would you change it?