Sean Tarpenning discuss, 6 key things, which, matter, to several people, and perhaps significant, for you, as - well.
1. Listens to you, to learn, and understand, your needs, goals, priorities, and perceptions, etc: Once you interview, observe, whether, a selected person, prioritizes, being attentive to you, and addressing your concerns, and situation, instead of, immediately, speaking, and reciting, how much, he can do for you!
2. Local knowledge: Each area, region, and locality is different, in certain ways! Seek someone, with considerable, local knowledge, who is prepared, willing, and able, to completely - explain, to your satisfaction, how those nuances, may impact/ determine, the best strategies!
3. Integrity: Unless/ until you are feeling, someone, has, consistent, absolute integrity (instead of, merely, when it's convenient), you will, probably, find it, challenging, to feel, truly, comfortable, therewith person!
4. Common sense: Unfortunately, although, many take it, for granted, good judgment, is, often, quite - rare! Have a discussion a couple of types of scenarios, and possibilities, to learn, as much, as possible, about, who you hire, before, doing - so!
5. Understands pricing: An inventory and terms, may, often, differ, so, be careful, to avoid the temptation, to be, bought - by - a suggested, listing price! make sure, to select, an agent, who, thoroughly, understands, the nuances, and realities, of this market's pricing, and is capable, of explaining, why!
6. Negotiating skill: Just, as, it relates, to the other businessrelated, skill, land professionals, need, a high degree of relevant, developed, negotiating skill, and self - confidence, during this area!