When Will This property Market Calm Down?: 5 Influences To Consider by Sean Tarpenning

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When Will This Real Estate Market Calm Down?

Sean Tarpenning

As a fund manager at Investor 1st Fund, Sean Tarpenning analyzes market data and client investment goals to develop funds

1. Interest rates: Interest rates are, at, or, near, historic lows, for an expanded period. This has resulted in mortgage rates, at, or, even, slightly - below, 3%, which, historically, has not been witnessed, in recent times!

2. Job security: When, people, feel secure, in their jobs, etc, they're more willing, to think about, buying a house, and/ or, upgrading. These feelings make the general public proceed, with more confidence, in their longer-term, abilities, to form such a big commitment, etc!

3. Inflation Concerns: Some consider, homeownership, a fabulous, tool, in addressing, the concerns, associated with inflation. On the opposite hand, if/ when, the Federal Reserve System Bank, determines, believes, and perceives, inflation, as a significant issue, which must be handled, their process, generally, includes, raising interest rates. When this happens, mortgages become dearer, as a result, etc!

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