February 27 2018

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The Student Newspaper of Seattle Preparatory School

The Seattle Prep Panther February 27, 2018


Volume 73 No. 5

Twitter: @seapreppanther Instagram: @seapreppanthers

The Video Issue

This January and February, the Film Club and Journalism collaborated on five different stories. For each story, a team of video club members worked with a team of journalists to create a short video story.

Artist Spotlight: Moses Kent

Get inside the “World of Moses” through an exclusive interview with the artist himself! In this short film, Moses Kent shares the secrets of his artistic talent with the Prep community. Learn more about his artistic process, inspirations, and famous class doodles.

Students Unplug from Social Media and Anxiety

With over 3 billion social media users worldwide, many people are using it for the productive purpose of connecting with friends, family, businesses, artists, and athletes alike. However, studies have shown that too much exposure to these apps lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression. Many students and teachers alike find importance in taking time to unplug.

Question Woman

Do you know which day taxes are due? Who the President was during World War One? Think it’s easy to become an American Citizen? Think again. See how Seattle Prep students do when given actual questions from the United States Citizenship Test.

Behind the Scenes of Legally Blonde Members of Seattle Prep Tech Crew invite us into the production of Legally Blonde and answer 30 questions. Stage manager Hannah Docktor ’20 and Annie Bentley ‘18 dive into their roles as stage managers and the tasks involved in those roles.

Robotics Journey to Championships Interested in learning more about robotics? Check out the new video on the Seattle Prep website to learn more about what the Prep robotics program has to offer, including exclusive interviews with two Robotics students. Watch Annabelle Scholten and Max Zipperer share their experiences with being on the Prep robotics team.

2 FEBRUARY 27, 2018



Enough is Enough

Panther Staff Editors-in-Chief Annika Bjornson ‘18 Emma Cooney ‘18 Managing Editor Abby Arthur ‘19 Photo Editor Sophie Freeman ‘18 Online Editor Gabi Jeakle ‘19 Sports Editor Kellen Kavanagh ‘18 Panther Staff Alex-Arce Torres ‘19 Katarina Conces ‘19 Owen Hendricks ‘19 Allison Kearney ‘19 Moses Kent ‘19 Kate Leahy ‘19 Quinn Losse ‘19 Abby Malzewski ‘19 Mark McClean ‘19 Myles Nowak ‘19 Sophie Piacentini ‘19 Noah Pingul ‘19 Chloe Saharic ‘19 Lilly Thompson ‘19 Isabella Yuson ‘19 Kellen Carr ‘20 Walid Cruz-Vanegas ‘20 Lauren Day ‘20 Maddie Deasy ‘20 Danica Dytioco ‘20 Audrey Frigon ‘20 Suzanna Graham ‘20 Sophie Jurion ‘20 Milo Pepper ‘20 Joe Robinson ‘20 Grace Weiand 20 Ella Gruen ‘21 Tia Flores ‘21 Clara Malone ‘21 Tessa Zink ‘21 Freelance Staff Sofia Simon ‘20 Katie Bruce ‘21 Adviser Micah Richardson

Editorial Policy The Seattle Prep Panther is a student created, student-run journalism program which provides the Seattle Prep community with accurate, informative articles and media while practicing the components of a professional newspaper. The staff aims to create an informative newspaper and website which focus on issues important to our high school community. To contact The Panther: Email: seapreppanther@seaprep.org Instagram: @seapreppanthers Twitter: @seapreppanther



ABBY ARTHUR ‘19 Managing Editor

here have been 26 school shootings this year. Not this school year; 2018 alone. Two months into this year on February 14, 2018, 17 students were killed, and at least 14 others were injured as a result of Nikolas Cruz who used a semi-automatic rifle to end the lives of innocent high school students in the Parkland, Florida Shooting. The Parkland shooting has been the most widely covered school shooting in the news and is leading citizens to put some effort into standing up for what they believe in and fighting for injustice. From this shooting, an increasing number of protests have come, started by passionate students, and carried out throughout the nation. These activists have set up two planned walk-out events: The National School Walkout on March 14 and The March for Our Lives on March 24. The common theme linked between these two events is, “Enough is Enough”. The simple theme is an attempt

to end school violence and possibly even better regulate gun laws. It is reassuring to see how people from different backgrounds, walks of life, and even political views can come together when it comes down to protecting the children of the country. Thankfully, our school has not gone through a shooting like this, but with the increasing number of these tragedies,

“My heart hurt at realizing that we even had to practice a scenario like this.” our distant fears seem to become a closer reality or possibility. That is to say, even though the shooting happened across the country, we are still finding ourselves effected by it. Two days after the shooting oc-

curred, on Friday the 16th, during first period, we had a lockdown drill. Personally, lockdown drills have always just been something that happened. Something that was a ‘what if’ and not seen as something that could very easily happen. This drill was different though. Students felt the realities of the shooting from the days prior settle in as we huddled in the corner of the room in silence and darkness while we waited for the ‘okay’ to move again. After this particular drill, my heart hurt at realizing that we even had to practice a scenario like this, but simultaneously felt blessed and lucky to still be safe. Despite the political views, diversities, and ideologies that make up Seattle Prep, I know our community can band together to stand up for these victims and speak for the voices that are not able to speak for themselves. At Prep, we are taught to spread our ideas and beliefs while learning and helping others, and this is the perfect time to do just that and show our country the power of our school community.

Social Media: A Barrier to Actualizing Our Humanity ANNIKA BJORNSON ‘18 Editor-in-Chief


otal control, perfection, and gratification are fabricated prospects that we as a society vainly attempt to reach, but social media has perpetuated our impression that these ideals can be met. As an eighteen-year-old student growing up in the revolution of the Web, I recognize the ways in which social media has improved opportunities for people from all walks of life to connect. I also recognize the ways in which societal pressures and social interactions have been impacted by the online world. Why do you walk into a waiting room and see everyone on their tablets? Why do your friends get on their phones when you are spending time together? Why do you distract yourself while working out by listening to music? Being on a device allows us to have control over what our attention is on. Essentially, we are hiding from each other because we can distance ourselves in the amount that we want to and then tune back into the real world at will. I noticed that my fellow students often brought up cell phone use as a barrier to human connection during our communication unit in Mr. Peterhans’s psychology of human relating course. Many students shared that friends or family members would often dodge conflict by taking out their phones, which further emphasizes the point that we use technology to avoid the messy part of human relationships. Duke University sociologist Miller McPherson and colleagues performed a study of social isolation in the U.S. between

Mission Statement

The Seattle Prep Panther is a forum for student work and the editorial board makes final decisions regarding publication. The editorial board’s responsibility is not only to present one viewpoint, but to reveal multiple perspectives. The views represented in the Panther or in online publications do not necessarily represent the views of the entire staff, the school, or the administration as a whole.

1984 and 2005 and found that the mean number of confidants a person had, went from 2.94 to 2.08. Based upon the increased integration of mobile devices in our modern everyday lives, one can imagine that number has only dropped more since that time. We create ‘real friends’ to talk to by allowing space for vulnerability. It can be scary to not have control over everything, especially within social settings, but that is how people grow and embrace our real, raw, human experiences. Our alarmingly prevalent involvement in the digital world has exposed us to a lot of images that create a specific, unattainable standard of excellence. Think about it: the Instagram models, FOMO-inducing Snapchat stories, and addicting advertise-

“We use technology to avoid the messy part of human relationships” ments. We relate to ourselves and one another differently because of our skewed vision of reality in our unrealistic expectation of perfection. Dr. Sherry Turkle, a Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT, emphasized that when digital technology was getting on its feet, people were able to enjoy it for its benefits and then unplug. But one of the differences between technology in its earlier stages and technology now is that we do not know how to fully unplug. Therefore, these messages of perfection continue to plague us with a fear that we are less than. The ease of mobile devices also makes us crave that immediate gratification and causes us to lose focus of the need to obtain long-term gratification through spending time with ourselves. According to the Common Sense Census from the

fall of 2015, half of teenagers say they feel they are addicted to their devices. Web designers know that a “like” or a funny clip will release a little bit of dopamine in our brains that causes us to keep scrolling. Because we do not make time to self-reflect or enjoy complete solitude, we become so self-oriented in our desire to fulfill the need to belong through online interaction. I say this because self-reflection allows space to acknowledge one’s needs that are not being met and to consider how one might go about meeting those, and then there is space to focus on others. When we allow ourselves to reach for our phones any time we get bored, we numb those needs, and our frustration at not having met them comes out in selfish behavior. Then we go online to talk to others, but the illusion of companionship we experience on Twitter is not enough to gratify us with real friendships. The topic of social media’s impact on the modern person is quite heated at the moment. Study after study shows that there is a link between mobile device use to the skyrocketing levels of anxiety and depression. The aforementioned Common Sense Census shows that older teens spend an average of 8:55 hours a day using media. At a school with a curriculum that integrates tablets, I shudder to think of how many hours more that I spend using a device, whether for music, videos, reading online, texting, doing math problems, or writing essays. This topic is more important than ever for parents, teachers, and students alike to consider. The next time you feel uncomfortable, do not revert to pulling out your phone. When you find that you are comparing yourself to others on social media, stop scrolling. And after a long day, take time to be with yourself in a way that is conducive to your wellbeing as a self-aware person. I call upon this generation of people to use technology with wisdom and to live in the real world with the courage to face real challenges.

e f i l p e pr

3 FEBRUARY 27, 2018



Adventure Found on Freshman Retreat New Semester, ABBY MALZEWSKI ‘19


New Me

Staff Writer

his year’s freshman retreat, inspired by the movie Up, took place January 25-27. During this retreat, the freshmen bonded, tapped into their spirituality, and had a great time. The retreat went quite smoothly thanks to the many helping hands behind the retreat. Freshman retreat leaders and crew met months in advance of the retreat and got to know each other better. They worked to the best of their abilities to structure a fun retreat for the freshmen. Leader, Alex Tuminello ’19, shared “before the retreat all the leaders met every Tuesday to prepare our talks and discussions.” Crew member, Jack Bronson ’19, said that on the retreat he “always felt busy” and he was “constantly making the retreat flow better.” During the retreat, freshmen play lots of games and engage in activities, such as, Family Feud and Fast Friending, a fun game where the freshmen go around a circle and answer questions about themselves. Bronson oversaw “games with the freshmen when there was any extra time in between activities.” One of the most important parts of the retreat was the carnival on Friday morning. During this carnival, the freshmen helped kids as they went around the school and played different games, went on the bouncy houses, and made some creative artwork. Christina Winemiller ’21 shared that her little buddy “loved the bouncy houses, but she was also super excited to make “gak.” Another memorable part of the retreat were the hometime visits, where freshmen and their leaders mix with another group and go to a leader’s home. During this part of the retreat, freshmen listen to a parent talk, a teacher talk, and a friendship talk done by the leaders. Leader, Grace Par-

KELLEN CARR ‘20 Staff Writer

A Photo: Sophie Freeman Freshman Retreat leaders take a brief moment to pose for a photo during the busy retreat weekend. The retreat took place over three days in January.

s the new semester rolls around, Prep students are beginning to set new goals. They range from joining the Math Team, to getting more sleep, to doing homework the day it was assigned, and even to go outside more and travel more. The range of activities that Prep students do stretches so far that getting more sleep was such a high priority that Ben Delacruz ‘19 said, “I am setting a new sleep schedule and am taking 30 minute naps after school.” There also seems to be a trend of prep students needing to start and finish their homework on the day it is assigned. “I am going to start doing my A-day work on A-day’s and B-day work on B-days,” resolved Margo Frauenheim ‘21. Although many students enjoy the great outdoors in the Pacific Northwest, some still struggle to find time to get outside and enjoy what we have in our own backyard. However, there are Prep students who feel like they need to connect with nature more. “I just want to get outside more on the weekends.” Kellie Somerville ‘20 said. As the new semester begins many Prepsters are turning to a “new year, new me” type of resolution from now until June, leaving their past weaknesses in the first semester and turn them into strengths, or at least less of a weakness. Will these goals happen? Who knows, New Year’s resolutions seem to work for about three days, but what about new semester ones? Are Prep students stronger than all those quitters out there? Only time will tell.

kins ’19, shared of her friendship talk: “I did my talk with my friend Mia Griff ’19. The main point of my talk was to stay open and make friends with people you’d never think you’d be friends with.” The talent show Friday night was full of memorable performances. Kicked off by the retreat crew’s rocking Petty Dance choreographed by Cameron Lambert ’19 and Geme Nwachukwu ‘19, the night was filled with lip-sync battles, group performances, and even a drum solo. Molly Bevan ’21 shared that her and two other small groups performed “We’re All in This Together” from High School Musical, “which was lots of fun.” Winemiller added that the “talent show was super fun to perform in and hilarious to watch.” The freshmen retreat is such a special experience that upperclassmen Rory Belcher ’18 and Parkins still reminisce about it. Belcher shared that her favorite part of her retreat was “the hypnotist or watching the talent show.” Parkins said that her favorite part

was “small group time because I met new friends.” Many upperclassmen said that they think this retreat is important for freshmen to go on for different reasons. Belcher said that the retreat is important “because it helps the freshmen feel closer with their class, but also experience what they will face in later years.” Bronson said that freshmen retreat is so important because it “allows people to step out of their comfort zones in front of their class and get to know each other.” Parkins added to this message by saying the retreat is important “so cliques don’t determine friends because everyone must explore new friendships on this retreat and be open.” The leaders shared that the best part of the retreat is seeing “the freshmen start as really shy, but at the end they really open up about their lives,” said Parkins. Tuminello shared that the best part of the retreat was “hearing that my freshman group didn’t want to leave the retreat,” which is the goal of any leader.

nity to grow as individuals but also to grow closer together. Regan Toepel ‘20 thinks that she became “more open to new friendships and building on the relationships and friendships I already had.” Senior leader Riva Tobin had a different perspective on this retreat than the sophomore participants did. “I loved watching the girls go from sitting with their friend groups to mainly to sitting all together near the end of the retreat,” Tobin said. “No YWR is the same and it was cool to see this class mold the retreat to suit what they all needed most.” Tobin has contributed to the Young Women’s Retreat as a sophomore partici-

pant, junior crew member, and senior leader, learning that “no retreat will ever be like my own and that’s not a bad thing. Everyone got a lot out of at least one part of the retreat and that’s what matters in the end.” While full of heart wrenching emotional moments, YWR had fun and silly moments as well. Haley Burgess-Alm ‘20 said that she “enjoyed taking a break from the emotions and riding horses with my friends.” The Young Men’s Retreat was a time for the sophomore boys to bond with one another while participating in fun and exciting activities and now they are ready to take on the challenges that will inevitably face them during the rest of sophomore year.

the dance.” Stearns explained the difference between the preparation of formal and informal dances, “the hardest dance to prepare for are formal dances because we also have the photographers in multiple locations in addition to the dance in the gym. In addition, everyone is usually most excited about informal dances and it is always very well attended.” Libby Messner ‘20 stated, “Informal dances are great way for freshman to make new friends and build school spirit. I love the casual vibe. Also, you just get to dance, dance, dance!” Freshmen showed up at 6:30pm in the commons to meet their peer mentor

and friends from the class of 2020 to decorate white t-shirts with glow markers. Sophia King ’21 said with excitement, “decorating tshirts was my favorite part about the Glow Dance. Also, the Peer Mentors really welcomed me and made the dance lots of fun!” The Glow Dance was Photo: Katie Bruce an amazing experiFreshmen and Peer Mentors decorate t-shirts before the ence for the start of the Glow Dance on January 18th. 2018.

Sophomores Bond with Classmates at YWR and YMR

MADDIE DEASY ‘20 Staff Writer


ecoming a young man or a young woman is a struggle for any high school student and sometimes a little help is necessary. The Young Men’s and Young Women’s Retreats help Seattle Prep sophomores deal with this ever changing and challenging time in their lives. Tess Johnson ‘20 said that the Young Women’s retreat helped her “understand that all the girls in the sophomore class have something going on whether you can see it on the outside or not.” The Young Women’s Retreat not only gave the sophomore girls an opportu-

Marc Ribas ‘20 said that “chatting with my small group helped me get to know my peers and leader much better and that was a cool experience.” Ribas also commented on how the retreat “allowed us to participate in different activities together as well as talk and learn more about one another.” Sophomore Ben Riccio said that exciting activities like high ropes helped him grow closer to his classmates because “at times on the high ropes course I was definitely a little scared, but having my peers cheering below me was very comforting.” Both retreats emphasized the importance of community between the sophomore ladies and men.

Students Glow Hard or Glow Home After Finals

SOPHIE JURION ‘20 Staff Writer


n Thursday, January 18 in the gym students dressed up in bright colored tops, groups of friends dressed in matching white tennis skirts, glow eyeglasses, reflective socks, and glow stick necklaces that would glow in the black light of the gym. The end-of-semester glow dance was here. Mr. Stearns, the Dean of Students, described the preparation for ASB to decorate the gym before the Glow Dance, “we order lots of glow in the dark products and the Freshmen/Peer mentors use lots of neon markers and paint to decorate shirts before


4 FEBRUARY 27, 2018



Jesuits Address Diversity Across Age Levels WALID CRUZ-VANEGAS ‘20

Staff Writer


iversity: As the Earth’s population skyrockets, integration is increasing at a faster rate than ever. The effects of societies becoming melting pots impacts everything from our troops on the frontlines to kindergarten classrooms. For the most part, this brings about positive change. Cultures mesh, and ideas are exchanged for the benefit and improvement of humanity. Of course, the effects of diversity eventually trickle down to Jesuit schools, like Prep, and even the Jesuit Order. Diversity is often mentioned as a

positive thing, though with a lack of reasoning behind the claim. The nature of diversity causes changes which may provide difficulties, but only for the greater good of the Prep community. Fr. Ryan Rallanka SJ provided the reasoning behind the benefits of diversity in Jesuit schools and the Jesuit Order. As a priest and Faculty member of Seattle Prep, Father Ryan can comment on diversity based upon his observations from his time here. He stated, “One of the concrete ways of addressing diversity at Prep is our Nativity Students.” A top priority at Prep is “making sure the students have what they need.” Seattle Nativity school accomplishes the goal of providing a wider range of students with a Jesuit education. Behind the scenes, Seattle Prep strives to enable

students of various backgrounds to access equal resources. In addition to providing education, Fr. Rallanka mentioned, “There are concrete things the school does to increase awareness of diversity issues.” He listed the MLK Assembly, AAA, Latino Club, FIG, and BSU, as examples Fr. Ryan mentioned a nativity school, St. Andrews, that collaborates with Jesuit High in Portland. He stated, “They have buses that drive from Jesuit to the Nativity school.” He also said that, it is not only important to have cultural diversity, but also “economic diversity.” This means that as part of the service mission, Jesuit schools aim to serve students of all socio-economic backgrounds.

Diversity in all schools is a small step towards justice and equality in the greater world. Building connections between students of different cultural background is an effective method of breaking down stereotypes, and prejudice with minimal difficulty. In addition, students with different backgrounds, bring different cards to the table. This leads to a positive learning environment that offers a variety of ideas and knowledge. These factors come together to create a better community and yields individuals who embody the “Grad at Grad.”

Coach Scott Reaches Out to Black Student Union Spreads Inspire Change Solidarity and Justice MYLES NOWAK ‘19 Staff Writer


oach Scott has worn many hats, working with almost every single department at Seattle Prep in his years at the school, gaining deep insight he was willing to share with the Seattle Prep Panther. Coach Scott stated that his goal is “to make sure every student is able to enjoy all that Prep has to offer” all while making sure Prep “has great students coming in the door.” Seattle Prep has so many kids with a vast variety of backgrounds as a result of their many different middle schools and different geographical locations. Scott explained that race and ethnicity just touch the surface of these differences, “it goes so much deeper than that.” Students may be experiencing circumstances that are not apparent, so he puts in effort making new connections with students through conversation all the time. On January 11th, Coach Scott in his all-school morning prayer described his experiences dealing with racial prejudice growing up. These experiences and confrontations led him to have a role like diversity director because the experiences taught him the importance of having an open mind. He explained that he believes in the importance of voicing one’s opinions in a non-offensive manner. He says that if their opinion is offensive, speak up. “Silence what gives permission to bigotry and prejudice. Go out and

reach out.” Coach Scott describes that a common issue is that a lot of good people have prejudicial biases for unknown reasons. The solution to this, he says, “is realizing everyone has a right to their opinion.” Coach Scott has found that when he sits down and talks with someone of a conflicting viewpoint, he can find a common interest. “Go out and reach out. Don’t be afraid to be the first one to cross the street” Scott connected this idea to current events including the women’s march, the Oscars, the Grammys; people are speaking up for all to see and that is what has to happen. Coach Scott stated that he is “very much encouraged by that fact and change will be made if people are aware that everything they do is watched and people are speaking up. Although February is Black History Month, Coach Scott would like to make it cultural diversity month here at Prep. Chinese students are celebrating Lunar New Year and Mardi Gras was on the 13th: both holidays add to a celebration of cultures. In addition, Coach Scott has been trying to incorporate the Seattle Prep students into this effort. Most recently, the diversity mass gave students an opportunity to emphasize the important gift of the diversity present at Seattle Prep. Through ideas like these and being open-minded to the diversity of others, Coach Scott believes that the Seattle Prep students will be able to grow in its sense of community.

Photo: Katie Bruce Students stage a mock-protest during the Martin Luther King Jr. assembly. The assembly was planned by the Seattle Prep Black Student Union.

LILLY THOMPSON ‘19 Staff Writer


hen Nailah Patrick’18, BSU president, walked up to the podium at Prep’s celebration of Martin Luther King, she delivered a muchneeded truth bomb to the 700 students sitting in the gym. Patrick repeated the insensitive comments often heard through the halls of the school. Comments like “Can I touch your hair?” or “Aren’t Asians supposed to be smart?”. Students were shocked and rooted to the spot. “Although it might have been hard to hear, it needed to be said.” Patrick’s speech emphasized the need for diversity and respect, a message can often go unheard at Prep, where 33% are students are of color. When asked when she hears these comments, Patrick said “Everyday. I’m so used to hearing it that I don’t pick it up as much anymore.” The Black Student Union, one of the diversity groups at Prep, deals with these issues every day.

Through bringing in guest speakers, celebrating their culture and providing support, BSU plays an important role on campus. “BSU serves as a place where students can connect with one another and talk about important issues” says vice-president Taryn Looney’19, “It’s a way to have support and be there for each other”. Despite this, many students are quick to question why there is a BSU, or why there is no white student union. To this, Patrick says: “It is a predominantly white school- Seattle Prep is the white student union.” Because of this, students might only be exposed to one kind of culture. When Patrick talks about making our community a more welcoming place for minorities, she says it is all about one thing. Informing oneself and exposing oneself to perspectives different from yours. “It’s not the minorities’ job to educate Caucasians. If you want to know and become less ignorant, educate yourself.”

“If you want to know and become less ignorant, educate yourself.” -Nailah Patrick

Photo: Alex Arce-Torres Director of Diversity Deino Scott in his office. Scott sees his role in the school as one to encourage discussion and understanding.

e r u t a e f

Golden Globes Celebrate Awareness, Diversity

ISABELLA YUSON ‘19 Staff Writer


he 75th annual Golden Globes were broadcast on NBC on January 7 and it was a show to remember. The awards ceremony was filled with laughing, crying, rounds of applause, and standing ovations. However, this year’s Golden Globes 2018 was not only about the awards and the fancy attire. Throughout the show, many people addressed some of today’s most pressing issues. In his opening monologue, Seth Meyers commented, “it’s 2018. Marijuana is finally allowed, and sexual harassment finally isn’t.” He also made references to the industry’s uncovered sexual harassers. Towards the end of his segment, Meyers pointed out Saru Jayaraman in the crowd. Saru Jayaraman is an activist for Time’s Up, a legal defense fund that supports those who have been sexually assaulted and, according to their website, “addresses the systemic inequality and injustice in the workplace that have kept underrepresented groups from reaching their full potential.” Allison Janey, who starred in I, Tonya, said that she loved this movie because it “tells a story about class in America, tell a story about the disenfranchised tell a story about truth and the perception of truth in the media and the truths we all tells ourselves when we wake up in bed.” These topics—class, voting rights, people judging people for their individuality, and fake news—have been problems that face society every day and I, Tonya shines a light

on them. Sterling K. Brown, who stars in This Is Us, recognized Dan Fogelman, who is one of the writers of the series, for writing a role made for a black man: “I am seen for who I am and I’m being appreciated for who I am. And it makes it that much more difficult to dismiss me or dismiss anyone who looks like me.” This speaks to how African Americans are more appreciated in society and less judged for the color of their skin. The most discussed award of the night was the Cecil B. Demille Award given to none other than Oprah Winfrey. She started off her speech with the story of Sidney Poitier winning Best Actor in the 36th annual Academy Awards and what that moment meant to her as a child. She said that it has occurred to her that she is the first black woman to receive this award and realized that there were little girls who are watching her receive the award. She then said that she valued the press for uncovering the truth. She stated that “what I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” She told the story of Recy Taylor and Rosa Parks: two women who have endured many hardships in their life. Oprah ended her speech with this powerful message: “And when that new day finally dawns it will be because of a lot of magnificent women...and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody has to say ‘Me Too’ again.”

“Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” -Oprah Winfrey

5 FEBRUARY 27, 2018

www.seapreppanther.org EDITOR: JOE ROBINSON ‘20

Celebrations of Love in the LGBTQ+ Community

JOE ROBINSON ‘20 Staff Writer


p until 1971, there was absolutely no representation in mass media of the LGBTQ+ community. The first ever real representation was in a 1971 episode of All in the Family, in which a character, Steve, is “found out to be gay” after much speculation from the other characters. Since then, the representation of the LGBTQ+ community in television and film has been sparingly small and tightly confined to the white, middle-class, conventionally attractive male archetype. In these shows, their whole identity was formed upon their sexuality. It was not until recent years that this idea first began to fall apart. In 1997, Ellen DeGeneres came out to the world and spoke about her sexuality. In retaliation, she received death threats, boycotts, and widespread hate targeted toward her, with many in the industry working to stop her from starring in any role again. In contrast, the 2017 film Moonlight took the stand as the first film about LGBTQ+ characters to win Best Picture at the Oscars. In 20 years, the media was able to grow in acceptance and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community so that films that include directly queer themes can win major awards and be produced by leading industry corporations. This all happened due to representation. In order to get the media to portray gay characters positively – if at all – the world had to become more tolerant of the community. In order for the world to be more tolerant, there needed to be accurate representation of what it means to be gay. DeGeneres broke this cycle by

coming out and making her character on her sitcom come out alongside her, giving the community a personal, human face that people have related to and sympathized with. From Ellen sprung a number of other shows that simply depicted gay characters as human, such as Modern Family. From this accurate representation grew a more common acceptance of the community, and the media followed suit. When Moonlight won the 2017 Oscar for Best Picture, it marked the end of a longstanding era of limited tolerance in mass media’s representation of LGBTQ+ community. With the award came a celebration of the diversity, struggles, and love found within the community, something not seen before in the industry. The release of films such as Call Me by Your Name and the upcoming release of Love, Simon further solidify the celebration of LGBTQ+ characters in mass media. While the media has come to accept the LGBTQ+ community, many believe there are large strides left to take to gain true representation for the community. According to GLAAD, only 18 percent of the 125 most popular films in 2016 featured a gay character, while over 80% of these characters were gay, white men. Many of these films, while portraying gay characters, were based entirely on stereotypes, such as Zoolander 2, which was deemed by GLAAD as degrading and a mockery of the gay culture, playing into deep stereotypes that only worked to perpetuate a false understanding of the community. The recent celebration of the LGBTQ+ culture and community in the media is a massive leap towards creating a just and tolerant world, but there is still much more work to be done.

Three Clubs, Two Meetings, One Fantastic Musical EMMA COONEY ‘18 Editor-in-Chief


Malibu Barbie walks into Harvard Law School. Though this may seem like the set up to a joke that will ultimately insult both the barbie and the law school, it is actually the premise for Seattle Prep Drama’s winter musical, Legally Blonde. The show follows the bubbly Elle Woods (played by Julia Ribas ’18) on her journey from a heartbroken UCLA sorority girl to a confident Harvard Law student. After being dumped by the love of her life, Warner Huntington III (played by Moses Kent ’19), during her senior year at UCLA, Woods follows him to Harvard to win him back. There, she meets new friends like Enid Hoops (Gabi Jeakle ’19) and enemies like Vivienne Kensington, Warner’s new girlfriend (Grace Kopp ’19). Throughout the show, Woods and other characters she befriends fight to be taken seriously, especially by Huntington, Kensington, and their friends. Elle’s struggle to transcend her labels applies to the lives ofEMMA every student at Prep. With‘19 that in COONEY mind, director Adam Othman and the cast launched anEditor-In-Chief unprecedented tri-club collaboration between Drama Club, FIG (Feminist Interest Group), and One Voice to have a conversation about the stereotyping and culture clashes depicted in the show. The topic of women and their place in entertainment media, as well as their right to protection from sexual assault in the workplace, has become a national

discussion with the dawn of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. In light of this, Drama Club and FIG discussed the responsibility of the musical to tell Elle’s story as honestly as possible. Drama Club Vice President and FIG Co-President Gabi Jeakle ’19 explained that ideally, the musical should show the audience that “there is no mold that a strong female needs to fit into.” In the meeting held in January by Drama Club and FIG, Jeakle and FIG Co-President Ali Haag ’18 explained the significance of Legally Blonde being both written by and starring women. Historically, women portrayed in the media are defined by their stereotypes–– serving as supporting characters in someone else’s story. Even movies starring girls don’t always depict all of them as complex characters (think Mean Girls). Jeakle explained that the goal of the meeting was to help the actors “understand that behind every stereotype is a story.” L e g a l l y Blonde also features three characters belonging to the LGBTQ+ community: Harvard student Enid

Hoops, witness Nikos Argitakos (played by Hudson Patterson ’18) and Argitakos’s boyfriend Carlos (Remo Aurand ’20). Continuing the mission Jeakle described, One Voice leaders Cameron Lambert ’19 and Joe Robinson ’20 focused their January 30th meeting with Drama Club on discussing the stereotypes placed on LGBTQ+ characters in film, television, and theater, and how Legally Blonde addresses them. At the meeting, Robinson pointed out the typical LGBTQ+ character seen onscreen “is always a gay white male,” alienating the rest of the community, especially trans people and people of color. He also noted that most shows including a gay character focus solely on their sexual orientation as their defining characteristic or cent r a l conflict. Fea-

turing a song entitled “Gay or European,” in which Elle and her fellow law students try to determine whether the witness Argitakos is gay or European, Legally Blonde does not make defying said stereotypes easy. Though not passing judgement on its gay characters, the song does not do much to develop them either. Othman carefully staged the song so as to focus on Argitakos’s sexual orientation as a vital aspect of the court case (he claims to have had an affair with the defendant, Brooke Wyndham, played by Annika Bjornson) rather than an indication of his personality, and tried to focus the song’s performance on “a celebration, not a stereotype.” To Othman, the ultimate goal of the tri-club collaboration and its discussions is to acknowledge that, within Prep, “we have so many groups that are so isolated. We should celebrate and support one another,” just as Elle strives to support the friends she meets throughout the show. Legally Blonde’s Club Night will be taking place on Saturday, March 3rd, at 7pm, featuring One Voice and FIG themed snacks and lobby displays featuring information about Women and the LGBTQ+ community as it relates to the show. Photo: Emma Cooney The characters Nikos and Carlos embrace onstage after the performance of “Gay or European,” a song focused on the celebration of the love and culture within the LGBTQ+ community.


6 FEBRUARY 27, 2018



Priests, Players, and Performances: A Look Back at 2017


QUINN LOSSE ‘19 Staff Writer

tudents at Seattle Prep have begun their second semester and are continuing getting used to the new year. 2018 can be the year of new possibilities and experiences, however 2017 should not be overlooked. The memories that the Prep community has made in the past year have stood out and are what made 2017 such an unforgettable year. The highly anticipated terrace on the sixth floor of Adelphia Memorial Hall has undergone construction has finally been completed. Sadly, students have not been able to enjoy the new amenity quite yet and the date is still to be determined, but it seems they will be able to eat lunch at the location in the near future. The new year was kicked off with three performances of the musical Anything Goes in late February, starring current seniors Julia Ribas and Noelle Whitman. Junior Sici Mirante said “I formed some amazing relationships and memories over the course of the musical, and it was overall an unforgettable experience.” The showing of A Pocket Full of Truffles later followed in the year staring Emma Cooney ‘18 as the titular character, but this show was different from most others. Students helped to bring this show to life as they contributed in the process of creating the story-line that so many enjoyed and laughed with. Students and faculty traveled down

to the Tacoma Dome late March to watch as both the girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball teams competed in the quarterfinals. Although they were not able to take the trophies back to Capitol Hill, they played their best and made the trip well worth it for the spectators. Leila Norton ’19 described the event as being “full of energy with involvement from students of all grades.” Between May and June, the school not only had to say goodbye to the class of 2017 as they graduated at Benaroya Hall to experience a new part of their lives, but Fr. Fitterer retired from being the school’s beloved priest. Even though Fr. Fitterer is no longer in the halls to greet every student he passes, Father has left an impact on the school and will always be a part of the Prep community. The class of 2020 was welcomed in August with open arms from the upperclassmen as they began a new journey that is high school. The incoming freshmen were not the only new faces at school, as it was the first year of the Alumni Service Corps program. A few graduated students of Seattle Prep came back this year fresh out of college to help out with teaching, coaching, and retreats. This past year was filled with fun dances that brought kids from all grades together to relieve them of stress from their busy lives. Freshmen were able to get loose and meet new friends at the Back to School Dance on August 25th and had their first formal high school dance on October 7th

Trump, Harvey Top 2017 News


TESSA ZINK ‘21 Staff Writer

don’t think that thing he has done has been beneficial to the United States. I think that we would be far better off without him as our president,” said Ava Whitman ’21 regarding President Trump’s actions through the course of 2017. January 20th, 2017 was the date of President Trump’s Inauguration, a milestone in 2017 news. Since the beginning of his presidency, Trump has refused to give up on his goals while relentlessly reigning over the United States. He has used Twitter as a way to express his thoughts although sometimes unnecessary. “I think that like any president, he had his highs and lows. If he used Twitter less it’d be more effective. He’s said really good stuff and he’s said some stupid things as well,” said Diego Garcia-Camargo ’21. A story that isn’t unique to 2017 is the Rohingya Muslim Crisis. They have been fleeing their homes and become refugees because of the ongoing torture they have been faced with. The Rohingya have been thought of as a threat because of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) which the Myanmar government has designated as a terrorist group. The ARSA is a group of people, mostly Rohingya Muslims, who seek to create a safe environment and home for other Rohingya. However, due to violent acts from the group starting in October 2016, the Myanmar government has sought to end the group. Due to the generalization, other Rohingya Muslims have been facing greater consequences. Rohingya have lived in Myanmar for centuries but have been forced to leave because of the incredible amount of persecution they have faced. Hundreds of thousands have fled to the border of Bangladesh in hope of peace and they are considered, and often referred to as, the

“most persecuted minority.” Another important story of 2017 was the ongoing threats from North Korea. Living in Seattle, it’s threatening with having North Korea quite close however, Mia Meighan ’21 states that she has “never felt so threatened to the point where I was concerned for my safety.” Hurricane Maria, Irma, Jose, and Harvey struck hard and terrorized a lot of people. Puerto Rico, The U.S. Virgin Islands, The British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, and other islands have been impacted by the storms. Harvey, Irma, Maria, and Jose left 103 people dead and 200 billion dollars worth of damage. Going into 2018 almost a third of Puerto Rico was still without power, “I think it would have been very thoughtful action if the United States reached out more because thats what we would want others to do for our country in a time of need,” said Mia Meighan ’21 referring to the United States outreach after the hurricanes. Although 2017 was filled with tough news stories there were also lots of encouraging ones as well. Scientists were able to find a way to breed parts of the Great Barrier Reef, this is important as the reef has been dying due to coral bleaching caused by global warming, illegal fishing, and pollution. Being able to successfully re-breed the reef means that the process of restoration to the damaged and dead parts of the islands will be faster and more efficient. Another “win” for 2017 was the legalization of same-sex marriage in Australia, Germany, Austria, and Malta. These countries joining the other 25 countries and territories where same-sex marriage has previously been made legal. Although many stressful, scary events occurred in 2017 fortunately there were also exciting, ground-breaking ones. Hopefully 2018 will be filled with new and fun experiences.

Photo: Seattle Prep Drama The fall 2017 production of A Pocket Full of Truffles highlighted a busy year for Prep Drama. In 2017 Prep students said goodbye to beloved Priest Paul Fitterer, and welcomed members of the new Alumni Service Corps. where they experienced the Pacific Northwest-themed homecoming. Junior Raphaela Nicholls said “the dances last year allowed everyone, even the freshmen, to get out of their comfort zone and make new friends as school was beginning to start.” November 1st marked the first All Saints Day Liturgy in the McHugh Gymnasium, led by Prep’s new pastor, Father Ryan.

Short to follow in November was when the business club hosted Judge Robart as he spoke in the Great Room after school to all those interested. He discussed his personal life and career, as well as his blocking of Trump’s travel ban. 2017 was a great year for the students at Prep, but it will be a goal to make 2018 even better.

The Post: A Newsworthy Film GRACE WEIAND ‘20 Staff Writer


he Post tells the true story of Katherine Graham (Meryl Streep), owner of The Washington Post after her husband died, and her struggle with balancing her image and reputation with a responsibility to provide information to the American people. Set in the midst of the Vietnam War in 1971, the Steven Spielberg directed film reveals an inside perspective about the decisions that led to the leaking of government documents that exposed years of lies and secrets from US presidents, focusing especially on Richard Nixon. The film holds starkly relevant themes to today, like female empowerment, the silencing of media, and the 1st amendment. Graham battles her male colleagues to prove that she is worthy of her handed-down position as publisher at The Post. Streep expertly portrayed the char-

acter and has been nominated for several awards for the role. The decision that Katherine Graham had to make challenged her to think about whether she cared more about her own company’s well-being, or the knowledge that the government was keeping massive secrets about Vietnam from the American people. Graham made the bold choice to publish the papers, which ended up benefitting the paper more than she could’ve expected. The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of the Washington Post after the Nixon Administration sued. The Post is a thrilling story that makes viewers think about their own beliefs about freedom of the press, government confidentiality, and female empowerment in positions of power. The shocking story itself is paired with a talented cast, supporting music, and a realistic portrayal of history that is inspiring and revealing all at the same time.

“The Post is a thrilling story that makes viewers think about their own beliefs.”

Want more of The Panther? Check out our collaboration with Seattle Prep Film Club at


s t r o p s

7 February 27, 2018


Olympics Marked by International Scandals SUZANNA GRAHAM ‘20 Staff Writer


hat happened after the 2014 Sochi Olympics? The Russians were Putin their place. The 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics began on February 9th, with some noticeable changes within the games. Two of the more significant changes were the participation of a unified North and South Korean women’s hockey team and the disqualification of Team Russia. North Korea sent 22 athletes to the Winter Games, participating in ice hockey, ice skating, and skiing. Though this was not the first Olympics that North Korea participated in, these games make history as a team of North and South Korean female hockey players competed under a united flag. A team of 23 South Koreans and 12 North Koreans was been put together to play for the united front of “Korea.” Many

Prep students think that Korea representing one team may eventually bring peace to the peninsula. Hannah Docktor ’20 said that “we shouldn’t exclude someone because we’re afraid of them. I don’t think we should exclude them from that celebration.” However peaceful international relations with North Korea may seem currently, Docktor stated that we should “be a bit careful.” Though North Korea is seen as a political and military threat, the Olympics are not a political competition, rather a celebration of honest sport. These Olympics took place without an annual competitor in most events: Team Russia. No athlete on behalf of the Russian team will be allowed to compete, due to their doping scandal during the 2014 Sochi Olympics. The Russian team used doping to enhance their athlete’s performances during the previous Winter Olympics, and in doing this, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned a total of 43 athletes from

the Pyeongchang Olympic games. The IOC declared that if a Russian athlete competed during the games, they must compete as “neutral”, or, not competing for any country. Though this decision might seem harsh against athletes who did not use illegal performance-enhancing drugs during the 2014 games, many students at Prep agree with the IOC’s decision. Emily Colleran ’21, said that “[Russia] should be banned if they’re doing illegal things that are cheating the Olympics. [The Olympics] shouldn’t be so political and should more be a celebration of sport.” The Olympics have continued throughout the midst of wars, political disagreements, and cheating scandals alike, and this year was no different. Ultimately, the Olympics are a chance for athletes all around the world to compete against the best of the best, no matter which country an athlete is from.

Girls Lacrosse is off to a great start with some new players joining the team. Rachel Rasmussen ‘20 is excited for the Lacrosse season. “I’ve never done lax before but players on the team made it sound fun so my friends and I decided to try it.” Rasmussen added “We have been going to the captains practices twice a week during the winter season. We work on technique, play some games, and do conditioning that will prepare us for the season in spring. Captains practice has been a fun opportunity to learn how to play lacrosse while meeting the girls on the team.” Boys lacrosse is off to a start with senior Sergei Jacobs leading the team. “I am sad yet excited to play my last Varsity Lacrosse season at Prep. It should be a memorable one.”

After an outstanding season last spring, the tennis team is determined to make it to the 3A state tournament. Grace Swanson ‘19 says “I’m really pumped for this upcoming season. I have only been to one captains practice but from what I can tell we will have a strong team.” The captain’s practices are filled with team bonding and skill enhancing drills. “Usually during these captains practices we play each other in separate matches or we play a game called ‘Queen of the Court’ and it is a great way to meet new people.” The softball season is looking bright. Kate Leahy ’19 looks forward to the season. “I am excited for team bonding on the way to practices and to matches far away.” The softball team is looking to get the season rolling.

Team Work Key to Spring Sports Success

KATARINA CONCES ‘19 Staff Writer


pring sports season is upon us with captains practices for girls and boys Lacrosse and Tennis. The softball season is kicking into gear and track and field runners are getting prepared for a full season. Sprinter Aisha Watt ‘19 says “I am really excited for this year’s track season. It should be great and there should be some new competition for me and my teammates.” Watt has placed first in state and is continuing her training to prepare for this upcoming season. Coach Deino Scott said “I am very proud of Aisha, as well as the rest of my team and I am looking forward to this season. I have a good group of hardworking athletes who are ready to compete.”

Intramurals Get Interesting, Intense

MARK MCCLEAN ‘19 Staff Writer


appening at the beginning of lunch on most days during Winter, intramural basketball is a place when the Prep community can come together as one in a competitive environment. Even with intramurals bringing the Prep community together does not mean that there are not rivalries on the court. One specific example is, the battle between chess club and mock trial. Senior chess player Ethan Mcreynolds calls the game, “The biggest game of the year in my eyes. Every intramural game is big, but that game is our super bowl, even if we destroy them every year. Roll chess!” Aside from rivalries, players play for pride, bragging rights, and even a shot at the coveted title which comes with championship t-shirts. No one in recent years can remember an underclassmen team bring-

ing home the “ship”, but sophomore player Nathan Smith believes his team has what it takes to “shock the nation.” He said, “Yeah our goal is to definitely take home that coveted title and we believe that we have the talent to do just that. We’re hungry to make a name for ourselves in intramural world and even if we don’t win it all, we believe we can upset a few upperclassmen teams and make a name for yourself.” Some would be surprised walking into the gym on a Tuesday lunch and seeing hundreds of people packed watching a bunch of non-basketball players play basketball. Yet day after day the gym is packed right with fans. Sophomore Kate Shigo who doesn’t play intramurals describes the appeal of watching as, “ Well for me at least it’s fun to watch people play a sport that they don’t play competitively. Add in that you know most of the people playing, it makes watching the games a pretty good time. Go Vanilla Thunder!”


Photo: Alex Arce-Torres Sophomore Richi Daniels takes a shot at the hoop during intermurals.

Winter Sports Make Push for Postseason


KATE LEAHY ‘19 Staff Writer

he season of winter sports is finally wrapping up as boys swim, girls bowling and boys and girls basketball have been making postseason appearances. The girls bowling team finished their season on February 3rd with a trip to Tacoma to participate in a two-day long State Championship at Narrows Plaza. The girls broke both a team total pin score, a team baker score, and junior Chloe Saharic tied a Prep individual record score of 200. Sophomore Helen Simmons enjoyed her first season on the team and said, “the team grew to be really good friends with one and other and still rely on each other for help.” Simmons is also looking forward to helping the team out next season and added, “I hope to improve my average by at least 20 pins, even though it’s a lot.” The 6-1 boys swim team ended their season after appearances in both Metro and District Championship meets. The team was led by seniors David Miner, Cole Bonipart, Cole Theime, junior Matt Adam and freshman Jake Hanley who all qualified and swam in Districts. Theime felt this was a particularly successful meet for swimmers and said, “we all dropped time and showed up well.” Junior Liam McNett credited this seasons success to the supportive environment and said, “everyone is so kind on the swim team no matter what your skill level is.” Girls and boys basketball, although still currently participating in playoffs, have both been having outstanding seasons. The girls team had an outstanding regular season as their 14-1 record placed them first in the Metro Mountain Division. After a win over Garfield, the girls fell short in a close 53-50 Metro Championship game against Cleveland. In Districts, wins over Rainier Beach and Redmond secured the team a spot at the Tacoma Dome later this month. Junior Helen Sauvage said “the way we worked as a team on the court was really special” and “without the team’s hard work, perseverance and hustle, we wouldn’t have played the way we did.” The boys 11-4 regular season record led them to a series of tough matchups in the Metro Championships where they placed sixth overall. However, this year’s District Tournament was filled with excitement as the boys took home a big 58-55 win over Garfield, clinching a spot to play in the regional round of state. To wrap up their District appearance, the boys upset Rainier Beach 60-56 to place third in the tournament overall.

Seahawks Slide into Unsure Off-Season

KELLEN KAVANAGH ‘18 Sports Editor


s Philadelphia parades the Lombardi Trophy down Broad Street, Seahawks fans will be wondering what the team will do to fix its issues in the coming offseason. For anyone who is still holding out hope: the Legion of Boom is dead. Kam Chancellor was lost for the year with a neck injury, and Richard Sherman ruptured his Achilles. Chancellor may never play football again, and Sherman is nearly 30, some-

what old for an NFL DB, and especially one attempting to recover from an injury as serious as his. There is hope in the secondary, however. Backs like Deshaun Shead, Jeremy Lane, and newcomer Shaquill Griffin have impressed in limited roles this year, which eases the pressure for the Hawks to overhaul the secondary. The rest of the defense will need upgrades at certain spots as well. LB Cliff Avril suffered the same neck injury as Chancellor, and he too may never take the field again. Michael Bennett, is “overpaid and

past his prime” according to Sam Pelly ’18. Still, the defense is an area of low priority for the Hawks, simply because the offense is so poor. Without Russell Wilson, the Seahawks would have been one of the worst offenses in the league. Wilson was the team’s leading rusher due to his exceptional talent and the Hawks inability to find a good, healthy rusher. Pelly said he wants to see “an addition of talent to the offensive line, and a solid running back who can ease the load on Wilson.” Pelly especially emphasizes the importance of a good draft this year. It’s no secret the Hawks have gotten

old, so getting younger with a new class of guys should be a top priority. Pelly summed up the spirit of this offseason by saying, “It feels terrible, but we need to completely rebuild. Our roster will not win another Super Bowl, so we need to build towards the future and part of that is saying goodbye to some of the older Seahawks we all know and love. Sherman, Bennett, Graham. Guys like that are all past their prime and carry high salaries. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them all gone next year.”

8 FEBUARY 27, 2018



thekcab pag


Ask The Book of Moses


ASB Representative Erik Anderson Q: Hey I’m a Sophomore and I still don’t know how to tie my shoes! HELP!!! A: Tying shoes: so overrated. Like, it’s 2018, we’ve progressed so far from our primitive days of being a slave to our shoe laces. If you see anyone who’s anyone walking around, their shoes don’t even have laces. Yes that’s right, Velcro is in. So don’t fret about not knowing how to tie your shoes, just use your faults to your advantage. Here’s a life plan for you: get a job, save up some money, go out and buy some hot Velcro shoes from the likes of a avant-garde fashion icons Raf Simons or Maison Margiela, and soon those that once chastised you will be fawning over your shoe game. Why take time out of your precious schedule to learn as inane a task as tying shoes when you could be out there striving for a deeper goal: having really fresh kicks. Who cares if in the meantime you trip and fall a few times on your untied laces? Fashion is pain. Q: I’m going to Vietnam this summer, and someone asked me if I was going with the Chinese class. Can you give us a quick geography lesson on how Vietnam and China are different places? A: This is why I love this column... China’s that big one. Vietnam is that little skinny one. Hope that helped!

Moses Kent ‘19 Staff Cartoonist

Tweet Your J.R.P The Panther

Juniors, give us a tweet wrapping up your J.R.P. experience!

Cory Tolentino

Grace Henn

My socks didn’t come off until 3 a.m.

I’m genuinely confused what my topic is #littlerocknine

Jaden Sakay

Danny Bowers

The J.R.P., which stands for Juniors Rest in Peace, Juniors Rely on Plagiarism, or more commonly referred to as the Junior Research Paper, is a history-focused essay for Prep students which incoprates social justice at the core of the essay. The paper takes place over the span of about two and half months, and is an extremely stressful experience for students as their grade is heavily reliant on this paper.

Emily Baldwin

JRP due date: January 8th. When I wrote it: January 7th. The date I wrote of the heading to make the teacher believe I didnt wait until the last moment: December 28th

Submit questions for Ask Erik at: seapreppanther@seaprep.org Matt Roske

I was up so late working on my JRP that I didn’t have time to drive to Bellevue and get the cheaper McChickens.

Chloe Maximo

Side effects to working on the JRP may include: moderate to severe amnesia, flushing to the face, blurred vision, nausea, itchiness, increased anxiety, etc.

I do my best proofreading after I hit send.

Ryan Dauber

Why do bad grades happen to good people?

I’m only two five-hour energies away from finishing my JRP.

Andrea Shaw

If I spent as much time on my JRP as I did on my twitter, I would’ve finsihed my JRP ages ago.

Betsy Ratliffe

Drowning in my own words with only a semicolon as a lifeboat. #runonsentences #gottagetthat1500wordlimit

Matt Wieck

Oh the JRP? Yeah I did that in Lit Study, I don’t know what all these kids are complaining about.

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