Bid Management Smart Search Marke5ng Begins with smart technology.....
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Scale, performance, and usability. • All your accounts and campaigns running in less than an hour • An intui5ve por7olio and bid management interface • Flexible conversion tracking capabili5es • Advanced repor5ng and SEM analy5cs • Centralized campaign management • Integrated keyword genera5on Keyword Filter Quickly iden5fy keywords of interest and manage them to specific goals. (CPA, ROAS, CPC and Branding Strategies). click here to learn more
About SearchForce, Inc.
SearchForce provides a scalable web‐based PPC technology to effec5vely manage complex global paid search marke5ng campaigns across mul5ple search engines. Through sophis5cated algorithms based on proven financial modeling techniques, SearchForce op5mizes bidding to maximize click‐through traffic, conversion performance, and profits. A privately held company, SearchForce is headquartered in San Mateo and has a sales office in New York City. For more informa5on, visit, email, or call 650‐235‐ 8777.