4 minute read
SALTBURN’S TOWN TALK Letter from the Editor
For many years I have joked that the greatest asset to the magazine is me, while at the same time the greatest danger to the magazine is also me! I have been an asset because of all my hard work, commitment and perseverance but I have known that if ever something happened to me, even if it was a period of laziness or depression or some other incapacity then the magazine would be threatened. This really came home to me last month when I became so ill suddenly that I could hardly function. I managed to get January’s magazine completed but it was late and I didn’t really start feeling better for six weeks! I spoke to many other people who suffered similarly but it wasn’t flu or covid. I have to recognise that the magazine can’t be so dependant upon my health. I have made the decision that it is therefore best for the future of Talk of the Town that I finally hand over to someone else. This month’s magazine completes twenty-one years for me in charge, while last month’s was my personal 250th edition, which passed without any comment from me.
Saltburn Farmers’ Market: we are back on Saturday, 11th February. Look out for us at the Community Theatre Hall! We will pack the hall with great fresh produce and artisan drinks! From sourdough bakery, fresh scones and Spanish pastries to sausages, scotch eggs and cider, you’ll find all your favourite stalls but INSIDE the community hall! 9.30 till 2.30 Saturday 11th February.
Saltburn Community & Arts Association Box Office: we have just recently started to provide a Box Office facility every Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4pm accessible down the path beside the notice board on Albion Terrace. If you are able to do so please continue to buy tickets on line (via our website saltburnarts.co.uk). That will keep you in the warm and dry and help us to make best use of the limited Box Office opening hours which are intended to help those who cannot access that service. If you cannot or are unwilling to use the website for ticket purchases then please come along on Thursday afternoon where you will be made most welcome and be able to buy tickets with cash or card and collect and pay for any tickets you may have reserved.
Random Stitchers of Cleveland: are holding their monthly meeting on 4th February and it will be From Paint to Thread with Lesley Wood. On 4th March 2023 in Sunnyfield House, Guisborough. TS14 6BA at 1.45 for 2pm, our talk is From Four to Eighty-Four by Jean Allsop, one of our members. April’s meeting will be on the 1st, Inspirational Journey with Gina Smith. Admission is £4 for members and £5 for visitors. Visitors are very welcome whether you are new to stitching, have been dabbling for a while or are a regular stitcher. Come along and see for yourselves. For further info please call Gillian on 01642 480344.
Saltburn Studios and Gallery: A big thank you to everyone who visited our Gallery before Christmas and came to our Open Studios, so lovely to see so many friendly faces. We’re looking forward to 2023 being full of creativity and new projects. A Happy and Healthy New Year to you all too. Our Gallery is open weekends 12-4pm.
Although since the financial crisis of 2009 the magazine has been in decline somewhat from its record 68 pages in one edition, it still remains a viable business and I have looked after it well. It has grown considerably since I first took it on in 2002; indeed, I have nurtured it. Shortly after taking over, one of the Saltburn therapists telephoned to congratulate me on having the courage to run the magazine. There have been times when I certainly needed it! The new editor from next month is Garry Stonehouse whom I congratulate on having the courage to take over! Note the new email address below. Love, Ian
Send letters, adverts and contributions for the next issue (by Friday, 17th February 2023) to: The Editor, Talk of the Town, Jackie’s Saverstore, 8 Station Buildings, Saltburn, North Yorkshire, TS12 1AQ. Telephone: 01287 236110 (or email: hello@talkofthetownsaltburn.co.uk).
Ian can still be contacted at the old email address (talkofthetownsaltburn@gmail.com) and the phone number (01287 623903) and can forward any messages to the new editor.
Talk of the Town can be read online at the new website www.talkofthetownsaltburn.co.uk and with other messages on facebook at www.facebook.com/talkofthetownsaltburn.
Saltburn & District Retired Men’s Forum: we meet on Monday mornings in the coffee room in the Methodist Church Hall on Milton Street from 10:00am with tea/coffee and biscuits for a 10:30am start. We begin this month with “The Writing on the Wall” delivered by Peter Southern on 6th February. On 13th February we will be showing a video celebrating the life of Les Jobson who was the driving force behind Billingham Forum and subsequently tour manager for theatre shows such as Hi-Di-Hi. Mike Storr will tickle our fancy with “Master of Mirth” on 20th February. Dan Scoular will come to our aid on 20th February with “Cleveland Mountain Rescue”. A speaker from the Great North Air Ambulance will be looking after us on 27th February. To complete this theme we have a presentation from Chris Harris from the Fire Brigade on 6th March. We are always delighted to welcome prospective new members to come along and join us. For further details please contact Ken Bladen on 01287 205153 (or email kenbladen99@gmail.com).
WI Report: We have had a great start to the new year. Not only have our walking, netball and craft groups picked up with extra enthusiasm but at our monthly meeting we listened to a talk from the Firemen Sam and James, who gave us a demonstration using ‘little Annie’ and a defibrillator explaining how this works and what to do in an emergency. Hopefully we never have to use one but we now know that every emergency should be directed to 999 who will instruct us accordingly. We held a small trip this month to listen to the Classical Cafe at Middlesbrough Town Hall who entertained us with a Viennese afternoon. We rounded off our start the New Year with a lunch in the lovely surroundings of Brockley Hall. It’s good to get together with friends. See also page 17.
Lesley Wilson
Disclaimer: Talk of the Town tries to make sure the articles and announcements made on its pages are accurate, but views expressed in letters and articles printed in Talk of the Town are not necessarily those of the editor. Any offers in adverts included in Talk of the Town are made by the advertisers; details should be confirmed with them. Always confirm event details with the organisers, in case of alteration or error. Talk of theTown is printed by DC (Yorkshire) Print, Mercury House, Grove Lane, Hemsworth WF9 4BB. Website: www.dcprintyorkshire.co.uk Tel: 01977 642331. Proprietor/Editorof Talk of the Town: Garry Stonehouse c/o Jackie’s Saverstore, 8 Station Buildings, Saltburn, North Yorkshire TS12 1AQ. (Garry Stonehouse tel: 01287 236110.)