13 minute read

Saltburn in Bloom

It’s official, we are entering the 2023 Northumbria in Bloom competition. After having had a year out to regroup post Covid, we have agreed to have another go. The last time we were in the competition was in 2019 where we won best coastal resort in the region and a place in Britain in Bloom where we would have been pitted against the best coastal resorts in England. As we all know, though, that didn’t happen, instead we had to stay indoors, keep our distances, take one hour’s exercise in the fresh air, if allowed, no gatherings, no parties, no being political.

We will be thinking very carefully about how we run and manage our campaign this year. We are all getting older and the sheer volume of venues we used to take the judges to visit on their tour of our lovely town, is no longer sustainable. We are going to go for that old adage “less is more” and show them the very best of the best we have on offer. For this we are going to need some help. A few new members of the gardening team would be hugely welcomed. With gardening more hands really do make for lighter work and we can be contacted on facebook or saltburn.in.bloom@gmail.com.


Entering Northumbria in Bloom is always a joint effort. It’s by no means just Saltburn in Bloom, it’s other groups as well who garden and keep Saltburn tidy and beautiful. In the old days the competition was very much about floral displays such as could be found tended by council parks departments. This hasn’t been the case for many years now and, although there’s no getting away from the fact that horticulture is paramount, fast on the heels come the involvement of our many community groups in town and, how sustainable we are making our activities. Of course we know there are many groups caring for Saltburn in many ways but, if you are aware of a group, or an individual for that matter, doing marvellous things where you think some recognition would go a long way, let us know as it would be great to involve new faces in our joint efforts.

Scouts, toddler groups, schools, allotments, streets who keep their green spaces clean, residents proud of their front gardens, conservation projects, clubs, pubs, stations, litter pickers, our councils, beach watchers, community venues, (those I’ve forgotten) you are all important. We are really dipping our toes in the water again, in preparation for possibly big, multifaceted celebrations in 2025 when our railway has a significant birthday. We will be judged twice, in spring and summer (only Northumbria has judging in spring but it’s a more informal way for judges to see what we have planned for them in the summer and it gives us a trial run).

So.... don’t hesitate, don’t think twice, get in touch with any ideas you might have, people you know, groups who you see make a difference and let’s work on what, together we can do to make Saltburn even more special this year.


Suzy Graham-Adriani

Do you want help with

• Public Speaking?

• Auditions?

• Scriptwriting?

Then visit me at sgadriani200@gmail.com

A bespoke service where I can come to you or you can come to me.

Still searching….

We are a retired couple, currently temporarily renting, who have moved to Saltburn to be closer to family. We have now sold our home and are looking for a 3-bedroom bungalow /house in the town with a south/sw/se facing rear garden.

If you’ve been thinking about moving and think that your property might fit the bill, how about giving us cash buyers a ring (or by sending us an email on thosepipers@yahoo.co.uk)? Thank you.

Jim and Doris Piper Mob: 07860 361258 /07882 210055

Contacting Your Councillors

Cllr. Craig Hannaway 07561 467168 craig.hannaway@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk

Cllr. Stuart Smith 07557 540628 stuart.smith@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk

Surgery held outside Sainsbury’s every 3rd Saturday morning

Cllr. Philip Thomson 07747 044858 philip.thomson@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk

Happiness and Imagination

Ikigia is a Japanese concept that might literally translate as a reason for being. The cross section of what you love, what the world needs, what you can be paid for and that which you are good at. It’s felt in the flow state, where focus meets the creative in a form of mediation.

All that is possible is possible because I can imagine it. Sometimes it feels to me that I’m only limited by what I can dream. I think I know my Ikigai, or can I have two? I love how I can flow when I travel and I feel alive when I work as a therapist. Yet perhaps my biggest struggle is that I can’t work out where I want to go.

Achievement I heard it said is motivation meeting opportunity. I’ve been waiting for years for opportunity to land at my door. I keep working and offering myself freely. But it feels like it’s not for someone else to give me but for myself to move towards. Yet if I can’t picture it clearly enough I don’t know where to go.

I remember many years ago when I had a fresh new philosophy degree I felt more lost than ever, unwilling to be a professor and without the necessary attributes and no knowledge of what on earth I wanted to do. I had travelled and had always thought if I travelled long enough what I really wanted to do would jump out at me. Yet it never did. So I decided to change that waiting mentality and recognise that around me was three hundred and sixty degrees of opportunity. I knew the direction I didn’t want to go in. So I turned away from that and decided that all I needed to do was walk the other way, towards what felt fun. I always imagined I was starting on a wide path and in time it would thin down until I found my specialist place. So I started walking, training, getting experience. I’ve specialised somewhat yet I still can’t see where I’m going. And if I’m honest I feel unfulfilled because of it.

Of course one way of alleviating that is to pull back on what I hope for from life. Yet I want to be honest with myself and not pretend my passion doesn’t exist.

It’s not the same with all areas of my life. When I travel I can picture how to stretch myself and almost always achieve my aim. Overland from Bolivia to Canada, From Nepal to the south of India, the whole coast of Great Britain and round the world. I think it and one day months later it’s done.

However, in work I can’t picture it in the same way. I crave the vision and the opportunity and in the meantime I settle. I have regular clients and I run groups (incidentally the next few months on the first Saturday, Earthbeat 1pm, a chance to move and relax into yourself). I love these groups, yet mostly they are within my comfort zone. I feel that smallness of my reach matching the near-sightedness of my gaze.

I often feel like a racehorse that encloses itself, ready and willing to run like the wind. Yet the best I manage is a gallop and then ease back to a walk and then to my stable again.

Time ticks by, one sun rises and one falls. My skin looks older but myeyes remain the same.

In time I will die and fade away. In a few generations my memory will be but another wave that once hit the shore and sank into the sand.

Yet I’m conscious of my existence as an intelligent animal. My body feels full of offerings, gifts I have yet to give. I feel I know my Ikigai but I don’t know where to fulfil it. The journey for all of us is the same, to picture what we want and then to be on our way.

Reflect and flow, New Group on February 4th, 1-4 pm Earthbeat. Or counselling / psychotherapy one-to-one. CONTACT: Kendal 07944 883961.

How to be supplement savvy

Nutrition supplements can be a great addition to your diet, but it’s important to choose the right ones for your individual needs. So let’s go over some tips to help you make informed decisions about which supplements to add to your daily routine, and how to choose ones of the highest quality.

First, it’s important to understand that supplements are not a replacement for a healthy diet, remember, you can’t out -supplement a poor diet. They are designed to be used in addition to a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and lean proteins. If you’re not eating a balanced diet, it’s unlikely that any supplement will make up for that.

That being said, there are certain groups of people who may benefit from taking certain supplements. For example, vegetarians and vegans may need to take a supplement that contains B12 which is mainly found in animal products. Similarly, this group may also need to supplement with a vegan source of vitamin D3, such as lichen.

Another important factor to consider is your age. As your body gets older, its ability to absorb certain nutrients decreases, so you may need to take a supplement to ensure you’re getting enough of those nutrients. For example, older adults may benefit from taking a vitamin D supplement. However, it is recommended that all adults in the UK supplement with at least 10mcg of vitamin D.

When choosing a supplement, it’s important to look for a reputable brand. The market is saturated with longstanding market leaders as well as new disruptors. The competition is fierce and attractive marketing doesn’t necessarily mean a high quality product. You should also check the label to make sure that the supplement contains the ingredients or ingredients that you’re looking for, and that it’s free of any contaminants or harmful ingredients.

It’s also a good idea to talk to your doctor or dietitian before taking any new supplement. They will be able to give you personalised advice based on your medical history and dietary needs. Dosage and usage instructions are also important, for example, taking iron supplements alongside caffeine will hinder absorption.

Another final point to consider is that reviews of supplements should be taken with a pinch of salt. What works for one person might not work for another. Factors such as bioavailability, absorption, metabolism and drugnutrient interactions all need to be considered which is why gaining professional advice is usually recommended.

In summary, supplements are simply supplementary. They can support the body to function at its best and help you to feel energised. However, it is crucial that you seek out professional advice prior to embarking on a new regime as they can be an expensive mistake to make. Always remember to keep in mind your age, lifestyle and other factors that might impact how a supplement works in your body.

If you enjoyed this article and are interested in more health and nutrition advice, head over to my social platforms. Instagram - @truenorth_nutrition, Facebook - True North Nutrition.

I am a registered Nutritionist and Dietitian in training helping people to find diet, exercise and lifestyle strategies that support optimal health and wellness.


Thank you to everyone who braved the cold wet weather to join us in January for our first beach clean of 2023. We will continue to hold our monthly beach cleans throughout the year, hopefully the weather will improve.

We meet on the first Saturday of each month between 11am and 12am at the Victorian Shelter on the lower promenade. Buckets, pickers and gloves are available; however, feel free to bring your own.

We will be meeting on the following dates: February 4th, March 4th, April 1st, May 6th, June 3rd, July 1st, August 5th, September 2nd, October 7th, November 4th and December 2nd.

f you are able to join us on any of these dates, we would love to see you.

Further updates can also be found on Facebook (Keeping It Clean At Saltburn) and Instagram (kicasaltburn).

Many thanks for your ongoing support, KICAS.

Saltburn Charity Crafters

In January we had a short break but the group will meet again on 1st February 2023, and then the first Wednesday of the month, in the Coffee Room, Community Arts Centre, from 1.30 – 3.30. Please join us for a hot drink and friendly chat.

For any details please contact Chris on 01287 204170. Thanks again to everyone who has supported us in 2022 and we look forward to 2023.

Saltburn Miniature Railway

We have seen more investment into Saltburn’s premier attraction. We are continuing to update/replace the old track with new rail of thicker and longer sections. The rail is measured in lbs/yard (if you are metric then you will have to convert it), the old rail is 28 lbs/yard and in 16ft lengths whereas the new is 35 lbs/yard. and 40ft long. This will give a better quality of ride and adhesion for the locomotive as it uphills all the way from Cat Nab to Forest Halt.

Saltburn 500 Club

Congratulations go to the following winners in the January 500 Club draw: J Westgarth (£100), G Shafto (£50), L Alcock (£25) and J Gallilee (£15).

The membership of the 500 Club is gradually growing and we currently have 430 paid-up members. With your help, we would like to get this number back to 500 so please consider joining us, or, if you are already a member, try talking your neighbour into joining. The membership subscription cost remains at £12 per annum and application forms can be obtained from Saltburn library or Jackie’s Saverstore. Alternatively, you can contact Philip Walton, Membership Secretary, (on phil.saltburn500club@gmail.com). We are currently looking at bringing the 500 Club into the 21st Century by introducing digital membership application within the next few months. Phil Walton is stepping down from his position of Membership Secretary at the next AGM and we are in desperate need of a volunteer to pick up the reins. Phil has been Membership Secretary for approximately 30 years and has produced a procedure document for his successor to use as a guideline. If you are able to take on this role, please get in touch with any committee member and let us know.

Saltburn Christmas lights have now been stored away until November and I would like to thank all volunteers who gave their time to help with the lights - both bringing them out and storing them away. As age catches up with me, I’m finding that those boxes of lights are getting heavier and so my delegation skills are coming to the fore! Please let me know if you would like to help with the 2023 lights and join my merry group of volunteers.

On the subject of volunteers, we can always use more volunteers at the summer bandstand performances. The schedule for this year’s performances has been submitted to the bands and we are awaiting replies to see if all dates can be confirmed. We are hoping to have the schedule published, in the near future, for the performances beginning in May.

Saltburn 500 Club are currently supporting an effort to introduce a vintage vehicle show into the town and more details of this will be in my March article.

Hope you are all managing to keep warm in these winter months, after all spring is just around the corner.

Trevor Welburn Chairman, Saltburn 500 Club/Friends of Saltburn trevor.welburn@btinternet.com

G . Bishop - Decorator

Saltburn Photographic Society

Our February programme comprises:

February 1st. The Results of our Ladies Competition;

February 8th. The results of the Jarvis and Lynn competitions for sets of prints in Colour and Monochrome;

February 15th. A chance to see the Prints and digital images that were entered into the North Yorks and South Durham Inter Club Competition last year;

February 22nd. A change to the previously published programme. We will be showing the Portfolio images from the Northern Counties Photographic Federation 2022 and the Images from the NCPF International Salon from last year.

All meetings are held at the Methodist Church Hall, Milton Street, Saltburn. Tea and coffee is available from 7pm to allow for some socialising prior to the meeting starting at 7.30pm. Guests are always welcome.

For more information, visit our website www.saltburnphotographicsociety.co.uk, follow us on Facebook or contact Phil Dove on 07976 634252.

Three sessions on Tuesdays at 3.30, 5.30 or 7.00pm at Emmanuel Church Hall

And Saturdays three sessions at Earthbeat Centre. 7.30, 9 and 10.30am. No booking required.

Please contact Stevie 07740 725210. A warm welcome is waiting

Saltburn Women’s Institute

Inspiring Women

When I mention to people that I am a member of the s Institute, people quite often assume I can bake, make jam, arrange flowers and throw a pot when t! That’s not to say I’m not

However, when questioned, our members say friendship and camaraderie are the main reasons for joining and staying with this long-standing organisation. Sometimes ladies have just moved into the area or find themselves alone and are looking for something new to

The meetings and groups simply provide the minded folk. The WI is not a secret society that you will need special skills to be a s something you can pick up when you need

Here in Saltburn we offer lots of opportunities to meet and learn from others. Our monthly meeting at Emmanuel Church Hall is when we gather to listen to a speaker, enjoy a cuppa and hear about future activities. Our guest speakers are quite often local people who have knowledge they can share varying from local history to charitable organisations. As part of the wider WI Federation, we can take part in lots of activities with other members elsewhere in Teesside, such as walks, visits to places of interest and treasure hunts. Transport is rarely a problem as we all go together if we can.

But our activities here in Saltburn aren’t just once a month: we have a very successful book club which meets in The Marine on the third Thursday of the month. A brief discussion about the book is shortly followed with a bar meal and a chat. We also have a supper club (or sometimes a lunch club) where we try different pubs and restaurants, again a chance to go out together.

Walking groups provide that little bit more exercise and a chance to see our lovely surroundings both in the country and by the sea. These walks are not too long but enough to get you panting for the coffee that will no doubt follow! Our craft group meets monthly, this is the chance to develop or learn new skills with lots of laughs thrown t have to be an expert, but we hope you will

This is just a snapshot of what we do, if you want to try before you join then your first three meetings are free, s for you, but it’s also a chance for you try some of the activities I’ve mentioned and get to know us. As soon as you walk through the door there will be a warm welcome, so you don’t have that feeling of walking into a busy room alone.

The good thing about the WI is that you may come alone but will leave with new friends. If you want more information please get in touch with Diane, our secretary at saltburnbytheseawi@gmail.com who will be happy to help, or come along to the Emmanuel Church Hall on the second Friday of every month at 7pm.

Lesley Wilson

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