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Saltburn Miniature Railway

All aboard for a new season!

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Railway dog Robbie waits for the first train of the season

How time flies (or in our case, rumbles by). Yes, it’s almost time for Saltburn Miniature Railway to open for the2023season!

Throughout the closed season, the volunteers have again been hard at work servicing and painting the locos, replacing old sleepers, laying brand new track, painting the ticket office and preparing the lawns and flowerbeds. Other upgrades and improvements are planned for the railwayinthefuture,sowatchthisspace!

Our drivers, guards and ticket office staff are looking forward to welcoming residents and visitors alike at Easter for what we hope will be another busy summer season in our beautiful town by the sea. Talking of volunteers, please give a warm welcome and wave to our new trainee fireman and fitter, Harry, who is being mentored by Bob. Yes, just like police officers and politicians, even the volunteers are looking younger these days-whichbodeswellforthefutureoftherailway.

As always, any prospective volunteers out there who would like to help us keep the railway running will be made most welcome in the ‘shed’ on Wednesday or Sunday mornings. We are a very friendly group and will be glad of any assistance you can offer. Bring a warm drink and have a chat with us – we won’t bite, and even Robbietherailwaydogwillbegladofanewface.

In conclusion, may we thank you all for your continued support of one of Redcar and Cleveland’s premier visitor attractions. Here’s to another successful seasondownattherailway!

Saltburn Miniature Railway.

Photo ID: What will voters need to present at polling stations on 4th May 2023?

Voting in elections is about to become more challenging

Building and Decorating

olderperson’sbuspassisallowed,whilestudentIDcards arenot.

Details can be checked on electoralcommission.org.uk (This is an independent body which oversees elections and regulates political finance in the UK: “We work to promote public confidence in the democratic process and ensureitsintegrity.”)

Polling station staff will judge whether the photo being presented is sufficiently like the person submitting it. Those who are unsure if their photo ID still looks like them and anyone else who doesn’t possess one of the acceptable ID examples can apply to the LocalAuthority for a free Voter Authority Certificate. The deadline for thistovoteon4thMaywillbe5pmon25thApril.

To apply for the Voter Authority Certificate, it is essential to have registered to vote with the Local Authority by midnight on 17th April. Most people will have done this automatically last year. The Electoral Commission offers a helpline to answer general queries: 08003280280.

The Government says it has introduced photo ID for people voting at polling stations to combat fraud. In elections in 2019, the Electoral Commission reports that 58 million votes were cast, 4 people were convicted of fraud and 2 people were given a police caution. Most reported cases were about campaigning offences, such as not including details about the printer, promoter or publisheroncandidates’electionmaterial.

TheGovernmenthasrunphotoIDpilotsinsomeareas in recent years. Considering the 2018 trials, the Cabinet Office estimated that a national roll out of the photo ID model would cost £5.9 million to £17.9 million per General Election for costs of additional staff, training and facilities,and producinglocalelectorcards.

A consequence less commented on is the changing relationship of the polling station staff and the voters. People once primarily employed to help and guide will now be judges of photographic likeness. Some arresting conversationscouldensue!

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