Door-to-door delivery to 99% of homes in the following areas: Porthcawl, South Cornelly, North Cornelly, Kenfig, Maudlam, Pyle, Kenfig Hill, CefnCribwr, Penyfai & Laleston.
And now available to pick up from selected outlets in the following towns: Broadlands, Whiterock, Bryntirion, Cefn Glas, Litchard, Coity, Brackla, Ewenny, St Brides Major, Southerndown & Ogmore by Sea.
Available to pick up from the following places:
Porthcawl Library, Nottage Stores, Rest Bay Cafe Bar, Beale’s Fish & Chips, Bargain Booze Newton, Grove Golf Club, Kenfig Nature Reserve, Pyle Garden Centre, The Great House Laleston, One Stop Bryntirion, Phil’s Cafe Bridgend Industrial Estate, Pendre Post Office/ Newsagents, Cefn Glas Fish Bar, Nat West Bank Bridgend, POW Hospital Bridgend, Halo Bridgend, Coity Post Office.
There is a 200 word limit on all FREE articles. We only accept articles sent via email. Please remember to TITLE your article and include your name and town you live in. Please send any images as attachments.
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Seaside News® is published by Seaside Publications Ltd. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we can accept no liability whatsoever for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, or for any matter in any way arising out of the publication of the magazine or any of the website content. The views expressed in the Seaside News® and on the website are not necessarily the views of the publisher. No part of the magazine or website may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Any breach of copyright will be taken extremely seriously. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any article, advert or website listing without reason. Copyright © Seaside News® 1998-2023 VAT Registration No: 879 7077 54 | Seaside Publications Ltd is registered in Wales, company number 09413904.
Dear Editor,
At the end of March this year, myself and 16 others spent six days snowshoeing 60 miles across the Swedish Arctic in aid of Velindre Cancer Centre. This was an unsupported challenge and we experienced temperatures as low as -35°C and endured two and a half days of walking through a snow white-out with a wind chill factor of -50°C.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who sponsored and supported me throughout this mammoth adventure - I will be eternally grateful to you for helping me raise £2000 for this wonderful charity.
I would also like to thank several local businesses for their kindness, support and encouragement: Harris Printers, Gordon Watt Scaffolding, Nolan Recycling, Woodcraft, Parkdean Resorts, Hi Tide, Soapy’s, Pyle and Kenfig Golf Club and last, but not least, Roger Bridge of Driven Taxis who kindly donated his time to transport us to and from Heathrow airport at a ridiculous time in the morning. All of you are my heroes!
There is going to be a charity gig night in aid of Velindre on Saturday 17th June at The Picton, New Road, Porthcawl. Six local bands: Prognosis, The Guzzards, Eldorado Fins, CAB, Interstellar Boy and E Type have kindly donated their time to help raise money for this special cause. For more details of the event and if you want to make a donation contact Mair at m.owen8@sky.com
Once again, a massive thank you to you all. Your kindness and generosity will go a long way to maintain projects which improve the experiences and outcomes of those reliant on Velindre Cancer Centre.
Barney, Porthcawl
Dear Editor,
Have the remaining banks in Porthcawl gone mad? They say “Go to a near bank in Bridgend it’s only 25 minutes on the bus.” Yes, but to get a bus and then walk from Bridgend bus station to the bank, that may be very busy if people take the banks advice, and return it is more like hours.
This town is known for having many elderly folk so walking aids make things difficult and mobility scooters impossible on bus travel. If one has to go to Port Talbot it would be many hours. Did the banks take the Covid pandemic into account when they quote the low level of visits into the banks? It is hard to believe that a town the size of Porthcawl cannot sustain at least one branch.
If we are ‘forced’ to go internet banking the only people to gain will be the fraudsters/scammers.
Dear Editor,
The members of the Lodge of Sker, a Porthcawl Masonic Lodge, recently held a ceremony at the Masonic Hall, New Road, Porthcawl, where they presented cheques for £750.00 to each of 4 local charities. These were: Ty Elis Counselling Service; Porthcawl Coast Watch Station; Porthcawl R.N.L.I Station; Marie Curie fundraising team. The members of the Lodge of Sker are proud to continue supporting local charities. The photograph shows the representatives of the charities with their cheques, and the representatives of the Lodge.
Fill each cell of the grid so that each row, each column, and each 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9 exactly once. No guessing is required – only simple logic is needed.
Hint: Words can be found horizontally, vertically, diagonally and also backwards.
When Monty Roberts was thirteen years old he went off alone into the deserts of Nevada to watch mustangs in the wild. What he learned about their methods of communication changed his life forever.
His horse whisperer powers may seem like magic, but his amazing “horse sense” is based on a lifetime of experience and a deep love and understanding of horses. He can take a wild, high-strung horse who has never been handled before and persuade that horse to accept a bridle, saddle, and rider in thirty minutes.
In this remarkable worldwide bestseller, Roberts shares his unforgettable personal story and his exceptional insight into the silent language of horses and nonverbal communication: an understanding that applies to human relationships as well. He shows that between parent and child, employee and employer, abuser and abused, there are forms of communication far stronger than the spoken word that are accessible to all who will learn to listen.
David Baldacci
Kate Morton
Wilbur Smith and Tom Harper
Veronica Henry
Anne Perry
Edward Marston
Margaret Dickinson
Heidi Swain
Julia Chapman
Dennis Lehane
Sheila O’Flanagan
Christine Feehan
Paige Toon
Tim Marshall
Susan Saunders
Guenther Steiner
Melanie Sykes
Simon Akeroyd
Facebook: PorthcawlLibrary | PyleLibrary
Porthcawl Library Tel: 01656 754845 | 01656 754850
Email: porthcawl.library@awen-wales.com pyle.library@awen-wales.com
We never wanted
This day to come
As with you here
Life was such fun
But your health did fail
And times were tough
Your pain was real
Your life became rough
But we all look back
On so many years
Filled with laughter
And never tears
You built our homes
With cement and a trowel
And your builders tea
My gosh it looked foul
Custard slices
Biscuits galore
Sugary doughnuts
How many more?
You gave me putty
While I watched you in awe
Who needed playdoh
To fix glass in a door
Our memories are precious
With our mum by your side
Today our pain
We cannot hide
We will love you forever, dad
And look after our mum
I made you a promise
As your job here is done.
Susan Burns, Porthcawl
No matter how you’re feeling, or how bad your life seems to be, Remember to take just one step at a time, tackle one problem, not two or three. Sometimes talking can help solve a problem,
someone there with a listening ear, To offload will lighten the pressure, until the pathway begins to clear.
If you find you’re becoming desperate, and you don’t know what else to do, Just look to the heavens for your Angel, They will swoop down and rescue you.
Marilyn Cook, BridgendHave you been on Tower Bridge
On marathon day in London?
Swollen with supporters
With their worn out shoes
In their eyes, you see the pride
Casts a spell that can’t be broken
Images of London
To chase away the blues.
So, how can you tell me you’re lonely?
And say for you that the sun don’t shine?
Let me take you by the hand
And lead you through the streets of London
Show you something to make you change your mind
Have you seen Mo Farrah
Who runs the streets of London?
Our finest athlete
As the race unfolds
He’s no time for gloating
He just keeps on floating
Carrying his hopes
In two magic golds
So, how can you tell me you’re lonely?
And say for you that the sun don’t shine?
Let me take you by the hand
And lead you through the streets of London
I’ll show you something to make you change your mind
Post race celebrations
At a quarter past eleven
Happy weekend warrior
Through experience grown
Looking at the world
With a multicultural lens
Pics that last a lifetime
No one wanders home alone
So, how can you tell me you’re lonely?
Don’t say for you that the sun don’t shine
Let me take you by the hand
And lead you through the streets of London
Show you something to make you change your mind
Have you seen the happy face
Victorious in mission?
Radiantly shine
Like bright medal that she wears
In our summer city
Hearts dancing to the ditty
As love makes charity’s heroes
And a world that really cares
So, how can you tell me you’re lonely?
And say for you that the sun don’t shine?
Let me take you by the hand
And lead you through the streets of London
Show you something to make you change your mind
Wilfy Edwards, Porthcawl
Vast, cheering crowds line the dampened streets, A Nations flags wave freely overhead. Synchronized and under orders, troops begin to move, Marking time, thousands of heavy boots start to tread.
Urged on by Drum-horse and colourful Guards band.
Men, women and horses marching to the beating of the drum, Golden coach and Royal Couple safely flanked And rank-by-rank, the Colours steadfastly come.
The great Abbey and the congregation wait, As tones from choristers and heralds set the scene.
For a deeply religious ceremony steeped in tradition,
The Crowning of our King and his Queen. To receive the Holy Bible with a kiss, The Orb, the Sceptre, the Glove and the Ring.
To be anointed with Holy Oil and the ‘Promise to Serve’, And be crowned King Charles III, God Save the King.
Catherine Millard Payne, BridgendI love to see reflections, On water oh so clear. Those lakeside colours doubled, Fill me with such cheer.
As I walk down my hallway, What do I see?
That face that the mirror Reflects back at me.
All those bygone years Wrapped in my memory.
I smile, hold my thumb up That face winks back at me.
Judy Dee, Porthcawl
Under the waves a vision comes to sight
A maiden crowned with Jewells shiny and bright
Though it’s my fantasy but can captivate you too
Because thought of her siren eyes can mesmerise is true
A creature with skin of gold and glistening hue, With mystic charm and beauty that pursue
Around her neck are pearls and corals so delicate
That fills every heart with pure etiquette A lovely fantasy not everybody can find
A myth that still captivates the human mind
A wondrous tale of magic, lovely mermaid in flash
All other beauties in front of her like Trash
Although she captivates with her illusion, She’s but a dream a fleeting exclusion Do not let your heart a bit swept away Inspite she tempts with all her beauty on display.
Dr Nadeem Iqbal Bridgend
So I got a tearful phone call
Saying Auntie Paula’s life was in danger
Blue lights speeding to the hospital
The surgery was going to be major Little legs and the biggest heart
We all despaired, she didn’t deserve such pain
But her heart needed repairing
So away the surgeons took her to be opened up again
We cried and prayed
Counting the hours the surgery took The most intense 14 hours passed by None of us were ready to say goodbye On life support she fought with courage
We waited for her to come around Uncle Boyd held her hand and asked if she could hear him
To which she squeezed his hand
The love from her family helped her fight Now she’s getting better and everybody wants a cwtch
Still delicate but time will heal
Because we all love her so very much. Tuesday Turner, Brackla Bridgend
extensive knowledge of the airport and its history, and has given me permission to include photographs of the Fairflight Tudors, as indeed has Robert Belcher, another local enthusiast who was happy to share his knowledge of the site in order to provide essential background information for the film. Without the willing help and support from people like Peter and Robert, and many others who have given invaluable information and assistance, it would be impossible for this film to be made.
Anthony Hontoir
07510 934299
Our close relationship with organisations in the town continue, with us recently singing at Porthcawl Rugby Club’s sponsors day. We started off proceedings before special guests Lee Byrne and Tom Prydie spoke. Also in attendance was local MS and Choir Vice President, Sarah Murphy, a great supporter of the choir. Despite the inclement weather and an unfortunate Porthcawl loss, to top of the table Builth Wells, a great day was had.
Sadly, the weather also affected us at the Picnic in the Park for the Coronation Day celebrations. The choir was very disappointed that the event had to be cancelled.
The good news is that is that we will be performing at both the Newton Fayre and the Newton Fest this year, and we’re holding a joint concert with the Onllwyn Male Choir in July. Look out for further details of these on Porthcawl First or our Facebook pages.
Next on the itinerary is our tour to Llandudno. Two coachloads of choristers wives, partners and friends will be visiting the coastal town and performing at a joint charity concert at the town’s St. Johns Church.
Whilst the choir is thriving, we’re always on the lookout for new singers. If any of you men out there would like a good time with a great bunch of people, contact us: contact@pothcawlmalechoir.co.uk
Ian Williams 07927 219544One of the few remaining scenes for my Llandow Air Disaster documentary film was shot during April and entailed making a trip to Blackbushe Airport in Hampshire. Its significance, as far as the film is concerned, is the fact that Blackbushe, originally a wartime RAF base, later became a busy civil airport and served as a home for the two Avro Tudor aircraft belonging to Air Vice Marshal Don Bennett’s Fairflight Ltd, one of which crashed at Llandow in March 1950. I needed to take a few shots to give some basic coverage of the airport.
A grateful thanks must also go to Peter Brown, who has an
We recently held our annual Club Competition 3, expertly judged by Gareth Martin from Aberavon. The winner of the Print section was Richard Craze and the winner of the Digital section was Geoffrey Baker. Congratulations Both.
We’re a friendly camera club with a mix of male and female members and welcome new members of all ages and skill levels.
It’s all very informal so if you have an interest in photography why not come along and join us.
We meet at St Clare’s School, Newton, CF36 5NR on Thursday evenings at 7pm. www.pyle-and-porthcawl-photographic-society.co.uk
As most of us are only too eager to raise money for a good cause, be it a cycle ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats, or run a marathon, it’s money that most charities badly need. Local musician, Porthcawl’s Phil (Barney) Jones, took it one step further – if you’ll pardon the pun – by completing the Artic Challenge recently along with a few colleagues and the odd polar bear for company. I’m glad to say Barney completed the gruelling task and lived to tell the tale. He and his band Cab along with a few other acts including Prognosis, Interstella Boy and E Type will perform at the General Picton on Saturday 17th June. Contact the venue for advance tickets, and all proceeds from Barney’s walk and his band night will go to Velindre Cancer Centre. Sounds a great gig and you might even get a chance for a selfie with yours truly.
I was informed that there is a regular jam night in Kenfig Hill’s Royal Oak so check the venue for details; I think it’s on Thursday evenings. It’s also good to see Kenfig Hill’s finest, Last Chance Heroes, back together gigging. Check them out!
Stag Marks
07549 728356
On Saturday, 22nd April, the choir was in fine voice for its springtime concert at All Saints’ Church, Porthcawl. The concert got off to a suitably rousing start with Handel’s Zadok the Priest in honour of the coronation, followed by a varied programme of choral pieces, including Sous-Bois by Lili Boulanger, Geistliches Lied by Brahms, and Tydi a Roddaist, a setting of an Easter-themed hymn by T Rowland Hughes, with arguably the finest ‘Amen’ to be found in Welsh music!
The second half of the programme was given to Gabriel Fauré - his Cantique de Jean Racine, and the inspiring Requiem.
The choir was joined by soloists Sarah Jane Griffiths (soprano) and Simon Pratt (baritone), accompanied on organ and piano by Anita Datta, and very ably and warmly con-ducted by the choir’s musical director, Ben Pinnow. It was an evening full of musical delight and challenge, spanning the Welsh, French, Latin and German languages.
Côr Bro Ogwr is always eager to recruit new singers - all voices, all ages, and no auditions. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, 7.00 - 9.00 pm in Tabernacle Church, Derwent Rd, Bridgend. We are particularly keen to expand the choir for our next concert on 22nd July when we will be performing Haydn’s Creation. Why not join us for this masterpiece of choral music!
Contact: Jan Bolland, Secretary 07972 245089/ jandavid@live.co.uk
Did you know that in May of next year we’re looking at taking on the National 3 Peaks Challenge. This means we’re going to be walking up Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowden all in 24 hours. If you feel up for the challenge, please do get in touch. We’ll be putting it live on the website very soon so please do keep looking on our social media platforms for more information.
For those of you who don’t know, we help families of those who are going through treatment for cancer. We help with the bills that arrive on the door mat every month regardless of what the occupants are going through. Bills like gas, electric, water etc. So, if your family is affected or you know someone is affected you know what to do, get in touch with us. We offer families total discretion and privacy.
It’s really important for those who need the help to come forward, your case will be treated with the upmost discretion. We understand how upsetting it can be to even admit you need help but please this is why we’re here. This is why we do all the fundraising to help those who need it the most. Have a great Spring.
Nicky, Emma & Cath TrusteesNuts are highly nutritious and low in carbs. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and powerful plant compounds that can benefit your health in several ways. Adding more nuts to your low carb meal plan can enhance your heart health, promote weight management, and keep your blood sugar levels in check. Plus, they’re delicious, versatile ingredients that make a great addition to almost any meal or snack. Pecans, Macadamias, Brazil, Walnuts, Hazel, Pine, Peanuts and Almonds all have beneficial qualities. Walnuts are not only low in carbs but also loaded with nutrients, including B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, and fiber. Brazil nuts are large, low carb nuts that are loaded with important nutrients. They’re also one of the best natural sources of selenium available, in fact, just one Brazil nut delivers over 100% of the
recommended Daily Value. Macadamia nuts are an excellent source of B vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, and manganese. Pecans are loaded with an array of important nutrients like thiamine, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Hazelnuts are rich in heart-healthy fats, fiber, vitamin E, manganese, and vitamin K. Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium, riboflavin, copper, phosphorus, and manganese. Information taken from www.healthline.com
Supplied by Glyn Hardwicke
When was the last time you said those words? Today last week can’t remember? When did someone say thanks to you? Do you think that giving and receiving of thanks has declined or do you just not notice it? Where do you think kindness and thank you comes from? As usual the answer is you!
How to start? Maybe when you are driving try letting another car out of the junction, that usually cheers the other driver up and in turn they are likely to be considerate as their journey continues.
When you receive a supermarket coupon for a popular item that you don’t use place it on the store shelf for someone else to make use of.
Are there regular drivers bringing goods or services to your home? Maybe a snack, drink, biscuit, even a smile would be welcome as we all know what it is like to have a busy day or one when things don’t go according to plan. Say good day to someone as you pass them when walking. All of these are at little or no cost and yet they will improve someone else’s day. Who knows if enough of us do these acts of kindness one day it will be your turn to say thank you.
Margaret BrownFrog Pond Wood, one of Bridgend County Borough’s lesserknown areas of natural beauty, has recently benefitted from a range of new improvements and is well worth a visit.
Located at Village Farm Industrial Estate in Pyle, the nature reserve recently expanded in size after incorporating adjacent plots of council-owned land. Designed to support existing wildlife, the newly expanded site now includes a mixed woodland environment to help strengthen the reserve’s levels of ecological resilience.
Thanks to a partnership between the council, Glamorgan Hedgehog Rescue and the Cwm Taf Nature Network, Frog Pond Wood has also become a haven where hedgehogs that have recovered from sickness and injury can be released back into the wild.
The rescue service has already treated more than 200 hedgehogs, and has released them once they have been assessed as being fit, healthy and free of disease. The nature network is also working closely with local nursery Little Acorns to develop new educational facilities at the reserve such as an interactive early years trail that can help to teach children about nature and the local environment. These new improvements are really helping to develop Frog Pond Wood as a community facility, and I hope that its popularity will continue to grow.
COUNCILLOR JANE GEBBIE Deputy Leader Bridgend County Borough Council01656 643643
Steven Bletsoe said: “Bridgend Town Council are pleased to have instigated this scheme and are delighted with the positive response to date. I thank everyone who has assisted; Chaplain Mavis, The Civic Trust and History Society for their invaluable guidance, Clwb Alawon and the BCBC Planning and Conservation Officers.”
Following the ceremony, guests enjoyed light refreshments at Carnegie House and music from Clwb Alawon who played a selection of John Thomas’s compositions and arrangements.
Photo: His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, The Mayor of Bridgend Town, Chair of the Regeneration Committee, Mayor’s Chaplain and Bridgend Town Council Councillors.
Deadline date for the July issue is:
On Wednesday 19th April, The Mayor of Bridgend Town Council, Councillor Tim Wood welcomed His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant and distinguished guests to an unveiling of a plaque to celebrate the life of John Thomas, Harpist to Queen Victoria.
Born on St David’s Day 1826 in Elder Street, Bridgend, John Thomas won several eisteddfodau and was invited to London to play by the president of the Eisteddfod when aged only 12. In 1861 he was given the title Pencerdd Gwalia, Chief Musician of Wales and published a collection of traditional Welsh tunes which are still performed regularly today. He was appointed harpist to Queen Victoria and Edward VII in 1871. The Chair of the Regeneration Committee, Councillor
Porthcawl RNLI volunteer Amy and her husband, Bleddyn recently returned to Porthcawl after an epic adventure to Everest Base Camp.
Amy said, ‘this was the toughest but best adventure. We totally fell in love with the Himalayas along the way.
‘As well as Everest Base Camp (5,364m), we also successfully ascended Gokyo Ri (5,360m), Cho La Pass (5,420m), and Kala Pattar (5,545m). We had a lot of snow along the way and -17°C temperatures!’
With last-minute nerves kicking in before the couple left, they decided a fundraiser for Porthcawl RNLI would help give them some extra motivation.
Amy joined Porthcawl RNLI in September 2022 and is currently nearing completion of her shore crew training. Since returning from Everest, Bleddyn has now followed suit in joining to become a volunteer tractor driver.
To donate to their fundraiser: https://www.justgiving.com/ page/porthcawl-rnli-amy-and-bleddyn
This week is Wales Tourism Week, where we champion all that our amazing local businesses have to offer. Tourism is also economically vital, providing 1 in 7 jobs across Wales, contributing 17% of our GDP.
However, Labour and Plaid Cymru’s Tourism Tax could have a devastating impact on the industry. We have estimated that this tax could cost a family staying overnight in Wales an extra £70. If people are given the choice between visiting Porthcawl, or visiting Weston-Super-Mare instead, then that extra £70 could make the difference for them.
What message does that send not only to people within the UK, but people elsewhere, that we see tourism in Wales as something to be taxed, not to be enhanced?
Figures show people who stay overnight spend up to 14 times more in the local economy than people who just come for a day. Unfortunately, the Welsh Government’s proposals are to tax those people specifically — exactly the people we want to spend money in local businesses and contribute to the local economy.
Our tourism businesses do so much for our local area, but they deserve better leadership from the Welsh Government, which should be backing – not taxing – our tourism sector.
It is great to see that the Ogi Porthcawl 10k Race is set to return to Bridgend County Borough next month.
Taking place on Sunday 2 July, this will be the third time that Porthcawl has hosted the event, which has proven to be a resounding success.
The race has been especially successful in attracting people into Porthcawl, and now plays a major role in supporting local businesses and trade as well as promoting the area to visitors and tourists.
Sponsored by Ogi and organised by Run 4 Wales in partnership with Bridgend County Borough Council, the race route has been designed to take advantage of some of the town’s most scenic views, including Rest Bay, Trecco Bay and Coney Beach as well as iconic landmarks such as the Grand Pavilion and the Porthcawl lighthouse.
You don’t have to be an experienced runner to take part as the Porthcawl 10K includes opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to get involved, including junior races and plenty of additional sporting activities that families can take part in. Road closures and diversions will be in place while the race is underway - to find out more and learn how you can get involved, visit www.porthcawl10k.co.uk
I was delighted to see that in addition to two new all-weather tennis courts which are being developed to replace older, outdated facilities at Griffin Park in Porthcawl, Bridgend County Borough Council is also working alongside the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to establish new courts for Maesteg, Heol-yCyw and Ogmore Vale.
With the LTA investing more than £500,000 into creating the new facilities as part of a national refurbishment programme, the council has already committed towards providing new replacement courts for Griffin Park as the site of the existing facilities is needed for a vehicular route into the waterfront regeneration area.
Plans for this are still under development, and the council will be undertaking extensive community engagement before any work is carried out.
The fresh investment also follows last November’s announcement on plans for establishing a new national tennis academy at land located near Island Farm, just off the A48 – a significant development featuring nine indoor and six outdoor tennis courts, a swimming pool, a gym, offices for Tennis Wales and more.
I sincerely hope that these plans will come together to help inspire a whole new generation of talented players, and that Bridgend County Borough will become synonymous with the sport in future.
Tel: 01656 643643
THE future of Porthcawl as a seaside resort hangs in the balance.
The Local Development Plan, Regeneration Strategy and the Placemaking Plan produced by BCBC all have the wrong emphasis - according to the town’s Civic Society and I agree with them.
These plans, whilst ostensibly aiming to turn Porthcawl into a premier seaside resort, will in fact do the opposite.
Salt Lake is set to accommodate 250 homes by destroying hundreds of parking spaces. In all, up to 2,000 parking spaces could be lost in the town which will not only make it difficult for local residents to support the shops but will also deter visitors. Yes, the council is creating a new bus station but what’s needed are new bus services to replace those axed in recent years. And if the council believes that day trippers will leave their cars at home to catch infrequent and unreliable buses to Porthcawl, they are living in a parallel universe – the one where Wales needs no new roads and where all traffic in our towns moves at 20 mph thanks to the Welsh Labour Government’s most recent decisions.
Porthcawl needs to cater for motorists to survive as a seaside resort. End of.
Recycle your green waste including plants, flowers, weeds, grass, leaves and hedge clippings.
Collections every two weeks on the same day as your bin bags from 13 March to 17 November.
Subscription charge of £46.01, or £41.73 for pensioners.
Sign up online at bridgend.kier.co.uk
Ailgylchwch eich gwastraff gardd, gan gynnwys planhigion, blodau, chwyn, porfa, dail a gwrychoedd.
Bydd casgliadau bob pythefnos ar yr un dydd â’ch gwastraff cyffredinol o 13 Mawrth i 17 Tachwedd.
Tâl gwasanaeth o £46.01 neu £41.73 i bensiynwyr.
Cofrestrwch ar-lein yn bridgend.kier.co.uk
It’s been a busy time here at Bryntirion – examinations are in full flow, we have said our formal goodbyes to Year 11 and we are preparing to welcome our new Year 7 in September. We are very much looking forward to welcoming Year 6 pupils to our Mini Olympics day soon, as well as our Transition Day on July 3rd – we can’t wait to meet you all! Our recent school production was a massive hit, with 4 sell out performances of Beauty and the Beast – many congratulations to all involved and thank you to everyone who supported the department! Our annual Dragon’s Den pitches took place with Year 9, who have already raised a phenomenal £425 for Velindre – many thanks to our judging panels for your time and support. 15 teams will progress to the final, and we wish them all lots of luck! Big congratulations to the Year 10 football team, who lifted the trophy in the Cwpan Pen-Y-Bont for the second successive season! And finally, lots of luck and best wishes for the future to our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils – we cannot wait to hear all about your successes!
We must begin our Summer Term with a huge ‘Thank You’ to our army of knitting volunteers from the local WI groups and our community, who have been creating “Resilient Robots” for every class to support our pupils when they find tasks challenging, but keep on trying!
Keep on knitting…we have room for more!
Our Summer Topic, “The Blue Abyss”, was launched with Pirate and Beach Emersion Days, sea based creative writes, floating wind turbine creations, Porthcawl Regeneration Project meetings and Life Guard and RNLI talks.
Mr Owen took us on a journey across the South Atlantic, when he shared his amazing experiences in the Falkland Islands. We can’t wait to sail through more discoveries in our oceans!
The whole school celebrated King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s Coronation with a fabulous fun day! All the pupils bounced on a variety of inflatables, before welcoming our grown-ups to share some of our favourite songs and enjoy a BBQ thanks to Porthcawl Butchers and Home & Colonial Fine Foods.
We continue to support our families with our Rail of Kindness where you can pick up a jacket and our Big Bocs Bwyd where you can fill up a food bag!
Amanda Bloomfield
For information contact 01656 815540 admin@nottageps.bridgend.cymru
If you are still undecided about which Early Years/Nursery best fits your family and child, Nottage Explorers are having an open morning on Thursday 29th June at 10:30am and we welcome you to come and explore! This will be a chance to meet our Head Teacher, Mrs. Thomas and Deputy Head Teacher, Mr. Owen who will guide you through a PowerPoint presentation giving information about the Curriculum for Wales and what this looks like here at Nottage and will begin at 10:30am, there will also be a chance to take a tour of our Early Years provision. You will also meet the experienced team of professionals who work with the children and you can find out about the exciting indoor and outdoor learning opportunities we provide. On the day, you will be able to ask our staff any questions you may have. Here at Nottage, our approach is child-centred ensuring your child is safe, happy and has a love for learning which continues through their years!
It has been a time of sporting success at PCS! Our U14 rugby team have been crowned Welsh Cup Champions! On Monday 24th April, the team travelled to the Principality Stadium to play Ysgol Dyffryn Amman and won 21-10. It was an honour and privilege to attend the match and I am certainly one very proud Head teacher! The PCS travelling support was excellent and it was lovely to enjoy the final with so many people from our local community. There were certainly lots of pupils, families, and teachers in the crowd to cheer on PCS! Thank you to all who joined us, so many proud parents – wonderful! The U14 final certainly showcased schools’ rugby talent and all players on both teams played so very well! The opportunity to attend our National Stadium, in front of a big crowd what an experience and opportunity!
They are very talented group of rugby players; I wish them all the very best for the future and I am sure more rugby success awaits. A thank you to our PE department for your hard work and effort! I should also like to pass on my thanks to our kit sponsors - it looked excellent for the final!
We continue with sporting success as our Senior Football team have reached the final of the Bridgend Schools Cup – well done all!
Mr Stephens, Head TeacherLife at St Clare’s School & Nursery is as busy as ever, with a calendar jam-packed with sporting fixtures, extra-curricular clubs and residential trips. Summer here means athletics, tennis and the welcome return of cricket. We’re so delighted to share that St Clare’s Prep are Bridgend Schools Cross-Country Champions 2023!
Exam season is well underway, and we wish our Year 11 and Year 13 students good luck with their GCSEs and A-Levels. We will be sad to say farewell to Year 13, but we know they will keep in touch and have great futures ahead of them. Our students have been offered places at prestigious Russell Group universities including Exeter, Cardiff, Manchester, Warwick, Nottingham and Birmingham to read Medicine, Neuroscience, Law, and Palaeontology and more. St Clare’s is in the top 5% of top-performing A-Level schools in the UK since 2018. Our Sixth Form isn’t just exceptional, it’s life-defining.
We cannot wait to see our Nursery pupils in their caps and gowns for their Nursery Graduation Ceremony. Dig out your picnic blanket and save the date for our fabulous Family Fun Day on Saturday, 24th June 12-6pm. With rides, food, drink, live music and stalls, there’ll be something for everyone!
Picture caption: St Clare’s Cross-Country Champions
The Friends of Heronsbridge School, a registered charity based at Heronsbridge School in Bridgend, would like to invite you to join us at one of our upcoming events:
We are hosting our Summer Ball at the Heronston Hotel, Ewenny Road, Bridgend on Saturday 24 June 2023. Tickets, which include a bubbly reception, a three course meal entertainment and live and silent, cost £40 and are available via the Friends of Heronsbridge Facebook page or Eventbrite at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/588327151347.
Our Annual Summer Fun Day takes place in the school grounds from 11am on Saturday 1 July 2023. There is something for everyone, including stalls, a BBQ, a Bouncy Castle and fairground rides and a warm welcome awaits you. Tickets will be on sale soon for our Summer Raffle, which will be drawn on Wednesday 5 July 2023. Prizes include cash prizes and free entry to the Friends’ Lottery every month for a year. For further information, to sponsor a table at the Ball, to donate an auction lot or a raffle prize or to purchase raffle tickets, please visit the Friends of Heronsbridge Facebook page or contact Jane Owen (Friends’ Secretary) via email at: fohsec542@btinternet.com
If you would like your child to learn important lifesaving skills, how to be safe in the sea and have lots of fun at the same time with like minded kids, then get in touch.
Nippers are aged between 7-13. As a Nipper your child will be taught surf safety, basic lifesaving skills, surf and beach sports such as wading, surf swimming, board paddling, beach flags, beach sprints and relays.
Nippers train indoors at Pyle pool throughout the year, and at Rest Bay beach during the summer months.
Nippers are able to obtain various surf safety awards, and are taught valuable lifesaving and safety skills at both the beach and the pool.
If you would like more information please contact:
We were all excited to return after a wonderful Easter break. KS2 have helped Marlas Greenspace to plant trees in the local area. They also collected bugs to study using new science equipment. The Foundation Phase enjoyed hot chocolate, stories and nature hunts in the woods. They will also participate in Clwb Cwtsho Coed this term.
The Food Standards Agency held an all-school assembly to emphasise the importance of good hygiene and food storage. Stwnsh Sadwrn visited year 6 to give them a taster of the funfilled games available on their TV show. We welcomed Ysgol Bro Ogwr to play netball and football matches. The result didn’t go our way but all players thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Congratulations to Iolo Howell and Ffion Cross for coming second and third in the Urdd Arts and Crafts competitions. We wish Alicia Kidner good luck as she represents the school in the National Urdd Eisteddfod Disco, Street and Hip Hop competition in May.
Congratulations to the cleaning team for being awarded the Gold Certificate of Excellence. We are very grateful to you. If you would like further information on the advantages of Welsh-medium education contact us on 01656 754865 or admin@yfos.pen-y-bont.cymru
We are very pleased to share the report of our recent Estyn inspection.
The school is a caring and inclusive community where pupils, staff and families feel valued and respected. The school’s core values are well embedded in its daily life. This is evident in the positive relationships between staff and pupils and among pupils themselves. Courtesy, consideration and mutual respect are strong features of these relationships that contribute markedly to the school’s friendly ethos.
Pupils show pride in their school and feel safe within its inclusive and caring ethos. Nearly all pupils show a positive attitude to learning and enjoy their time in school. They behave very well and show care and consideration for each other.
Across the school, all adults attend carefully to the individual needs and well-being of pupils.
Teachers provide an exciting variety of learning experiences that engage pupils’ interest and sustain their motivation well. They set clear objectives for pupils’ learning and use effective teaching methods to build pupils’ skills successfully. For example, the school’s consistent approach to developing pupils’ reading skills impacts positively on pupils’ progress and enjoyment.
Teachers create an inclusive climate for learning that encourages the active participation of all pupils successfully. As a result, pupils make good progress.
R John (Head Teacher)This month pupils at Cynffig have excelled. Llongyfarchiadau to Cynffig’s Criw Cymraeg for achieving the Siarter Iaith Silver Award. Congratulations also to Tyler Thomas, Year 12, who was one of only 10 pupils from Bridgend to be selected to take part in a two day Seren visit to London. As well as taking in some sights, Tyler spent two days visiting the London School of Economics and King’s College London, enjoying insightful talks and tours of these prestigious institutions.
Pupils in Year 12 have already been applying for Summer Schools from universities all over the UK. Congratulations to Caitlin Fallow who has been accepted onto the UNIQ programme at Oxford University and Lewis Watkins who has been accepted onto the Sutton Trust Summer School at Bristol University.
Finally huge congratulations to Ellie Lewis Year 9 who has been officially confirmed as part of the Great Britain Junior Gymnastics Squad which is a combined age of up to 15yrs. This makes Ellie the youngest member of the squad which is a phenomenal achievement. In the British Championships in Liverpool last month Ellie placed Junior 3rd overall , was Uneven Bars Champion and a Bronze medalist on the Floor. Simply outstanding Ellie!
Hannah Castle, Head TeacherDid you see the advert on the back of one of our local buses? It said ‘try praying, it could change your life’ and contained a website address and QR code. If you visit their site you will find it started with Christians in Scotland and is now rolling out around the country. They will even send you a free booklet on prayer. If you have never had an answer to prayer before, it may well be worth a try.
Christians understand that prayer works, but is also something we need to work at. In the gospel of Luke the disciples asked Jesus ‘Lord, teach us to pray’. While God can hear and answer the cry of the every heart, James the brother of Jesus says ‘When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives.’ Prayer that changes lives may not be as simple as we sometimes think.
Do you see God answer your prayers? Many of us do! So whether you visit the website of the ‘try praying’ advert, or come along to a local church, may the Lord teach you to pray the kind of prayers that sees answers!
We send Rip, Cross cut and Tennon saws in all carpentry kits. We only send traditional saws with wooden handles and blades that can be re-sharpened. We also send all the kit required to sharpen them.
Do you know the difference between a Rip and Cross cut saw?
The rip saw cutting edge of each tooth has a flat front and it is angled backward by about 8 deg.
With the “rip” tooth pattern, the edges are sharpened at right angles to the cutting plane, forming chisel-like cutting surfaces, This design keeps the saw from following grain lines, which could curve the path of the saw: the saw then will cut in a straight line. The crosscut saw is designed for cutting wood across the grain. The teeth are close together and angled backward by about 15 deg,
The cutting edge of each tooth is angled in an alternating pattern. This design allows each tooth to act like a knife-edge and slice through the wood cleanly.
If you have any of these saws and can donate them to us please contact John on 01656 786367.
David Cook, Workshop ManagerHelo bawb,
At the time of writing, we’re mid-way through Christian Aid Week. Last Tuesday 2nd May, in partnership with the Mothers’ Union, we welcomed Jennie Weaver from Christian Aid’s Cardiff Office. Jennie gave us a very engaging talk about how Christian Aid has helped communities in Malawi, in particular through their pigeon pea project.
On Monday 8th May, together with Sussed and Sustainable Wales, we helped to organise ‘The Big Help Out’ volunteering event, as part of the Coronation Celebrations. Sadly the rain stopped us from setting up in John Street, but we’re grateful to the YMCA for lending us their hall – where a good number of local groups (including Churches Together) were able to provide information to visitors, recruit volunteers, and network with each other.
This Saturday 13th May, we’ll have a sponsored walk - ‘Holy Hike’ with around 25 of us raising money for the DEC-Christian Aid Appeal for Turkey/Syria. There’ll also be an Afternoon Tea at St Johns.
Finally, we’re looking forward to a special Christian Aid Service on Sunday 21st May, 3pm at All Saints’ Church. I’ll let you know how it went next month!
Pob bendith, David Robinson
Rev. Martin Gillard Gilgal Baptist Church, PorthcawlDeadline date for the July issue is:
Churches Together working in partnership with local organisations (Sussed) celebrated the coronation of King Charles III, by having a “Big Help Out” event day in Porthcawl Due to the poor weather conditions the event was transferred to the Y Centre in Porthcawl.
The event included stands from Porthcawl Rotary Club, Joyriders, Porthcawl Museum, Sussed, Lions, British Legion and Churches Together who provided information about local organisations and volunteering opportunities. Churches Together stall had information about local Churches and activities, including fundraising for Christian Aid week in May. The Porthcawl Rotary Club meet weekly on a Monday day/ evening for a meal, for companionship and to plan future activities. Porthcawl Rotary often take part in other activities, both charitable and social around the town and have a full programme of charitable and social events that take place throughout the year.
Porthcawl Rotary support local, national and international charities with emphasis on those in the Porthcawl area. For further information on Rotary please contact Andrew Singer on 01656 785628 or via email: andrewbsinger@icloud. com
Rtn Robert Lee
As an example of one group, ‘Sustainability’ meets each month to discuss issues of relevance to climate change. As group organiser, Eddie Morgan runs most sessions, but other members contribute material they are particularly interested in. There is also a Whatsapp group, which provides an option for the group to share relevant information and discussion between sessions. The sessions are informal, open to everyone’s opinions and very friendly. This month’s discussion focused on the UK’s progress towards climate change targets; it may be a serious subject but a lot of laughter rang out throughout the session.
If you are interested in joining U3A you can try out a few sessions before making a decision. Just check out the website: porthcawlu3a.org.uk; contact info@porthcawlu3a. org.uk or phone Gary on 01656 785691 for more information.
Bridgend Soroptimists met at the Heronston Hotel, Bridgend on 12th April to celebrate the Club’s 75th Anniversary. Members enjoyed an excellent Supper accompanied with Fizz. Long serving member Anne Morgan gave a comprehensive account of how the Soroptimist organisation has evolved over the years and how the Bridgend club has become of service to the local community as well as globally. Follow on Facebook or visit http://sigbi.org/bridgend-and-district/ New members welcome.
Eileen BayleyDeadline date for the July issue is: THURSDAY 15TH JUNE
Porthcawl is fortunate to have a very active U3A which currently has almost 400 members and over 40 groups for members to choose from – all of which are free of charge once the annual membership fee (£42 this year) has been paid. A recent coffee morning provided the opportunity for new members to get to know each other and find out more about
In April Porthcawl Lions held a “meet the Lions” evening in the Y Centre to tell those interested in joining Lions or becoming a Lion Friend more about the organisation and Porthcawl Lions in particular. If you missed the evening but are interested in joining, Pauline (tel.01656 859505) would be pleased to hear from you.
The car boot sales started at the beginning of May in Pyle Rugby Club and will continue every Sunday, weather permitting, until the beginning of September. The time is 7.30am. until 1.00pm. (approx) and the price is £7.00 per car for sellers, buyers admission free - but a small donation is very much appreciated. There is still time to enter the Golf Day, Friday 9th. June at the Grove Golf Club. Fees £160 for a team of 4 to include prizes and lunch. The club also had a stall at the “help out” morning organised by Sussed on Monday 8th. May, but unfortunately the weather was not kind to us. Also in May Porthcawl Lions president, Rhys, made a very enjoyable visit to the Seahorse during their evening supporting Singleton neonatal ICU to hand over a donation from the club. As Porthcawl Lions support Porthcawl Pantry one of the members payed them a visit and was pleased to receive a very warm welcome.
JMCA lovely sunny afternoon as we gathered last month to hear an old favourite, Debra John. Her monologue was based on the Swansea Blitz in February 1941 from memories of the people at the time. What a catastrophic few days! I’m old enough to remember Yorkshire air raids so could appreciate the talk. Our business meeting followed and members were told of a “pop in” coffee morning to be held on the third Wednesday of each month 10.30 am at the Pavilion. Do feel free to pop in and join us. You will be most welcome.
This months meeting is on Wednesday 14th 2.0 p.m. at the Grove Golf Club when Zoe Davies will talk about “Life at Sea”. That will be interesting come and find out!
Dorothy Thomas 772157
Members at our May meeting were treated to a detailed and fascinating talk about the much-loved author Agatha Christie. Bev Golly is an experienced speaker on a number of subjects. This was followed by a Coronation tea and cakes. We meet at All Saints Church hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 2 pm. New members always welcome. Ring Tina Richards 01656 788725
Email: info@seasidenews.co.uk
The 9th May 2023 and Mynydd Cynffig WI were at our usual venue The Talbot Center 2pm to 4pm It was our monthly meeting and our AGM and we were having our Coronation tea after both meetings, we had a good turn out of members and our adviser for our AGM was Barbara Bowing. After our normal meeting with our members we continued with our AGM with Barbara Bowing directing procedures, all went well and soon it was time for our coronation tea, two of our members who had sadly had to stop attending our meetings for health reasons were invited to our tea, and it was great to see them one more time. We are attending the National AGM in Cardiff later in the month and we are looking forward to it, we’re hoping for fine weather to make it even more of a great day. Call in to see us tea and biscuits at the ready.
Christine CallaghanThe AGM took place our May meeting, and was well attended. We were very pleased to welcome our WI adviser Mrs Barbara Bowring, we thank her for her advice and guidance throughout the evening. The Financial report was given by our Treasurer, the Secretary’s Report and the President’s address were also delivered. We were sad to lose three of our long-standing Committee members: Ann Thomas, Anna Price and Glenys Griffiths. We sincerely thank each one for their hard work and commitment willingly given over many years, they will be much missed. Each were presented with a bouquet of flowers. We then welcomed three new committee members who we are sure will enjoy their involvement.
The Report of the Glamorgan Federation AGM, which was held on April 24th. at the Princess Theatre Port Talbot, was given by our representative Shirley Brown.
The Link meeting held at Margam Abbey on May 10th was hosted by Cwm Brombil WI, which was a most enjoyable evening.
M FreemanThe May meeting was the Annual meeting together with a Buffet organised by the committee to celebrate the Coronation of the King. Jane Exell, WI advisor, oversaw the formalities of the meeting. Jane also judged the competition, which was homemade headwear. The was a toast to the King & to Glamorgan Federation who are celebrating 100 year anniversary.
Members were entertained with a few readings - 2 Ronniesmastermind and a Sker WI version of Call My Bluff with Audrey & Yvonne reading true or false unusual words. The meeting ending with the Welsh national anthem and God save the King. The Next meeting will be held on Thursday, the 8th June at St David’s Church Hall, 7pm. Visitors are always welcome.
Jackie JonesWith the warmer weather arriving and with a few bank Holidays last month, the station was busier with a few incidents and more activity. We work closely with the other emergency services and a couple of the incidents last month involved a number of these organisations all working together to a common goal of keeping the public safe in and around the beaches and seas.
There have been Lifeguards at Trecco Bay and Sandy Bay since Easter but with summer almost here there is now Lifeguard cover at all the major beaches within our area including Rest Bay, Ogmore by Sea and Southerndown. If you are using any of these beaches, make sure you stay within the areas indicated by the flags.
Our Station is now open from 0900 to 2100 every day of the week comprising three, 4 hour watches each day. We expect to have a very busy June as the town fills up with more holiday makers and visitors. If we are not busy dealing with an incident, the watchkeepers are happy to invite visitors up to the tower for a look around and to answer questions.
Laurence Bater Media Officer, Porthcawl NCIWritten, produced, directed by, and starring Charlie Chaplin, City Lights was released in 1931 as a silent movie four years after the introduction of sound films. The story centres on Charlie Chaplin’s Tramp and his relationship with a Blind Flower Girl, played by Virginia Cherrill on her debut.
Virginia Cherrill is outstanding in this movie and her touching scenes with the Tramp are the highlight of the film.
Through a series of misadventures, the Tramp seeks to gather enough money to pay for an operation that will restore the Blind Flower Girl’s sight. She mistakes him for a millionaire, but with her sight restored, she realises that her benefactor is a humble tramp.
No spoilers, but in 1949 film critic James Agee said that the film’s final scene was “the greatest single piece of acting ever committed to celluloid.”
Rightly regarded as one of the greatest movies of all time, City Lights is Charlie Chaplin’s masterpiece, the epitome of the silent movie. Even if you are not a Chaplin or silent movie fan, if you are a romantic you will love this film.
Hannah Howe, author of Tula and Sunshine, novels set during the Golden Age of Hollywood. https://hannah-howe.com
Forces Representative and a number of other RAF personnel Rob Taylor, one of the museum volunteers guided our guests around the exhibitions and spoke about how many of the aircrew on the raid were trained at nearby RAF Stormy Down.
Born in Kingston-onThames in 1884 Henry James Batters moved to Porthcawl in 1908.
Marrying Evelyn Rowe in 1911 they set up home at 4 Railway Terrace (Hillsboro Place) where they had 14 children.
Then like many of his generation he enlisted into the military, serving in Ireland in 1916 with the Glamorgan Yeomanry before being transferred to the Royal Horse Artillery. Unfortunately, Harry was involved in an accident when a field gun ran over his leg, which left him with a limp for the rest of his life. Yet, his obituary refers to Harry as a fine all-round sportsman who played rugby for Porthcawl.
Between the wars, Harry, who was a power-station electrician, had been employed at Aberbaiden and Newlands Collieries. During WW2 he obtained a similar post at the Royal Ordinance Factory, Bridgend where he served throughout the war. He was one of the original members of the Porthcawl Branch of the British Legion and had been a member of the Royal Ancient Order of the Buffalo for 40 years.
However, when he first came to Porthcawl he was best known as a comedian, having topped the bill at the Hippodrome Electric Picture Palace, which became the Coliseum Cinema (1911) before becoming the Spar. Harry sadly died in 1948, aged 63.
Ceri JosephRepairs and servicing to all makes of vehicles: Servicing, Welding, Diagnostics and Electrical Repairs
We also suppliers of: Tyres, Exhausts, Brakes & Batteries.
At Braceys, from small bathroom ideas to family bathroom essentials, we have everything you need to achieve your dream bathroom!
The phone rang. It was the local Solicitor who was with Clients who needed help and fast. With her need for an urgent hip operation and the NHS waiting list having already kept her for more than 18 months, Mrs F decided that enough was enough. She could wait no longer and the immobility now meant that she could not even get in and out of the bath. There seemed no hope and she certainly she wouldn’t be getting medical clearance to get to Australia to see her newborn Grandson, whether she could afford it or not, not being the case here. Neither would her massively supportive and attentive husband who was concerned only for her well-being. Their only son had emigrated some time ago and was not coming back as far as he was concerned and his view that Mum and Dad’s wellbeing in later life was paramount, as would most children, unconcerned with their potential inheritance after their days. There was also no mortgage on the house, yet it was worth a very decent amount and was there to be used. After a brief chat with the Solicitor, he suggested that I may be able to help and kindly helped them contact me as they requested, as their bank wouldn’t lend the necessary money with their pension income deemed too low for a large loan.
We arranged a meeting at their house and after a long and detailed discussion taking everything into account we agreed a potential way forward. They would raise an amount via a later life borrowing arrangement which would provide sufficient capital to help pay for a brand new, good quality wet room with walk-in shower and seat for bathing, so no more bath (£12,000). The money would also permit a private operation on the problem hip (£16,000) and a trip to see that new Grandson on the other side of the World, with a month’s holiday to make the memory of a lifetime. The tickets for comfortable flights were also paid for from within the cash raised and following the necessary period of recuperation, two very happy and excited people were on their way.
This is just an example of how utilising the value tied up in your home, can be used to good effect when there seems no other alternative. It could be for home improvements however, or other much needed capital. Call us on 01656 782545 or 07768 418308 to have that initial informal discussion. It may not be for you or it could well be and we’ll help you find the best solution.
Dragon Financial
Call 01656 782545 / 07768 418308
Did you know there are hidden advantages in paying into the pension pot of your adult children?
A little-known tax rule means parents can give a triple boost to their adult children by paying into their pensions. Not only will it boost kid’s retirement savings, but it also saves income tax, inheritance tax and can help them reduce or avoid the child benefit charge for higher earners.
The contribution by you is treated as if it had been made by them. If you pay £800 into your child’s pension, they will get basic rate tax relief on the contribution, taking the amount in the pot up to £1,000.
If the child is a higher-rate taxpayer, they can claim higher rate relief on the contribution made and reduce their tax bill.
If the child is affected by the ‘high income child benefit charge’, earning in the £50,000-£60,000 bracket (or slightly above), the money contributed is deducted from their income before the high income child benefit charge is worked out, thereby reducing their tax charge, for example, if they are earning £60,000 and therefore faces a child benefit tax charge of 100% of their child benefit amount, a pension contribution by the parent of £8,000 (grossed up to £10,000 by tax relief) would reduce the recipient’s income to £50,000 for purposes of the child benefit charge and would completely eliminate the tax charge.
Apart from wanting to help your children, you may be interested in this idea particularly because contributions may reduce future Inheritance Tax bills, if they qualify for one of the standard exemptions, such as regular gifts made from regular income.
The amount that you can contribute with the benefit of pension tax relief is not limited by your pension tax relief limit but by the limit that your children face – which in many cases will be up to their annual salary or £60,000, whichever is the lower.
Do not forget pensions themselves are free from Inheritance tax. For more creative Investment, estate and tax planning solutions contact Pippa Vaughan-Avery at Abacus Assurance on 01656 772222.
When contacting advertisers, please say you saw them in the SEASIDE NEWS
If you would like your child to learn important lifesaving skills, how to be safe in the sea and have lots of fun at the same time with like minded kids, then get in touch.
Nippers are aged between 7-13. As a Nipper your child will be taught surf safety, basic lifesaving skills, surf and beach sports such as wading, surf swimming, board paddling, beach flags, beach sprints and relays.
Nippers train indoors at Pyle pool throughout the year, and at Rest Bay beach during the summer months.
Nippers are able to obtain various surf safety awards, and are taught valuable lifesaving and safety skills at both the beach and the pool.
If you would like more information please contact:
It can be a shock to many people (and their loved ones) when they realise the monthly costs of a residential care home, which can be very expensive and often in excess of £3000 per month.
Whilst you may be eligible for financial help from your local authority or, in some circumstances, from the NHS, there is a detailed assessment which needs to be carried out before a determination is made.
Many people do not qualify for this financial help and so the local authority will carry out a financial assessment otherwise known as a means test to ascertain your income and capital, which includes valuing all your assets such as your home, other properties, savings and investments.
In Wales, if you have capital assets collectively valued at more than £50,000 then you will be expected to pay full care costs fees, which is known as self-funding. In England, this figure is just £23,250.
Many people are forced to sell properties or investments to release capital to meet the monthly care costs. Therefore, it is only natural that people are looking at protecting their assets, especially if they wish to leave their family home to their children. Many people will also seek financial advice about their income and ensuring that their investments are achieving the best income for them, remember your income can be offset against the monthly care costs.
People often overlook the impact paying monthly care costs might have on their spouse or partner who continues to live at home but who has, for many years, relied on their joint income with their spouse/partner.
Whilst there are alternatives to going into a care home such as domiciliary care and having care at home, the threshold for capital in this type of arrangement is even lower. Some people believe that having a Will in place is all that is required from them, sadly, that is not always the case, there is much further planning that can take place to at least try to protect assets or place you in the best position to meet monthly care costs. This is why early planning is required for you, your partner and family. We strongly recommend that you speak to our Estates and Trust team to explore the best options available to you.
It is estimated that 17 million households in the UK have at least one pet. It is important to consider who will take care of your pets if you lose the capacity to do so, or if you die. Although it is difficult to think about what may happen to your pets if you were not around to care for them, there are positive steps that you can take to ensure that in your absence, your pets will be taken care of exactly how you want. For owners living alone, it’s essential to plan for your pets in case you can no longer look after them.
There are various options available to you to ensure that your pets’ interests are best looked after during your lifetime should you lose capacity, or after your death. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) enables you to give power to another individual to make decisions during your lifetime if you lose capacity. A will specifies what will happen to your assets in the event of your death. An LPA enables you to transfer authority to a trusted individual who will continue to act in the way you have decided. You may require someone to provide food or exercise your pet whilst they stay in your home with you. You may decide for your pet to live with your trusted individual and request that they bring your pet to visit you regularly. It is also important to decide where your pet will live after your death. This detail can be specified within your will to ensure your wishes are fulfilled.
If you would like help or guidance preparing your Lasting Power of Attorney, or your will, please contact our team of experts at Redkite Solicitors. We are here to help and support you through every step of the process.
RLE Law is pleased to announce the appointment of Tracey Murphy to our family team. Tracey is a veteran in family law matters, being a Resolution Qualified All Issues Family Law Mediator and also a qualified Facilitator of the Domestic Violence Freedom Programme.
Tracey started her career in 1989 with a Pontypridd firm before joining a long established firm in 1993 where she assumed responsibility of the matrimonial department at their Talbot Green Office. Tracey has specialised in all aspects of Private Family Law, dealing with a large and varied caseload of Private Family Law matters to include divorce and separation, financial claims, children issues, domestic abuse and Pre-Nuptial/Cohabitation & Separation Agreements, acting for both private and legally aided clients.
As a member of Resolution Tracey is committed to resolving disputes in a non-confrontational and constructive manner whenever possible and is firm in her belief that the relationship between the lawyer and client is of central importance to achieving this.
Tracey will be available to clients across the firm and will have a base at the firm’s Treorchy office. Tracey is local to the area and began her career at Bence and Samuels solicitors in Treorchy some 40 years ago and is looking forward to returning to Treorchy to work.
Emma Hardwidge, Managing Director of the firm commented that ‘We are very pleased to have Tracey join the team. Tracey’s experience and approach will add a further dimension and breadth to what we can offer to our clients , who are often looking for a pragmatic and cost effective solution at a very difficult time’
The Office of National Statistics shows that the number of cohabiting couples is growing faster than the number of married couples. Despite this, often cohabitees do not fully appreciate that you do not have the same legal rights as married couples and that the ‘Common Law Marriage’ is a myth.
If you are cohabiting it is essential that you know your rights and where you stand if your name is not on the title deeds. In many cases, couples choose to live in a property that is only owned by only one party. Without any formal agreement in place, this can create problems if the couple later split up and the property owner asks the other to leave, potentially leaving them in financial difficulties and possibly homeless.
Without any agreement in place, you would need to establish whether you have a Beneficial Share under a Resulting or Constructive Trust and this may need to go to go to court if no agreement can be reached.
If you have made financial contributions to the ownership of a property, either through the deposit or subsequent mortgage payments, a court may decide that as a result of these payments, you have a beneficial interest in the property. This is known as a resulting trust.
A constructive trust might imply you have a beneficial interest in a property if it can be established that both parties had a 'common intention' about the beneficial ownership of the property, arising either from the time of purchase or a later date. It isn't necessary to have had an explicit conversation about this in order to establish beneficial ownership. A court will simply look at the conduct of both parties in order to assess whether or not you had 'common intentions' with regards to the property during your relationship.
The best thing you can do is set up an agreement before you cohabit so you are both clear about who will be responsible for bills, how any payments will be treated and whether you intend both of you to have an interest in the property. This can be set out in a Cohabitation Agreement.
If you split up and you have no agreement in place, then RLE Law can advise on what Beneficial Ownership Rights you may have. Email:treorchy@rlelalw.com
arrangements which gave us plenty of new ideas. Our Practice night in May is entitled “Simply Tulips” and we will learn new ways to arrange these colourful flowers. On June 14th we have our club competition and on 28th we have our practice night entitled “Summer Sizzler”
We are always delighted to welcome new members and visitors are also welcome at our meetings. You may enrol at any time if you wish to join. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings of the month at Awel y Mor Centre at 7pm. Please check out our Facebook page and WhatsApp group for more information.
Alison Thomas, Club Secretary 07581 048448June for me is when I get excited to see my roses flower again, so beautiful and a sign of summer. However, I will also be putting the last of my bedding plants out to hopefully create a good display for the coming season. It’s time to clip box and privet, feed & water containers on a regular basis now. Stake tall perennial plants, plant out runner beans and French beans if you haven’t already done so. Lots to do in the greenhouse too, tomato side shoots to remove, feed in there too and train cucumbers up their supports. If weather permits don’t forget to take time to sit in the garden and Enjoy!
Laleston Gardening Club had a very successful Plant Sale in May and we would like to thank all those who supported us. The raffle prizes were very well received with smiling recipients, the weather was wonderful and made it such a lovely day. It will be the last one we will be holding as it has grown to be so successful, but so, so much work for our ageing Committee. We will grow plants next year but on a much smaller scale and will sell from our greenhouse at Cliff Cottage. The Club embarks on its first summer trip to Brobury Gardens this month; we have fingers crossed for fine weather.
Susan FordMay has been a busy time for our club.
On 5th, the national society celebrated with the lonely bouquet campaign. Many of us created bouquets which were left around Porthcawl to be picked up and enjoyed . Some happy finders took to Social Media with their appreciation. We are also looking forward to our club trip to Lampeter where we will have a meal and flower demonstration by Gareth. Our demonstration was by Beverley Clay who kindly substituted for Barbara Cummings. She concentrated on basket displays and making arrangements using environmentally friendly medium. We were shown a wide variety of
Deadline date for the July issue is:
June is by far the busiest month in the calendar of the Gardening Club as this is the month in which we have our biggest event. Our Open Day is on Sunday 25th June and the village will have the yellow bunting out to celebrate! Many of our gardens have had awards from the NGS (National Garden Scheme) for ten years of opening, helping to raise funds for charity including cancer care like Marie Curie, Macmillan and Hospice UK. Last year we did our bit to help them donate £3.11 million. There are usually around 12-15 gardens open, each very individual so whatever interests you in gardening, whether it be roses, koi carp or carrots you are sure to find it here. Free transport is available to take you from garden to garden courtesy of the Glamorgan Iron Horse Vintage Society. There will, of course be coffee and cake in the village hall to sustain you on your journey, or if you want something stronger then it may that the Community pub ‘Three Horseshoes’ will be on your list of places to visit. The hall will also have craft stalls and plant sales. Our garden owners are always keen to welcome visitors and chat about their prize plants, their problems with greenfly or what they do with cabbage white butterflies. We can’t guarantee the weather but we can promise you an interesting day out for £5 each, children free. We are open from 11am – 5 pm and look forward to welcoming you.
Veronica DaviesMae'n swyddogol, bydd yr haf yn cyrraedd y mis hwn ac mae gennym restr
lawn o ddigwyddiadau i chi eu joio ym Mae Abertawe’r mis Mehefin hwn!
Ni fydd y rheini ohonoch sy'n dwlu ar gerddoriaeth am golli Gŵyl Jazz
Ryngwladol Abertawe sy'n cael ei chynnal o 16 i 18 Mehefin mewn lleoliadau amrywiol yn y ddinas.
Mae llawer mwy o gerddoriaeth i'w
mwynhau drwy gydol mis Mehefin gyda llu o ddigwyddiadau yn yr arfaeth ar gyfer
Neuadd Brangwyn gan gynnwys cyngerdd i gloi'r tymor Cerddorfa Genedlaethol
Gymreig y BBC, disgo distaw'r 90au a pherfformiadau gan nifer o gorau penigamp.
Mae'r adeg hon o'r flwyddyn hefyd yn golygu bod ein holl atyniadau awyr agored gwych bellach ar agor eto. Gallwch fynd ar bedalo ym Mharc Singleton a rhoi cynnig ar golff gwallgof pan fyddwch yn y parc hwnnw neu yng Ngerddi Southend yn y Mwmbwls.
Gallwch gael amser wrth eich bodd yn
Lido Blackpill lle ceir pwll padlo a nodweddion dŵr a chofiwch Drên Bach
enwog Bae Abertawe - pawb ar y trên!
I'r rheini sy'n dwlu ar hanes, mae'n rhaid ymweld â Chastell Ystumllwynarth. Mae digwyddiadau sy'n addas i bob oed yn cael eu cynnal yn y castell sydd mewn lleoliad trawiadol yn edrych dros y Mwmbwls.
Mae gan ein tîm Chwaraeon ac Iechyd ddigon i'w gynnig os ydych am gyfuno mwynhau'r awyr agored â chadw'n heini. Cadwch lygad ar ein gwefan am yr holl fanylion diweddaraf.
Ar gyfer y diwrnodau hynny pan fydd mwy o law na heulwen, cofiwch ein lleoliadau diwylliannol - Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian, Canolfan Dylan Thomas ac Amgueddfa
Abertawe - a'n 17 o lyfrgelloedd y gall
pawb eu mwynhau yn rhad ac am ddim, sy'n barod i'ch croesawu
Mae llawer ar ddod gennym hefyd yn y misoedd sy'n dod.
Un dyddiad pwysig ar gyfer dyddiadur fis nesaf yw Sioe Awyr Cymru. Cynhelir y digwyddiad gwych am ddim hwn ar 1 a 2 Gorffennaf.
Am ragor o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau'r haf hwn, cymerwch gip ar ein gwefan a'n cyfryngau cymdeithasol
For music fans out there you won’t want to miss the Swansea International Jazz Festival which takes place from June 16 to 18 at various venues across the city. There lots more music to enjoy throughout June at the Brangwyn Hall with a host of events planned including the BBC Now Season Closing concert, a 90s silent disco and performances from a number of top choirs.
This time of year also means all our fantastic outdoor attractions are now open again. You could hop on a pedalo at Singleton Park, try some crazy golf while at the park or at Southend Gardens in Mumbles.
If you’re after a splashing time there’s Blackpill Lido with paddling pool and water features and don’t forget the Swansea Bay Rider Land Train – all aboard!
For history buffs, Oystermouth Castle is a must. Set in a stunning location overlooking Mumbles there are events throughout the year to suit all ages.
Our Sport and Health team has plenty to offer if you want to combine enjoying the outdoors while keeping fit. Keep an eye on our website for all the latest details.
For those days when its more rain than shine don’t forgot our fantastic cultural venues – the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, the Dylan Thomas Centre and Swansea Museum - and our 17 libraries, all free of charge to enjoy and ready to welcome you in.
We also have lots lined up in the coming months.
One key date for the diary next month is the Wales Airshow. This fantastic free event takes to the skies on July 1 and 2.
For more events and activities this summer, check out our website and socials
Is an organisation for people no longer in fulltime employment who want to keep socially, physically and academically active. We have over forty groups. Website: porthcawlu3a. org.uk. Email: info@porthcawlu3a. org.uk
Ladies have you thought of giving bowls a try? No experience necessary. We are a small friendly club at Griffin park offering free individual taster sessions, followed by free membership for a year. For more information please contact Sue Bowen 07969 813540.
We are currently recruiting experience and novice bowlers. The club is located in Penylan Avenue, Porthcawl with excellent bowling and social facilities. Please contact our Club Secretary if you are interested in joining. Elwyn Williams (Club Secretary) 01656 788345.
10.30-12pm & 6.30-8pm @ Kenfig
Nature Reserve. Cost: Four Sessions £28. To book contact Angela 07980 936198 or Email: angelarock11@ hotmail.com
New members can join us at rehearsals on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7-9pm at The Choral Suite, Greenacres Motel, 111 Heol Fach, North Cornelly, CF33 4LH. Find us on Facebook, or https:// www.kenfighillmalechoir.wales Or contact the secretary Tony Ulberini at tonyulberini@gmail.com Tel: 07866 742452. Or Terry Thomas, Vice Chairman: terrypaulthomas1962@ gmail.com. Tel: 07577 406605.
Every Monday evening at Royal British Legion, Pyle, Bridgend, CF33 6AE. 7.30pm till 10pm. Entrance £5. Contact Frank on 07400 080101.
Meets Mondays @ 1pm, The High Tide, Mackworth Road, Porthcawl, CF36 5BT. New members always welcomed. Further information contact Andrew Singer on Telephone: 01656 785628 Mobile:07817 095992. Email: andrewbsinger@icloud.com Website: https://www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/ homepage.php?ClubID=953
6pm - The Scout Hall, Woodland Avenue, Porthcawl CF36 5HW. Call or text Molly on 07710 489645 for more details.
Meet at Hi-tide 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s of the month, 7.30pm. See website: www.porthcawllions.org.uk Or call: 01656 784939.
New members welcome. Rehersals Tuesday & Friday evening 7-9 pm at Arlington Road Church, Arlington Road, Porthcawl.
Further details contact either Choir Secretary, Noel Williams at (noel. williams185@btinternet.com) 07902 333559 or Public Relations Officer, Ian Williams (ianwilliams54@sky. com) 07927 219544. Check out our website and Facebook page for further details.
@ Kenfig Nature Reserve. Mixed ability class - 9.30am till 11am - £36 for 4 weeks. Zoom also available plus a recording of the session if you miss a week. To book contact: Michele –07793 544956 or email michele@ michelelambertyoga.co.uk Head to www.michelelambertyoga.co.uk for further info on all Michele offers.
We meet at Heronston Hotel 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month 7pm. See website sigbi.org/ bridgend-and-district Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ BridgendSoroptimists. New members welcome.
A mixed choir based in Tabernacle Church, Derwen Road, Bridgend CF31 1TH. Rehearsals are 7-9pm. No audition required. www.corbroogwr.com
Contact: 07972 245089.
We meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Venue: Scouts Hall, Woodland Avenue, Porthcawl. Visitors welcome.
Weekly workshops at 1pm and 7pm. New members welcome. Art Gallery open most days 11-3pm. Above the museum, Old Police Station, John Street. www.porthcawlart.co.uk
Fancy creating exciting floral displays? Join our friendly group at Awel Y More Centre, Hutchwns
Terrace, Porthcawl, CF365TN. We meet on 2nd /4th Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Beginners and visitors welcome. We have tuition, demonstrations and social events. See our Facebook page or call Alison on 07581 048448.
Meeting at the Masonic Home 2-4pm. Seeking volunteers who are CRB checked, or are prepared to have one. Contact Chairman Mr Keith Duggan & Mrs Mary Duggan on (01656) 773376 or 07484 250988.
Weekly coached run sessions at 6.30pm. Come along for a taster session. Check meeting location. Search Facebook or www. porthcawltriathlonclub.com All abilities and new members welcome.
Trinity Church, John Street 9.30am. Contact Millie - 07765 040006.
6pm - The Public Hall, Heol Las, North Cornelly CF33 4AS. Call or text Molly on 07710 489645 for more details.
Do you enjoy singing? The Choir Practice, 7.30 – 9.30 pm at Oldcastle Primary School, South Street, Bridgend every Thursday. Why not come, have a listen and check us out. New members and visitors very welcome. Contact Dave Deeley 07799 616120 or www.bridgendmalechoir.co.uk. Motto - Friendship through Music.
Meetings at St Clare’s School, Newton, Porthcawl CF36 5NY. Thursdays at 7.15pm. Sept to May inc. We’re a very friendly camera club with a mix of male & female members and welcome new members of all ages and skill levels. www.pyle-and-porthcawlphotographic-society.co.uk
We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm in St David’s Church Hall, Porthcawl. Visitors are most welcome.
Talbot Community Centre, Kenfig Hill 9.30am and 5.30pm. Contact Millie: 07765 040006.
Join a mix of fun and non-league competitive women and men for 2 hours playing ping pong at Kenfig Table Tennis Club located upstairs at Lasers Are Us on Kenfig Industrial Estate. Starts at 4:30pm
Trinity Church, John Street 9.30am. Contact Millie - 07765 040006.
Varied activities throughout the week. Located at Cliff Cottage, Laleston, next to the Parish Church. Open every Saturday 10am - 12noon. Please call in. Visit our website: www. lalestongardenclub.co.uk Or our Facebook page.
At the Bowls Pavillion, Griffin Park, Porthcawl. 10am - 12 midday. All veterans, serving military and families welcome. We offer support, guidance, chat in a relaxed atmosphere. Refreshments provided.
Royal British Legion Pyle Club, 10:00hrs-12:00hrs. Serving personnel, veterans and their families. Support, networking and advice available from peers. Refreshments availablefood and beverages.
8am & 9.30am - The Green Acre Motel, Heol Fach, North Cornelly CF33 4LH. Call or text Molly on 07710 489645 for more details.
Rehearse every Sunday, 6-8pm in Nottage Scout Hall (The Precinct, by the Seagull pub), Porthcawl, CF36 3RF. Visit: www.porthcawlorchestra. co.uk to find out more.
A caddy full of food waste creates enough energy to power a TV for over 2 hours!
@ Newton Institute from 12-2pm, with free admission. We have for sale mostly ladies clothes, shoes, bags, scarfs, and hats - lots still with price tags still on, with the rest in pristine condition. Come along and find yourself a new outfit for a very reasonable price. Hope to see many of our regular supporters, and hopefully some new faces.
To celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Sounds Familiar, from Porthcawl, and Noteworthy Mixed Choir from Maesteg have combined to perform a programme of music that befits such an occasion. Guest artistes at the concert are operatic soprano Angharad Morgan, and organist Jeffrey Howard; the compere will be singer and broadcaster Beverley Humphreys. The musical director for Sounds Familiar is Nick Wayland Evans (accompanist Laura Deenik), and Ryan Wood for Noteworthy (accompanist Stewart Roberts).
The concert is at All Saints’ Church, Porthcawl and begins at 7pm (doors open at 6.30pm).
Tickets are £10 and available at www.ticketsource.co.uk/ noteworthy
@ Newton Primary School, 3.15pm-6pm. We are looking for any support, sponsorship or donations to raise funds for the children to provide outdoor equipment and improve the library. Friends of Newton PTA. Find us on facebook.com/ friendsofnewtonpta or contact Laura 07398 090 824.
From 10am - 2pm with various stalls, music, tea and coffee. At Trinity Methodist and The United Reformed Church, John Street, Porthcawl.
The hugely-popular Wales Airshow returns on July 1st-2nd, and will see thrilling air displays in the skies over Swansea Bay. Already confirmed to appear at the free event are the Red Arrows (sponsored by DS Automobiles), Typhoon Display Team, Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and Team Raven.
The excitement is not only limited to the sky as there will be a ton of family entertainment on the ground too including replica planes, interactive military displays, a fun fair and live music throughout the weekend. For more information visit www.walesairshow.co.uk
The Broadway Chorus, based in Porthcawl, will present a concert of mixed well-known and new musical songs and
show pieces at All Saints Church Porthcawl at 7.30pm. The evening will also feature 2 local soloists, Harmony McCarthy and Layla Millar. Proceeds will go to the Hollibobs Children’s Cancer Charity, which provides holiday adventures for children with cancer. Tickets are available on the door or from any choir member.
Summer around the corner, so it’s time for our St John’s Summer Fayre, on the green at Newton, from 12 till 4.30pm. All the usual fabulous attractions, entertainment, stalls, refreshments, and a great day out for all the family. We would love to see you all, come along and enjoy!
This award, given by Welsh Triathlon, is to recognise clubs that are friendly, welcoming and fun. Porthcawl Triathlon Club also known as The Tridents have gone from strength to strength since being founded in 2020. The coaches, committee and club members are delighted to have been awarded this status. You may have seen the club locally meeting for their weekly training sessions and rides in club kit colours of black & orange. No doubt you’ll hear them on race days as they are renowned for having the best support crew around cheering on their own athletes as well as all competing.
“To be nominated for this award is great honor and to win it is extremely special, we have loved creating such a special environment for our community and watching the sport grow in our area” Chairman Jon Webb
“It’s been amazing to see how many of our members have grown and developed in such a short space of time. Some of them have completed their first Sprint Distance and we’ve had others go all the way to Ironman Distance both in Wales & Europe” Vice Chairman Bec Sykes Hayley Colley
Congratulations to our recently appointed new Club Captain, Melanie Taylor!
Mel is officially the first female Club Captain of Rest Bay Lifeguard Club. Mel has been involved in Rest Bay Lifeguard Club for several years and works tirelessly to ensure the success of all sections of our club.
As we enter the summer season our youth, senior and master sections are currently preparing our voluntary patrols, working around the RNLI to keep our beach users here at Rest Bay safe.
Our club is entirely voluntary and a registered charity. If you can support us please do so with a donation. https://www.paypal.com/gb/fundraiser/charity/3271811
We are looking forward to a fantastic 2023 season. Rest Bay Lifeguard Club
Congratulations to Porthcawl RNLI volunteer crew member, Gareth Charnock who completed the TCS London Marathon on Sunday 23 April in 4:09:44
To donate to Gareth’s fundraiser for Porthcawl RNLI: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/porthcawl-rnli-gareth
Surf life saving is a very diverse sport and can offer something to suit everyone! At Rest Bay we provide high quality surf life saving, swimming, ocean and beach training.
If you would like your child to learn important life saving skills, how to be safe in the sea and have lots of fun at the same time with like minded kids, then get in touch.
Nippers are aged between 7-13. As a Nipper, your child will be taught surf safety, first aid, surf and beach sports such as wading, surf swimming, board paddling, beach flags, beach sprints and relays.
Our Youth section is between the age of 13-18. During the summer months we train at Rest Bay beach, and also at Pyle Swimming pool throughout the year. Our focus is to teach our youth how to save lives.
Lots of youth members also like to compete in regional, national and international competitions. Our youth section also train to become Lifeguards and carry out voluntary patrols as part of our training programme.
Our aim is to provide the lifeguards of tomorrow with training to help keep themselves and others safe whilst enjoying our wonderful beaches.
If you would like more information please contact: