Emmemobili Catalog 2021

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-3INDEX Questi siamo noi | This is us Master Catalogue Tavoli e sedie Tables and chairs Contenitori e librerie Storage units and bookshelves Divani e tavolini Sofas and small tables Dati tecnici | Technical data Tavoli | Tables Sedie Chairs Contenitori Storage units Librerie | Bookshelves Divani | Sofas Tavolini | Small tables Illuminazione | Lighting Boiserie | Wall units Indice Fotografico | Photographic Index Tavoli | Tables Sedie Chairs Contenitori Storage units Librerie | Bookshelves Divani | Sofas Tavolini | Small tables Illuminazione | Lighting Boiserie | Wall units 04 17 134 251 273 274 281 284 292 294 296 298 303 309 310 312 313 316 316 316 317 318

Respiriamo il mondo dell’arredo in legno da quando siamo nati.

Il mondo dell’arredo in legno è il nostro DNA. Da ben cinque generazioni.

Nel corso degli anni abbiamo assaporato la sua bellezza nelle sue molteplici sfumature, abbiamo sperimentato, ci siamo aperti alla straordinaria complessità e raffinatezza dell’accostare le varie essenze ad altri materiali. Marmi, metalli, pelli e tessuti. Ossimori che bilanciati e miscelati nella maniera corretta possono creare pura poesia.

E così, dare vita a Emmemobili per noi è stata la naturale evoluzione di un percorso di crescita e di presa di consapevolezza riguardo a ciò che per noi era sognare, progettare, creare, scolpire, costruire… Nell’accogliere ogni processo creativo, non abbiamo parlato mai “solo” di “mobili”, non abbiamo parlato mai “solo” di “prodotti” o “solo” di “forme” o “solo” di “funzioni”. Per noi ogni pezzo è unico. Nato dalle sapienti mani dei nostri artigiani per chi ha deciso di condividere con noi il nostro sogno, la nostra visione di casa.

Internazionalità, artigianalità. Arte, design. Unicità.

Questo è il nostro mondo. Questi siamo noi.

We have been breathing wooden furniture since we were born. It is in our DNA, and it has been like that for five generations now.

During the passing of time, we have been able to appreciate beauty in its many shades, we have been experiencing, we have been open to the extraordinary complexity and refinement of different wooden veneers combined together with other materials. Marble, metal, leather and fabric. Oxymorons which, balanced and mixed in the right manner, are able to create pure poetry.

As a result, giving birth to Emmemobili has been the natural evolution of a growth path and an awareness raising regarding what dreaming, projecting, creating, sculpting and building mean for us.

In welcoming every creative process, we have never talked “just” about “furniture”, we have never talked “just” about “products” or “shapes” or “functions”. Every single item is unique for us. Created by the skilled hands of our artisans, for who decided to share our dream, our vision of home with us.

Internationality, craftsmanship. Art, design. Uniqueness.

This is our world. This is us.

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Siamo nati con il legno. Amando la sua superficie, scolpendola, creando volumi e geometrie che permettessero a questa materia di far vibrare la sua forza.

Siamo cresciuti apprezzandone le mille sfumature, le caratteristiche fisiche ed estetiche che rendevano ogni essenza e ogni pezzo unici; siamo cresciuti imparando l’arte del lavorarlo in differenti maniere, con la voglia di spingerci oltre, per capire come poterlo plasmare in modi sempre nuovi. Ecco ciò che ci ha portato addirittura a specializzarci nella tecnica della curvatura.

Prodotto dopo prodotto, progetto dopo progetto, abbiamo continuato a sperimentare, muovendoci su nuovi territori, accostando il nostro legno ad altri materiali.

Non materie qualsiasi, bensì scelte con cura e con lo stesso pathos che ci ha sempre mosso nel trattare il nostro legno.

Abbiamo selezionato marmi, metalli, pelli, tessuti e altre finiture che avessero textures e cromie intense, comunicative e forti. Abbiamo lavorato bilanciando la loro anima con l’essenza dei nostri legni. La nostra passione per la materia. Per creare arredi dalla grande forza espressiva.

We were born with wood. Loving its surface, carving it, creating volumes and geometries able to release the great strength hidden in it.

We grew up appreciating its thousand nuances, its physical and aesthetic features which make every wood veneer and every item unique; we grew up learning the art of working it in many different ways, always striving to improve, in order to find new methods to shape it. This is what even led us to specialize in wood-bending technique.

Item after item, project after project, we kept on experimenting, exploring new fields, and combining wood with other materials.

Not just simply other random materials, but rather carefully chosen ones, with the same attention and pathos which have always characterized us in terms of woodworking.

We chose marbles, metals, leathers, fabrics and other types of finishing with intense textures and shades, which are able to convey great strength.

Our passion for materials. Our great ability to create pieces of furniture with extraordinary expressive power.

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Internazionalità, artigianalità. Arte, design. Unicità.

Internationality, craftsmanship. Art, design. Uniqueness.


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Il tavolo Assolo è caratterizzato dalla purezza della forma. Un essenziale equilibrio di linee e volumi determina l’elegante composizione che vede giustapposti un piede scultoreo, e un piano dalle slanciate proporzioni ottenute rastremando all’estremo lo spessore del perimetro. Realizzato combinando diverse dimensioni a inedite proposte materiche – essenze, marmi e metalli – Assolo si presenta come un arredo dal carattere forte che trasmette particolare armonia.

La sedia Nina si caratterizza per il design scolpito e minimale. Le proporzioni bilanciate, determinate dalla morbida curvatura dello schienale imbottito e dalla linearità della struttura metallica frontale, fanno di questa seduta un oggetto capace di accostarsi e dialogare con garbo ed eleganza sia con un tavolo da pranzo o da studio sia in una sala riunioni.

Assolo table features the pureness of the shape. An essential balance of lines and volumes determines the elegant juxtaposition of the sculptural base, and the top, with slender proportions, obtained by tapering the thickness of the perimeter. Created through the combination of different sizes and new material proposals, like veneers, marbles and metals, Assolo presents itself as a piece of furniture with a strong character, able to convey particular harmony.

Nina chair features a sculpted and minimal design. The balanced proportions, determined by the soft curvature of the padded backrest and by the linearity of the frontal metal structure, make this seat an object which may be gracefully and elegantly placed next to a dining table, as well as a study table or in a meeting room.

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Assolo Table dark thermo-treated oak + Grè Ceppo + Supermirror steel

Arrediamo architetture estremamente raffinate.

in cui nostri prodotti, con le loro finiture, possano vivere in maniera armonica, generando atmosfere uniche e sofisticate. Accanto al tavolo Assolo e alle sedie Nina, inseriamo la credenza Lama.

La boiserie Stripline, le lampade a sospensione Myline, quelle a parete Myring e da tavolo Cylence completano la nostra architettura.

We furnish extremely refined architectures, where our products, with their finishes, may live harmoniously, creating unique and sophisticated atmospheres.

Next to the Assolo table and Nina chairs, we include Lama sideboard.

Stripline wall-paneling, Myline suspended lighting elements, Myring wall lamps and Cylence table lamps complete our architecture.


Assolo Table dark thermo-treated oak + dark Emperador marble + burnished brass

Nina Chair burnished brass + Aston velvet 04

Lama Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

Myline chandelier burnished brass + Brezza leather Moro 602

Myring wall lamp Calacatta marble + burnished brass

Cylence table lamps burnished brass

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Nina Chair | Chromed metal + Aston velvet 05

Il tavolo Atlas, che trae il suo nome da Atlante, il titano che sorregge l’intera volta celeste, è caratterizzato da grandi “braccia” in bronzo fuso, con “mani” circolari, che sostengono l’ampio piano, colorato con un sapiente utilizzo delle splendide tinte delle essenze di legno naturale.

La sedia Timea, che deve il suo importante nome proprio al Timeo di Platone, dove il cosmo, “il tutto” viene descritto come circolare, è caratterizzata appunto dal ripetersi continuo del cerchio, che compare sia nella seduta come nello schienale, ma anche nella struttura metallica come in quella lignea, diventando una figura ossessiva, insistente, elegante e coinvolgente.

Atlas table owes its name to Atlas, the titan who supports the entire celestial vault. It features large cast-bronze “arms” and round “hands” supporting the wide top, coloured with a skilful use of splendid natural wood veneers.

Timea chair, which ows its important name to Plato’s Timaeus, where the cosmos, the “whole”, is described as circular, features the continuous repetition of the circle. In fact, this geometric shape appears in the seat, as well as in the backrest, but also in the metal or wooden structure, becoming an obsessive, insisting, elegant and engaging element.

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Atlas Table grey-stained oak + amaranth wood + dark thermo-treated oak + silver oak + cast bronze Timea Chair black-burnished metal + black-stained solid oak + Aston velvet 26 90
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Atlas Table dark thermo-treated oak + cast bronze

differenti volumi che formano Birignao, dalla base al top, giocano fondendosi a creare un tavolo unico. Le sue geometrie pure si sormontano in maniera armoniosa formando un susseguirsi di curve ed elementi raffinato.

Kia, elegante sedia in compensato curvo eseguita modellando interi fogli di essenza. L’estrema difficoltà di realizzazione la rende un pezzo d’arte. È anche disponibile a richiesta la versione interamente in lastra di ottone piegato e modellato.

The various volumes which form Birignao, from the base to the top, are combined together to create a unique table. Its pure geometries overlap in a harmonious way, forming a succession of refined curves and elements.

Kia, elegant chair made of bent plywood, created by modelling entire veneer sheets. The extreme difficulty of realization makes it a piece of art. Upon request, also the version entirely made of folded and molded brass sheet is available.

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Birignao Tables mat lacquer RAL 9016 Traffic White Birignao Tables grey-stained sandblasted fir wood


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Birignao Table grey-stained sanblasted fir wood Kia Chair: grey-stained oak Firlinfeu Chandelier natural satin brass
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Kia Chair natural polished brass

Forme senza tempo, dalle sfaccettature dinamiche, per la serie di tavoli eseguiti interamente in legno. Le peculiari geometrie delle gambe, assolutamente imprevedibili e accattivanti rendono questo prodotto unico e dal carattere incisivo e scultoreo.

Endless shapes with dynamic facets characterize this collection of tables, entirely made of wood. The peculiar geometry of the legs, absolutely unpredictable and captivating, makes this table an unique piece with an incisive and sculptural sign.

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Blade Table ebony

Cosmo è caratterizzato dall’accostamento di elementi piani posti tra loro a formare una composizione di grande semplicità formale e, al contempo, rigorosa eleganza. Gli elementi in legno e marmo, giustapposti tra loro in differenti misure e spessori, danno vita a geometrie orizzontali e verticali in cui il dettaglio delle sovrapposizioni e degli sfasamenti genera tavoli, scrivanie e consolle senza tempo.

Kyo è una poltroncina che interpreta in modo originale la storia del design. Forme curve e avvolgenti accompagnano una struttura con elementi in metallo dall’effetto bronzato anticato spazzolato. La caratteristica base a ferro di cavallo sostiene una serie di sottili profili in metallo, connessi alle morbide e avvolgenti imbottiture di sedile e schienale. Il risultato è una sedia elegante, confortevole, essenziale e senza tempo. Questo modello di sedia è anche declinato come sgabello.

Cosmo features a combination of flat elements, placed together to form a composition of great formal simplicity and rigorous elegance at the same time.

The wooden and marble elements, juxtaposed with each other in different sizes and thicknesses, create horizontal and vertical geometries, and the details of overlaps and displacements give life to timeless tables, desks and consoles.

Kyo is a small armchair which interprets the history of design in an original way. Curved and enveloping shapes feature a structure enriched by metal elements with an antique brushed bronzed effect. The peculiar horseshoe base supports a series of thin metal profiles, connected to the soft and enveloping padding of the seat and the backrest. The result is an elegant, comfortable, essential and timeless chair.

This chair model is also declined as stool.

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Cosmo Table dark thermo-treated oak + Calacatta marble
FINISHES Cosmo Table: dark thermo-treated oak + Calacatta marble Kyo Chair Brezza leather Moro 602 + brassed metal Kyo Chair Aston velvet 10 + brassed metal Firlinfeu Chandelier burnished brass Omamond Cabinet glossy polyester lacquer RAL 9006 Beige Grey + black-stained oak Cylence Table lamps: burnished brass Brug sideboard dark Emperador marble + glossy polyester lacquer RAL 8022 Black Brown

I nostri prodotti, le nostre finiture, la nostra cura nello scegliere materiali e abbinamenti per creare spazi accoglienti e confortevoli. Materiali, luci e forme. Dettagli, volumi, armonia. La nostra chiave di lettura progettuale.

Our products, our finishes, our care in choosing materials and combinations to create welcoming and comfortable spaces. Materials, lights and shapes. Details, volumes, harmony. Our key to understanding design.


Cosmo Table: dark thermo-treated oak + Calacatta marble Kyo Chair Aston velvet 10 + brassed metal

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Chair black-varnished metal + Brezza leather Moro 602 Kyo Stool brassed metal + Aston velvet 06

Evan è un tavolo estremamente particolare e slanciato, caratterizzato da linee tese che incontrano volumi morbidi e piacevoli. Con la sua forma moderna, è formato da un basamento centrale monolitico e da un top impreziosito da un inserto in metallo sulla sua superficie.

Thalis è una poltroncina caratterizzata da una seduta confortevole e piacevolmente avvolgente. La raffinatezza delle sue forme nasce da un magnifico abbinamento tra le linee accoglienti della seduta e le gambe rigorose ed eteree in metallo che la fanno diventare un oggetto senza tempo. Perfetta per la zona pranzo, Thalis è altrettanto adatta a spazi di conversazione.

Evan is an extremely unique and slender table, featuring straight lines combined with soft and pleasant volumes. Its modern shape is obtained through a monolithic central base and a top, embellished with a metal insert on the surface.

Thalis is a small armchair featuring a comfortable and pleasantly enveloping seat. The refinement of its shapes comes from a magnificent combination between the welcoming lines of the seat and the rigorous and ethereal metal legs, which turn it into a timeless item. Thalis is perfect for the dining area, as well as for conversation spaces.

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Evan Table brown-stained oak + burnished brass
FINISHES Evan Table dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Thalis Chair: burnished brass + Aston velvet 02 Cage sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Bookcage bookcase: dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass LDC chandelier and wall lamp dark thermo-treated oak

Alla ricerca dell’infinito. Panorami incredibili carichi di forza e relax. La boiserie Agorà, la libreria Bookcage e le luci a sospensione LDC accompagnano il tavolo Evan e la sedia Thalis. I nostri arredi e le nostre architetture al servizio della realizzazione di un sogno.

Searching infinite. Incredible views full of strength and relax. Agorà wall-paneling, Bookcage bookcase and LDC suspended lighting elements accompany the Evan table and the Thalis chair. Our furniture and architecture at service of every dream.


Agorà Boiserie dark thermo-treated oak

Evan Table: dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Thalis Chair: burnished brass + Aston velvet 02 Bookcage bookcase dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass LDC chandelier dark thermo-treated oak

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Thalis Chair burnished brass + Brezza leather Bracco 638

Tavolo iconico dalla grandissima forza, Evo trasferisce a chi lo guarda la potenza dell’evoluzione che il mondo dell’arredo in legno ha percorso negli ultimi decenni. Dai grandi decori scolpiti a mano a rappresentare l’alta ebanisteria che ha reso possibile lo stile classico in tutta la sua ricchezza, alla pulizia formale di volumi secchi e rigorosi di una corrente più razionalista e attuale.

Iconic table, able to convey great strength. Evo communicates to the beholder the power of the evolution of the furniture world during the last few decades. From the large hand-carved decorations to represent the great cabinet-making that made the classic style possible in all its richness, to the cleanliness of dry and rigorous volumes of a more rationalist and contemporary trend.

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Evo Table | grey-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass
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Evo Table | grey-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass

Piano in forte spessore e gambe monolitiche, queste sono le principali caratteristiche del tavolo Fatty. Un nuovo modo di concepire il minimalismo non nell’esiguità della struttura ma nell’essenzialità e pulizia delle forme. Le curve che definiscono gambe e piano danno a questo oggetto un’armonia nuova ed inusuale.

Thick top and monolithic legs, these are the main characteristics of Fatty table. A new way to interpret minimalism, not intended as the scarceness of the structure, but rather as the essentiality and cleanliness of its lines. The curves that define the legs and the top give to the item a new and unusual harmony.

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Fatty Table dark thermo-treated oak + glossy polyester lacquer RAL 8022 Black Brown
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Table polychrome oak + glossy polyester lacquer RAL 9005 Jet Black -60 -

Un tavolo, una scultura. Linee secche e razionali che si incontrano e che si incrociano, tagliando lo spazio e la materia per generare superfici decise e cariche di intensità Il top può essere di foma esagonale o ottagonale. E queste geometrie ben vengono esaltate dalla possibilità di realizzare il tavolo in multistrato sagomato a sfaccettature e rivestito in essenza o laccato.

Con questa sua grande poliedricità, Fresko stupisce sempre, offrendo una versione di sè sempre diversa ogni volta che lo si guarda da un differente punto di vista.

A table, a sculpture. Pure and rational lines that meet and intersect, cutting the space and the material to generate decisive and intense surfaces.

Peculiar table featuring hexagon or octagon top. These geometries are enhanced by the possibility to make the table in shaped faceted multilayer wood, veneered or lacquered.

With this versatility, Fresko always amazes, offering a self-version that is always different every time you look at it from a different point of view.

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Fresko Table grey-stained oak

Geometrie forti, linee decise e incredibilmente razionali si vestono di colori morbidi che conferiscono a Fresko una grande versatilità di utilizzo.

Strong geometries, decise and incredibly rational lines dress soft colours, that lend Fresko a great versatility in use.


Fresko Table glossy polyester lacquer RAL D2 Design 180 50 10

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Un top apparentemente sospeso. Un telaio raffinato e prezioso che lo sostiene conferendo al tavolo un senso di grande leggerezza. Questo binomio caratterizza Gala T, tavolo raffinato e minimale dalle linee essenziali e razionali.

An apparently-suspended top, with an elegant and precious frame supporting it, giving a sense of great lightness. This combination features Gala T, a refined and minimal table, with essential and rational lines.

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Gala T Table dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass
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Gala T Table dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

Una delle motivazioni progettuali di Hergon è quella di ampliare l’ergonomia che uno schienale può offrire. Dinamica seduta dalle linee ricche di carattere ed innovative nelle intersezioni sul fi anco, dove è presente anche un’asola in cui si inserisce lo schienale tessile, morbido, flessibile, ergonomico e dal nuovo concept. Dettagli in metallo per impreziosirne tratti e un’attenzione particolare alle finiture manuali. Nell’insieme ne deriva un piacevole comfort, in grado di interagire con tutti i tipi di postura. Alla base dell’idea di Hergon vi è l’impegno nel cambiare l’identità allo schienale, che solitamente è rigido, facendolo diventare davvero performante e accogliente.

One of the ideas from which Hergon was brought to life is the intention to maximize the ergonomics offered by the backrest. A dynamic seat, featuring the strong and innovative lines of the intersections on the sides, where there is also a buttonhole, through which the backrest is inserted, textile, soft, flexible, ergonomic and with a new concept. Metal details are added, in order to embellish the features and with particular attention to manual finishes. As a result, a pleasant comfort is obtained, to interact with any kind of posture. The reason behind Hergon’s idea is the commitment to change the identity of the backrest, usually rigid, making it truly performing and welcoming.

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Hergon Chair | black-stained solid oak + Preziosa Fabric AU3041 06
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Hergon Chair black-stained solid oak + Preziosa Fabric AU3041 06 UFO Table cast Bronze + Stone Grey marble Myline Chandelier burnished brass + Brezza leather Moro 602

Iperbole, tavolo realizzato in legno multistrato e finitura superficiale in differenti essenze. La base, a forma di iperbole appunto, si sviluppa su di un sottile profilo che modificandosi lungo il perimetro si trasforma in piano. Questo progetto nasce dall’equilibrio perfetto tra il savoirfaire artigianale di Emmemobili e la tecnologia più recente nella lavorazione del legno. Minimo nel disegno ma non nel contenuto, questo tavolo è il perfetto passe-partout per destinazione ed utilizzo esprimendo eleganza nella semplicità del suo disegno.

Sedia Iperbole. Curve e linee che generano forme, piani che si intersecano definendo volumi. Come per il tavolo la sedia Iperbole è la fusione della maestria artigiana di Emmemobili, la tecnologia del multistrato curvato e la purezza di un segno netto e deciso.

Iperbole table made of multilayer wood, with a surface finish of different veneers. The base, in the shape of a hyperbola as the name suggests, develops on a thin profile which, changing along the perimeter, becomes as a whole with the top. This project takes its origin from the perfect balance between artisanal savoir-faire of Emmemobili and the latest woodworking technology. Minimal in design but not in content, this table represents a perfect versatile solution for any destination or use, expressing elegance in the simplicity of its design.

Iperbole chair. Curves and lines generate shapes and surfaces which intersect defining volumes. As for Iperbole table, also the chair represents the fusion of Emmemobili craftsmanship, the technology of multilayer bent wood and the pureness of a clear and decisive sign.

Iperbole Table grey Sucupira

FINISHES Iperbole Table mat lacquer RAL 8022 Black Brown Stripes sideboard dark thermo-treated oak Iperbole S chair Nabuck leather C/3405 Firlinfeu chandelier natural satin brass Hic et Nunc Wall Lamp burnished brass Sipario Bookcase dark thermo-treated oak

Progettare, sognare, spingersi oltre.

Le nostre architetture animano nostri prodotti e nostri prodotti si vestono del sapore dei nostri spazi.

La sedia e il tavolo della famiglia Iperbole danno forza e prendono forza dalla nostra credenza Stripes, qui progettata custom.

Planning, dreaming, going further.

Our architecture brings our products to life and our products are dressed the flavour of our spaces.

The chair and the table of the Iperbole family give and gather strength from our Stripes sideboard, here designed as a custom piece.


Iperbole Table mat lacquer RAL 8022 Black Brown Stripes sideboard dark thermo-treated oak Iperbole S Chair Nabuck leather C/3405

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Il legno. La voglia di spingerci oltre il possibile. Curvarlo alla ricerca di nuova armonia.

Dettagli di preziosa e morbida razionalità.

Wood. Our desire to move beyond. Bending it searching for a new harmony.

Details of precious and soft rationality.


Iperbole Table grey Sucupira

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Kintai è un tavolo scultoreo di forte impatto visivo, caratterizzato da un gioco di equilibrio tra gli elementi che lo costituiscono. Una vera e propria architettura domestica che evoca il mondo orientale e il tema dell’equilibrio zen. Un equilibrio che non è solo statico ma anche formale. La base massiccia, solida, imponente, è contrapposta ad un piano sottile, elegante, fluttuante. Immobile e in movimento allo stesso tempo, Kintai è espressione di equilibrio zen.

Sign, poltroncina atemporale dal segno deciso, capace di soddisfare al meglio qualsiasi esigenza abitativa, residenziale o commerciale. Una seduta avvolgente ampia e comoda dalla base leggermente flettente in metallo. Questo modello di sedia è declinato anche come sgabello e poltroncina lounge.

Kintai is a sculpted table with a strong visual impact, featuring a game of balance between all the elements which compose it. A real domestic architecture able to evoke the oriental world and the theme of Zen balance. A balance which is not only static, but also formal. Its thick, solid, majestic base is opposed to a thin, elegant, fluctuating top. Motionless and moving at the same time, Kintai is a representation of Zen balance.

Sign, timeless armchair with a decisive sign, able to satisfy any housing need, whether residential or commercial.

An enveloping, wide and comfortable seat, with a slightlybending metal base. This chair model is also declined as stool and lounge easy chair.

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Kintai Table | dark thermo-treated oak + RAL 8022 Black Brown
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Kintai Table | dark thermo-treated oak + RAL 8022 Black Brown
FINISHES Kintai Table dark thermo-treated oak + RAL 8022 Black Brown Sign Chair: burnished brass + Brezza Leather Caffè 678 Hic et Nunc Wall Lamp burnished brass In-Finito Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Cylence Table lamps burnished brass

Ampi spazi, importanti seppur morbidi e accoglienti. Accompagnamo il tavolo Kintai e la sedia Sign con le nostre lampade Hic et nunc. Un’installazione che decora e si integra con l’architettura in maniera armonica e raffinata.

Wide, important even if soft and welcoming spaces. We accompany the Kintai table and the Sign chair with our Hic and Nunc lamps. An installation, that decorates e integrates itself with the architecture in a harmonious and refined way.


Kintai Table dark thermo-treated oak + RAL 8022 Black Brown Sign Chair burnished brass + Brezza Leather Caffè 678 Hic et Nunc Wall Lamp: burnished brass

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Sign chair and Sign stool burnished brass + Brezza Leather Cannella -91 - -90 -

Una base monolitica sagomata e un top caratterizzato da geometrie non convenzionali sono gli elementi che rendono MR un oggetto particolare e differente dal tradizionale tavolo. Le sue forme lo rendono importante e apprezzato anche per spazi rappresentanza.

A monolithic shaped base and a top featuring unconventional geometries are the elements which make MR a peculiar object, different from traditional tables. Its shapes make it an important furniture piece, appreciated also for representative spaces.

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MR Table | dark thermo-treated oak + dark Emperador marble

Poltroncina in compensato curvo. Struttura girevole in metallo cromato oppure fissa a 4 gambe. La seduta, con cuscino fisso in pelle, è formata da un unico lungo foglio di multistrato che, dopo aver creato le forme dei braccioli, si congiunge sotto la seduta. L’estrema difficoltà di realizzazione la rende un pezzo d’arte.

Small armchair made of bent plywood. Swivel structure in chromed metal or fixed with 4 legs. The seat, with a fixed leather cushion, is composed of one single multilayer sheet which, after having formed the armrests, joins under the seat. The extreme difficulty of realization makes this object a piece of art.

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Nastro chair natural oak + Brezza leather 678 Caffé + polished chromed metal Nastro Chair black-stained oak + Brezza leather Nero 601

Dal sapore che richiama l’antica Roma, questa poltroncina riesce, con le sue forme classiche a reinterpretare in chiave moderna ed estremamente attuale un mondo che richiama un passato lontano.

Interamente realizzata in compensato curvo, esprime al meglio la grande maestria di Emmemobili nella lavorazione del legno.

From the design that reminds the ancient Rome, this armchair with its classical shapes can reinterpret in a modern and extremely current key a world that recalls a distant past.

Entirely made of bent wood, this chair best expresses the great craftsmanship of Emmemobili in the wood working.

Roma Chair natural oak

Roma Chair black-stained oak

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Grafica pulita. Segni netti e decisi. Linee che si raccordano tramite ampi raggi e piani che si accoppiano in maniera perfettamente razionale. Queste sono le caratteristiche di Sandwich, tavolo rigoroso che fa della sua pulizia formale, la sua più preziosa peculiarità.

Clean graphic. Strong sign. Lines that join up through wide ranges and plans, which match in a perfectly rational way. These are the main characteristics of Sandwich, rigorous table, that makes its formal elegance its most precious peculiarity.

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Sandwich Table dark thermo-treated oak

Nell’antica religione greca Selene rappresentava la Luna piena, il cerchio perfetto che, con le sue fasi, condiziona la vita. È dall’unione di cerchi e semicerchi che nasce la famiglia di tavoli Selene, una ricerca formale ed espressiva per uscire dall’ordinarietà di questo oggetto. Grazie all’intersezione delle varie forme geometriche, si creano combinazioni di finiture e materiali che danno all’oggetto una vibrazione del tutto personale, avvicinandolo alla scultura piuttosto che al comune tavolo. Il cerchio è stato utilizzato anche per delineare la forma della base che, fuggendo dall’ovvietà delle quattro gambe, è realizzata con due elementi angolari, anch’essi arricchiti dalla decorazione che caratterizza il piano, dando così corpo a un oggetto unico. Un tavolo dal segno forte che può svolgere diverse funzioni, spaziando dal tavolo da pranzo alla scrivania direzionale.

In the ancient Greek religion, Selene represented the Full Moon, the perfect circle able to influence life on earth, depending on its phases. From the combination of circles and semicircles Selene collection of tables takes its shape, a formal and expressive search, to get out of the ordinary. Thanks to the intersection of different geometric shapes, several combinations of finishes and materials are created, which give to the object a very personal vibration, bringing it closer to a sculpture, rather than to an ordinary table. The circle has also been used to outline the shape of the base which, escaping from the ordinary of the four traditional legs, is composed of two angular elements, also embellished with the decoration that features the top, thus creating a unique object. A table with a strong sign, suitable for different functions, from a dining table to an executive desk.

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Selene Table Canaletto walnut + polished steel + polished brass

Legno, metallo. Mix di materiali forti e caratterizzanti. La nostra voglia di sperimentare e di spingerci sempre oltre.

Wood, metal. A mix of strong and connotative materials. Our desire of texting and going beyond.


Selene Table Canaletto walnut + polished steel + polished brass

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Tavoli, tondi od ovali, dall’esclusiva e preziosa base. Gli elementi costruttivi che formano la base sono formati da una coppia di piastre sagomate alle quali sono fissati gli elementi verticali di varie dimensioni. Le piastre sono ottenute partendo da un unico elemento circolare, sagomato con tecnologia CNC e poi rifinito a mano.

Round and oval tables, identified by their exclusive and precious base. The constructive elements that form the base are composed of a pair of shaped plates to which vertical elements of various sizes are fixed. The plates are obtained starting from a single circular element, shaped with CNC technology and then finished by hand.

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Tuileries Table extra-clear tempered glass + burnished brass


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Tuileries Table: extra-clear tempered glass + burnished brass

UFO Tavolo con piano e sottopiano completamente realizzati in legno multistrato sagomato; la base ha struttura interna in legno multistrato rivestito da un cono anch’esso in legno multistrato curvato.

Il top è in essenza o laccato mentre il sottopiano e la base sono laccati: opachi, lucidi poliestere o verniciati metallo liquido.

UFO Marble Tavolo con piano in marmo con finitura lucida poliestere. Sottopiano completamente realizzato in legno multistrato sagomato; la base ha struttura interna in legno multistrato rivestito da un cono anch’esso in legno multistrato curvato. Sottopiano e base sono laccati: opachi, lucidi poliestere o verniciati metallo liquido.

UFO Table with top and underside completely made of shaped multilayer wood; the base features a multilayer-wood inner structure, covered with a bent multilayer wood cone. The top is made veneered or laquered, while the underside and the base are lacquered: mat, glossy polyester or with liquid metal coating.

UFO Marble Table with marble top with glossy polyester finish. Underside completely made of shaped multilayer wood; the base features a multilayer wood inner structure, covered with a bent multilayer wood cone. The underside and the base are lacquered: mat, glossy polyester or with liquid metal coating.


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UFO Marble Table liquid metal coating Bronze + Calacatta Borghini marble Table mat lacquer RAL 9005 Jet Black + black-stained oak

Bilanciamenti di forme, materie e preziosi dettagli. Armonie che rendono lo spazio confortevole e unico.

UFO Marble è presentato in una veste morbida e accogliente, accompagnato dalle sedie Sign.

I nostri chandelier Wind Chime e le lampade a parete Myring contribuiscono ad arricchire di raffinatezza il nostro progetto.

Balances of shapes, materials and precious details. Harmonies that make the space comfortable and unique.

UFO Marble is presented in a soft and welcoming clothing, accompanied by Sign chairs.

Our Wind Chime chandelier and Myring wall-suspended lamps contribute to enrich in elegance our project.


UFO Marble Table liquid metal coating -Bronze + Calacatta Borghini marble

Sign Chair: burnished brass + Brezza leather Moro 602

Myring Wall Lamp Calacatta Borghini marble + burnished brass

Wind Chime Chandelier: burnished brass

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Tavolo con piano e sottopiano completamente realizzati in legno multistrato sagomato; la base ha struttura interna in legno multistrato rivestito da un cono anch’esso in legno multistrato curvato. Top, sottopiano e base sono impiallacciati.


Tavolo con piano in marmo con finitura lucida poliestere. Sottopiano completamente realizzato in legno multistrato sagomato; la base ha struttura interna in legno multistrato rivestito da un cono anch’esso in legno multistrato curvato.

Sottopiano e base sono laccati: opachi, lucidi poliestere o verniciati metallo liquido.

UFO FULL Table with top and underside completely made of shaped multilayer wood; the base features a multilayer-wood inner structure, covered with a bent multilayer wood cone. The top, the underside and the base are made of veneered wood.

UFO FULL MARBLE Table with marble top with glossy polyester finish. Underside completely made of shaped multilayer wood; the base features a multilayer wood inner structure, covered with a bent multilayer wood cone. The underside and the base are lacquered: mat, glossy polyester or with liquid metal coating.



Table | black-stained oak
Full Marble Table | Grand Noir Antique marble + black-stained oak
FINISHES UFO Full Table: wenge-stained oak Sign Chair: burnished brass + Brezza leather Nero 601 Sign Chair: burnished brass + Brezza leather Camoscio 627 Forest light chandelier burnished brass

Grandi architetture. Spazi importanti, apparentemente minimali, ma fortemente confortevoli. Scorci intensi di ambienti densi di vita. I nostri prodotti si fondono con gli spazi.

Il tavolo UFO Full è accompagnato dalle sedie Sign. E la nostra lampada a sospensione Forest Light completa l’ambiente.

Great architecture. Important spaces, apparently minimalist, but strongly comfortable. Intense glimpses of environments full of life. Our products blend in with the spaces.

UFO table is accompanied by Sign chairs.

Our Forest Light suspended lamp complete the environment.


UFO Full Table wenge-stained oak

Sign Chair: burnished brass + Brezza leather Nero 601

Sign Chair: burnished brass + Brezza leather Camoscio 627

Forest light chandelier burnished brass

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Tavolo con piano e sottopiano completamente realizzati in legno multistrato sagomato.

La base ha struttura interna in legno multistrato rivestito da un cono anch’esso in legno multistrato curvato.

Il top è in impiallacciato, laccato (opaco o lucido poliestere), verniciato metallo liquido o in marmo.

Sottopiano e base sono rivestiti in lastra di ottone naturale lucido.


Tavolo con piano realizzato in legno multistrato sagomato: impiallacciato, laccato (opaco o lucido poliestere), verniciato metallo liquido, in marmo con finitura lucida poliestere o in fusione di bronzo.

Sottopiano e base sono in fusione di bronzo.


Table with top and underside completely made of shaped multilayer wood.

The base features a multilayer-wood inner structure, covered with a bent multilayer wood cone.

The top is veneered, lacquered (mat or glossy polyester), with liquid metal coating or made of marble. Underside and base are covered with polished natural brass sheet.


Table with top and underside completely made of shaped multilayer wood: veneered, lacquered (mat or glossy polyester), with liquid metal coating, glossy polyester finish or in cast bronze.

The underside and the base are made of cast bronze.

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Table cast
UFO in
cast bronze UFO in
Calacatta Black marble UFO in Brass
polished brass
Portoro extra-quality marble
FINISHES Hergon Chair black-stained solid oak + Preziosa Fabric AU3041 06 UFO cast bronze cast Bronze + Stone Grey marble Fractal Boiserie dark thermo-treated oak Myline Chandelier: burnished brass + Brezza leather Moro 602

Forme e materie raffinate danno vita a prodotti ricercati.

Un’installazione delle nostre lampade a sospensione Myline e le sedie Hergon accompagnano la monumentalità e bellezza del nostro tavolo UFO in fusione di bronzo dando vita a uno spazio raffinato e senza tempo.

Shapes and polished materials give life to refined products. An installation of our Myline suspended lamps and Hergon chairs accompany the monumentality and the beauty of our UFO table in cast bronze, giving life to a refined and timeless space.


Hergon Chair black-stained solid oak + Preziosa Fabric AU3041 06

UFO cast bronze cast Bronze + Stone Grey marble

Fractal Boiserie dark thermo-treated oak

Myline Chandelier: burnished brass + Brezza leather Moro 602

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UFO con Lazy Susan in appoggio sul piano del tavolo Piano girevole da posizionare sopra al piano del tavolo.

UFO with Lazy Susan to be placed on the table top Swivel top to be placed on the table surface.


UFO Full Marble with Lazy Susan: Portoro extra-quality marble + black-stained oak

UFO Full with Lazy Susan: wenge-stained oak

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UFO con Lazy Susan complanare incorporata nel piano Lazy Susan è un piano girevole e asportabile, realizzato con pannelli sagomati impiallacciati.

Lazy Susan manuale o motorizzato, con meccanismo attivabile tramite pulsanti posti sotto il top.

UFO with coplanar Lazy Susan incorporated into the top Lazy Susan is a swivel and removable top, made of veneered shaped panels. Lazy Susan can be manual or motorized, with a mechanism activated through buttons placed under the top.


Calacatta marble

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UFO con Lazy Susan a forma di anello Questa versione consente di avere la parte centrale fissa, quale piano di supporto ulteriore per la decorazione della tavola, entrambe in essenza. Anello girevole motorizzato; il meccanismo è attivabile tramite pulsanti posti sotto il top.

UFO with ring-shaped Lazy Susan This version allows to have a fixed central part, to serve as additional supporting surface for table adornments, both made of veneered wood. Swivel motorized ring; the mechanism is activated through buttons placed under the table surface.


Calacatta Borghini marble


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Il design di Aiko si pone come punto di contatto tra la contemporaneità e la tradizione di un equilibrio formale, elegante e caratteristico. La particolare lavorazione delle ante mira a valorizzare la lavorazione del legno e a caratterizzare, dal punto di vista formale e compositivo, il mobile.

Aiko design represents the connection between innovation and tradition, expressed in a fomal, elegant and distinctive balance. The peculiar manufacturing of its doors aims to give value to the woodworking and allows to identify the piece of furniture, from a formal and constituent point of view.

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Aiko Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass
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Aiko sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

Il disegno della consolle Antesi è evocativo e funzionale allo stesso tempo. Le linee sinuose e, al contempo, estremamente grafiche le conferiscono un aspetto misterioso ma funzionale. La maestria della lavorazione dei legni curvati la rendono unica.

The console design is at once evocative and functioning. The sinuous and at the same time fixed lines confer a mysterious and functional appearance. Our great mastery of working bent wood make this piece of furniture extremely unique.

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Antesi console | chromed metal + dark thermo-treated oak

Curare dettagli. Miscelare materie diverse. Far sì che ognuna di loro viva e prenda vita grazie a un mix armonico e ben bilanciato di textures e cromie differenti.

Taking care of the details. Mixing different materials. Make them alive thanks to a harmonic and well-balanced mix of textures and different shades.


Antesi console chromed metal + dark thermo-treated oak

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Contenitore dalla forma ironica e particolare, Arlequin è un raffinato omaggio alla famosissima maschera della commedia dell’arte italiana, Arlecchino. Le sue ante sono decorate con triangoli diversamente rifiniti e nascondono contenitori di differenti misure e forme che ricalcano le geometrie frontali.

Storage unit, featuring a peculiar and ironical shape, Arlequin is a refined tribute to the well-known mask of the Italian Commedia dell’Arte, Harlequin. Its doors are decorated with triangles of different finishes, and hold storage units of different sizes and shapes which recall the geometry of the front.

-141 - -140Arlequin C Cabinet grey-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass + polished lacquered metal Arlequin C Cabinet | natural sandblasted oak + burnished brass ARLEQUIN C


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Arlequin C Cabinet grey-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass + polished lacquered metal

La libreria Bookcage prende il suo nome dalla struttura preziosa e quasi eterea che accoglie, propone e dispone ripiani e contenitori in legno piacevolmente organizzati in composizioni che possono essere personalizzate in relazione alle necessità del cliente. Uno strumento progettuale, oltre che una libreria che arreda in maniera flessibile lo spazio.

Bookcage bookshelf takes its name from its precious and almost ethereal structure, which holds shelves and wooden storage units, pleasantly organized in several compositions, according to the customer’s needs. A design item, as well as a bookshelf, able to furnish any room in a flexible way.

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Bookcage Bookcase | dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass


Evan Table: dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

Thalis Chair burnished brass + Aston velvet 02

Cage Sideboard: dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

Bookcage bookcase dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

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contenitori Borges HB sono caratterizzati da geometrie che incarnano uno spirito di pura razionalità. La loro struttura è fortemente dichiarata e riconoscibile e accoglie i vani di contenimento in un rigoroso gioco di innesti di volumi.

Borges HB storage units feature a geometry that recalls a spirit of pure rationality. Their firm structure is highly recognisable and holds storage compartments to create a game of various volumes.

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Borges HB storage units black-stained oak

Linearità, razionalità e pulizia formale sono le caratteristiche distintive dei contenitori Brug. Il corpo centrale è sospeso e retto in un gioco di contrasti di volumi da due spalle che conferiscono al prodotto grande leggerezza.

Linearity, rationality and formal cleanliness are the distinctive features of Brug storage units. The central body is suspended between the two sides, in a game of different volumes, which give a sense of great lightness to the furniture item.

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Brug Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + Calacatta marble
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FINISHES Brug Sideboard: grey-stained oak + Stone Grey marble Uon Boiserie dark thermo-treated oak
FINISHES Cosmo Table: dark thermo-treated oak + Calacatta marble Kyo Chair: Aston velvet 10 + brassed metal Brug Sideboard: dark Emperador marble + glossy polyester lacquer RAL 8022 Black Brown Cylence Table Lamps burnished brass

“Cage”, una struttura preziosa e quasi eterea che accoglie, propone, sostiene e dispone volumi contenitivi organizzati in ante o cassetti. Il segno grafico che questo telaio disegna compenetrando il corpo della struttura in legno conferisce al mobile una ricchezza particolarmente sobria e raffinata.

Cage features a precious and almost ethereal structure, which holds storage units, endowed with doors and drawers. The distinctive feature created by the metal structure, which seems to enter the main wooden body, gives a particularly sober and refined look to the furniture item.

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Cage Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass
-158Cage Sideboard
Thalis Chair burnished brass + Aston velvet 02 Cage Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Bookcage bookcase dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass LDC Wall Lamp: dark thermo-treated oak

Celtic è una famiglia di mobili che si sviluppa su due altezze e varie lunghezze. Fortemente customizzabile, è caratterizzata da ante complanari o scorrevoli, la cui forza e unicità sono dichiarate dall’intreccio di pannelli in legno che, in maniera armoniosa, si alternano a profili orizzontali in ottone brunito.

Celtic is a furniture collection articulated in two different heights and various lengths. Highly customizable, it features coplanar or sliding doors, whose main strength and uniqueness are represented by interwoven wooden panels, harmoniously alternating with horizontal profiles of burnished brass.

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Celtic Canaletto walnut + burnished brass

Fasce di legno curvato e intrecciato. Segni grafici forti e caratterizzanti che, interpretati in chiave moderna, rendono il mobile Celtic un contenitore estremamente attuale.

Bent and interlaced wooden bands. Strong and connotative graphic signs, that interpreted in a modern key, make Celtic an extremely current storage unit.


Celtic Sideboard: dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

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Crash è una famiglia di contenitori dal deciso tratto progettuale. Le ante diamantate rendono pezzi caratterizzati e riconoscibili e la particolare apertura totale del fronte permette di avere una visione completa dell’interno.

Crash is a storage units collection featuring a firm design. Its diamond-shaped doors make the item clearly recognizable and the peculiar front opening allows to have a full view of the inside.

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Crash Sideboard | glossy polyester lacquer RAL 9016 Traffic White


Crash Sideboard: dark thermo-treated oak

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Morbidezza e grande raffinatezza senza tempo sono le caratteristiche che distinguono i contenitori De-Mode. Sviluppati in configurazione alta e bassa sono caratterizzati da ante in legno che sono sostenute da un telaio in metallo che impreziosisce l’oggetto.

Softness and great timeless refinement are the distinctive features of De-Mode storage units. High and low versions are available, both of them featuring wooden doors and supported by a metal structure, which enriches the furniture item even more.

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De-mode storage units chromed brass + grey Sucupira + green Macchiavecchia marble


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De-mode Sideboard: chromed brass + grey Sucupira + green Macchiavecchia marble

Mastri sellai, tappezzieri, antichi forzieri e accessori moda, le borchie sono da sempre, oltre a uno strumento di utilità, anche un modo di decorare.

Dolly è un mobile unico nel suo genere.

Racchiuso in una struttura di ottone, un contenitore è stato completamente decorato, con precisione certosina, con borchie lucide di diametri diversi, creando così una superficie straordinaria. Niente di etnico o retrò ma al contrario un oggetto atemporale e raro.

Le diverse semisfere metalliche disegnano un motivo geometrico che scandisce le facciate e delinea le aperture, dando inoltre all’oggetto una tridimensionalità e un’epidermide nuova ed inaspettata.

Un mobile che coniuga artigianalità e manualità con la ricerca del nuovo, in un’espressione di unicità e tradizione votata al futuro.

Saddlers, upholsterers, ancient treasure chests and fashion accessories, studs have always been, apart from mere utility tools, also a way to decorate things. Dolly is a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture.

Enclosed in a brass structure, a single storage unit is finely decorated with polished studs of different diameters, to create an extraordinary surface. Nothing to do with anything ethnic or old-fashioned, on the contrary, a timeless and rare object. The different metallic semispheres create a geometric pattern that marks the surfaces and outlines the openings, giving also a threedimensional effect and a new, unexpected look to the object.

A piece of furniture that combines craftsmanship and manual skills, in a constant pursuit of new, expressing uniqueness and tradition, with a glimpse of the future.

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Dolly Sideboard | Canaletto walnut + polished brass


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Dolly Sideboard Canaletto walnut + polished brass

Il decoro ‘scanalato’ rimanda al più antico degli stili architettonici, l’ordine Dorico.

Doris è una famiglia di contenitori di varie dimensioni caratterizzata dalle forme semplici e generose, tutte sottolineate dal disegno classico che ne caratterizza lati fatta eccezione della base, leggermente rientrante rispetto al fronte, che ne slancia il volume sottolineandone la lavorazione superficiale.

Un mobile estremamente versatile per composizioni e per finiture: la versione in legno con scanalature laccate dà una lettura più vicina al mobile classico, mentre le versioni totalmente laccate, in sofisticate e attuali varianti colore, lo rendono un contenitore moderno ed innovativo nella sua lineare semplicità.

The “fluted” decoration recalls the most ancient among the architectural styles, the Doric order. Doris is a collection of storage units of different dimensions, featuring simple and harmonious shapes. A classical design characterizes all its sides, except for the base, slightly recessed from the front, so that the volume of the entire object slims, emphasising the surface finishing.

An extremely versatile piece of furniture, in terms of composition and finishing: the wooden version with lacquered flutes makes the element recall the classic style furniture, while the lacquered version, in several sophisticated and contemporary colour variants, makes it a modern and innovative-in-its-simplicity storage sideboard.

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Doris Demi-lune Cabinet glossy polyester RAL 5014 Pigeon Blue Doris Demi-lune Cabinet glossy polyester RAL 5004 Black Blue


Sign Chair: burnished brass + Brezza leather Moro 602

Wind Chime Chandelier: burnished brass

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Doris Cabinet dark thermo-treated oak + mat lacquer RAL 8022 Black Brown UFO Marble liquid metal coating Bronze + Calacatta Borghini marble

Nel trattare la materia, amiamo interpretarla attraverso chiavi stilistiche sempre differenti. Per creare pezzi che, con la loro enfasi, possano diventare elementi unici per contesti raffinati.

In treating the material, we love interpret it using always different stylistic keys.

To create pieces of furniture that with their emphasis, might become unique elements for refined spaces.


Doris Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + mat lacquer RAL 8022 Black Brown

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La forma accogliente e rassicurante di Druso è unica nel suo genere e nasconde, in ogni suo elemento, capacità e maestria che derivano da una grande sapienza legata all’alta ebanisteria.

Le ante sono infatti realizzate in legno multistrato curvato impiallacciato e sono progettate in maniera da sembrare un tutt’uno con il resto della struttura che compone il mobile

The warm and reassuring shape of Druso is one of a kind. Each element reveals ability and craftsmanship, derived from high-quality cabinet making.

Indeed, doors are made of multilayer veneered bent wood, and are designed so as to seem a whole with the rest of the structure.

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Druso Sideboard | dark thermo-treated oak

Nel progettare e realizzare nostri prodotti non ci fermiamo di fronte a nessuna difficoltà. Da ogni sfida, nasce un pezzo di alta ebanisteria.

In planning and making our projects we do not stop in front of any difficulties.

Each challenge gives life to a high-quality piece of furniture.


Druso Sideboard: dark thermo-treated oak

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Il cabinet Eclissi è stupore e meraviglia. Un tondo perfetto inscritto in una struttura circolare che cela al suo interno un contenitore.

Sospeso tra ardire costruttivo ed espressione artistica, Eclissi denota il suo valore non solo attraverso la sua forza espressiva, bensì tramite la complessità degli elementi che la compongono.

L’anta circolare, a sezione concava, è un capolavoro di maestria e savoirfaire artigianale, sia nella versione in essenza sia in quella in bronzo naturale martellato a mano.

L’apertura pivot svela la duplice anima concava e convessa dell’anta a tutto tondo permettendo, al contempo, di ottenere un particolare effetto di sospensione rispetto alla struttura, ulteriormente spettacolarizzato dall’aura luminosa perimetrale che scaturisce dal vuoto, generatosi tra ante e struttura.

Due le versioni presentate: ECLISSI IN prevede la possibilità di incassare a filo parete la struttura circolare e massimizzare l’effetto di leggerezza e spettacolarità dell’arredo.

ECLISSI OUT è dotata di normali fissaggi a muro affinché si possa posizionare liberamente su qualsiasi parete ed apprezzarne la struttura circolare.

Eclissi cabinet is amazement and magnificence. A perfect round inscribed in a circular structure, that inside hides a holder.

Suspended between architectural courage and artistic expression, Eclissi denotes its value not only through its expressive strength but also through the complexity of the elements, that compose it.

The circular door with concave section is an artisan masterpiece and savoir-faire, both in the veneer and in natural hand-hammered bronze version. The pivot opening shows the all-round dual concave ad convex door’s soul, allowing at the same time to obtain a hanging effect compared to the structure, further turned into something spectacular by the perimetric luminous aura, which comes out from the empty generated between the door and the structure.

Two are the versions presented:

ECLISSI IN presents the possibility of a circular structure installed flash on the wall. In this way the effect of lightness and spectacularism of the furniture is maximized.

ECLISSI OUT is equipped with standard wall fastenings so that it can be hanged on any wall and the circular structure be admired.

Eclissi Wall Storage Unit

External structure: black glossy polyester lacquer RAL 9005 Jet Black

Inner structure: black mat lacquer RAL 9005 Jet Black

Bottoms: polished metal

Inner door: black mat lacquer RAL 9005 Jet Black

External door: black-stained sandblasted oak

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Elemento unico e iconico dalla grandissima forza, Evolution trasferisce a chi lo guarda la potenza dell’evoluzione che il mondo dell’arredo in legno ha percorso negli ultimi decenni.

Dai grandi decori scolpiti a mano a rappresentare l’alta ebanisteria che ha reso possibile lo stile classico in tutta la sua ricchezza, alla pulizia formale di volumi secchi e rigorosi di una corrente più razionalista e attuale.

Unique and iconic element, able to convey great strength, Evolution communicates to the beholder the power of developments in the furnishing sector during the last few decades.

From great hand-carved decorations, representing high-quality cabinet-making which made classical style possible in all its richness, to formal cleanliness of dry and rigorous volumes of a more rationalist and contemporary trend.

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Evolution Sideboard | black-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass
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Evolution Sideboard black-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass

Nato dalla famiglia Evolution, Evo-Mod incarna il concetto di evoluzione del mobile in chiave moderna. Le sue forme pure, rigorose e razionali, sono valorizzate e sdrammatizzate da un gioco di superfici metalliche che impreziosiscono il prodotto.

Born from Evolution collection, Evo-Mod represents the concept of evolution of furniture in a modern key. Its pure shapes, rigorous and rational, are emphasized and downplayed, thanks to an interplay of metal surfaces which embellish the whole furniture item.

-193 - -192 -
Evo-Mod Sideboard grey-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass

Il disegno dal quale trae origine la serie di arredi Fractal è ispirato alla geometria frattale.

Un oggetto geometrico che si ripete nella sua forma e su scale diverse, ingrandendosi o assottigliandosi, pur attenendo una figura simile all’originale. Il termine “frattale” deriva dal latino fractus, ovvero spezzato.

Fractal vede, difatti, il ripetersi di elementi lignei lineari, sagomati nella loro sezione, che si susseguono fronteggiandosi in diverse e lievi inclinazioni che rendono la composizione decisamente plastica ma, al contempo, vibrante.

Ad arricchire la famiglia di arredi Fractal, nasce Fractal sideboard il cui disegno gioca con la giustapposizione di elementi tridimensionali a sezione triangolare o trapezoidale e parti piane che vi si frappongono in modo da generare un movimento che tende all’infinito.

The design of the collection of furniture Fractal is inspired by the fractal geometry.

A geometric object that repeats itself in its shape and at different scales, expanding or reducing itself, even though obtaining a shape similar to the original one. The term “fractal” comes from the Latin fractus, i.e. fragmented.

Fractal sees, in fact, the recurrence of linear wooden elements, shaped in their section, which follow one another facing themselves in different soft inclinations, which make the composition definitely plastic but, at the same time, vibrating.

To enrich the Fractal collection of furniture, Fractal sideboard is born, whose pattern plays with the juxtaposition of three-dimensional elements with a triangular or trapezoidal section and flat parts, that interpose themselves in order to create a movement that reaches out to the infinite.

-195 -
Fractal Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

Gala si contraddistingue per la sua grande sobrietà e per la leggerezza che le sue proporzioni ci trasferiscono. Un importante contenitore dall’aspetto monolitico è sospeso su un telaio metallico a fasce che impreziosisce il mobile. Attrezzato con ante o cassetti, Gala è un elemento di arredo versatile e raffinato.

Gala features the great sobriety and lightness conveyed by its proportions. A majestic monolithic-looking storage unit, suspended on a metal structure with bands, which embellish the whole object. Endowed with doors or drawers, Gala is a versatile and refined furniture item.

Gala sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass

Gala sideboard Portoro extra-quality marble + burnished brass

-197 - -196 -
Gala Sideboard FINISHES Gala Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Step by Step Wall Lamp burnished brass

Il cabinet In-Finito è contenitore, library e boiserie allo stesso tempo. Una quinta orizzontale di legno ospita elementi contenitivi differenti, come cassettiere, vani con ante e spazi a giorno di diverse larghezze, arricchiti dalla presenza di un fondale-boiserie.

In-Finito costituisce un vero e proprio sistema, in più dimensioni e finiture, perché accostabile, sovrapponibile e replicabile, appunto, all’infinito.

In-Finito cabinet is a storage unit, a bookshelf and a wainscoting at the same time. A wooden surface with various storage elements, such as dressers, compartments with doors and open compartments of different lengths, enriched by the presence of a back-wall panelling.

In-Finito represents a proper system of units, in different sizes and finishes, combinable, stackable and replicable at will.

-201 - -200 -
In-Finito Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass


In-Finito Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Cylence Table Lamps burnished brass

Lama, dalla duplice personalità, può essere collocata a parete oppure posizionata free-standing a centro stanza, per essere apprezzata in tutti i suoi dettagli. Il piede sagomato, caratteristica distintiva dell’oggetto, si inserisce nel corpo dell’arredo in diagonale da terra fino al piano, enfatizzando il valore formale del prodotto.

Lama, with its dual personality, might be positioned against a wall or placed free-standing in the middle of the room, in order to appreciate every little detail. The shaped base, representing the distinctive feature of the element, is diagonally inserted in the main body of the furniture item, from the bottom to the top, emphasizing its formal value.

-205 - -204 -
Lama Sideboard | grey-stained oak + polished steel


Lama Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Cylence Table Lamps burnished brass

Lario è una famiglia di mobili che ha come comun denominatore l’utilizzo dell’impagliatura. Reinterpretare la tradizione in chiave moderna è lo spirito che ci ha animato quando abbiamo scelto di utilizzare questo materiale, solitamente relegato al mondo della seggiola, facendolo diventare protagonista principale di questi contenitori. Infatti frontali sono in impagliato impreziositi da una maniglia che reinterpreta in chiave moderna le fusioni del passato.

Lario is a collection of furniture elements, with the common feature of the stuffing. The reinterpretation of the tradition in a modern way is what inspired us when we decided to use this material, usually relegated to the field of seats, making it the main characteristic of this collection. Indeed, the fronts are stuffed, enriched by a handle, that represents a modern reinterpretation of casts used in the past.

-209 - -208 -

Lario Storage Units natural oak + straw + cast brass
Cabinet natural oak + straw + cast brass Iperbole S Chair natural oak Firlinfeu Chandelier natural satin brass UFO Table: mat lacquer RAL 9005 Jet Black
S chair FINISHES Lario

Omamond nasce come contenitore orizzontale caratterizzato da un decoro bicolore dalle fattezze razionali, segno grafico che con le sue geometrie interrompe e alleggerisce la volumetria dell’oggetto.

Proprio grazie alla leggerezza e raffinatezza di questo decoro, Omamond si presta a essere declinato e customizzato in maniera efficace in altre dimensioni, anche importanti.

Omamond nasce come contenitore orizzontale caratterizzato da un decoro bicolore dalle fattezze razionali, segno grafico che con le sue geometrie interrompe e alleggerisce la volumetria dell’oggetto.

Proprio grazie alla leggerezza e raffinatezza di questo decoro, Omamond si presta a essere declinato e customizzato in maniera efficace in altre dimensioni, anche importanti.

-213 - -212 -

Omamond Sideboard wenge + figured maple Omamond cabinet FINISHES Cosmo Table dark thermo-treated oak + Calacatta marble Kyo Chair: Aston velvet 10 + brassed metal Omamond Cabinet: glossy polyester lacquer RAL 9006 Beige Grey + black-stained oak
-217 - -216 -
Omamond Storage Units mat lacquer RAL 9006 Beige Grey + grey-stained oak

Perseidi è una famiglia di contenitori sospesi a parete caratterizzata dalla forma semicircolare. L’abbinamento dei differenti elementi crea configurazioni decorative inusuali molto suggestive. Utilizzati singolarmente o disposti in trittico oppure in composizioni più articolate e complesse, i cabinet Perseidi rappresentano la risposta a chi necessita di un contenitore, dall’effetto decisamente decorativo ma al contempo raffinato e originale.

Perseidi is a collection of wall-mounted storage units featuring a semi-circular shape. The combination of different elements creates unusual and extremely suggestive decorative configurations. Used either singularly or arranged to form a triptyque or more articulated and complex solutions, Perseidi cabinets represent the perfect answer for those who need a storage unit, with a decorative effect, but refined and original at the same time.

-219 - -218 -
Perseidi Wall Storage Units natural sandblasted oak + burnished brass


-220 -
Parentesi Wall Storage Units grey-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass

La forte ispirazione architettonica che attinge le sue linee dai progetti del design radicale degli anni ’80 dà forma a Portico, un contenitore non convenzionale, concepito come un insieme di moduli che si susseguono in maniera armoniosa e che hanno la bellezza del poter essere declinati pressoché all’infinito.

The strong architectural inspiration, drawing its features from the projects and the radical design of the 80s gives birth to Portico.

An unconventional storage unit, conceived as a set of modules which follow one another and make the creation of potentially-endless combinations possible.

-223 - -222 -
Portico Cabinet Canaletto walnut + glossy polyester lacquer RAL 4009 Pastel Violet
FINISHES Portico Cabinet Canaletto walnut + glossy polyester lacquer RAL 7036 Platinum Grey UFO Table: glossy polyester lacquer RAL 9016 Traffic White Nina Chair chromed metal + Aston velvet 04 Wind Chime Candelier burnished brass

Amiamo cercare architetture in cui il tempo si è fermato. Sono spazi nascosti, perle cariche di forza e di pathos. I nostri arredi vestono in piena armonia questi luoghi incredibili. Accanto al Portico, il tavolo UFO, le sedie Nina e lo chandelier Wind Chime rendono questa atmosfera raffinata.

We love looking for architecture where time has stood still. They are hidden spaces, pearls full of power and pathos. Our furnishings dress harmoniously these incredible spaces. Next to Portico, UFO table, Nina chair and Wind Chime chandelier make this atmosphere refined.


Portico Cabinet: Canaletto walnut + glossy polyester lacquer RAL 7036 Platinum Grey

UFO Table glossy polyester lacquer RAL 9016 Traffic White Nina Chair chromed metal + Aston velvet 04

Wind Chime Chandelier: burnished brass

-227 - -226 -

Elemento contenitore-divisorio-libreria, dai caratteristici montanti disassati che accolgono un contenitore “sospeso”. Impreziosito dall’aver ante e cassetti e vani aperti con battuta a 45° nella struttura. Griglia libreria e contenitore rivestiti completamente in essenza oppure, a richiesta, con interni in laccato opaco. Fanno parte del sistema Sipario anche singoli contenitori e gli elementi libreria accostabili.

Storage/dividing unit and bookshelf, featuring off-centred struts, holding a “suspended” storage unit and enriched by doors, drawers and open compartments with 45° angle joints. The main structure is covered with wood veneer or, upon request, with matt lacquered interiors. Also single storage units and modular bookshelves elements are part of the Sipario system.

-229 - -228 -
Sipario Bookcase | dark thermo-treated oak

Sipario LC Bookcase tannic treated sandblasted oak


Stripes è una famiglia di contenitori con ante decorate con profili triangolari in massello applicati singolarmente. Le geometrie che si creano rendono la struttura di Stripes preziosa e giochi di luce che attraversano questo susseguirsi di linee e incroci conferiscono al mobile una grande forza.

Stripes is a furniture collection with decorated doors, with triangular solid wood profiles, applied one by one. The geometries thus created make the structure of Stripe precious, and the light effects which pass through all the lines and the intersections give to the furniture item a sense of great strength.

-233 - -232 -
Stripes Sideboard grey-stained sandblasted oak Stripes Cabinet grey-stained sandblasted oak + burnished brass
Iperbole Table mat lacquer RAL 8022 Black Brown Iperbole S chair Nabuck leather C/3405 Stripes Sideboard: dark thermo-treated oak Firlinfeu Chandelier natural satin brass Hic et Nunc Wall Lamp burnished brass

Progettare giocando con contrasti tra forma rigorosa e decori morbidi. Nasce Tiberio Matelassé, caratterizzato da un telaio e da un volume contenitivo che sarebbero razionalità pura se non fossero resi più accoglienti da una texture così preziosa e confortevole. Un connubio che rende l’oggetto piacevole e unico.

A way to design by playing with rigorous shapes and soft decorations. From this concept Tiberio Matelassè comes to life, featuring structure and volume which would represent pure rationality, if they were not softened by a precious and pleasant texture.

-237 - -236 -
Tiberio matelassé Sideboard | oak with grey-scraped finish + burnished brass

Ogni dettaglio viene studiato con estrema cura. Ogni decoro, ogni texture, ogni superficie nascondono la nostra passione per la precisione e la perfezione.

Every detail is studied with the greatest care. Each pattern, each texture, each surface hide our passion for rigor and perfection.


Tiberio matelassé Sideboard oak with grey-scraped finish + burnished brass

-239 -
-238 -

Gli elementi di legno in accosto sulle ante e sui fianchi di Tiles creano un unico armonioso gioco tridimensionale che viene sapientemente interrotto ed esaltato da preziosi inserti in metallo.

The wooden elements, placed on doors and sides of Tiles, create a unique three-dimensional effect, wisely interrupted and highlighted by precious metal inserts.

-241 - -240 -
Tiles Sideboard sandblasted oak treated with grey tannic process, with shades in the tones of red, green and blue + burnished brass FINISHES Tiles Sideboard dark thermo-treated oak + burnished brass Kia Chair natural polished brass

Treillage è una libreria in listelli di legno massello che sfrutta la controventatura della struttura che la compone per l’irrobustimento della stessa. Come una maglia tridimensionale questo mobile è di una leggerezza visiva e strutturale innovativa e di una solidità inaspettata vista l’esiguità del materiale che la compone. Completano questo reticolo piani d’appoggio, anch’essi in legno di spessore minimo, che servono inoltre come ulteriore elemento di stabilità del mobile.

Treillage is a bookshelf made of wooden strips. Reminding of a three-dimensional mesh, this furniture item is characterized by an innovative visual and structural lightness and a surprisingly stability, despite the material of which it is made. Treillage bookshelf is completed by supports, also made of minimum-thickness wood, which serve as an additional element of stability of the entire piece of furniture.

-245 - -244 -
Treillage Bookcase grey-stained oak

Tudor Bonanza è una famiglia di contenitori che trae ispirazione dallo stile rinascimentale Inglese e dalle facciate “timber-framed” tipiche di quegli anni. La reinterpretazione dei segni di quell’epoca permette di sperimentare sul mobile linguaggi grafici decorativi di una sorprendente modernità. Tutti componenti di questa famiglia sono realizzati in legno naturale e laccato con forme e finiture diverse.

Tudor Bonanza is a storage unit collection taking inspiration from the English Renaissance style, and from the “timber-framed” fronts, typical of that period. The reinterpretation of those trends allows to explore new surprisingly modern graphic languages while creating furniture. All the items of the collection are made of natural and lacquered wood with different shapes and finishes.

-247 - -246 -
Tudor Sideboard black-stained sandblasted fir wood + mat lacquer RAL 9016 Traffic White
-249 - -248 -
FINISHES Tudor Sideboard black-stained sandblasted fir wood + mat lacquer RAL 9016 Traffic White


-251 -

differenti volumi che formano Birignao, dalla base al top, giocano fondendosi a creare un tavolinounico. Le sue geometrie pure si sormontano in maniera armoniosa formando un susseguirsi di curve ed elementi raffinato.

The different volumes which form Birignao, from the base to the top, blend with each other to create one single table. Its pure and harmoniously overlapping geometries create a succession of curves and refined elements.

-253 - -252BIRIGNAO
Birignao Small Table mat lacquer RAL 6013 Reed Green

Dune. Divano ad elementi componibili, di diverse forme e dimensioni. Utilizzando il pouf si può creare una penisola unica.

Borges TT. Volumi geometrici che incarnano uno spirito di grande pulizia formale. tavolini Borges TT riescono con questa loro purezza, a essere elementi di arredo trasversali e raffinati.

Dune. Sofa featuring modular elements, of different shapes and sizes. An open-end sofa may be created through the use of a pouf.

Borges TT. Geometric volumes embodying a spirit of great formal cleanliness. Borges TT small tables are able to become versatile and refined pieces of furniture.

-255 - -254 -
Dune Sofa velvet Aston 61 Cushions Velvet 61 + leather Brezza Carota 684
FINISHES Dune Sofa: Aston velvet 33 Cushions Aston velvet 33 + Brezza leather Marmotta 678 Fractal Boiserie burnished brass + custom stain oak
Dune Sofa velvet Aston 61 Cushions Velvet 61 + leather Brezza Carota 684 Borges TT Small Table natural polished brass
- -258 -

Borges TT Small Table dark thermo-treated oak

Borges TT Small Table mat lacquered RAL 9001 Cream

Borges TT Small Table natural polished brass

-261 - -260 -

“Up and down”. Il tavolino Ghost, con la sua sagoma armoniosa e particolare, può essere usato in appoggio sulla sua base grande o su quella più piccola, creando giochi di volumi interessanti e mai banali.

“Up and down”. Ghost small table, thanks to its peculiar and harmonious shape, may be used placed on its bigger or smaller base, creating interesting and never trivial games of volumes.

-263 - -262 -
Ghost Small Table natural oak Ghost Small Table black-stained oak

Divano monoblocco in massello di multistrato, sagomato in CNC e rifinito e levigato a mano. La versione in multistrato marino è adatta anche per utilizzo in esterni protetti/coperti.

Single-block sofa made of solid multilayer wood, CNC shaped, finished and smooth by hand. The version made of marine plywood is also suitable for outdoor covered spaces.

-265 - -264 -
Knokke Sofa natural oak
-266FINISHES Knokke Sofa natural oak Borges Bench: natural oak + Brezza leather 605 Fango Borges TT Small Table mat lacquer finish 8022 Black Brown Knokke Sofa | natural oak

Questi vent’anni di produzione, il tavolino UFO TT è diventato un grande classico. La sua elegante forma senza tempo, la perfetta tecnica di esecuzione ed i curatissimi dettagli delle sue componenti lo hanno tramutato nel tempo in un riferimento formale per il mondo dell’arredo contemporaneo. La particolarità del design della conchiglia del sottopiano, il suo attacco invisibile e perfettamente studiato con il top, oltre all’innesto con il piede centrale tronco-conico finemente svasato sono stati finora interpretati in numerosi materiali e finiture.

During these last 20 years, UFO TT small table has become a great classic.

Its elegant timeless shape, the perfect execution technique and the well-kept details of all its parts have made it become a formal reference for the world of contemporary furniture.

The peculiarity of the shell design of its underside, the invisible and perfectly-designed joint with the top, in addition to the insert with the finely-flared truncatedconical central base have so far been interpreted using several materials and finishes.

-269 - -268 -
UFO Full TT Small Table | wenge-stained oak

UFO Marble TT Small Table:

Calacatta Borghini marble + mat lacquer RAL 9016 Traffic White

UFO TT Small Table: glossy polyester lacquer RAL 9016 Traffic White

UFO Full Marble TT Small Table: Grand Noir Antique marble + black-stained oak

-271 -


-273 -

ATLAS | design by


cm 240x100 h74 - in 94x39 h29

cm 300x110 h74 - in 118x43 h29

cm 360x125 h74 - in 142x49 h29


Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) or Supermirror Steel

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gré Ceppo, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

- Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gré Ceppo, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda) + Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) or Supermirror Steel


ø cm 200 h75 - in79 h30

ø cm 240 h75 - in94 h30


Top: - Oak (natural or stained)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Grey-stained oak + Amaranth wood + Dark thermo-treated Oak + Silver Oak

Base: - Cast Bronze

ø cm 160 h75 - in63 h30

Top: - Oak (natural or stained)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Base: - Cast Bronze

ø cm 100 h75 - in39 h30 ø cm 140 h75 - in55 h30

ø cm 160 h75 - in63 h30 ø cm 180 h75 - in71 h30

cm 100x100 h75 - in 39x39 h30 cm 140x140 h75 - in 55x55 h30 cm 160x160 h75 - in 63x63 h30 cm 180x180 h75 - in 71x71 h30

cm 250x100 h75 - in 98x39 h30 cm 320x130 h75 - in 126x51 h30 cm 240x110 h74 - in 94x43 h29 cm 300x120 h74 - in 118x47 h29 cm 360x130 h74 - in 142x51 h29

ø cm 200 h75 - in79 h30

ø cm 240 h75 - in94 h30

Top: - Oak (natural or stained)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Base: - Cast Bronze

-275 - -274 -

Top + Base: - Solid stained sandblasted Fir wood - Mat lacquer

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) Base: - Mat lacquer

Top + Base:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Solid stained sandblasted Fir wood - Mat lacquer

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Base: - Mat lacquer

Top + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Solid stained sandblasted Fir wood - Mat lacquer

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Base: - Mat lacquer

Finishes Finishes

Top + Base

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Ebony

ASSOLO design by Elena Pancaldi Measurements Elena Salmistraro BIRIGNAO | design by Ferruccio Laviani BLADE | design by Carlo Ballabio Measurements Measurements


cm 240x100 h75 - in 94x39 h30

cm 310x100 h75 - in 122x39 h30

cm 380x100 h75 - in 150x39 h30


Top + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Base: - Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

cm 260x120 h74 - in 102x47 h29

cm 300x130 h74 - in 118x51 h29

cm 360x150 h74 - in 142x59 h29

cm 260x120 h74 - in 102x47 h29

cm 300x130 h74 - in 118x51 h29

cm 360x150 h74 - in 142x59 h29

Measurements Measurements

cm 250x100 h78 - in 98x39 h31

cm 320x120 h78 - in 126x47 h31

Top + Underside + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Underside + Base - Mat lacquer - Glossy poliester laquer

Insert: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Top + Underside + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Underside + Base - Mat lacquer - Glossy poliester laquer

Finishes Finishes

Top + Base: - Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + Inserts in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) or Satin Steel

ø cm 160 h74 - in63 h29 ø cm 200 h74 - in79 h29

cm 270x110 h74 - in 106x43 h29 cm 320x125 h74 - in 126x49 h29

cm 160x139 h75 - in 63x55 h30 cm 180x156 h75 - in 71x61 h30

cm 186x186 h75 - in 73x73 h30

Measurements Measurements Measurements

cm 240x90 h75 - in 94x35 h30

cm 300x100 h75 - in 118x39 h30

-277 - -276 -

Top + Base + Inserts:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Top: - Mat lacquer - Glossy poliester laquer

Base + Inserts:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Top + Base + Inserts:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Top: - Mat lacquer - Glossy poliester lacquer

Base + Inserts:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Top + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Wenge - Mat lacquer

Top + Base:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Wenge - Mat lacquer

Finishes Finishes Finishes


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Canaletto Walnut

- Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Satin Steel

COSMO design by Elena Pancaldi
EVAN design by Emmemobili EVO | design by Ferruccio Laviani FATTY | design by Ferruccio Laviani FRESKO design by Evgenij V. Poliantsev GALA | design by Emmemobili



cm 240x90 h75 - in 94x35 h30

cm 280x90 h75 - in 110x35 h30


Top + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Grey Sucupira

SELENE | design by Ferruccio Laviani


cm 240x115 h75 - in 94x45 h30

cm 300x125 h75 - in 118x49 h30

cm 360x130 h75 - in 142x51 h30


Top + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Underside: - Mat lacquer


cm 240x130 h74 - in 94x51 h29

cm 300x130 h74 - in 118x51 h29


Top + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut - Mat lacquer

Top: - Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Macchiavecchia Verde, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut


cm 250x90 h74 - in 98x35 h29

cm 300x100 h74 - in 118x39 h29

cm 360x100 h74 - in 142x39 h29


Top + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut - Wenge


cm 240x100 h74 - in 94x39 h29


Top + Base:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + Polished steel + Polished brass

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) + Polished steel + Polished brass - Canaletto Walnut + Polished steel + Polished brass

cm 250x100 h74 - in 98x39 h29

Measurements Measurements

ø cm 130 h74 - in51 h29

ø cm 160 h74 - in63 h29 ø cm 180 h74 - in71 h29

Top + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + Polished steel + Polished brass

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) + Polished steel + Polished brass - Canaletto Walnut + Polished steel + Polished brass

cm 200x145 h74 - in 79x57 h29


Top: - Extra-clear tempered glass

Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

-279 - -278 -

Top: - Extra-clear tempered glass

Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

IPERBOLE | design by Ferruccio Laviani MR | design by Emmemobili SANDWICH | design by Ferruccio Laviani | design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti design by Ferruccio Laviani

ø cm 160 h74 - in63 h29

lazy: ø cm 75 in 30

ø cm 180 h74 - in71 h29 lazy: ø cm 90 in 35

ø cm 200 h74 - in79 h29

lazy: ø cm 110 in 43

ø cm 230 h74 - in91 h29

lazy: ø cm 140 in 55

ø cm 135 h74 - in53 h29

ø cm 160 h74 - in63 h29

ø cm 180 h74 - in71 h29

ø cm 200 h74 - in79 h29

ø cm 230 h74 - in91 h29

Finishes (for all measurements)

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore lacquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Mat lacquer - Glossy Polyester lacquer - Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

Underside + Base: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Mat lacquer - Glossy Polyester lacquer - Liquid metal coating

Lazy Susan: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

HERGON | design by Paolo Salvadé



cm 48x52 h85 - in 19x20 h33

cm 220x100 h74 - in 87x39 h29

cm 260x120 h74 - in 102x47 h29

cm 300x130 h74 - in 118x51 h29

cm 360x150 h74 - in 142x59 h29

ø cm 200 h74 - in79 h29 ring ø cm 110 in 43 fixed central part: ø cm 34 - in 13 ø cm 230 h74 - in91 h29 ring ø cm 140 in 55 fixed central part: ø cm 50 - in 20

- Wenge - Mat lacquer - Glossy Polyester lacquer - Liquid metal coating - Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

HERGON LOUNGE | design by Paolo Salvadé


cm 59x64 h80 - in 23x25 h31

IPERBOLE S | design by Ferruccio Laviani


cm 74x62 h86 - in 29x24 h34

KIA | design by Giuseppe Viganò


cm 40x51 h88 - in 16x20 h35

ø cm 160 h74 - in63 h29 lazy: ø cm 75 in 30 ø cm 180 h74 - in71 h29 lazy: ø cm 90 in 35

ø cm 200 h74 - in79 h29 lazy: ø cm 110 in 43 ø cm 230 h74 - in91 h29 lazy: ø cm 140 in 55

KYO | design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti


cm 65x57 h72 - in 24x22 h28

-281 - -280 -

Structure: - Solid Oak (natural, stained)

Seat and backrest: - Preziosa or Rosmarino fabric - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather


Structure: - Solid Oak (natural, stained)

Seat and backrest: - Preziosa or Rosmarino fabric - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore lacquered) - Grey Sucupira - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather

Finishes Finishes Finishes

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore lacquered) - Wenge

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather


Structure: - Black - varnished metal

Seat and backrest: - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather - Aston velvet

UFO | design by Ferruccio Laviani Measurements
UFO + LAZY SUSAN | design by Ferruccio Laviani

KYO STOOL design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti Measurements Finishes

cm 61x57 h92 - in 24x22 h36

cm 61x57 h102 - in 24x22 h40

Structure: - Black - varnished metal

Seat and backrest: - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather - Aston velvet

SIGN design by Giuliano Cappelletti


cm 54x60 h76 - in 21x24 h30

NASTRO design by G.D. Harcourt



Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore lacquered)

Base: - Chromed metal (polished or satin)

Cushion: - Brezza leather

Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore lacquered)

Base: - Chromed metal (polished or satin)

Cushion: - Brezza leather

NINA | design by Elena Pancaldi



Structure: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Chromed metal

Seat and Backrest: - Preziosa or Rosmarino fabric - Aston velvet - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather

SIGN LOUNGE | design by Giuliano Cappelletti


cm 72x64 h68 - in 28x25 h27

SIGN STOOL | design by Giuliano Cappelletti


cm 48x49 h79 - in 19x19 h31 cm 48x49 h89 - in 19x19 h35

ROMA | design by Ferruccio Laviani

Structure: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Chromed metal

Seat and Backrest: - Preziosa or Rosmarino fabric - Aston velvet - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather

THALIS | design by Giuliano Cappelletti


cm 57x62 h73 - in 22x24 h29

THALIS LOUNGE | design by Giuliano Cappelletti


cm 78x78 h70 - in 31x31 h28

TIMEA | design by Elena Salmistraro


cm 48x58 h100 - in 19x23 h39



- Oak (natural, stained or open pore lacquered)

-283 - -282 -


- Chromed metal (polished or satin)

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Finishes Finishes

Base: - Chromed metal (polished or satin) - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Seat and backrest: - Aston velvet - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather Base: - Chromed metal (polished or satin) - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Seat and backrest: - Aston velvet - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather

Seat and backrest: - Aston velvet - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Seat and backrest: - Aston velvet - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather


Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Seat and backrest: - Aston velvet - Brezza, Retrò, Zefiro, Breva or Nabuck leather

Finishes Finishes Finishes

Structure: - Black - burnished metal Base: - Solid Oak (natural or stained)

Insert: - Cast bronze

Seat and backrest: - Aston velvet

cm 63x52 h78 - in 25x20 h31 cm 47x56 h75 - in 19x22 h30 cm 63x47 h70 - in 25x19 h28 cm 47x56 h100 - in 19x22 h39 cm 63x52 h78 - in 25x20 h31



cm 230x51 h76 - in 91x20 h30

cm 265x51 h76 - in 104x20 h30

cm 307x51 h76 - in 121x20 h30


cm 220x50 h95 - in 87x20 h37

cm 270x50 h95 - in 106x20 h37


Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)


Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Front: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 220x50 h95 - in 87x20 h37

cm 270x50 h95 - in 106x20 h37

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Front: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)


cm 182x42 h195 - in 72x17 h77


Structure: - Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained)

Triangles: - Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained) - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) + Polished lacquered metal

cm 208x52 h91 - in 82x20 h36


- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained)


- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained)

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) + Polished lacquered metal

CELTIC | design by Ferruccio Laviani


cm 189x52 h80 - in 74x20 h31

cm 279x52 h80 - in 110x20 h31

cm 99x52 h125 - in 39x20 h49


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut - Wenge

cm 70x45 h50 - in 28x18 h20

cm 150x52 h100 - in 59x20 h39

cm 189x52 h100 - in 74x20 h39


cm 180x48 h80 - in 71x19 h31

cm 240x48 h80 - in 94x19 h31

cm 300x48 h80 - in 118x19 h31

cm 180x48 h130 - in 71x19 h51



- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

cm 180x48 h80 - in 71x19 h31 cm 300x48 h80 - in 118x19 h31

Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge

- Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

cm 180x48 h80 - in 71x19 h31


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge

- Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut - Wenge

cm 240x50 h80 - in 94x20 h31 cm 300x50 h80 - in 118x20 h31



- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Canaletto Walnut

Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 240x50 h80 - in 94x20 h31 cm 300x50 h80 - in 118x20 h31

Measurements Measurements

cm 240x56 h85 - in 94x22 h33 cm 270x56 h85 - in 106x22 h33


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Canaletto Walnut

Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)



- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 240x56 h85 - in 94x22 h33

cm 270x56 h85 - in 106x22 h33


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

-285 - -284 -

AIKO design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti ANTESI | design by Elena Pancaldi ARLEQUIN C | design by Ferruccio Laviani BORGES HB | design by Emmemobili BRUG | design by Ferruccio Laviani CAGE design by Ferruccio Laviani

Measurements Finishes

cm 240x56 h186 - in 94x22 h73

cm 360x56 h186 - in 142x22 h73

Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 240x56 h186 - in 94x22 h73

cm 360x56 h186 - in 142x22 h73

Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 240x66 h270 - in 94x26 h106

cm 360x66 h270 - in 142x26 h106

Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 240x66 h270 - in 94x26 h106

cm 360x66 h270 - in 142x26 h106

Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)


Measurements Finishes

cm 180x56 h75 - in 71x22 h30

cm 240x56 h75 - in 94x22 h30

cm 270x56 h75 - in 106x22 h30

cm 180x56 h95 - in 71x22 h37 cm 240x56 h95 - in 94x22 h37

cm 270x56 h95 - in 106x22 h37

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Wenge - Mat lacquer - Glossy polyester lacquer

cm 135x56 h75 - in 53x22 h30

cm 135x56 h95 - in 53x22 h37

cm 90x56 h135 - in 35x22 h53


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Wenge - Mat lacquer

- Glossy polyester lacquer

DORIS | design by Ferruccio Laviani

cm 60x56 h45 - in 24x22 h18

cm 125x56 h85 - in 49x22 h33 cm 180x56 h85 - in 71x22 h33

cm 90x56 h145 - in 35x22 h57

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Wenge - Mat lacquer - Glossy polyester lacquer

cm 220x53 h81 - in 87x21 h32 cm 315x53 h81 - in 124x21 h32

cm 105x55 h167 - in 41x22 h66

cm 240x55 h85 - in 94x22 h33

Measurements Measurements Measurements

cm 225x51 h80 - in 89x20 h31 cm 330x51 h80 - in 130x20 h31 cm 101x45 h160 - in 40x18 h63

cm 110x55 h100 - in 43x22 h39 cm 110x55 h160 - in 43x22 h63

-287 - -286 -


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Top: - Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Macchiavecchia Verde, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

Base: - Brass (natural satin, burnished hand-brushed or chromed)


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Base and studs: - Natural satin brass

Finishes Finishes Finishes

Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Mat lacquer


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Mat lacquer

CRASH | design by Ferruccio Laviani Measurements DE-MODE | design by Uto Balmoral DOLLY design by Ferruccio Laviani

ECLISSI | design by Elena Pancaldi


cm 172x50 h92 - in 68x20 h36

cm 243x50 h92 - in 96x20 h36


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut

EVO-MOD design by Emmemobili


ø cm 130x44 - in51x17


External structure: - Black glossy polyester lacquer

Inner structure: - Black mat lacquer

Bottom: - Polished metal

Inner door: - Black mat lacquer

External door: - Black - stained sandblasted oak


cm 210x56 h90- in 83x22 h35

cm 270x56 h90- in 106x22 h35

cm 330x56 h90- in 130x22 h35


cm180x50 h90- in 71x20 h35

cm 240x50 h90- in 94x20 h35

cm 300x50 h90- in 118x20 h35


- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered) + Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) or Satin Steel


- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered) + Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) or Satin Steel

Measurements Finishes

cm 200x52 h 80 in 75x20 h31

cm 250x52 h 80 in 98x20 h31

cm 300x52 h 80 in 118x20 h31


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)


cm 200x48 h85- in 79x19 h33

cm 250x48 h85- in 98x19 h33

cm 300x48 h85- in 118x19 h33



- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Canaletto Walnut

Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Satin Steel

Measurements Finishes

cm 200x48 h85- in 79x19 h33

cm 250x48 h85- in 98x19 h33

cm 300x48 h85- in 118x19 h33

cm 200x48 h155 - in 79x19 h61


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural or stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Wenge - Canaletto Walnut

Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Satin Steel


cm 220x48 h80 - in 87x19 h31 cm 280x48 h80 - in 110x19 h31 cm 340x48 h80 - in 134x19 h31


cm 204x48 h80 - in 80x19 h31

cm 254x48 h80 - in 100x19 h31 cm 304x48 h80 - in 120x19 h31


cm 118x50 h89 - in 46x20 h35 cm 228x50 h89 - in 90x20 h35 cm 176x50 h178 - in 69x20 h70


cm 198x53 h81 - in 78x21 h32 cm 296x53 h81 - in 117x21 h32

cm 100x47 h160 - in 39x19 h63

-289 - -288 -


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut

Fronts: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto Walnut - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Supermirror steel

Structure: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Doors: - Straw Handles: - Brass cast

Finishes Finishes Finishes Finishes

- Structure in Wenge + inserts in figured maple

- Structure in Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + mat lacquered inserts

- Structure in Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + glossy polyester lacquered inserts

DRUSO design by Ferruccio Laviani EVOLUTION | design by Ferruccio Laviani GALA | design by Ferruccio Laviani FRACTAL | design by Elena Pancaldi IN-FINITO design by Elena Pancaldi LAMA | design by Elena Pancaldi LARIO design by Ferruccio Laviani OMAMOND | design by Davide Tagliabue

cm 65x34 h130 - in 26x13 h51

Measurements Measurements

cm 180x45 h155 - in 71x18 h61

cm 225x45 h155 - in 89x18 h61

Structure: - Sandblasted oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Inserts: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Finishes Finishes


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Mat lacquer - Glossy polyester lacquer


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Mat lacquer - Glossy polyester lacquer


TILES | design by Ferruccio


cm 200x51 h90 - in 79x20 h35

cm 250x51 h90 - in 98x20 h35


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Canaletto walnut

cm 250x51 h90 - in 98x20 h35

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto walnut

cm 60x40 h50 - in 24x16 h20 cm 130x51 h80 - in 51x20 h31

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Canaletto walnut

cm 100x45 h180 - in 39x18 h71

Measurements Measurements

cm 200x50 h90 - in 79x20 h35 cm 300x50 h90 - in 118x20 h35

cm 100x50 h140 - in 39x20 h55


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Canaletto walnut

Base: - Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 180x50 h84 - in 71x20 h33 cm 240x50 h84 - in 94x20 h33 cm 270x50 h84 - in 106x20 h33



- Brushed oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Base: Burnished hand-brushed brass

cm 184x47 h86 - in 72x19 h34 cm 274x47 h86 - in 108x19 h34


- Sandblasted oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted oak treated with grey tannic process, with shades in the tones of red, green and blue

Inserts: Burnished hand-brushed brass

Structure in black-stained sandblasted fir wood + white mat lacquered inserts

-291 - -290 -

| design by Elena Pancaldi
PORTICO | design by Ferruccio Laviani STRIPES | design by Ferruccio Laviani TIBERIO design by Ferruccio Laviani
design by Ferruccio Laviani Measurements Measurements Finishes Finishes



BOOKCAGE design by Emmemobili Measurements Finishes

cm 258x40 h170 - in 102x16 h67


- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Shelves and storage units:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

cm 238x40 h170 - in 94x16 h67

cm 258x40 h170 - in 102x16 h67


cm 90x33 h180 - in 35x13 h71


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

cm 300x65 h160 - in 118x26 h63

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

cm 226x39 h94 - in 89x15 h37

cm 182x39 h138 - in 72x15 h54

cm 138x39 h182 - in 54x15 h72

cm 226x39 h226 - in 89x15 h89

cm 270x39 h270 - in 106x15 h106


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Wenge - Flame Wenge

cm 290x40 h170 - in 114x16 h67

cm 340x40 h170 - in 134x16 h67

cm 248x40 h170 - in 98x16 h67

cm 320x40 h170 - in 126x16 h67

cm 410x40 h170 - in 161x16 h67

-293 - -292 -

| design by Carlo Colombo | design by Ferruccio Laviani Measurements Measurements



ø cm 55 h52 - in22 h20


Top + Base: - Solid stained sandblasted Fir wood - Mat lacquer

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Base: - Mat lacquer

cm 55x55 h52 - in 22x22 h20

Top + Base:

- Solid stained sandblasted Fir wood - Mat lacquer

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Top: - Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Base: - Mat lacquer

BORGES TT | design by Emmemobili


ø cm 100 h23 - in39 h9

ø cm 130 h23 - in51 h9

ø cm 160 h23 - in63 h9


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Wenge - Mat lacquer - Glossy polyester lacquer

UFO TT | design by Ferruccio Laviani

cm 90x90 h23 - in 35x35 h9

cm 130x130 h23 - in 51x51 h9

cm 180x180 h23 - in 71x71 h9

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Wenge - Mat lacquer - Glossy polyester lacquer

cm 140x70 h23 - in 55x28 h9

cm 180x80 h23 - in 71x31 h9

cm 240x80 h23 - in 94x31 h9

cm 300x80 h23 - in 118x31 h9

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) - Wenge - Mat lacquer - Glossy polyester lacquer

cm 41x32 h43 - in 16x13 h17

Measurements Measurements

ø cm 100 h35 - in39 h14

ø cm 135 h35 - in53 h14

ø cm 160 h35 - in63 h14

ø cm 180 h35 - in71 h14

cm 160x75 h35 - in 63x30 h14

cm 220x100 h35 - in 87x39 h14

-297 - -296 -

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + Polished Aluminium

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + -Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Finishes Finishes


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore lacquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Wenge - Mat lacquer

- Glossy Polyester lacquer

- Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

Underside + Base:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Wenge - Mat lacquer

- Glossy Polyester lacquer - Liquid metal coating

BIRIGNAO | design by Ferruccio Laviani GHOST | design by Alessandro Pedretti

EXCELSIOR design by Ferruccio Laviani


ø cm 73 h153 - in29 h60

ø cm 52 h108 - in20 h43

FIRLINFEU design by Emmemobili

FOREST LIGHT design by Adele Martelli

HELIOS | design by Anna Tagliabue

ø cm 6 h87 - in2 h34

ø cm 6 h67 - in2 h26

ø cm 6 h52 - in2 h20

Measurements Measurements

cm 90x3 h50 - in 35x1 h20 cm 120x3 h50 - in 47x1 h20 cm 150x3 h50 - in 59x1 h20 cm 180x3 h50 - in 71x1 h20


cm 90x84 h46 - in 35x33 h18

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

JUNCOS | design by Emmemobili

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + Inserts in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) or in Cast bronze

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)+ Inserts in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) or in Cast bronze

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) + Inserts in Cast bronze

Finishes Finishes Finishes Finishes

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

LDC | design by Paolo Salvadé

MYLINE | design by Adele Martelli

MYRING design by Adele Martelli

cm 80x8h25 - in 31x3 h10 cm 203x53 h212 - in 80x21 h83 cm 180x20 h8 - in 71x8 h3 cm 110x15 h8 - in 43x6 h3

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Cast bronze

cm 120x8h15 - in 47x3 h6 cm 40x8h15 - in 16x3 h6

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Cast bronze

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) - Cast bronze

cm 20x12 h180 - in 8x5 h71 cm 15x12 h110 - in 6x5 h43

Structure in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) + Base in Marble (white Carrara, dark Emperador or gold Calacatta)

cm 90x6 h70 - in 35x2 h27 cm 70x6 h55 - in 27x2 h21 cm 60x8 h70 - in 23x3 h27

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Amaranth wood - Thermo-treated Grisard

-301 - -300 -

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Amaranth wood - Thermo-treated Grisard

Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed) + Brezza Leather (Moro)

Plate in:

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

- Marble (White Carrara, Stone Grey, Dark Emperador, Gold Calacatta, Grand Noir Antique or Panda)

Ring in:

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Composition A: Composition B: Composition C: Measurements Measurements Measurements Measurements Measurements Finishes Finishes Finishes
Finishes Finishes HIC
NUNC design by Adele Martelli

WIND CHIME | design by Adele Martelli


cm 34x5 h160 - in 13x2 h63

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

AGORA’ design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti



cm 55x2 h270 - in 22x1 h106


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)


cm 10x10 h47 - in 4x4 h18

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 30x30 h47 - in 12x12 h18

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

CRASH | design by Ferruccio Laviani

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 45x30 h47 - in 18x12 h18

- Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

FRACTAL | design by Elena Pancaldi


cm 90x8 h270 - in 35x3 h106


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)


cm 90x8 h270 - in 35x3 h106


- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Inserts in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

cm 90x2 h270 - in 35x1 h106

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

-303 - -302 -

Finishes Finishes STEP BY STEP | design by Adele Martelli

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Measurements Finishes

cm 60x3,4 h270 in 24x1 h106

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

cm 60x3,4 h270 in 24x1 h106

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

cm 60x3,4 h270 in 24x1 h106

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

cm 60x3,4 h270 in 24x1 h106

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

cm 60x3,4 h270 in 24x1 h106

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Panel + Inserts in Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Panel + Inserts in Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Panel in Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered) + Inserts in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

Panel in Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) + Inserts in Brass (natural satin or burnished hand-brushed)

each panel: cm 60x3,4 h270 in 24x1 h106

4 panels: cm 60x3,4 h270 - in 94x1 h106

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

-305 - -304

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

Measurements Measurements Measurements Finishes Finishes Finishes KL
design by Ferruccio Laviani MODULAR | design by Ferruccio Laviani OLIVER design by Emmemobili
90x3 h270 - in 35x1 h106
90x5 h90 - in 35x2
cm 90x2,5 h90 - in 35x1 h35 cm 90x4 h90 - in 35x2 h35 cm 90x4 h90 - in 35x2 h35 cm 90x2,5 h90 - in 35x1 h35
cm 90x4 h90 - in 35x2 h35 cm 90x5 h270 - in 35x2 h106 cm
POLIS design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti

cm 60x12 h270 - in 24x5 h106


cm 90x4 h90 - in 35x2 h35

cm 90x2,5 h90 - in 35x1 h35


cm 60x4 h270 - in 24x2 h106

cm 65x4 h130 - in 26x2 h51

cm 60x4 h270 - in 24x2 h106

- Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark)

Finishes Finishes

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Mahogany

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Mahogany


- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Mahogany

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Mahogany

- Sandblasted Oak (natural, stained or open pore laquered)

- Thermo-treated oak (light or dark) - Mahogany

-307 - -306 -

Measurements Finishes
UON | design by Elena Pancaldi
RIDEAU | design by
Ferruccio Laviani
STRIPES | design by Ferruccio Laviani STRIPLINE design by Emmemobili


-309 -



ASSOLO design by Elena Pancaldi


pages: 18 - 25 tech details: 274 pages: 26 - 29 tech details: 274 pages: 30 - 35 tech details: 275

GALA | design by Emmemobili IPERBOLE | design by Ferruccio Laviani

pages: 66 - 69 tech details: 277 pages: 74 - 81 234 - 235 tech details: 278 pages: 82 - 91 tech details: 278


MR | design by Emmemobili SANDWICH | design by Ferruccio


pages: 92 - 93 tech details: 278 pages: 100 101 tech details: 278 pages: 102 - 105 tech details: 279


pages: 36 - 37 tech details: 275 pages: 38 - 45 154 - 155 214 tech details: 276 pages: 46 - 53 147 tech details: 276 pages: 54 - 57 tech details: 276 pages: 58 - 61 tech details: 277 pages: 62 - 65 tech details: 277


pages: 106 109 tech details: 279 pages: 110 129 179 ; 224 225 227 tech details: 280

-311 - -310 -

| design by Elena Salmistraro BIRIGNAO | design by Ferruccio Laviani | design by Carlo Ballabio COSMO design by Elena Pancaldi EVAN design by Emmemobili | design by Ferruccio Laviani FATTY | design by Ferruccio Laviani FRESKO design by Evgenij V. Poliantsev design by Ferruccio Laviani design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti Laviani | design by Ferruccio Laviani UFO | design by Ferruccio Laviani




pages: 70 - 73 122 - 123 125 tech details: 281

pages: 74 - 81 210 234 - 235 tech details: 281

pages: 30 - 35 242 tech details: 281

pages: 132 135 tech details: 284

pages: 38 - 45 154 - 155 214 tech details: 281

pages: 18 - 25 224 - 225 227 tech details: 282

pages: 91 tech details: 283

pages: 45 tech details: 282 pages: 98 - 99 tech details: 282 pages: 46 - 53 147 158 tech details: 283

pages: 94 - 97 tech details: 282


pages: 148 149 tech details: 284

pages: 136 139 tech details: 284 pages: 150 155 41 tech details: 285

pages: 140 - 143 tech details: 284 pages: 156 - 159 48 tech details: 285

pages: 82 - 91 113 116 - 117 119 179 198 tech details: 283


pages: 160 163 tech details: 285; 286 pages: 164 167 tech details: 286; 287 pages: 168 - 171 tech details: 287

pages: 26 - 29 tech details: 283



pages: 172 175 tech details: 287 pages: 176 181 tech details: 287 pages: 182 - 185 tech details: 288

-313 - -312 -

HERGON + HERGON LOUNGE | design by Paolo Salvadé IPERBOLE S | design by Ferruccio Laviani KIA design by Giuseppe Viganò KYO | design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti KYO STOOL | design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti NASTRO design by G.D. Harcourt NINA | design by Elena Pancaldi ROMA | design by Ferruccio Laviani SIGN + SIGN LOUNGE | design by Giuliano Cappelletti SIGN STOOL | design by Giuliano Cappelletti THALIS + THALIS LOUNGE design by Giuliano Cappelletti TIMEA | design by Elena Salmistraro | design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti ANTESI | design by Elena Pancaldi ARLEQUIN C | design by Ferruccio Laviani HB | design by Emmemobili BRUG | design by Ferruccio Laviani CAGE design by Ferruccio Laviani | design by Ferruccio Laviani | design by Ferruccio Laviani DRUSO design by Ferruccio Laviani | design by Ferruccio Laviani CRASH | design by Ferruccio Laviani DE-MODE design by Uto Balmoral


pages: 186 187 tech details: 288 pages: 194 195 tech details: 288

pages: 188 191 tech details: 288 pages: 196 199 tech details: 288; 289

pages: 192 - 193 tech details: 288


pages: 204 - 207 21 23 tech details: 289 pages: 208 - 211 tech details: 289

pages: 200 -203 87 tech details: 289

pages: 218 - 221 tech details: 290 pages: 222 - 227 tech details: 290


pages: 212 217 | 40 tech details: 289

pages: 232 - 235 76 - 77 79 tech details: 291


pages: 236 239 tech details: 291 pages: 240 243 tech details: 291 pages: 246 - 249 tech details: 291

-315 - -314 -

| design by Elena Pancaldi EVOLUTION | design by Ferruccio Laviani EVO-MOD | design by Emmemobili FRACTAL | design by Elena Pancaldi GALA | design by Ferruccio Laviani IN-FINITO design by Elena Pancaldi | design by Elena Pancaldi LARIO design by Ferruccio Laviani | design by Davide Tagliabue PERSEIDI | design by Elena Pancaldi PORTICO | design by Ferruccio Laviani STRIPES | design by Ferruccio Laviani | design by Ferruccio Laviani TIBERIO MATELASSE’ design by Ferruccio Laviani TILES | design by Ferruccio Laviani



pages: 144 147 48 ; 50 tech details: 292 pages: 228 231 76 tech details: 293

pages: 244 - 245 tech details: 293

pages: 21 ; 23 41 54 87 203; 206 tech details: 299

pages: 33 ; 40 ; 76 ; 211 234 tech details: 300

pages: 254 261 tech details: 294 295 pages: 254 259 267 tech details: 296


pages: 77 ; 86 89 235 tech details: 301

pages: 252 - 253 tech details: 296 pages: 264 267 tech details: 295 pages: 262 263 tech details: 297 pages: 268 - 271 tech details: 297

pages: tech details:

pages: 48 - 50 158 - 159 tech details: 301 pages: tech details:

pages: 116 - 117 119 tech details: 300 pages: 21; 23 73 122 - 123 125 tech details: 301

pages: 23 ;113 tech details: 301 pages: 198 199 tech details: 302 pages: 113 ; 179 224 227 tech details: 302

-317 - -316 -

pages: tech details:

TREILLAGE | design by Ferruccio Laviani BOOKCAGE design by Emmemobili SIPARIO | design by Carlo Colombo DUNE | design by Ferruccio Laviani KNOKKE | design by Carlo Colombo BIRIGNAO | design by Ferruccio Laviani BORGES TT | design by Emmemobili GHOST | design by Alessandro Pedretti UFO TT | design by Ferruccio Laviani CYLENCE | design by Adele Martelli FIRLINFEU design by Emmemobili FOREST LIGHT design by Adele Martelli HIC ET NUNC design by Adele Martelli LDC | design by Paolo Salvadé MYLINE | design by Adele Martelli MYRING design by Adele Martelli STEP BY STEP | design by Adele Martelli WIND CHIME | design by Adele Martelli

pages: 50 tech details: 303

pages: 122 123 125 256 - 257 tech details: 303 pages: 23 tech details: 306

pages: 153 tech details: 306

-319 - -318 -

UON | design by Elena Pancaldi FRACTAL | design by Elena Pancaldi AGORA’ design by Giuliano e Gabriele Cappelletti BOISERIE | WALL PANELLING STRIPLINE design by Emmemobili

Concept and Art Direction

Adele Martelli

Graphic Design

Adele Martelli via Torino, 29 - 22063 Cantù (Como) italy t. +39 031 710142 f. +39 031 713513

emmemobili@emmemobili.it www.emmemobili.it

Tutti diritti riservati. Nessuna parte di questo catalogo può essere riprodotta in alcun modo senza il preventivo consenso di Emmemobili®

All rights reserved. Not any part of this work can be reproduced in any way without the preventive written authorization by Emmemobili®

© Emmemobili® 2021

Le immagini riprodotte su questo catalogo sono un suggerimento di configurazioni. Per le caratteristiche tecniche e dimensioni consultare il nostro sito. Emmemobili si riserva la facoltà di modificare le caratteristiche tecniche ed estetiche dei modelli illustrati nel seguente catalogo.

I prodotti Emmemobili sono 100% made in Italy.

The products displayed in this catalogue are to be considered as sample configurations. For any technical specifications and/or dimension, please visit our website. Emmemobili reserves the right to modify the technical and aesthetic characteristics of the models shown in this catalogue.

Emmemobili products are 100% made in Italy.

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