classes / courtrooms / clients Your legal education at a glance
classes / courtrooms / clients
Your education at Seattle University School of Law will start with a solid foundation of essential legal concepts. Then you’ll tailor your schedule to suit your own interests and passions with our electives and various opportunities for real legal work.
first year curriculum
30 credits
Criminal Law, Legal Writing, Civil Procedure, Contracts, Torts, Property, Intro to Practice
upper level required courses
14 credits
Constitutional Law, Evidence, Legal Writing II, Professional Responsibility professional skills
1-11 credits
Clinics, Externships, Simulations, Practica, Labs, Street Law
31-45 credits
Poverty Law, Intellectual Property, Environmental Law, and so much more
Office of Admission 901 12th Avenue, Sullivan Hall P.O. Box 222000 Seattle, WA 98122-1090