2011-2012 Annual Report

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2011-2012 Annual Report

Our Mission se a t t le a ca d e m y pr epar es studen ts for college and li fe. Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences is an independent secondary school with a mission to prepare our students to participate effectively in modern society. We, therefore, seek a diversified student body and faculty. We offer a demanding college-preparatory curriculum integrating the arts and emphasizing a global perspective. We utilize the resources of our urban environment to extend our classrooms, to enhance our programs, and to engage our students in public service. Most of all, we seek to graduate motivated young men and women of talent and integrity who are prepared to contribute productively to a changing world. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Seattle Academy admits qualified students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, national or ethnic origin, or other legally protected status to all the rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally accorded to or made available to all students and their families.

letter to the community Dear Friends of Seattle Academy, It’s a pleasure to share with you Seattle Academy’s 2011-2012 Annual Report. We must begin by saying thank you! These pages represent another successful year in the life of our school and the extraordinary community that supports our mission to prepare students for college and life. In 2011-2012, Seattle Academy families, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends contributed $1.1 million dollars to the Annual Fund to support our curriculum and programs. Collectively, your gifts enriched the daily experience of 648 Middle and Upper School students in classrooms and laboratories, on courts and playing fields, through technology and the channels of artistic discovery, and on local, national, and international service trips and cultural excursions. With your support, Seattle Academy’s curriculum evolves each year to offer fresh challenges and new opportunities for students, and we deliver a unique educational program that promotes both Participation and Excellence. Last year’s highlights included a fifth consecutive state title for our Speech & Debate team; state championship victories for the Girls’ Varsity Soccer and Varsity Ultimate teams; more than 50 student productions in visual and performing arts and a new Jazz Choir added to the vocal music program; over 300 students involved in the Outdoor and Travel program and the addition of a new 6th grade Alaska trip; Middle School Science Club field trips across the region; and the advancement of our student-run newspaper, The Cardinal, from print to an online publication. Annual gifts allow Seattle Academy the flexibility to meet immediate needs and to provide resources for students to learn and thrive. Donor-designated gifts develop specific programs and areas of interest impacting our school on a larger scale. For example, in the fall of 2011, a group of donors contributed $50,000 for a sound system upgrade in the Jean Orvis Theatre. This new sound system benefits the entire school – performers, presenters, and audiences alike. Another donor-designated gift of $40,000 launched an iPad pilot program offering faculty new technology to expand their curricular resources and capabilities, thereby bringing another avenue of technology into the classroom. Last year gifts to the Annual Fund and Endowment helped us provide need-based financial assistance to 23% of the student body. With a Financial Aid Endowment that now exceeds $10 million we remain strong in our commitment to serve a diverse school community representing a broad spectrum of backgrounds, learning styles, and life experiences. The philanthropic spirit and generosity of this community make great things possible. Thank you for all you do to support our students and faculty at Seattle Academy. Sincerely,

Joe Puggelli Thor Johnson Head of School 2011-2012 Board President

summary of operating expenses 20 1 1 - 20 1 2 B o a r d o f T ru s t e e s

o p e r a t i n g bu dg et $ 17, 6 31, 79 0 In com e

Thor Johnson, president Mark Jennings, vice president Candy Marshall, secretary Robyn Grad, treasurer Tom Barton Julie Barwick Rhonda Berry Lauren Burman ‘03 Barbara Fielden Richard Galanti Mike Halperin Ron Hosogi Mary Ellen Hudgins Karol King Tom Markl Sean O’Leary John Osterhaus Ed Parks Joe Puggelli Mary Pugh Jon Reingold Peggy Rinne Ruth True

Tuition & Fees, 92%

Tuition and Fees, 92% Gifts, 6%

Endowment Spending, 1% Other Income, 1%

a l u mni b o a r d Lauren Burman ‘03, President Celeste Jalbert ‘04, Vice President Elizabeth Erickson ‘01, Alumni Director David Crane ‘01 Lucy Dougherty ‘02 Quinton Dowling ‘05 Helen Fallat ‘02 Andrew Ferguson ‘04 Emma Libby ‘02 Paige Pauli ‘04 Christine Zarker Primomo ‘06 Adam Stelle ‘05 Molly Theobald ‘02 Yurij Rudensky ‘03

Endowment Spending Transfer, 1% Other Income, 1% (Investment & Rent)

Expen ses Salaries, 58% Salaries, 58% Plant Operations, 12%

Plant Operations, 12% Instructional and Support Services, 11%

Instructional and Support Services, 11% Financial Aid, 13% General Administrative Expenses, 6%

honorary trustees

Mary Dunnam Lex Lindsay Jean Orvis Craig Tall Maggie Walker Martha M. Wyckoff

Gifts, 6% (Annual Fund, In-Kind, Restricted)

Financial Aid, 13% General Administrative Expenses, 6%

Fun dr aisin g R ev enue Annual Giving (Unrestricted) Gifts in Kind Annual Giving (Restricted) SAAS in the City Underwriting Faculty Development Donations Tickets and Raffle

$ $ $

776,721 1,360 186,832

$ $ $

23,070 142,345 57,575

Total Operating Gifts



Endowment Gifts



Total Non-Operating Gifts Received



Total Gifts Received

$ 1,982,644

An n ual Fun d Part i ci pat i on Current Families: 80% Faculty/Staff: 100% Trustees: 100%

ANNUAL FUND T h a n k yo u f o r h e l p i n g t o f un d o ppo rt un i ti e s f o r e ve ry st u d e n t t o l e a r n a n d t hri ve ! Wh i l e t ui ti o n c ove rs t h e e sse n t i a l s o f a SA AS e d uc ati o n , An n ual F un d gi f t s h e l p u s g r o w o u r i n n ovat i ve c urri c ul um an d pro grams. M o st A n n u a l F u n d g i f t s are un re st ri c te d al l o w i n g us f l ex i b i l i t y t o m e e t i m m edi ate n e e ds i n t h e l i f e o f o ur sch o o l . S o m e d o n o r s d o c h o o se to de si gn ate An n ual F u n d g i f t s f o r sp e ci f i c pro grams an d are as o f i n te re st.

ZENITH CIRCLE ($15,000+)

Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (2) Richard & Susan Fade Nick & Leslie Hanauer Donald Loeb & JoEllen Gehl Loeb Candy Marshall & Jerry Stehlik Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder Mike & Megan Slade

VISIONARY CIRCLE ($10,000 - $14,999)

Steve Cohn & Laura Scheyer Michael & Marta Fortin Eric & Mary Horvitz Jeanette Bertea Hennings Foundation Mark & Laura Jennings Harvey Motulsky & Lisa Norton John & Gabrielle Pagano John Parchem & Barbara Lycett Jon Reingold & Karen Criddle Emery Rhodes Bob & Peggy Rinne WWW Foundation

DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000 - $9,999)

Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (2) Jerry & Judy Alhadeff Caglayan & Elif Arkan Tom & Kat Barton Jon & Julie Barwick Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington Dale & Leslie Chihuly Tim & Susan Davis Krijn & Judy de Jonge Jim & Laura Donald Daniel & Michele Glasser Brookshire Green Foundation Gareth Green & Julie Larson-Green Mike Halperin & Jodi Green Charles & Nancy Hogan Graham & Heather Hughes Thor & Margaret Johnson Antoine Leblond & Lucie Robitaille Peter & Susan Lee Lex Lindsey & Lynn Manley Jim Montague & Sherry Richardson Colin & Martha Moseley Prairie Foundation David & Hillary Quinn Matt & Kristine Sweeney

TEW Foundation Stephen & Terri Thomas Ruth & Bill True Jim Vandergrift & Ann Collier Art & Hattie Vogel

LEADERSHIP CIRCLE ($2,500 - $4,999)

Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (2) Dina Alhadeff & Jay Long David & Nellie Allnutt Greg Amadon & Karen Heim-Amadon Michael & Tracy Arntz Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Paul Barry George & June Bartell Matthew & Donna Bellew Mike & Rose Boyle Brad & Sue Brickman Carl & Mary Brown The Burdick Family Kathleen Caldwell Leigh Callaghan Mark & Shelley Callaghan John Chen Nick & Julie Eitel The Eitel Family Larry & Julie Engel Stuart & Karen Epstein

your contributions give every

Ruth Etzioni Jeff & Stacie Feinstein Craig & Linda Fiebig Barbara & Tim Fielden Harley & Lela Franco John Frank & Delia Jampel Jeff & Eleanor Freeman Michael Friedman & Sabine von Preyss-Friedman, M.D. Richard & Barrie Galanti Bill & Nan Garrison Scott & Kelly Gode Peter Goldman & Martha Kongsgaard Marc & Gina Gonchar Jay Greene & Rochelle Howe Alan Greenstein & Laura Tranin Juan & Sierra Guerra Kevin & Ann Harrang Peter Heymann & Nicole Piasecki John & Christina Hogan Mary Ellen Hudgins & Gayle Bush Anne Jacques Phelps Herve Jamrozik & Ana Maria Tessadro Sean Kennedy & Jennifer Rice Steve Kessel & Sibyl Frankenburg Doug Chapman & Karol King Thomas & Cari King Judy Klayman & Martha Rost Morrris & Carolyn Kremen Gordon Kritzer & Nancy Case Kritzer Kevin & Whittnee LaChapelle Mark Lanning & Jeniphr Breckenridge Eric & Christine Larsen Mike & Norma Lee Sharon Lee Sandy & Cindy Levy Court & Robin Lorenzini Tom & Cricket Markl Daniel Markowitz & Deborah Sopher Mark & Tracy Mason Peter Mason & Roberta Riley

John & Jeanine Matthews Jack & Sandy McCullough Krishnan & Nina Menon Glen & Alison Milliman Pamela & Donald Mitchell Ken & Becca Moss Tyler & Elise Myers Charlie & Karen Neff Greg Nelson & Cynthia Doll Mark & Leslie Olson Mary Kay O’Neill Mary Pat & John Osterhaus Patrick & Christine Pendergast The Pembroke Perlin Family Steven Phelps Raikes Foundation Stephen & Karen Rice Jim Rogers & Pam Kulin Rita Rosen Gideon Rosenblatt & CJ Liu Sara Sandford Steven Sarkowsky & Stacy Lawson Lucas Schenck & Carla Bauman Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Joel Shapiro & Ingrid Elliot Marc & Michelle Sloan Bryanann Stavley Steve Trautman & Sonja Gustafson Andrew & Lucie Ury Joseph Walter & Kathy Mares Todd & Ruth Warren Scott & Michele Wilbur Jim Winton & Linda Park Paul & Susan Wyckoff Kenneth & Melodie Zakaluk

ACADEMY CIRCLE ($1,000 - $2,499)

Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (9) Herbert & Kim Alden Brian Arbogast & Valerie Tarico Peter & Sandy Atkins Daniel Barsher & Alessandra Panieri

Tom Barwick Bob Bernstein & Julie Ellner Peter & Kelly Boal Christopher Breunig & Gretchen Stahr Breunig Steven & Dori Brewer Zoran Brkanac & Jade Kim Kevin & Maria Cahoon Rommie Callaghan Stacia Cammarano & Susan Michaels Rod Chavez Roger & Becky Chin Robert & Judy Cline LeeAnn Cochran Mary & Bob Code Kevin Conley & Rachel Nathanson Will & Jennifer Daugherty Francoise Deeg-Le Gal & Joachim Deeg Chris & Kimberly DeGarmo Tom Douglas & Jacalyn Cross Robert Duberow & Carol Murray Mary & James Dunnam Fred & Anne Feiertag Moreen Fielden Fikso Kretschmer Smith Dixon Ormseth PS Henry “Gus” Fikso ‘12 Douglas & Tessa Fleming Jeff Fong & Jennifer Johnson-Fong Dan & Christine Fosmire Donny & Shawn Foy David & Lisa Fulle, & Matthew Fulle ‘13 David & Chris Gedye Philip & Robyn Grad Drew Graham David & Cathy Habib Don & Hallidie Haid Lenore Hanauer Terrence Hecker & Dan Savage Bob & Colleen Hilleary William & Carol Hodgman David Hoff & Janissa Strabuk Ron Hosogi

student the opportunity to shine.

Marcine Hull Jeffrey Jensen & Tania Backus Rick Jewett & Kathi Goertzen Debbie, Paul, Sunny ‘07 & Mariah Kaercher ‘12 Seong Kook Khang & Hyun-Son Shin David & Leila Kirske Rick Krause Kristen Lamey Stephen Le Neveu & Lorraine Ketch Victoria Lea Raymond Lee & Laurie Frankel Jim & Tami Leff David Letrondo & Colleen Armstrong Letrondo Debra Levin Christine Lewis Todd Looney & Lucia McDonald Chris & Kelly MacArthur Joe & Teri Matz Joseph McDonnell & Maryann Jordan Ken & Lisa McGraw William & Josephine McGraw Brian & Karen McManus Gary & Kelly Moore Tom & Beth Mortimer Girish Nair Patrick O’Donnell & Carolyn Gracz Ed Parks & Deborah Dollard Carl Paschke & Ann Mason Kevin & Janell Patrick George & Cindy Pierce Maurice Pirio & Susan Foster Mary Pugh & Michael Scoggins Doug & Kay Rawlings Susan Reid Mark & Sally Revere Jim & Carla Richards Mike Riley & Robin Shapiro Bradley Rind & Janet Gray Jonathan & Elizabeth Roberts Craig & Jessica Robinson Hadley Rodden ‘09

Cathy & Larry Rodden Eric Rose & Eleni Ledesma Alex & Jill Rosenast Jim Rupp Maggie Schecter Rob & Cindy Shurtleff Peter & Jan Slinn Larry Soriano & Elizabeth Starkand-Soriano Byron Springer & Krista Franklin Doug & Katie Sprugel John & Tamera Stone Thomas & Brenda Stonecipher Dee Strand Craig Tall Maggie & Doug Walker Liz Welch & Sam Wasser Tracy Wellens Ashley Wyckoff ‘02 Martha Wyckoff & Jerry Tone William Yedor & Adrienne Millican Joseph Zunt & Kay Johnson


Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (39) Kokie Adams Thomas Adams ‘00 Vance & Anita Adams Mercy Adetoye Erin Aitchison ‘98 & Casey Rettenmier Sarah Akhtar Mark & Tina Alexieff Alvin & Edna Allen Doug & Kirsten Ambach Steve & Betsy Amento Karen Ames Erick Anderson Gary Anderson Jim & Jennifer Ange Emma Ashbrook ‘04 Robert Baird & Kelly Gates Arthur Baldonado & Kathleen Kirby

Alicia Balle Kevin Bank & Melissa Scanlan Diane & Lee Barnes Cam Barwick ‘11 Tomas & Rosalyn Batingan Kate Battuello Louis & Myrna Bauman Izi & Marie-Claire Behar Alana Bell ‘03 Halsey Bell & Liz Gorton Bonnie Berk George & Linda Berkman John & Kelli Bernhard Mike Bernier Mary Berry Rhonda Berry Pamela Best Michelle Blackmon Stephanie Bloom Case Blum ‘04 Lindsay Booth Elya Braden John & Nancy Braitmayer Rene & Stevie Bravmann Jeff Broihier & Kate Sweeney Josh & Erin Brower Nick Brown ‘06 Philip & Lucy Brown Ed Bulchis & Theresa Gallant Lauren Burman ‘03 George Burpee Zoe Burstyn ‘05 Daniel Bushyhead ‘04 Vicki & Larry Butler Charlotte Butts ‘99 Jake Byrne ‘03 Joan Camann David Campbell ‘86 & Jill Hangen Emily Carmichael Samantha Casne ‘01 George & Sandra Casperson Alec & Irene Cass James & Diane Castanes Dexter Chapin Molly Cherkin ‘03 Narin Chou

your generosity creates endless

Tim Potter & Jeanne Chowning Michael Cimino & Mary Clara Horrigan Rhonda Cinotto Peter J. Clark Michael & Arlin Claxton Joseph Cohn & Mary Ellen Kearney Keith Cohon & Yumi Hiraga Jake & Donna Coke Howard Coleman & Tia Aulinskas Jack Coleman & Liane Yuh Patrick Collins & Denny M. Post Tim & Rebecca Colvin Stacie Cone Lauri Conner Paul Conrad & Monique Howard Erica Conway David Crane ‘01 Bob & Jan Crites Larry & Stacy Crites The Cummings Family Sharon A. Current Saskia de Jonge ‘04 April DeNonno Margaret Dewolf Betsy DiPasquale & Sandra Downing Steve & Bev Docter Lucy Dougherty ‘02 Connor Dowling ‘04 Quinton Dowling ‘05 The Dreis Family Sharon Elise Dunn, Lyla Irvine ‘03 & George Ciardi Patrick Dunnam ‘99 Andy & Jillon Dupree Harry Edwards & Marianne Painter Elise Endelman ‘02 Adam Epstein ‘11 Liz Erickson ‘01 David Erskine & Karen Braitmayer eScrip The Fairchild Family Regan & Seth Falcon

Helen Fallat ‘02 John & Mona Fandel Jeff & Lori Faulkner Lisa Feiertag ‘02 & Jon McIntyre Fred Felleman & Beth Miller Andrew Ferguson ‘04 April Ferry Bob Fikso Michael Finkle & Judith Willsmore-Finkle Russell Finley & Jane Lester Kate Flack Don Fleming & Libby Hanna Tom Flood Diane Flood Peter & Jen Flynn Steven Fogg & Nancy Zaragoza Allen Fong Paul Forgey ‘90 Anne Fote Barbara & Patrick Francis Andrea Francisco ‘02 Michael & Sheila Frawley Mark Fuller & Mindy McGovern Robin & Jim Gage Randy Garcia & Erin Skerritt-Garcia Fernando Garcia-Duarte & Jane Pemberton Gordon & Kay Geffe Megan Gehrke ‘02 William & Eileen Gellerman Nicholas & Tamara Gellert Natalie George George Georges & Elaine Wu Michael Gerke & Susan Campbell Jay Gibson & Marisha Nykiel Robert & Michele Gilb Paul Goldberg ‘86 Jordan Goldwarg Julie Gommi Jason Gough Nancy Gow Knudsen & Phillip Knudsen Jim Gow ‘95 & Angela Gow Ed Graves

Charene Gray Sara Gray Mary Willa Green ‘10 Jim Greenfield & Susan Barley David Greschler & Paula White Vito A., Yasuko Grieco & Evan Wilson Jon Gross ‘90 & Kristin Likus Raven Guenneguez ‘15 Anne-Marie Guerrero Tom Hajduk, Yvonne Griffin, Nora & Logan Hayden Hall Robert & Pranee Halvorsen Craig & Amy Hampson The Hanrahan Family Jim & Joan Harkins Mike Haykin K.C. Helmeid & Jennifer Stockdale Morgan Hewitt & Richard Menge Scott Hicke & Ethan Decoster Cheryll Hidalgo Rob & Christine Hill Allen Hillel & Sue Anne Wiedenfeld Joel & Darlene Hobbs Ed & Kelley Hofmann Charles & Verna Holm Eric Honea & Kendall Guthrie David & Lisa Hoover Mark & Marcia Hoover David Horvitz Garry & Maryann Hosack Nathaniel Hudson ‘03 Shaun & Lori Hughes Phil & Kae Hutchison Becca Hyman ‘93 & Ron Hyman Bob & Sue Hynes Chuck Ijadi Jim & Fiona Jackson Kevyn Hauser Jim & Marie Jahn Celeste Jalbert ‘04 Kaj Johansen David & Kirsten Johns Kathy Johnson

possibilities for saas students.

Steve & Ann Jones Charles & Carol Jung Ragubathi Karthigesu & Coral Edward Richard Katz & Jill Cohen Anne Kearns Aaron Keller ‘02 Kate & Craig Kerr Michael King Kate Kinney Bent & Lisa Kjos Rebecca Klein Deb Klingaman Jeff Kodaseet & Donna Bouldin Sondra Kornblatt Matthew Kosh & Nadia Khaber-Kosh Marc & Charleen Kretschmer Donald Kronenberg & Vanessa Edrich Anita & Dustin Kuroiwa Michael Laube & Kyle Winslow Julie Lawry Gordon & Miwon Lee Lauren Lee Sung Lee Bob & Judy Leet Rob & Sue Leet Sandy Leibow Davis Whitney & Connie Leibow Susanne Lenhardt Tom & Gloria Leonidas Nick Lew Emma Libby ‘02 The Lim Family Emily Lin George & Peggy Lindenmayer Brad Linkins Richard & Tracey Locke Greg & Laura Lohman Lisa Long Pat Lowe Andrew Lush ‘01 Caitlin Lyons Betsy & James MacKenzie Elizabeth MacPherson

Walter Major III Nick Marcuse ‘90 Dante & Alison Marioni David & JoAnn Marshall J. Stanley Marshall Stephanie Martin Sandra Marulanda Jody Marx Chris Maryatt ‘98 Claire Mauksch ‘07 Megan McCall & Corey Cromer Dick & Jill McCormick Veronica & Dave McGowan Patrick McLane Geoffrey McMahon & Deborah VanDerhei Dan & Jane McNamee K.C. McNeil & Laurie Stusser-McNeil Mark McPherson & Brandith Irwin The Merlino Family John & Marney Mesch Lori & Eric Metcalf Bill Metcalfe Brent D. Mitchell ‘97 Marc & Marcie Mitchell Rob Mitchell ‘87 Mark Reddington & Cary Moon Marc & Barbara Moquin Oscar Mraz & Nicole Devine Melinda Mueller Roger Murray Bob & Ann Murtha Pete & Judy Nebhut Heidi Neff Dan & Kristen Newell Luan & Tien Nguyen McKinley Nicosia ‘11 Sonja Nielsen Daren & Elizabeth Nitz Margi & Peter Niu Doug Nugent & Ellen Mondress Jim O’Donnell & Valerie Kampe Sheri Olson Steven & Lissa Orr

David Oseran ‘94 & Melissa Oseran Paul & Wendy Owen Richard, Toni, & Veronica Owen Mark & Francie Paper Mike & Becky Park Joshua & Julie Parks Paige Pauli ‘04 & Trevor Russ Gayle Pearl Katie Pearl ‘97 Amy Perkins ‘94 & Josh Perkins Gilbert Petitt & Leslyn Jones-Petitt Kathi Petrotta & Mark Isaacson The Pettit Family George & Christina Pfeiffer Rob Phillips & Jennifer Bandy-Phillips Rachel Pickering Janet R. Prentice Jack & Lee Prewett Paula Prewett & Stan Mark Christine Zarker Primomo ‘06 The Primomo-Zarker Family Joe Puggelli & Patricia Vaccarino Chris & Beth Purcell Allison Rabbitt & Nick Dorman The Ratzliff Family Alison Ray & Jose Arauz Christopher & Fenella Raymond Razoo Foundation Jodi & Bill Rea Melanie Reed & Edward Trumbule The Reines Family Greg Relaford Kelly Rettenmier ‘95 & Cory Rettenmier Paul & Susanna Reynolds Owen & Irmgard Rice Rae Irene Robertson Rebekah Rocha Shane Rock & Susan Craighead The Rohrbach Family Lis Rohrbach ‘02 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Romano Juliet & Stephen Romano Donna Romero

your gifts make a difference in

Mimmo Rosati & Rosanna Bowles Jack Rosen ‘01 Ralph Rossi & Nancy Brunsvold The Rubin Family Yurij Rudensky ‘03 Helen Runstein in memory of Neil Runstein Jose Sama & Julie Johnson Eric & Caroline Sanderson John & Patsy Sangster Herman & Faye Sarkowsky Cathy Schick, Jane Meseck, & Shay Meseck-Schick Jeremy & Rene Schimmel Morris & Eleanor Schimmel Adam Schoenfeld ‘01 & Jenny Schoenfeld ‘01 The Schrag Family Steven Schroeppel ‘85 Nancy Schub Gerry Scully & Jennifer Kelly The Seattle Foundation Peggy Seessel Larkin Seiple ‘03 Bill Severson & Meredith Lehr Catherine Sewell Stuart & Elaine Shankland Paul Shapiro Family Peter & Meryl Shier Bryan & Gina Skene Tom Skerritt & Julie Tokashiki Damon & Claudia Smith Darryl Smith & Andrea John-Smith Douglas & Jeri Smith Eugene Smith & Stephanie Butow Jacque Smith Sarah & Mike Smith Stan & Mary Sorensen Linda Spangler Remi Spector ‘04 Dianna Stalter David & Susanne Staton Mike & Lisa Staton Rich & Erin Stearns Adam Stelle ‘05 William & Claudia Stelle

Kirk Gunnar Stensvig ‘91 Jonah Sterling ‘90 & Tiffany Moore Ayanna Stewart Eden Stewart-Eisman ‘84 & Frederick Eisman David & Joy Stiefel David & Laurel Stitzhal Mari & Gary Stobbe April Storie Bob & Cindy Strauss Aidan & Elizabeth Stretch Jake Strickland ‘11 Richard Strickland & Denise Krouse Deanna Strom Fred & Rebecca Strong Elizabeth Suman ‘02 Chris Taft ‘02 David & Sarah Taylor Nate Tepp ‘03 John Teutsch Molly Theobald ‘02 Donald & Pamela Tinker Nicolas Tipp ‘02 Kevin & Sharan Tisdel Marshall Titus & Helen Howell Rachel Townsend ‘05 Gary Trabolsi & Karen O’Shea Sally Tranin Anne Treanor-Miska Kevin Trombold & Heath Foster Mary Ann Trombold Theresa & Peter Truex Barton Truscott Christine Tschirgi Michael Tubridy ‘03 Alec Turnbull ‘04 Joel & Amy Underwood Brent Vadopalas & Jennifer Whitney Victor Valdez Julie van der Veen ‘88 & Eric van der Veen Frank & Leigh Anne Van Dusen Alice Vidger Don & Lila Vidger Dan Waggoner Cass Walker ‘86 & David Walker

Philip Walling & Julie Mihalisin Brad Wallum Connie Wallum RoxAnn Ward Washington Native Plant Society in honor of Melinda Mueller Kurt & Hege Watkins Anita Watson Bob & Andrea Watson James H. Watson Mindy J. Watson Andrea Wenet Wayne Widdis & Christine Davis-Goff Edna Mae Wiedenfeld Chelsea Wilcox Ashley Wildhaber Michael Willis & Elizabeth Peterson Kenneth & Rosemary Willman Charles & Daphne Willsmore Holden & Linda Withington Allie Wollner ‘06 Randy & Karen Woo Russell & Sharon Woo Ray Woodhouse & Abby R. Katzman Sharon Woolf Julie Wray ‘87 & Ken Wray Vickie Wu & Mark Gross Todd Zimberg Ted & Marianne Zollman Spring Zoog & Richard Marks Ken Zweig & Paula Hoff-Zweig


every student’s experience.


Alaska Airlines The Amgen Foundation Bank of America BCD Travel The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Boeing Company Costco Expedia Corp. Travel GE Foundation Google Microsoft Nintendo of America Inc. The Pew Charitable Trusts Razorfish Reader’s Digest Foundation Starbucks Verizon Wireless


George & June Bartell Julie & Jon Barwick Matthew & Donna Bellew Steven & Karen Demmert Andrew Dym & Stephanie Kowals David & Christine Gedye Bert Green & Zan Brookshire William & Carol Hodgman Eric Honea & Kendall Guthrie Mark & Laura Jennings Fikso Kretschmer Smith Dixon Ormseth PS Diane Larson/ Mercer Island Florist Melinda Mueller John & Mary Pat Osterhaus Lee Rhodes & Peter Seligmann Alex & Jill Rosenast/ Garage Billiards Michael & Barbara Malone/ Sorrento Hotel Tom Douglas Catering & Events Donna Waidtlow Joseph Walter & Kathy Mares Martha Wyckoff & Jerry Tone


On February 4, 2012, our community gathered at Fremont Studios for SAAS in the City—an annual celebration to benefit our students and faculty. This year SAAS in the City raised $142,345 for Seattle Academy’s Faculty Development Fund. SAAS in the City is a celebration of the remarkable talent, spirit, and generosity that make Seattle Academy’s faculty, students, and community so special. Thank you to the following donors for their participation and support.


Anonymous Friend of Seattle Academy (15) Kokie Adams Vance & Anita Adams Herbert & Kim Alden David & Nellie Allnutt Peter & Sandy Atkins George & June Bartell Tom & Kat Barton Jon & Julie Barwick Lucas Schenck & Carla Bauman Halsey Bell & Liz Gorton Matthew & Donna Bellew Phillip Berry ‘06, Achijah Berry ‘10 & Rhonda Berry Rick Garza & Julie Bogue-Garza Mimmo Rosati & Rosanna Bowles Jon Boyce & Catherine Petito Boyce Mike & Rose Boyle Christopher Breunig & Gretchen Stahr Breunig Brad & Sue Brickman Andrew Fisher & Elizabeth Burke Lauren Burman ‘03 Mary Ellen Hudgins & Gayle Bush James & Diane Castanes Karol King & Doug Chapman

Emily Cherkin & Benjamin Gitenstein Jim Vandergrift & Ann Collier Jon Reingold & Karen Criddle Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Tim and Susan Davis Wayne Widdis & Christine Davis-Goff Oscar Mraz & Nicole Devine Paul & Debra Doces Jim & Laura Donald Mary & James Dunnam Andy & Jillon Dupree Bridget DuRuz Richard & Susan Fade John & Mona Fandel Jeff & Stacie Feinstein Andrew Ferguson ‘04 Tom Flood Michael & Marta Fortin Donny & Shawn Foy Steve Kessel & Sibyl Frankenburg Jeff & Eleanor Freeman David & Chris Gedye Jay Gibson & Marisha Nykiel Daniel & Michele Glasser Scott & Kelly Gode Pushpa Gopal Philip & Robyn Grad Mike Halperin & Jodi Green David & Cathy Habib Don & Hallidie Haid John & Christina Hogan Eric & Mary Horvitz Jay Greene & Rochelle Howe Graham & Heather Hughes David & Julie Israel Celeste Jalbert ‘04 John Frank & Delia Jampel Mark & Laura Jennings Darryl Smith & Andrea John-Smith Jeff Fong & Jennifer Johnson-Fong Krijn & Judy de Jonge Ray Woodhouse & Abby R. Katzman

thank you for helping us prepare

Susan Kaufman Sondra Kornblatt Jen Lam Mark Lanning & Jeniphr Breckenridge Peter & Susan Lee Rob & Sue Leet Whitney & Connie Leibow Tom & Gloria Leonidas Steve Lewis & Kathy Leppig David Letrondo & Colleen Armstrong Letrondo Debra & Martin Levin Sandy & Cindy Levy Christine Lewis David & Susan Lewis Richard & Tracey Locke Don Loeb & JoEllen Gehl Loeb John Parchem & Barbara Lycett John Oblanas & Laura MacDonald Elizabeth MacPherson Lex Lindsey & Lynn Manley James & Barbara Marowitz Mark & Tracy Mason John & Jeanine Matthews Jack & Sandy McCullough Frank Denman & Jean Millican William Yedor & Adrienne Millican Ken & Becca Moss Adrian Lam & Mary Jane Munsell Dan & Kristen Newell Nick & Leslie Hanauer Foundation Margi & Peter Niu Grant & Justine Norwitz Mandy Noschese Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder Mark & Leslie Olson Sheri Olson Mary Kay O’Neill Daniel Barsher & Alessandra Panieri Jim Winton & Linda Park Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington David Perlin & Mary Pembroke Perlin

Tom & Laurie Phelan Peter Heymann & Nicole Piasecki Patrick Collins & Denny M. Post Doug & Kay Rawlings Craig & Holly Reines Jim & Carla Richards Jim Montague & Sherry Richardson Bob and Peggy Rinne Dabney W. Rohrbach ‘04 The Rohrbach Family Alex & Jill Rosenast Paige Pauli ‘04 & Trevor Russ Wolf & Leilani Saar John & Lene Sangster Steve Cohn & Laura Scheyer Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Casey & Allison Schuchart Mike Riley & Robin Shapiro Bryan & Gina Skene Sarah & Mike Smith Ray & Jenny Sneeringer Daniel Markowitz & Deborah Sopher Stan & Mary Sorensen Mike & Lisa Staton Candy Marshall & Jerry Stehlik Steven Sarkowsky & Stacy Lawson Fred & Rebecca Strong Jeff Madera & Kim Suchomel Matt & Kristine Sweeney David & Dana Taft Stephen & Terri Thomas Ruth & Bill True Andrew & Lucie Ury Art & Hattie Vogel John & Sharon Walker RoxAnn Ward Todd & Ruth Warren Kurt & Hege Watkins Bob & Andrea Watson Scott & Michele Wilbur Kenneth & Rosemary Willman David & Gillian Witus Steven Fogg & Nancy Zaragoza


Thank you to the following donors for including a charitable donation with their ticket purchase and/or for underwriting faculty tickets. Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (2) Herbert & Kim Alden David & Nellie Allnutt Greg Amadon & Karen Heim-Amadon George & June Bartell Jon & Julie Barwick Matthew & Donna Bellew The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington Jon Boyce & Catherine Petito Boyce Brad & Sue Brickman James & Diane Castanes Steve Cohn & Laura Scheyer Krijn & Judy de Jonge Paul & Debra Doces Jim & Laura Donald Mary & James Dunnam John & Mona Fandel Jeff Fong & Jennifer Johnson-Fong Michael and Marta Fortin Fremont Studios Jeff & Eleanor Freeman Daniel & Michele Glasser Scott & Kelly Gode Peter Goldman & Martha Kongsgaard Deborah & Trey Gunn David & Cathy Habib Mike Halperin & Jodi Green Nick & Leslie Hanauer Celeste Jalbert ‘04 Thor & Margaret Johnson Steve Kessel & Sibyl Frankenburg

our students for college and life.

Karol King & Doug Chapman Thomas & Cari King Mark Lanning & Jeniphr Breckenridge Mike & Norma Lee Peter & Susan Lee C. Armstrong & Colleen Armstrong Letrondo Christine Lewis Donald & JoEllen Gehl Loeb Chris & Kelly MacArthur Jeff Madera & Kim Suchomel Mark & Tracy Mason John & Jeanine Matthews Jim Montague & Sherry Richardson Colin & Martha Moseley Harvey Motulsky & Lisa Norton Dan & Kristen Newell Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder Mark & Leslie Olson Mary Kay O’Neill Doug & Kay Rawlings Jon Reingold & Karen Criddle Stephen & Karen Rice Jim & Carla Richards Mike Riley & Robin Shapiro Bob & Peggy Rinne The Rohrbach Family The Rubin Family Lucas Schenck & Carla Bauman Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Gerry Scully & Jennifer Kelly Matt & Kristine Sweeney David & Dana Taft Jim Vandergrift & Ann Collier Art & Hattie Vogel Todd & Ruth Warren Kenneth & Rosemary Willman Randy & Karen Woo Bill & Lu Woodman


Anonymous Friend of Seattle Academy George & June Bartell Butler Seattle Chihuly Studio Complexion Clinical Skincare Fremont Studios

glassybaby Christine Lewis Court & Robin Lorenzini Mayflower Park Hotel The Ruins Vino at the Landing

your support sustains our

endowment gifts T h a n k yo u t o t h e d o no rs w h o made gi f t s to S e attl e Aca d e m y’s E n d o w m e n t s i n 201 1 - 201 2. Th e se gi f t s al l o w t h e sch o o l t o cu l t i vat e an i n c l usi ve c o mmun i ty, w h e re d i ve r se p e r sp e ct i ve s, tal e n t s, an d l e arn i n g styl e s i n f o rm a n d e n r i ch t h e ex p e r i e n c e o f st ude n t s. Th i s past ye ar, 2 3 % o f o u r st u d e n t b ody re c e i ve d f i n an c i al assi stan c e . O u r F i n a n ci a l A i d E n do w me n t n o w exc e e ds $1 0 mi l l i o n d o l l a r s a n d co n t i n u e s to gro w. I n addi ti o n to F i n an c i al Ai d , w e a r e f o r t u n at e to h ave e n do w e d f un ds f o r Le arn i n g S u p p o r t a n d O ut d o o r & Trave l pro grams.


Anonymous Friend of Seattle Academy Mark & Tina Alexieff Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Ann Baldwin Izi & Marie-Claire Behar Brad & Sue Brickman Class of 2011 Kurt & Leslie Dammeier Krijn & Judy de Jonge Karen Duncan Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Don Fleming & Libby Hanna Richard & Barrie Galanti David & Chris Gedye Jay Gibson & Marisha Nykiel Scott & Kelly Gode The Kongsgaard-Goldman Family Philip & Robyn Grad Don & Hallidie Haid Mike Halperin & Jodi Green Kevin & Ann Harrang William & Carol Hodgman Steven Hopp & Palmer Robinson Eric & Mary Horvitz The Bush & Hudgins Family Jim & Fiona Jackson Lakeside Industries

Jonathan & Patty Lazarus Antoine Leblond & Lucie Robitaille Rhoady & Jeanne Marie Lee The Lim Family Julia Matthews K.C. McNeil & Laurie Stusser-McNeil Jim Montague & Sherry Richardson Barbara Nevers Mary Pat & John Osterhaus Laura Parris-Reymore Cathy Pew & Terri Lee George & Christina Pfeiffer Maurice Pirio & Susan Foster Eric & Renee Radman Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Raj & Dilroza Shah Doug & Katie Sprugel Jason Stewart ‘86 & Jodi Simon Stewart Bill & Ruth True Frank Tubridy & Gerrie Hashisaki Liz Welch & Sam Wasser Kathryn Williams Ray Woodhouse & Abby R. Katzman


Mary & James Dunnam




culture of performance.

Tha nk you f o r yo u R s u ppo r t !

This repor t ac k nowledg es g i f t s recei ved b et ween July 1, 2 011 an d Jun e 3 0 , 2 01 2 . Ever y ef for t h as been t a ken to ens ure t h i s r ep or t ’ s ac c ur ac y. I f we h ave om i t ted or missp elled your name, p lea s e not i fy t h e Adva ncem en t O f f i c e at 2 0 6 . 6 76 . 6 874 .

1201 E. Union Street | Seattle, WA 98122

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