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SAAS Rising

SAAS Rising


Each year I am moved by the many ways in which the SAAS community demonstrates its commitment to our school, and this year was no exception. Every contribution, from Annual Fund gifts to SAAS in the City paddle raises to investments in the endowment to invaluable volunteer time, is deeply appreciated. Thank you for all you do to sustain the SAAS mission and to enable us to operate from a position of financial strength.

As a community, we should be proud of what we have accomplished together during the 2018/19 school year, including the grand opening of a state of the art Middle School building. Here are just a few shining examples of SAAS student achievement that were only possible thanks to your generous continued support.

The SAAS Robotics team sent two teams to the State competition and qualified for the Worlds Competition in Houston, Texas where they received one of the top awards in the world

Seattle Academy completed the spring athletic season with two State Team Championships—Boy’s Golf and Girl’s Tennis. The Cardinals had five additional sports represented in the post-season at the State level The Upper School Advanced Acting Class received a blue ribbon and national qualification at the Washington State Thespians Excellence Festival Northwest

Seattle Academy photography students earned a fourth-place finish in the Washington State High School Photography Competition

Seattle Academy art students won National medals in the 2019 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

As we do each year, this edition of the Annual Report recognizes the breadth of support SAAS has received from parents, alumni families, faculty/staff, grandparents, and friends. Please know that your contributions make a lasting impact on the lives of our students and are critical to executing our mission. For that, I am deeply grateful.

With Appreciation,

Rob Phillips, Head of School


The guidance from our board members enables the school to expand its progressive curriculum, attract highly talented faculty and administration, and sustain financial strength in order to support purposeful growth of programs, accessibility, and facilities.

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