1 minute read
Ultimate League. We also learned that social studies teacher Mary Lowry (middle) recently collected a third major honor: She’s now in the Freestyle Disc Hall of Fame, as well as the USA Ultimate Hall of Fame and the DiscNW Hall of Fame.
Not only are these three great at their games — they’re also super-focused on the next generation. “Playing Ultimate shaped my values and made me aware of my privilege,” says Lexi, who focuses on social justice in her classes. Mary, who has coached Ultimate at SCDS for years, also helped the sport take root locally.
“I’m very, very proud of having helped create the youth division of DiscNW and getting Spring Reign [a youth tournament] off the ground,” says Mary. “So much of teaching seems like coaching,” says Stephen. “You have to be self-aware and aware of the impact your actions have on the larger community. Each role helps me be better at the other.”