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Open Window School
Address: 6128 168th Place SE, Bellevue, WA 98006 Website: www.openwindowschool.org Phone: (425) 747-2911 Email: admissions@ows.org Serving grades: K– 8
About our school:
Open Window School is a kindergarten through eighth grade independent school dedicated to nurturing and inspiring students of high intellectual potential. While many schools have intellectually gifted students and programs, Open Window is a truly unique learning environment in which every aspect of the school has been specifically designed for gifted learners. For more than thirty-five years, our balanced focus on meeting the academic and social and emotional needs of our students has created an environment that allows each child to thrive and realize their potential. We believe our students are children first, gifted second.
What kids will love:
• Authentic opportunities to learn • Eight specialists including art, music, drama, Spanish, technology, library, physical education, and science • Curiosity is encouraged — students have the opportunity to explore their passions
What parents will love:
• Teachers who are passionate and caring, and “get” gifted children • A focus on the social and emotional needs of our students
• Open Window is a diverse and welcoming community, united in supporting our children and families
Pay us a virtual visit Families are encouraged to register online for a virtual information session, held October through February.