Seattle's Child "The Food Issue" September/October 2021

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Seattle’sChild SE P T E M B E R /O CTO B E R 2021





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Allison and Shayna like to keep breakfasts simple with kids Jonah and Eli


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>>Contents Seattle’sChild

September/October 2021 // Issue 489

WHAT PARENTS ARE TALKING ABOUT....... 5 DAD NEXT DOOR................ 9 ROMP........................................... 11 CHOMP......................................13 SHOP..........................................15 FEATURE HOW BUSY FAMILIES MAKE IT ALL WORK..........18 MAKING HOME....................25 ENRICH.....................................27 q Because many Seattle-area events have

been canceled or rescheduled amid concern over the coronavirus pandemic, there’s no Calendar in this issue.


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Day trips Get the scoop on fall festivals

Things to Do Find the best playgrounds for all ages

Amplified Opinions from local parents and experts

»What Parents

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Are Talking About Education, health, development and more

Aaron Smith has been praised for making school menus more relevant to SPS students’ cultural backgrounds.

Keeping every child nourished The SPS nutrition director fed hungry kids in a pandemic; his next hurdle is free lunch for all by J I L L I A N O ’ C O N N O R / photo by J O S H U A H U S T O N

Feeding kids and families who need help during a global pandemic is a tough job. Seattle Public Schools’ director of nutrition services, Aaron Smith, was up to the task.

“Yeah, we ran into a lot of supply chain issues from vendors, being shorted with food and supplies, but I have a team that’s very flexible,” says Smith. “That’s something that we faced in the past as well, even during a normal school year.” Challenges in the early days of the lockdown included getting the meals to hungry kids, and school buses were even called into service at first, delivering meals where they were needed. Later, school sites were opened up

throughout the city, getting meals out to all families who needed or wanted food, regardless of eligibility for free student lunch. This year things will be quite different, as all Seattle public schools will be open full time to all students once again. To ensure that every vulnerable kid is fed well, the U.S. Agriculture Department has extended universal free lunch this academic year, and no one in the district will have to pay to eat at school. One challenge ahead for SPS Nutrition CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >

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September/October 2021 // Issue 489 “Seattle is my town. I know this city inside and out… or so I thought until I had kids.” Seattle’s Child is your guide to getting to know your city all over again. Finding things to do, places to eat, and how to get around — it’s a whole new ballgame with kids in tow. We’re interested in how parents make homes in a space-challenged urban environment, how families create community, and what parents are really talking about. Seattle’s Child reflects real Washington families and their broad range of parenting experiences. ANN BERGMAN Publisher, Founder BOO BILLSTEIN Art Director JILLIAN O’CONNOR Managing Editor JULIE HANSON Website Editor MIKE MAHONEY Copy Editor JOSHUA HUSTON Photographer JEFF LEE, MD Columnist ERIKA ALMANZA BROWN, REBEKAH DENN, HALLIE GOLDEN, JIAYING GRYGIEL, BRETT HAMIL, RENE HOLDERMAN, ALLISON HOLM, TERUMI PONG, JASMIN THANKACHEN, ASTRID VINJE Contributors JASMIN THANKACHEN Admin Coordinator/Project Manager ADVERTISING ROSE WILLIAMSON Proofreader/Enrich AMBER ELBON Ad Production Manager JULANN HILL Senior Account Manager 206-724-2453 KRISTIN McCONNELL Account Executive 360-682-3384

Seattle’sChild Seattle’s Child has provided useful information to parents since 1979. In addition to our magazine, look for our special themed publications — FamilyPages, School and SummerTime — distributed free throughout the Puget Sound area. Seattle’s Child is published every other month.

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Sep t em b er/O ct o b er 2 0 21

«What Parents Are Talking About CONTINUED

Services is having enough hands on deck to handle the expected increased demand for lunch this year. “Going into the fall, we’re trying to make the changes we need to make because we are going into the fall severely understaffed,” Smith said in a late July interview. “So that will be a challenge coming up. We are anticipating more kids will take advantage of the program. “One thing we really wanted to make sure we did during COVID was to not just support the families who needed the most, but also show the community, show school administrators, or the districts, or everybody, what we’re capable of doing.” Since Smith, who trained as a chef at Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Chicago, arrived in Seattle in late 2018, he has been recognized for trying to make the SPS menu fresher and more innovative. Recent new options at schools, he says, have included banh mi, injera (a staple bread in Ethiopian and Somali cuisine) with lentil stew, and smoked salmon chowder in a bread bowl. “We did a lot of scratch meals. That was probably the biggest thing that we adjusted to for COVID,” Smith says. “A lot of districts probably went to prepackaged things or sack lunches, but we went to more scratch cooking.” He’s been praised for making school menus more relevant to SPS students’ cultural backgrounds. “One thing: We really tried to highlight different cultures during COVID and to do something that was really authentic and respectful of their cultures,” says Smith. “So we continue with that mission. It’s pretty cool, what we were able to produce.”

Since school lunch employees usually have the summers off, a big hurdle has been the staffing issues involved in feeding a lot of hungry kids all year round during this pandemic. Now? “Since COVID started, they work all year,” says Smith. “They worked over the holidays,” he says. “We continued to provide meals. So when June and July hit, a lot of staff were like, ‘We really would like to have a break!’ ” Meals continued, but this summer SPS consolidated the program and as of July 30 offered six fewer sites due to lower participation at some schools. Students affected were able to go to the remaining open school sites for meals. Also this summer, additional free meal sites were opened up at YMCAs and Boys & Girls Clubs of America, among other locations. “Even though we closed some school sites, we still opened up other sites throughout the city,” says Smith. For this coming year, convenience is a big buzzword, especially because of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, unusual school schedules and a move away from salad bars. The focus now is student convenience, says Smith. “It’s just our attempt to help the schools with their scheduling, trying to find ways to speed up service without necessarily hurting the integrity of the program and product we put out there,” he says. “We’re kind of pre-making the salads already — just grab it and go — versus having the salad bar.” Since he’s at the schools a lot, he must also be sampling the menu he’s created. What are his favorites? Smith’s personal picks are the tamales, summer berry salad and Asian noodle salad. Anything else? “The brisket, anything with the brisket!” he says. “The brisket is amazing. “I think the brisket we have is probably the best brisket I’ve had in Seattle.”


What every parent needs to have on hand


ENROLL TODAY! Starting school with excitement … and Delta variant risks Parents have so many questions; know that we can do this


by D R . S U S A N N A B L O C K of K A I S E R P E R M A N E N T E

Here we go, back to school. This year feels exciting, confusing, exhausting and with an element of the unknown. While we balance comfortable “back to school” traditions of haircuts and new school supplies, we are also monitoring news about the Delta variant, school policy, and how to stay safe. It can feel overwhelming, but let’s step back and remember how far we have come. We now have many tools in our toolkit that have been shown to keep us safe. Vaccination, hand washing, mask wearing, and social distancing are the “core four” to prevent COVID-19. Thank you, science. Our local vaccination rates are high and we continue to monitor the Delta variant and how it will impact our children (especially those under 12 who have not yet been approved for the COVID-19 vaccine). We also need to help our children feel comfortable and ready to return to school. Lots on our plate. We can do this. Stay strong.


Remember to care for yourselves — exercise, regular meals, sleep, and something fun every day. This will help us stay strong and model resilience for our kids. As always — thank you for your great questions. We will get through this together. Q: Who can get the COVID-19 vaccine? If your child is 12 or older, they are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine, which is proven to be 95% effective overall and is showing to be effective against the Delta variant. It takes two doses for the immune system to build up maximum protection, so this is a great time to get started on this vaccine before the beginning of school. In the few months since the COVID-19 vaccine became available to children 12 to 15 years old, 46% of kids between the age of 12 and 15 have initiated vaccination in Washington, and the number continues to grow. Getting that number up will help protect us all, including kids under 12. Q: What about children under 12? At this time children under 12 are not yet eligible. Clinical trials examining the efficacy and safety profile from ages down to 6 months are in progress. While I don’t know when the vaccine will be offered to children under 12, let’s make sure everyone who is eligible for the vaccine is vaccinated, and continue to wear our masks. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >

Find support, connection, and resources for your family from the comfort of your home! Join a virtual PEPS Group and meet other expectant parents or parents with babies close in age to yours. Weekday, weeknight, and weekend options available. Flexible Pricing available to all families.


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Q: Is the vaccine effective against virus variants? Yes! Studies are showing that all three vaccines are effective against the Delta variant, including the Pfizer vaccine that children 12 and over are eligible for. All three vaccines also appear to be very effective at protecting people against hospitalization and death — over 90% effective. Q: Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for children? The Pfizer vaccine has been shown to be safe in adolescents 12 to 15. While mild side effects such as a sore arm and fever are common, serious side effects are rare. I’ve been asked about reports of rare inflammation of the heart (myocarditis and pericarditis) caused by the vaccine. Since April 2021, there have been only 1,300 reports of this side effect out of at least 199 million Americans who have received COVID-19 vaccinations, so this is exceptionally rare. Most patients who received care responded well to treatment and rest and quickly felt better, so I continue to recommend that children 12 and over get the vaccine. Q: What about other vaccines? This is a good time to make sure your children are updated on all their other vaccinations. Vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough dropped more than 60% among elementary and preschool-age children between March and May 2020, and they have yet to catch up. Those diseases also pose a serious health threat and outbreaks can be prevented by keeping vaccinations up to date. Check with your health-care provider to see what’s needed and consider a flu shot as soon as possible. Q: My kids have questions; how do I answer them? Have a conversation and a feeling check with your kids about going back to school. For some kids, that might be listening to their fears; for others, celebrating their reunion with their friends. Praise them for all they’ve done to adapt to the new conditions and acknowledge that there is and will continue to be a lot of change. Flexibility is key right now, and they deserve credit for adapting. Give yourself credit for your resilience and flexibility, too!

8 T TA L ET’ ST CLHEI L’ S D C Month X t em b er/O ct o b er 20 2 1 8 S ESAE H I L D20X Sep

„ Read all of Jeff Lee’s columns on


A little encouragement from across the fence by J E F F L E E , M D


Kitchen nightmares? Good!

history and culture

of the Tulalip Tribes

Cooking disasters now help children get ready for a life of making delicious, healthy food While my daughter Juliana was home from college this summer, I corrected one of my most egregious failings as a parent: I finally taught her how to cook. I’m not sure how I let her get this far without knowing the difference between all’Amatriciana and Ariana Grande. Cooking is an essential life skill, and I’ve always been amazed when people tell me that they never set foot in the kitchen. It’s as if they said, “I try to avoid the bathroom — it’s just not my thing.” You can imagine my horror when I learned that my daughter was surviving on Top Ramen and Kraft mac and cheese. The first thing you realize when you try to teach someone to cook (or any other complicated, highly variable, multistep process) is that doing is not the same as teaching. It’s not enough to say “Chop that onion.” You have to explain how to peel it, how to hold the knife, which cuts to make, how large the pieces should be and what to do when your eyes start watering. Then, for every ingredient or technique, you have to explain a vast amount of vocabulary that rivals the list of Inuit words for snow. Consider, for example, the different words we use just for applying heat to food: bake, boil, broil, braise, brown, blanch, caramelize, char, roast, poach, parboil, flambé, fry, pan-fry, deep-fry, air-fry, stir-fry, steam, scald, sauté, sear, simmer, stew,

steep, sous vide… You get the idea. In the end, we wound up focusing on one simple technique that she could use in an infinite number of ways, with a limited number of pots and pans. It goes like this: 1. Chop up some allium (onion, garlic, scallion, leek). 2. Sauté that in fat (oil, butter, bacon fat, ghee) until it smells good. 3. Add protein (meat, poultry, fish, tofu, fried eggs) and brown slightly. 4. Slice and add hard vegetables (broccoli, carrots, parsnips, asparagus, green beans) and a little water. Cover and cook until slightly soft. 5. Add sliced soft vegetables (bell pepper, squash, kale, snow peas) and cook until almost done. 6. Add your flavor of choice (pre-mixed spice blends, bottled sauces, hot chilis, fresh herbs). 7. Salt and pepper to taste. 8. Consider just a little sweetness (sugar, brown sugar, honey, molasses, sweet chili sauce, dried fruit) and/or acid (citrus juice, vinegar) to balance the flavors. 9. Serve hot with a grain product (rice, bread, noodles, couscous, quinoa).

CRAFT EVENTS AND MORE! Visit our website for info. 6410 23rd Ave NE Tulalip, WA 98271 360-716-2600

It wasn’t the comprehensive cooking class I would have wished for, but it’ll provide enough healthy meals to last her indefinitely, and it’ll give her a foundation to build on. With our 10-year-old, Pippa, we’ve taken a different approach. Rather than CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >

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Their stature may be small, but their ideas are monumental.


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It’s so much more than a gift! Washington State Heirloom Birth Certificate A portion of the proceeds from each birth certificate benefits the Children’s Trust Fund of Washington, administered by the Washington State Department of Children, Youth & Families Strengthening Families Program. • This official birth certificate is personally signed by the Governor and State Registrar. • Certificate is 8 1/2 x 11 and includes the name, date and place of birth, as well as the name and birthplace of the parent(s). • Frameable keepsake. • For each $45 purchase of an Heirloom Birth Certificate, $20 is tax deductible. To find out more information on Children’s Trust and child abuse prevention in Washington State visit: or visit the Department of Health to order your own Heirloom Birth Certificate. DCYF FS_0010 (09-19)

10 S ESAE T TA LT E ’T S C D C Month X t em b er/O ct o b er 20 2 1 10 LHEI L’ S H I L D2 0X Sep

waiting until she’s suffering from Top Ramen malnutrition syndrome, we’ve conducted her culinary education with a more incremental, organic approach. I’m pleased to report that she loves to cook, and she’s gaining more confidence in the kitchen every day. Here are a few guidelines that, at least for her, seem to be working. Let kids try stuff. Good decisions require experience. Experience requires bad decisions. If left to their own devices, kids will cook up some spectacular food disasters. Let them. As long as they’re having fun, this is the best way to learn. Let kids cook what they want to eat. Nothing motivates a child like their stomach. Yes, you may end up with a surplus of pizzas and cakes, but you can insist that they make some healthy stuff, too. Just don’t deny them the pure pleasure of creating what they love. Insist that they clean up. With autonomy comes responsibility. It’s OK if they make a bit of a mess while they’re lost in the creative process, but they shouldn’t leave the kitchen looking like a FEMA site. If you have to clean up after them, you’ll hesitate when they want to cook something, and that’s a drag for everyone. There’s safety in knowledge. It’s hard to be a cook without mastering the tools of the trade, which include a lot of fire and sharp objects. When you turn kids loose in the kitchen, the best way to ensure their safety is to teach them proper technique. How do you handle a chef’s knife? How do you use a gas burner? How do you take a hot pan out of the oven? Teach them step by step, explaining everything and assuming nothing. Then make them do it several times while you’re watching. That little bit of investment yields big dividends down the line. The other day, Pippa made brunch for the whole family. It consisted of cheesy baked eggs (the shape and consistency of hockey pucks), rubbery crepes, mouth-puckering lemonade and a pile of slightly burnt bacon. She served it with great pride, and we ate it with all the gusto and kudos it deserved. ABOUT OUR COLUMNIST

Jeff Lee uses every room in his house in Seattle.

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5 things to do

Fantastic fall family hikes

Escape from Seattle!

See the stunning San Juans


The San Juans are a must-do in the Pacific Northwest. Book your ferry reservations early. Orcas Island’s Moran State Park features more than 30 miles of hiking trails and gorgeous views from the top of Mount Constitution. Friday Harbor on San Juan Island bustles with shops and restaurants. On the island’s west side, whale-watch from Lime Kiln Point State Park. Lopez Island is a cyclist’s dream with its gently rolling landscape. And check out its Shark Reef Sanctuary, where you’ll be sure to spot sea lions basking in the sun. — Allison Holm

»Romp Things to do with kids

Washington Park Arboretum and Japanese Garden View one of the largest collections of Japanese maples at the Japanese Garden; hike more than 230 acres of wetlands, natural areas and gardens in the nearby arboretum. 2300 Arboretum Drive E., Seattle; 1075 Lake Washington Blvd. E., Seattle

2 Discovery Park Hike around the largest park in Seattle and take in views of Puget Sound. Find meadows, forests and a path to the beach. 3801 Discovery Park Blvd., Seattle

3 Tolt MacDonald Park Cross the suspension bridge, pass the yurts and hike on the Cottonwood Loop trail. Look up to see bright yellow, orange and green leaves glinting in the morning sun. 31020 NE 40th St., Carnation

4 Giselle Furlonge with her daughter at the Ballard Locks.

Find the fish this fall Skip the foliage — go see the salmon runs! Check out all the fish as they return by H A L L I E G O L D E N / photos by J O S H U A H U S T O N

Fall in the Seattle area: It’s the perfect time to get an up-close look at the region’s world-famous salmon runs. As leaves change color and temperatures drop, creeks and

rivers play host to the magnificent adult fish as they journey back from the ocean to their birthplaces to spawn and die. Across the state, salmon have been making this same trek for eons, but due to factors such as climate change

and dams, the once-flourishing runs are threatened. A family trip out to these waters is an opportunity for children to witness and learn about the salmon’s historic journey, and also, with the help of guides and signage, to understand just what is at risk for the Pacific Northwest’s beloved salmon. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >

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Gold Creek Pond Loop See the brilliant colors of large-leafed maple and alder trees and take in mountain views on this easy 1-mile trek around the pond. Gold Creek Pond Trailhead, Snoqualmie Pass

5 Mount Rainier National Park Make it a day trip and head to Rainier’s Naches Peak Loop trail for a great moderate hike when snow hasn’t fallen yet. (Travel the trail clockwise for the best views.) — Jasmin Thankachen

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Carkeek Park 950 NW Carkeek Park Rd., Seattle; Carkeek Park is home to Piper’s Creek, a beautiful area where chum salmon return to spawn. The creek could see hundreds of these adult salmon, which return after spending a few years at sea. The best time to see them is from mid-November to mid-December. Over the weekends, you might be able to talk with a Carkeek Park Salmon Steward, who can answer your questions at viewing areas. If you want an even more fish-filled outing, you can’t miss the fabulous sculpted salmon slide at the Carkeek playground. Kids (and adults) love jumping into its mouth to slide down — and out through its tail area.

Ballard Locks Hiram M. Chittenden Ballard Locks, 3015 NW 54th St., Seattle; September is a great time to watch coho salmon make their way through the locks before traveling another 40 to 50 miles upriver to spawn. They’re known for their silver sides and metallic blue or green backs. See how many you can spot migrating through! The visitor center, walkway across the canal, botanical garden and newly renovated fish ladder viewing room are open to the public.

Longfellow Creek Delridge Way SW and SW Graham Street, Seattle; This is a great spot to watch coho and chum salmon as they travel across the 4 miles of this West Seattle creek. The Puget Soundkeeper Alliance recommends starting out at Dragonfly Garden, then heading south along the trail. For the best views, make sure to come in the early mornings and late afternoons. And don’t forget to peek under the bridges: That’s where the salmon like to hide.

Salmon Days festival Downtown Issaquah; From fish carving and nature photography to crab cakes and a mouthwatering salmon barbecue, the 52nd Issaquah Salmon Days festival (Oct. 2 and 3) is a great way to celebrate the return of the salmon. This year there are also some virtual events, including a coloring contest and a parade. Don’t forget to spend some time at Issaquah Creek, where you may be able to see Chinook and coho salmon swimming through.

Right under your nose!

Branch out this fall You can pick apples right off the tree at local orchards — for food, fun and fabulous fall photo ops. Buy the apples by the bucket or by the bushel for packed lunches and for homemade apple pie, sauce and cider. Visit Swans Trail Farms in Snohomish for its annual apple festival. Bellewood Farms in Lynden offers an apple orchard, a farm store and an on-site distillery (for the grown-ups, of course). Meanwhile, more than 300 apple varieties are grown at Skipley Farm in Snohomish. You have to reserve a ticket to pick apples at NW Bloom in Redmond, an orchard and landscaping company in one. Pick a variety of fall fruits at Sm’Apples in Ferndale and Stutzman Ranch in Wenatchee too.

— Jasmin Thankachen

Swans Trail Farms: 7301 Rivershore Rd., Snohomish; Bellewood Farms: 6140 Guide Meridian Rd., Lynden; Skipley Farm: 7228 Skipley Rd., Snohomish; NW Bloom: 15410 NE 124th St., Redmond; services/farm Sm’Apples: 1197 Willeys Lake Rd., Ferndale; Stutzman Ranch: 2202 Easy St., Wenatchee;



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North Creek Trail Park North Creek Trail, Bothell; Autumn at this creek is prime salmon season in Bothell. In September there’s Chinook; in October there’s sockeye; and in November there’s coho. City experts recommend walking along the North Creek paved trail and stopping at such spots as the pedestrian bridge, the North Creek Parkway vehicle bridge and behind the Country Inn & Suites.

„ More on feeding your family at

Back in town

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Chocoholics rejoice!

Chocolate lovers, get ready: The Northwest Chocolate Festival is returning live in 2021 (on Oct. 30 and 31) and will feature cooking demonstrations, chocolate pairings and workshops. Taste your way through the more than 50 exhibitions, learn about sustainable cocoa practices, and watch chefs take milk chocolate and dark chocolate to the next level. Bell Harbor International Conference Center, 2211 Alaskan Way; — Jasmin Thankachen

»Chomp Eating with kids

That’s fresh!

Produce right from the source When you sign up for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) plan, you can get a box full of fresh fruits and veggies from local farms each week. Some great options:

Terumi Pong’s twin sons enjoy their custom boba orders at Young Tea.

Bring on the bubble tea! Diving for pearls: Check out these great spots around town for enjoying boba with kids by T E R U M I P O N G / photos by J O S H U A H U S T O N

Not so long ago, it was a whole lot harder to find bubble tea in Seattle, so it’s refreshing to see that boba shops are popping up seemingly everywhere. Bubble tea and boba are both names for a usually

tea-based drink with tapioca pearls that originated in Taiwan in the 1980s. (And boba was also fairly popular in Vancouver, B.C., where I grew up.) Now my twin 13-year-old boys and I bond over our bubble tea adventures. They

often order milk tea with regular ice, 70% sweet with boba and lychee jelly, but can also be swayed to pick drinks that are seasonal or just really photogenic. The three of us recently went on a quest to visit and try as many bubble tea shops as we could to find some gems. Most shops follow the same formula for ordering bubble tea: You pick CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >

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3Clean Greens Farm and Market: Purchase a fall harvest box from this Black-owned nonprofit based in Seattle’s Central District and a donation will be made to a family in need. cleangreens 3Sky Island Farm: This 15-acre farm in Hoquiam, winner of the 2020 Tilth Alliance Farmer of the Year award, offers veggies, fruit, flowers and herbs. 3Sweet Hollow Farm: This multiracial, queer worker-owned cooperative in Woodinville fills boxes with more than food. Ask for a recipe zine and seasonal digital mixtape! 3Tonnemaker Valley Farm: Tonnemaker specializes in 100% certified organic produce from the Sammamish Valley and offers bi-weekly deliveries. 3Local Roots Farm: Unsure about committing to a CSA? Purchase a winter stand-alone box and get a taste of what this Snoqualmie River valley farm offers. — Jasmin Thankachen

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Pro tip: If you’re stumped about what to order, just ask for the most popular drink.


a drink, choose a size, customize your ice preference and state your sweetness level in percentage form. (Who knew ordering bubble tea could be a math lesson too?) When my kids were younger, I would ask for drinks that weren’t caffeinated — usually the milks, various flavors of fruit slushes or smoothies on the menu. If I’m ever stumped about what to order, I just ask what the most popular drink is and that’s the one I get. Great boba experiences from north to south DIY Tea Lab on North 34th Street in Fremont is perfect if you’re exploring the city or have out-of-town guests in tow. Find parking near the Fremont Troll and walk about 10 minutes down the hill to where there’s a piece of the Berlin Wall; DIY Tea Lab is right nearby. It’s

our most recent visit. At the Uwajimaya supermarket in the International District, grab bubble tea from Jardin Tea in the food court after you finish shopping. We tried the guava

attached to a Just Poke shop, which is convenient if you need lunch, and the grueling walk back up the hill to the Troll is worth this refreshing stop. We tried the flavor Life Is Peachy on




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Middle School Grades 6-9

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passionfruit oolong tea with pearls, and it was both beautiful and delicious. You can also wander over to Young Tea, one of the city’s most noteworthy bubble tea places. Young Tea’s hibiscus juice is caffeine-free, and the shop offers contests and deals on social media. q DIY Tea Lab, 734 N. 34th St. q Uwajimaya, 600 5th Ave. S.; q Jardin Tea, q Young Tea, 609 S. Weller St.;

Self-serve boba For make-yourown bubble tea away from home, Boba Up in the University District is where you can get self-serve bubble tea buffet style, mixing and matching as many teas and ingredients as you like. You can’t miss bubble tea for sale in the U District, even if you aren’t trying to find it. In a one-mileish radius you can find bubble tea at Oh Bear Cafe, Timeless Tea, Sharetea, Boba Smoothies, Mee Sum Pastry, Ding Tea and many others. (The standout here is Timeless Tea because of its realistic dog cakes and easy parking.) q Boba Up, 4141 University Way NE #103; q Oh Bear Cafe, 4708 11th Ave. NE; q Timeless Tea, 1000 NE 50th St.; q Sharetea, 4730 University Way NE, Suite 109-110; q Boba Smoothies, 1409 NE 45th St.; q Mee Sum Pastry, 4343 University Way NE; q Ding Tea, 4725 University Way NE; Make your own boba At Uwajimaya, you can pick up ready-made frozen bubble tea to make at home. The market also has key boba ingredients like dried tapioca pearls, rainbow jellies and wide bubble tea straws. The Works, a woman-owned maker space in Seattle, has also created a DIY bubble tea kit that we’ve tried and enjoyed at home. q The Works, 151 12th Ave.;



„ More shopping local on


Counting with cake

Where do you love to shop around the city? Christi Cruz, Owner/founder of Wedgwood Drama Studio and pre-K teacher at University Cooperative School

Things we love

My favorite place to shop for all our very deserving teachers is Blue Poppy Floral in Wedgwood. Deb and Audrey are a wonderfully friendly mom-and-daughter team. They source small and local, creating unique flower arrangements. They have handmade gifts, jewelry, spa products and items you don’t know you need!


Learning to count can be sweet: “1 cup of butter pour right in. 2 cups of sugar, and now we begin.” Seattle author Caroline Wright’s newest addition to the HarperCollins Little Bakers series,

Lively + locally made

1234 Cake!: A Count-and-Bake Book, uses colorful pictures by illustrator Alison Oliver and charming rhymes to help children practice their numbers. With the book’s easy cake and frosting recipe, kids can count to 10 — and eat their cake too. — Jasmin Thankachen

The shop’s owner, Giselle Fuerte, wants families to come and be immersed in cultures that are unfamiliar to them.

More than a toy store Child Wonder the World brings global focus to Burien — along with a place to play by J U L I E H A N S O N / photos by J O S H U A H U S T O N

Playing is one of the most natural ways for kids to learn. That’s the theory behind Child Wonder the World, a bright, cozy, globalthemed toy store that opened in August in the Seahurst neighbor-

hood of Burien. More than a shop, it’s also a place to play. Once you’ve ducked under the ivy-covered entryway, there’s a whole mini-world to explore: a Moroccan vegetable market, a Ghanaian earth home, a Mexican

clay oven, a zen sand garden and multicultural dolls just waiting to play their parts in a child’s story. Owner Giselle Fuerte wants families to come and be immersed in cultures that are unfamiliar to them. The exhibits have informational signage and play prompts and will be rotated to highlight different parts of the world. There’s a media room with CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >

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Wearable art Among the globally sourced goodies at the new Child Wonder the World shop in Burien are these Mommy & Me roll-on glass-bead bracelets, which were made by women in Nepal and ethically imported by Aid Through Trade. (The brightly colored designs have fun names like Dollhouse, Finger Paint and Fruit Punch.) — Julie Hanson

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music, books and a reading nook. The inspiration for Child Wonder the World? “There’s a whole great, big world out there,” Fuerte says. “Western culture is one of the valid ways to do things, but not the only way.” “I want kids to grow up not thinking that people from elsewhere are ‘The Other,’ ” she adds. Fuerte, a White Center resident and mom to a 6-year-old and 3-year-old twins, has been working on the store and play space since last winter after realizing that her work as a software developer was “not fulfilling my purpose.” “Research shows that when children of color play with toys and characters that look like them, it builds their self-esteem and lays the foundation for leadership skills,” Fuerte wrote in the announcement of her new venture. “And white children develop compassion for other races when they see positive representations of people of color

The play space is available for drop-in play for a fee for the entire day.

in media and toys.” Fuerte has a master’s degree in teaching English as a second language and has cowritten a book, The Lying Liar Called Racism: A Love

Letter, which gently introduces kids to the concept of racism. (“It’ll try to make you feel small, powerless, and bad about yourself. Never fear, though …”)

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Fuerte identifies as Afro-Latin and spent part of her childhood in Panama. She also started a business called Real Life Bricks after her son noticed that the figurines in LEGO sets didn’t look like him. Real Life Bricks customizes the bricks with different skin tones and sells them online. Merchandise at Child Wonder the World includes toys, games, books, dolls, clothing and jewelry, and Fuerte explains that everything “is bought either from people native

“There’s a whole great, big world out there. Western culture is one of the valid ways to do things, but not the only way. I want kids to grow up not thinking that people from elsewhere are ‘The Other.’ ” to that country or someone legitimately working with them in an ethical and fair-trade manner.” COVID precautions at Child Wonder the World include capacity limits, mandatory masks for those 3 and older, frequent disinfection of surfaces and an industrial-strength air purifier. The play space is available for drop-in play for a fee for the entire day, and kids must be supervised by an adult. q Child Wonder the World, 2022 SW 152nd St., Suite D, Burien;

Book Corner

Stories that make you hungry These four titles are fantastic tales about children’s favorite foods, and they give the recipes too. They provide a great opportunity to snuggle together — and to create food together. — Rene Holderman, children’s book buyer, Third Place Books

Kalamata’s Kitchen by Sarah Thomas; illustrated by Jo Kosmides Edwards

Every Night Is Pizza Night by J. Kenji López-Alt; illustrated by Gianna Ruggiero

Kalamata’s stuffed alligator, Al Dente, is nervous about starting school. She thinks a trip to the Indian spice market is just the fix; unfortunately she and Al Dente cannot make it to India before school starts, so pretending under the table will have to do. Kids will delight in this book’s artistic representation of Indian cooking and how the comforts of homemade food can make us brave enough to face any obstacle. Includes a recipe for dal.

Pipo is convinced that pizza is the best food out there — so convinced, in fact, that she refuses to eat anything else. However, when she sets out to prove that pizza is the best through science, her determination to collect data means that she has to sample food other than pizza. This is a humorous story for kids with limited palates about how opening yourself up to new experiences leads to delicious discoveries, and finding that there can be more than one “best.” Includes a recipe for pizza.

Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story by Kevin Noble Maillard; illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal Fry Bread is an award-winning poetic journey about one of the staples of modern Native American cuisine. This beautifully illustrated book explains the cultural significance of fry bread, and gives kids a culinary lesson in history. Fry Bread tells us that cultural ingenuity endures even when it seems impossible. Includes a recipe for fry bread.

Dumplings for Lili by Melissa Iwai Lili is spending the day making bao with Nai Nai. It’s her favorite dish and making it is her favorite thing to do. When Lili and Nai Nai don’t have the final ingredient to finish the bao, Lili goes on a journey through her apartment building and the reader gets a glimpse of dumplings from all over the world. Complete with adorable illustrations and a heartwarming message about how food can bring us together, Dumplings for Lili is a fun read that kids will enjoy. Includes a recipe for bao.

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Ike and Tash Haynes, with their daughters, 8-year-old Wisdom, 2-year-old Courage, and infant Glory, split responsibilities and aim to teach their kids skills too.



Sep t em b er/O ct o b er 20 2 1

SY FAMILIES ALL WORK How do we do this again? During remote schooling, families got used to loose timelines as many schoolkids were also working at home. We need to relearn how to send kids off to school (fed), make sure they have lunch, and get them fed again before bed at regular school-night times. (What were those again?) Back to school

You’ve got to eat!

Families share what they do to make sure everyone helps — and learns — in the daily cooking cycle by A S T R I D V I N J E / photo by J O S H U A H U S T O N

When the world closed down in early 2020, many families found themselves engaging in something that had become a luxury: They sat down together to a home-cooked meal. For many parents whose lives are often a whirlwind of juggling responsibilities and shuttling kids from one activity to the next, the forced slowdown was a game-changer. “There was a lot more togetherness during those early pandemic days,” recalls Shaun Van Eyk, a Greenwood father of two. “We did a lot more cooking and a lot of experimentation.” Katherine Lee, a mother to a

10-year-old in Ballard, describes how the homebound lifestyle allowed her to reconnect with her husband and daughter. “I was able to enjoy everything more,” she says. “I feel like we’ve gotten along better since the pandemic.” Now, as life begins to resemble pre-pandemic days, families worry about losing that slower pace of life. As calendars fill up with meetings and after-school activities, what will become of family dinners? Finding creative ways to incorporate family meals into an otherwise busy schedule is essential to retaining those moments of togetherness. In

Tacoma, Tash Haynes and her husband, Ike, split their kitchen and home responsibilities based on their respective skills. That helps make mealtimes feel more balanced and equitable. “We look at what we’re good at,” Tash explains, “and what is easiest for the person to accomplish in the quickest amount of time.” But parents don’t have to do it all on their own. Getting kids involved and comfortable in the kitchen has enormous benefits for them and their families, both in the short term and for future years. “It’s a great equalizer,” says CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >

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< You’ve got CONTINUED

Back to

to eat!

Laura Vida of Mount Baker, owner and founder of FrogLegs Cooking School. “Cooking brings kids of all talents together in a fun way.” Preparing food is a universally useful skill. Being able to cook a meal on their own also helps children develop self-confidence and pride. For Van Eyk, whose 11-year-old daughter suffers from anxiety, cooking is the boost she needs to have confidence in herself. “Being accomplished at cooking, and getting praise for doing that,” he says, “it’s been really great for her. She’s really receptive to praise in those moments.” For parents curious about how to get their kids started in cooking, the first step is to make cooking about discovery, rather than simply serving a utilitarian purpose. “The key is to make it fun,” says Tash Haynes. “There are so many opportunities in the kitchen to bring in your kids’ interests. It’s about teaching boundaries and creating safe spaces, and then allowing the opportunity for exploration.” Vida adds that having a good teacher, whether it’s a parent at home or a teacher in a cooking class, is also important. “If you have an enthusiastic teacher that loves what they do, it sets the stage for a great learning environment,” she explains. As for Lee and her husband, Chris Stearns, understanding where food comes from helps their daughter develop an interest in what food has to offer. Says Lee, “If you grow your own food, and you involve them in the planting, growing and harvesting, they’ll be more interested in eating a healthier variety of food.” Fortunately, parents have access to a wealth of resources to encourage kids to cook. Subscription boxes like Raddish Kids, which Haynes uses for her 8-year-old daughter, allow kids to create meals on their own. Taking classes or watching cooking shows can also spark an interest in food. While some families rely on words of encouragement to reinforce helping around the house, other parents have more tangible methods for rewarding good behavior. Van Eyk and his wife use an allowance and chore tracker app called RoosterMoney. For Stearns, though, it’s less about how the reinforcement happens, than when it happens. In the end, the goal is to help kids make their own decisions about food. “We try to build up our daughter’s successes when she’s doing something well,” he says. “We make sure we reinforce the good things.”



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It’s the most and frenzied — m We surveyed five parents and found out what really happens at breakfast time photo by J O S H U A H U S T O N

What do your kids eat in the morning? “They go through phases. Currently it’s cereal and milk. Other trends have been cinnamon toast, yogurt, English muffins, ube bread and bagels with cream cheese. I’ve added turkey sausages in the past, but they haven’t been popular lately. All are minimal prep in the morning.” — Allison, South Seattle; two boys, 5 and 11 “For my 7-year-old, usually cereal for a quick breakfast or if we are in a super hurry, it’s an apple or a Zbar as we walk to school, 2½ blocks. My 15-year-old is not a breakfast person, so she usually doesn’t eat before rushing for the bus.” — Janey, Capitol Hill; son, 7, and daughter, 15 “Yay for yogurt bowls! Plain yogurt with swirl-ins, typically jam and Marge granola. Or oatmeal with peanut butter.” — Noelle, North Seattle; two boys, 4 and 6 “Cereal, fruit, pancakes, waffles, croissants, French toast, smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal — we try to mix it up to keep it interesting, but we allow them to choose!” — Bothell mom; two kids, 5 and 7 “We make breakfast in the morning. Sometimes I’ll make a breakfast casserole so they can eat it for a few days or for snacks, but typically they eat frozen waffles, fruit, sausage or bacon and a milk/fruit smoothie. My youngest will also eat eggs if I’m making them.” — Jana, Queen Anne; three kids, ages 15, 13 and 4

Allison and Shayna, with sons Jonah, 11, and Eli, 5, stick to breakfasts that require minimal prep.

What do you wish they’d eat? “For my 15-year-old, I wish she would have some kind of energy bar or something! But she has always been my stubborn eater and has never been a fan of easy protein snacks — no cheese sticks, granola or energy bars or yogurt. .... My 7-year-old is a little easier, so I’m just happy he eats cereal. (We do negotiate the ratio of low-sugar Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch in his bowl each morning).” — Janey “We are always trying to get more protein in our kids, so it would be awesome if they’d do eggs, but sadly they’re not into them anymore.” — Noelle “I wish there was more protein in their breakfast. Something like an egg sandwich.” — Allison

What would your kids choose, if given a choice? “Blueberry pancakes and sausage for my

7-year-old. Crispy bacon and a croissant for my teen.” — Janey “Doughnuts and chocolate milk.” — Jana “Doughnuts. Waffles.” — Noelle “The highest-sugar cereal money could buy.” — Allison

How do you eat? “I either sit with them (usually with my cup of coffee) or putter around the kitchen. Occasionally we have ‘toast for the ride’ when we’ve run out of time.” — Allison “I unload the dishwasher ... drink my coffee, pack lunches and eat standing up while they both sit at the breakfast bar. Makes it easier!” — Bothell mom


important — meal of the day

spring but with a later start time. We’re all late sleepers by nature, and we all loved the late start with online school. So I imagine there will be struggles to get to bed early and to be up and ready on time in the morning, especially with the two teenagers, since they have really shifted to staying up so much later.” — Jana “I will give us an extra 30 minutes at first, and I think a new routine typically takes a couple weeks to get used to.” — Bothell mom

What are your tips for others? “The key for us seems to be to double- (and triple!) check that lunches, clothes, sports gear and backpacks are ready before the kids go to bed. It only takes a few minutes, but seems to add on 20 minutes of scrambling if we wait until the morning.” — Jana “Routine. Routine. Routine.” — Bothell mom “Night-before prep, for both kids and adults. Our old nanny called not prepping beforehand ‘a failure to plan is a plan to fail’ ethos.” — Noelle

What about lunches? “I would not call myself that organized. I just can’t bring myself to get lunch ready the night before, so after taking the youngest to school is when I usually deal with the aftermath of breakfast and lunch-making in the kitchen.” — Janey “Dad makes the kids’ lunches. [He] usually does it in the morning, but it’s less stressful when it’s the night before.” — Noelle “They used to eat the cafeteria lunch until they returned to school after the pandemic. Then they had to eat in their classrooms and they didn’t care for the prepackaged salads and sandwiches that were delivered to the classroom. So we started doing meal prep and making big batches of pasta, yogurt parfait containers, etc. on Sundays. So there wasn’t too much prep in the morning, more just throwing everything into a bag.” — Jana “They eat school lunch. I’ve packed in the past and probably did it at night about half the time.” — Allison

What’s the easiest part of getting ready? “Having the kids pick breakfast from a limited list of options.” — Allison “Absolutely nothing.” — Jana “Pouring cereal in a bowl.” — Janey

Do the kids need wake-up calls? “They are usually up but slow-moving. Occasionally they need to be woken up.” — Allison “My middle-schooler is often up and ready, her big and little brothers take some serious rousing.” — Jana “One is up and at ’em early, the other would prefer to sleep, and though he is awake, isn’t typically ready to dive right into getting dressed and eating.” — Noelle

How much time does getting ready take? “If we are super late, we have done it in 15 minutes! On a non-late day, usually 30 to 40 minutes.” — Janey

“Forty-five minutes to an hour. I’m working from home so my getting ready is minimal.” — Allison “Hour and 15 minutes, give or take.” — Noelle “I try and prepare backpacks at night and keep it simple in the morning.” — Allison

How are you readjusting to the old normal? “Pandemic mornings where only a few family members might leave the house are way easier than the ‘normal’ of all four of us (two adults and kids) leaving at the same time. We will try to keep adding in as much night-before prep as we can.” — Noelle

“They have three things after breakfast they know they have to do: Get dressed, make their bed and brush their teeth.” — Bothell mom “Snuggling on the couch.” — Noelle

What’s the hardest part? “Physically getting out of bed, myself included.” — Jana “Getting the little kid dressed.” — Allison “Making a balanced lunch that isn’t the same thing every day!” — Janey “Being on time if they are in a cranky mood or slept too late.” — Bothell mom “Getting all the things for all the people out the door at the same time.” — Noelle

— Jillian O’Connor

“They returned to school full time in the

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Snack attack

Recipe for refueling after a big game Skip the doughnuts and try out this sweet, nutritious treat

Coconut date bonbons and orange sections ¾ cup pecans 1 orange ½ cup pitted dates, chopped Pinch of sea salt ¼ teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon white miso 1 tablespoon maple syrup ¼ cup shredded coconut 1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. 2. Place pecans on a cookie sheet and bake/toast for about 10 minutes, until they begin to give off aroma. Remove and let cool. 3. Zest the orange with a microplaner or zester. Set aside the orange. 4. Put toasted nuts, orange zest, dates, salt, cinnamon, miso and maple syrup in food processor. Pulse until you have an even, mealy texture. 5. Remove the food processor blade. With moist hands, roll the mixture into 1-inch balls. 6. Spread the coconut on a plate and roll each ball in the coconut, covering each one evenly. 7. Peel the orange and divide into sections. Pack bonbons and orange sections separately. Preparation time: 20 minutes Makes 8 to 10 bonbons q Recipe from Feeding the Young Athlete

by Cynthia Lair with Scott Murdoch, Ph.D., R.D. (Readers to Eaters, 2017). Reprinted with permission from Readers to Eaters.



Sep t em b er/O ct o b er 2 0 21

School-night meal ideas

Try a quick, healthy tostada Tuesday by E R I K A A L M A N Z A B R O W N

I inherited my mother’s ability to whip up meals “en un dos por tres,” as she used to say while I was growing up in South Texas. It means “in no time at all,” and she would prepare a homemade dish to feed our family of three — fast. Now I too have my go-to quick-prep meals to feed my own family of three, especially having returned to work full time after a break to be my daughter’s primary caretaker. One such dish is tostadas, a baked or fried corn tortilla topped with refried beans and toppings such as one’s choice of meat, veggies, cheese and salsa. Think of a massive nacho chip covered with your favorite toppings, only without that fake cheese sauce. Sounds too adventurous for your little ones to try? Call it a “Mexican pizza” since they can eat tostadas with their hands just like a pizza slice. Allow them to choose their own adventure with a variety of toppings. This is what we did with our then-toddler who loved anything with the word pizza in it. Just shy of 7, she now calls tostadas by their real name and appreciates the independence of adding her preferred toppings like queso fresco, a fresh and tangy Mexican cheese. Prepping this meal is easy so long as you have homemade or canned beans on hand and corn tortillas to bake or fry. Or simply do what I do and buy the premade tostadas often found in the tortilla section at grocery stores, saving you those precious minutes when the family is teetering on hangry. Then, for toppings,

use leftover ingredients from previous meals, like diced chicken breast or minced mini sweet peppers. Plus, the base is gluten-free and can be customized to meet anyone’s dietary needs or picky taste buds. Buen provecho!

Tostadas Prep time: 20 minutes Yields: 12 tostadas (4-5 servings) 12 tostada shells, store-bought or homemade 1 cup refried pinto or black beans, warmed 2 cups cooked protein of choice: shrimp, flaked fish, seasoned ground turkey, beef or chicken, or shredded beef, pork, or boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 cups thinly shredded lettuce 1 large tomato, diced 1 avocado, peeled, pitted and diced ½ cup crumbled cotija, queso fresco or any favorite shredded cheese like Monterey Jack or cheddar Garnishes: Salsa, hot sauce, pickled jalapeños, lime wedges, minced cilantro, sliced radishes, Mexican crema (crème fraîche or sour cream) Note: When considering toppings, remember to use what you have on hand, even if there isn’t enough of one ingredient for all 12 tostadas, because diners can choose their preferred options. 1. Spread a tablespoon of refried beans into a thin layer on each tostada shell from the center to just inside the shells’ edges. 2. Top tostadas with a spoonful of protein, if using, followed by vegetables and cheese, respectively. 3. Add garnishes of your choice and serve immediately.


Seattle’s Child asked Cynthia Lair, local author of Feeding the Young Athlete: Sports Nutrition Made Easy for Players, Parents and Coaches (Readers to Eaters, 2017), to write about a few of the many important topics covered in her informative book. Here’s what she had to say about the importance of refueling after a big game: A lot of muscle fuel is expended during a physical match of any sort, and it must be replenished. Understanding how to rebuild the body’s fuel is crucial to the next performance. Though there is a bit of science involved, the concept is easy to understand and even easier to implement!


How to waste less food: Tips and tricks from an expert by R E B E K A H D E N N / photo by J O S H U A H U S T O N

I defrosted more pita bread than my kids wound up eating, and the leftovers were getting stale. Sound familiar? “Spread them on a sheet pan and toast them until they’re crispy … and grind them up in your food processor into crumbs,” says Seattle food journalist Jill Lightner. An inch of leftover salad dressing lingering in the fridge? “If it’s like an Italian vinaigrette, it’s an amazing marinade for any vegetable.” Lightner should know. In her book Scraps, Peels, and Stems (Skipstone Press) she offers good advice and recipes for how to waste less food, especially going into the holiday season. We need those skills;

the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that as much as 40 percent of America’s food is squandered. Why bother fighting waste, when life is busy enough and Seattle offers curbside composting? In the small picture as well as the big one, cutting food waste saves money. It helps the environment. Ultimately, it helps battle hunger.

Jill Lightner’s top tips: 3 Foods aren’t necessarily spoiled just because they’ve passed a “sell by” date. Smells and visual cues are more useful (Is the milk curdled? Are the vegetables slimy?) 3 Buy smaller containers of

milk (or shelf-stable boxes) so you don’t wind up pouring out the last pint in the gallon. 3 Instead of fresh seafood — our

Jill Lightner teaches readers how cutting food waste saves money and helps the environment.

most-wasted food category — consider canned (it’s cheaper, too!) or frozen.

toss a sliced handful into your pasta or inside a quesadilla.

3 Frozen unseasoned vege-

Better to order pizza on purpose one night than do it at the last minute and waste the ingredients for the dinner you’d planned.

tables are nutritious and last much longer than fresh. 3 Use up pantry odds and ends with flexible recipes like granola or muffins. 3 Instead of lettuce, which often

rots before it’s eaten, make lettuce-free salads or use hardy greens like kale, where you can

3 Make realistic meal plans.

3 Help kids track what they’re

not eating in their lunches, and change packing habits accordingly. This story was previously published in Seattle’s Child in November 2018.

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School-night meal ideas

Dumplings: A whole meal that’s ready when you are EXPLORE YOUR WATERFRONT A different adventure on every pier at your Seattle waterfront

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24 H I L D2 0X Sep 24 S S E AE T TAL T E ’T S L C HEI L’ S D C Month X t em b er/O ct o b er 2 0 21

In Nepal, they’re called momos. In Japan, they’re gyoza. In Taiwan, the name is jiaozi. You could even throw empanadas, samosas, pierogies and gnocchi under the dumpling umbrella. A dumpling is, in essence, a pocket of dough stuffed with filling. It’s the quintessential toddler food — an entire meal in one bite. And if you keep some in the freezer, you’ll have some crazy, hectic weeknight dinners covered. People all over the world eat dumplings. We just call them different things. The dumplings I grew up eating are jiaozi. Jiaozi are a requisite dish during Chinese New Year because they symbolize prosperity. They’re good the other 50 weeks of the year too. They’re good for lunch or dinner or breakfast. They’re good steaming hot just out of the boiling pot; they’re good cold, eaten standing in front of the fridge. Between the filling and the wrapper, a dumpling covers at least three food groups. You can make a simple dipping sauce with soy sauce, vinegar and green onions, but I think dumplings are tastier on their own. You can buy premade wrappers at an Asian grocery store, but why would you, when homemade wrappers are so much yummier and so ridiculously easy? All you need is all-purpose flour and very hot water (but not hot enough to scald you). Slowly pour the hot water onto the flour, kneading as you go, until you reach dough consistency. Then cut off a little piece of dough and flatten it with a rolling pin. There are too many different types of fillings to list here. The standard filling is a mix of chopped-up Chinese cabbage, green onion, pork and shrimp, but you can use whatever type of meat, vegetable and flavor you’d like. Spoon some filling into a wrapper, pinch it shut and freeze the finished dumplings separated on cookie sheets. Once they’re frozen, you can dump them into a bag. To cook, put frozen dumplings in a big pot of boiling water. Wait for the water to come to a boil again, and pour a

glass of cold water on it. Repeat this step three times. When I visit my mom, every time I turn around she’s whipped up another fresh batch of made-from-scratch dumplings. It’d kill her to hear this, but at times I’ve even resorted to frozen, pre-cooked, sodium-filled dumplings from Costco (which aren’t even Chinese. They’re Korean). It used to be really hard to find restaurants selling frozen dumplings; the margin of profit is so much lower than serving a couple on a plate inhouse. But because of the pandemic, many Chinese restaurants are now selling frozen dumplings. Here are the best, in my opinion: Szechuan Noodle Bowl 420 8th Ave. S., Seattle; We loved the homey comfort food at Szechuan Noodle Bowl before the pandemic, and we love that it is now selling frozen dumplings. It’s a small, mom-and-pop shop — cooking directions, if you need them, are handwritten on notebook paper. Don’t dump out the water you use to boil the dumplings; they’re so flavorful, you’ll want to drink the cooking water as a fragrant broth. $40 for 50 dumplings. Cash preferred, Venmo accepted. Xiao Chi Jie 278 106th Ave. NE, Bellevue; One bite of these bad boys and I thought I’d died and gone to xiao long bao heaven. (For the uninitiated, xiao long bao are dumplings with a bit of soup inside.) The beautiful thing? XCJ delivers — free with a $99 minimum, so you can get a couple of bags to stash in the freezer. $40 for a bag of 50 xiao long bao. Dough Zone Various locations; Dough Zone is a chain, but it’s a local chain, started in Bellevue in 2014. It’s since grown to eight locations in the Seattle metro area and the Bay Area, with two more in the works. The restaurant feels more upscale than its neighbors in Seattle’s International District, but the prices are lower than those at the gold standard of dumplings, Din Tai Fung (which does not sell its dumplings frozen). The frozen xiao long bao, $35 for 50 dumplings, are a bit smaller than those from XCJ. Ping’s Dumpling House 508 S. King St., Seattle Another tiny shop in the ID. The menu here is handwritten on a white board. The proprietor of Ping’s Dumplings, Ping Liu, is the nicest lady; she even tried to give us a free milk tea. (Seriously?) Ping handmakes her dumplings and her prices are unbeatable. $30 for 50 dumplings.


by J I A Y I N G G R Y G I E L

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Living big in small and unique spaces

Marita and daughter Farah in their colorful home. “My design philosophy is just happy,” Marita says.

Tiny cottage, big personality A mom and daughter bring a cheery aesthetic to their cozy Bothell ‘Rainbow House’ by J I A Y I N G G R Y G I E L / photos by J O S H U A H U S T O N

When Marita White was born, her parents put her tiny handprint on the birth announcement and told everybody

they finally got what they wanted: Help painting the house. You could say painting is in her blood. Today, every room in Marita’s Rainbow House is painted a different color. Her walls are bright yellow, hot pink, polka-dotted and rainbow-swirled. (Believe it or not, her style used to be Scandinavian minimalism.) “My design philosophy is just happy,” Marita says. “I love color. I love to experiment.

If you don’t like it, change it. Just do what makes you happy.” Her 750-square-foot cottage, built in 1900, sits in downtown Bothell (within walking distance of a Sherwin-Williams paint store). Marita, a single mom, lives there with her 4-year-old daughter, Farah; three ridiculously photogenic cats; and two dogs. “I love how small it is, how cozy it is,” CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >

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she says. “We’re almost always in the same room, all seven of us.” When the family moved in last August, the front room was a peachy pink. As soon as Farah saw it, she said, “Oh, this is a rainbow house,” and the name stuck. The first thing Marita did was add some green, and it snowballed from there. Farah helped pick out everything for their house. “She’s 4 and she has great taste!” Marita says. Now there are 50 paint colors throughout the house. Marita’s mom had taught her to paint, and together they painted every single wall of the Rainbow House. Marita also makes a point of incorporating her daughter’s aesthetic into the design of their home. “She’s pretty much, I would say, my coworker,” Marita says. “She helps me make all my decisions. It probably would be a lot less bright if she wasn’t around, in multiple ways.” Farah picked the paint color for the bathroom — pink, her favorite. When they repainted the bedroom, Farah picked yellow. Together, they picked out the wallpaper

Another happy spot: Farah with mom Marita and her dolls.

in the front room. For Christmas, Farah asked if she could have a rainbow in her loft playroom. Marita used 30 colors and added colorful noodles on the walls. “She lives there as much as I do. She deserves to love her house and have some agency over what it looks like,” Marita says. “I want her to come home and be happy. It’s amazing living in that environment. It really boosts your mood.”

For her laundry room, Marita really wanted polka dots, but wallpaper was too expensive. She bought a round sponge from Amazon, put Farah to bed, and freehanded a polka-dot pattern with black paint. “I thrive on chaos,” she says. “I just put the paint on the walls and see what happens. Sometimes it’s terrible, and you repaint and you figure it out.” q Visit @the_rainboww_house on Instagram

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26 S ES C H I L D2 0X Sep 26 A TET A L ET ’ STCLHE I L’DS Month X t em b er/O ct o b er 20 2 1

Where kids code with a smile!


Enrich Seattle’sChild

R se attl es c h il d.c om /directories

Your to e d i u g ol o h c s after es c r u reso ond y e b and

Discover the history and culture of the Tulalip Tribes Our interactive displays introduce you to the legacy of the Tulalip people by giving you a historic perspective of the bands that make up the Tulalip Tribes. For everyone’s protection, we are enforcing COVID-19 safety measures including:

6 ft.

Face mask or covering is required

Adhere to social distancing guidelines

Reschedule your visit if you or a household member has been sick

Reschedule your visit if you’ve recently traveled outside the country

Located less than a mile west of I-5 Exit 199 6410 23rd Ave NE, Tulalip, WA 98271 • 360-716-2600

HOURS Tue – Fri 10 AM – 5 PM Sat & Sun 12 PM – 5 PM Mon Closed

28 A TET A L ET ’ STCLHE I L’DS Month X t em b er/O ct o b er 2 0 21 28 S ES C H I L D2 0X Sep

Looking for classes? Visit our online directory to find new enrichment opportunities added daily. It’s searchable by organization, activity, age of child and location. »

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»Enrich Your guide to after-school resources and beyond

cial g e p S tisin er Adv ction Se

ACADEMIC SUPPORT Hamlin Robinson School Grades 1–8 1701 20th Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-763-1167

Hamlin Robinson School is the only school in the state of Washington exclusively serving the unique academic, social and emotional needs of students with dyslexia or other language-based learning differences. Students discover the joy of learning, build positive self-esteem, explore creative potential and acquire the specific language skills necessary for success.

ARTS & CRAFTS Boys & Girls Clubs of King County Grades Pre-K–12 Multiple locations

Our innovative programs are designed to empower youth to excel in school, become good citizens and lead healthy, productive lives.

Gage Academy of Art Ages 6-18 and adult 1501 10th Ave E, Ste #101 Seattle, WA 98102 206-323-4243

Academic Support........................29 Arts & Crafts....................................29 Childcare: Before- & After-school...............30 Family Resources........................... 31 Museums............................................. 31 Performing Arts: Drama, Dance & Music............. 32 S H U TTE RSTOCK

Schools................................................34 STEM.................................................... 35 Sports & Wellness......................... 37

Whether it’s art, science or technology, there’s something to spark the interest of every young learner! Check out these amazing enrichment offerings around our city:

An innovative art school, Gage Academy of Art is unapologetically independent and fiercely committed to excellence in the fields of painting, drawing, sculpting and printmaking. We believe in personal mentorship and skills-based studio instruction, delivered by brilliant teaching artists. Whether you are a curious newcomer or a professional artist, a working creative or a retired passion-seeker, Gage is open to anyone with the desire to learn. In-person and online classes available.

J Kids at the Stroum Jewish Community Center Ages 3–12 3801 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040

The Stroum Jewish Community Center’s J Kids program has something for kids at all stages during every season of the year. J Kids includes J Camps (including our popular Summer J Camp and School’s Out J Camp), Kidstown Before + After-School Care program,

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After-School Enrichment Classes (K-5th grade), Early Childhood Enrichment Classes (ages 3-4), group swim lessons (ages 3-12), youth sports leagues (like Dinky Dunkers), and special event programs. Everyone is welcome!

Made Sewing Studio Ages 7 and up 124 N. 103rd St, Suite A Seattle, WA 98133

Offering youth and adult creative arts classes virtually, in studio, and at select community sites. Get creative through multiple art mediums including machine sewing, paint, yarn, embroidery, and much more. With small class sizes, experienced teachers, and fun engaging curriculum. Made is the place to be this fall!


Offering fun, hands-on geology programs for kids of all ages. Educational programs are mobile - the experience comes to you!



AFTER-SCHOOL Boys & Girls Clubs of King County Grades Pre-K–12 Multiple locations

Our innovative programs are designed to empower youth to excel in school, become good citizens and lead healthy, productive lives.

J Kids at the Stroum Jewish Community Center Ages 3–12 3801 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040

The Stroum Jewish Community Center’s J Kids program has something for kids at all stages during every season of the year. J Kids includes J Camps (including our popular Summer J Camp and School’s Out J Camp), Kidstown Before + After-School Care program, After-School Enrichment Classes (K-5th grade), Early Childhood Enrichment Classes (ages 3-4), group swim lessons (ages 3-12), youth sports leagues (like Dinky Dunkers), and special event programs. Everyone is welcome!

Samena Swim & Recreation Club Preschool: Ages 2.5–4, Before & After Care: Ages 5–12 15231 Lake Hills Blvd Bellevue, WA 98007 425-746-1160,

Samena Preschool is a play-based curriculum addressing social and

30 30 S ES A TETA L ET’ STCLHE I L’D S C Month H I L D2 0X Sep X t em b er/O ct o b er 20 2 1

motor skills, art, STEM and swimming. Samena Before & After Care is a state-licensed program for children ages 5-12, with fun and safe activities from art and games to swimming.

F A M I LY R E S O U R C E S Crossroads Bellevue All ages 15600 NE 8th Street Bellevue, WA 98008 425-644-1111

Crossroads Bellevue is a one-of-akind shopping, dining, and entertainment destination with year-round fun for the whole family including: unique shops, 30 international restaurants, live music every weekend, a farmers market (June through September), an 8-screen cinema, a rock climbing gym, art classes, and much more.

Department of Children, Youth & Families | Strengthening Families WA


Ages Prenatal–5 years 1110 Jefferson St SE Olympia, WA 98501 360-480-9640

Strengthening Families Washington is a program within the Department of Children, Youth & Families whose main focus is helping families become stronger together through a variety of tactics, including: Home visiting, community outreach and partnerships, and funding opportunities with local organizations. In addition, we assist with several public awareness campaigns including Speak Up When You’re Down, Have A Plan: Shaken Baby Syndrome, and Safe Sleep.


Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle | PJ Library Ages 0–11 206-443-5400

Your Jewish Federation’s PJ Library gives families with young children a welcoming entry point into Jewish life. Every month, PJ sends free, award-winning books celebrating Jewish values and culture to families with children ages 6 months to 8 years. For kids ages 9 to 11, PJ Our Way sends books the kids choose.

MUSEUMS Hibulb Cultural Center & Natural History Preserve All ages 6410 23rd Ave NE Tulalip, WA 98271 360-716-2600

The Hibulb Cultural Center and


Register Today! Online and In-Person Lessons Locations in Central District and Columbia City

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Natural History Preserve is a place to learn about the cultural values and history of the Tulalip Tribes. Interactive displays give you a historic perspective of the connectedness of the Tulalip Tribes. Celebrate the traditional, usual and accustomed territories of Tulalip that serve as a constant reminder of the tribes’ historic connection to the land. Check our website for more information.

PERFORMING ARTS: D R A M A , DA N C E & MUSIC Chickadee Music Together Mixed age classes: Newborn–5 Multiple Locations: Ballard, Phinney Ridge and northeast Seattle 206-334-8002

Sing, dance, play and learn! Chickadee Music Together offers engaging, research-based family music classes for children

newborn through five and the grownups who love them. The songs in our nine collections span a rich variety of tonalities, meters and musical styles. Classes are offered in Ballard, Phinney Ridge, and northeast Seattle.

Creative Dance Center Ages 2 months–adult 12577 Densmore Ave N Seattle, WA 98133 206-363-7281

The Creative Dance Center nurtures creativity and learning through joyful dance experiences. Year-round classes include Nurturing Baby, Caregiver/Child, Creative Dance, Modern, Ballet, Hip Hop, and Jazz. There are classes for the whole family--early childhood, elementary ages, middle school, high school and adult. The Creative Dance Center is where dance and brain development play together!

Drama Kids of South and East King County

425-654-0699 dramakidsinternational.wa3@ renton-issaquah-kent-wa

At Drama Kids, we focus on the positive development of critical lifetime skills like public speaking, creative thinking, leadership and social/emotional learning. Our curriculum has been vetted by hundreds of thousands of kids around the world since the 1980s. We provide our classes at schools and community centers throughout the community, so if we’re not in your school or neighborhood, please ask for us!

Enter Laughing Ages 9–18 1221 Queen Anne Ave N, Ste 306 Seattle, WA 98109

Enter Laughing utilizes humor, creativity, broad-based knowledge and theater games for the development of lagging social and emotional skills in 2e learners. Online through December.

Ages 4–18

Evergreen City Ballet

1717 Maple Valley Hwy Renton, WA 98057

Ages 2 months to 18 years

Creative Arts Classes

Virtual and In-Studio Learning Private & Group Lessons After-School Programs Sewcial Fridays www. 124 N 103rd St., Suite A Seattle, WA 98133

32 S ES 32 A TET A L ET ’ STCLHE I L’DS Month CHILD 2 0X Sep X t em b er/O ct o b er 20 2 1

2230 Lind Ave SW, Suite 109

Renton, WA 98057 425-228-6800

Evergreen City Ballet (ECB) provides affordable, high-quality dance education to students of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Programs include Parent & Tot, Creative Movement, and Preschool Dance Enrichment classes. Our School and Performance Division students take a wide range of classes from ballet, pointe, variations, partnering, contemporary, modern, jazz, hip-hop, Afro dance, improvisation, and more. Sign up for a class today!

Meter Music School All ages Multiple locations 206-953-8277 or 206-792-9039 frontdesk@

Meter Music School provides private music lessons and group classes for kids and adults. Our MiniMeter program offers early childhood music classes for babies, toddlers and their families.

Seattle Girls Choir Grades K–12

Seattle Girls Choir provides a comprehensive and progressive choral education with an emphasis on vocal technique, musical literacy and ensemble performance. We have six progressive levels of instruction for girls in kindergarten through high school, as well as an elementary school training choir and our contemporary choir for teens.

Igniting the academic and creative potential of students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. Learn more at

Stone Soup Theatre Ages 5–15 1414 N 42nd Street Seattle, WA 98103 206-388-9212

With the success of our masked “Outdoor” Summer Stage programs, our Fall 2021 Performance Programs allows families outdoor and indoor (masked) choices. Fall brings “In The Heights” and “Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown”. Winter brings “Wrinkle in Time” and “Frozen”. You can also count on us for break programs! If you are interested in bringing Stone Soup Theatre to your child’s after-school program contact us.

Sunshine Music Together Ages Newborn–8 Multiple Locations 206-281-1111

Music Together is an innovative, internationally recognized, research-based music and movement program for children, their parents and caregivers. It is based on the understanding that all children are inherently musical. We offer Rhythm Kids for children ages 5-8 years old and Babies classes for newborn-8 months. Class sessions run in fall, winter, spring and summer with locations in Queen Anne, Magnolia, West Seattle and Green Lake. Both in-person and online classes are available.

Tutu School Ages 18 months–8 years Multiple locations 206-319-9828

Every child should know what it feels like to dance. This is the founding principle of Tutu School. We believe that motor-skill development is infinitely enhanced by Tchaikovsky and Bach, that young imaginations benefit immensely from exploring the enchanted worlds of swans and sugar plums, and that twirling should be a fundamental part of any childhood. Sign up online for a free trial class. Offering in-person and online classes year around.



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»Enrich Home of the BrainDance

Comprehensive Choral Education Grades K-12

Nurturing Baby • Family Dance Creative Dance • Ballet • Modern Caregiver-Child • Adaptive Dance Hip Hop • Jazz + Pop

Enroll Now for Fall Classes!


Hamlin Robinson School Grades 1–8 1701 20th Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 206-763-1167

Hamlin Robinson School is the only school in the state of Washington exclusively serving the unique academic, social and emotional needs of students with dyslexia or other language-based learning differences. Students discover the joy of learning, build positive self-esteem, explore creative potential and acquire the specific language skills necessary for success.

Little Garden Learning Ages 2-6 North Seattle and Edmonds

Now Enrolling for Fall 2021 Adults and Children Learning Together Are you ...looking for support on your parenting journey? ...seeking community? ...interested in a low-cost preschool option with a high adult-to-child ratio? The Seattle Colleges Cooperative Preschool programs provide safe and nurturing environments for your child to learn and grow. Our neighborhood-based schools are located throughout Seattle and serve children from birth-6 years. Skilled teachers implement a play-based curriculum, and our educators support parents to be directly involved in the education of their children. • •

34 S ES AE T TA L ET’ STCLHE I L’ D Month X t em b er/O ct o b er 2 0 21 34 S C H I L D2 0X Sep

Learning is 100% outside; rain, wind, and shine. We are: inclusive, student-centered and play-based. We focus on social-emotional learning, connection with self, community, and nature. We offer a predictable daily schedule embedded with familiar activities: sensory exploration, group movement, songs, reading, community walks, play in the garden, forest or beach. We love getting dirty!

Mountlake Terrace Recreation and Parks All ages 5303 228th St SW Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Mountlake Terrace Recreation Programs provide the community with a wide array of quality leisure activities and events that encourage and promote positive and healthy lifestyles for all ages and abilities. Year-round programs and activities include swim lessons, public swims, dance, preschool, youth camps, fitness, indoor playground, sport leagues, open gym, facility rentals and community events.

Samena Swim & Recreation Club Preschool: Ages 2.5–4, Before & After Care: Ages 5–12 15231 Lake Hills Blvd Bellevue, WA 98007 425-746-1160

Samena Preschool is a play-based curriculum addressing social and motor skills, art, STEM and swimming. Samena Before & After Care is a state-licensed program for children ages 5-12, with fun and safe activities from art and games to swimming.

South Seattle College and North Seattle College Cooperative Preschools


Ages 0–5 South Seattle: North Seattle:

The SSC and NSC Cooperative Preschool programs offer a warm and gentle introduction to school and community life for young children and their families. Adults and children learn, grow, and build a community together. Social, emotional, and intellectual skills are learned through cooperative and creative play. Schools are run by parents and caregivers who work with the class teacher and the North or South College program.

Wilderness Awareness School Ages 4–18 PO Box 219, PMB 137 Duvall, WA 98019 425-788-1301

With more than 35 years of experience mentoring in nature, Wilderness Awareness School is an internationally recognized leader in outdoor education. Our mission is to help children and adults cultivate healthy relationships with nature, community and themselves. Through nature connection and mentoring, we provide transformational experiences that awaken children’s unique gifts, deepen their relationship with nature and empower them to enrich the health of their communities.

STE M The Coder School Bellevue Ages 7–17 1101 106th Ave NE, #15 Bellevue, WA 98004 425-998-7007 locations/bellevue

At The Coder School, we offer a relaxed learning environment. Our amazing Code Coaches do more than just teach coding, they are also mentors to encourage kids to be themselves, ask questions and have fun. Our physical space and our year-round programs are both designed to promote collaboration, exchange ideas and encourage kids to “find their inner coders.” We offer on-site classes and partner with local schools to provide on-site instruction after school.

Penguin Coding

• Ages 2-6 • Inclusive & 100% Outdoors • AM & PM classes 2-4 days per week

learning & playing together outdoors


It’s so much more than a gift! Washington State Heirloom Birth Certificate A portion of the proceeds from each birth certificate benefits the Children’s Trust Fund of Washington, administered by the Washington State Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF) Strengthening Families Program. • This official birth certificate is personally signed by the Governor and State Registrar. • Certificate is 8 1/2 x 11 and includes the name, date and place of birth, as well as the name and birthplace of the parent(s). • Frameable keepsake. • For each $45 purchase of an Heirloom Birth Certificate, $20 is tax deductible. To buy a certificate, visit the Department of Health or order online at: BirthDeathMarriageandDivorce/OrderCertificates/ HeirloomBirthCertificates’ To find out more information on Children’s Trust, child abuse prevention and the DCYF Strengthening Families Program visit: child-developmentsupports/sfwa

Ages 6 to 18 Multiple locations

Penguin Coding School teaches

DCYF FS_0016 (09-19)

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Chickadee Music Together

Music and Movement classes for children birth through five and the grown-ups who love them! Join our musical community! Phinney Ridge • NE Seattle • Ballard (206) 334-8002

Classes Now Enrolling

for the Fall The Russian School of Mathematics is an award-winning, afterschool math enrichment program. We use the rigorous study of mathematics as a vehicle to develop our students’

Schedule a FREE Math Evaluation!

math fluency, intellect, and character, empowering them for life. Hybrid and in-person courses may be available; please inquire with our office for more information.

3 Locations in WA


(425) 518-6114

36 36 S ES A TETA L ET’ STCLHE I L’D S C Month H I L D2 0X Sep X t em b er/O ct o b er 20 2 1


(425) 230-6452

Fall Classes Now Enrolling!


(425) 616-3511


computer programming to children ages 6-18 in both in-person and online classes. Our curriculum takes the most interesting coding projects from adult coding bootcamps and makes them fun and accessible to kids. Our methods and teachers have turned hundreds of kids into passionate coders.

Rock Solid Science Grades K–6 Mobile programs and field trips in Seattle area 206-715-2556

Classes for ages 4-18 After school and in your neighborhood! 425.654.0699

Rock Solid Science is an outreach program bringing rock and mineral investigations to your location. Explore rocks, minerals, fossils and science activities designed to inspire the next generation of earth scientists! Programs are aligned with STEM science benchmarks and can be tailored to fit your needs and audience. Visit our website for more information.

Russian School of Mathematics Grades K–12 Multiple locations in Bellevue and Redmond

Our commitment to the quality of our program means that RSM remains a family business. We do not franchise, and only open a new location once a gifted and experienced teacher becomes available to lead it. Our unique approach consists of a continuous K-12 curriculum, taught by expert teachers in a classroom environment of peers who study together year after year.

SPORTS & WELLNESS Boys & Girls Clubs of King County Grades Pre-K-12 Multiple locations

Our innovative programs are designed to empower youth to excel in school, become good citizens and lead healthy, productive lives.

J Kids at the Stroum Jewish Community Center Ages 3-12 3801 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040

The Stroum Jewish Community Center’s J Kids program has something for kids at all stages during every season of the year. J Kids includes J Camps (including

hE 2 0XX E A’ TST LC E ’H S CI L H ID L D 37 37 S e p t e mbe r/Oc t o be r 2 0Mo 2 1 n tS AT T LS E

NOW IN SEATTLE! Award-winning program for twice-exceptional learners!


Building social-emotional skills with humor and games! Queen Anne Green Lake Magnolia West Seattle

Weekly in-person and online music class for children birth to age 8 & the grown-ups who LOVE them! 206.2 1.1111

38 S ES 38 A TET A L ET ’ STCL HE I L ’DS Month CHILD 2 0X Sep X t em b er/O ct o b er 20 2 1




our popular Summer J Camp and School’s Out J Camp), Kidstown Before + After-School Care program, After-School Enrichment Classes (K-5th grade), Early Childhood Enrichment Classes (ages 3-4), group swim lessons (ages 3-12), youth sports leagues (like Dinky Dunkers), and special event programs. Everyone is welcome!

Mountlake Terrace Recreation and Parks All ages 5303 228th St SW Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Mountlake Terrace Recreation Programs provide the community with a wide array of quality leisure activities and events that encourage and promote positive and healthy lifestyles for all ages and abilities. Year-round programs and activities include swim lessons, public swims, dance, preschool, youth camps, fitness, indoor playground, sport leagues, open gym, facility rentals and community events.

Rain City Fencing Center Ages 8-Adult 1776 136th Place NE Bellevue, WA 98005 425-747-6300

How do you score touches on your opponent without getting hit yourself? It takes fast thinking, dynamic footwork and a good strategy. The Olympic sport of fencing is safe, exciting and fun! We have classes and summer camps for ages 8 through adult. All fencing equipment is provided. Think. Fast. Fencing!

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Month 2 0X X

Join us at the Club!

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YOUR CHILD Puget Sound Independent Schools promotes the value of local independent school education, and works collaboratively to make the admission process more accessible for all prospective families. Our website features 40+ independent school profiles, application information, and a complete calendar of school open houses. All member schools are accredited by the Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS).



Month 20X X

An Admission Collaborative Connecting Families and Schools

Mo n t h 2 0XX S E A T T L E ’ S C H I L D 40

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