Communicator october 2017

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COMMUNICATOR –OCTOBER 2017 This edition of the Communicator covers the month of October. Due to an oversight we are belatedly releasing the Communicator a month late; hence this issue will cover only this month The class of 2017 completed the 30o degree in September, with the 32o scheduled for November. I wish to congratulate the cast on the performance of an excellent 30 o. Our September meeting was our annual Scholarship Night, recognizing those students who received scholarships from the Seattle Valley, through the Orient scholarship foundation. The winners included Liam Shissler, Jenessa R. Nieto, Luke Anderson and Athena Gordon. Liam Shissler was the only one able to attend with the others attending classes outside the immediate Seattle area. Liam spoke on his planned career in computer sciences. In the coming month of October our stated meeting will be the Feast of Tishri, hosted by the Lodge of Perfection. We will be meeting in a table lodge format, as we did in 2016. Be sure to attend. The entire meeting will be held in the dining room. Congratulations are in order for those brothers from the Seattle Valley who will be receiving their new caps at the honors program in Spokane on 30 September. They are Brothers Steve Dazey and Ian Hyde receiving the KCCH and Brother Tom Lamb, KCCH, to be coroneted as 33 o. We want to welcome Analia Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, who began their meeting in our building in early September. Greenwood Chapter, OES, will also be meeting in our building in the coming weeks. We also wish to acknowledge the generous bequest the Seattle Valley received from the Dellinger estate this past month. Plans are underway by the Finance Committee to place these funds in an investment account. OUTLYING CLUBS. The meetings of our two clubs, one in the South-end of King County meeting at Verity Lodge, and the other in the Eastside meeting at Issaquah Masonic Center continue. The Seattle Valley officers met in early June with Scottish Rite members, living in the West Seattle area at South Gate Lodge 100 to explore the potential of a Scottish Rite Club in the that area. Their first meeting is now scheduled for October 28, at South Gate at 9 AM. We urge all Scottish Rite members, who wish to maintain contact on happenings within the Seattle Valley and are difficult-travel-miles from our Shoreline building, to attend one of the clubs in your area. We need your participation and inputs to provide a meaningful experience to each of you. Additional information on the clubs are in this issue of the Communicator. Join these clubs. Information on the meeting dates and times should be obtained by contacting the office.

SPECIAL NOTICE-: FIRST MEETING OF THE WEST SEATTLE SCOTTISH RITE CLUB A meeting of interested Scottish Rite members was held at Southgate some months ago with leaders of the Seattle Valley of the Scottish Rite, and plans have been underway to have their first meeting at Southgate Masonic Center on October 28, starting at 9 AM and ending by 11:30 AM. The address is 1004 SW 152nd St in Burien. Following are the key points discussed at the meeting:   

Formation of a newest entity – The West Seattle Scottish Rite Club under the auspices of the Seattle Valley. Designed to bring to the local area the Scottish rite Programs. Avoids the Seattle traffic issues when going to the main building in Shoreline

Those involved at the original meeting would like to invite any Scottish Rite Mason in the SW Seattle, or any Master Mason interested in the Scottish Rite, to attend this first meeting. Should there be sufficient participation and interest, some degrees of the Scottish Rite might be possible in the future with the approval of the PR . The program of the first meeting will have a social time between 9:00-9:30 with coffee and doughnuts; followed by a summary of Scottish Rite programs encouraged by the Supreme Council and those underway in the Seattle Valley by leaders from the valley; with closing questions. The requirements for full participation will be Scottish Rite members who also are dues paying members of a valley in the Orient of Washington. Master Masons who are not Scottish Rite members, or Scottish Rite members of other Orients are invited to attend as guests. No fees are currently necessary to belong to the West Seattle Rite Club. Donations may be asked to defray some of the minor expenses on a voluntary basis.

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