eNewsletter January 2015

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Benefitsof Membership


here are a number of companies that have chosen to partner with Seattle Study Club in order to bring added value to your practice and your club, as well as to

make themselves available to you. These companies have partnered with our network because they recognize the caliber of clinician involved with the local clubs and because they are committed to providing educational growth opportunities to clinicians around the world. We have also worked closely with our partners to develop both educational and purchasing incentive programs especially for members of affiliate Seattle Study Clubs. This bi-monthly electronic publication will help keep you abreast of the latest specials and learning opportunities offered by these organizations.

January 2015 425.576.8000

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™ ™ Clinpro Clinpro 5000 5000

1.1% Sodium 1.1%Fluoride SodiumAnti-Cavity Fluoride Anti-Cavity Toothpaste Toothpaste

Manufactured for: Manufactured for: 3M ESPE3M ESPE Dental Products Dental Products St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 USA St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 USA Revision date: 01/11/2012 Revision date: 01/11/2012 Rx Only Rx Only

3M, ESPE and Clinpro are trademarks of 3M or 3M Deutschland GmbH. © 3M 2014. 3M, ESPE and Clinpro are trademarks of 3M or 3M Deutschland GmbH. © 3M 2014. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

inpro5000_3rdPg_PrescibInfo_RDH.indd 00_3rdPg_PrescibInfo_RDH.indd 1 1

6/13/136/13/13 11:57 AM 11:57 AM

and andatathome, home,too. too.

3M, ESPE, Clinpro, Peridex and Vanish are trademarks of 3M or 3M Deutschland GmbH. Used under license in Canada. © 3M 2014. All rights reserved.

Treatment Treatment for Overdose for Overdose of Clinproof5000 Clinpro Toothpaste 5000 Toothpaste IngestedIngested Amount for Amount 10kg for 10kgRecommended Recommended fluoride dose fluoride dose (22 pound) (22child* pound) child* action toaction take to take Less thanLess than This equals This less equals than less than Do not induce Do not vomiting. induce vomiting. 5mg/kg 5mg/kg ½ ounce (or less than ½ ounce (or less than Give 1-2 glasses of milk Give 1-2 glasses of milk 3 teaspoons). 3 teaspoons). and observe for symptoms and observe for symptoms of stomach upset. If of stomach upset. If symptomssymptoms persist more persist more than a few hours, seek than a few hours, seek medical attention medical or attention contactor contact a poison control a poisoncenter. control center. 5mg/kg 5mg/kg This equals about This equals about Do not induce vomiting. Do not induce vomiting. or more or more ½ ounce (about 1 ½ ounce (about 1 Give 1-2 glasses of milk Give 1-2 glasses of milk tablespoon) or more. tablespoon) or more. and seek medical attention and seek medical attention or contactora contact poison a poison control center. control center. 15mg/kg 15mg/kg This equals 1 ounce This equals 1 ounce Seek immediate medical Seek immediate medical or ¼ of the or tube. ¼ of the tube. attention. attention. Do not induce Do not induce vomiting. Give 1-2 glasses vomiting. Give 1-2 glasses of milk. of milk. *The amount to reach the fluoride dose will be proportionately larger *The amount to reach the fluoride dose will be proportionately larger with older children and adults. A thin ribbon or pea-sized amount of with older children and adults. A thin ribbon or pea-sized amount of Clinpro 5000 Anti-Cavity Toothpaste weighs approximately 0.3 g and Clinpro 5000 Anti-Cavity Toothpaste weighs approximately 0.3 g and contains approximately 1.5 mg of fluoride ion. A 4 oz. tube contains contains approximately 1.5 mg of fluoride ion. A 4 oz. tube contains 564 mg of fluoride ion. 564 mg of fluoride ion. 1. IOM. Dietary Reference Intakes: The essential guide to nutrient 1. IOM. Dietary Reference Intakes: The essential guide to nutrient requirements. National Academies Press 2006. requirements. National Academies Press 2006. Storage Storage This product Thisisproduct designed is designed to be stored to be andstored used and at room usedtemperature. at room temperature. Do not Do not reeze or expose to extreme heat. See outer package for expiration date. freeze or expose to extreme heat. See outer package for expiration date.

Tried Triedand andtrue–in true–inthe theoffice office 3M, ESPE, Clinpro, Peridex and Vanish are trademarks of 3M or 3M Deutschland GmbH. Used under license in Canada. © 3M 2014. All rights reserved.

HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION INFORMATION INDICATIONS INDICATIONS AND USAGE AND USAGE Clinpro 5000 Clinpro Anti-Cavity 5000 Anti-Cavity ToothpasteToothpaste is indicated is indicated for use asfor part useof as a part of a professional professional program for program the prevention for the prevention and control andof control dental caries. of dental caries. DOSAGE DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION AND ADMINISTRATION • Use once daily in place of conventional toothpaste unless instructed • Use once daily in place of conventional toothpaste unless instructed otherwiseotherwise by a physician by a physician or dentist.or dentist. • Apply a thin ribbon or pea-sized amount of Clinpro 5000 Anti-Cavity • Apply a thin ribbon or pea-sized amount of Clinpro 5000 Anti-Cavity ToothpasteToothpaste using a soft-bristled using a soft-bristled toothbrushtoothbrush and brushand teeth brush for atteeth leastfor at least two minutes. two minutes. • After brushing, adults should expectorate. Children 6 to 16 years of age • After brushing, adults should expectorate. Children 6 to 16 years of age should expectorate and rinse mouth thoroughly with water. should expectorate and rinse mouth thoroughly with water. DOSAGE DOSAGE FORMS AND FORMS STRENGTHS AND STRENGTHS White toothpaste containing 1.1% sodium fluoride White toothpaste containing 1.1% sodium fluoride CONTRAINDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIONS Do not use in children under 6 years of age unless recommended by a Do not use in children under 6 years of age unless recommended by a dentist or dentist physician. or physician. WARNINGS WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS AND PRECAUTIONS • Do not swallow. • Do not swallow. • Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. • Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. • Repeated ingestion of high levels of fluoride may cause dental fluorosis. • Repeated ingestion of high levels of fluoride may cause dental fluorosis. ADVERSEADVERSE REACTIONS REACTIONS Allergic reactions Allergic reactions and otherand idiosyncrasies other idiosyncrasies have beenhave rarely been reported. rarely reported. To reportToSUSPECTED report SUSPECTED ADVERSEADVERSE REACTIONS, REACTIONS, contact 3M contact ESPE3M Dental ESPE Dental ProductsProducts Division Division at 1-800-634-2249 at 1-800-634-2249 or www.3MESPE.com, or www.3MESPE.com, or FDA ator FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch. or www.fda.gov/medwatch. USE IN SPECIFIC USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS POPULATIONS Pregnancy Pregnancy Prescribing physicians and dentists should consider total fluoride exposure Prescribing physicians and dentists should consider total fluoride exposure dental care plus food, water and other sources) when prescribing the product (dental care plus food, water and other sources) when prescribing the product or use in for pregnant use in women pregnantorwomen womenorwho women may who become maypregnant. become pregnant. Nursing Mothers Nursing Mothers Prescribing physicians and dentists should consider total fluoride exposure Prescribing physicians and dentists should consider total fluoride exposure dental care plus food, water and other sources) when prescribing the product (dental care plus food, water and other sources) when prescribing the product or use in for women use inwho women are nursing. who are nursing. PediatricPediatric Use Use The primary adverse effects of fluoride are fluorosis of dental enamel and of The primary adverse effects of fluoride are fluorosis of dental enamel and of he skeleton; these effects occur at exposures below those associated with the skeleton; these effects occur at exposures below those associated with other adverse health effects. The population most at risk for dental fluorosis is other adverse health effects. The population most at risk for dental fluorosis is children during the period of tooth formation, i.e. from birth to 8 years of age. children during the period of tooth formation, i.e. from birth to 8 years of age. For this population, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) established Fluoride Upper For this population, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) established Fluoride Upper Limits of intake based on the risk of dental fluorosis. In populations with Limits of intake based on the risk of dental fluorosis. In populations with permanent dentition, skeletal fluorosis is the greatest risk from excessive permanent dentition, skeletal fluorosis is the greatest risk from excessive fluoride. For this population the Institute of Medicine established Fluoride fluoride. For this population the Institute of Medicine established Fluoride 1 1 Upper Limits based on the risk of skeletal fluorosis. Upper Limits based on the risk of skeletal fluorosis. Population Population IOM Fluoride IOM Fluoride Upper Limit Upper Limit nfants 0-6 months old Infants 0-6 months old 0.7mg/day0.7mg/day nfants 7-12 months old Infants 7-12 months old 0.9mg/day 0.9mg/day Children 1-3 years old Children 1-3 years old 1.3mg/day1.3mg/day Children 4-8 years old Children 4-8 years old 2.2mg/day2.2mg/day Children > 8 years old Children > 8 years old 10mg/day10mg/day Prescribing physicians and dentists should consider total fluoride exposure Prescribing physicians and dentists should consider total fluoride exposure dental care plus food, water and other sources) when prescribing the product (dental care plus food, water and other sources) when prescribing the product or use in for children. use in children. GeriatricGeriatric Use Use No studiesNoofstudies Clinproof5000 Clinpro Anti-Cavity 5000 Anti-Cavity ToothpasteToothpaste have beenhave conducted been conducted o determine whether subjects aged 65 and over respond differently from to determine whether subjects aged 65 and over respond differently from younger subjects. younger subjects. OVERDOSAGE OVERDOSAGE ngestion of large amounts of fluoride may result in abdominal pain, stomach Ingestion of large amounts of fluoride may result in abdominal pain, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms may occur at upset, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms may occur at overdosages of 5 mg/kg of body weight. Fluoride doses of 16 mg/kg overdosages of 5 mg/kg of body weight. Fluoride doses of 16 mg/kg have beenhave fatal.been fatal.

YourYour patients patients count count on you on you to recommend to recommend preventive preventive carecare solutions solutions that that work. work. There’s There’s no better no better reason reason to put to clinically put clinically proven proven 3M ESPE 3M ESPE products products at the at heart the heart of your of your procedure. procedure. ™ 5%™Sodium Vanish Vanish 5% Sodium Fluoride Fluoride WhiteWhite Varnish Varnish with TCP: with Optimized TCP: Optimized with our withexclusive our exclusive fTCP*fTCP* formula, formula, it delivers it delivers consistent consistent and sustained and sustained release release of fluoride of fluoride and calcium and calcium ™ Sealant: ™ Sealant: Clinpro Clinpro Patented Patented pink color-changing pink color-changing technology technology and and low viscosity low viscosity makemake application application easy and easyprecise and precise ™ 5000 ™ 5000 Clinpro Clinpro 1.1%1.1% Sodium Sodium Fluoride Fluoride Anti-Cavity Anti-Cavity Toothpaste Toothpaste with TCP with1:TCP1: Easy-to-use Easy-to-use treatment treatment with our withexclusive our exclusive fTCP*fTCP* formula formula that strengthens that strengthens teeth and teethrepairs and repairs early lesions early lesions in patients in patients at riskatforrisk caries for caries ™ Chlorhexidine ™ Chlorhexidine Peridex Peridex Gluconate Gluconate 0.12%0.12% Oral Rinse Oral Rinse

*Functionalized *Functionalized Tri-Calcium Tri-Calcium Phosphate Phosphate

Share Share youryour passion! passion! Tell us Tellyour us your 3M ESPE 3M ESPE Preventive Preventive CareCare storystory and read and read others others like itlike at:itwww.facebook.com/3M-ESPE at: www.facebook.com/3M-ESPE

www.3MESPE.com/PreventiveCare www.3MESPE.com/PreventiveCare 1. Clinpro™ 1. Clinpro™ 5000 1.1% 5000 Sodium 1.1%Fluoride Sodium Anti-Cavity Fluoride Anti-Cavity Toothpaste Toothpaste is for once-a-day is for once-a-day use in place use ofin regular place oftoothpaste regular toothpaste for patients for 6patients years of6 age years or ofolder. age or older. Allergic reactions Allergic reactions and otherand idiosyncrasies other idiosyncrasies have rarely have been rarely reported. been reported. You are encouraged You are encouraged to report to negative report negative side effects sideofeffects prescription of prescription drugs to the drugs FDA. to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Prescription Prescription only only

Preventive Preventive Care Care

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Mark Beckstead, DDS Director, Palo Alto Study Club LANAP® Clinician since 2008


Fred Sakamoto, DDS Director, Central OH Dental Forum LANAP® Clinician since 2011

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Curricula includes staff training on HIPAA’s requirements for managing your patients’ private and personal rights, and ensure that you and your staff know how to protect their protected health information (PHI) by responding to HIPAA’s Omnibus Rule and mandated updates and amendments to the Privacy and Security Rules.













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PEOPLE DON’T THINK OUR ROI NUMBERS CAN BE REAL. THAT PRETTY MUCH SAYS IT ALL. Solea’s unique laser technology creates efficiencies that go straight to your bottom line. Our dentists report 95% of their hard and soft tissue procedures are anesthesia-free. This means you don’t have to wait to start working. You can do multi-quadrant work in a single visit. And there is virtually no bleeding, so no time spent controlling it. Solea can save an hour or more of chair time a day. More time equals more procedures. Which means more revenue. That’s just math. We guarantee at least 90% of your hard and soft tissue procedures will be anesthesia-free or your money back.* Call us for a personalized evaluation. 1.844.GOSOLEA



+6 procedures daily $19,986 monthly

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*Please contact Convergent Dental for details.

See Solea in action at the Seattle Study Club January 21st –24th Booth #34


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Your patients are more likely to accept treatment recommendations when they understand their financial responsibility. OneMind Health’s OM Dental Suite automates the insurance benefit verification process and provides information at the Patient Point of Decision, aiding in case acceptance and patient satisfaction.


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copy of “Present with Confidence: Exam & Case Presentation Skills” DVD. We’ll have this ready for you at our booth.

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“Our experience with RAMP and their technology was made easy and simple by a terrific team. We required some customization that was unusual and they accommodated as needed. The results we saw were terrific and the feedback we received was all positive.� Greg Tice, Seattle Study Club Managing Director



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