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MOP Graduation

MOP Director, Dr. Cynthia Hunter and MOP graduate Kate Cockerille. Photo by: Emily Gootgeld, UHM MOP Student Coordinator.
2018 Fall MOP Graduation
By: Jenny Johnson, Editor
The Marine Option Program hosted its 93rd graduation ceremony on December 7, 2018 at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM). Among the attendees were MOP students, staff and graduates from UH Mānoa. Keynote speaker and JIMAR/NOAA Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program Supervisor. Liz Kashinsky, was also there to give a speech on Hawaiian monk seal research field camps. Kate Cockerille and Tyler Lum represented UHM MOP at the graduation. Cockerille received a MOP certificate in Shark Research while Lum received his certificate in Marine Education. Students Todd McViney of UH Maui College and Mia Melamed of Kapi‘olani Community College were awarded MOP certificates but were unable to attend the event. McViney’s certificate was in Coral Husbandry and Melamed was awarded a certificate in Intertidal Ecology.
Before the students were awarded their certificates, attendees enjoyed an array of foods and beverages - thanks to everyone who came with a delicious dish. Everyone agreed that it was the best food at any MOP event thus far. As hungry students enjoyed their dinner, Jeff Kuwabara, UHM MOP Coordinator, introduced special guest and keynote speaker, Liz Kashinsky. Kashinsky was the perfect person to have as the keynote speaker as she was once a MOP student herself. Kashinsky began
at Windward Community College (WCC), then took a small break from school to pursue a career as a veterinary technician. She then decided to enroll in school once again, this time at UH Mānoa, where she would receive her MOP certificate in animal husbandry in May of 1997. Her time at UHM was filled with work at the Nature Conservancy of Hawai‘i, a MOP internship at Coconut Island working with marine mammals, and volunteer work with seals at the Waikīkī Aquarium. Eventually, her career path led her to the position she holds currently as the JIMAR/NOAA Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program Supervisor.
Kashinsky has been to many monk seal research field camps and is currently trying to build the volunteer program. Students who attended graduation were very interested in all aspects of the field camps, many hoping they could be a part of one sometime soon. Kashinsky warmly welcomed any questions and encouraged students to reach out to her to find out more about the Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program. Dr. Cynthia Hunter ended the ceremony with kind remarks about Kashinsky, MOP Coordinator Jeff Kuwabara, MOP student staff and of course, the proud graduates.
Congrats to all of the MOP graduates. We see your hard work and we are so proud of you! •

UHM MOP Graduate, Tyler Lum, with MOP Director, Dr. Cynthia Hunter (left) and Jeff Kuwabara, UHM MOP Coordinator (right).

UHM MOP Graduate, Kate Cockerille, with MOP Director, Dr. Cynthia Hunter (left) and Jeff Kuwabara, UHM MOP Coordinator (right).