January-February 2020 Seawords

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SEawords The Marine Option Program Newsletter

January-February 2020

Volume XXXV, Number 1

Aloha and happy new year! Welcome to the first Seawords issue of 2020! This joint January-February edition focuses on jellyfish. Swimming with the currents, drifting on the waves, or resting on the sea floor, the members of phylum Cnidaria can be anywhere from 1 centimeter to 36 meters long, and are truly a testament to the dizzying diversity present in the ocean. Turn to Page 6 to find out what kind of jellyfish you are! Read about the essential contributions jellyfish have made to science on Page 10. This issue also celebrates Valentine’s Day by examining the relationships that enable the optimal functionality of the ocean. On Page 14, read about the way jellyfish influence the marine ecosystem around them. Page 23 details the symbiosis between the Hawaiian bobtail squid and Vibrio fischeri. And turn to Page 12 to learn about some of the strangest mating rituals in the sea! The ocean is a truly remarkable place, home to so many incredible organisms, many of which are in danger as a result of climate change (Page 19). As we enter this new decade, caring for the world around us must become a global priority. What would you like to see more of in Seawords? Send in your thoughts! Thank you for reading!

Zada Boyce-Quentin, Seawords Editor and Alyssa Mincer, Associate Editor

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About the Photography -Cover: Jellyfish floating. Photo by: Mark Chinnick, Flickr. -Table of Contents: Moon jelly. Photo by: Bruce Emmerling, Flickr. -Pages 8-9: Upside-down jelly photo by: forgottengenius, Flickr. Fried egg jellyfish photo by: Ralph Behrens, Flickr. Flower hat jellyfish photo by: Mike Chellini, Flickr. Moon jelly photo by: Andrew Wong, Flickr. Lion’s mane jellyfish photo by: W. Carter, Wikimedia. -Calendar: Shore bird. By: Silver Leapers, Flickr. -Back cover: Moon jellies. By: Conal Gallagher, Flickr. -Disclaimer: any photo taken from flickr.com is used under the Creative Commons License and is credited appropriately with links to the user’s Flickr account.





16: PHYTOPLANKTON: PRIMARY Volume XXXV, Number 1, January/February 2020

Editor: Zada Boyce-Quentin Assistant Editor: Alyssa Mincer Dr. Cynthia Hunter (éminence grise) Jeffrey Kuwabara (éminence grise) Seawords- Marine Option Program University of Hawai‘i, College of Natural Sciences 2450 Campus Road, Dean Hall 105A Honolulu, HI 96822-2219 Telephone: (808) 956-8433 Email: <seawords@hawaii.edu> Website: <http://www.hawaii.edu/mop> Seawords is the monthly newsletter of the Marine Option Program at the University of Hawai‘i. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Marine Option Program or of the University of Hawai‘i.




Suggestions and submissions are welcome. Submissions may include articles, photography, art work, or anything that may be of interest to the marine community in Hawai‘i and around the world. All photos are taken by MOP unless otherwise credited.

JAN/FEB 2020 |3

Jellyfish in open water. By: Jennifer C., Flickr.


By: Georgia Johnson-King 4| Seawords 4| Seawords

The Hawaiian Islands are surrounded by beautiful tropical waters inhabited by a wide variety of marine life. An abundant group of marine creatures found in O‘ahu waters are jellyfish. While jellyfish stings are generally harmless, knowing basic first aid techniques can help in the event of an emergency. The south facing beaches of O‘ahu are impacted the most by box jellyfish blooms, which are frequent throughout the year. For this species, blooms are most prominent eight days after a full moon. Jellyfish use their long tentacles as a defense mechanism, and to help them capture their prey. The tentacles are equipped with cnidoblasts- cells containing nematocycts, which act as a paralyzing agent to their prey. When humans come into contact with venomous jellyfish tentacles, it is not usually fatal, but still Hydra tentacles with nematocysts. By: Marc Perkins, Flickr. requires first aid. As Hawaiian waters are warm, tropical jellyfish stings get treated differently to cold water jellyfish. Luckily, scientists like Angel Yanagihara have done extensive research on the treatment of jellyfish stings, so we have the information necessary to mitigate harm done by stings. If stung, the first step is to remove any tentacles still on the skin. This needs to be done carefully, as moving them around could release more venom. Once the tentacles are removed, rinse the area with vinegar to deactivate the toxins. Commercial sprays such as ‘Sting No More ™’ (developed by Dr. Yanagihara) can also be used. If the substances mentioned above are not available, rinsing the area in hot water will also help deactivate the toxins. After the area has been rinsed, hot or ice packs can be used to soothe and reduce the pain. Avoid washing the area with seawater. Additionally, the old wives’ tale that urine will deactivate the toxins is false. Always be cautious when in the water, but do not let fear of stings prevent you from enjoying the ocean! For more information about treating jellyfish stings, go to: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319139.php#jellyfish-sting-treatment:-first-aid-for-jellyfish-stings, or to learn more about Dr. Yanagihara’s research, go to: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC4728541/.

Carybdea sp. by Rickard Zerpe, Flickr.

JAN/FEB 2020 |5

Sea nettles. By: Richard, Flickr.


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On a typical Saturday, you are:

A. Hanging out with some friends

B. Watching Netflix

C. Cooking

D. Out on the town

Your wardrobe consists primarily of:

E. Hiking

A. Comfortable clothes and loungewear

B. Flowy fabric in neutral colors

C. Unusual statement pieces

D. Bright colors and fun prints

E. Floral patterns and earth tones

Friends would describe you as:

A. Laidback

B. Shy

C. Eccentric

D. Lively

Pick your favorite word:

E. Adventurous

A. Quiescent

B. Ethereal

C. Perplexing

D. Gargantuan

E. Luminescent

At a party, you are:

A. On the fringes with some friends

B. Ready to go home

C. Meeting new people

D. Wherever the action is

E. Petting the dog

Turn to the next page to see your results! JAN/FEB 2020 |7

Mostly A: Congratulations! You are

Cassiopeia xamachana, or the upside-down jellyfish! Commonly found hanging out in groups in shallow tropical waters and mangrove forests, these jellies use their bells like a suction cup to lie upside down in order to let the algae living in their tissues photosynthesize. Upside-down jellyfish feed on the nutrients provided by these algae, as well as on zooplankton.

Mostly C: Congratulations! You are

Phacellophora camtschatica, or the fried egg jellyfish! Also called the egg-yolk jellyfish, they live in temperate open waters. These unique creatures can reach a diameter of up to 2 feet, and use their long tentacles to catch other jellies. Additionally, fried egg jellyfish often play host to small crabs, fish, and amphipods, which hitch a ride inside their bells.

Mostly E: Congratulations! You are

Olindias formosus, or the flower hat jellyfish! These rare jellyfish live in coastal waters and sometimes hang out on the seafloor, where they feed on small fishes. Their multicolored tentacles can rapidly coil and uncoil, and have fluorescent tips.

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Mostly B: Congratulations! You

are Aurelia aurita, or the moon jelly! These translucent organisms live in temperate or tropical waters, feeding by drawing food to the short cilia lining their bells. Moon jellies can change color depending on what they’ve been eating; for example, one that has been eating lots of shrimp may turn orange!

Mostly D: Congratulations! You are

Cyanea capillata, or the lion’s mane jellyfish! Named for the mass of tentacles hanging under their bells, these gigantic jellies can grow up to 120 feet long, making them the largest jellyfish in the world, and challengers of the blue whale in terms of length! Lion’s mane jellyfish live in cool waters, where they feed on small fish and crustaceans.

JAN/FEB 2020 |9

How a Brainless Organism Won the Nobel Prize By: Rayna McClintock

Crystal jelly. By: David Yu, Flickr. 10| Seawords

Green fluorescence protein in anemone. By: Henry Jager, Flickr.

Jellyfish are simple creatures in Phylum Cnidaria, along with corals and anemones. At first look, you would not think that these brainless creatures would have made a large contribution to the scientific community. It turns out that without jellyfish, we would be much farther behind in the study of microbiology. Jellyfish contain the green fluorescence protein (GFP), a molecule that is expressed naturally in the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. This protein works like many manufactured fluorescing objects- it absorbs light energy from its environment and re-emits it, giving off a green glow. Scientists are unsure why this trait evolved in jellyfish, but the current assumption is that it was developed to ward off predators. The protein responsible for the fluorescence was first extracted by Osamu Shimomura in the 1960s, along with the gene that codes for its creation. With this information, the protein could then be inserted into other animals through genetic modification techniques. By placing GFP into specific cells of plants and animals, their functions could be observed. Another researcher, Martin Chalfie, worked with the protein 30 years after it was first extracted, turning GFP into an observation tool for gene expression. Finally, it was Roger Tsiem’s turn a few years later. He used the principles of GFP to develop an array of different, brighter colors so multiple biological molecules could be studied at once. These discoveries have allowed scientists to trace cancer cells, infections, and cell reproduction. Human proteins are so small that they cannot be observed, so this utilization of this glowing jellyfish protein allows researchers to see into the human genome and watch how our proteins actually form. This innovation was recognized in 2008 when Chalfie, Osamu, and Tsien received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their roles in discovering and applying the green fluorescence protein from jellyfish. As mysterious as the ocean is, it may hold the answers to understanding humanity and how our biology functions. Aequorea victoria. By: kenn_ex, Flickr. JAN/FEB 2020 |11


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There are plenty of fish in the sea! With FIN-der, you can explore some of the most distinctive mating rituals in the ocean and peruse a thorough list of eligible marine creatures. Meet Octopoteuthis deletron, Caulophryne jordani, genus Hippocampus, and family Gobiidae.

Left to right: Deep sea squid by NOAA Photo Library, Flickr. Anglerfish by Gbr, Wikimedia Commons. Seahorse by Austen Gruenweller, Flickr. Goby by Klaus Striefel, Flickr. JAN/FEB 2020 |13

Jellyfish. By: Jeff Kuwabara, UHM MOP Coordinator.



By: Amiti Maloy, U Jellyfish may be transparent in structure, but their value to marine ecosystems is certainly anything but. Jellyfish are made up of a hydrostatic hollow skeleton called the mesoglea. This is a combination of 95% water, as well as collagen, fibrous proteins, and wandering amoebocytes for debris and bacteria collection. This may seem like a strange composition for an animal; however, jellyfish are incredibly unusual- they do not possess a brain, blood, or heart. They are actually a type of zooplankton with an umbrella-shaped bell; the mesoglea creates a light, delicate jelly-like texture that facilitates sea travel. This structure permits jellyfish to go with the flow, drifting with ocean currents. Plankton are a key component in the diets of many marine organisms. Some fish, sea turtles, crustaceans, and even people include jellyfish in their diet. Conversely, jellyfish cannot track their prey; they have to pull in with their tentacles whatever is floating within reach. That said, they have a large stomach compartment that requires frequent refueling. Smaller jellies target miniscule organisms, including algae and zooplankton, while larger species ingest shrimp, fishes, and even other jellyfish. Their constant eating helps control populations of low trophic level species, which is vital to maintaining ecosystem balance. As a simple creature, many jellyfish body parts are multipurpose. For example, the tentacles capture food and aid with movement. The mouth acts as both the entry point for food and the exit for waste. Jellyfish feces becomes fertilizer for plants and small sea creatures in the depths and on the sea floor. This too helps sustain the ecosystem.

Jellyfish bloom. By: UBC Media Relations, Flickr.

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Another special adaptation of jellyfish is their stinging cells, or nematocysts.



UHM MOP Student Jellyfish use their stinging powers to incapacitate their prey and also to protect certain species of juvenile fish that hide within the tentacles. These young fish are from species which produce a mucous that protects them from the jelly’s venom. Seeking shelter among the tentacles allows them to grow and helps replenish stock levels. Even in death, jellyfish are working to balance the marine ecosystem. Jellyfish usually die due to a clogged feeding area, lack of food when blooms are exhausted, parasites, bodily injury from predators, or sudden temperature changes. When jellyfish begin to decompose, they sink. These descents through the water column are called jelly-falls. The size of jelly-fall depends on the cause of death. Single deaths create smaller jelly-falls, which can be devoured by scavengers in under three hours. Sea stars are the main species that benefit from these falls. Others include fish, shrimp, and lobsters. Jelly-falls can occur wherever jellies are found, and the rapidity of decay is temperature dependent. The falls distribute carbon on the seafloor, offering nutrition to bacteria and benthic megafauna. Because of this, jelly-falls are considered a significant biological carbon sequestration. Locations with warmer waters and jelly bloom hotspots experience more extreme jelly-falls. A 2016 study found that these falls played a role in the biochemical process within benthic communities. When scavengers are not involved, the decaying corpses’ sulfide is expelled as a black residue that is engulfed by a layer of white bacteria. The process pulls large quantities of oxygen from the ecosystem and transforms the falls into hypoxic droppings unwanted by bigger scavengers. Unlike many organisms that are at risk of extinction, jellyfish populations are on the rise. More jellies means more frequent blooms and, in turn, more jelly-falls. As climate change continues to cause ocean acidification and warmer waters, jelly populations are predicted to experience population surges. In addition, eutrophic areas, or waters with sub-average oxygen levels, are popular hot spots for jellies and associated blooms. Jellyfish in life, as in death, are important components of their marine ecosystem. These small drifters help rebuild fish stocks, control smaller species growth, and provide vital nutrients in jelly-falls.

JAN/FEB 2020 |15

PHYTOPLA Primary Producer

By: Alexandrya Robinso

Under the microscope, a single drop of sea water is teeming with life. In just one liter of ocean water, there can be upwards of a million different phytoplankton and half a million zooplankton! That is just a fraction of the billions of different bacteria and viruses. So many different things live inside just a small amount of water, and these microscopic organisms form the basis of the marine food chain. This food chain starts with phytoplankton which are drifting photosynthetic algae, plants, and bacteria that feed both small and large organisms. There are different kinds of phytoplankton that support the diets of different organisms. The major kinds of phytoplankton include algae, cyanobacteria, coccolithophores, diatoms, and dinoflagellates.

This is Prochlorococcus, a type of marine cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are algae that live in both fresh and saltwater. This species, while incredibly small, supports a host of zooplankton species including meroplankton (organisms that spend only a portion of their life in the planktonic stage) and different species of zooplankton.

This is an example of a diatom, an algae with a silicate housing. Diatoms are one of the most abundant species of phytoplankton and produce high levels of oxygen. They also support fish and crabs as a food source in both their larval and adult stages.

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ANKTON: rs for the World

Phytoplankton bloom in Chukchi Sea. By: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, Flickr.

on, UHM MOP Student

This is a species of coccolithophore, which have calcareous skeletons (made of calcium carbonate). Coccolithophores are the most abundant group of phytoplankton. In fact, one out of every four breaths you take was supplied by coccolithophores! These species feed fish, meroplankton, and zooplankton.

Dinoflagellates are propelled by their distinctive flagellae. Other non-photosynthetic microorganisms feed on dinoflagellates as well as small fish and zooplankton.

But phytoplankton predators are not only small fishes. Species as large as giant clams and baleen whales will filter feed on phytoplankton. Many species rely on phytoplankton directly or on the species that eat them. As a result, these microscopic organisms are an unsung but integral part of any ocean community.

JAN/FEB 2020 |17


Sargassum aquifolium, a species of limu, is an alga native to the Hawaiian islands, and is an important component of the Hawaiian islands’ ecosystem, as well as the local cultures. This large, brown seaweed is edible, and is commonly used in sacred ceremonies among native Hawaiians. In one such ceremony, each person involved in a quarrel or dispute receives a piece of this kind of limu, and pray for forgiveness and peace. The ceremony is not complete until each individual involved has S. aquifolium. By: Keoki Stender, Marine Life Photography. forgiven every other person in the space, and peace is restored. In the ocean, S. aquifolium can stretch along the surface of the ocean for miles. It is kept afloat by beads called pneumatocysts that are filled with mostly oxygen; thus, it is never attached to the seafloor. On the surface, this seaweed serves as a habitat, a source of food, and a breeding ground for a multitude of marine organisms. For this reason, S. aquifolium became established as a protected alga in 2003. Once the seaweed eventually sinks to the ocean floor, it continues to serve benefits to the creatures of the deep ocean as a source of carbon. This is where S. aquifolium becomes a large component of the deep sea food web. To learn more about threats to S. aquifolium and other limu species and find out how to help, go to: https:// dlnr.hawaii.gov/ais/invasivealgae/.

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S. aquifolium. By: Keoki Stender, Marine Life Photography.

OCEAN TEMPERATURES REACH RECORD HIGH BY: Mercy Back, UHM MOP Student As many people wrapped up 2019 by celebrating, climate scientists worried across the globe. New data in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences revealed that ocean temperatures hit an all-time high in the last year. “The rate from 1987 to 2019 is four and a half times faster than that from 1955 to 1986” (The Guardian). According to the report, 2019 saw the hottest recorded ocean-temperatures, 2018 the second, 2017 the third. Scientists argue that the state of the ocean is one of the biggest signs of the effects of climate change, as the ocean absorbs around 90% of greenhouse gases. As oceans warm, they affect the way rain falls and evaporates. Therefore, as ocean temperatures rise, dry climates will become drier and wet climates will become wetter. One such example of a dry climate is Australia, which as of January of this year, has lost 17.9 million acres, 3,000 homes, and 28 lives due to bushfires raging in New South Wales. Another issue with rising ocean temperatures is the melting of polar ice caps. Within the last decade, science has shown that sea-levels were at an all-time high, with records dating back to the early 20th century. High-risk areas, such as southern cities in Louisiana, would be subject to the rising sea levels. Scientists predict that, at the end of the century, the sea level will have risen one meter, which would displace millions of people worldwide. Issues continue to arise, even for the ocean’s inhabitants. When ocean temperatures rise, coral bleaching begins. One could reasonably hypothesize that these warmer water conditions could disrupt migration patterns of some species. As water levels rise, many endangered species, such as the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), would lose nesting sites, to which mothers return annually to lay their eggs.

C. mydas. By: Caleb Slemmons, Flickr.

We must continuously work towards securing our future and the future of our oceans. In September of last year, 150 countries took to the streets to make sure their governments heard their voices. In the United States, there were protests in all fifty states and there were around 1,100 strikes, where people from all backgrounds came together to fight for the future of our planet. The United States backed out of the Paris Agreement in 2017, which was an international pledge to cut carbon emissions. However, many countries are working towards cutting their own emissions and we must implore all international leaders and businesses to do the same.

JAN/FEB 2020 |19

Assorted sponges. By: NOAA Photo Library, Flickr.

Sugar Eating Sponges Did you know that while the ocean may taste salty, it is also full of sugar? Algae basking in the sunlight are sweet, really sweet. They actually make way more sugar than they need. The excess sugar spews into the water, saturating its surroundings and drawing sugar-loving sponges. In exchange for the treat, sponges supply the algae with nitrogen and other much needed nutrients. University of Amsterdam’s Dr. Jasper de Goeij reported in a current paper that sponges extract approximately ninety percent of their carbon from these organic sugars. This symbiotic relationship is a story of opposites attracting and creating a potentially unstoppable force. Sponges and algae are quite the productive partnership. This relationship is called a “sponge loop”- sponges transform the sugars they receive from algae into tissue and release nutrients for the algae, while simultaneously producing their own bodily smorgasboard from which animals like turtles can feast. According to Pawlik’s study of the Caribbean, the relationship between sponges and algae has enabled sponges to gain reef coverage of between fifteen to twenty percent. Sponges are slowly but surely taking over the reefs they inhabit. At this point, Pawlik predicts, “it’s likely that sponges have become the dominant animal on Caribbean reefs. They’re not coral reefs anymore; they’re algae-sponge reefs.” How did they topple the coral as the reigning organisms of the reefs? It all started so innocently. Reefs are the structures built by corals as these sharp invertebrates claim as much room as possible. Sponges functioned as maintenance workers, breaking down bits and pieces to help keep the reef healthy. Over time, and with the giant heat lamp of life beating down, tensions arose. Some reef species flourish under the beating sun, some fight, and others have more of an inbred flight response. Many corals can’t handle the heat. As they began to weaken and die, sponges begin their ascent, buoyed by the sweltering conditions. As if in lock step, algae begin to pump out boatloads of glucose. Sponges, in return, gluttonously gobble their way to victory. Each bite they take of sugar coated coral is another munch on the bones of their competition. In this case, sweet fiends make the best conquerors. Some sponges are bigger sugar addicts than others. Dr. Achlatis discovered one particular sponge, C. orientalis, in 2016, by an island region of the Great Barrier Reef, that consumes an astounding amount of sugar. This sponge is a force of mass destruction. It launches surprise attacks, biding its time as it gradually dissolves the coral reef ’s skeleton while encasing it. Dr. Archlatis describes “their cell’s membranes [as] form[ing] vesicles that venture out, intercept dissolved organic matter and [bring] it back for processing, as if the cell were drinking.” Stronger microscopes are needed to gain further insight into this; regard20| Seawords

By: Amiti Maloy, UHM MOP Student

less, it is a safe bet that these first-generation sugar-sippers are probably not unique in their powers. Some are saddened by this projected victory of sponges over corals, but not everyone. Florida State University sponge specialist Janie Wulff thinks that sponges and corals are still simpatico. According to her, sponges are still playing helper to their coral masters- “there is still no data showing that sponges are actually surging in abundance.” Whose fault is it really? Wulff proposes “a simple explanation for why sponges are overgrowing corals and reefs: humans are dumping ever greater amounts of nutrients into coastal waters.” Pawlik, on the other hand, disagrees because even reefs in the Caribbean like those off “Saint Lucia have gone spongy even though they’re not polluted.” Clearly, more research on this subject is needed, but it is highly unlikely that human activity plays no role in the development of sponge-dominated reefs. However, all is not lost, and there is more to this situation than meets the eye. Over time, sponges coat coral skeletons and paint the space with vibrant yellows, oranges, and piercing purples. Sponges even add extra dimension to reefs by jutting out of openings and growing on top of another. Dr. Jasper de Goeij thinks that these eye-pleasing landscapes are the leading cause of underestimating sponges. He explains, “they bore themselves into the corals. Sometimes you see a large piece of coral, and if you smash it the whole inside of the coral is covered by excavating sponges.” So once the trick has been revealed, the reality sinks in: sponges are everywhere. What this means for reefs everywhere is unclear for the time being, but the fact is that our reefs are changing.

Barrel sponge. By: NOAA Photo Library, Flickr.

For more information, check out: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2017/12/sponges-choking-caribbean-coral-reefs-bleaching-environment.html or https://www.nytimes. com/2019/12/09/science/sponges-ocean-sugars.html. JAN/FEB 2020 |21

Actions for the Ocean


BLUE By: Samantha Darin, UHM MOP Student

Although plastic water bottles are becoming less frequently used in places such as Hawai’i, much of the world continues to use them regularly. These single-use plastic items take 450 years to decompose on average. Plastic water bottles should not be produced and purchased in the first place, but there are already a lot out there. Instead of letting them sit and decay, there are many ways in which we can reuse them.

1. 2.

Multiple water bottles can create a vertical garden for a yard, fence, or wall. Simply leave the cap on and cut a hole in the side of the bottle. Fill it with dirt and plant some seeds. Strings can be used to connect the tops and bottoms of the bottles in a line so they can hang along the fence or wall.

Old water bottles can also be used as organizers for any small things around the house, such as pens and pencils or makeup brushes. They’re very easy to make– just cut the bottle down to the desired height and then press the edges against an iron to create a less jagged surface. They can also be painted at this point.

There are many more ways to repurpose plastic water bottles, as well as other types of waste. More ideas can be found online, but an imagination offers many possibilities!

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Bottle on the beach. By: bumfluff2009, Flickr.

Bobtail squid. By: Rickard Zerpe, Flickr.


This species of bioluminescent motile bacteria are found in both fresh water and sea water, in temperate and tropical waters. The organisms can live freely as “marine snow,” but are often found in symbiotic relationships with other marine creatures.

By: Georgia Johnson-King, m UHM MOP Student

The light organ is used to help protect the bobtail squid from predators, as the bioluminescence provides countershading. Vibrio fischeri light on the underside of the nocturnal hunting squid disguises them against the moon.

These specific bacteria are able to bio-illuminate through the control of a small set of genes called the lux operon, which controls the enzyme reaction that makes the bacteria glow. When the light chemical luciferin is oxidized by the enzyme luciferase the result is the emission of a blue-green light. Vibrio fischeri are often involved in symbiotic relationships, particularly with one Hawaiian squid known as Euprymna scolopes, or, the bobtail squid. This reaction is mutually beneficial, as in exchange for shelter and nutrients, the Vibrio fischeri kickstart the squid’s light organ maturation.

Once the bacterium is fully established within its host, the light producing symbiosis is carried on throughout its entire life. JAN/FEB 2020 |23









Tour of Aquarium 2:00-5:00 PM

QUEST Limu ID Class 6:00-9:00 PM



QUEST Lim 6:00-9:00 PM






President’s Day No Classes

QUEST Application Due



QUEST ID Exam 6:00-9:00 PM



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mu ID Class M

MOP & Community Events










Hanauma Talks 6:30-7:30 PM

Valentine’s Day








Hanauma Talks 6:30-7:30 PM

Whale Count 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

JAN/FEB 2020 |25

University of Hawai`i at MÄ noa Seawords, Marine Option Program College of Natural Sciences 2450 Campus Road, Dean Hall 105A Honolulu, HI 96822-2219 Address Service Requested

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