1 minute read

VolumeXXXVIII, Number 3

Aloha and Welcometo theMarch issueof Seawords!

Thespring semester has been flying by! Our writers have been busy bringing you thebest and latest stories on all things ocean! First, Seawordswriter and MOP student, Alex Robinson interviews Dr. Celia Smith on thelateand great Dr. Isabella Aiona Abbott, the"First Lady of Limu" (page4).

Wealso cover studies exploring Beaked WhaleCircovirus (page10), phytoplankton plasticty (page18), and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (page14). On page26, immerse yourself in thehistoric tsunami that devastated Hilo in 1946 through and interview with Byron Yoshina who recounts his first-hand experiences from thetragedy.

This month wewould liketo welcomeDora Figueroa to the Seawordswriting team! Enjoy her articlecovering our Creature of theMonth, thegiant clam, on page22.

What would you liketo seemoreof in Seawords?Send in your thoughts, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @mopseawords!

AbbieJeremiah, Seawords Editor

Interview with Byron Yoshina 32: MOP Calendar Photo


Front Page: Giant Clam. Photo by: Elias Levy; Flickr.

Tableof Contents: Hual?lai Honu. Photo by: AbbieJeremiah, Seawords Editor.

Back Cover: Octopus. Photo by: Ka?alohilohi; Flickr.

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