2012-2013 Architecture portfolio NCL

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Sebastian James Bowler BA Architecture Stage 2 2012 - 3


DESIGN Year Design Report - 06 3 Section Alley - 05 4 Civic Centred - 04 12 Simplicity, Economy, Home - 03 20 Placed, Displaced - 02 26 Charrette Week - 00 32 NON-DESIGN MODULES Means of Escape & Ease of Access 35 SAP Calculations - Environmental Studies 41 Place of Houses 45 Structural Detailing & Tectonic Intent 46


Year design report I believe I have learned more about myself this year than I could have done on any other course - it pushes my limits, and I am testing myself constantly. A messy design style, with sketches to match, has developed into something much more structured and complete, which covers all aspects of a design evenly, rather than focussing on ineffective concepts and working methods. Outcomes have become progressively better, neater, and more realized and wholesome - designs no longer look or feel awkward or misplaced, as in first year. My understanding of site analysis has become much deeper, and I have been progressively creating buildings which sympathize more naturally with their environments. I have learned to enjoy myself and cultivate interest more, somewhat unexpectedly leading to dramatic leaps in the wholeness and speed of my concept formation and application. More specifically, my understanding of the relations between space and people, for example the connotations of public and private (Place of Houses), and established thresholds, has informed my design, as shown in Simplicity, Economy, Home. I have learned to cater to a variety of scales, from a terraced house and its intimate requirements of privacy and personal feel, to a civic centre with its requirements of transparency, openness, and intuitiveness for the public.

Section Alley Section Alley set us, a group of 6, the task of designing timber musical interventions within alleys around Newcastle. The project taught me a lot about group mechanics and teamwork. Despite a seemingly steady and cooperative start, our initial submission was poorly received. The entire group had been working well, but singularly, rather than as a unit, particularly when it came to decisions. We resolved this the next week through regular meetings, and better devolved tasks to those which had the relevant skills. This led to much greater productivity and a harmony of design, with everyone on the same page. The project also taught me the value of premeditating outcomes and a strong start - many of our early models on Autocad and Sketchup were too inaccurate, and we lost a lot of time revising these through successive weeks. This was something I had learned already, however group work can lead to a loss of clarity of direction: the long term goal is essential. Most prominently, the project taught me the value each team member can unexpectedly bring, and reiterated that we learn as much from our peers as we do from our tutors. Though I am pleased with the quality of our final output, it feels lacking in true musical rooting. Given another week, we could have come full circle and drawn up a more resolved and completed design. In the future, the long term goal must be kept into account, and the brief must be revised frequently. The space and ideas we had provided were all successfully rooted in the site’s history and varied density, though I would agree with our interim crit - we had spent too much time in theory and alternative options, and not enough actualizing our core concept. Despite this, we produced an effective and well-detailed presentation, including an excellent account of concept and development.

Civic Centred Civic centred allowed me to develop a much stronger and more relevant method of site analysis and response. I perceived a delicateness to Tynemouth, the location of the site, which I did not want to disrupt - thus, a building with a suitable spa-

tial character was essential. On the junction between town and nature, and in view of the high street, the site could easily be obstructive. By constraining myself from disrupting these sacred spaces; limiting building height and perceived mass, a building emerged which was strongly formed by grid and limitation, and as a result, fitted in naturally with the setting. Again, this taught me the value of the establishment of important concepts and constraints as early as possible. By finding significant personal interests within the project, in this case democracy and devolution of power, I was able to involve myself strongly with the project, another important ideal reiterated by the 5th and 6th years in Charrette week: do what you enjoy - the best work results. A lack of interest in my initial Simplicity, Economy, Home designs had expected results, based on this premonition. The structure involved the creation of two different elements and the relationship between them in a public setting: a library, and a moot hall. Furthermore, a handful of ancillary functions needed to be provided. The building needed to be monumental, in accordance with the importance of devolving power to the people, whilst being sympathetic to its surroundings. A bold move was to create a huge pillar, the library supporting the moot hall (knowledge supporting democracy), and sink the entire structure underground; something I had considered especially after the suggestion to pursue what I enjoy. Free thinking becomes much easier, and innovative, effective solutions are much more common, and gave my project a sense of momentum and process.

Simplicity, Economy, Home This project caused me the most difficulty, yet simultaneously taught me the most (especially in terms of fundamental working practices) and allowed me to achieve a result I am proud of. Initially, I stubbornly held on to a concept of using a ramp

throughout the building to emphasize journey. A low interim crit result reflected this. Experimenting constantly in Sketchup and by plan led to soulless and dimension-driven designs which neglected the requirement for privacy, thus lacking the backing of the brief. However, roused by my poor review and my experience of new mediums from Placed, Displaced, I started over, 2 weeks from the final crit. The experience taught me the importance of having a solid theoretical and site-driven basis from the start of a project; my research into Maslow’s triangle, precedents such as Maggie’s centres and the site (established order of rooms and thus light requirements) allowed me to make a quick return to a functional and brief-compliant design. I found the end product very pleasing when taking into consideration my self-imposed handicap, though I would consider it the least enjoyable project. It successfully addressed the brief’s chief requirement of the exploration of thresholds of privacy and community, and paralleled this with theory (Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs). In the future, I would like to involve theories within my design which impose the relevant ideas on the inhabitants, and cause them to respond. This project translated the idea of a gradual journey back to society through a ribbon in the building, which was overly literal. However, the gradient of privacy was achieved in a number of ways, so it is not the lack of imposed theory, rather the simplistic representation of it which was not fully realized; and the feature is not as relevant when an individual gets indoors. The tutor’s flat was underdesigned, however it was ideally located within the building, again a result which proved to me the importance of broad, solid site analysis, and building a strong general concept. Overall, the project taught me an enormous amount, and I am proud of an end product with a strong character and some very suitable spaces which demonstrate and impose thresholds well, despite the setbacks.

Placed, Displaced My favourite project because of both final outcome and process, Placed, Displaced taught me the importance of involving with new mediums, an approach which saved my Simplicity, Economy, Home project from disaster. As the site was harsh and urban,

I created a strong central feature, something which the building could revolve around, turning the terraced house into a ‘treehouse’, building upon the client couple’s interests. This was a strong concept, developed somewhat late, but it taught me the value of pursuing a powerful concept, even in the run-up to the presentation - the building almost begins to design itself, and all decisions are, as the concept is, related inextricably to the site and brief. Most criticisms were aimed at the presentation; I would agree this was the weakest point of my project. Context and materiality needed to be shown better, which I have updated. Furthermore, ergonomics, being a key component of the brief, was achieved well, however the bedroom was too tight, a result of the multiple levels used to delicately define privacy. The project was highly successful in arousing delight, the project has however taught me the importance of balancing practicality with concept actualization.

Charrette The Charrette project was an enjoyable one-week introduction to the year. Being grouped with upper years gave me a chance to extensively shadow and interact with more developed architects, allowing me to understand the relevant application and

capabilities of Photoshop, something which set me up well for the year. Most of their advice centred around keeping a calm temperament and considering the long term within architecture, and watching them work gives me a promising idea of what may await me as I continue to study. I found their grasp of the design process and speed of output impressive, and as they had advised, I have developed a process framework as wholly as is possible this year, streamlining myself for next year. Their advanced design process also gave me drive this year; one of my weaknesses has been to lack clarity of process, regardless of final result. It’s something I’ve tried to remedy this year, and I have achieved a more fitting linear approach to development, with a less whimsical style of design. This is clear throughout my portfolio, especially looking back on my first year work.





The Section Alley project saw us, as a group of 6, design an intervention for an alleyway (or ‘chare’) in Newcastle which was driven by music. One important rule - no plans. The area is a timeline of sorts, a point where architectural eras collide - classical monumental dices with modernism, and views of the Tyne bridges jut out above the horizon.



Our intervention consisted of something commonly found on the site, despite all of the styles - blocks. Wooden blocks result in high density, stackable constructs which build upon and highlight areas of historical and social density within the Chare, for example the City Wall. These constructs can be used in conjunction with light to provide ambiguous seating, climbing or performing areas, helping the installation to conform to the site’s undefinable character. Trails of blocks (2 & 3) gradually become more wholesome as individuals reach culmination points along the Chare, where musicians will be playing.




The blocks become abstraction of the flow of light, as a representation of music, energy and activity (1), and facilitate it at the same time, leaving a ‘trail of breadcrumbs’ to forgotten spaces, now rejuvenated, along the Chare.

Light, representative (and indicative to onlookers) of the flow of music and activity throughout the site. 7

Advertisement. Given a student community, free sweets are always effective. As are playable instruments.




1:400 East Section Day

East Section Day View


1:400 West Section Night


West Section Night View





The brief required us to design a centre for the local community of Tynemouth which fulfilled the functions of a moot hall, run by the community, and a library. Knowledge is an essential pillar to effective democracy. Effective democracy is not forced; it fits like a keystone into the area in which it is placed.

Sea nature

The building needed, therefore, to celebrate the power of the people whilst not forcing democracy upon them: to be at the centre of Tynemouth physically and socially, whilst being timelessly introduced, to appear to fit arbitrarily into its site. Therefore, site analysis was key to creating a building which melds into the physical and metaphorical heart of Tynemouth, fitting in with the local grid and avoiding obstructing the view (orange), and accommodating the regularly used routes (blue). Furthermore, a hierarchy of building height (red, 1,2 & 3) dwindles toward the cliff and local gorge, and the site sits on the precipice between the verticality of the town and the horizontality of nature. 1

Priory - history ty

n ow


ie soc



rd Lo ral ty mi du Ad of od w wo Vie lling





PUBLIC DOMINANCE Though monumental and huge, the cylinder is sunken and appropriate in the context of Tynemouth. The tallest corner of the site is thus aligned with the appropriate area, as determined earlier. The underground library within demonstrates knowledge supporting democracy, in parallel with the theory of devolution of power to the people; once the platform of the elite.

Ground floor street front shops in accordance with local area


Avoid spoiling view Scooping the most common route


Permeability of the moot hall 15









-1 The final structure fits in naturally with Tynemouth, being sympathetic to the preordained grids and thresholds; those between man and nature, overinclusion or exclusion, as well as those more physical; horizontality and the respect of the town’s right to light and view.


Furthermore, its entrances and layout mimic that of local buildings, for example the cafe is on the street, and an entrance protrudes, covering and enhancing what was once the most common route to the view of the sea.


1:20 Fin Detail Acoustic damping and glass weatherproofing demonstrated 17

One controls all a king

Section X-X 1:200


A system dedicated to clash and stalemate

Only democratic in appearance

Tyranny of the mob, lack of progress

Equal access to knowledge

Apathetic participation mitigated Understanding







This project tasked us with designing a Foyer - a rehabilitation centre for disadvantaged youths, encompassing accommodation and en suites for 8 young people, with a furniture workshop to help them gain skills, and a flat for a tutor and their family to inhabit. The project focussed on the delicate boundary between private and public, and how one can spatially achieve a gradient between the two. The site was located within central Newcastle, though to a degree sheltered from the busyness of a city. 3 1

1:2000 Figure ground Above, considering where the flows of the public are most dense in green, and red, the site’s privacy. Below (2), early thoughts on cultivation of privacy. 1









Bringing the public into the structure - how can it be done in order to bring the youths back into society? Courtyards and attractions within? Also testing modular accommodation structures and the seclusion of the youths accommodation.

Other courtyard arrangements and manipulating the flow of pedestrians. Considering how spaces can be arranged with a gradient of privacy in mind: from accommodation to retail, from least publicly exposed to most (6).

Extending the structure to encompass routes which were highlighted before in the most intense green, bringing flows within to bring the youths back into society. Alternatively, it creates a discreet entrance for the tutor and tutees.

The courtyard begins to head inwards and become a feature encased, A ramp emerges as a method of encouraging a gradual journey from privacy and safety at the top, to public engagement and self realization at the bottom, mimicking the ascent of Maslow’s triangle (12).


7 4







5 11






A solution appears - the courtyard becomes fully integrated as a private feature (13 & 19), an area for the youths to meet and begin engaging socially amongst themselves, and the furniture store and coffee shop mimic the surroundings, integrating the public as customers and giving the youths real retail experience. Bedroom entrances are shielded from public view (15 & 18), and a clear path from top to bottom, most private to least private, socially excluded to socially exposed, can be followed (see 16, start at Accommodation).








10 9

6 X























1 2 3 24

Entrance Circulation area Garage + cycles

4 5 6

4 person kitchen Bedroom 8 person area


7 8 9

Workshop area Workshop area Furniture shop

10 11 12

Cafe Tutor’s flat Courtyard









JOURNEY BACK INTO SOCIETY The building allows the disadvantaged youths to make a gradual descent from a safe, secluded room (5), to a partially compartmentalized 4-person socializing area and kitchen (4), which overlooks and leads to an 8 person dining area (6). This allows them to rehabilitate amongst themselves. Next, they are introduced to a more private area within the workshop, away from the view of the public (7), and then into the public eye (8). Finally, their rehabilitation culminates in a position at the furniture store (9) or cafe (10), where they are exposed by serving the public and gaining valuable retail experience. The ribbon which forms the structure of the building is representative of this journey, and helps define the more private or exposed areas. Finally, the courtyard offers a focal area of inflection, a green space the residents can hold which is away from the city. It allows them a view from the privacy of their rooms, whilst preventing the public from seeing in. Section Z-Z 1:200 25





The Placed, Displaced project required us to design a terrace house for an active professional couple; a doctor in training and an entrepreneur who works from home. The site was harsh, hard-edged and overly ordered and regular (3), which can be inherent in terraced housing. This was something which I wanted to distract from and counter with my building. It also lacked any truly natural local features, something the couple would be interested in.

1 Site and surrounding buildings 2 School 3 Houses north of site 4 Sun path 5 Effect on building + potential solutions 6 1:1250 Figure ground


3 6





Left, considering the impact of the potential lack of sunlight that the site may pose, and solutions. Most direct light will enter the building around noon, as the exposed sides face north and south. A solution is to use north light and skylights: views were also mundane (2). 27


Concept 2

Concept 3

A central feature for circulation (2), and perhaps the house, to circulate around. Draws the homeowners away from the local urban environment.


Windows defined by interior features which require lighting, rather than views.


Tackling the issue of individuality within a strictly regimented area by creating an interior which can be modified - here, furniture is friction-fitted into the walls (1), and customization is possible to a greater degree than in a conventional house. I found this led to quite restrictive and clinical design, however. 28



Staggered floors begin to suggest the structure of something more organic; and the development begins to root itself in a central feature (5) which provides amenities such as ventilation and heat: a tree trunk.


Concrete (4) and stone (2) with high thermal mass will be used to mitigate the intensity of the sun and solar gain: whilst powerful at noon, at other times of day, it will be relatively lacking, as site analysis showed.






In keeping with earlier themes, all materials will attempt to be natural, or mimic nature. Rough materials are used, such as semi-refined stone (2) and wood (3). Furthermore, imprints and impressions of nature will be taken, for example cast concrete (4) will take the imprint of wood; demonstrated here in plaster (1 & 5). This parallels the urbanized nature I have attempted to provide the couple with; whilst not truly providing a literal treehouse, the essential feeling is clear and a point of merger between the urban and the natural. Therefore, the user’s experience is not disconnected, and interests in nature can be harmonious with the urban environment.

5 29

PRESENTATION The structure’s circulation runs around the chimney, and forms numerous different levels, defining privacy less rigidly than walls, and allowing the house to conceal an incredibly playful interior structure, an open-plan gem for the couple to hold for themselves, suggested lightly by the exterior’s window placement. Artwork, one of their interests, can be displayed in niches within the chimney, allowing the couples’ pursuits to be the centre of their lives and home.


Section 1:50

Ground floor 1:50

A 30

View from table & bike storage


Study spot

View across kitchen First floor 1:50


Elevation 31




The Charette Week brief requested that we design an intervention for Newcastle which could improve an aspect of its atmosphere which was lacking. My group found that Newcastle needed more green space, and that which was central was oversubscribed. Furthermore, road traffic and crossings were the main prohibitors of a comfortable and enjoyable commute by foot. Newcastle, the noisiest city in the UK by average, could therefore be improved by the introduction of green spaces in two main ways. Both have roots in the city’s history - high walkways and the separation of people and road traffic. By giving green areas pride of place throughout the city, and creating tunnels for road traffic to use, we tackled both the issues related to noise and restricted pedestrian flow, whilst clearly demonstrating Newcastle’s priorities, and qualifying it further for the title ‘greenest city in the UK’.




Sebastian James Bowler ARC 2009 Technology Assessment Access for All & Means of Escape 05/05/2013


Access for All

Disabled parking • Two disabled parking spaces with access zones are provided on the site in order to prevent the need for disabled individuals to face multiple crossings of the road junction or face the level change of the pavement/road, and to keep them close to the principal entrance (21.7m)i. Access for wheelchair users to main entrances • The principal entrance is accessible to all. Risks associated with the entrance are minimal, as it is situated on a non-slip, flat, paved surface a reasonable distance from the (30mph) road (see site development plan). • The designated wheelchair route is open, thus movement is easy. Potential hazards are easily seen, and can see the individual in good time. • Adequate lighting is provided to combat low visibility. • A bus stop is located within 16m of the principal entrance, which requires no road crossing. • Tactile paving in the form of blister surfaces is provided for anyone with poor vision to realize the road is there, since the pavement is lowered to road height to allow wheelchair users to cross the road. • Doors are operated automatically by sensor in regular conditions, and can be pulled open in the case of a power failure. • The main two entrances are signposted, the other two is a fire escape and therefore needs no guarding around its door swingii. The principal entrance provides shelter from the elements. All glass doors and panels are clearly highlighted at two heights, in order to make their presence obviousiii (Figure 5). Access for wheelchair users within the building • The lifts within the building are above minimum size, at 1600x1900mm, and manouvering space outside is significantly above requirementsiv. • There are very few corridors within the building, as an open plan structure, however the minimum width is 1900mm, over requirements of 1200mm.v • Indoor warning surfaces denoting stairs constitute a trip hazard, thus none are usedvi. • A stair going of 300mm and rise of 160 is provided, suitable for all stair usersvii, and each is trimmed by a contrasting material 55mm wide or more in order to ensure they are clearly visible, with no nosing. • Each landing is well above the required 1200mm, and two circular handrails, of width 50mm, are designed to be easily gripped, extend 300mm beyond the stairs, and are rounded off to avoid catching. • Handrails have notches to denote the end of a flight of stairs for visually impaired individuals. • Furniture can be easily moved to help the manouvre of a wheelchair user into any spot within the debate chamber. • Toilets are located intuitively, on the same place on the ground and basement floorsviii. • Principle entrance is only 5.2m from an accessible toilet. A wheelchair accessible unisex toilet is provided on floors 0 and -1. Both have dimensions of 1600x2600, exceeding minimum specificationsix, and are provided with emergency assistance pull cords. Other relevant factors • Debate chamber and reception are well lit but shaded from direct sunlight, and have an induction loop system in place (Figure 4), ensuring those with hearing difficulties can easily lipread or amplify the proceedings. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix 36

Building Regulations Part M 2010 1.14-1.17 Part M 1.39 Part M 2.24 Part M 3.28 & 3.34 Part M 3.14 Part M 3.50 Part M 3.51 Part M 5.3 Part M, Diagram 18

Means of Escape

Minimum escape route corridor & door opening width for each storey • See Table 1. • Signage to all exit routes in accordance with regulation BS 5499-1:2002 (Figure 1). Minimum stair width for each stair Using the formulai (+See Table 1) Width=(people+15(storeys)-15)/(150+50(storeys)), the stair width requirements are as follows: • Basement to ground: Width=(157+15(1)-15)/(150+50(1)) = 0.785m. The formula applies to stairs of 1100mm or larger, so the main stair’s width of 1800mm is appropriate. It is also beneficial for the movement of fire fighters equipment. • First to ground: Width=(45+15(1)-15)/(150+50(1)) = 0.331m. As before. • Escape stairs provided so that voids can be mitigated on 1st floorii, and are 1100mm wide. • Wheelchair refuge spaces on the stair are provided, along with an EVAC chair (Figure 2). This is the required 900x1400mmiii, with an emergency communication system fitted (Figure 3).

*According to Building Regulations Part B Table 4 **Recieves merging flows from other areas - see total Note: Open plan - denotes situation where width of corridor is irrelevant as the vast majority of people traffic used to calculate width will not face any corridors or tight spaces.

Table 1

Minimum width for each Final Exit Using the formula widthiv=((people/2.5)+(60(stair width)))/80 • Width=((338/2.5)+(60(1.8))/80 = 3.04m, works combining exits whilst discarding the largest. • Fire exit doors proofed to maximim specifications, 30 mins fireproof, including around the seals. • All major escape route doors open in direction of exit Other • Fire alarm system (automatic fire and smoke detection) installed throughout with visual and audible warnings, in accordance with BS 5839-1. Protected electical circuits included. • Of the 103.4m of perimeter, 81.6m are directly accessible to emergency services (wide vehicles), that is to say 79%, which is above the required 15%. • As the basement floor is over 200m2, it is provided with mechanical ventilation toov. i ii iii iv v

Building Regulations Part B 2010 4.25 Part B 2010 3.12 Part B Diagram 21 Part B 3.23 Part B 18.4

Sebastian James Bowler ARC2009 Civic Centred 05/05/2013

Site Development Plan 1:250


Key 1. Building Access for All A. Route (pavement) B. Route (pavement) C. Route (bus shelter) D. Route (disabled parking) to principal entrance 21m 1. Services + deliveries 2. Blister surface



Means of Escape 1. Fire services main entry 2. General assembly point +direction of escape

1. 2.





B Sebastian James Bowler ARC2009 Civic Centred 05/05/2013


1 & 0.5 1:100

5. 6. 7.

Mayoral suite Office Viewing platform Debate chamber void (sealed) Interview rooms Viewing area Atrium void


1. 2. 3. 4.




5. 6.

A 1.

Access for All 1. Lift


Means of Escape 1. Refuge point 2. Protected staircase A. Route from furthest point to exit by main staircase 32m B. Furthest point to protected fire escape stair 21m FD Fire Door



FD 2.

1. FD




Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Sebastian James Bowler ARC2009 Civic Centred 05/05/2013

0 & -0.5






7. FD









Access for All 1. 850mm height surface (wheelchair height) 2. All furniture easy to move for disabled 3. Part M wheelchair unisex WC provision (Diagram 16 Part M) Means of Escape A. Route from furthest point to exit - 22m B. Route from furthest point to exit - 24m C. Route from 1st floor furthest point to exit - 32m D. Route from 1st floor furthest point to exit 2 29m E. Route from basement to closest exit - 39m 1. Final exit 2. Protected staircase FD Fire Door



Atrium Reception Cafe Debate chamber Storage / waste Creche Floor -0.5 / children’s library



Figure 5 1:50







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.




Markings at 850 & 1200mm on glass


1. 3.

1. 2.



Figure 4

2. 1.

FD 1.

Induction loop system - reception + debate chamber

Sebastian James Bowler ARC2009 Civic Centred 05/05/2013



1:100 4.

Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Computer suite Cleaner / boiler room Library Classroom Open multifunction area



Access for All 1. Part M wheelchair unisex WC provision (Diagram 16 Part M) 2. Lift in accordance with Part M

2. A

Means of Escape A. Route from furthest point to upstairs via main stair case - 39m B. Route from furthest point to protected staircase 32m 1. Protected staircase FD Fire Door

B 5.

Figure 6 1:20 60mm high visibility nosing, indents to warn users of the end and two heights (900 & 600mm).

1. 2.


1. Notes • Few combustible contents, especially in the basement, which is largely reinforced concrete and glass (pillars, floor, walls). • Sprinklers are provided in both large atriums (the building is under 2000mi). • All escape routes are provided with emergency lighting. i 40

Part B Table 12



Sebastian James Bowler ARC2009 Civic Centred 05/05/2013

SAP of proposed Foyer Flat at NE4 4PQ:

Walls In order to preserve continuity, a masonry wall structure was required, in accordance with the rest of the structure. Given the U-values of the floor and roof, the walls could not be insulated with a traditional Rockwool: a low conductivity for this material being 0.3w/mK, it was inappropriate for the scope of this wall. Options were further limited by the wide cavity (wide as possible without instability), and the most appropriate insulation was CavityTherm, given its low U-Value and capability to fully span a 150mm cavity. The U-Value is attained by two separate insulating leaves of sealed gas and rigid urethane (Fig.2). The wall has a clay brick outer leaf, with an inner leaf of medium density concrete blocks to support the timber roof. The wall, including insulation, inner and outer leaves achieved a U-Value of 0.12, in line with the AECB gold standard. The door is a 0.6 U Value Broxwood MaxAlpine, which is in accordance with Floor Thickness Conductivity Thermal passivehaus standards.

proposed measures to maximise energy efficiency Sebastian Bowler


ARC 2010

Floor Support: The unsupported span totalled 7200mm. Therefore, timber was inappropriate: it required a 200mm precast hollowcore concrete slab, capable of spans of up to 9000mm. With a span of 7200mm, an O’Reilley slab could safely support (with its own weight) up to 6kN/m^2, appropriate given the minimum recommended 1.5kN/m^2 for private houses. A 150mm slab was considered but disregarded: most companies could only offer spans of up to 7000mm, and price competition was poor. Another reason for use of concrete is its natural resistance to fire, important considering the future residents’ neighbours. Furthermore, within the parameters of the design, 50mm was an easy adjustment. Insulation: Despite being a first floor apartment, the floor needed Fig.2 to be well insulated: below was a garage (unheated) and a workshop, which would not be thermally reliable, which accounts for its modelling as the ground floor within the SAP calculations. The local room usage also further qualified the choice of hollowcore: 200mm could achieve a sound reduction of 49dB. To combat the cold, a (150mm) layer of Kingspan Thermafloor TF70 was used atop the concrete (Fig.1) Other insulations were considered, however Kingspan was most appropriate due to its low thermal conductivity, essential given the relatively thin layer depth, and its resistance to pressure, which ruled out insulations such as Rockwool. The setup yielded a U-value of 0.1, within passivehaus standards of 0.15. Material Thickness (m)


Floating Floor




Kingspan Thermafloor TF70




O’Reilley Hollowcore


Fig.4 (some conductivities not

considered due negligible effect)




Resistance (m2K/w)



Brick Outer Leaf








Concrete Block




Interior Finish


8.52 0.12w/m2K


Conductivity (w/mK)

Thermal Resistance (m2K/w)






10 0.1w/m2K 41

Windows As a result of the site’s neighbours, windows could not be built on the southeast or southwest sides, resulting in difficulty attaining a high solar gain to window heat loss ratio. Furthermore, all viable views are northern. The solution I chose was to create a southern light well in the form of a small outdoor area and to install roof lights, and to minimize the heat loss of the windows (Fig.7 & 8). Pilkington energiKare triple glazing (Fig.5) with frame insulation offered a U-value of 0.7 (within 0.1 of the lowest available, 0.1 below passivehaus standard) whilst being specifically designed to accommodate lower levels of northern light (‘Optiwhite’ outer pane), more appropriate given my distribution of windows. Pilkington Optiwhite (outer pane) Krypton gas filling Pilkington K Glass (middle + inner panes)


Spacer bar with warm edge Compared to a structure fitted with windows compliant with the Building Regulations Part L (windows of U-value 2.0), my structure emits 92 fewer kilograms of carbon dioxide, costs £30 less to heat, and uses 983kWhr fewer each year. Considering the initial capital outlay of £350/square meter, compared to £300 for double glazing, the cost will be £700 more for the entire structure. This can be repaid in 23 and a half years, 3.5 years over the product’s life expectancy. However, this does not take into account rising prices for energy (approximately 5% per year, 2% above inflation), and ever-increasing minimum standards for homes. Therefore, it can be deemed a valid and cost-effective measure which, most importantly, can go some way to alleviating the cost of living to the environment. Finally, a triple-glazed window is much more effective at noise damping, particularly important with bedrooms facing the road. 42

Skylights The chosen skylights were Keylite: 8mm, krypton filled, low E, triple glazed windows which provided a U-value of 0.7 (Fig.6). Located near the centre of the structure, these would minimize the need for lights in the core of the building, especially on overcast days. Skylights have been allocated to both bedrooms, the bathroom and the living area, which have been effective in keeping light at acceptable levels, largely 250-500lx, as the Dialux results demonstrate on a darker day. Pricing differences are very similar to those of standard windows: including predicted price increases, it can be expected to eventually make a saving and be a wiser choice than double glazed. A further qualifying factor for this particular manufacturer was the self-cleaning glass: this would ensure light levels and solar gain can remain constant without residents needing to clean the window, thus eliminating the need for specific handrails or openings on the flat roof, and making management of the property and encouragement of energy-efficient activity easier.





Roof The flat was by necessity long and low, as dictated by the foyer’s structure, which exposed an unfavourably large surface area. Therefore, the roof needed to be very well insulated in order to preserve the thermal performance of the flat. I opted for a timber joist (T357-P12: 354x71mm) roof, which could comfortably take loading of up to 2.5kN/m2 given a span of 7200mm. Timber was of interest due to its carbon neutral status when appropriately sourced, particularly considering my less environmentally responsible masonry walls and concrete flooring (900kg/tonne The two main CO2/concrete). components of the setup are 400mm of Kingspan Thermaroof TR26, which boasts low conductivity of 0.022w/mK (and can withstand the pressure required for maintenance), and 354mm of Xtratherm Safe-R (in between joists), which has a similarly low value of 0.02w/mK, and the additional benefit of fire retardant design, appropriate when considering the potential residents’ pyrotechnic tendencies. (see Fig.10 for details) Evaluation By using the SAP calculator, the flat achieves a rating of ‘B’, with a score of 85. Considering its high floor and roof surface area caused by its single storey configuration, this is a successful outcome. Under the Code for Sustainable Homes, the building achieves 5 points, with an improvement of DER over TER of 23%.


Thickness (m)

Waterproof Membrane


Kingspan Thermaroof TR26


Vapour Control Layer


Timber Sheet Decking


Xtratherm SafeR



Joists T357-P12



Kingspan Kooltherm K18 Plasterboard





21.65 0.046 w/m2K


Conductivity (w/mK)

Thermal Resistance (m2K/W)





The flat’s energy usage is mostly composed of space heating (40%) and water heating (38%), at respective costs of £110 and £105 per year. Therefore, the most prudent approach would be to install energy harnessing devices which can directly contribute to these outputs. Given the requirement for space and water heating, a source of heated water would be ideal to reduce the energy usage of the building. The first and most obvious choice is a ground source heat pump (Fig.11). However, it inappropriate on this site: within a city, it lacks lateral space, and going down more than a few meters has the potential to interfere with Newcastle’s sewers, disused coal mines, electricity, water and gas grids, metro lines, and any other potential developments. Thus, a ground source heat pump could not be developed reliably. As a result of location, a wind-harnessing device would be inappropriate; air currents are unpredictable within a city. 43

Other potential technologies A Photovoltaic cell – for example a set by Solaressence – comes with 20 years of guaranteed government subsidies, and 25 years of product warranty. Within the site, it is possible to angle the cells directly south with a tilt of 30-40 degrees, which achieves maximum potential output. However, local shading of other buildings nullifies much of its potential solar contact, and the frequency of repairs (every 3-5 years minimum to replace inverters (Fig.12): frequent maintenance (Fig.13), inappropriate for rental residents in particular, management problem). If only a few cells on a full panel are covered, the entire device can cease to produce (and even begin to draw) power. A well-placed solar panel will repay its initial investment after approximately 20 years with government guaranteed grants, however this is likely to be closer to 30 or more given the site’s lack of dependable light, beyond the guaranteed subsidies and warranty, a risk not worth taking. An air source heat pump can extract heat from outside air at temperatures as low as 18C (Fig.14). A £1250 voucher from the government makes the initial price of a Worcester 6kW air to water pump (Fig.15) £4750. A Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 3.7 means that for every £10 of electricity spent, £37 worth of heating can be extracted. A 6kW unit can attain a maximum temperature of 65C, and requires some additional heating to ensure legionella cannot thrive, but it will fully cover water and space heating besides. Larger radiators can help to distribute the (lower temperature) water’s heat. This device can reduce energy bills by approximately £157 per year, leaving a space and water heating cost of £58 for extra heating and initial energy input. Overall, including an increase in energy costs of 5% per year, this product will take 22 years to pay for itself. Given a 25 year warranty, it is effective and appropriate for the flat. As it is within the city, temperatures will be frequently higher, beneficial to the effectiveness of the pump. Furthermore, the pump can be used more constantly by the neighbours (the rest of the foyer), which would make savings even greater. Biomass is organic matter used as fuel, I.e. burned, and therefore is inappropriate given its community-scale requirement: the entire foyer, let alone the flat, cannot utilize such a device (Fig.16). Furthermore frequent attention is required which is unreliable, especially when the flat will be rented to many inexperienced individuals: this problem is with management of the actions of the inhabitants. Overall, then, it is worth installing an air-water heat pump, but the electricity required for the flat is best harnessed from the national grid. The sources are too unreliable and do not give a good enough return over time compared to the initial investment. 44








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Primary Secondary Tertiary Ground




The primary structure employed consists of masonry walls and blockwork upholding relatively large spans of concrete slabs: 200mm hollowcore slabs may be viewed as environmentally damaging, but they provide a large, open space within the workshop, due to their capability to cover greater spans (up to 9000mm) and are fireproof. Slabs on the southern side are also upheld by steel beams which would be installed in a local party wall. A ground floor of beam and block (polystyrene) covered with concrete is both insulative and strong. A central lift shaft joins the whole building together, providing stability and a means of transport between levels, as well as the stair space. Internal stud walls separate the residents’ rooms, and a flat roof of timber joists and OSB/3 planks caps the structure, protected by a PVC waterproofing membrane. le


Tectonic Intent




The external walls have been designed to provide solidity and resistance to fire, important given the potentially destructive nature of the residents, and for its acoustic resistance, essential given the proximity of heavily used roads. To further reduce noise and heat loss, 150mm fully filled cavities are installed, which also emphasizes the thickness and protective nature of the walls, something I wanted to comfort the residents through; it would be visible at window and door thresholds. The ground floor is beam-and-block covered with a layer of concrete, providing a hard, strong, damage-resistant floor for workshop activities to take place unhindered, and again to provide a structure which is fire resistant. First and second floors are similar, with supportive (O’Reilley) hollowcore concrete planks topped with a floating floor of OSB/2 and carpet, providing a more homely and comfortable atmosphere (quieter, fig.1), again for the better experience of the residents a double height social area is encased by glass, framed with steel columns, gradually drawing them into increasingly public areas, literally helping them back into society (fig.2). Walls and ceilings are covered with plain plasterboard, in order to promote personalization and encourage the development of home, what many of the residents may lack. Windows are large and allow daylight to flood the structure, unnatural light should be minimized to combat any feeling of institutionalism or separation from the outside, again helping the individuals to experience positive relations with what they will hopefully successfully adapt to. The outer leaf le of brick has been rendered to provide a plain face (fig.2), and large windows on the bottom floor are revealing and comforting to potential residents, as they can see the processes within.

* Roof External Wall Intermediate Floor Window Ground Floor

*2nd floor cut out: it is a repitition of the 1st floor.




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I6666666 6666

BR6 G6666 Gu666 R6ti66 - A+ Timber stud Plasterboard Paint

BR6 G6666 Gu666 R6ti66 - A+ PVC single ply waterprooďŹ ng membrane Insulation VCL OSB/3 decking Timber joists+insulation joi Decking Timber battens Plasterboard L6ck of 6h66666 b66666 : U-Value 0.046



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I66666666666 F6oo6

BR6 G6666 Gu666 R6ti66 - B Timber planks OSB/3 decking Timber battens ba 200mm hollowcore concrete slab Timber battens





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