Content 4 Content
006–017 Introduction 008 infographics 010 Preface One – Prof. Guido Ludes 014 Preface twO – Prof. Karen Aghamyan 016 Dialogue between friends – Natalya Etaryan
018–043 line up
020 infographics 021 Editorial 022 Germany – Armenia 024 portraits – Preview comments
044–111 projects
046 team one – Ornaments – My Dish 072 team two – Interplay by comparison 092 team three – Partnership Postcards 110 Review Comments
112–157 Impressions
114 Armenia Trip Photographies 120 Poem Sevansee – Prof. Gregor Krisztian 140 Poem Bergstation – Prof. Gregor Krisztian 150 Symbols – past and future – Jörg Peter Matthes 154 On. off. – Dirk Brömmel, Jana Pokora
158–175 final
160 Yerevan 164 Wiesbaden 168 A trip to armenia – a review – Prof. Dr. h.c. Clemens Klockner 170 Epilogue – Prof. Guido Ludes 172 Imprint
“… The participating students got to know each other and became friends and it was meant to document this moment …” Prof. Guido Ludes, Germany
6 Introduction
Federal Republic of
Germany Capital (and l argest cit y) Berlin
Official language German
Ethnic groups 91.5% German
2.4% Turkish, 6.1% other
Area Total 357,021 km²
Water ( %) 2.416 Popul ation 82,060,000 Density 230/km² Time zone CET ( UTC+1)
Area 203.9 km² Elevation 115 m Population 275,489 Density 1.351 /km²
50° 5' 0'' N 8° 15' 0'' E Wiesbaden
13 German travelers on The 1st excursion
06/09/2008 13/09/2008
8 Introduction
7 armenian travelers on The 2nd excursion
11 / 01 / 2 0 0 9 18 / 01 / 20 0 9
Republic of
Armenia Capital (and largest city) Yerevan
Official language Armenian 3014.4 km beeline
Y ere va n 40° 11' 0'' N 44° 31' 0'' E Area 227 km² Elevation 989.4 m Population 1,201,322 Density 5,196.4 /km²
Ethnic groups 97.9% Armenian
1.3% Yazidi, 0.5% Russian, 0.3% Other
Area Total 29,800 km²
Water ( %) 4.71 Population 3,231,900
Density 101/km² Time zone UTC ( UTC+4 )
PREFACE 01 Vorwort 01
Նախաբան 01
Prof. Guido Ludes, qualified designer University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden
The initial thought of a University travel to Armenia developed during a conversation with the graduate Natalya Etaryan, who was the first and so far only Armenian student of communication design at the Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences. She informed me that there is a State Academy of Fine Arts in Armenia eastwardly of Turkey and she was certain that they would be interested in getting in contact with us in Wiesbaden. With the resolution of the Soviet Union, after ten years of Soviet leadership, Armenia became independent on 21 September 1991, was declared Democratic Republic of Armenia and opened its gates towards the West to establish new partnerships. This enabled a communication project between Armenian and European Universities. In 2007, while travelling to Armenia for the first time, I contacted the State Academy in Yerevan and, thanks to the supporting help of Natalya Etaryan, I was able to meet and come to value my Armenian colleague Prof. Karen Aghamyan, the art professor of the Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts. We agreed upon a project with German and Armenian students aimed to include both didactical intentions as well as a number of communicational interests. Having in mind the primacy of an educational work, we planned on creating an interacademic dialogue and to publish the result in German and Armenian and as well as in English as the global language. It is a pleasure that we were able to realise this project and publish the result thanks to the promotion of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Students of both Universities were working on this project during the winter term 2008/2009 and with the opportunities of modern media, Armenia and Germany
10 Introduction
were able to stay in touch with just one mouse click and the internet. In September 2008, the basis for this cooperation was set during a one-week visit to Armenia when the project was planned and the Armenian and German project groups met and established motivation for the work. The group of students from Wiesbaden who were all very interested in this project was accompanied to Armenia by the president of our University Prof. Dr. mult. Clemens Klockner, the director of the department Professor Krisztian, the qualified designers Jana Pokora and Dirk Brömmel, alumni of our University and the publisher Jörg Peter Matthes, a long-term and committed friend and sponsor of our University. The participating students got to know each other and became friends and it was meant to document this moment. Towards the end of the project, our Armenian partners came to Wiesbaden in January 2009 and were integrated into the necessary creative work of the publication as well as into the ongoing studies. The realisation of this project was possible thanks to the constant support and promotion of the president of the University of Wiesbaden as well as a number of fortunate circumstances that allowed the Armenian students to spend one week in Wiesbaden. We were able to create lasting internationalisation as a tertiary-political task. We wish that this publication will be read by interested and committed readers.
Der erste Gedanke einer Hochschulreise nach Armenien entwickelte sich im Rahmen eines Diplomgespräches mit der ersten und bisher einzigen armenischen Studierenden unseres Studiengangs an der Wiesbadener Hochschule Natalya Etaryan. Ja, in Armenien östlich der Türkei gibt es eine Hochschule für Bildende Künste und man ist ganz bestimmt an einem Kontakt mit uns in Wiesbaden interessiert! Nach den Jahrzehnten sowjetischer Herrschaft in Armenien hatte sich mit der Auflösung der Sowjetunion auch Armenien am 21. September 1991 für unabhängig und zur Demokratischen Republik Armenien erklärt und im Zuge neuer Partnerschaftssuche auch zum „Westen“ hin geöffnet. Ein Kommunikationsprojekt zwischen einer armenischen und „europäischen“ Hochschule sollte möglich sein. Auf meiner ersten Reise nach Armenien im Jahre 2007 suchte ich in Eriwan auch den Kontakt mit der Hochschule und durch die engagierte Vermittlung meiner „Diplomtochter“ lernte ich den Kollegen Prof. Karen Aghamyan, Kunstprofessor an der staatlichen Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, kennen und schätzen. Wir verabredeten ein
gemeinsames Projekt mit Studierenden, in dem sowohl unsere didaktischen Absichten wie auch eine Reihe kommunikativer Interessen berücksichtigt werden sollten. Wir wollten unter dem Primat der Bildungsarbeit einen Modellfall für einen erfolgreichen interakademischen Dialog gestalten und das Ergebnis in unseren Sprachen zuzüglich der Weltsprache Englisch in einer von den Studierenden realisierten Publikation manifestieren. Dies ist nun auch erfreuliche Wirklichkeit geworden mit der PublikationsFörderung durch das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).
Clemens Klockner, den Studiengangsleiter Prof. Krisztian, die Diplom-Designer Jana Pokora und Dirk Brömmel, Alumni unseres Studiengangs, und dem Verleger Jörg Peter Matthes, einem langjährigen und engagierten Freund und Förderer unseres Studiengangs. Die beteiligten Studierendengruppen entdeckten sich und wurden Freunde. Dieses galt es zu dokumentieren. Gegen Ende des Projektes kamen dann unsere armenischen Partner im Januar 2009 nach Wiesbaden und wurden in die gestalterischen Notwendigkeiten der Publikation und in den laufenden Hochschulbetrieb eingebunden.
Studierende beider Hochschulen arbeiteten im Laufe des Wintersemesters 2008/2009 an diesem „Produkt“ unter Zuhilfenahme der modernen Möglichkeiten und Medien. Armenien und Deutschland waren durch Tastendruck und Internet einen Sekundenbruchteil entfernt. Energie stiftend für die „Herzen“ beider Projektgruppen war das einwöchige gemeinsame Arbeiten und Planen in Armenien im September 2008, wo die Grundsteine der gemeinsamen Semesterarbeit gelegt wurden. Die Zusammensetzung der an diesem Projekt sehr interessierten Wiesbadener Hochschulreisegruppe wurde ergänzt durch den Präsidenten unserer Hochschule, Prof. Dr. mult. h.c.
Dass die Wiesbadener Hochschule über ihren Präsidenten das Projekt von Anfang an förderte und auch das armenische Team zur Wiesbaden-Woche eingeladen hatte, war ein großer Teil des guten Sterns, unter dem dieses nun realisierte Vorhaben von Anfang an stand. Internationalisierung als hochschulpolitischer Auftrag hat – wohl nachhaltig – stattgefunden. Wir wünschen der Publikation interessierte und engagierte Leser.
Editorial Editorial
all about
Networking Total of 10 Protocols
Emails sent 455 How is Armenia like? How are Universities over there? Do people speak English? Does everybody have a printer? What about email addresses? And how will we be able to organize a team work between Germany and Armenia without being able to see each other? What are we going to do if something does not work out? These are some of the questions that came to our minds at the beginning of the project. Even after our first meeting in Armenia it was not clear how everything was supposed to work out. Not knowing much about the Armenian culture, we started working on the project. In the beginning we were careful because we did not know much about the other culture and had a lot of respect, but it did not take long until we made good friends. This made it easy to establish connections between our countries and to help each other. The team work was possible thanks to weekly protocols in English, many emails, team blogs and most of all openness and enjoying new challenges. We hope that other Universities will start working on similar projects and experience international cultural exchanges.
20 Line Up
used language English
blogsites 4
one main blog and one for each team
Total of 212 Posts connected by email
Skype, Protocols
Facebook, Blogger, Rapidshare
photos 10,798
German students
Team One
armenian students
Germany Deutschland
Aline Gilles
Anastasia Berdakov
Carina Kümpel
Lilian Eßer
Prof. Guido Ludes
Nadine Schaefer
22 Line Up
Nicole Glas
Rebecca Dürr
Sebastian Krawczyk
Armenia Armenien
Anahit Sahakyan
Ani Karamanukyan
Gayane Erkanyan
Hayk Karapetyan
Inessa Najaryan
Marianna Poghosyan
Narine Nalbandyan
Vladimir Gyumishyan
Prof. Karen Aghamyan
Portraits Portraits
When communication with words is impossible, communication takes place through body language and one has to understand the facial expressions of the counterpart. We used our hands and took a look in the mirror of one’s mind. We started our artistic-graphical team work by drawing portraits of each other. This project was characterized by physical and psychical perception, assumption and getting to know each other. This opening stage enabled us to get to know the team and get familiar with the work to face the following.
24 Line Up
01– 02 – by Nadine // 03 – by Aline // 04 – by Nadine
Prof. Karen Aghamyan
26 Line Up
05 – 06 – by Marianna // 07– 08 – by Narine // 09 – by Gayane
Prof. Guido Ludes
58 – by Inessa // 59 – by Gayane // 60 – 62 – by Inessa
Sebastian Honestly, I have no idea about Armenia and its population. There is a big foggy cloud of unknown things and a country which needs to be discovered and which needs to be felt, seen and heard. And I have the strong feeling it’s a country which is worth to tell a story about. This project will hopefully help us to create a connection not only between the two Universities but also between the students and their countries to share our different experiences in life and our cultures in order to get rid of prejudices and negative opinions about each other. I have some of them. The creative way we are about to go together is like a sparkle for the future for each of us. And hopefully we are going to keep this fire burning with our common sense for design, visual aspects and creativity. I’m looking forward to this project and I’m curious to see what is going to happen. 62
42 Line Up
I’m very glad that I got the opportunity to participate in this project. It was a great pleasure for me to get in touch with German students because I’m very interested in their culture, mentality and their way of life. This project is of great importance for all of us. I’m convinced that we will become more open-minded for other cultures through this project and our mentality will change and each individual will be more open to the world and more liberal. I enjoy working a lot. Working becomes easy when you are able to work with good friends and they become excellent colleagues.
63 – 65 – by Rebecca
“... I’ve become more willing to take risks ...” Gayane, Armenia
44 Projects
Proj ects 45
Ornaments Team 01
Anastasia Berdakov, Gayane Erkanyan, Sebastian Krawczyk, Inessa Najaryan, Nadine Schaefer
First of all, a little explanation: We decided to do two different and a little smaller projects instead of one main-project like the other groups. Our first team-project “Ornaments� was the first step to test how well our team would function facing the challenges of being so far apart and working on a subject which is quite free. We think it was a good decision to work on more than one project as we were able to get to know each other in more ways and it was easier for us thinking about different methods and techniques. By the time we started our second teamproject, everyone was more relaxed, because everybody already had a sort of routine. We knew we could work well as a team, so we felt comfortable. When we came to Armenia we immediately noticed the multitude and the beauty of ornaments, which were constantly present in everyday life. Our first team-project centers around our fascination with ornaments and how we react to and with them. We gave every ornament through our design a kind of special personality, which reflects how we perceive Armenia. The methods and the ways of approaching this subject were completely free to choose and therefore we received all different kinds of interesting results. Some works are based on the photographic impressions of our trip to Armenia, others consist of traditional Armenian symbols or even parts of Armenian carpets. Another inspiration have been the different shapes of our eyes and of course the stunning Armenian typography, which already posseses a very strong ornamental character in itself.
46 projects Team one
01 “caterpillarity” collage – Sebastian // How geometric nature can look like
48 projects Team one
02 “flag what you see” collage – Sebastian // A flag is a nation. And the nation becomes a flag.
03 “thistlelarity” collage – Sebastian // Don’t touch this! It’s art!
50 projects Team one
13 “sky bridge” collage – Sebastian // An artitificial natural connection.
60 projects Team one
02 – 03 Urban: 2 Cities – Wiesbaden, Yerevan
74 Projects Team two
80 Projects Team two
04 – 09 URBAN: comparison rapports Wiesbaden – Yerevan
86 Projects Team two
11–16 Industrial: From chocolate to washingpowder 15
88 Projects Team two
106 Projects Team three
53 47 “Idea” – Nicole // text by Vova 48 “Smile” – Nicole // text by Vova 49 “I have nothing” – Lilian // text by Narine 50 “Love is blind” – Narine // text by Nicole 51 “Let it rain” – Narine // text by Lilian 52 “If the problem is solvable, you needn’t worry, if it is unsolvable, it is senseless to worry” – Lilian // text by Vova 53 “Show your colours” – Anahit // text by Rebecca
Review Comments
“. . . W or k ing t oge t he r o v e r a l ong dista nce wa s e xci t ing beca u s e of t he dif ferent methods we used but it al so me ant that both sides had to overcome obstacles as well ...” A line, germ a n y “... This project helped me to see that t wo different approaches can bring about a beautiful final product ...” a n a hit, A rmenia “... The Armenian culture became a part of me ...” a n a s ta sia , Germ a n y “... In m y opinion, ‘Dr aw n T oge t her’ is a perfect e x a mpl e of a succe s sful di a logue bet ween t wo cultures ...” A nnie, A rmenia “... my source of energy during our project: Most of all it was the pleasure, enthusiasm and curiosit y of our Armenian team members ...” ca rin a , Germ a n y “... T h at wa s our first pro ject a nd it opened a ne w worl d to us A rmenia n students ...” G aya ne, A rmenia “... I learnt that, despite of our cultural differences, we were able to create a really interesting and wonderful work ...” h ay k , A rmenia
110 Projects
“... I A m sure that this project will help me in the future and is one of the mos t important events in my life ...” Ine s s a , A rmenia “... Everyone in this project overcame their doubts and their fears and everyone gained strength, courage and confidence by facing their first emotions towards the project ...” Lilia n, Germ a n y “... I learnt to work faster under pressure and to think more liberal ...” m a ria nn a , A rmenia
“... If you only have the guts to do a deliberate step in one direction, you will experience that suddenly different opportunities will arise for you and you were not even aware of the fact they existed ...” N a dine, Germ a n y “... What can I say about the result of this project? I think WE DID IT ...” N a rine, A rmenia
“... It was an extraordinary experience that became alive because of all the energy and the passion of every single participant ...” nicol e, Germ a n y “... it was especially interesting for me to see the results of a project realised by team members who were separated by a long distance but being influenced by different cultures and a distinctive design education ...” Rebecca , Germ a n y “... It was a process full of unexpected things which made us stronger and more open to any thing in life ...” Seba s t ia n, Germ a n y “... This project is very important to me and the time spent on it will remain an important part in my life ...” Vova , A rmenien
“... I Won’t forget Vanja and Mira, his wife who said to me at a part y ‘Ich liebe Dich’ (I love you) just because this was all she could say in german ...” Jörg Peter Matthes, Germany
112 Impressions
Impressions 113
01– 04
01 “5 am – unforgettable first breakfast in Armenia” – by Nadine // Armenia, 7 September 02 “Prof. Ludes, Vanja and Natasch” – by Carina // Armenia, 7 September 03 “after breakfeast part I” – by Carina // Armenia, 7 September 04 “after breakfeast part II” – by Carina // Armenia, 7 September 05 “Vanja” – by Nadine // Armenia, 7 September
114 Impressions
06 “landscape Lake Sevan” – by Nadine // Armenia, 8 September 07 “group-swim in Lake Sevan” – by Rebecca // Armenia, 8 September 08 “flowers at Sevan” – by Nadine // Armenia, 8 September 09 “team talk” – by Nadine // Armenia, 9 September 10 “artist house Lake Sevan” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 7 September 11 “Armenian-German seminar with Prof. Ludes” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 8 September 12 “new quarters at Lake Sevan” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 8 September 13 “room impression of first accomodation” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 7 September
118 impressions
14 “Jörg Peter Matthes with dog” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 7 September
Sevansee by Prof. Gregor Krisztian
Höre das Zittern des Sees am Septemberufer, Spinnen mit rostigen Beinen staken durch den Wellengang und drängen die Erinnerung ins Dunkel der müden Fenster.
Weiter drüben setzt das Lachen der Kinder helle Segel und nimmt Kurs auf die Mitte des Wassers, das keine Ufer hat. 15 “Lake Sevan” – by Nadine // Armenia, 7 September
120 Impressions
124 Impressions
16 “on the road, a flock of sheep” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 7 September 17 “walking tour” – by Carina // Armenia, 9 September
18 “military” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 9 September 19 “soldiers” – by Nadine // Armenia, 9 September
126 Impressions
18 –19
128 impressions
20 “apartments Yerevan” – by Nadine // Armenia, 13 September
21– 23
130 Impressions
21– 23 “Yerevan city impressions” – Nadine // Armenia, 13 September
24 “handwritten menu” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 10 September 25 “Armenian herbs” – by Carina // Armenia, 10 September 26 “Armenian meal” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 10 September
132 impressions
24 – 26
27 “building under construction” – by Carina // Armenia, 12 September 28 “part of the Cascade Monument” – by Carina // Armenia, 10 September
27– 28
134 Impressions
29 “City Mayor’s Office” – by Aline // Armenia, 11 September 30 “Ministry of Transport and Communication” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 10 September
29 –30
31 “Yerevan classroom view on Mount Ararat” – Sebastian // Armenia, 12 September
136 Impressions
138 impressions
32 “woman at church” – by Lilian // Armenia, 10 September 33 “old flower lady” – by Lilian // Armenia, 11 September 34 “old farmer with sunflowers” – by Nadine // Armenia, 8 September 35 “priest” – by Rebecca // Armenia, 11 September
33 – 35
36 “mountain view” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 11 September 37 “nomads” – by Rebecca // Armenia, 11 September
Bergstation by Prof. Gregor Krisztian
Kaltluft messerscharf schneidet hauchdünne Momente aus wattigen Wolken, die sich wie weggeworfene Perücken zwischen den Strommasten verfangen.
Am Fuße des trotzigen Aufmarsches versteinerte Brandung der Erdgeschichte, vereinzelt Nomadenzelte, deren Puls wir nicht fühlen können.
Kantig treibt der Reiter sein Pferd gegen den eisigen Wind, der das Wasser peitscht und den Blick tränen lässt. Später wirft ein Hund sein Bellen hinter uns her, bevor die Ebene im Mondlicht alle Gedanken schluckt. 140 impressions
40 – 42
38 “Garni valley view” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 11 September 39 “Geghard monastery outside” – by Carina // Armenia, 11 September 40 “Geghard” – by Nadine // Armenia, 11 September 41 “Geghard monastery inside” – by Carina // Armenia, 11 September 42 “candle vendor” – by Nadine // Armenia, 11 September 43 “cold mountain air” – by Nadine // Armenia, 11 September 44 “deserted” – by Carina // Armenia, 11 September
Symbols – Past and Future Symbole – Vergangenheit und Zukunft Խորհրդանիշեր – անցյալը և ապագան
Jörg Peter Matthes The pomegranate originates from the Middle East and experts assume that Eve seduced Adam with a pomegranate in Bible history. Nowadays, the pomegranate’s juice grenadine seduces those who drink it. This special apple is the national fruit of Armenia and if you ever travel to Armenia, you will be fascinated by the Armenian people and their country. Once you reach a certain age and you have experienced and seen a lot of things, you will think that there is nothing new to discover. At the beginning of a travel you think that it is just another travel and then, after a couple of days, it is hard to say goodbye. The entry to Armenia is complicated by the inconvenient bureaucracy of an administration which has not completely integrated the word “liberty” yet. Very early in the morning, we are able to enter the country with a couple of Dram that allow us to finally enter with our visa. Every one of us would have been able to enter within an hour but we were not yet familiar with the country and the people – later on, all of this did not matter anymore.
150 impressions
Armenia is characterised by a huge lake surrounded by mountains with plenty of huge and small rock fragments. And then there are the Armenian people – beautiful women, confident men and children with big black eyes. We, coming from the West, are welcomed by everyone just has if they had been waiting for us for a long time. We are served a rich breakfast in the morning – you can not imagine , vodka and toasts and everybody is dancing. ...Is this possible? We are living in the twenty-first century and we are from the West. The Armenian people are foreigners and we are having problems with them in our own country. We do not want them in our country… Is it possible that they do not know that? Perhaps the Armenian people are too polite, or too proud, or they just do not want to show that they know?
later, we visit another church and another. Early Christianity lessons. An impressive travel, even for those who are far-off Christianity.
Cut – the entire group, happy mid-twenties to mid-sixties, is taking the bus to the lake, and then to a proper hotel. The next morning, we are visiting abbeys and are climbing up and down a mountain. A couple of hours
Every day on these September days, the weather is beautiful and makes us want to take an excursion to Garni, the former summer residence of Armenian kings. It is famous for the only remained Hellenic temple from the
The Foreign Office in Germany informs us that the Armenian economy grew by 13.8% in 2007. An extension of the export would foster a long lasting boom to the economy. It is assumed that the export would increase tremendously by opening the borders to Turkey and Azerbaijan. However, the Armenian-Turkish relation is difficult. The genocide of one million Armenians hinders further steps and is visibly written for everyone on the exterior walls of houses. The holy mountain Ararat is nowadays located on Turkish ground but certainly the Armenians drive to the border, longingly looking to the south.
first century in the Caucasus region. Our excursion takes us to Geghard to visit the Geghard Abbey from the twelfth century located on a rocky mountain. It is one of the most beautiful abbeys in the Caucasus region. You want more? It is as easy as that. You just drive along the great Lake Sevan, take the next turn and you will find yourself in an even more beautiful valley and you will see another mountain. Armenia – sand-colours, all kinds of ochre and brown, little green at this time of the year and a sky that consciously connects with the Earth – this is how you wake up in the morning, starting a new dream. A new dream and the story continues. I won’t forget Vanja and Mira, his wife who said to me at a party “Ich liebe Dich” (I love you) just because this was all she could say in German. I won’t forget Yelena, the smart girl, and Vigen, the Armenian man from Siberia. Have I thought of my important business in Germany, of appointments, the German hustle? No, I haven’t, I’ve been in Armenia.
on. off. Alumni
Dirk Brömmel, Jana Pokora
We will probably never forget the breakfast we were served on the day of our arrival in Armenia after 24 sleepless hours (it also felt like 24 hours without sleep). It seems impossible to describe the way we felt. You have to experience it yourself – the Armenian hospitality, great atmosphere, excellent cuisine with wine, dancing and singing, as well as the pain killing and fatigue healing water. Or what might have been the clear beverage we were served in tiny glasses not only on this first morning but on the following days as well? It is hard to describe the entire experience of our journey in only a few words. Just this much: We were deeply touched by this country of contrasts, where poverty and wealth, collapse and renewal, tradition and modernity are close together. Most of all, we were impressed by the Armenian hospitality – people who welcome foreigners in a very affectionate way and celebrate with them like well-known friends. We want to thank Prof. Guido Ludes for enabling us as alumni to join the trip.
154 impressions
02 –10 01–10 “petrol stations” photography – Dirk Brömmel
156 impressions
12 – 20 11– 20 “street lamps” photography – Jana Pokora
“... I am Convinced That this union will not end with this project. It has to continue ...� Inessa, Armenia
158 Final
Fina l 159
Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts is the biggest higher educational art institution in Armenia and has institutions in the towns of Gyumri and Dilijan. It was founded in 1945 by Ara Sargsyan. In due course it worked with the Theatrical Institute in the same building. However, 10 years ago the two institutions were separated and the Fine Arts Institute was renamed as Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts. Today, the Academy offers a variety of faculties concerning fine arts and design. The Academy has studios and auditoriums and disposes laboratories for etching, engraving, ceramics, metallurgy, sewing, as well as a well-equipped library. The Academy consists of two main buildings that are situated in the centre of Yerevan. In the first building the faculties of Fine Art, Sculpture, Graphics, and Art Criticism are located. This building also has an art gallery where the works of the students are exhibited. And in the second building – the design building of the Academy includes the faculties of Design and Decorative Applied arts, Graphic design, Fashion design, and Ceramics design are held. The students of the design department study not only subjects concerning their profession, but also study sculpture, drawing, painting, history, history of art, history of national art and languages. 01 “official signboard” – by Carina // Armenia, 10 September 02 “Academy hallway” – by Nadine // Armenia, 10 September 03 “Cascade Monument” – by Rebecca // Armenia, 10 September
160 Final
Yerevan is the largest city and capital of Republic of Armenia. The history of Yerevan dates back to the 8th
century BC. It is situated along the Hrazdan River, which is not navigable, on the Ararat Plato. The city-layout of Yerevan was designed by Alexander Tamanyan in the 1920s and has grown way beyond his projections of a couple of hundred thousand residents. The centre however remains pretty close to what he envisioned, with a grid of patterns of streets intersected by some circular roads and many parks. Yerevan is a leading industrial, cultural, and scientific centre in the Caucasus region. Situated in the heart of Ararat Plato, one can admire the beauty of holy mountain Ararat almost from any spot in the city. Yerevan’s climate gives the advantage of having 4 seasons and one can enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of each of them. Summers are hot and sunny, winters are cold and snowy, springs smell like freshness and blossoms, autumns are mild and colourful. Yerevan and its suburbs are famous for the food industry, which offers a variety of fruits and vegetables. There are also many vineyards in its surroundings. The cognacs and wines for which Armenia is famous are produced at the Yerevan Cognac Factory and Yerevan Factory of Champagne Wines which you may visit and where you can take part in the tasting of these wonderful products. They are participants at almost all international exhibitions and fairs and are proud winners of many medals (majority of which are gold) and international awards.
01– 02
Die Staatliche Hochschule der Bildenden Künste in Eriwan ist die größte Kunsthochschule in Armenien mit weiteren Fakultäten in den Städten Gjumri und Dilijan. Die Hochschule wurde als Institut der Bildenden Künste 1945 von Ara Sargsyan gegründet und befand sich in einem Gebäude zusammen mit dem Institut für Theaterwissenschaften. Jedoch wurden die beiden Institute vor zehn Jahren voneinander getrennt und das Kunstinstitut wurde in Staatliche Hochschule der Bildende Künste Eriwan umbenannt. Heute bietet die Hochschule mehrere Fakultäten für bildende Künste und Design. Zu der Hochschule gehören diverse Studios und Auditorien sowie mehrere Labore für Radierkunst, Gravierung, Keramik, Metallurgie, Handarbeit und eine gut ausgestattete Bibliothek. Die Hochschule besteht aus zwei Hauptgebäuden, die sich im Zentrum von Eriwan befinden. In dem ersten Gebäude sind die Fakultäten für bildende Künste, Plastik, Grafik und Kunstkritik untergebracht. Außerdem findet sich hier eine Kunstgalerie, in der die Arbeiten der Studenten ausgestellt werden. In dem zweiten Gebäude, dem Design-Gebäude der Akademie, findet man die Fakultäten für Design und ornamentale Künste, angewandte Künste, Grafikdesign, Modedesign sowie Keramik-Design. Die Studenten der DesignAbteilung belegen sowohl Kurse, die sie auf ihre berufliche Tätigkeit vorbereiten, sowie Kurse in den Bereichen Plastik, Malen und Zeichnen, Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte,
nationale Kunstgeschichte und Sprachen. Eriwan ist die größte Stadt und zugleich Hauptstadt der Demokratischen Republik Armenien. Geschichtlich wird Eriwan 800 Jahre v. Chr. das erste Mal erwähnt. Die Stadt liegt im Gebirge Ararat am Ufer des Flusses Hrasdan, der nicht navigierbar ist. Als der Entwurf Eriwans in den zwanziger Jahren von dem Architekten Alexander Tamanyan entstand, war nicht abzusehen, dass die Stadt mit mehreren hunderttausend Einwohnern weit über den eigentlichen Entwurf hinauswachsen würde. Die Innenstadt Eriwans entspricht jedoch in etwa den Vorstellungen des Architekten mit einem Straßennetz, das gitterförmig angelegt und von einigen Ringstraßen und vielen Parks durchzogen ist. Eriwan ist das industrielle, kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Zentrum der Kaukasusregion.
bietet. In der Region findet man einige Weinberge. Die Weine und Cognacs für die Armenien bekannt ist, werden in der Eriwan Cognac Fabrik und der Eriwan Fabrik für Champagnerweine hergestellt. Die Fabriken können besichtigt werden und man kann an Wein- und Champagnerproben teilnehmen. Die Weinhersteller nehmen mit ihren Produkten an internationalen Ausstellungen und Messen teil und haben bereits viele, zum größten Teil goldene, Medaillen gewonnen und auch internationale Auszeichnungen erhalten.
Von fast jedem Standpunkt aus in Eriwan kann man die Schönheit des heiligen Berges Ararat bewundern, der im Herzen des Gebirges Ararat situiert ist. Die vier Jahreszeiten können in Eriwan aufgrund des Klimas der Region besonders genossen werden, denn jede Jahreszeit bietet auf einzigartige Weise ihre Vorteile. Die Sommer sind heiß und sonnig, die Winter kalt und verschneit. Im Frühling erfreut man sich an Frische und Blütenpracht, wohingegen der Herbst mild und farbenfroh ist. Eriwan und die Vororte sind bekannt für ihre Lebensmittelindustrie, die eine große Auswahl an Obst und Gemüse 03
Երևանի Գեղարվեստի Պետական Ակադեմիան Հայաստանի ամենամեծ բարձրագույն կրթական արվեստի ինստիտուտն է, որն ունի մասնաճյուղեր Գյումրի և Դիլիջան քաղաքներում: Այն հիմնադրվել է 1945թ.-ին րա Սարգսյանի կողմից: Հիմնադրման ընթացքում այն գործել է Թատերական ինստիտուտի հետ նույն շենքում: Բայց 10 տարի առաջ երկու հաստատություններն առանձնացան, և Գեղարվեստի ինստիտուտը վերանվանվեց Գեղարվեստի Պետական Ակադեմիայի: Այսօր ակադեմիան ունի բազմաթիվ ֆակուլտետներ` առնչվող գեղարվեստին և դիզայնին: Ակադեմիան ունի աշխատասենյակներ և լսարաններ: Այն նաև տրամադրում է ուսանողներին լաբորատորիաներ փորագրության, փորագրանկարչության, խեցեգործության, մետալուրգիայի, կարի, ինչպես նաև հարուստ գրադարան: Այն բաղկացած է երկու գլխավոր մասնաշենքերից, որոնք գտնվում են քաղաքի կենտրոնում: Առաջին մասնաշենքում գործում են գեղարվեստի, քանդակագործության, գրաֆիկայի և արվեստի քննադատության ֆակուլտետներ: Այս մասնաշենքն ունի նաև ցուցահանդեսային սրահ, որտեղ ցուցադրվում են ուսանողների գործերը: Իսկ երկրորդ մասնաշենքում` ակադեմիայի դիզայնի մասնաշենքում, գործում են դիզայնի և դեկորատիվ կիրառական արվեստի, գրաֆիկայի, նորաձևության, խեցեգործության դիզայնի ֆակուլտետները: Դիզայնի ֆակուլտետի ուսանողները ուսանում են ոչ միայն իրենց մասնագիտությանը առնչվող առարկաներ, այլ նաև քանդակագործություն, գծագրություն, նկարչություն, պատմություն, արվեստի պատմություն, ազգային արվեստի պատմություն և լեզուներ: Երևանը Հայաստանի Հանրապետության ամենամեծ քաղաքն ու մայրաքաղաքն է:
162 final
Երևանի պատմությունը թվագրվում է 8-րդ դարով Ք. Ա.: Այն տեղակայված է Արարատի դաշտավայրում և տարածվում է Հրազդան գետի երկայնքով, որը նավարկելի չէ: Երևանի նախագիծը նախագծել է Ալեքսանդր Թամանյանը 1920 թ., և այն գերազանցել է նախնական նախագիծը 100.000-ավոր տարածքներով: Կենտրոնը` փողոցների բազմաթիվ նմուշներով` կապված որոշ քառակուսի փողոցներով և շատ զբոսայգիներով, սակայն, համապատասխանում է նախագծին: Երևանը կովկասյան տարածաշրջանի առաջատար արդյունաբերական, մշակութային և գիտական կենտրոնն է: Գտնվելով Արարատյան հարթավայրի սրտում, դուք կարող եք հիանալ սուրբ Արարատ սարի գեղեցկությամբ, համարյա քաղաքի յուրաքանչյուր հատվածից: Երևանի կլիման հնարավորություն է տալիս տարվա չորս եղանակների դրսևորմանը: Ամռանը տաք է և արևոտ, ձմռանը ցուրտ է և ձնառատ, գարունը բուրում է թարմությամբ և ծաղկունքով, իսկ աշունը մեղմ է և գունազարդ: Երևանը և նրա արվարձանները հայտնի են սննդի արդյունաբերությամբ, որը հարուստ է մրգերի և բանջարեղենի բազմազանությամբ: Երևանի շրջակայքը հարուստ է նաև խաղողի այգիներով: Կոնյակի և գինու տեսակները, որոնցով հարուստ է Հայստանը, արտադրվում են Երևանի կոնյակի և Երևանի շամպայնգինիների գործարաններում, որոնք բաց են այցելուների համար, և համտեսելու հնարավորություն են ընձեռում: Այս գործարանները գրեթե բոլոր միջազգային ցուցահանդեսների և տոնավաճառների մասնակիցներ են և հանդիսանում են շատ շքանշանների և միջազգային պարգևատրումների կրողներ /դրանցից մեծամասնությունը ոսկյա են/:
04 “city panorama” – by Rebecca // Armenia, 7 September 05 “streets of Yerevan” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 12 September 06 “Yerevan market” – by Aline // Armenia, 13 September 07 “Singing Fountains on Republic Square” – by Sebastian // Armenia, 10 September 08 “Cascade Monument” – by Carina // Armenia, 10 September
04 – 08
Epilogue Nachwort
Prof. Guido Ludes Our project will remain in the heads of its participants as a development-political information and educational work using the example of a design-specific dialogue between Armenia and Germany. As a result, the project has become a microcosmical element of global studies just as intended in the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations in 2000. Students and professors of the participating countries have manifested analogue results by demanding and fostering with commitment and competence. The participating Universities have created a great work in the framework of their internationalisation task that can be used as an example and will certainly affect others to similar cooperations. As a further task, the students have successfully developed communication strategies that require critical thoughts and actions. I want to express my gratitude to those who have fostered this project with their commitment. Without your support this dialogue would not have been possible. I especially want to mention how much I appreciate the participating students’ professional quality work and the passion they have developed for this German-Armenian dialogue. 16
170 Final
16 “last group picture” – Sebastian // Armenia, 13 September
Entwicklungspolitische Informations- und Bildungsarbeit am Beispiel eines designspezifischen Dialoges zwischen Deutschland und Armenien ist nun in den Köpfen der Projekt-Beteiligten ein mikrokosmisches Element globalen Lernens geworden, ganz im Sinne der Millenniumserklärung der Vereinten Nationen aus dem Jahre 2000.
Քաղաքական զարգացմանն ուղղված տեղեկատվական և կրթական նախագիծը` իրականացված Գերմանիայի և Հայաստանի միջև դիզայնի բնագավառին առնչվող երկխոսության արդյունքում, նախագծի մասնակիցների համար դարձել է համընդհանուր ուսումնական գործընթացի մի փոքր մաս, ինչը և նախատեսված է ՄԱԿ-ի 2000թ-ի Միլենիումի հռչակագրով:
Studierende und Professoren der beteiligten Länder haben mit Engagement Kompetenzen gefordert, gefördert und analoge Resultate manifestiert. Die beteiligten Hochschulen als Multiplikatoren werden mit dem beispielhaften Ergebnis im Rahmen ihrer jeweiligen Internationalisierungsaufgaben eine Wirkung erzielen und verstärkt zur aktiven Beteiligung ähnlicher Kooperationen aufrufen. Auch das ist ihre Aufgabe. Die Studierenden entwickelten erfolgreich Kommunikationsstrategien, die neue und gegebenenfalls kritische Denkgewohnheiten und Handlungsmuster voraussetzten.
Նախագծի շրջանակներում մասնակից երկրների ուսանողներն ու պրոֆեսորներն հանդես են բերել և զարգացրել տարբեր մասնագիտական կարողություններ ու համանման արդյունքների են հանգել: Մասնակից բուհերը` որպես մուլտիպլիկատորներ, համապատասխան միջազգայնացման խնդիրների շրջանակներում իրենց օրինակելի արդյունքներով ազդեցություն են ձեռք բերել և ի զորու են դարձել նման համագործակցություններին ակտիվ մասնակցելու կոչ անել: Դա անշուշտ նրանց խնդիրն է: Ուսանողներին հաջողվեց զարգացնել հաղորդակցման ռազմավարություններ, որոնք նոր և պետք եղած դեպքում քննադատական մտածելակերպ ու գործելակերպ են նախադրում:
Ich danke allen Projektförderern für ihr Engagement, ohne die wir diesen Dialog nicht in dieser Qualität hätten kommunizieren können. Mein ganz besonderer Dank aber gilt den beteiligten Studierenden für ihre fachliche Qualität und die entwickelte Leidenschaft für diesen deutsch-armenischen Dialog.
Ես շնորհակալություն եմ հայտնում ծրագրի բոլոր աջակիցներին` իրենց մասնակցության համար, առանց որոնց մենք այս երկխոսությունը այսպիսի մակարդակով չէինք կարող կազմակերպել: Առանձնահատուկ շնորհակալություն եմ հայտնում մասնակից ուսանողներին` իրենց մասնագիտական որակի և հայ-գերմանական երկխոսությանը ցուցաբերած ակտիվ շահագրգռվածության համար:
Imprint Impressum
հրատարակման տեղեկություններ
© 2009
Publisher: University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden, Department Design Computer Science Media Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts
Project management: Prof. Guido Ludes, Wiesbaden, Prof. Karen Aghamyan, Yerevan,
Editorial management and coordination: Carina Kümpel Lilian Eßer Nicole Glas
German-Armenian Project-Team: Aline Gilles,, Germany Anahit Sahakyan,, Armenia Anastasia Berdakov,, Germany Ani Karamanukyan,, Armenia Carina Kümpel, Gayane Erkanyan,, Armenia Hayk Karapetyan,, Armenia Inessa Najaryan,, Armenia Lilian Eßer,, Germany Marianna Poghosyan,, Armenia Nadine Schaefer,, Germany Narine Nalbandyan,, Armenia Nicole Glas,, Germany Rebecca Dürr,, Germany Sebastian Krawczyk,, Germany Vladimir Gyumishyan,, Armenia
Translation: Miriam Kiesler, graduate translator (German-English, English-German), Dr. Yelena Etaryan, germanist (German-Armenian, Armenian-German),
Translation- and Text-Coordination: Carina Kümpel Lilian Eßer Nicole Glas
Layout: Carina Kümpel Lilian Eßer Nadine Schaefer Nicole Glas Sebastian Krawczyk
172 Final
Pre-Press: Nadine Schaefer Nicole Glas
Font-Coordination: Carina Kümpel
Protocols: Lilian Eßer Narine Nalbandyan
Editorial-Texts: Lilian Eßer
Excursion-Assistance: Natalya Etaryan, qualified designer,
Excursion-Photography: Aline Gilles Carina Kümpel Lilian Eßer Nadine Schaefer Rebecca Dürr Sebastian Krawczyk
Special Support: Prof. Marian Nestmann,
Print: Universitätsdruckerei H.Schmidt GmbH & Co.KG Robert-Koch-Straße 8 55129 Mainz Telefon: 06131/50 60 0 Telefax: 06131/50 60 70
Paper: Profi silk vollgestrichen holzfrei weiß 150g/qm
Cover: Invercote Creato – Chromo Sulfatkarton holzfrei matt gestrichen 350g/qm 1-seitig matt cellophaniert Edition: 1000
Fonts: Linotype Trade Gothic Light Linotype Trade Gothic Bold Two Linotype Trade Gothic Bold Condensed Twenty GHEA Tahoma (Armenian)
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