Celebrating 20 years of weekly coverage of Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit, the VALLARTA TRIBUNE is a weekly newspaper with articles on local and national news, culture, art, history, local events, entertainment and editorial focused on the expat lifestyle in Puerto Vallarta, and the surrounding areas. Published each week, all year long this newspaper is the go to resource for all things related to travel and life in the Bay of Banderas. Readers enjoy the crossword and tourists appreciate the centre map of Banderas Bay. Our Readers: The VALLARTA TRIBUNE readers are both those who live locally for the winter months or year round as well as the tourists who visit for a few weeks. Distribution: The VALLARTA TRIBUNE is distributed to over 300 points from Mismaloya to Sayulita, including resorts and hotels, restaurants, galleries, real estate agencies, shopping centres, International Arrivals in the airport, golf courses, farmers markets and residences. Technical Information: Printed in colour on newsprint and bond, trimmed and stapled for a professional, magazine quality.
Circulation: Approximately 5,000 copies are distributed freely every week from May to October and 10,000 from November to April. Online views average 50,000 a month. Advertising: Our commitment is to provide you with professional, personalized consultation and service, with advertising packages that will offer the highest benefits to your business. Deadlines: Advertising reservations must be made by Monday 5pm. Artwork can be received by Tuesday at 10am. Editorial content must be received by Monday 5pm. Suspension or cancellation of ads must be cancelled by Monday 5pm. Artwork: High resolution files can be sent at 300dpi at the full size in jpg. eps. pdf or other common file format. It is recommended that fonts are converted to curves. If you need help creating an ad, please allow additional time. Email all ads to editor@vallartatribune.com. The VALLARTA TRIBUNE will not be helded responsible for the quality of ads sent in word, excel, powerpoint or publisher formats.
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