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Kids and K-9’s: Keep Them Safe

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Babies and puppies, kids and dogs – who doesn’t love them? Just the thought of babies and puppies together brings lovable cute pictures to mind. Facebook and Instagram are filled with images of kids and dogs interacting: babies laying on dogs, kids hugging dogs tightly, toddlers lifting the lip of a dog to look in its mouth, dogs and babies in costumes together, huge family photos with someone holding Fido – all normal, all adorable….right? They’re really cute, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind with human/animal interactions. Humans are humans and dogs are dogs. We are not the same; we are two distinct species. Our methods of communication, coping strategies and genetic development are vastly different. As humans we have a lot of choices: what we do, what we eat, where we go, what we wear, who we socialize with. Dogs, on the other hand, generally have very few choices. Owners control what and when dogs eat, when they go outside, where to potty, whom they hang-out with--basically everything! When children interact with a dog, sometimes the dog is forced to endure something they would not if given the choice. No one is saying to keep kids and dogs apart or to avoid those special photos, but your dog depends on you, his person, to keep him safe and comfortable. Below are some thoughts and ideas that can help keep kids, dogs, and everyone safe and happy. Humans love to hug and kiss those we love, dogs don’t. Many dogs learn to tolerate physical affection (hugs and kisses) from their people but are not so thrilled when forced to tolerate it from someone else. Don’t let young children grab dogs for hugs and kisses. You may think your dog is enjoying it, but I promise you, at best they are tolerating it. Dogs love their routines. When our gatherings disrupt their routine, they can become stressed and less tolerant of noise, big groups, a lot of additional petting. Do your best to keep your dog’s routine as close to normal as possible. Provide your dog with a safe, quiet spot to hang out if he needs it. Put a dog bed, toys, a longlasting chew into a bedroom and keep it off limits for visitors.

Teach kids to “be a tree” when approached by a dog. Many kids are unsure of dogs, maybe even fearful of dogs, if they learn to freeze (like a tree), dogs generally lose interest. On the other hand, if a child runs, screams, waves their arms, etc., they become very interesting to dogs and will often get chased or jumped on! Not a good experience for that child and the dog will likely get scolded for acting like a dog! Check your home for “growl/grumble” zones. These are spaces in your home where the dog may be forced into closeproximity to a child and the dog feels trapped. Some areas to be aware of are coffee tables in front of couches where the dog may be squeezed into a small space with a young child, dogs laying under a table to avoid a crowd and a toddler crawls under the table too, doorways where both child and dog are trying to pass at the same time, and under beds. Learn to speak dog! Dogs are always speaking, but we don’t always hear them because we are unaware. Dogs speak with their bodies: eyes, ears, tails, lips, posture. Little things we can easily overlook are often your dog’s cry for help: lip licks, yawns, big round eyes with lots of white showing, turning the head away, submissive low posture, ears held low or towards the back of the head, tail not moving or wagging low or stiff, and hair standing up over the shoulders and back. Once you master your dog’s body language you will be amazed how much they have been saying. Doggie Language: A Dog Lover’s Guide to Understanding Your Best Friend by Lili Chin is an excellent resource for you and for kids. For more information on keeping kids and dogs safe, checkout the Family Paws website https://www.familypaws.com . This website has many resources and links to help you keep everyone safe and happy. They can also help you locate a trainer in your area for more support. Give your dog choices and then respect their choice. If they are uncomfortable, give them the choice to bow-wow out of that photo!


Dawn M. Olson; Certified Professional Dog Trainer; Certified Fear Free Trainer; Licensed Family Paws Educator - emBARK



Depending on the dog’s breed and coat, frostbite can occur when temps drop below freezing (32 degrees). Wet and damp weather make dogs more vulnerable to frostbite. Paws, ears and tails are most susceptible to frostbite.

Frostbite damage may take days to reveal clinical symptoms. If you suspect your pet has suffered frostbite, seek immediate veterinary intervention. Hypothermia may be another concern for a dog that is outside for an extended period. If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for pooch.

Animal neglect is a misdemeanor in all 50 states!

Antifreeze is poisonous for cats and dogs! Clean up any garage spills right away.

Keep your light coated dogs and older dogs warm with a jacket or sweater. Keep your dog hydrated Dogs can

dehydrate just as quickly in winter as summer. Although many dogs eat snow, it’s not an adequate substitute for fresh water. If your dog spends time outdoors in your yard, make sure she has access to a water bowl, check it often & break ice that forms on top. Talk to your vet about your dog’s need of extra calories for winter activity.

Rock salt and ice melt can cause cracking and burns on pads. Rinse and dry paws after winter walk. Don’t miss the toes. Dogs perspire through their paws. Snowballs or iceballs between your dog’s paws can be painful and make it difficult to walk. Keeping the paw fur trimmed will help prevent this, as well as a good pair of dog booties. At emBARK, we like www.dogbooties.com

Keep Feet Trimmed

For coated breeds, the hair can grow between the toes and pads of the dog’s feet. When the snow is wet and packy, it will stick to this hair. This can be quite uncomfortable for your dog when he is trying to run around and play. You will see him laying down and trying to get the snow out from between his toes.

Is it Too Cold? CHECK THE EARS

If you think your dog may be too cold, try feeling his ears. If they feel cold to the touch, then your dog may be too cold. The same applies to his body; if it feels cold rather than warm, then he’ll likely feel too cold.

2109 Fairfax Street, Eau Claire, WI 54701 715.864.3263 www.EMBARKDOG.com

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