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Health Care

According to kqed.org there are 1.8 million Veterans (5% of the state’s population) residing in California. About 25% of the state’s Veteran population utilize VA health care while roughly 70% of the state’s Veterans utilize community care (outside VA health care) to get their health


needs met while roughly 5% are uninsured or have no access to health care.

The Veterans Administration has established services that provide health care for Veterans called TRICARE

or the Veterans care program where all Veterans who have an honorable discharge are considered covered under

the health care laws. Also, if Veterans have experienced an injury or disability caused by their military service,

they are eligible to be treated for that condition by the VA for free. Moreover, if the Veteran’s disability or injury

is severe enough where it impacts their daily living, the VA could rate the Veteran at least 50% disabled or com-

pensation benefits, where all medical care will be free of charge.

There’s also an online service called My Healthy Vet (www.myheathevet.gov) where (once) enrolled or vest-

ed in VA medical services, Veterans can schedule appointments online, refill prescriptions, view their health rec-

ords, and send secure messages to their support team using the online service. If you’re a Veteran or know of a

Veteran who is in need of health care and is interested in becoming vested in VA health care benefits, and could

potentially qualify for VA compensation benefits based on your military experience (physical and mental health)

call the VA appointment scheduling line at (877) 251-7295 for further details.

Keith Holmes, AMFT

(KQED—K is the call letter used by West Coast stations — and Q.E.D is a acronym for the Latin phrase quod erat demonstran-

dum, used at the end of arguments to mean "thus it has been demonstrated." )

Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the Lord, Who has not left you this day without next-of-kin; and may His Name be Renowned in Israel.” Ruth 4:14 (Which Bible?...NKJV?)

Growing up as a child, there was a “play mother” or an “other mother” and even a “church mother.” Some women of strength will look out for you, guide, nurture, protect and step in, ready when needed. In the Black Community, we have always had that extended form of strength and support to step in for the call of duty since long before slavery. Those were the days when the community you lived in cared for the well-being of all the children in the neighborhood -- the “look-out moms,” who watched and cared. Naomi was blessed because her daughter-in-law was devoted to her and her well being making a way. God opened a way for Naomi to be blessed in her later years. When she lost hope of having a “real family,” God made a way. Just knowing that someone has your back, looking out for you is a great reminder. Basically, let’s continue to look out and be there for one another, just like Naomi and Ruth. Buttafly Burke

Veterans Day has its roots in what was called Armistice Day, when a peace agreement ended World War I on November 11, 1918. President Wilson proclaimed that Armistice Day was to be marked with solemn pride in heroism and with gratitude for victory as well as the “opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice.” In 1954, the remembrance was renamed Veterans Day to honor all U.S. military personnel. It’s a reminder to pray for and honor all who serve and sacrifice, to support and assist their families, and to pray that God will bring peace on earth.

Just Do It

“Fold the arms of your faith and wait in quietness until the light goes up in your darkness. Fold the arms of your faith, I say, but not of your action. Think of something you ought to do, and go do it. Heed not your feelings. Do your work.” —George MacDonald

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