Mission Statement
Second’s Gazette serves as a monthly newsletter to inform the congregants of valuable information happening on the campus of Second Baptist Church and in the community, as well as spotlight individuals and events that edify our parish church, but most importantly, Glorifies the Name of Jesus Christ.
ECCE AGNUS DEI Latin for “Behold, the Lamb of God,” this is the phrase John the Baptist uses twice to point out Jesus to others (John 1:29, 36). It marks Jesus’ Epiphany (manifestation, revelation) as the Anointed One (Christ, Messiah).
Your donations are ministry and help further the Kingdom work. We thank all of our new and long standing supporters. We couldn’t do this without you.
Mrs. Nadine Orlando Harris, was the Founder and Editor in Chief of Second zette, established in 2009. Mrs. Harris had an anointing of pulling talented individuals together to capture and m through the use of Second’s Gazette. Mrs. Harris ever be demonstrated which each turn of the Second