June 11, 2017 Bulletin

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Calendar of Ministry Events

June Today Saturday

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Sunday Saturday

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Graduates Recognition – Congratulations!!!!! UWFG Prayer Brunch/Breakfast Elections of New Officers 9 a.m-12 noon Father’s Day Diakonos and Board of Trustees Members (Joint Board Meeting) – 10 a.m. Semi Annual Convocation - 7:30 p.m.

July Saturday Sunday Tuesday Saturday

Wednesday Mon-Fri Sunday Saturday

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12 17-21 23 29

BLL Breakfast 8-10 a.m. The Lord’s Supper Celebration - 4:45 p.m. Independence Day - 4th of July TIP is hosting 1st Annual Youth Conference. Join Teens in Progress and Teen Showcase! Build faith in Jesus Christ, strengthen testimonies, develop talents, make new friends, and have fun with teens (ages 12-18) who share similar beliefs and standards! For more information on how to register, please contact: Erika Collins, TIP President: (909) 568-5440 – Elder Jason Jenkins, - (626) 230-3944 Ariel Tolefree, TIP Advisor: (626) 487-9070 or sign up via EventBrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1st-annual-youth-conferencetickets-34665254710" Lady Betty Gay Dillard’s 75th Birthday Vacation Bible School 5 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Please see Sister Sharon Durall if you're interested in serving in this ministry. 10th Annual Back to School Drive Ben Jones Family Festival - 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. “ARE YOU GOING TO ATTEND” this year’s Family Festival. An accurate attendance count is crucial for this year’s overall planning. We would not want anyone to miss out on the plans, Fun and Excitement. Become a part of the count. (Include the name of everyone you intend on bringing.) Signup sheets will be available on Sunday, June 18th through Sunday, July 2nd at the Fannie M. Goodwin Building.

Special Announcements Distant Thunder will be shown 18th in the Fannie Goodwin Bldg., Movie will be shown before the lesson is taught, The Tribulation, Satanic Trinity and Armageddon.

Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard, Ph. D. Parish-Shepherd/Soul-Watcher

June 11, 2017

HIS GLORY IS OUR STORY! (John 1:1-14) “Troubles Break the Syndrome of Independence and Willfulness and Bring Us Back to the Lord!” Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard www.secondbaptistmonrovia.org---sbcmon@aol.com

Bishop’s Epistle

June 11, 2017 LIVING WITH CONFLICT (Philippians 1:27-30)

CHRISTIANS ARE TWICE-BORN AND THEREFORE HAVE NO FEAR OF DEATH! The Call to Worship--------------------------------Lyceum Council of Elder

Parish Congregants,

Morning Hymn of Assurance: “If Jesus Goes with Me” #416

It concerns me a great deal that many of you come to worship, just as the Lord commands, and yet you will return to your homes facing much conflict.

SBC MINISTRY TO YOUTH LEADING WORSHIP (TIP) Leading the Worship------------------------- Amiyah Mayfield

Most of us find it difficult to live in conflict. It is painful for us to disagree with people, especially those whom we love. We have the idea that if we are rightly related to Jesus Christ and are filled with His love and power, there will be no disagreement. The Philippians, people of God, had the same basic conflict as Paul had as well as you and me. We feel that we should have pleasant, peaceful relationships with no heat or conflict. But experience teaches us that this is not true. At our homes and during church fellowship, we learn to struggle for truth and handle varying points of behavior and points of view. When husbands and wives and saints in general disagree, what should you do? DON’T BE SURPRISED. We stand in a heritage of conflict. In the early church, there was conflict within the church body and between the church and the world. BE THANKFUL. “In all things give thanks.” In the turbulent seas of conflict, God is teaching us something we need to learn. Lord, make us teachable.

Responsive Scripture Reading ------------------ Deja Towles (Exodus 16:1-15) Fervent Prayer for God’s Anointing -----------Sherkia Ewing Period of Praises unto the Lord-Praise Leaders Congregants The Welcome (Parishioners and Visitors)---------Myreeana Wade Stewardship of Worship-----------------------------Justice Johnson (Paying the Tithes, Giving Offerings) Choir Selection-----------------------------Anointed Voices of Praise Graduate Recognition----------------------Scholarship Commission (Diakona Carrie Walker, Director of CE Kathy Jackson, Chairperson) Selection: Christian Cadets Children’s Choir----Kathleen Dantzler Ministry to Children, Diakona Larry Willis, Director Choir Selection-----------------------------Anointed Voices of Praise

LEARN TO LISTEN IN LOVE. When we listen in love, we can wait long enough for a person to say what he or she really means. Even during your pain, KEEP A SENSE OF HUMOR. Conflict is a part of life. How to handle it is an essential part of the Christian life of growth in the faith. Amen! Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully Bishop Dr. Wm. La Rue Dillard Parish Under-shepherd

Bishop Dr. Wm. La Rue Dillard, Preaching “Accepting the Glory of God” (Exodus 16:6-9) A Christian Invitation

Your Prayer Requests ◊ To Be Born Again ◊ To Join this Parish Church The Doxology (Reverently) “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!” The Benediction Recessional Chant “Let the Church Say Amen”

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