Second's Gazette April 2015 Issue

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Second’s Gazette Issue 72 * Version 8 April 2015

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God Is First At Second Baptist Church


Mission Statement Second’s Gazette serves as a monthly newsletter to inform the congregants of valuable information happening on the campus of Second Baptist Church and in the community, as well as spotlight individuals and events that edify our parish church, but most importantly; glorifies the name of Jesus Christ.

Nadine O. Harris, Founder/Chief Editor Tinisha McDonald, Administrative Mgr. Precious Flemings, Writing Editor Ferrari Y. Green, Production & Design Contributing Consultants: Health—Jessie Anderson/Betty Thomas Peggy LaBon Music—Gregory D & Hazzell Smith Ne Sherry Joiner Mercedese Hervey Renee Willis Eric Johnson New Children’s Church Staff: Christa Moreland Jaylyn A. Harris MyReeanna Wade

Silent Contributor: Mother Lois Gaston (Church Historian

This Holy Season is a moveable feast, falling any time between March 22 and April 25 on the Gregorian calendar. At a meeting of bishops in 325 A.D., Resurrection Sunday was set as the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern hemisphere’s vernal equinox. (Though the equinox can fall on March 19, 20 or 21, the church fixed March 21 as this date.)

Second’s Gazette is published and distributed monthly, every First Sunday, to provide the congregation with information about the Church, the Church Family, the Community, and the World.

Over the years, branches of the church differed on the precise date for Resurrection , finally


rection has sometimes varied between the two.


reaching agreement in the late 700s. Since 1582, however, when the Western Church adopted the Gregorian calendar while the Eastern Church retained the Julian one, the timing of ResurSuch computations are interesting but pale in light of the ultimate assurance that for Chris-

T h e

tians, every day is truly Resurrection. Christ’s tomb is empty! Jesus defeated death! Whenever

B i

Page 2

Cover Story

Page 3

Bishop’s Epistle

Page 4, 5

Prayer / Blast / Special Feature

Page 6, 7

Financial Series

Page 8, 9

Community Events / Music 101

we worship, we celebrate resurrection. Date-bound by earthly calendars, the Feast of the Resurrection, by heaven’s rendering, is eternal.

Page 10, 11 Health / Birthdays Page 12, 13 TIP News Page 14, 15 Celebrations Page 16, 17 Children/Kid’s Page Page 18,19 Church Celebrations/Baptism Page 20 , 21 Special Feature Page 22, 23 Puzzle / Livestream Page 24

Church Information

Second’s Gazette

Discover Jesus, Read the Bible!




is high holy period of passion began with “Ash Wednesday,” leading up to Jesus’ Bodily Resurrection. This is information worth know-

ing, retaining, and defending. The vicarious death, bodily resurrection, appearances, and glorious ascension should always be on the mind, and on display in both belief and behavior, especially during this period of the Passion season. Crucifixion - putting a person to death on a cross was common practice in ancient days, just as hanging was in this country a century ago. Jesus

was condemned to the cross by the Sanhedrin for blasphemy, and by Pilate for sedition against Caesar. The scarlet robe, crown of (72) thorns, and other insults were the instigations of those engaged in the execution, and were peculiar to the case. Whipping was a part of the punishment, but in the case of Jesus, it was not a legal act to be applied before sentencing. The sufferer was to carry his own cross or part of it. A cup of stupefying liquor was often given in mercy just before the hands and feet were nailed. The Romans allowed the body to be left to waste away naturally on the cross, or be eaten by birds and beasts; however, they allowed the Jews to bury their dead on account of the Law of Moses (Deuteronomy 21:22-23). In 337 A.D., Emperor Constantine abolished Crucifixion. Though the Christian era is dated from His birth, modern chronologists insist upon a date for the momentous event at least four years earlier – that is to say about 4 B.C.E. (Before the Christian Era). Therefore, n this coming “Good Friday,” let us come out in a great way, no matter the sacrifice we have to make. We will be witnessing to others just how important this weekend is to the people of faith. This coming week is the height of our celebration: Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection morning! Amen. Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully,

Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard Parish-Under-shepherd


Membership Assignment for Information and Visitation for the Diakonos Ministry of Second Baptist Church. The Diakonos Ministry of Second Baptist Church is available to the members to assist Bishop Dillard in helping each of you with your concerns. Feel free to contact your representative as needed. The Diakonos are assigned alphabetically by last name. We are available to Pray with you, Consult with you, and Assist you in any way we can to help you in your Christian walk. A—Robert and Jessie Anderson B—Dennis and JoAnne Craig Betty Brown Arlethia Craig C—AG Harrison Shirley Robinson D—James and James Ella Harvey E-F—Ron and LaVonne Husband Adrienne Hurst G—Earl and Minnie Manning Valeria Burwell H— Thelma Jones Tamara Collins I-J—Ellis and Thelma Johnson K-L-N-O-T—Lonnie and Josephine Stokes Terrence Williams M—Chuck and Martha Williams Melva Hill P-Q—Carrie Walker R-S—Larry and Renee Willis UVWXYZ—Robert Hamilton, Ron Demps

Second’s Gazette


Spotlighting A Blast From The Past


Deaconess Fannie M. Goodwin July 2, 1894 – October 22, 1984


Article by: Mercedese Hervey and Mother Lois Gaston

ur records show that Fannie M. Norwood Goodwin was born July 2, 1894 in South Carolina. Her parents were Jessie and Peggy Norwood. She married Simmie Goodwin on August 8, 1912. They moved to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and on June 18, 1922 relocated to Monrovia, California.

Upon arrival, the Goodwins transferred, by letter, their membership from Oklahoma City’s St. John Baptist Church to Second Baptist Church. They were faithful members throughout their lifetimes. Deacon Goodwin died on July 17, 1962; and Deaconess Goodwin was promoted to glory in 1984 at the age of 90. The couple had no children. It is no surprise that she left a $10,000 donation to her church, because she was a faithful member; active in prayer meeting, the Deborah Missionary Circle, and General Missionary Society, the names of the ministries at this time. She was also a soloist, a faithful member of the Sunday School Ministry, and the Deaconess Board. In the community, she was a member of the Eastern Stars. Second Baptist honored her legacy in 1994 by naming our newest edifice, the multi-purpose, state-of-the-art facility: “The Fannie M. Goodwin Educational Building.” There are members of Second Baptist who remember Deaconess Goodwin and the positive impact she and her husband had not only on our church, but in the city of Monrovia as well. Did you know that this lady, Fannie M. Goodwin, was compelled and committed to help implement Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard’s vision, and our dream to build an educational complex on the campus of our church? She provided the “seed” money upon her death which led the charge to secure the necessary funding for the 1992 ground breaking ceremony for the building. Bishop Dillard remembers, “Deaconess Fannie as a faithful member.” First Lady Betty Dillard said, “Deaconess Fannie M. Goodwin was the oldest member of our church” and described her as, “... no one was any sweeter than her.” Sister Betty Thomas reminisced that Deaconess Goodwin was also a member of the Mission Circle, as was her (Betty’s) grandmother. “These women not only worked with the youth of the church, but reached out into the community to help anyone in need” recalled Betty. Diakona Betty Brown remembers the sweet little lady who lived on Cherry Avenue, formerly Date Street, as a faithful member who attended church every Sunday. Sister Bettye Husband, with excitement in her voice, said, “Deaconess Goodwin and her husband did not have any children of their own,

but she, Deaconess Goodwin, became a “Mother’s Helper” to families in the neighborhood. She provided Before-and-After School Day Care to children in the community; prepared food for the sick and fed the hungry, and so much more.”

Our records indicate that Fannie M. Goodwin was a Christian pioneer, a faithful woman who gave life to a “Dream.” Therefore, we honor and salute our first Seed-Sewer for being one of our first Legacy Keepers of a Spiritual Heritage in this 113 year old Evangelical Orthodox Communion of Second Baptist Church Monrovia, California.


Financial Education Series By Renee Willis Millions struggle to achieve financial security—or even financial stability! What basic, foundational principles can help you manage your finances? Let’s explore.


t seems the goal of financial security or stability is becoming more and more difficult to achieve. The stress of managing family finances can destroy marriages and almost drive one to the brink! There are many claims of shortcuts to financial success, from “sure thing” investments to “get rich quick” plans. There are always people willing to try these ideas, but experience proves over and over that often the only people who make money with these schemes are the ones selling the plans! As an Accounting Professor and financial advisor at Integrity I have advice about investments, retirement, portfolio management, insurance and tax shelters. I offer is a fresh look at some of the most basic and effective principles of managing your finances from a practical and biblical perspective. Upon request, I schedule one-on-one financial boot camps to get you on track to financial literacy/stability and a more in depth plan of action. The God who created humanity and all that exists has some advice to give us regarding debt, budgeting, the need for a generous heart and the important principle of tithing. Would you like to know what He has said about finances? We offer no “get rich quick” schemes, but what we do have is far more valuable—the insight your Creator has given for properly managing family finances and, in the process, eliminating much of the incredible stress financial difficulties bring. It’s time to take a deep breath, trust in God and know that He does not want you to wallow in debt and stress. Jesus Himself said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Financial Education Foundational Principles: Dignity is the quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect. Potential is the inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being. Self-control is the discipline to be in command of one’s emotions, desires, or actions by one’s own will. Willpower is the strength of will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes, or plans. There are many ways to act with dignity, and to live a dignified life. Because decisions about money affect so many aspects of life, managing your money wisely is one of the key components of living life with dignity. If you are careful with your money, you are acting with dignity. Others will treat you with dignity and respect when they see you take your financial responsibilities seriously. Must have characteristics are: ➜ Willpower ➜ Self-control ➜ Making smart decisions ➜ Self-respect ➜ Respect for yourself and others ➜ Living up to your potential

Second’s Gazette


You don’t have to be rich to handle your money with dignity. All you have to do is know how to make smart decisions about managing your money, and then put that knowledge to work. I have ten (10) easy steps to consider for Financial Education and Growth. Over the next few months we will cover several topics: Achieving your financial goals, budgeting, credit clean-up and establishment, FICO scores, job interview basics, credit management, retirement planning, career and college readiness and more. Here are Step #1 and Step #2: 1. Set Clear Financial Goals and establishing these financial goals should be the first step in the financial planning process. Work with your spouse or significant others to identify both short- and long-term goals. Be open and honest in sharing your thoughts about saving and spending, investing and borrowing. Wealth building is best accomplished when it’s a team effort, but since attitudes about money are acquired over a lifetime, be willing to make some allowances for your partner’s money habits. Try to anticipate how changes in your life, such as the birth of a child, disability of a family member or the need to care for an elderly parent, may affect your financial future. Commit your goals to paper and then plan and prioritize objectives for achieving them. Periodically review your goals as your life and circumstances change. 2. Appoint a Money Handler to decide who will handle money management tasks like balancing the checkbook, paying the bills and monitoring investments. If you’ve been in a long-term relationship for a while and one of you has been in charge of finances for many years, perhaps it’s time to make a switch. Regardless of who handles the day-to-day money management, get together frequently to review your budget, investment portfolio and tax situation, and to discuss major purchases and important financial decisions. Tip: Maximize your 401K at work and save.

"Be The Change You Want to




Second’s Gazette Welcomes

donations of any size. Please make checks payable to

Second Baptist Church SUPPORTERS

THE SCOOP: Second Baptist Church Nadine O. Harris Tinisha McDonald Eleanor Harrison Mother Berdie Pulliam Mother Deloris K. Bridges Ferrari Green Dr. Precious Flemings Lady Betty G. Dillard Mother Mae Lean Buckley Melva Hill Emelbra LeBlanc Redd Barbara Jean Grant Shirley Towler –Hayes Mother Hortense Anderson Elder Robert Craig Cameron & J.P. Dixon Dr. J.P. & Apryl Harris Geneva Ward-Douglas Larry & Debra Hayes Christine Mathis Marva E. Hogan Ophelia M. Harris Barbara M. Harris Shermanika Roland

There is room for you too, Donate! Today! Second’s Gazette


ylvan Learning Center and the Baldwin Hills Library present: STEM Robotics for Kids! During the Robotics workshop children will build and program robots using LEGO WeDo software as they compete in friendly competitions. Participants will receive exclusive giveaways. Space is limited to a first come first serve bases.

Robotics for kids workshop WHEN: Apr 6 at 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: Baldwin Hills, Baldwin Hills Branch Library, 2906 South La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, Ca COST: Free AGES: 7-13

Free Shredding Day Friday, May 15th 7:30-9:30AM Visiting Angels Upland Office 440 N. Mountain Ave Upland, CA 91786

11 7


Second Baptist Church Members

Marvelous message we bring, Glorious carol we sing, Wonderful word of the King: Jesus is coming again! ~Peterson


evin LeVar, a Gospel singer whose music has touched the lives of Christian music powerhouses such as Tina Campbell and Deitrick Haddon, and has worked with our very own Raven Johnson. This gospel artist is a 37-year-old Washington D.C. native, who is releasing his second studio album “Destiny! Live at the Dream Center …and More.” Instead of recording his album in a fancy studio with some of gospel music's biggest names that he might have access to, LeVar opted to record his album at “The Dream Center,” a rehabilitation facility located in Los Angeles, California. Although it has been four years since LeVar released his debut album “Let's Come Together,” which featured the popular song “A Heart That Forgives,” he has been hard at work. When the composer was not creating music, he was spearheading an initiative to inspire one million acts of forgiveness called the “Forgive and Live Campaign.” He is working to provide a platform in the form of a website where people can log on and upload videos, as well as forgiveness testimonies, a movement he plans to expand throughout communities.

Peace! Greg and Hazzell Smith

New on the Shelf


ink deep into the everyday goodness of God and savor every moment! In this daily devotional, Shauna Niequist becomes a friend across the pages, sharing her heart with yours, keeping you company, and inviting you into the abundant life God offers. There are recipes, too, because spiritual living happens not just when we read and pray, but also when we gather with family and friends over dinners and breakfasts, and late-night snacks. These recipes are Shauna’s staples that can be enjoyed around the table with people you love. So read and learn, pray and cook, and share. Remember to savor each day, whatever it holds, be it work or play, coffee with friends, or taking care of the kids can be better with meals and prayers. Life is all about relationships, and your daily relationship with God is worth savoring in every moment.

There is only one God!


Sólo hay un Dios !



As I Stand

evin Wheeler is grieving the death of his wife by the hands of young men who robbed and stabbed their youth pastor, Matt Daniels, after only one year of marriage. Devin is demanding answers from God. Will he and the ones who lives intersect find the answers they are seeking? Only God knows. This is a Dove approved movie for 12 years and older. It can be viewed On-line by Pure Flix Entertainment, and can also be purchased from for $6.99



Personal Health Information


hat would you do if you became ill while on your job, shopping, at a theater, on public transportation, or traveling on a trip? What if you have to see a doctor who does not know you, or you have to go to a hospital you have never been to before? What if you have a medical condition that needs to be considered in case you have an accident, or get sick? Should healthcare providers

be aware of any medications that you take, or any allergies that you may have? Will you be able to effectively communicate your important medical information should you become ill or injured? It is important to have your personal health information with you no matter where you are. Basic facts about your health could assist healthcare providers when they are treating you, and will help to avoid lab tests, or other procedures which may not be necessary. Personal health information is a collection of information pertinent to a person's health. A Personal health information list may include a list of providers involved in the person's care, diagnosis, medications, food and drug allergies, immunization history, laboratory and test results, and emergency contact information. Having this information available does not mean you have to keep a bulky, extensive copy of your medical file with you. There are many different ways to store the information in a practical and convenient way. Information can be stored in an App on your cell phone, on a USB flash drive which can be plugged into any computer, and on a web based application. You can also make an ICE (in case of emergency) notification in your contact list on your cell phone. Medical ID bracelets and necklaces can also be used to keep you safe by using stylish, custom bracelets and necklaces with information printed on them. Medical ID bracelets are available to fit any occasion and active life style. Medical Alert Wallets are great for people who don't like to wear medical alert jewelry. Medical alert wallets is a way for you to have a medical symbol, along with the medical emergency information card that you fill out with your emergency contacts, your current medical conditions, medications, allergies and more. Making your personal health information available is an important step in ensuring your safety when away from home.

Betty Thomas, RN Second’s Gazette




Sick and Shut In [The Bishop’s Visitation Care Ministry] “Now is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He


Natasha Herring


Dorothy Bolden

hears us, then whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him” I John 5:14-15

Deborah Craig Ophelia M. Harris

Members of Second Baptist Church Arcadia

Bernice Holefield


Frankie Platt


Louise Davis Grace Jordan


April Harris


Dylan Dillard


JaVon Barnes


Michael Seals


Earl Manning

Louice Pouncy

Las Vegas NV

Mother Maelean Buckley

Los Angeles

Chester Walls


Valmore Thomas

Mother Berdie Pulliam

Brenda Warmsley

Alexxis Lee 13

Gregory Smith


Ernest Johnson Deja Towles


Dorothy Ricks


Robert Anderson Mary Bourne Eugene Redd


Benet Byrd Mary Perry Diane Robinson


Raven Johnson Stacy Smith

Gregory White Rialto

Ursula Martin Matter Simpson


Pledge to the American Flag

Pledge to the Bible

Pledge to the Christian Flag

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

I pledge to the Bible God's Holy word, and will take it as a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path, and hide it's words in my heart that I may not sin against God.

I pledge Allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands, one brotherhood uniting all mankind in service and love.

The officer positions include: President: Is the representative of T.I.P. who works closely with Elder Jenkins and is the head of the T.I.P. Trinity Vice President: Is the back-up for the President

Secretary: Handles secretarial duties, such as recording minutes and taking notes Director of Communications: Handles all communications to teens via e-mail, phone, text, and social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) Activities Commission: Helps to set up activities for T.I.P. to participate and attend

T.I.P. would like to thank Jeremiah Saleem, former president, and the other former officers for a great 2014 and we hope for great things in 2015 as well! Second’s Gazette



Congratulations to John Pointer


ohn Pointer, a junior in the Business Academy, won and represented

John Muir High School in the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) Region XV Contest. After competing in a school-wide first round held on Feb. 9th, Pointer won a spot to represent Muir at the district competition. At the district wide competition on Feb. 12th, he competed against students from the other PUSD high schools and won $100 and a spot to compete in the regional competition. Lastly, he competed on March 4th with high school students from the San Gabriel Valley and was one of six winners who were awarded $1,000 in the annual contest. This year’s topic was ”Keep Calm and Lead on” where students talked about leadership and used the example of Winston Churchill's as a guide for principles they discussed in their speech. “I felt very accomplished when I won the speech contest. I believe I was chosen because I delivered my speech with clarity and a smile,” Pointer said. “I feel great and accomplished. The price was persevering and writing

the speech, sacrificing my time.” For winning both competitions, Pointer was awarded a total of $1,100. Portions of this article are taken form the John Muir High School Blazer

Retrieved from



Back Row -Diakona Robert Hamilton, Diakona LaVonne Husband Font Row- Mary Bourne, Laura Bullock, Teresa Graves Lynn Causey, LaVonne Husband, Teresa Graves

Front Row Teresa Graves, Adele Davis, laura Bullock, Adrienne Waters, Mary Funchess, / Back Row—Lynn Causey, Diakona JoAnne Craig, Mary Price, Vera Reeves, Bottom row -Mary Bourne, Diakona Adrienne Hurst, Laura Bullock, Lucille Coleman, Amos Price / Back R ow—Darius Scott, Johnny McLaurin, Brenda Lee, Rodney Bough, JaVon

Usher Recognition Vera Frazier

Reginald Funchess Second’s Gazette

Back Row -Diakona JoAnne Craig, Michele Davis Front Row—Joshua, Nicole, Sherkia, Raeyani, Anthony


Masters of Ceremony

Mion Pointer Trinity Leadership

John Pointer

Emelbra Redd, President Joyce Wilson, Vice President Lorna Baker, Secretary (Not pictured)

Bottom Row L eft to Right: Joyce Wilson, Elouise Davis, Emelbra Redd, 13 yrs., Mother Ethel Smith 4 yrs., Diakona Thelma Johnson., 6 yrs., Top Row Left to Right: Deborah Benson, Shirley Owens, 2yrs., Keiran lee, 1 yr., Cheryl Douglas, 2 yrs., and Diakona Jessie Anderson Not Pictured Karen Cardreon 19 yrs., Lorna Baker 4 yrs., Eugene Redd 11 yrs.,

Left to Right : Emeritus Joan Porter 37 Yrs., Emelbra Redd 13 yrs., Joyce Wilson 5 yrs., Elouise Davis 10 yrs., Diakona Thelma Johnson 6 yrs., Diakona Jessie Anderson 15 yrs.


Second’s Gazette


Look Who Visited SBC on Feb. 8, 2015 FREDERICK

The family watches as Lil J wins award after award. Congratulations Jason! Left to Right: Jason Jr., Elder Jason Jenkins, Grandmother Diakona Carrie Walker, Sister Paige and up front Clergy Wife Lois Jenkins “Mom”


Lil J “Two” had his first track meet on March 21st at Mt. SAC for Youth Days... he had 3 events and placed in all 3. 1st in the relays (he was 2nd leg), 3rd in the long jump and 1st in the 50 meters dash!!


Footprints Peggy Labon

Don't Weep! Don't Cry! By Eric M. Johnson

No more pain, fear, worries, doubt, Torment, weakness, sickness, without Him we're lost, Incomplete, We no longer suffer from spiritual defeat, God's plan is fulfilled, On the cross it is finished, The old nature dies, Flesh is diminished, Crucified with Him,


ebrews 1:1-4, “In the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. So He became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs (NIV). I find it amazing at how much “Jesus” is spoken of and written about in our times and there are still those who do not believe He is the Son of God. It makes me wonder if they think someone else is coming along with a greater claim. When that happens, look out!!! The only claim higher than the Son of God is a lie. There is no other or higher reach! Many will be deceived. But we can only give our truth as we know in our hearts as Christians from reading ad studying God’s word that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, to save His people and deliver them from their sinful nature. So on Resurrection Sunday, when we get our beautiful children dressed to impress, tell them the story of why this day is so important that we want to look our very best, for Him!

We will look to the hills from whence cometh our help,

Happy Resurrection Day!

Without Him we can do nothing,

Love y’all

In Him all things consist,

Peggy LaBon

Died with Him, Buried with Him, Raised with Him, Seated with Him, Blessed in Him, Renewed in Him, Revived in Him, Alive in Him, Eternal life begins, A praised is in our hearts my friend, He's coming again just as the Bible tells, The trumpet will sound, In a moment of time, We'll be caught up with him, to meet in the sky, Mansions in glory streets of gold, Please remember what you been told, The gospel is truth, He lives, it's real, Jesus is alive, In Him you will feel, His Spirit come within, to guide and lead, To be our Savior and Lord - believe!

So, my child don't weep, you don’t have to cry, Go tell the world - Jesus is alive!!!

Second’s Gazette




ho would have thought it would last, 6 years of publishing The Second’s Gazette Newsletter (SG) at Second Baptist Church (SBC). Hard work, but what a delight to treat the members to our own news, the way they want to see it. We know it has not been perfect, but we know we are getting better. My vision of producing a newsletter was from putting together a Family Reunion Newsletter some years prior. I shared the idea with Tinisha McDonald; Bishop approved the idea and the rest is history. Tinisha and I were up all night, literally, on the telephone mailing articles to each other as we anticipated the congregations acceptance of the Newsletter. I drove to Downey to drop off the file for printing which in hindsight could have been sent electronically, we were excited. The file was only 1.73MB (PDF); we could have sent the file as a email attachment. This issue, April 2015 is over 13MB, it has to be sent electronically in PDF. April 2009 was the start of a 5 page newsletter with a cover illustrating the resurrection and inside articles and pictures of what was going on around the church. We even shared a nice picture of the church sanctuary with all the Elders, the congregation and the Bishop celebrating Family Day! The sanctuary was packed. The following month, May, we had news to cover 8 pages and by July we were up to 12 pages. At the end of the year we were elated to put Mary and baby Jesus on the cover and they looked like us. It was cool. By that time we realized what we could really do with the freedom to cover our church news. We were allowed the flexibility of spotlighting our church congregation, chatting with our children, building the history of our ministries and making history one month at a time at SBC. We quickly added staff, today we have 15 staff members. The core staff consist of Precious Flemings, Ferrari Y. Green, and Sherry Joiner; Contributing Consultants Jessie Anderson, Betty Thomas, Peggy LaBon, Gregory & Hazzell Smith, Mercedese Hervey, Renee Willis, Eric Johnson, Christa Moreland, Jaylyn A. Harris, and MyReeanna Wade. (Our Ghost Writers Mother Lois Gaston, John P. Harris, Sr., John & Apryl Harris). Photographers Deacon Hamilton, Deacon Anderson, Rasheedah Ruffin, Adele Davis, and Gerald McClendon. Our most accomplished writer, and one that has stayed the distance is Bishop Dillard. He has provided an Epistle for every month, all 72 issues. Thank you all for your help and support along the way and to all the other writers and volunteers that contributed. In April 2010 we ran a contest to rename the Gazette. Larry Spicer found history of an old newsletter from the church years earlier. The congregants agreed and we announced a new name “Second’s Gazette.” That names stands today. By December 2010 we were up to 16 pages with news to spare. In February 2011 we carried a full two-page spread of church sweethearts (over 65 couples participated). In 2012, we were asked to put together the 110th Church anniversary Issue, which we did with great pleasure. We told the story of SBC, with the help of Mother Lois Gaston. We covered the church field trip to North Carolina, the White House and the home where Bishop grew up. We had pictures of Bishop at age 17. By this time we had become fairly good with putting the newsletter together, so with this anniversary issue (43 pages) you could flip over the booklet and the monthly newsletter was on the other side, a different cover too. We did not want to miss any history. In the February 2013 issue our cover page included Blacks that made history and we included our Bishop. He has certainly made a mark on this world and is worthy to be among a group of Black Leaders. At our 5th Anniversary in April 2014 our page number increased to 20. The children at SBC were notable throughout this issue. SG accepted volunteers to report what was going on in Children’s Church; they were Christa Moreland -News, Jaylyn A. Harris –Photography and MyReeanna Wade –Treasurer. In 2014, SG and the congregants of SBC were ready to celebrate our Bishop’s 40 year tenure. We put together the Souvenir Journal with Bishop’s history at the church, letters from the Governor and other dignitaries, church ministries , local businesses and even members who had walked this journey with him for 40 years. What a celebration we had and we captured it all in the Souvenir Journal (100 pages) and a Limited Edition of pictures covering the events. There is more, in 2014 Bishop Dillard was presented with the need to have a heart transplant. Needless to say, he prayed, we prayed, and others outside our church prayed and in early September, 2014 God provided the heart. Today, Bishop is healing and has now become another Miracle on Shamrock. He is back in the sanctuary with beautiful Sermons, Homily’s, Baptizing, and giving direction. This month SG has once again increased the page count; 24 pages. “Look at God”, what does He have in store for us now? We are not sure, but, we will follow Bishop as he follows Christ and Second’s Gazette will cover it, “Making History One Month at a Time.“ Second’s Gazette


2009—2015 Additional copies are available in The Church Bookstore or See Nadine Harris



See next month’s issue for the answers. Have Fun!

Second’s Gazette



Second Baptist Church, Inc. Evangelical Orthodox Communion

Bishop Wm. La Rue Dillard, PhD 925 So. Shamrock Monrovia, CA 91016 Worship Services New Sunday Morning Services

Sunday School

10:45 AM

9:45 AM

Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper Celebration at 4:45 PM Every First Sunday of the month, the Lord’s Communion Supper is served after the 10:45 am worship service, if you are unable to attend the 4:45 pm service

Wednesday Services Bible Study, Prayer, Praise, and Testimonials at 10:45 AM & 6:45 PM

A warm, joyous welcome to all who gather to bear witness to the resurrection of Jesus, our King of kings!

Second’s Gazette

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