100th Issue * Version 9
August, 2017 Second Baptist Church, Inc.
Mission Statement econd’s Gazette serves as a monthly newsletter to inform the congregants of valuable information happening on the campus of Second Baptist Church and in the community, as well as spotlight individuals and events that edify our parish church, but most importantly; glorifies the name of Jesus Christ.
Evangelical Orthodox Communion Bishop Wm. La Rue Dillard, PhD 925 So. Shamrock
Nadine O. Harris, Founder/Chief Editor Ferrari Y. Green, Production & Design Precious Flemings, Writing Editor Sherry Joiner, Operations & Distribution Contributing Consultants: Peggy LaBon / Eric Johnson Jessie Anderson / Vera Reeves / James Ella Harvey Betty Thomas / Anita J. McCulloch/ Felicia Dickson Photographers: Robert Anderson Robert Hamilton Rasheedah Ruffin Children’s Church Staff: Jaylyn A. Harris
Second’s Gazette is published and T h e
B i
distributed monthly, every First Sunday, to provide parishioners with information about our church, the community, and the world. We welcome your comments. Contact us at Secondsnewsletter@gmail.com
Second Baptist Church Schedule of Worship Services Sunday Morning Services 10:45 AM Sunday Church School, Baptism and New Member’s Orientation Classes from 9:45 AM—10:30 AM ————————————————— Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper Celebration is served every First Sunday after the 10:45 AM Worship Service and at 4:45 PM in the Sanctuary ————————————————Mid-Week Bible Study and Prayer Services Bible Study, Prayer, Praise, and Testimonies at 10:45AM & 6:45 PM On Wednesdays Except Holidays Second’s Gazette
Second’s Gazette Celebrates 100 Publications I Corinthians 10:31 “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
he greatest milestone in your life is when you say “yes” to Jesus Christ. What you do afterwards should make an impact in the lives of others. Therefore, whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
The August 2017 issue of Second’s Gazette (SG) marked the 100the publication for Second Baptist Church. Second Gazette’s motto is “writing history, one month at a time”. Since April, 2009 I along with many others have prepared SG and published the newsletter to maintain the history of this great church, every first Sunday. I say great church because SBC is 115 years old, and this is an ideal time to ask parishioners to think together about why their church stands out from all the rest and where does all this history comes from. We have published pictures, marches, graduations, talent and fashion shows and other special events throughout the years. Thank you Bishop for letting us prepare events that allow the congregation to show “We’ve Got Talent”. SO, SAVE THE DATE, SEPTEMBER 17, 2017 as we will be celebrating this milestone and give SG its Just Desserts. We plan to show you all a great time in the Fannie Mae Goodwin Hall, after service, thanking you for your support and helping us to maintain the history of this church now and in the future. See you there!
Bishop’s Epistle Claim What Is Yours! (I John 4:13-21)
Sons and Daughters of My Flock, Grace to You!
y epistle of love to you today is drawn from God’s blessed Word. God tells His children: “He who abides in love abides in God and God in him” (I John 4:16). I selected the seventeen characteristics in the subject (Claim What is Yours!); and if Christians follow this subject, nothing will be impossible for them to accomplish.
Because the Good Lord placed you under my watch-care, my consistent and urgent hope for you, whom I love dearly, is that you will claim the unlimited riches of God’s grace in Jesus Christ. Everything Christians need has already been offered and made available: love, forgiveness, eternal life, and incalculable resources for daily pressures. I cannot think of any need of my sheepfold that would not be met for you if you claim what is yours. The sum and substance of the above passage is the stirring message, “abide and abound.” The word “abide” means to dwell, inhabit, love, lodge, reside, or respect. It implies continuance, faithfulness, and remaining constantly without limit. On the night before Jesus was crucified, His valediction was, “abide in me and I in you” (John 15:4). Abiding in Christ Jesus for Saints is to become recipients of His death and resurrection. He died to forgive our sins, and rose to defeat the power of sin and death for His own (John 15:5). All that Christ Jesus said, did, and does become efficacious. For in the Saints’ lives is the indwelling Christ. “He who abides in me and I in him, bears much fruit; for apart from Me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5). To abide is to abound. Amen. Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully, Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard Parish Under-shepherd
he Diakonos Ministry of Second Baptist Church is available to parishioners to help Bishop Dillard with members concerns and needs. Feel free to contact your representative below. The Diakonos are assigned alphabetically by last name. We are available to “Pray with You”, “Consult with You”, and “Assist You” in any way we can to help you in your Christian walk.
A—Robert and Jessie Anderson
I-J—Ellis and Thelma Johnson
B—Dennis and JoAnne Craig Betty Brown, Arlethia Craig
K-L-N-O-T—Lonnie and Josephine Stokes, Terrence Williams
C—A G Harrison, Shirley Robinson
M—Chuck and Martha Williams Melva Hill
D—James and James Ella Harvey P-Q—Carrie Walker E-F—Ron and LaVonne Husband Adrienne Hurst
R-S—Larry and Renee Willis
G—Minnie Manning, Valeria Burwell
UVWXYZ—Robert Hamilton,
H— Thelma Jones, Tamara Collins Second’s Gazette
Ron Demps
Features 3
The Bishop’s Epistle “Claiming What Is Yours”
Every Month 2 4 5 6,7 EXTRAS 8, 9 10, 11 12, 13 14, 15 16, 17 18, 19 22 23 24 - 2 7
Editor’s Comments Diakonos Praying with You Contents Blast from the Past/Footprints Congrats Mist of the Storm/Movie Pick/Poem Birthdays / Mission Corner Spirit Buzz / Community News Birthdays/TIP Health / Spec. Congrats VBS / Honoree / Prayer Calendar Obituary - Remembering Willie Cross
Family Fest / Back—to—School
Did You Know that Alex Haley was a Member of the Military?
Alex Haley
ost Black Americans of African decent know that was the author of the famous novel Roots, which was adopted into a television mini-series in 1977 by ABC. The series broke records that still stands; 130 million viewers tuned in for several weeks to watch the saga of a kidnapped young African male who was sold into slavery and did everything p ossible to escape the horrible conditions of his life. But did you know that before Alex Haley was a famous author, he was a member of the United States Coast Guards? Yes, a Chief Petty Officer in service. Mr. Haley served his country from 1939-1959, and toured in two wars, World War II and the Korean War. Mr. Haley died on February 10, 1992 in Seattle, Washington of a fatal heart attack at age 70. Alex Haley made his number of three scores and ten. Psalms 90:10 says, “The days of our lives are seventy years. And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, their boast are only sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” And this is the Word of the Lord!
Reference World Biography/alexhaleybiography.com
Dr. Precious
hat a blessing you have been to your many subscribers and contributors! We look forward to the monthly issues of Biblical Insight from Bishop Dillard, the latest food craze, gospel artists, medical and medicine tutoring, and all sorts of ways to build good Christian character; not to mention the beautiful pictures presented from all the activities at SBC, Monrovia, California. Thanks SG staff for all your hard work! Ephesians 2:5-10 (NKJV) reads, “Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Amen! The Second’s Gazette is truly doing the work of the Lord, keeping His people informed and up to date as we watch for His return! You continue to display the gifts you’ve received, sharing them with your community, and the world. Carrying on with the Lord’s work, not only with this magazine, but in all that you do, and He will have a crown in glory with your names on it! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO LADY BETTY DILLARD!!! In Service for the Body of Christ, Peggy LaBon Second’s Gazette
PYOC and SBC are pleased and honored to be a part of a Softball league that is For us By us! Natasha Watley is the first Black Female Gold Medalist in Softball, and she has dedicated a girls softball league to motivate and inspire young girls of color in the sport. Come support our Princesses as they continue the legacy. Tuesday, August 8th @ 7:30 PM (Rancho Cienega Sports Complex- 5001 Rodeo Rd, LA). PYOC Website: PremierYouth.org or call (626) 945-5882
Bottom Row (Left to Right) : Katherine, Lelani, Jaylyn, Victoria, Melody, Lexi Top Row: Alisa, Maliah
Our discussion will focus on the final steps of the 12 Step Treatment Program. Steps 10,11, & 12 can be viewed as the manner in which to all previous steps are to be maintained. In order to have a drug free life it will be necessary to constantly monitor and admit problematic behaviors. It is essential to pray for God's will to rest , abide, and direct daily. Finally it is important that spread the new news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Alcoholics Anonymous
Steps 10 ,11, & 12
10. CONTINUED TO TAKE PERSONAL INVENTORY AND WHEN WE WERE WRONG PROMPTLY ADMITTED IT. "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" Mark 14: 38 11. SOUGTH THROUGH PRAYER AND MEDITATION TO IMPROVE OUR CONSCIOUS CONTACT WITH GOD AS WE UNDERSTOOD HIM - PRAYING ONLY FOR KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WILL FOR US AND THE POWER TO CARRY THAT OUT Jesus answered and said to her ," Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, "but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4 : 13,14 HAVING A SPIRITUAL AWKENING AS THE RESULT OF THESE STEPS WE TRIED TO CARRY THIS MESSAGE TO ALCOHOLICS, AND TO PRACTICE THESE PRINCIPLES IN ALL OUR AFFAIRS. Oh, sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to the Lord , all the earth, Sing to the lord, bless His name: Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Psalms 96:1, 2 When an individual is in the Salvation Army Residential Rehabilitation Program over a period of six months they completes the 12 Step Treatment Program. They also are involved in Work Therapy, Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, and Family Reconciliation Services, Parenting Classes, Anger Management Classes, and Relapse Prevention Classes. This program helps dependent individuals to return to the community with hopeful drug free futures. Stephanie Porter , BS MS MFTI
Christian Mingle, the Movie! Christian Mingle, the Movie was released in February 2014. It is a romantic comedy about a young woman who seems to have everything, except someone to love, i.e. a man! In a moment of desperation, she creates a profile on the popular dating website, ChristianMingle.com in hopes of finding Mr. Right. But the Mr. Right she finds turns out to be a Christian man. I won’t give it away! You have to watch to find out what happens. It is funny and thought provoking. I give it “Four Stars,” and you can watch it free on Netflix.
Second’s Gazette
Second’s Gazette Welcomes donations of any size. Please make checks payable to
Christ’s Hands n World War II, bombs destroyed a church in Strasbourg, France. As parishioners cleared the rubble, they discovered a statue of Jesus that was now missing both hands.
A visiting sculptor later offered to make repairs, but church members declined, saying Christ “has no hands to minister to the needy or feed the hungry or enrich the poor — except our hands. He inspires. We perform.” St. Teresa of Avila wrote:
Second Baptist Church SUPPORTERS
Christ has no body but yours; no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours.
Second Baptist Church Nadine O. Harris Mother Deloris K. Bridges Ferrari Green Dr. Precious Flemings Lady Betty G. Dillard Melva Hill Barbara Jean Grant Shirley Towler –Hayes Elder Robert & Arlethia Craig Geneva Ward-Douglas Larry & Debra Hayes Christine Mathis Marva E. Hogan Ophelia M. Harris Barbara M. Harris Mildred Cross Carrie Walker
There is room for you too, Donate! Today!
A Child Is Known By His Doings
By Margaret Cagle
hildren, listen to this bit of advice. In all your dealings, be kind and nice. “Even a child is known by his doings,” you see. So try to be as good as you can be. Nobody approves of a child who is bad. And it also makes your parents feel sad. People may call you “imp” or even “brat”. I’m sure your parents won’t like that. Children, behave the best you can. And grow into a lovable lady or man. People then will say you are so kind. And you’re the best friend one can find. Just make your work pure and make it right. Any try to serve God with all your might. You’re known by your doings, Scriptures say, So be on your best behavior each day.
Second’s Gazette
12 12
hen Katie Davis Majors moved to Uganda, accidentally founded a booming organization, and later became the mother of thirteen girls through the miracle of adoption, she determined to weave her life together with the people she desired to serve. But joy often gave way to sorrow as she invested her heart fully in walking alongside people in the grip of poverty, addiction, desperation, and disease. After unexpected tragedy shook her family, for the first time Katie began to wonder, Is God really good? Does He really love us? When she turned to Him with her questions, God spoke truth to her heart and drew her even deeper into relationship with Him. Daring to Hope is an invitation to cling to the God of the impossible—the God who whispers His love to us in the quiet, in the mundane, when our prayers are not answered the way we want or the miracle doesn’t come. It’s about a mother discovering the extraordinary strength it takes to be ordinary. It’s about choosing faith no matter the circumstance and about encountering God’s goodness in the least expected places. Though your heartaches and dreams may take a different shape, you will find your own questions echoed in these pages. You’ll be reminded of the gifts of joy in the midst of sorrow. And you’ll hear God’s whisper: Hold on to hope. I will meet you here.
Second’s Gazette
Second’s Gazette
July 8, 2017. The Conference
NSAIDS, Not as Innocuous as You May Think! NSAIDS, as we all know them and use them when we have pain or fever.
Some of the most common NSAIDS you may use go by the names of Motrin/Advil (Ibuprofen) or Naproxen (Naprosyn). NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used as pain relievers, an anti-inflammatory, and to reduce fever. It is one of the first medications, other than Tylenol, that more than 17 million Americans reach for when we need relief. Some use this medication on an as-needed basis for short-term relief; others use it daily, not realizing the possible negative health effects that can result from its chronic use. If you have certain medical conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, or acid reflux to name a few, you should consult with your physician or healthcare provider regarding how and when to use these medications. Talk with your healthcare provider if you have a history of heart disease, as they can cause an increased risk for a stroke or heart attack. NSAIDS can also cause an elevation in blood pressure, or can possibly worsen an existing high blood pressure by causing a decrease in blood pressure. For healthy individuals who take NSAIDS for a short-term, less than one week, there is less likelihood of developing negative gastrointestinal/GI effects. Negative GI complications can occur within the first three months of taking higher doses of NSAIDS. Complications can include indigestion, ulcers, and gastrointestinal bleeding. As with all medications, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, there are potential side-effects. Some NSAIDS are safer to use in certain health conditions, while others have the potential to cause harm. Your relationship with your physician and healthcare provider is very important. You should always discuss your concerns and have them addressed in order to have an informed plan of care. When a medication is prescribed, ask what does it to treat, including the possible side-effects as it relates to you and your health conditions. If you routinely take over-the-counter NSAIDS, make sure that you inform your healthcare provider as there may be contraindications to its use. Strive to be an informed patient and partner in your healthcare! God Bless,
Felicia Markham-Dickson, PA-C Physician Assistant-Certified
Second’s Gazette
Vacation Bible School 2017
his year, Vacation Bible School's theme was "I've Got Talent, PART II" which focused on Ephesians 2:10, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
VBS took place from July 17-21st, from 5-8:45 PM, and offered family dinners each evening, as well as the Bible Class Hour, workshops for all ages, praise and worship, and a time of fellowship, encouragement, and God's love shared with everyone! May God bless everyone who participated and/or served in VBS! I love you in Jesus!
Sis Sharon Durall
Second’s Gazette
Mrs. Renee Willis University of Phoenix Honoree
enee obtained her Bachelor’s Degree, 2005 and MBA, Master's in Business Administration 2007 from University of Phoenix. After working 10 years for County of Los Angeles, she started her on business and has consulted for several corporations. Renee Willis just completed a two year contract with Toyota as a Business Analyst and is currently on contract with Southern California Edison as a Business Analyst II, and works part-time as a College Professor at Argosy University and Chaffey College. She is the Founder of Competitive Edge Education and Business Services a Professional Development Workshop Company. Renee will be honored on Thursday, August 17, 2017 as a Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony at the Disneyland Hotel.
ordan is a talented young woman who is making her mark in the music industry. She is the daughter of Darrell and CaRetta Adkison; a family who are members of Second Baptist Church, Monrovia, California where she is a member of Anointed Voices of Praise . Jordan started singing early in life. She graduated from Los Angeles County High School of the Arts in 2015, and is currently professionally managed by a London based management firm. Jordan career name is Jae Stephens and records throughout Europe. She has recorded original songs with well known producers in the UK. Within the last months, she has released her first songs “24k;” and “Every Time.” Both songs have been premiered by leading music magazines such as Hunger, Dazed, and Pigeons and Planes. Also, to everyone's surprise, her music was featured on BBC Radio 1, the major radio network in the United Kingdom. Jae Stephens music can be purchased and/ or streamed via all available music services (i.e. iTunes, Google Music, Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, etc). She is sincerely appreciative of all the prayers and support she receives from her Second Baptist Church family and asks that everyone please continue to keep her lifted. Thanks everyone!
Second’s Gazette
Alcorn State University Honors Larry Willis
r. Larry Willis, an Alumni of Alcorn State University, Mississippi, will be inducted into its Hall of Fame as an outstanding athlete. The ceremony will take place Saturday, September 2, 2017. Larry graduated from Alcorn in 1979, with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration; and received his Master’s in Educational Leadership in 2005 from Azusa Pacific University, Glendora, California. He has been married to Ms. Renee for Thirty years and they have two daughters (Latoya and Krystal) and one granddaughter (Denali). While at Alcorn, Larry gained fame as an outstanding football player. His position as Wide Receiver helped the school win many games. He was drafted in the NFL by the Kansas City Chiefs in 1979. More importantly, it is what Mr. Willis does now. He is Directed of Children Church Ministry at Second Baptist Church, Monrovia, California, and is currently a Special Education Officer for the El Monte Unified School District. Mr. Willis has worked in education for many years, serving as a Vice Principal and a teacher. His community service includes serving as a Diakona at SBC, working in his community, and loving his family. Second’s Gazette is proud to be a part of your journey. Congratulations Mr. Willis!!!
Remembering Willie Cross
he book of life opened for Willie B. Cross on December 5, 1932, to the mother of Ms. Annie B. English, who preceded him in death in Cordele, Georgia.
Upon completion of high school, Willie joined the United States Army where he served as a Corporal from March 19, 1952 to February 19, 1954. After being honorably discharged, he relocated to California in 1972 where he strived and continued to positively impact the world. On September 23, 1987, Willie was blessed to join in matrimony his beloved wife, Mildred Cross and to this union came seven (7) children. The Lord blessed this blended family with two (2) boys and five (5) girls. Willie was a very loving and devoted man who believed in working hard to ensure his responsibilities were well taken care of and was exhibited through his work ethic. He worked as a diligent, hard-worker at ACA for over 35 years; Willie developed a love for computers that he carried with him until he was called home. It wasn’t until 2007 that he decided to retire from DeVry University of San Fernando where he took great pride in working as a security guard. Willie was a faithful Christian man who loved serving the Lord. He accepted Christ at an early age and later became a devoted Deacon at Trinity Baptist Church where he served under the leadership of Reverend Bogan until he relocated to Los Angeles, CA. He then united with St. Rest Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend H. V. Jordan. There he served as an Usher until 1998. Following his membership with St. Rest, Willie became a devoted member of Second Baptist Church under the leadership of Bishop Wm LaRue Dillard and served as one of the Trinity Leaders of the Father’s Council and was also on the Usher Board. He was a dedicated member until he relocated to Arlington, TX in 2013. Willie was a compassionate husband, father, grandfather and friend. He was well loved by all of those he held dear to his heart and will forever be appreciated for his contribution in everyone’s lives that loved him dearly. THESE ARE EXCERPS FROM THE USHER’S RESOLUTION Father Cross was a member of the Usher Board for 18 and a half years and did so without murmur or complaint s and with love, gentleness, patience and unwavering faith, until he and his beloved wife, Mildred, relocated to Arlington, TX at the end of 2013. Father Cross was also a member of the Gideon’s Army Male Chorus and a distinguished member of the Father’s Council, a highly recognized post for Christian men age 70 and over. He served as Sergeant-of-Arms attempting to keep order in our meetings, which was not always an easy task, he did so with authority and a friendly smile, and all the while making sure we knew he meant business. To have witnessed him skillfully and gallantly lead the march for Group 3 Ushers to pay their tithes during offering time, marching straight as an arrow but with what Bishop Dillard called his “Harlem Shuffle”, gave everyone in attendance a desire to join the Usher Board and try to mimic Father Cross down Aisle 3 each 2nd Sunday of the month. Father Willie B. Cross, Sr. was recognized as Usher of the Year during one of our Annual Usher Days, he was asked what he liked best about serving as an usher and he quickly replied: “helping others”.
On May 30, 207, Willie made his heavenly transition. He leaves to cherish his memories to his darling devoted wife Mildred, children, a host of grandchildren, great grandchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. Willie was well liked by many and will be missed tremendously by all who knew and loved him.
Second’s Gazette
Second’s Gazette
Second’s Gazette
Call 626-358-2136 or 359-7188 Fax 626-357-2477 –Email: secondsnewsletter@gmail.com / sbcmon@aol.com / Visit us at: www.Secondbaptistmonrovia.org
Second’s Gazette