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Semi- Annual Convocation is Done!
from In God We Trust

The semi-annual convocation took place last month to hear what each ministry is doing to encourage one another. This was an important assembly of church members at this time as we are moving through the transition of our Pastor. Over the past six months we have celebrated and helped Bishop Dillard retire after serving us for 45 years. He will always be special to us. Now, we must continue forward to greet our new Pastor Christopher Bourne.
During this assembly we looked at all of our functions and realized we need to continue forward with our day-to-day functions and tweek things as it became necessary. Of course, there are no changes toward loving and serving the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to remember all the things that Pastor Bourne pointed out that are crucial to the church’s continued success.
There are 7 little words that will kill a church, they are:
“We’ve never done it that way before”
Serve your ministry in excellence, with passion, with good character, being accountable and respectful making sure that the ministry is attractive. Let our community know that SBC is here and that our leaders are on a united front.
As the days continue to warm up, our outer wear will change. Let’s o do casual wear, being “Saved” with your wear. If we are seeing too much, don’t wear it, stay in scripture. Other churches come in flip flops and tank tops, if they visit us or wish to join, welcome them. Stress to others our commitment to maintain a level of respect in God’s House; that includes our in/outer wear. The business f he church is “Saving Souls”.
Let’s utilize our Bookstore, come to Vacation Bible School, the week of July 15 th and prepare for loads of fun at the Family Fest on July 27 th .
In His Service,Pastor Christopher A. Bourne, Sr.Parish Under-Shepherd