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Footprint in the Desert
T his month is truly a time to celebrate because Bishop William LaRue Dillard is celebrating his 45th Anniversary as Bishop over SBC, and his retirement too! The Bible says, in Jeremiah 3:15, “I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” You can put Bishop Dillard’s picture right there!
This is such a monumental event; a time of glorifying God for allowing this man of the cloth who watched over the souls of Second Baptist’s parishioners for 45 years, and for that we say, thank you Lord!
I pray that Bishop Dillard will now move forward, in his sandals and short pants and relax, play, and do whatever will bring him joy and happiness; at least for a few days.
The month of May must be an excellent month to retire, because I have heard of many people retiring this month, myself included. What I know about this season of life is; if the Lord has blessed you to see it, it is a time to help/give back to the younger generation. Extend some words of wisdom, especially to those who have time to listen.
I beg of you, young and old, “To study to show thyself approve unto God; a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15 NKJV). This does not mean you can’t have fun and enjoy some of the pleasures this world has to offer, but when you study, this will help to direct your decisions when it comes to having fun.
So enjoy this season of your life; remember to tell someone about Jesus and A BIG WELCOME to Pastor Chris, Lady Heather, Savannah and Chris Jr. I know that you have been at SBC for a while, and I look forward to meeting you soon!
Until He comes,
Peggy LaBon