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DECEMBER 2013 | VOLUME 13, NO. 12

the free press A






Small business, Big benefits Do your holiday shopping outside the big box [P. 3]

• 13 best albums

of 2013 [P. 5]

• People. Places.


Photo by Jacqueline Marcou

[P. 7]



2 // December 1, 2013


Social Networking if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Ireland what is Something you want to do before you die: Solve world hunger what is your beverage of choice? Margaritas celebrity crush: Benedict Cumberbatch What is your biggest pet peeve? Being talked down to What book are you currently reading? "A Dance With Dragons," from the Song of Ice and Fire Series tell us your guiltiest pleasure: Netflix and chocolate, preferably at the same time tell us a joke: Why is basketball so gross? Because they dribble all over the court! If a genie granted you one wish, what would you ask for? To get married somewhere exotic NAME AND AGE: Melissa Ashley Sina , 28

What one person alive or dead would you want to have dinner with? Amelia Earhart


FIRST CONCERT YOU WENT TO: The Goo Goo Dolls, in seventh grade

CURRENT JOB: Intervention aide at Bangor Elementary School and produce worker at the PFC

what's the last thing you bought? Minty chopstick

DREAM JOB: Full-time Social Studies teacher somewhere in the Midwest. last thing you googled: What does a persimmon taste like?

what's in your pocket right now?: A quarter, a piece of gum, and a recipe list for the Thanksgiving dinner I'm cooking for my family.

315 Fifth Ave. So. La Crosse, WI @pfccoop

open daily 7 am–10 pm

Doing the most good By Jessica Miller Special to Second Supper

It’s not a bad idea to think of your fellow community members all times of the year, but during the winter holiday season, some people need a little bit more help. They are hungry, they have no place to live, no suitable clothes for an interview, no furnishings for a new home because their other one burned to the ground. This season, give a little; a little of your compassion, a little of your time, a little of your money. The Salvation Army of the La Crosse area wants, needs you to give. The Army may sometimes have a bad rap for some reasons, but when it comes to the bottom line, your neighbors, your friends, co-workers, strangers, they need you to give. Where can you donate your time or money, and where does that time and money go? Angel Giving Tree: Be an angel and pick up a tag with a child’s age, clothing size, and maybe a toy they would like at the Valley View Mall. Drop those gifts back off at the tree or at the Salvation Army. Go way out of your way, and include gift wrapping materials, but please, do not gift wrap. This drive runs until Dec. 6. Donate money: Text SNOW to 85944 and donate $10. Are you really going to notice the extra 10 bucks on your next cell bill? Food Pantry: Drop off any non-perishable food goods at 223 N. 8th St. 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Meal Program: Over 2,000 meals are served per week; that’s over 285 per day. Volunteer your time in the kitchen if you like to cook. Salvation Army Bell Ringing Campaign: You can’t miss the hundreds of volunteers in front of the places you are dropping your cash. There are at least 28 of them. Can’t you spare some change? The national goal for this drive is $3 million, and now they are at $270,952. The La Crosse Army relies on this drive for over one third of its budget to keep their operations open. Keep those pots boiling. Shelter: Currently there are approximately 68 people living there. Forty percent are women and children. You can volunteer at the shelter for many different jobs, even landscaping! When you support the places like the pantry or thrift stores, you are supporting those 68 people. Sometimes they need assistance getting back on their feet, need counseling, need a place to clean up and rest their head. Shop at the Christmas Boutique: New to La Crosse this year, the store on 66 Copeland Ave is a side store to the thrift store, if you will, but just for holiday decorations. If you are decorating on a budget and don’t mind gently used décor, this is your place. Any purchase you make benefits the meal and shelter programs. Shop or donate items at the Thrift Store: Profits go to vouchers for families that are in need for a multitude of reasons. Don’t be a Scrooge.

— Compiled by Shuggypop Jackson,

eat fresh! eat local! go co-op!


Second Supper | The Free Press

all are welcome

Visit us online @

the free press Second Supper Newspaper P.O. Box 427 La Crosse, WI 54601 Publisher: Roger Bartel Editor in Chief: Adam Bissen Cover and Ad Design: Jenn Bushman Regular Contributors: Amy Alkon, Andrew Chulyk, Marcel Dunn, Brett Emerson, Shuggypop Jackson, Jonathan Majak, Matt Jones, Dean Robbins, Kevin Sommerfeld, Nate Willer Contact Us: Cell: 262.521.8144 Online: Second Supper is a monthly alternative newspaper published by Bartanese Enterprises LLC, P.O. Box 427, La Crosse, WI 54601

The Top

Disappointing albums of 2013 1. Jay-Z, Magna Carta…Holy Grail 2. Justin Timberlake, The 20/20 Experience 3. Kings of Leon, Mechanical Bull 4. The Weekend, Kiss Land 5. Lady Gaga, Artpop 6. The National, Trouble Will Find Me 7. Arcade Fire, Reflektor Overused phrases of 2013 1. Twerk 2. Obamacare 3. EDM 4. PED 5. Backup Packers quarterback 6. Keep calm and ____ 7. Just sayin’

Second Supper | The Free Press

Shop Small

December 1, 2013 // 3


Skip the lines and support local artisans at La Crosse’s downtown shops

By Briana Rupel The sunshine was bouncing off of the first light crust of snow that had formed overnight. Strands of tiny white lights twinkled and sleigh bells shook as I pulled open the heavy door to Kick, one of Downtown La Crosse’s many independently-owned boutiques. Co-owner Allison Krzych greets me immediately with a big, warm smile. Shoes of all shapes and colors are perched atop displays around the store that’s draped in festive ribbon. There’s a fresh pot of coffee to warm customers this morning, and I gladly accept a cup. This is my kind of shopping. Cozy, intimate ... local. Being lined up like cattle with a bunch of stressed out consumers freezing in angst-fueled lines just to spend their hardearned cash on some device that will become obsolete within the next six months? Not my idea of a good time. I love hunting for — or, even better, stumbling upon — the perfect gift for someone I care about. It’s just that big chain retailers have us salivating over glossy printed ads, convinced that we need the latest and greatest to win the adoration of our loved ones. Now, with the holiday ironically most associated with gluttony falling on a later date this year, more and more stores are stretching their hours open even further, leaving many to now dub Thanksgiving as “the new Black Friday.” Wal-Mart, for instance, is urging you to forgo that second helping of Grandma’s stuffing, hoping you’ll be ready to rush their doors as early as 6 p.m. Thanksgiving Day. You won’t find small business owners in Downtown La Crosse awaiting the masses on Thanksgiving. They’ll be enjoying the holiday the way it was meant to be enjoyed: with family and friends, and that’s what they want you to do as well. “We’re closed on Thanksgiving because we can be,” says Krzych simply. “The reason big bucks retailers are open is because one of them is. They get scared they’re not going to make money. It’s dollar-based, but it’s also fear-based.” Sara Viner and Brent Welch, owners of Tree Huggers Co-op on 4th Street, are also against the push to shop on Thanksgiving. “The whole purpose of Thanksgiving is to spend time with your family — for children to spend time with their parents — and it’s something that’s so lacking today,” Viner explains. Welch nods, “I mean, I wouldn’t ask [an employee] to come in and work that day. I don’t ask anyone who works for us to do anything I haven’t done a million times.” “People are upset about stores opening on Thanksgiving,” Krzych states, “but the way they can voice being upset, is by not spending money on Thanksgiving. They have the power.” So relax, La Crosse. Linger over Thanksgiving dinner, and enjoy your family’s company into the night. Many stores downtown are offering deals on Black Friday, but

Photo by Jacqueline Marcou

Brent Welch awaits holiday shoppers at Tree Huggers Co-op on Fourth Street in downtown La Crosse. you won’t find the hurried craziness that you do at malls or corporate retailers. “We are like the antithesis of Black Friday,” says Krzych. “It’s mellow downtown. When people do the early morning shopping, they come downtown (afterwards) and they can have a good time.” Small Business Saturday is a growing nation-wide campaign whose whole purpose is to highlight the benefits of spending your money at the independently-owned businesses in your neighborhood. In Downtown La Crosse, as well as the surrounding area, you’ll find plenty of specials that will easily rival the salacious sales of the big name stores. An extra perk is that many shops are providing hot drinks to sip and homemade treats to nibble while you shop around on Saturday. La Crosse’s small business owners want you to not only be able to find good deals while you’re crossing off your list, but to bring the fun back to shopping as well. “We definitely feel like you have to show the customer a good time,” says Krzych. “and we want to have a good time! So it’s a winwin.” Viner brings up the fact that when you spend your money at a small La Crosse business, the majority of that money stays in the community. “ And [that money] isn’t just helping us,” she adds, “it’s also helping the people whose products we sell. A lot of them are local people: Tara, Trent, Becca and Roger, Jim Elliot...” she rattles off a list of artisans — all based in the Coulee Region — whose products they sell in their store. Nowhere at a national chain could you find a CEO or manager who knows the first name of every person whose merchandise they carry. Welch particularly likes being a venue for young artisans just starting out selling their wares. Tree Huggers’ most recent acquisition comes from a young man in Winona who makes belts, earrings, and bracelets out of recycled bike parts. “He came in last week, brought me a half-dozen (recycled bike tire) belts that sold in two days. Fastest selling handmade item we ever had. And he’s gung-ho about it! I like calling these kids being like, ‘hey, I have $500 here for you’ and they’re like: ‘uh...what?’”

Not only can you feel good about supporting your neighbors when you shop local, the products you can find are almost always of better quality and they’re unique. “Our whole goal is to bring in shoes that you can’t find in town or anywhere, really,” says Krzych. Kick often has “trunk shows” where they bring in throngs of samples of a particular brand that the customer can then try on, then special order at an extremely discounted rate. The next show will be from December 4 through December 7, featuring Seychelles and BC Footwear. “For our customers to pick exactly what they want, it kind of elevates that whole idea. Like, ‘I’m the only one in town with these shoes!” If Kick is the specialist in town for shoes, then Pearl Street Books is the place to go for any of your needs revolving around the written word. “There’s so many interesting things in this world and so many books written about them,” says owner Jim Auler. In the age of Amazon, Nooks, and Kindles, Auler still sees a strong loyalty toward books. People often tell him that, even though they own a Kindle, they still prefer a tangible book in many ways. “[E-readers are] ideal for some things, and a book is ideal for some things,” he explains simply. Though it may be seem like ordering a

Gift Certificates Buy. Give. Use. Love. Repeat. open everyday

book through internet giant, like Amazon. com, would be the cheapest route, Auler says that really isn’t the case in his shop, whose floor-to-ceiling shelves are filled with used and rare copies. “If you can find it used, usually our price is going to be better. Plus,” he adds, “you get it the day you want it. We mark (the books) so they’re the same low price you’d find on the internet.” Auler has also brought in some new items just this holiday season, which are fresh off of the truck. “(I’m bringing) in a lot of interesting toys that are sort of unusual... a toy for a more imaginative child to play with that’s not electronic; stuff that encourages creative play.” Sometimes, the shopping experience doesn’t end once you’ve paid and walked out with the item. “That’s another perk of shopping local,” adds Welch. “I can introduce you to 60 percent of the people that make the stuff we sell. If it didn’t fit right, or you want something added to it, you can get it changed.” Tree Huggers Co-op also sells BroJos, musical instruments out of cigar boxes hand-crafted by local luthier and musician, Roger Wendover. “The guy’s local,” says Viner. “He’ll teach you how to play ‘em!” “Yup,” adds Welch, “with a lot of these guys, there’s little extras: free alterations, free music lessons...” Krzych seems to sum up the Downtown small business mentality: “Our philosophy is: Shopping is fun! And I think that retail has missed that for a long time.” Keep that in mind as you’re gathering up your cash and scribbling out your list this holiday season. Gift-giving is fun. Shopping can be fun again too. Why not pop into some of the small businesses in your area and see what they have to offer? You will probably be surprised at what you can find, and you will feel good about supporting people who have children in the same class as your own kids instead of lining the pockets of some CEO thousands of miles away. Let’s keep the money here and continue to build our wonderful community.

4 // December 1, 2013

Second Supper | The Free Press


December music

The Month in Preview





fine arts | new years eve | wine | theater shopping





Sat., Dec 7 DODGEFEST 2013

@ Amie L. Mathy Center at Viterbo University Grab life by the ball and dodge for donations! Get five of your friends together and keep the blood pumping. The Recreational Sports Department at Viterbo and the Western Technical College Wellness Center hosts this eighth annual fundraiser for Place of Grace and the Mathy Boys & Girls Club. Win prizes for best dressed team and skills challenges. Raffle tickets are available for nonperishable food and monetary donations. Sorry, due to David Hasselhoff’s busy schedule, he is not available to make an appearance. For more information, see

Sat., Dec 7 ROCK & ROLL RELEASE Bigtree Bonsai CD Release Party with Dead Horses and Armstrong Clawhammer @ Pearl Street Brewery

Bonsai members Matthew Duea, Brandon

Can’t wait to listen to Bigtree Bonsai in

Ableton Workshop by DJ Wyatt



person? Watch their new video “Rollin’


Mullan, and Ben Peterson are dropping

Down the Road”. Tickets are $5 ahead of


time at Pearl Street Brewery and $7 day

@ The Root Note


Helping celebrate the party is Dead

of show. Doors open at 6pm and music is

Horses, a magical four-piece bluegrass

underway at 6:30pm.



Kolb-Williams, album

band out of Oshkosh, and outlaw country rockers Armstrong Clawhammer. Maybe

Attention musicians, join Madison DJ/ producer/educator Wyatt Agard for an evening of tips and tricks on Ableton, the valuable music software that is the rage

Thurs., Dec. 12

of modern DJs. Admittance is gratis, but

as a holiday gift you would like to preorder Bigtree Bonsai’s “Awoken” on their


from this event that will last from 6 to 9

website. Extra bonus, two free tracks!

Chinese House Meal, Cooking Class

p.m. There may be a dance party. There

Now, a holiday present for yourself,

Stay warm with beer, two stages of rock,

take your ticket stub after the show to

and friends. Almost a year in the making,

the Popcorn Tavern for MORE music by

Minneapolis “whiskey rock” band Bigtree

Sum Chunk AND one FREE PSB BEER!

@ The People’s Food Co-op, La Crosse Kelly Deng will be sharing her time and know-how on how to create simple and authentic Chinese dishes at home using chicken, fish, rice, and vegetables. Deng is a native of China and owner of Dim

please, pre-register for a guaranteed seat

will be snacks.

Sat., Dec. 21 ROCK ALL NIGHT Roster McCabe

Sum Tea Shop on Pearl Street. Miss

@ Popcorn Tavern

Piggy once said on Chinese food and

Are you ready for the looooooooooo

chopsticks: “You do not sew with a fork, and I see no reason why you should eat

ooooooooooooooongest night of the year? Oh yeah, Roster McCabe just so

with knitting needles.” Miss Piggy didn’t

happens to be in town to rock our wool

even have opposable thumbs. Tickets are

socks off. Enough said. Listen to their

$15 for Co-op members and $25 for non-

music anytime at www.rostermccabe.

members. Class is 5:30pm-7:30pm.

com, but you should really come to the show because Roster is one of the hottest

Sat., Dec. 14

jambands in the upper Midwest. Tickets


p.m. Happy Winter!

are $9 for this 21+ show thatstarts at 10

Second Supper | The Free Press

13 best albums of 2013 By Adam Bissen

1. Kanye West: Yeezus Yeezus is one of the most cathartic hip-hop records of all time, if not the rawest exploration of male id we’ve seen this century. With verses recorded in an epic session and four hours of raw tape “reduced” in the fourth quarter by Rick Rubin, this is an of-the-moment snapshot of Kanye West, a confused man-child grappling with fame and fatherhood with a vulnerability we rarely see from any artist, much less a rapper. The production is startlingly post-industrial, stealing as much from the contemporary British underground as the obvious Nine Inch Nail signposts. Yeezus is raw, tasteless, and often hard to like, but nothing else in 2013 sounded so true. 2. Vampire Weekend: Modern Vampires of the City Over the course of their first two albums, Vampire Weekend were those precocious know-it-alls who sang ingratiatingly catchy harmonies and lyrics too clever by half. They were easy to enjoy but tough to love, and I worried how they would age once the “Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa” grew stale. Turns out, they would make Modern Vampires of the City, an assured pop-rock record that is pretty close to flawless. The cheeky one-liners are still sprinkled throughout, but here they act as comic relief amidst the heady religious exploration and pointed class critiques. If this all sounds a bit pretentious, perhaps it is. But the record still sounds fantastic, and in the past year there’s nothing I’ve listened to more.

Live Music Directory FEATURED SHOWS

not just his arresting baritone — that’s been steady throughout — but Callahan is in the midst of a surprising late-career resurgence that pairs elegant arrangements with poetic, workingman lyrics. Few other musicians could build an entire song around “The only words I said today are ‘beer’ and ‘thank you.’” But that’s just one throwaway line in an album stocked with wizened wit.

Wedneday, December 4th Dublin Square – Mayfield Experience • 9 p.m.

4. Chance the Rapper: Acid Rap One of the more self-assured rap debuts in recent memory, Chance the Rapper’s meaty mixtape Acid Rap was a revelation of many sorts. Born from a nihilistic (and occasionally hedonistic) Chicago hip-hop scene, the 20-year-old Chance grabs the mic and sounds at turns exuberant, world-weary and still just a kid. Given the subject matter it’s a surprisingly fun listen, but while these dispatches from Chiraq may be dire, the future of hip-hop is looking bright.

Friday, December 6th Freight House – La Barge • 7 p.m. UW-L Planetarium – Album Encounter (The John Lennon Collection) • 8 p.m. Warehouse – Armageddon Awaits Feat. Derek Moffat 4 Sisters– Guitar Logic • 7 p.m.

Thursday, December 5th UW-L Cartwright Center – Joanna Burns (blues, funk) • 6:30 p.m. UW-L Planetarium – John Boyle (ambient composer) • 8 p.m.

Saturday, December 7th Trempealeau Hotel – Holiday Parade and Vocal Point • 6 p.m. American Legion Post 52 – Pearl Street Banjo Band • 7 p.m. Freight House – La Barge • 7:30 p.m. Starlite Lounge – Kies & Kompanie • 8 p.m. Piggy’ – Scott Wilcox • 8 p.m. Fox Hollow – Paxico • 8 p.m. Popcorn – Sum Chunk • 10 p.m. Root Note – Hounds Before Lions • 8 p.m. Monday, December 9th Warehouse – Set to Reflect Wednesday, December 11th Cavalier Theater – John Boyle • 8 p.m.

5. Neko Case: The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You Neko Case — she of the bourbon-mellowed voice and leaping naturalist imagery — has long been the angel of the American altcountry scene, but somebody recently did her very, very wrong. At first spin, this longtitled album sounds as inviting as Case’s previous six, but vindictiveness and bitter one-liners stab through the record like ice picks. For a late-career break-up album, this mines fresh territory in an (admittedly malecentric) career arc. At some points, you feel bad for Neko. But then you hear an inspired turn of phrase or snarled delivery and realize you’re listening to an angel in her prime. 6. Disclosure: Settle Shaking off the hangover of dubstep and the coming surge of big room trance, this year’s finest electronica album once again bubbled up from Britain. A young Sussex duo, Disclosure were clearly weaned on the local diet of garage, 2-step and funky, and Settle is the pure fusion of jerky dance-floor beats and British neo-soul. Candy kids and late-tothe-party EDM’ers take note: This is how you rock a party in 2013.

3. Bill Callahan: Dream River With a flow of self-assured releases dating back two decades to his snarky recording moniker Smog, Bill Callahan has aged into one of the strongest voices in contemporary Americana, if not all of American rock. It’s

December 1, 2013 // 5


7. Parquet Courts: Pure Gold It sounds brilliant. It sounds like it was recorded in an hour. And both of these state-


Friday, December 13th All Star Lanes – Guitar Logic • 8 p.m. Moose Lodge – GTO Stardust • 6 p.m. American Legion Onalaska – Stoney Ridge Band • 7:30 p.m. Freight House – Dan Sebranek • 7:30 p.m. Root Note – Mayfield Experience • 9 p.m. Saturday, December 14th Red Pines Bar & Grill – Guitar Logic • 8 p.m. Freight House – Dan Sebranek • 8 p.m. Piggy’s – Mark Cameron Band • 8 p.m. Our Corner Bar – Hard Hat • 9 p.m. Popcorn – Armstrong Clawhammer • 10 p.m. Root Note – Ableton Workshop & Performance • 6 p.m. Wednesday, December 18th Pump House – String Ties • 7:30 p.m. Thursday, December 19th Pump House – String Ties • 7:30 p.m. Friday, December 20th Freight House – Ultrasonic Duo • 7 p.m. American Legion Onalaska – Buck Hollow Band • 7:30 p.m. Root Note – Jaybone Bell & Restless Light • 9 p.m. Saturday, December 21st Viterbo Fine Arts Center – La Crosse Symphony Orchestra • 7:30 p.m. Popcorn – Roster McCabe • 10 p.m. Root Note – Todd Clouser's A Love Electric • 9 p.m.

Friday, December 27th Freight House – Dan Sebranek • 7:30 p.m. Popcorn – Evergreen Grass Band • 10 p.m. Root Note – Charlie Parr • 8 p.m. Saturday, December 28th Freight House – Dan Sebranek • 8 p.m. Piggy’s – Doghouse Jon and the Misbehavers • 8 p.m. Our Corner Bar, – Altered Vision • 8:30 p.m. Popcorn – Tragic Americans • 10 p.m. Root Note – Mike Munson & Jake Ilaka • 8 p.m. Tuesday, December 31st Piggy’s – The Shufflin’ Duprees • 8 p.m. American Legion Onalaska – Double Take • 8:30 p.m. Starlite Lounge – Kies & Kompanie • 9 p.m. Our Corner Bar – Cheap Charlie • 9 p.m. Root Note – TUGG • 9 p.m.

Weekly Gigs

Sunday Popcorn – Innocuous Voodoo (funk) • 10 p.m. Root Note – Simple Roots Music Series • 12:30 p.m. Monday Popcorn – Acoustic open jam • 10 p.m. Del’s – Cheech’s Open Jam • 10 p.m. Tuesday Popcorn – Paulie • 10:00 p.m. Root Note – Jazz • 8:00 p.m. Thursday Starlight – Kies & Kompanie • 5 p.m. Huck Finn’s – Joe Cody & Jan-Arden Petersen • 6 p.m. Root Note – Open Mic • 8 p.m. Popcorn – Dave Orr’s Blues jam • 10 p.m. Send your music listings to


Answers on Page 6

6 // December 1, 2013

DIVERSIONS "Berry Good" Be an agent of change

By Matt Jones

Second Supper | The Free Press

Albums Answers on Page 7

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 ments just might be true. Texas’ Parquet Courts write jittery, punky rock ditties that clearly come from the mind of an English major. This 15-song debut hits like a haymaker and pogos away before you can even process what you heard. In an era of rock & roll bloat, more bands should learn this lesson. 10. Unknown Mortal Orchestra: II These are good days for people who enjoy sunny 1960s SoCal-inspired garage rock. Following last year’s releases by Foxygen and the Allah-Las, Unknown Mortal Orchestra brings the saccharine harmonies and vintage studio instrumentation to brighten the chilly months of 2013. Consistently excellent, II isn’t the most essential record of the year, but I’m oh-so-glad it exists.

ACROSS 1 Composer with a clavier 5 "Grumpy Old Men" actor Davis 10 Be choosy 13 ___ & the Bunnymen 14 Dessert dipped in coffee 16 Aunt, in Avila 17 What a forceful noblewoman often does? 20 Genre for Jay-Z 21 "Magnum, P.I." star 22 SSW, e.g. 24 Having great balance? 28 Gets on Halloween 29 Grammy winner for "Shepherd Moons" 31 Noodle or beach ball 33 Command for a sheep's fleece to grow bigger? 35 Toy magnate Schwarz 38 Attach, as string to a package

39 Cpl. or sgt. 40 Hatch of politics 42 Normal: abbr. 43 Five knit in one day, perhaps? 46 Permit holder, often 47 Actress Fisher of Season 4 of "Arrested Development" 48 Surgery suffix 51 "Hey, what's the big ___?" 53 Cool, daddy-o 54 Prickly bush 56 "Bang and Blame" band 58 "Yup, that's the sound a stream makes"? 64 Pick-up capacity? 65 E.B. White output 66 Haleakala's island 67 Players who only bat, briefly 68 Monica that raised a racket 69 Bank features DOWN

1 Casino transaction 2 "___ du lieber!" 3 Bright lipstick choice 4 Jorge's hi 5 Detective Adrian Monk's condition 6 Retiring 7 The Red October, e.g. 8 401(k) relatives 9 Che Guevara's real first name 10 "None of the above" relative 11 King or queen 12 Robot's jobs 15 Bob Ross's art medium 18 Tax mo. 19 Kill 22 Moneys owed 23 Nunavut native 25 Twitter's was on November 7th, 2013 26 "Roseanne" surname 27 Start of some search engine queries 30 George Harrison's "All Those Years ___"

32 Plundered 34 Cast often seen together 35 Newbs 36 Ring bearer's path 37 Ready to pour 41 A grand slam gets four 44 Of a noticeably smaller amount 45 Before, to Donne 46 Bausch & ___ 48 Went out 49 Teen infatuation 50 Ball field covers 52 Exist 55 Cushiness 57 Stone on the big screen 59 ___ pal 60 "Marble" bread 61 Letter before tee 62 ___ Lock (computer key) 63 Antiquated affirmative ©2013 Jonesin' Crosswords

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Office hours by appointment only


8. Daft Punk: Random Access Memories Daft Punk had the first mega-hyped record of the year, but when the rest of the Twitterverse moved on to Drake and JT and Jay-Z and Miley, Daft Punk still gifted us a record worthy of repeat spins. Dropping in the midst of EDM’s unlikely heyday, a throwback album indebted to 1970s Italian disco and studio synthesizer pros was not only a respectful nod to past masters, it also made for a living piece of art. Plus, this record gave us “Get Lucky” — the meant-to-be jam of the summer that was tragically co-opted by “Blurred Lines.” 9. Pusha T: My Name is My Name Hip-hop morphed into all sorts of strange directions this year, but no one nailed that mid-2000s formula quite like Pusha T, the sagacious d-boy formerly of the Clipse. With Alist guests galore, banging beats from Kanye acolytes, and a thousand boasts about drug dealing, it’s like a warm embrace from a notso-distant trap. Even more thrilling, Pusha’s twisting wordplay and jokey swagger reminds us why we all used rank him as a top 5 MC.

Sudoku Answers

11. Lorde: Pure Heroine It’s a singles world, and few pop songs ruled 2013 like “Royals,” the zeitgeist-y hit by 17-yearold Australian wunderkind Lorde. It would be easy to dismiss Lorde as the next Rebecca Black or Psy — a one-hit-wonder who inexplicably conquered the world — except the rest of her debut (up to and including the cheeky title) is an equally self-assured mix of tossed-off barbs and sleek minimalist production. I have no idea what her next record will sound like, but I simply can’t hate on this.

12. Yo La Tengo: Fade On the occasion of their 13th studio album, just as stupendous as any of their previous 12, Yo La Tengo has quietly made their case as the best American band of the past 25 years. All this trio does is write songs — grand, swirling, humbling, dreamy soundscapes — and Fade stacks up against anything from the band’s late-‘90s heyday. Only now, like the best Yo La Tengo songs, it’s beginning to sound like the heyday will never end. 13. Earl Sweatshirt: Doris Earl Sweatshirt broke out in 2010 as the youngest and most able rapper in LA’s Odd Future clique, but just as suddenly he disappeared from view. His retreat to a Samoan boarding school is fascinating (and Google-able), which makes his on-record return with Doris the ultimate teen angst artifact. This formal debut riffs on Earl’s absentee father, sudden fame, American phonyism and all the rest, but that’s not what’s important here. At just 19 years old, Earl is one of the most gifted lyricists in contemporary rap, and the fact he is back amongst us, and likely to get better, is reason enough to get excited for 2014.

Second Supper | The Free Press

December 1, 2013 // 7


The Beer Review Space Ghost Central Waters Brewing Company Amherst, Wisconsin By Adam Bissen The ghost pepper (Bhot Jolokia, to fans) is an Indian hybrid chili, 400 times hotter than tabasco sauce, that until being dethroned in 2012 reigned as the world’s hottest pepper. By contrast, imperial stouts are rich beers, often heavy with alcohol and malty to the point of molasses, which can deaden even the staunchest palette. These would seem to make an incompatible flavor pair, but chili stouts have been growing in popularity in recent years, and in this bandwagon-hopping beer economy, it’s inevitable that someone would push this trend to the point of absurdity. At least that was my thought upon hearing about Central Waters Space Ghost, an imperial stout brewed with ghost peppers. But after drinking my first bottle, it somehow works. This is one of the best new stouts I’ve tried this year. Chili stouts were once a novelty, a surprising pairing of heat, smokiness and malts. I’ve had my share of miscues with the chili stout style — cloying attempts that burn at the back of the throat — but Space Ghost works by not forcing the flavor. You’d think any ingredient with 855,000 SHUs on the Scoville scale would dominate a beverage, but the heat is quite understated here. The real surprise of the Central Waters Space Ghost isn’t the ghost peppers, but the stout. This is rich, creamy, and chocolaty, and when you do taste the chili you get a robust flavor and almost no heat. (Well, within rea-

son; I enjoy hot food, but Wisconsin isn’t renowned for its spice-seekers.) Purchase: One 22-ounce bottle of Space Ghost from the People’s Food Co-op, $5.99. Style: Imperial Stout Strength: 12 percent ABV (according to Internet speculation; the brewery has not shared) Packaging: The black, vaguely spaceage label looks like a telescopic photo of a galaxy with one white ghost pepper floating into orbit. Appearance: The beer pours the color of opaque crude oil beneath a thin chocolate head. Aroma: Space Ghost smells like a big stout, with lots of chocolaty malts, pomegranate, and a bit of boozy brandy. The chili pepper is tough to detect on the nose. Taste: The taste comes on with milk chocolate sweetness before stepping up on a surprising platform of floral hops that keenly balance the malts. Chilis arise at the finish, but only after the beverage warms towards room temperature. They offer a slight burn at the back of the tongue, which I thought paired nicely with the sweet body, a well-concocted finish to a smartly crafted beer. Mouthfeel: Rich and full-bodied. Drinkability: This is a beer you’ll want to share with your friends—more because of the richness of the malts than any heat from the ghost pepper. Rating: These bottles have been in stores for less than a month, so neither BeerAdvocate nor RateBeer have enough reviews to offer an official rating, but I would recommend trying this beer if you can find it. As an in-demand first-year release, Space Ghost is going hot!

Muse presents 'Santaland Diaries' Santaland Diaries by David Sedaris opens Dec. 5 at The Muse Theatre, 1353 Avon St., La Crosse. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 5-7 and 12-14. Santaland was first read on National Public Radio's Morning Edition in 1992 by author David Sedaris, retelling his humorous account of working as a Christmas elf at Macy's Department Store during the holidays. The piece was well-received and was the breakthrough for Sedaris, who now is a popular guest on the lecture circuit. Director Joe Mantello adapted the essay for a one man, one-act play, which debuted at Atlantic Theater Company in New York in 1996. It has since become one of the most popular season staples in theaters across the country. The show is for adults only and casts a sardonic look at the indignities of working as

an elf and the madness of the holiday season in a witty fashion and is best enjoyed with coworkers, friends and family. Matthew Scott Lucas has the lead role as Crumpet in Muse's production. Supporting cast members are Emily Vieth, Matt Springer, Alexander Cyert, Tegan Blank and Eric Barsness. The crew includes Vicki Elwood as production manager; Don Elwood, stage design; Donnie Mezera, lighting design; and Rebecca Harvey, costume design. Tickets are $22 general admission, $20 seniors and $10 students. Front-row, reserved VIP seats are $25. Tickets can be purchased online at, as well as in person or by phone at Salon Medusa, 203 S. Fourth St., La Crosse, 608-782-0707.

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The Art Rumba Review People. Places. Things. Studio Gallery 1311 Market St., La Crosse Through Jan. 12 By Andrew Chulyk Special to Second Supper On a warm April night in mid-November a crowd gathered on Market Street in La Crosse. I was working the night watch out of Art Enforcement when I got the call. It was an art opening; the kind that people attend with the hope that seeing art and meeting artists will broaden their perception and appreciation of the world and validate their existence to both themselves and each other. For these intellectual connoisseurs that come looking for their fix, these openings are a drug they can’t get enough of. An open mind is a vulnerable piece of real estate that degenerate artists can build on. And that’s where I come in; my name is Art Rumba, I carry a pen. Group shows bring together a wide range of artists work, each unique in its style, content, intent and interpretation of the world around us. "People. Places. Things." is such a show. Seventeen artists are exhibiting their photography, print making, oil painting, watercolor, drawing, encaustic and sculpture at SG1311, now through Jan. 12, and it is a show worth seeing. Dressed as an art hipster I blend into the crowd, pausing in front of artwork, feigning interest, nodding, smiling. The disguise seems to work. People are too busy chatting away to notice me. And although the art work is important, it seems they are much more interested in congratulating the artists who are more occupied sizing up the crowd for potential sales. I must write that down. Ooh, munchies, I think I’ll wander over to the food table. ... There is something in this show for every taste. Some have already shown here, others are new to the scene. Dirk Nelson’s mixed media ink drawing “Guardian” is mysterious and exudes a slight foreboding. His small bronze figures are more traditional, but with a quirkiness of pose and gesture like mini Henry Moores’. Roger Grant’s photo “Hood Ornament 2 1951 Cadillac” resembles a haunting art deco artifact, while his “First Bridge at Twilight” displays a rich eeriness, its colors beckoning you to enter a parallel ethereal world. In comparison, Drake Hokanson’s photographs celebrate the rich tonalities of silver gelatin printing presented in wide views like his “Central Pacific Railroad Bed” and boat houses in Winona. After wolfing down some cheese and bread and sipping some strange punch, I noticed that the gallery had completely filled with art gawkers. It was shoulder to shoulder with little wiggle room to maneuver my way around. Here I was in the viper’s nest, ready to exert some Art Justice when I saw IT, there across the room, barely visible between the chattering heads. I was drawn to IT like a dog to a hydrant. Outta my way, let me through…and I came face to face with something that shook my Art Enforcement beliefs to the core. It was a painting of deer jumping through a snowy winter corn field. I glanced around. No one was looking at it except me .It was all mine. ...

Jennifer Terpstra’s small encaustics charm you with magical words like Mysteria and Sacrum and “Island Memory.” Matt Ducket’s contemplative and introspective portraits added mood to balance against his small still life “Meditation for a Coming Winter.” And it’s always amazing what Jenn Bushman can do with a simple cabbage. Katie Musolff’s watercolors from her River Journal Series are exquisite and detailed portraits of life and fauna from the “Hair Woodpecker” to “The Last of These Things.” Jon Erickson’s river paintings caught the emotion of the day, “Winter Colors” waters partially frozen and somber and “On the River”, boathouses floating in summer warmth. I could feel myself changing, the room got brighter, laughter and voices filled the gallery. I was slowly, inevitably, becoming aware. ... A new addition to SG1311 is ceramicist Dean Schwarz and his son, Gunnar, who will be featured in an upcoming show this winter. Dean is renowned for his classic yet whimsical glazed stoneware work. Collected by museums and private collectors and corporations, Dean's work, emboldened with playful and colorful animal imagery, seems lost in time, not sure of what century it’s in. Also worthy of your consideration is the metal work of Adam Oldre. This artist patiently hammers and shapes copper pieces into organic pod-like vessels that seem to be holding the spores and seeds of extinct life forms. There are many more artists: John Whelan, Mike Martino, Ken DeWaard, Bob Witte, Buzz Balzer, Joseph Schwarte ,Nick Dietmaier and yours truly, Andrew Chuyk. This show makes a fine Holiday Sampler of area artists and their work and, of course, all for purchase. If you’re looking for something special and unordinary as a gift for someone or even yourself this season then see this show and be here for the December Open House/Christmas Party, Dec. 14, 6-9 p.m. Damn, my cell phone is vibrating. Another call coming in for the Art Enforcement Bureau saving me in just the nick of time, before I permanently changed and really started liking art. Although, now that I’ve had a taste, I think I want more.

Crossword Answers

8 // December 1, 2013

The Advice Goddess By Amy Alkon Some Like It Hot Mess

Why do “helpless” women have men constantly doting on them, while women like me are deemed “too strong”? I was raised by a 1970s feminist and single mother. (“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle!”) At 21, I became a widowed single mother. I put myself through school and own a home and a business. I now have a boyfriend who feels I don’t “need” him enough. He says I need to drop some of the balls I’m juggling so he can pick them up. “Just take them!” I say. We recently had a yard sale, and I did everything and was resentful and exhausted. I threw a little fit and walked away. My man then put forth a superhuman effort and cleaned everything up. But, as usual, he didn’t handle things until I was unable to.

Second Supper | The Free Press

THE LAST WORD --Superwoman The modern damsel doesn’t have to be in distress, but it helps if she at least has a few items not yet crossed off her to-do list. Otherwise, what is there for Superman to do but smoke a bowl and make YouTube videos of the cat riding the Roomba? No sooner did you find a man who says he wants to help than you immediately raised the bar. It isn’t enough that he’s willing to take out the trash from under the sink. You expect him to sense that you want him to and then wrestle you for the bag. What’s with this? Did you get comfy with the belief that women don’t need men and are you now intent on confirming that? Could it be that having him help conflicts with your self-image as the suburban Joan of Arc -- if not burning at the stake, cooking up the steak while burning with rage about how you have to do it all? You can have the martyrdom merit badge or a relationship; pick any one. Consider that maybe being a strong woman means being strong enough to admit that you need a man for something besides yelling at when he gives the wrong answer to “Do I look fat in this?” You will have to ask for help, which may be easier if you think of this as sending your boyfriend on little “quests” to make him feel needed. Though

you probably don’t need a Holy Grail, you could ask him to wield power tools or run up to Rite Aid to get your kid some cold meds. While he’s gone, here’s a suggestion: Write out that dumb fish/bicycle quote. Burn it. Scatter the ashes. And replace it in your head with an update on a classic: “It’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease -- that is, if it doesn’t run off and grease itself before anybody else can get up out of his chair to go look for the can.”

Bad Gratitude

Although I regularly tell my boyfriend how much I appreciate him, he repeatedly reminds me of how well he treats me, often saying “You sure have a great boyfriend” or “Your boyfriend’s so good to you” -- even when I’ve just done something super-nice for him! I’m not sure why he does this, but he often tells me he’s “very confident,” which screams insecurity to me. He also loves telling stories about people complimenting him and every day tells me about someone’s seeing him and saying, “Hi, Chris.” --Annoyed Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish for compliments and you annoy the crap out of everyone who knows or encounters him. Of course, if your boyfriend didn’t feel like a skin tag among men, he wouldn’t be marching

around putting out mini-manifestos on his greatness. You can probably get him to cut back on the incessant self-congratulation simply by telling him it grates on you and makes you feel unappreciated. (A woman likes a man who's quick with a compliment, but especially when at least a few of the compliments are for her.) The question is, do you even know the man you’re with? Chances are, he hides his real feelings out of fear that you’ll leave him if you get a glimpse of what he probably sees as his shamefully loserish true self. Unfortunately, somebody chasing inner security all around town is never going to find it, and if your boyfriend’s happy in your relationship, he’s unlikely to feel motivated to get into the grubby business of digging inward. Relationships involve tradeoffs, and maybe being with him is worth it to you. But you may ultimately find it too hard to respect a guy who does stuff like bragging when people say, “Hi, Chris.” Yes, it’s the highest achievement of the human spirit: “Wow, people know me, and they don’t shun me!” (c)2013, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email (

The January edition of Second Supper | The Free Press publishes Dec. 28. Our advertising deadline is Dec. 23. For information, email

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