[ENG] Política ducativa del Gobierno Distrital Bogotá Mejor para Todos

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Secretary of Education of Bogota

Our four-year Budget 2016 -2020 is US$ 5 billion 731 School campuses 384 Public schools 827.615 Students enrolled in 2016 1.842 Principals and head teachers 33.658 Teachers

Revolution of Schools The government of Enrique Peñalosa started the Revolution of Schools in order to transform Bogota into an educational city where the learning experience of students transcends the classrooms and takes over all city spaces – sports arenas, cultural, scientific – so that all citizens can learn to learn in a fun way. We seek to guarantee that all children and youngsters can access the educational system while understanding the problematics and socio-economical context each territory has. This way, we strengthen the permanence of kids in schools by implementing complete trajectories with integral wellbeing, access to a quality school meal program, mobility programs, and learning environments that dignify and transform lives. This way, schools become collaborative spaces between students, teachers, families, and communities. With this in mind, and conscious of the need the city has for the construction of new educational infrastructure due to a deficit in the number of schools, the change to a single school day system and the great demand for spots in all grades, we’ve proposed:

30 New schools

300 Improvements

In new land with innovative architectonical principles

Preemptive and corrective interventions to infrastructures such as: libraries, sports arenas, school cafeterias

32 Restitutions completions


Complete substitution due to deterioration or addition of pedagogical units that complement the existing services in educational institutions

Total investment: US$ 340.000.000

New School La Felicidad

Our aim is to close the inequality gaps that affect the access and permanence in the educational system so that children can go to school closer to home, enjoy spaces for sports, modern classrooms, school cafeterias, a library, art workshops, among other spaces that will contribute to advancing towards a high quality education that makes the dreams of many more kids come true.

Children and their wellbeing come first. This is why we offer them a healthy and nutritional meal program with the highest standards of quality, contributing to their physical and cognitive development, which in turns supports their learning process. Today, Bogota has the largest School Meal Program (PAE) in Colombia with the best rating from the Ministry of Education of the country. PAE delivers more than 900.000 school meals, with a strict quality control, through two modalities:

School snacks

730. 000 630 Snacks

Tons of fruit


Hot meals




School cafeterias / kitchens

Movile cafeterias

Food items

Tons, monthly

This administration has an unequivocal commitment to transparency. As part of this commitment we’ve transformed the operating contracting model for PAE. This change has allowed a higher specialty in services and plurality in suppliers, and has protected the process from artificially low or very high prices, all though: Creation of a strategic Alliance with Colombia Compra Eficiente (Colombia Buys Efficiently), the national organization in charge of all public buying processes in the country.

School Divino Maestro Public bidding: Guarantees competition and a more efficient contracting process. Virtual store: Products are requested through an online platform, resulting in an easy, fast, and transparent process. This way we eliminate all intermediary costs and generate economies of scale. Buy Order: The offer that is selected is that with the best quality at the best Price. Quality: Strengthens control mechanisms and surveillance of products. Distribution: Specialized suppliers are selected for the storage, assemble, and distribution of packaged snacks. This transformation has become a guiding model for other cities in Colombia and is considered a good contractual practice example internationally.

An education of quality for


Another important challenge of the educational system of Bogota is to be able to offer quality education that is pertinent for the life project of each of our students. Vocational exploration must be the starting point in contributing to the creation of a Bogota better for everyone where the quality of education guarantees opportunities. Going to school must help to potentiate essential knowledge for life and offer adequate conditions for learning, teacher training, educational evaluation for the improvement of school management practices, strengthening of high school years, ICT appropriation in classrooms, and promotion of bilingualism. To achieve all of the latter, we’ve started with early childhood. The Secretary of Education on Bogota started in 2016 the implementation of the “Integral Route of Attention to Early Childhood”. With this, we implement and validate quality standards in the attention to children aged 0-5, and we offer a better early education in Colombia. With this Integral Route, Bogota offers components such as: Family, Community, Health and Nutrition, Education, Human Talent, Educational and Protective Environments, management and handling of children from gestation to 5 years and 11 months of age. An Integral Route implies an interorganizational approach were the Secretaries of Education, Social Integration, Health, Culture, Recreation and Sports, along with the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (Colombian Institute for the Family Wellbeing).

With this strategy we aim to achieve: Offer integral attention to 232.687 children Qualification of human talent Strengthening of early education Availability of enriched environments for children The strengthening of the role of families in the educational process of early childhood

Plan Distrital de Lectura y Escritura

Additionally, we started the implementation of the first phase of the “System for Valuation of Childhood Development”, unique in the country, which will allow public organizations to understand if children are at the expected level of development for their age and the timely decision making to implement appropriate strategies that are adequate for teachers, families, and leaders of public policy. We’ve also started the implementation of a “Tracking System per Kid”, first of its kind in Colombia, and which will allow for the verification of the fulfillment of the attentions defined in the Integral Route. This system will report on the development process of each child and group as well as contextual aspects that affect development. On this note, we are convinced of the immense transformative power of books in the development of children. That’s why we are strengthening and promoting reading and writing since early childhood throughout

life, and we’ve set the goal of achieving correct reading and writing by the age of eight in all public school students. To achieve this goal, the government of Enrique Peñalosa has created a plan for the strengthening of Reading and writing called “Leer es Volar” (Reading is Flying), which facilitates the exchange of knowledge and processes through three lines of action that are developed in schools, public libraries, and other spaces deemed for Reading and book circulation:


To guarantee and stimulate reading skills as well as the taste for reading and writing from early childhood throughout life


To strengthen, modernize, and articulate the system of public, school and community libraries in urban and rural areas of the city


To generate knowledge, research, and Exchange of knowledge around the practice of Reading and writing in Bogota

With this, the Secretary of Education of Bogota aims to achieve the following goals: Offer the Reading and Writing Plan in 100% of our schools 100% of school libraries strengthened 100% of third grade teachers trained in the strategies for the strengthening of Reading and writing skills.

Luis Miguel Bermúdez

Teacher of school Gerardo Paredes Winner for Award ‘Gran Maestro 2017’

None of these goals would be achievable without the unconditional support of teachers who make the quality of education possible. This is why the strategy “Bogota Awards its Teachers and Teaching Directors, Leaders of Educational Transformation” was created, strengthening the policy of teacher training in the city, promoting their professional development in academic areas, and contributing, in turn, to the improvement of the quality of education.

This program supports professional trajectories, and promotes research and innovation according to the needs of the territories, contexts, and educational communities through:

1. Innovation Network for Teachers

Seeks to integrate different types of teacher training courses to strengthen pedagogical methods. Aims to form communities of co-learning and exchange among teachers Teachers can be trained through: postgraduate training, continuous training, and more. Our goa lis that by 2019, 11.485 teachers will have been trained.

2. Website “Red


(Academic Network)

3. Innovation Center for Teachers

Digital portafolios per teacher

Physical and digital centers where the network of public teachers from Bogota will find the whole spectrum of opportunities of training, exchange, collaborative learning they need to improve their teaching practices. These centers will have close links with universities, think tanks, and other centers of knowledge, science, technology, and education so teachers can access their knowledge more easily. Mobile Innovation Center for Teachers

School Climate and Environment When talking about an education of quality, we talk about learning experiences, as well as safe school environments for peace, reconciliation, and coexistence. In this sense, we seek to contribute to improve academic performance and promote the development and wellness of students in their personal and social life, understanding that the environments in which they grow and learn, as well as social and emotional competences they develop, are essential to achieve meaningful learning in their lives. Our purpose is to guarantee physical, social, and virtual spaces for the protection of the rights of children and young people of the city. We understand that the improvement of school environments is not limited to a matter of citizen security, but also tends to strengthen networks inside and outside the schools, which have the participation of parents, the community and local, district and national entities, aimed at protecting the city’s children.

In this perspective, we work in different dimensions, from the individual to the environment of the school, from the classroom to the educational institution. Among the strategies developed, the Secretary of Education conducted a study that identified Public School in BogotĂĄ with difficult conditions in their environments such as:

Discrimination Aggression Drugs Weapons Bullying

As a way to address these difficulties, a complete intervention strategy for the improvement of school environments has been implemented. This way, we seek to contribute to the construction of a city in peace through the positive impact on school climate, classroom climate, coexistence, and citizenship skill development. The aforementioned strategy includes 3 lines of action:

To impact the classrooms

To impact the school

Strengthening of social, emotional and citizenship skills of students Implementing Peace lectures with a civic culture approach

Strengthening of Coexistence Plans in public schools: Appropriation and designing of actions that focus on the prevention, promotion, mobilization, and leadership for the improvement of school climate and coexistence. Educational leadership: Develop and strengthen skills of local directors of education, principals and deans so that they can comply with their roles as educational leaders. School government and participation

Artistic activities in the territory

To impact environment of schools

Sports activities Safety and surveillance Programs for the prevention of alcohol consumption at an early age Family-School Alliance: methodological guide that focuses on the strengthening of the link between school and families so that it can be implemented at schools

More information

www.educacionbogota.edu.co mvangulo@educacionbogota.gov.co

(57) +1 324 1000

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