Secular Citizen Vol.22 No.36 dated 9th September 2013

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9 September 2013


Seminary Rector Died Of Chest Injuries

Kochi: A Catholic priest found bludgeoned to death in a seminary in southern India died of injuries to his chest and lungs, autopsy reports show. Father K. J. Thomas, rector of St. Peter's seminary, died "due to shock and hemorrhage as a result of blunt injuries to the chest" he sustained, said the post mortem report. The autopsy report on the body shows that the priest suffered fracture on ten ribs, five on each side. Both the lungs were punctured and collapsed as a result of the wounds inflicted, the report said. Other injuries include a fracture of the skull bone, nasal bone, a punctured wound on the right side of the mouth and an inward fracture of the spine at the level of the third vertebra. "It clearly shows that he was beaten to death with a crude object," a family member said adding that police had recovered a bloodstained iron bar from the place of attack. Multiple bruises were present on the back of right and left side of the chest. The report also says that there were many open wounds present on the left fore arm, outer aspect of right thigh and back of the left knee. There was evidence of lacerations on forehead, left eye, nose, right side of upper lip, inner aspect of lower lip and scalp. Four months after the incident, the police are yet to make any arrest in connection with the incident. The priest's body was found in a pool of blood just out side his bedroom on April 1. The police have some clues. "A lot of clues in fact, but we cannot build up a story on them, unless we have solid proof which will stand in a court of law," a senior police official told Aug. 27. The police could not establish the motive behind the murder. In July they subjected a priest, who lived next door to the victim, to a nacro test-- a form of questioning where the subject is placed into a chemically induced hypnotic state. "It is a highly complicated case…we cannot establish a motive behind it. I have never come across such a case in my professional life," said an officer investigating the case.


Manipur Tribe Sets World Record For Mass Bible Reading

Dimapur: The Gangte tribe in Manipur has set the world record for the largest mass bible reading. This was approved by record bodies such as the Limca Book of Records, Asia Book of Records and India Book of Records. Gangte leaders informed that the process is on to enter in the Guinness Book of Record. Addressing media persons at the Manipur Press Club on Friday, an elated L S Gangte, Chairman of the Gangte Christian Gospel Centenary Committee, Manipur said, “The achievement is significant not only for the Gangte community, but also for the whole state of Manipur.” He added that it is a moment of joy and happiness for the community “as the record has been achieved on the soil of Manipur." Determined to set a record, 7047 participants took part in the mass bible reading as part of the Gangte Gospel Centenary celebration on December 16, 2012 at Chiengkonpang in Churachandpur district of Manipur. Braving the cold wintry breeze, participants read the entire book of Romans from Chapter 01-16, starting at 1:27pm. The reading concluded at 2:53pm, taking a duration of 1.27 hours. The reading was witnessed by Maniram Sharma, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Churachandpur and L Mangkhogin Haokip, Superintendent of Police for Churachandpur. A press note informed that it was organized with the aim to involve all participants who took part in the centenary celebration. “The main aim of the mass Bible Reading was to spread the Gospel throughout the Seven Seas,” Rev K Source: Morung Express Mawia said.

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Vol.22 No.36 September 9, 2013


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‘Thought for the week’

The food that enters the mind must be watched as closely as the food that enters the body.


pg. 3 - Time For Real Church Action On Corruption pg. 3 - New Study Says Too Much Religion Is Bad For Economies pg. 5 - Views on News pg. 6 - Bandra FAir pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 8 - Marriage Encounter’s .... pg 9 - Angel of Death pg 10 - Traditional ‘Monthi Fest’ Celebration pg 14 - Anger Over Virgin Mary Dressed In Tribal Sari pg 16 - Dream On….. Realise Your Potential .... pg 18 - Enriching The Truth And Trust ... pg 19 - Inspiration pg 20 - Matrimonials

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Cover : Traditional ‘Monthi Fest’ Celebration (Article on pg. 10)

9 September 2013

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Time For Real Church Action On Corruption Attending rallies and demos is no longer enough. Manila: Businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles has finally turned herself in to the president following a bounty from Benigno Aquino himself and accusations she embezzled hundreds of millions of dollars in state funds. Lawmakers and state officials are deeply implicated. Meanwhile, people have voiced their protests against corruption, both on the internet and in person with a ‘million people” march in Manila and across the rest of the Philippines on Joe Torres Monday. Among the crowds were priests, nuns, seminarians and even Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle himself, who asked for everyone to remember the poor amid these scandals. What’s next in this corruption scandal which has captured the country’s collective imagination? People are skeptical. Many have posted on social media sites that nothing will come of it. Others, even more cynical after years of government sponsored graft, say it’s all part of a script in an age-old game of corruption that has destroyed the moral fiber of the Philippines. And what does it say about the Church in Asia’s only majority Catholic nation? Aside from reports that some leading members of the clergy benefited from the anomalous “pork barrel” available to every legislator (supposedly for development projects,) there are other institutions that have hardly bathed themselves in glory. This week, the Association of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines, an influential organization of missionaries and religious congregations, voiced its opposition to making Napoles a state witness, which is a necessity if the Philippines is to get to the heart of what is believed to be rampant and widespread state corruption. Other leading religious figures have been more in tune with the public mood. Benedictine nun Mary John Mananzan said Napoles "does not deserve immunity" even if she can be instrumental in ferreting out the truth – and therefore the officials – behind these multimillion dollar scams. Recent audits showed less than 20 percent of development monies have been spent properly and Napoles is linked to embezzlements totaling an estimated US$230 million. Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo of Manila warned against "efforts to divert" (Contd.. on p. 4)


Time For Real Church Action On Corruption

(Contd.. from p. 3)

the public’s attention to the case of Napoles instead of focusing on the need to abolish entirely the "pork barrel" system which gives 200 million pesos ($4.5 million) to each of the country’s 24 senators and 70 million pesos to 294 Lower House lawmakers, supposedly to develop the country. "The real issue here is... about the pork barrel and the lawmakers who are traitors to the country," said Pabillo. The new head of the country's Catholic bishops' conference Archbishop Socrates Villegas agreed, saying that the issue is not just about the shameless corruption of government officials, but morality. And when it comes to morality, Church people surely have to speak up. Villegas hit the nail on the head when he said that part of the problem is "the diminishing relevance and eroding credibility of moral shepherds. "It is the failure of religion to make morality and ethics the foundation of all human actions and endeavors, after almost five hundred years of Gospel presence," he added. Indeed, what have the country's bishops and priests and other Church leaders done all these years? This must sound naive, or plain stupid, but in a country where about 90 percent of people claim to be Christian or Catholic, how does this unbridled, unChristian and immoral cheating of the poor continue? It is time for noisy bishops, clergy, nuns and seminarians to examine their consciences regarding their role in a Church that is supposed to be for and of the poor. Is attending rallies and demonstrations enough? Is it the most that they can do to respond to the call by Pope Francis to get out their comfort zones? Villegas said Church leaders must "take responsibility for our failure to teach, and to take fresh new steps to restore morality in public and private life, which is a vital component of the Church’s mission." In what could be a painful admission, he said: "We brother priests have


New Study Says Too Much Religion Is Bad For Economies United Kingdom: Too much religion can harm a society’s economy by undermining the drive for financial success, according to a new study in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. The study of almost 190,000 people from 11 religiously diverse cultures is raising eyebrows among some of England’s religious leaders for suggesting Judaism and Christianity have anti-wealth norms. Written by academics at University of Southampton in England and the Humboldt University of Berlin, the study found that religious people in religious cultures reported better psychological adjustment when their income was low. The study cites the Bible to show how Judaism and Christianity turn upside down the belief that the highest possible income leads to the highest

failed to inspire our people to imitate Christ. We have failed to lead them to intimacy with him. Are our parishioners angered by the violation of the Commandments 'Thou shall not steal' and 'Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s goods'? Or are they protesting because personal rights have been violated? "Let the national news of the recent weeks about extensive corruption in governance make us more humble as moral guides and more zealous as lighthouses of morality in the midst of the storms besetting our boat," said Villegas. As Church leaders, and shepherds of God's flock, the clergy and the bishops should be courageous in denouncing evil as they bring to life the "prophetic teaching" of Jesus Christ. "As we denounce evil and sin, we must in the same breath propose imitating Christ as the only alternative to our social ills.... It is not enough to condemn evil. We must proclaim the goodness in each one. Overcoming evil by the power of good is the alternative we offer," Villegas said. Unfortunately, it is not something new. Any clergyman worth his theology diploma should know the basic teach-

possible happiness and psychological adjustment. It quotes biblical examples such as Jesus’ teaching, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” from Matthew

5:3. The academics conducted their interviews in 11 countries, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and Turkey. “What the great faiths condemn is the irresponsible use of wealth, not wealth itself,” said Michael Nazir-Ali, the former bishop of Rochester in the Church of England. “The worship of money is the root of all evil and not money on its own.” The authors said they received no financial support for the research authorship and/or publication of the Source: Religion News Service article.

ings of the Church, including what the social encyclicals have to say. Many of the most vocal critics of government, especially the leftist militants who have been branded as godless communists by the Church and the government in the past, will most likely raise their eyebrows at Villegas’ statement that "as we protest, we must immediately offer Christ as the only choice, otherwise the protests can lead to godless solutions.” Aside from theological interpretations of what the Church – the clergy and the people – can do in the midst of the "erosion" of society's moral fiber, what else can be done? Villegas said the rejection of the politics of patronage, the call for an in depth investigation of dishonest officials and the cry for the full application of the law will not stop corruption unless "we regain our fear of the Lord as a people.” What is revolutionary, although not new, was Villegas' call for the Philippines’ Church leaders to "smell like the sheep and get out of the swivel chair." Joe Torres is the UCAN bureau chief in Manila

9 September 2013

Justice System Is Raped A few months back everybody felt that a stringent anti rape law would put an end to female exploitation. We now have a fairly good law [sans death penalty]. Yet, we have another gruesome rape in the heart of the city and that too in broad daylight. This incident at Shakti mills, which is similar to the Nirbhaya case in the capital, has shaken the city. Strong voices are heard waking up the political bigwigs who rushed to the spot / hospital and were quick to announce that all the medical expenses will be borne by the government. It may be pertinent to ask if the same principle is followed in each and every case of rape in this state. Most other cases affect the poor and it is that class that needs the best medical care and financial help – not gimmicks. Then came the shocking allegation of rape by a 15 year old girl against Asaram – a self styled godman. The BJP leader, who had demanded death sentence for rapists only a couple of days earlier, goes silent. Other leaders fall over each other to ‘protect’ the accused. It took 12 days for the authorities even to question the accused. This is a rape of the law and the judicial system sending wrong signals to the common man. Other political parties have their own agenda. They will blame the establishment but when it comes to common good, they all gang up. No political party was willing to commit on a TV show that they will not give tickets to leaders with ‘rape charge’. Shiv Sena representative passed the buck saying that they give tickets but it is for the electorate to decide whom to elect. That is our political class – with no class at all. What the leader from Shiv Sena did not say is that his party is ‘comfortable’ with such leaders. They are comfortable keeping their company, giving them tickets [perhaps they have no option]. So when there is no will to cleanse politics, what can a citizen expect or do except to throw such characters out in the next elections.

VIEWS on NEWS It’s A Cozy Place It was reported in a local newspaper that New York City spends on an average about $15,000 [approx Rs 9.75lacs] per prisoner per month. That is a lot of money because the average citizen in that country does not earn half that much. In fact those law abiding citizens must be jealous of their incarcerated counterparts. It is hard to believe that it could really cost as much for those who are either undergoing their sentences or awaiting trial. It looks like the jail birds are on luxurious holidays at state cost. Who would like to come out? In fact a lot of people from here will not mind migrating to their prisons. A few weeks back someone sent me this piece of information. It said that the USA has the most number of prisoners – some 2.2 million that is 25% of the world prisoners. Mind you, unlike in India, the average trial time is about 95 days. The figure therefore is very high in actual terms. This percentage raises eyebrows if we consider that the total population of the USA accounts for only 5% of the world population. To feed 2.2 million people, even if the average spending is half of that of NYC, it could cost around 16.50 billion dollars. No wonder that the American economy is going through a bad phase. It would be interesting to know how much does our own government spend on its prisoners who are languishing there for decades, some out them for no fault of their own. Just because someone is in jail we tend to look down on such people. How many of them have finished their jail terms and are still there just because they do not have anybody to take up their cases. On the other hand, VIP jail birds enjoy 5 star luxuries, which in monetary terms may out-do American costs, thanks to our corrupt establishment. This country needs prison reforms urgently. *****

by Marshall Sequeira

Unique Match Fixing There are reports that BCCI is hell bent on seeing that the maestro – Sachin Tendulkar play his next two test matches in India. He is on 198 at present and if the board goes by the set cricketing calendar, he will have to play those in South Africa. They want us to believe that it will be great if he reaches that landmark in India. The truth may lie elsewhere, considering the current form of the cricketer – no hundred in the last 21 tests. Chances are that he may flop in South Africa. That would be a disaster for the man who has held the world spell bound by his achievements on the cricketing field. If that is true, it is an insult to Tendulkar’s abilities if the board thinks that he needs to be shielded from the hostile South African pace attack on bouncy wickets. He needs to show the world that even in the evening of his cricketing career, he is capable of facing any attack and prove a point. By trying to convince the West Indies to play a couple of tests before the South African tour, the board is making things too obvious. Tendulkar should himself show his reluctance to be treated as a batsman who is making his test debut. Player of his caliber is made of sterner stuff and he should make it known to the authorities by insisting on playing his 200th landmark test in South Africa. Reaching landmarks is a great thing but to do that in dubious ways will not add to the stature of own brand of Don Bradman.


9 September 2013


Archbishop Parolin Named Secretary of State

VATICAN CITY: The Holy Father has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the secretary of state. At the same time, the Holy Father has named Archbishop Pietro Parolin, Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela, as the new secretary of state. He shall take possession of his office on 15 October, 2013.

Maharashtra Government Banning Black Magic

Pune: Maharashtra is banning black magic. State authorities have issued an ordinance against false gurus using pseudo-mystical rituals to feed superstitions and popular beliefs. The step was taken with a certain urgency following the murder of Narendra Dabholkar, 69, one of the staunchest critics of magical practices in modern India, who was assassinated yesterday in Pune by a stranger. Maharashtra will be the first Indian state to adopt anti-black magic measures in the country. Discussed and debated for more than ten years, the Maharashtra Eradication of Blind Faith Bill was first introduced in 1995 and redrafted at least 29 times. Dabholkar and his Committee for the Eradication of Blind Faith (Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Maharashtra Samiti) fought hard to get it approved. The bill was not passed for a long time because of opposition from radical Hindu groups, who called it "anti-Hindu" and "anti-religion", this in a country where mysticism and spirituality are part of everyday life and tradition. However, Dabholkar had always rejected such accusations. "In the whole of the bill, there's not a single word about God or religion. Nothing like that. The Indian constitution allows freedom of worship and nobody can take that away," he explained. "This is about fraudulent and exploitative practices," such as animal sacrifices, which the activist rejected.


Mount Mary Bandra Says Bye-bye Bamboos Thousands of devotees eagerly awaiting the Bandra fair and Mother Mary’s birthday feast at Bandra’s Mount Mary Basilica are in for a surprise. Instead of the bamboo shed which has been erected every year for the last 26 years on the premises, a swanky metallic structure called ‘hanger’ will greet them this year. The swanky metallic structure called 'hanger' uses a new German technology. It is made up of an aluminium alloy.

Bandra Fair Bandra Feast is a week-long celebration that attracts thousands of people to the fair. During the Bandra Fair week, the whole of Bandra (West), a suburb of Mumbai is decorated with festoons and buntings. Many people pitch up stalls selling religious items, roasted black grams and sweet items. Stalls sell all kinds of Goan, Mangalorean and East Indian sweets and also wax idols of the Blessed Virgin Mary, along with an assortment of candles shaped like hands, legs and various other parts of the body. Stalls selling little bottles of soapy water that can create bubbles are very popular with children. The innocent fascination of blowing bubbles that eventually burst brings joy and laughter to all around. Clowns, mimicry shows, circus stunts and other entertainment shows add to the festive feel. You can have your photographs taken with backgrounds that vary from space age to religious to worldwide landmarks. These are popular with those groups of people who have come with their family and friends from far flung small towns around Mumbai.

Snacks and complete meals made at the homes of those locals residing in the fair area are famous for their taste, variety and economical rates. There are such food outlets at almost every corner. Stalls of sweets, games and entertainment attract crowds from surrounding areas. This creates a festive atmosphere from Mount Mary steps through John the Baptist Road to Mount Carmel’s Church grounds. Here the giantwheel, the merry-go-round, the wellof-death, sea-on-land and other game stalls are patronised by eager kids, teenagers and people of other age groups too. Chapel Road and beyond too are part of the Bandra Fair area with toys, games and sweet stalls attracting people. This year, Bandra Fair is being celebrated from September 8 till September 15. — Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

9 September 2013

Mumbai Gang-rape The gang-rape of a 22 year old photo- journalist in Mumbai is yet another sordid incident to prove how nothing has changed since the brutal Delhi bus gang-rape on December 16, and women and even children continue to be raped in different parts of the country with impunity, under a lame- duck legal system. While the Mumbai crime branch has done a commendable job In nabbing the 5 accused in record time, it is now up to the Maharashtra govt. to take a tough stand and fasttrack the case without the run-of-themill court procedures of bail applications and endless appeals to buy time and dilute the offence . In view of the heinous nature of the crime , no clemency should be shown to the two accused claiming to be juveniles under the age of 18. They should be tried as adults without giving credence to their birth certificates , knowing very well how birth certificates are easily available in the country and manipulated to suit a person’s requirements. Unless our courts act promptly, the situation in the country will only be going from bad to worse and beyond the point of return. —A. F. Nazareth, Alto porvorim

Bring Stronger Rape Laws Just as a terrorist has no religion, so also is a rapist. A rapist is a frustrated person who goes on raping every woman he meets. He does not see whether she is a mother, a sister or a neighbour. All he wants to do is enjoy himself. The rape laws in India are very weak. That is why we see hundreds of rapes taking place every day. Sometimes rape cases are covered up by the police because the rapist is a friend of the police. Also, the most tragic procedure in rape cases is the identification parade. In a majority of cases, the rape victim is unable to identify the accused. She is also traumatized to say the least. She may also not be in a position to recognize the culprit, as the accused even keep covering the victim’s face while

9 September 2013

sexually abusing her. Hence, rape laws in India should be amended to uphold the dignity of women and to give the maximum punishment to the rapists. They should also be tried by women judges only, as men judges favour the men (rapists) only, in spite of being found guilty. — Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili

Raksha Bandhan And Other 'Indian' Festivals Kudos to Jubel D'Cruz and to others of his ilk for detecting from time to time much significance in Raksha Bandhan and other such 'Indian' festivals and, above all, for sharing their views with the readers of periodicals like The Secular Citizen and The Examiner! The point Jubel and others however miss is this. There's much more to Indian festivals - more correctly read as 'Hindu' festivals - than meets the eye. Raksha Bandhan came into being when a woman ruler of a certain Hindu fiefdom, finding herself at risk from a fast approaching marauder-ruler of another state sent an appeal to the ruler of a neighbouring kingdom for protection and got it. It was thus a non-blood relationship that brought about awareness of the need for a brother to protect his blood-sister. How the sister protected herself until then is anybody's guess! And if one understands that in the Hindu ethos, a woman hardly counts as an equal to man one would begin to see things differently and in the correct light. The 'mangal-sutra' is a case in

point. We Catholics have blindly incorporated its use in our marriage ceremonies without understanding its real significance. Essentially, the mangalsutra denotes that the woman is some man's personal property - which actually contravenes the Christian concept of marriage. 'Sati', the practice of a woman burning herself to death on the funeral pyre of her deceased husband is part of the non-Christian understanding of marriage. The Christian marriage rite denotes equality between the man and the woman in question, each vowing to love and honour the other until death does them part. That is not in consonance with the Hindu marriage concept. And if we seek and find so much meaning in so-called 'Indian' customs or traditions, why do we stop at celebrating Bhau-Bheej, Raksha Bandhan and using the mangalsutra? Why not go beyond these practices and observe 'Kaurva Chauth' too? Informatively kaurva chauth is an important Indian ritual observance whereby the wife prays and fasts for 24 hours, depriving herself of even water, all for the well-being of her lord and master, the husband. Many of us Catholics seem to prefer the 'pick-and-choose' method of observing the Christian Faith as taught by the Catholic Church. And so we find it very easy to apply that tactic to observing picked-and-chosen Hindu festivals as 'traditional Indian festivals'. But it doesn't work that way, my friend! Take it ALL, or leave it all aside is what alone makes for truthfulness.

—Ladislaus L D'Souza Mith-chowki, Malad West

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Marriage Encounter’s Ruby Glow


e have a unique message to broadcast, a special song to sing! Worldwide Marriage Encounter, India, has taken on a rosy hue, a crimson glow, as it celebrates its 40th Anniversary in our Country this year. Why should we hide this “candle� under a bushel? Let the world behold and share the intimacy and greatness this Movement offers. Dick & Patrick Alexandro and Fr. Peter de Souza C. Ss.R., dreamed the impossible dream, to reach the unreachable star - India, while on a joint (Marriage Encounter) ME Weekend in the U.S.A. They read ‘the signs of the times’ well and correctly! Dick and Pat prayed and prayed and listened to the voice of God. When they discerned His “call�, without much ado, but in fierce faith in God’s providence, they gave up everything and packed knapsacks and their three children, aged six, four and one, and hastened to our shores, financed totally by Encountered couples back home. They used Mr. & Mrs. Pipes home in Bangalore as their launching pad, to pour liquid gold into the hearts of marital partners, first in Bangalore and then in erst’while Bombay: couple love, refurbished, shinning, enriched, Faith-imbued, Spirit-filled! Fr. Peter obviously was their collaborator in this pioneering mission of matrimonial intimacy, through a forty-four hour Programme, Friday evening to Sunday evening. The Movement spread like a forest fire! This was in keeping with Dick & Pat’s unflinching conviction: “Nothing is impossible for God. His grace is sufficient for us. We can do all things in

The Vision : “Love one another as I have loved you�

Him who strengthens us.� Ah! This surely is pure Pauline evangelical zeal! Certainly nothing is impossible for God. He planted Fr. Pepe Casanovas S.J. to touch and melt the hearts of nuptial pairs in Mumbai. This ardent soul went door to door, and

Lorraine & Leon Bent literally swept conjugal lovers off their feet, and welcomed them to the “Enrichment Programme� by the hundred! Another Jesuit, Fr. Daniel Ferrando S.J., the then Rector of the Diocesan Seminary, joined the party with his sponta-

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The Mission : “To bring about renewal in the Church, change in the world, and assist Matrimonial Couples, Priests and Religious to live intimate and responsible relationships, by providing them a Catholic “experience� and ongoing Community support to maintain such a lifestyle.�

neous warmth and holy embrace. The twosome won many hearts over and soon, ordinary “pledged partners� became “lovers� for Jesus’ sake! In fact, Fr. Dan, who was a sensuous “lover� of, both, God and humankind, is the “Father� of Engaged Encounter in India too! Frs. Peter, Pepe, and Dan and fiery, but now aging couples like Bernice & Joe, Myrna & Reggie, and Julia & LLoyd, and a host of others, not only gave ME roots and wings in Mumbai, but helped the Movement reach out to other cities in India, and several neighboring countries. The Flag of WWME now flies proudly, thanks to God’s graciousness, in almost a hundred countries, including Russia and China! What a wondrous miracle! Dr. Fr. Davies George, former India and Asia ME Team Priest writes eloquently from Jabalpur: “On this occasion of the Ruby Anniversary of WWME India, we salute the founding Team, Dick & Pat and Fr. Peter, and place on record our deep indebted-

9 September 2013

ness for what and who they are for us, and for what they have done to light the lamp of ME in our country, which continues to burn brightly.” Fr. Peter reminiscences: “Dick & Pat spent ten fruitful months in India and went back home on 14th February, 1974, because they wanted to give WWME India, a befitting and lasting Valentine Gift of their “couple love”, and also the rich “Transfiguration Experience on Mount Tabor!” The pathbreaking couple had to return to the U.S. hastily, also because Dick was in a “delicate condition” expecting her fourth child - A reciprocal gift from Marriage Encounter, India! Blessed Pope John Paul II announced prophetically: “I place much of my hope for the future in Marriage Encounter!” Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, speaking at an audience for WWME leaders from across the Globe exclaimed: “Marriage Encounter, Yes! You are doing very important work in our Church and in the world we live in. I will pray for you and your Movement.” Pope Francis urged Christians to be heralds of joy and hope in the contemporary world, and this is precisely what

9 September 2013

WWME is doing in real earnest, in the power of the Spirit! The “Vision” of WWME is: “Love one another as I have loved you” (Jn. 13:34; 15:12). It is, indeed, a challenge, an opportunity and a privilege to be messengers of Jesus’ last will and testament! Wow! Is it really so? The “Mission” of WWME is: “To bring about renewal in the Church, change in the world, and assist Matrimonial Couples, Priests and Religious to live intimate and responsible relationships, by providing them a Catholic “experience” and ongoing Community support to maintain such a lifestyle.” WWME makes “good marriages better and better marriages great!” It helps ordained and consecrated men and women live out their chastity with greater clarity, intensity and felicity. It makes Matrimony and Holy Orders mutually interactive and enriching! It is only fitting and proper that WWME, India, is holding a National Convention at the Diocesan Seminary, Goregaon, Mumbai, from 13th- 16th October, 2013, to raise a toast to forty years of its strong, fruitful, and inspiring presence in our beloved Land. The

Theme for this memorable milestone is: “Go, Grow, Glow - Faith and Love in Action.” The inaugural Eucharist will be celebrated by His Eminence, Oswald Cardinal Gracias at 4 p.m. on 13th October at the Diocesan Seminary followed by an Entertainment Programme, Fellowship and Dinner. The closing Eucharist is scheduled for 16th October at 12 noon. And, this final flourish and surprise package! Welcome back, Dick & Pat Alexandro to grace the Ruby Anniversary Festivities of WWME India! The seed of profound hunger and poignant thirst for marital oneness you planted so painstakingly, meticulously and selflessly forty years ago has borne fruit in abundance! The “best wine from Cana”, vintage concoction really, is still flowing from the Wedding Feast’s Indian jars; our gratitude to you and Fr. Peter for being His worthy instruments! We thank and praise you Jesus, for the great gift of Marriage Encounter! And, in this Year of Grace, let there be a New Pentecost and a fresh anointing, so that, we have a golden harvest of couples beating a path to a Marriage Encounter Weekend!


Traditional ‘Monti Fest’ Celebration ‘Monti Fest’ is a unique festival celebrated by Mangalorean Konkani Community. In Mangalore, every parish has its own grand celebration. The feast is originated in Goa, however it is no more celebrated by Goans today. But for Mangaloreans it is the only festival that reminds cultural roots and mother tongue Konkani. Except Goans, all Konkani speaking people celebrate ‘Monti Fest’ in a grand manner to mark the Nativity of Blessed Vergin Mary. In the western India coastal belt; Mangalore, Karwar and Sindhudurg dioceses celebrate ‘Monti Fest’ on September 8th. Mangaloreans spread across the globe celebrate it on a day of convenience close to the actual date. In Vasai and Bombay Arch diocese the feast is celebrated on 8th or any other convenient day after the feast during the September month. The celebration is generally organised by a large number of social and parish based organisations spread in both the dioceses. ‘Monthi Fest’ is also celebrated by Mangaloreans living in different parts of India as well as worldover. In recent times, many Mangaloreans have traveled across oceans to look for a better life. Many of them have permanently settled in countries other than their birth place. Yet the desire to cling to their roots and pass on their age old traditions to the next generation is very strong in most of them. The Nativity Feast serves as the perfect opportunity for families to mingle with each other and celebrate together as it brings back memories of home and of Mangalore. The celebrations are grand in placess like Canada, Australia, UAE, USA, Rome, Germany, Mozambique, Ireland, Israel, UK, Middle East and Glulf Countries ‘Monthi Fest’ celebrated all over Karnataka and Maharashtra by Mangaloreans and other Konkani communities. The only difference of this feast is that, Mangaloreans use statue of Mother Mary (Maria Bombina) while Maharastrians use statue of “Mount


Monte Mariano Monastery, Farangipet Farangipet in Mangalore is home to an ancient Catholic outpost which, at various times, has been, and still is, a church, friary, monastery and seminary. Located on top of a hillock, on the north bank of Netravati River, the official name of the place is Monte Mariano - Mount of Mary. The Monti Fest derives its name, with a little corruption, from Monte. It was here that a Goan secular priest, Fr Joachim Miranda, started this annual new corn feast to coincide with the feast of Nativity in 1763. Though Tippu Sultan destroyed the churches of Canara, he spared Monte Mariano Church in deference to the friendship of his father Hyder Ali with Father Miranda.

Mary�. This feast has a unique quality of bringing all Mangaloreans under one roof for celebration it is the beginning of a new season. Elders in the community say going by the almanac, it is the birthday of Mother Mary, but it is also significant that the celebration of arrival of new crop as a gift of mother earth. Every Christian family in Mangalore in their respective Parishes on this occasion are given strands of freshly cut paddy, which they take home and include it into their ‘Novem Jevann' (new meal). The Feast of Nativity was started by ancestors in Goa. The festival includes Hindu traditions and Christian faith. When the Portuguese established

their rule in Goa in 1510, they began to convert the Hindus to Christianity. However, the converted Christians could not part away with their age old customs, traditions, culture and festivals. Under these circumstances, the priests thought of a plan and they combined their important festivals with the feasts of saints and Mother Mary. Therefore, currently what we practice today in our feasts are the age old customs and traditions that can be seen in festivals of our Hindu brothers. For example, distribution of new corn/fruits, sugar cane for ‘Monti Fest’. In Bandra, Mumbai “Mount Mary Feast� is celebrated from the following Sunday of 8 September which will continue for eight days.

9 September 2013

Mount Mary Feast was started in 1556 by Jesuit Priests. As the church was situated at the Bandra Hill, they christened Mother Mary as “Mount Mary” (means: Mother of Mountain). Gradually this church/feast became a pilgrimage and thousands of devotees flocked to this holy site. The transport/ communication between Bombay-Goa was strong in those days and as such the Goan priests combined this feast with the har- Celebration of ‘Monthi Fest’ at Monte Mariano, Farangipet

Little History of Mangalorean Catholics Contemporary Mangalorean Catholics are descended mainly from Goan Catholics who migrated to South Canara between 1560 and 1763, throughout the course of the Goa Inquisition, Portuguese–Adil Shahi wars, and the Portuguese– Maratha wars. They learned the languages of South Canara, Tulu, and Kannada, but retained Konkani as their mother tongue and preserved their lifestyle. Their 15-year captivity at Seringapatam imposed by Tipu Sultan, the de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, from 24 February 1784 to 4 May 1799 led to the near extinction of the community. After Tipu's defeat and subsequent killing by the British in 1799, the community resettled in South Canara, and later prospered under British rule. vest festival. In Portuguese “ Mount” means “ Monthe” and hence, this feast was finally christened in Konkani as “Monti Fest” Since the harvest festival was celebrated for nine days by our ancestors, nine day Novena to Mother Mary was also introduced along with new corn tradition of the feast. As the harvest festival was an important feast of our ancestors, they began to hold “Monti Fest” with traditional gaiety and enthusiasm. In 1684 Portuguese completely banned speaking of Konkani in Goa . The order was passed only to speak Portuguese and they also banned all their old customs and traditions. The Portuguese, brought

9 September 2013

Sir Thomas Munro 1st Baronet helped the Mangalorean Catholics recover their lands after their return from captivity.

them under law of Inquisition and punished for violating the law. Hence, to preserve their language and culture most of our ancestors ran away from Goa to the South and settled in Karwar, Kundapur, Udupi, Mangalore and still further until Kochi in Kerala. The statue “Maria Bambina” was

modeled in wax in 1735 by Sr. Izabella Chaara Fornari, superior of the Poor Clare Sisters in Today, Italy. This statue was venerated in public only on 8th September and due to this public appearance and devotion many were benefitted and hence globally this statue was christened as “Statue of Miracle”. It was

transferred in 1856 to the Mother House of Sisters of Charity in Milan (Italy). This statue is in the possession of Sisters of Charity Even today and it has been used for spreading the devotion. In 1568, Franciscan Fathers built a church in Arkulla (Mangalore) and dedicated it to St. Francis of Assisi. Since the Portuguese were conducting the trade via river in this area, the area was christened as “Firngyanchi Pent” which means “The town of Gora/ White” which is today called as “Farangipet” This church was one of the three first churches built by them in Mangalore. While Fr. Joachim Miranda was serving in Gangoli (Mangalore) in the years 1759-1762, he was transferred to Farangipet in 1763. He started a seminary for the priests and was called it “Monthe Mariano”. He was a wellknown and good priest among the laity. He was attracted by statue of “Maria Bombina” made by Franciscan Sisters in Italy (St. Clare Sisters) . He introduced this statue to the feast of ‘Monti Fest’ and the new spirit and enthusiasm was created for celebration. All the rituals connected with ‘Monti fest’ distinctly reflect the cultural roots of the people and incidentally also close to other festivals of the region such as Onam, Pongal and a true reflection of home grown festivity that is distinctively Mangalorean. (Inputs from various sources)



9 September 2013

9 September 2013


Syro-Malabar Church To Simplify Liturgy

Kochi: The Syro-Malabar Church has resolved to take steps to simplify the liturgy of the church. During its 12-day Episcopal Synod, that concluded in Kochi Saturday, the church called on the laity to practise simplicity in word and deed. In a release, the Synod, chaired by Cardinal George Alencherry, said that institutions under the church should be model centers where the teachings of Christ would be practiced. It was attended by 47 bishops at Mount St Thomas, the headquarters of the church at Kakkanad. It decided to take all efforts to help those who had borne the brunt of the unprecedented monsoon fury. There was an in principle agreement at the Synod to modify the liturgy by making it more simple and appealing to the laity. This would be followed up by forming a panel for the purpose. The Synod decided to open an office in Kochi to coordinate the church’s activities for its members living abroad. The commission for migrants under the church was asked to take steps for this. The Global Meet 2013, held during the Synod and attended by about 500 migrant members of the church, was an occasion to share the issues they faced. The meeting of the Women’s Forum was also attended by the bishops. The Synod suggested that in addition to the present pre-marriage counseling for youth, the family apostolic departments of the church should think of imparting post-marriage counseling too to strengthen families.



Anger Over Virgin Mary Dressed In Tribal Sari

ome 20,000 tribal people in Jharkhand state in eastern In dia have marched on a village church, accusing local Christians of trying to convert them by dressing up a Virgin Mary statue in tribal clothing. Members of the animist Sarna faith have been complaining since the statue was inaugurated in the Singpur village church in May. But the standoff escalated on 25 Sunday when the marchers took a normal statue of Mary to the church, aiming to replace the offending item, which depicts the Virgin Mary wearing a sari with traditional red borders, holding the infant Jesus. Police blocked the protesters 25 meters from the church. Local head of the Sarna tribals, said the sari-clad statue marks the latest effort to deliberately confuse and convert tribal people in the area. “If the idol of Mother Mary is shown in the outfit of a tribal woman, then 100 years from now people will think that Mother Mary was a tribal from Jharkhand,” he said. police Jagannath Oraon said that they were seeking to avoid a confrontation and peace was quickly restored. Bandham Tigga, head priest of


Thanks to St. Joseph for the favours granted in executing our new engineering project successfully — S. A. D'Souza, Mumbai

Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, who is also the archbishop of the state capital Ranchi, defended the statue saying it was inside the church compund and therefore not in a public place. “Christians are also tribals and we have full rights to tribal traditions,” he said. “How can Sarna members exclude us when they speak about tribal culture?” Conversions remain controversial in India with rules differing by state. Several have passed anti-conversion laws in the past decade, a trend that the US State Department claims is designed to institutionalize Hinduism. In Jharkhand, tribal followers of Sarna outnumber Christians but their animist faith is not recognized officially by the Indian government.

9 September 2013

Who‘s Afraid Of Reza Aslan? by Bernie Tellis

Reza who ? The American Muslim who‘s authored a book ,titled : Zealot – The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth. Why ? You really need to ask ? Because anything ,especially if it‘s controversial – as this book reportedly is – on Jesus Christ , films,art,music , books ( remember Dan Brown ) sets the cash registers ringing. Have you read the book ? No. Do you plan to ? If I receive a complimentary copy and find the time ,perhaps. Then how do you comment on it ? I‘m not commenting on the book, which is supposed to be historical not theological/ religious,according to Aslan , but on its author. Who‘s this person,anyway ? His fore -fathers were Muslim,he was baptized a Christian,but recently re-converted to Islam ,although his wife and other family members are yet Christian. Says Faith and Religion are not the same ( like we needed him to tell us ! ); says he‘s ‘ obsessed ‘ with Jesus since the past 20 years ( we‘re flattered ); has doctoral degrees,is a historian and scholar

9 September 2013

( ? ! ). So what‘s the book‘s objective ? Purely academic,he claims. I seriously doubt it.Why would someone AFTER leaving the Faith, denigrate its Founder ? Dear Reza, the Man you‘re obsessed with – to quote you – was crucified by His detractors some 2000 years ago ,because they feared His influence and charisma. He had a few hundred followers,then.Today, they number 1.25 billion ! Enjoy your 2 minutes of fame and glory on talk shows and bestseller lists. We Christians do not require lessons in our Faith and Religion from self-confessed non- believers. In conclusion, here are some suggestions – if you possess the courage of a Salman Rushdie – for your next work of fiction : do tackle the subjects of Fundamentalism, Terrorism and Jihad. For sure,you ‘ll be having an authoritative perspective on them . Cordially , yours in Christ , BT.

The Death Of Great Personality Dr. Narendra Dabhokar The ghastly and brutal murder of anti-superstition campaigner Dr. Narendra Dabhokar in the early hours of Monday at Pune is a threat to all social activities and whistleblowers who work tirelessly for betterment of the community. Good citizen aren’t safe from the diktats of self-appointed spokespeople. The type of gruesome murder only proves the ideologically bankruptcy of cowardice. The news of Dr. Narendra Dabholkar death saddened me, for in him I saw a great messiah for the poor who are exploited by the self-appointed godmen . A great person down to earth. His love for creation and above all for mankind proves God’s presence in him. He was determine for a cause knowing what the end of a prophet would be. I heard him at number of occasions and never mind travelling miles to hear more. Little I can do for this great soul is let the mission continue through me. There are no Human Words to describe the Loss of this great soul.

—Calistus Fernandes

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Dr eam On‌.. R ealise Y our P otential Dream Realise Your Po

Awaken The Leader In You “ A manager does things right. A true leader does the right thing. A manager is efficient in his work. A real leader does his work effectively�

O Shape the future. Articulate where

yourcompany or division is going and be sure everyone around you understands thedirection. O Make things happen Once you know —PeterDrucker, the greatest where you’reheaded, focus on how. management guru of all time. Again, be sure all of your people know what executingwill take. O Engage today’s talent . Make the oday we delve into a topic which most of yourpeople; engage and has been the mostdiscussed topic inspire them to do their best. in literature, management, journalO Build ism, public speaking tomorrow’s talandalmost every aspect of ent. Find and our daily life. I will briefly focus on simplifying the build thetalent informationavailable in tomes you need for fuof availableliterature and mature success. terial on LEADERSHIP, O Invest in yourthrough some personal anself. You can ecdotes and alsothrough exnever be aperfect tracts from the best of self leader; find ways improvement books and try , to continually try tohighlight the best way to by Steven Lawrence D’Souza build your skills becoming a leader, and how (Former IRS –RETD (VRS-2008)and become betat the same time achievingself Customs, Central Excise and Service ter.


tax, Officer, presently a corporate actualization or realizing The best exmanagement and tax consultant . one’s fullest potential is a hortation on leadOn Advisory Panel of various state primepre-requisite of anyone ership has been and central govt. committees, promiaspiring to be a leader. I have from the bookof fanent NGOs and deemed universities already begun my talkby mous inspirational and senior high court/supreme court quoting the best definition Christian motivalegal counsel on tax, administrative above ,of a leader by the tional guru John and finance matters .Besides, Visitgreatest managementguru of ing faculty business mgt., and course C. Maxwell – all time. Yes, a leader is one coordinator for UPSC –IAS and other “ L a w s who does the RIGHT thing, a competitive exams) ofleadership.� follower isone who follows it, Which talks of and a manager is one who Fivephases of does the RIGHT thing decided bythe leadership growth in his Bestselling bookleader. This then is the simplest way to –‘The 21 Irrefutable Lawsof Leaderdifferentiate a leader, a followerand a ship’. Becoming a leader islike investing manager. Now we shall focus on the in the stock market. If you try to make a million dollar question- what exactlyis the fortune in a day, youwon’t succeed. If RIGHT thing to be done?. Volumes have you continually invest inyour leadership been written bypsychologists, authors, development, letting your assets comself improvement gurus etc on what expound, theinevitable result is growth over actly is the RIGHTthing to be done by a time. Theleadership growth process proleader. ceeds in five phases; In the first phase, There are countless opinions on you don’t know that youdon’t know. You how to be an effective leader, but it’s are not even aware that you could beimportant notto forget the basics. Here come a leader. In thesecond phase, you we five rulesfor mastering the fundaknow that you need to know. You realize mentals of leadership(Harvard Busithat you need tolead. In the third phase, ness Review) you know whatyou don’t know. As you


discover the gaps in your knowledge about leadership,you understand what you need to learn. Inthe fourth phase, you know and you grow, and it starts to show. In the fifth phase, you simply go because ofwhat you know. The ability to lead becomes automatic and you develop greatinstincts. Sir Willam James, the greatest psychologist of all times,has crystallized the concept in very simple terms. Cuttingshort the high psychic stuff, In his classic work he says that a leader is onewho realizes his full potential of the sum of all his abilities, first withinhimself and then the fullest potential of all his followers. Abraham Maslow inhis classic theory of Hierarchy of Human Needs highlighted it further by ahierarchy of basic survival needs, next personal ego needs , next tointerpersonal and social networking needs to finally the need for attaining self actualization or fullestrealization of one’s abilities. Sir William James says that in our lifetime weachieve barely a fraction of our human potential. Abraham Maslow felt thathardly 5% of humankind achieve or reach anywherenear self actualization. This then is the task of a leader. Torealize one’s potential to the fullest, and as Socrates said it two thousandand more years back, to realize the fullest potential abilities in his fellow men. Mahatma Gandhi was one such simple but charismatic leader who surpassedhis individual potential and awakened a nation, and shook the biggest empire inmankind, and changed the course of history. Martin Luther King Jr. whose famousmarch to Washington and his famous “ I Have A Dream� speech ,50 years ago tothis day ,was another charismatic leader who dismantled racism in the UnitedState of America, an unfinished legacyfinally accomplished by 90 year old Nelson Mandela who helped his countrymen demolish racist apartheid in South Africa. On other extreme, we have had destructive leaderslike Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin etc whohave left their destructive imprints infoot prints of world history as well. Clearly charismatic leadership is adouble edged sword and

9 September 2013

should be used carefully and purposely for it to achievethe RIGHT things. Ethics, Fairplay and the means justify the end result. A leaderwho is not just born but also made and nurtured must have a creative ethicalvision and mission to truly justify himself as a leader of men. In the Bible, The Lord Jesus Christ calls all of us, tostrive not just to achieve our own self potential, but also that of thecommunity as well, by taking up the challenge of changing our community seekersby taking vital leadership roles in the church activities. In the Gospel of St. Matthew 5:16, (The Bible ), Lord Jesus gives us acall to leadership-–“In the same way your light must shine before people, sothat they will see the good things you do and praise your father in Heaven” themillion dollar question isnow with rupees sliding-only dollars count-Are wewilling and ready to answer his call? When I was a teenager and in my final year of schoolingat St. Mary’s SSC Mazagaon, Mumbai, I along with my classmates had to attend aretreat at St. Xavier’s Villa, Khandala, the picturesque hill station onoutskirts of Pune. Amidst the lush green mountains and vales, and rivetingwaterfalls, we young products of the concrete jungle that is Mumbai, weredumbstruck at the wonders of Nature, even as we contemplated how we shalltraverse the road less travelled, how we will plan out our future. One of ourmentors, a Jesuit Father, Fr. Rebess,

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9 September 2013

a smiling Spanish padre, spent hourstrying to counsel us that we should not just strive to be average, to bemediocre, to be -run of the mill with the crowd-people. We must strive toachieve our fullest potential, we must strive to be not just followers butleaders, We must strive to reach out to the skies. A parable, Fr. Rebess, nowaged and presently retired in Bandra old priests home, narrated still remainsetched in my memoryThe parable of the Eagle we are like young ones of aneagle placed in a cuckoo’s nest that refused to fly until pushed to the cliff’sedge. Then it stretches out its wings, realizes that it was born to fly out inthe sky. This then is a clarion call to all of us who I believe have been chosento lead the community, to tospread the light as our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ tells us in the quote fromthe gospel in this article.. With so many potential leaders, in our midst, andcontinuously growing , it is time for us to get off our backseat in the car anddrive the community forward , take active part in the mission of Christ inroutine everyday life and use some of our leadership and risk taking skills togood effect as well. We are born to beleaders, and lead we must, and lead we will. We must strive to dream big, aim big, act big in striving to do theright ethical and creative mission and vision on earth. We must strive tofirst maximize our potential and then galvanise others in society to maximizetheir potential , talents and abilities. We must as the great Indian sage SwamiVivekanda said more than a hundred and fifty years agoAwake, Arise and stop not till our mission and vision of self actualization and leadership isaccomplished. Amen. (A Synopsis of atalk at an interactive Seminar on Leadership at a recent seminar in Mumbai)

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Enriching The Tr uth And Tr ust In Faith Truth Trust


t has rarely, if ever, not been easy tion responsibility. The death of Christ enriching the truth of faith, in spite of and the life hidden in Him is the core the privilege in being born Chris- message of the faith – the bulwark to tian. Other than Roman Catholics those foster this fact are the parents, the embracing a Christian denomination, church and the schools. In which case always keep inviting members of an- denominations of belief do not bar the other fold with gospel values, in order way to redemption and salvation ; unto equate faith with one concept : truth. like forces in other breakaway religions. Far from being misguided More than appearances the or misled, the truth, in a Christian faith stands firm more nurturing manner is regardless of divisions in imbedded in trust. In Jesus her ranks; all being chilChrist. dren of God. Nevertheless, the CatInteresting research echism of the Catholic has been gathered on Church states : ‘it is in acChristians who are in a percordance with their dignity Melvyn Brown sonal hunt for the truth in that all men, because they their faith. The irony here, are persons….are both impelled by seen from far has a mixed motive temtheir nature and bound by a moral pered with compassion. obligation to seek truth, especially reliWe should bear in mind at this gious truth.” Ccc.2467/2104. point that the Old Testament makes it The pursuit of faith in most Chris- absolutely clear that ‘God is the source tian families is often parent-centered, of all truth. His Word is truth. His law is church oriented or a struggle in the truth.’ Since God is ‘true’, the members “miasma” of doubt. As most every- of his people are called to live in the thing, the end to the quest for truth, is truth”ccc.2465/255. found in Christ, when you trust in Him. A few Catholics do not go to conThere is a Latin proverb: Vincit Omnia fession, or observe the days of obligaveritas ( Truth conquers all things ). tion, or wear the veil, or receive comThe upbringing of Christian chil- munion in the tongue. Protestants, on dren in the faith is a child-care-protec-

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the other side, avoid talking of the Virgin Mary, have no statues in church and conduct services instead of the Holy Mass, among other things. In order to be clearly focused both groups of the Christian fellowship need to comprehend the nature of trust and truth in the faith. Trust is important. “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Se’lah.” Ps.62.8. Speaking of the investigation of truth reminds me of Confucius who said : “It is man that makes truth great; not truth that makes man great.” Scattered throughout the ages are moments when religions confessed to knowing the truth. Archeological facts have proved otherwise with stimulating thoughts leading nowhere. Marcus Tullius Cicero put it briefly : “Our minds possess by nature an insatiable desire to know the truth.” For Christians, the Word of God brought down in the words of men contains the spirit of abiding confidence and trust. The wonder of Christian belief begins with trust. Through prayers, litany, novenas, the Eucharistic adoration, processions of the Blessed Sacrament, the institution of the Feast of Corpus Christi, Catholics enrich their trust in the faith. The search for true belief within oneself among Christians is impoverished in not enjoying certain fruits of liturgical richness and in sacramental action. St.Paul In his letter to the Hebrews wrote : “I will put my trust in him.” Heb 2:13.

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9 September 2013


Communicate Up And Down The Ladder


uccessful networking means being able to communicate effectively with your peers and your bosses, but also with your employees. You will never make it to the top of the management ladder without the support of the employees below you. These are the people who do the work the people whose efforts and motivation determine your success or failure. To be promoted, you must succeed at your current position and you cannot succeed at your current position without the efforts of the people who work for you.

In addition to simply doing their work, or even doing it well so you look good, your employees are also a good networking source. Many employees know other employees in other departments and they all talk. Some may even know other managers. The conversations your employees have with these other people can have a direct impact on your advancement within the company.

If You Want To Lead, Start Now To become a leader, don't wait for the fancy title or the corner office. Here are three things you can do now, even if someone else is calling the shots:

Keep Comforting One Another

—1 Thess 5:11

We can help and comfort others in various practical ways. For instance we might do some grocery work for elderly or the sick. We might help others in showing personal interest in them (Phil 2:4) Perhaps we can compliment fellow worshippers on their good qualities, such as their love, resourcefulness courage and faith. In an effort to comfort the elderly, we can visit them and listen carefully to what they tell us about their past experiences and obvious blessings in God's service. —Prof. Valerian Sequeira


O Demonstrate your potential Raise your hand for

new initiatives, especially ones that might be visible to those outside your unit. Look for opportunities outside of work, too. You can sit on the board of a local nonprofit or organize a volunteers' event in your community. O

Support your boss in reaching his goals. Find out what keeps your manager up at night and propose solutions to hose problems.


Find role models. Look for people who have the roles you want and study how they act, communicate, and dress. Identify behaviours that you can emulate while being true to yourself.

Some Useful Cooking Tips 1. Anything and everything is kept on the kitchen counters, including the vegetables that have just been brought from the market. This may make your kitchen count unsafe. Ideally, they should be cleaned with disinfectant before and after every meal. 2. Save some water in your kitchen. You can use the same water that you

9 September 2013

used for boiling vegetable in the gravy. 3. Removing garlic Skin is a tedious job. Try warming and garlic cloves in the microwave slightly and you'll see the skin peeling off easily. 4. To make your fries extra crispy and brown, sprinkle a little flour on the sliced potatoes and then fry it.

Help-desk man speaking to a lady user. Help-desk: double click on "My Computer". Lady: I can't see your computer. Help-desk: No. Click on "My Computer" on your computer. Lady: How can I click on your computer from my computer? Help-desk: There is an icon labelled "My Computer" on your computer, double click on it. Lady: What is your computer doing on my computer? And men say that women are bad at technology!


MATRIMONIALS GOA : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 73 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.B.A., working as a HR. Executive, working in Kuwait. Contact email : OR 9890656294 (Regd. No. 5936) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA, Having own Business. Contact email : OR 28928350 (Regd. No. 5931) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Diploma in Hotel Management, working on the ship. Contact email : OR 9769775073 / 9819442577. (Regd. No. 5928) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA., M.Com., working as a Sr. Associate. Contact email : OR 9833687379 (Regd. No. 5924) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 183 cms, Wt. 80 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B. Com., working as a Manager in MNC. Seeks a graduate working Mangalore Girl. Contact email : OR 9967873644 (Regd. No. 5922) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., working as a Manager. Contact email : OR 9850044561 (Regd. No. 5921) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 6’, fair complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Sr. Officer. Seeks a good catholic family background girl. Contact Email : OR 9819420120 (Regd. No. 5920) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 27 years. Ht. 5’ 10”,


Wt. 55 kgs., Fair Complexion, Edn. T.Y. B.Com., Working as a Sr. Collection Advisor. Contact Email : OR 9821302840 (Regd. No. 5919) MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 47 years. Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 66 kgs., Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., BBA., MBA (Finance), working as a Finance Manager. Seeks a suitable Match. Contact Email : OR 9819939479 / 9930559783 (Regd. No. 5914) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelore aged 31 years. Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 64 kgs., Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Accounts Officer in MNC. Seeks a simple working graduate Mangalorean girl. Contact Email: OR 9892386686 / 9403644066 (Regd. No. 5913) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 40 years. Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 65 kgs., Wheatish Complexion, Edn. S.S.C. A/C Tech. Course, working as a A/C. Technician in U.A.E. Contact Email : OR 8976361324 / 24460855 (Regd. No. 5911) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 31 years. Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 58 kgs., Wheatish Complexion, Edn. LLB., B.Com., working in Indian Railways. Seeks a Mangalorean educated girl. Contact Email : OR Tel.: 26787431 (Regd. No. 5909) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 33 years. Ht. 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.E. Mech. working as a Manager. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email :

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years OR Tel.: 26787431 (Regd. No. 5908) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 32 years. Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. PGDB (Marketing), Working as a Marketing research, Seeks a Simple, honest, Mangalorean girl. Contact : OR 9821607121 (Regd. No. 5903) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 85 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., + Post Graduate 2nd year, well settled in Mumbai, Seeks a suitable good looking, working girl below 27 years,. Contact email : OR 8390022313 (Regd. No. 5898) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. S.S.C., working as a Receptionist. Seeks a suitable match. Simple, understanding and ajustable nature. Contact : Email : OR 9833094187 / 64235329 (Regd. No. 5897) MUMBAI : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 111/2”, Wt. 84 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E., Mumbai University, having own business. Seeks a Roman Catholic educated girl from Mumbai, below 27 years. Contact : Email: OR 28388034 (Regd. No. 5896) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 9 September 2013

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. 7th Std., working as a Tel. Operator. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 7738181127 (Regd. No. 5954) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 54 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MA (Sociology), working as an Asst. Manager Recruitment. Good looking, smart. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : / OR 9022929041 / 9167514382 (Regd. No. 5953) MUMBAI : Mangalorean + Keralite parents invites alliance for their daughter 33 years, 5’ 3”, MBA (Finance) working as a Junior Manager in a Bank, Marriage annulled from qualified and suitable groom age upto 38 yrs. Contact email: OR 09966843108 (Regd. No. 5951) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA, CAIIB, Working as a Asst. Manager. Contact Email : OR 9820791410 (Regd. No. 5948) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MA, B.Ed., Advtg. dip., Lecturer by profession. Contact email : OR 9833804332 (Regd. No. 5947) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as an Executive Admin & Finance. Seeks a well settled bachelor. Contact email : OR 23826915 (Regd. No. 5946) MUMBAI : East Indian RC Spinster

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 9 September 2013

aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 45 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, good looking, Edn. B. Com., working ad as Deputy Manager, Seeks a suitable match. Contact email: or 28950832 (Regd. No. 5945) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC parents seek alliance for their daughter 28 years, 5’ 4’, fair good looking smart Chartered Accountant working for a reputed company in Mumbai from well settled Professionally Qualified CA or MBA or Engineers RC bachelors below 33 years good family background and values preferably from Mumbai. We would appreciate if your response includes a full-length latest photo, contact number, relevant personal and family details. Email : (Regd. No. 5944) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Fair Complexion, beautiful, Edn. MBA Finance working in Private Limited Company. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9930936622 (Regd. No. 5942) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster aged 23 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatsish Complexion, Edn. M.Sc., good looking and smart, working as a Maths Analyst. Contact email : (Regd. No. 5941) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 69 kgs, Wheatsish Complexion, Edn. MBA in Marketing, working as a F & B Executive. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 28816294 (Regd. No. 5939) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatsish Complexion, Edn. MBA (Finance) working as a Research Assistant in Pvt. Sector. Contact email : OR 9167140184 (Regd. No. 5938) 5937. MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster aged 35 years, Ht. 154 cms, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working in Flight Cabin Crew. Seeks a well

settled graduate bachelor. Contact email : OR 9819041830 (Regd. No. 5937) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinster aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 57 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Electronic Engg. working as a Key Account Manager in Bank. Contact email : OR 9820247177 (Regd. No. 5935) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Mumbai) MBA (USA), working in Reputed IT Company as Business Analyst in USA. Contact email : OR 9833099037 / 9821373880 / 9222380052 (Regd. No. 5934) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 24 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. BMS in Marketing, MBA in Retail Management, Working in Retail Sector. Contact email : OR 9930672317 (Regd. No. 5933) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 33 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.A., PGDBM, Working as a HR Manager. Contact email: OR 9819352481 (Regd. No. 5932) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., CAIIB., working as a Officer in Private Bank. Only Child. Contact : OR 9869316408 (Regd. No. 5930)

Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 21






9967584305 / 9820959538






9324251514 / 9930436154 / 983336685


Office time : 10.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Site visit can be arranged from Panvel Station


Bishop Agnello Gracias laying the foundation stone for the ‘Jyoti Residency’ project. Jude Fernandes, Promoter

1) Rain Harvesting Provision for water storage. 2) Ample Parking Space. 3) Garden with pathway. 4) Society Room / Office Room for Society Members. 5) Lift with Decorative Cabin. 6) Decorative Entrance Lobby with Individual l Letter box with name plate.


1) Standard Vitnified flooring in all room. 2) Granite platform in kitchen with modular Trolley Concept. 3) Aluminum powder coating sliding windows. 4) Acrylic paint for the external Face of the Building & Standard quality paint for internal wall. 5) Glazed tiles in bath & W/C up to top of wall. 6) For Ceiling (Border only) in hall. 7) Provision of separate overhead and underground water tank with adequate capacity in each building. 8) Intercom Facility in each Flat.


Concessional rate will be applicable till 30th September, 2013 (Rs. 3250/ sq. Ft.) FOR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY NEAR CHRIST THE KING CHURCH RASAYANI PARISH, PANVEL (adjacent to Vishwadeep C.H.S., St. Vincent Palloti School & Nr. Palace Garden (Hiranandani)


9820131828 / 9324251514 / 9833366855

Site Address : S. no. 61, Hissa No. 3A/3B, Near Christ the King Church, Reeswadi, Tal : Khalapur, Dist : Raigad. Head Office : Shop No.1, Shubham Heights, Plot No. 15, Sector - 21, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209


9 September 2013

9 September 2013



RNI No. 56987/92

Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

9 September 2013

Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 9 September 2013 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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